nfe presentation

Post on 09-Jul-2015






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A guide for facilitators!

“Has an important role to play in reducing social inequality and exclusion and in promoting active participation in democratic life...” (Committee of Ministers of the

Council of Europe (2003)

As a planned and evaluated program

Of personal and social education for young people

Designed in order to enable acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes and values

Outside but supplementary to the formal education

Participation is voluntary

The programs are carries out by trainers leaders/facilitators

Ethical values

Tolerance and respect for others

Human rights

Intercultural learning and understanding

Peace and non-violence

Gender equality

Inter-generational dialogue

What makes an educational activity a non-formal one?

Can a lecture supported by a presentation be a non-formal education activity?

What participant/learner centeredmeans? What is the limit or borders, etc?






How do young people learn?

How do young people learn most effectively?

What kind of environment is the most responsive to young/adult learner?

What kind of learning has the most sustainable outcomes?

What is of interest to them


By using personal experience

With an intension to learn....

NFE is learner centered....

So what?

NFE is aiming at development of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values...

So how?

NFE derives the learner to personal and social change


NFE is practical


What does experiential learning represents?

Learning can start everywhere in the cycle

The learning tends to be the most effective if the whole cycle is involved

Different people tend to concentrate more on/skip some of the phases in the cycle due to their learning styles

To encourage experience to happen +

to provide tools and space for

processing, transforming the experience into a


The facilitator takes the participant's hand and guides him/her through the cycle of the experiential learning.....

Experience non-formal education and intercultural learning with students in schools through World’s Coloured Glasses!

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