newsletter vol 2 issue 11 may-july 2011

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  • 8/3/2019 Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 11 May-July 2011


    JST-JICA ProjectGroups:FF Fire Detection and

    Fire Prediction

    CA Carbon Assesment

    CM CarbonManagement

    PM Integrated PeatManagement

    Wild Fire and Carbon Management inPeat-Forest in Indonesia

    Volume 2, Issue 11

    May-July, 2011



    REDD-plus CoE Meeting 2

    Hyperspectral Seminar 3

    Meeting in Palangka Raya 3

    Hyperspectral Survey 3

    The Next Events 4


    New Book & Proceeding 5


    Newsletter advisory team: Prof. Mitsuru Osaki, Dr. Hidenori Takahashi, Prof. Toshihisa Honma, Prof. Takashi Hirano, Dr. Bambang Setiadi & Dr. Suwido H. LimNewsletter editorial staffs: Dr. Hendrik Segah (Coordinator), Mr. Kazuyo Hirose, Dr. Satomi Shiodera, Dr. Anthony Chittenden, Ms. Eriko Momoda, and Ms. HiroNewsletter editorial contact:

    The 3rd International Workshop on "Wild Fire and CarbonManagement in Peat-Forest in Indonesia"Palangka Raya (INDONESIA), 22-24 September 2011

    Sponsored by JST and JICA; Organized by UNPAR and Hokkaido University

    Workshop Info

    The Objectives:

    (1) Synthesize knowledge onpast, current and future wildfires & carbon managementin peat-forest; (2) Provideinformation on the possibleimpacts of climate change,as well as guidance forstakeholders in the area ofplanning, implementationand scenarios (REDD-plus,etc.); and (3) Compile a

    roadmap that provides ashort to long term vision onresearch needs.

    Important Dates:

    31 July 2011: Submissionof registration form

    10 Sept. 2011: Dead linefor abstract submissionwith registration (closed)

    22-24 Sept. 2011:Workshop & field trip

    31 October 2011:Deadline for proceeding


    Aquarius Boutique Hotel,Palangka Raya, CentralKalimantan, INDONESIA.

    Organizers and Sponsors

    This workshop is organized byUNPAR and Hokkaido University,and sponsored by JST and JICA.

    Contact addresses:

    Mr. Kazuyo Hirose(Hokkaido University, JAPAN)

    Dr. Hendrik Segah(Hokkaido University, JAPAN)

    Ir. Ici P. Kulu(UNPAR, INDONESIA)

    Indonesias Forest Moratorium Moves Forwardaddressing the underlyingcauses of forest loss.

    The President calls onministries, governors and

    agencies to work togethernationally and locally toimplement the moratorium.

    Sources:ANTARA News and WRI

    On May 20, 2011, IndonesianPresident Susilo BambangYudhoyono signed aPresidential Instruction(decree) putting into effect

    a two-year moratorium onissuing new permits for useof primary natural forest andpeatland.

    The highly anticipatedmoratorium is part of abroader $1 billion Indonesia-Norway partnership to

    reduce emissions fromdeforestation anddegradation (known asREDD+).

    According to governmentstatements, the decreeapplies to between 64 and 72million hectares of primaryforest and peatland.

    The decree highlightsgovernance as a key area forimprovement, critical in
  • 8/3/2019 Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 11 May-July 2011







    page 2

    Meeting of Project Design Document for CoEREDD-plus Pilot Project in Central KalimantanOrganized by BPPT and sponsored by JST-JICA

    Meeting of PDD (Project

    Design Document) for CoE(Center of Excellence) on

    REDD-plus Pilot Project in

    Kalteng was held in BPPT

    Office (Jakarta) on last 26-27

    May 2011, with some


    1. All activities under thepilot project should beaddressed to policymakers and be of benefitto local communities;

    2. In order to effectivelyhalt deforestation andforest degradation underthe REDD+ scheme,REDD+ benefits must bedetermined and sharedaccording to the rights

    and responsibilities

    attached to specificactivities (incentives/benefits distribution);

    3. In chase of J-VER(Japan-Verified EmissionReduction) scheme,which has been wellimplemented in Japan;(it`s verypossible)which can be introducedto Central Kalimantanwith some adaptations/modifications becausethe ideas and integrated

    elements are alreadythere.4. The core components of

    the CoE REDD+ are notjust the forest, carbonstock and social aspects,butalso the fires and


    components.5. To form an institutionrelated to REDD+ (at alllevels) there needs tobe special authoritiesand functions reportingdirectly to stakeholders.

    The meeting participants

    came from various

    institutions, such as: BPPT,

    LIPI, Hokkaido University,

    Indonesia MoF FORDA,

    UNPAR, Nihon University,

    UNMUL, IPB, UI, PT.RMU/Starling Resources,

    KOMDA REDD+ Kalteng,

    JICA and DNPI (Fig. 1).

    Seminar on Hyperspectral MappingOrganized by JST, JICA and Indonesia Ministry of Forestry (M

    On July 4th, the 2011 Seminar

    on Hyperspectral Mapping

    was held in the OperationRoom, Ministry of Forestry

    Office (Jakarta) with

    presenters and presentations

    as follow:

    Opening Remarks by Dr.Fathoni Tachir, (DG ofFORDA, MoF)

    Introduction toComprehensive MRV(Prof. M. Osaki, HU)

    Introduction to Hyper-spectral Mapping (Dr.Tomomi Takeda,ERSDAC)

    Past and future plan ofHyper-spectral Mapping(Dr. M. Evri, BPPT)

    Case study for peatland &mangrove fields (Mr. K.Hirose, HU)

    Potential use of hyper-spectral for connectingwith INCAS (Dr. Orbita,LAPAN)

    Potential use of

    hyperspectral forSustainable ForestManagement (MoF)

    Discussion (moderatedby Dr. Fathoni, MoF)

    The hyperspectral data wouldsupport MRV REDD-plus,INCAS, etc. by improving theaccuracy of land coverclassification, estimatingabove-ground biomass, andmore detailed (canopy)species discriminationthrough detailed wavebandinformation.

    Fig. 1. Participants of PDD CoE REDD+ Meeting

    BPPT Office Jakarta, 26-27 May 2011



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    Meeting with KOMDA REDD-plus KaltengOrganized by KOMDA REDD-plus Kalteng and the JST-JICA Project

    page 3

    Hyperspectral Field Campaign (airborne & ground)for forest degradation monitoringOrganized by BPPT, ERSDAC, MRI, HU and UNPAR

    communication on thepart of the initiator withall stakeholdersespecially with KOMDA

    REDD-plus Kalteng andGovernment of CentralKalimantan Province.

    4. The focus of the REDD-plus CoE project islocated on the MRVsystem.

    5. There needs to befurther revision of thesetup of REDD-plus CoEstructures/persons suchas those alreadypresented.


    The meeting was held at 3rdfloor of Central KalimantanGovernor`s Meeting Hall onJuly 8th, 2011 in Palangka

    Raya (Central Kalimantan).The objectives of thisdiscussion were to getsupport, advice and inputfrom the members of KOMDAREDD-plus Kalteng about theconcept of the PDD REDD-plus CoE, which will beimplemented in CentralKalimantan. Presentationsdelivered by The Universityof Palangka Raya (UNPAR)and Hokkaido Universityteam members supported byJST-JICA Project.

    This meeting resulted in thefollowing conclusions:

    1. In principle, theGovernment of CentralKalimantan Provincesupports this initiative(REDD-plus CoE inCentral Kalimantan) as alocal initiative.

    2. The REDD-plus CoEproject will involve theroles of KOMDA REDD-plus Kalteng but theremust be a clearcorrelation between allstakeholders in CentralKalimantan.

    3. Central Kalimantan

    Provincial Governmentexpects openness and

    Fig. 2. Meeting with KOMDA REDD-plus Kalteng(Palangka Raya, 8 July 2011)


    Field campaign activities held

    during the period 11-21 July2011 collaboration between

    BPPT, Hokkaido University,

    UNPAR, Mitsubishi Research

    Institute and ERSDAC over

    peatland areas in Central


    Hyperspectral remote

    sensing uses narrow spectral

    bands to detect and identify

    minerals, terrestial

    vegetation, man-made

    materials and backgrounds,

    so as to give more detailed

    information about a featurescharacteristics.

    Hyperspectral sensors are

    very sensitive to plant

    physiological stress, water

    stress and the nutritional

    status of foliage.

    This field campaign using the

    hyperspectral sensor: HyMAP

    (400 to 2,500 nm) on board

    the aircraft (CESSNA Type

    402-B), ground measurement

    using FieldSpec 3-FR

    Spectroradiometer,combined with water quality

    measurement and forest

    surveys were conducted to

    construct a forest

    degradation monitoring

    system using Hyperspectral

    sensoring and to construct a

    new approach to assessing

    carbon emissions from peat-

    land soil to the river.
  • 8/3/2019 Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 11 May-July 2011



    HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITYKita-9, Nishi-8, Kita-ku,

    Sapporo 060-0809, Hokkaido JAPANPhone: +81-11-706-4586, Fax: +81-11-706-4534

    E-mail: us at:

    Upcoming EventsEditor Notes:

    This newsletter is a monthly

    publication of The JST-JICAProject Wild Fire and Carbon

    Management in Peat-Forest in

    Indonesia. Ideas expressed

    here are those of the authors

    and do not necessarily

    represent of the official views

    of JST-JICA.

    We invite research reports

    from each group in order for

    the next newsletter.

    Regional Workshop REDD-plus after Cancun: Moving from Negotiation to ImplementationBuilding REDD-plus Policy Capacity for Developing Country Negotiators and Land Managerwill be held on 18-20 May 2011 in Hanoi, VIETNAM.

    Climate Change Indonesia 2011 - Education Forum and Expo, 26-29 May 2011, Jakarta

    Convention Center, Jakarta, INDONESIA.

    International Symposium on Responsible Peatland Management and Growing MediaProduction will be held inQubec City, CANADA, 1317 June 2011.

    To celebrate the International Year of Forests, the Center for People and Forests(RECOFTC) is announcing its Second Regional Forum for People and Forests with the title"Community Forestry: Key to Solving Current and Emerging Challenges" will held on 8-10August 2011 in Bangkok, THAILAND. For more information, contact

    Wild F i re and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indones ia page 4

    About CENSUS, Hokkaido UniversityCenter for SustainabilityScience (CENSUS),Hokkaido University wasestablished in April 2008to consolidate research onsustainability at HokkaidoUniversity as well as toprovide education relatedto sustainability scienceboth inside and outsidethe university.

    The center is also focusedon fostering research onsustainability at theinterdisciplinary level.Currently, the followingeducational and researchprograms and projects areconducted under theumbrella of CENSUS:

    (1) Special coordinatedtraining program for

    Sustainability Leaders

    and Sustainability

    Meisters (StraSS) with


    (2) Wildfire and Carbon

    Management in Peat-

    forest in

    Indonesiafunded by


    (3) EcoDesign of Low

    Carbon Society Based on

    Regional Partnership

    between Urban and

    Rural Areas funded by

    the Global Environmental

    Research Fund of the

    Ministry of Environment.
  • 8/3/2019 Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 11 May-July 2011


    Wild F i re and Carbon Management in Peat-Forest in Indones ia page

    INFO New Book and Proceeding[Book] Designing Our Future:Perspectives on BioproductionEcosystems and HumanitySustainabil i ty Science Series

    Editor:Mitsuru Osaki,Ademola Braimoh and

    Ken'ich Nakagami

    Product DetailsPaperback: 425 pages

    Publisher: United Nations University Press

    (February 2011)

    Language: English

    ISBN-10: 9280811835

    ISBN-13: 978-9280811834


    Proceedings of 2nd

    International Workshop onWild Fire and CarbonManagement in Peat-Forestin IndonesiaPalangka Raya, 28-29 Sept. 2010

    Editor:Hidenori Takahashi, et al.

    Product DetailsPaperback: 215 pages

    Publisher: Hokkaido University (April 2011)

    Language: English

    [Available in CENSUS homepage]

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