nexco management system

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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School Management System

NEXCO Negros Export Industry Corp. Submitted by: Jason V. CastellanoManagement System with Short Message Service (SMS)

Problem DefinitionManual Work

SewerHandworksProduction Staff(Sewer)

Production Staff(Handworks)Return accomplished job order w/ Delivery ReceiptIssued job order

Accounting Office

Problem Definition

Problem Definition

Problem Definition

Problem DefinitionInaccurate RecordsDecelerated process of information.Hamper of production due to unfollow-up issuance Multi-tasking job

General Objectives:To improve the companies operation and production by solving one of their problem in issuing and receiving the job order. Make a program that generate report and payroll after the recording of delivery receipt.

Specific Objectives:To track the received and issued dress parts to the subcontractorsTo follow up the subcontractors balances by texting using SMS features.Generate payroll Print reports every end of the week

System RequirementsHardware Requirements:2.0 GHz dual-core processor or faster4 GB RAM or moreApproximately 8 GB of available hard-disk space or more depending on data storage needsModem / Wi-Fi Router

Software Requirements:Microsoft Windows 7 or higherGoogle ChromeXAMPP or WAMPP Web ServerMySQL Workbench or Navicat System Requirements

System FunctionalityNEXCO Management System can be uploaded online or network base.Admin delegate employees' functionalityAdmin can access data related only to his functionality.Admin can view all the balances that has been issue to the employee.Admin can generate weekly report.

Admin can send SMS to the employee to follow-up the issuance.Accountant can record issuance and delivery receipt Accountant can input and update employees informationGenerate payroll and reportFollow-up issuance balances via SMSSystem Functionality

Adopted Methodology

Use Case Diagram:

Context Diagram

Data Flow Diagram:Administrator

Data Flow Diagram:Accountant

Interface Design:Administrator Login

Interface Design:Accountant Login

Interface Design:Job-order issued to the employee

Interface Design:List of orders sorted by priority



BenefitsCalculations are handled by software, eliminating possible errorsand saving timeCan records quickly without having to sift through stacks of papersStore data in off-site locations, ensuring safety from natural and man-made disasters such as firesThe system can generate report of balances at the end of the day.The manager can track the issuance and receiving on the dashboard.The manager and accountant can follow-up the job orders via SMS.


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