newssheet 26th september

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Newsheet for week beginning 26th September for Springfield Church, Wallington


19th September 2010

Cell Questions

I’m not on my own

This is the second in our series on Finding Freedom looking at Jesus’ final journey travelling from Galilee to his execution in Jerusalem. This final journey in Luke’s Gospel is called the Travel narrative and in it Jesus tells some of his key stories, teaching on how we can grow into the children of God who will be trained to rule and reign in the new heavens and earth.

On Sunday we looked together at one of the most famous stories – The Good Samaritan.

Jesus is questioned by a Bible scholar to check him and his credentials out. The key question of the exchange is “who is my neighbour”. In 1st Century Judaism the answer is a very limited one – my fellow Jew who is faithful and maybe, just maybe, someone who has converted to Judaism; but not a sinner and certainly not a gentile (a non-Jew).

So, Jesus sets up a story where the victim is an unknown person – what do you do? The priest passes by – it would break the Law of Moses if he stopped and anyway it would be very embarrassing and costly as he would be ritually unclean and have to buy a red heifer to sacrifice and stand with the unclean people. His ethical and theological rules stop him helping. The Levite has a quick look but carries on – if the priest, who knows the Law, doesn’t stop – then surely he shouldn’t. It could problems between him and the priest. Finally, the Samaritan stops and takes a great risk, as a hated foreigner, to help out. He pays out of his own money, puts him on his donkey and risks his life to help what may well be a Jew.

Read Lk: 10:25-37

1. What most struck you about the sermon or the reading?

2. Who are the people in our society who are most seen as outsiders? Why do you think that is?

3. Have the rules ever stopped you helping someone who you thought needed help, or have you seen rules stopping people being helped who needed help?

4. The Levite followed the lead of the priest. When does it become dangerous for us to follow others leads? Have you ever followed the example of someone else when you realised (maybe later) that you shouldn’t?

5. The Samaritan had compassion on the injured man. How can we cultivate compassion for others?

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