nguyen quy tien lcp form

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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The LCP form of Nguyen Quy Tien, attached by the SWOT analysis





2010 - 2011

Executive Board 09 – 10, AIESEC in Foreign Trade


AIESEC Foreign Trade University 2

Dear Candidate,

Being the person who lead a whole organization is a challenging

responsibility but also an absolutely amazing position. It becomes more

exciting when you are the person who will bring a very young 1 year old LC to

another spectacular level.

You will be the one to inspire the others.

You will be the one to create impact.

You will be the one to continue the legendary story of AIESEC FTU


Yes! Local committee president of AIESEC FTU Hanoi is the extraordinary

opportunity for your whole life.

It is a pleasure for me to open this application for LCP. And finally

congratulate for applying to LCP position.

I wish you a year of success and smile

AIESECerly yours,

Tran Minh Hien

President of AIESEC in FTU Hanoi

On behalf of EB team 09-10

AIESEC Foreign Trade University 3


1. Contact

Name and surname: Nguyễn Quý Tiến


Date of birth: 11/09/1989

Complete address: 73 Quan Thanh, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi

Phone: 0982709000

E-mail address:

2. Introduce yourself in no more than 200 words

I am a 3rd year student of one of leading university in Vietnam – FTU Hanoi. My hobbies

are reading books, especial history and economics ones, playing football and reading

online newspaper. My major at university is economics and I really love it. My most

favorite subject is Micro Economics where I learnt the law of scarcity or supply and

demand model... They help me understand many real issues in the real life. About my

personality, I am simple, funny and inquiring. I love to deal with people. I have many

good friends and they help me a lot. The quote that I like best is “For most of us, the

issue is not between the good and the bad, but between the good and the best. So often,

the enemy of the best is the good.”

3. Your AIESEC Experience

Year LC/MC Position Results achieved Key learning’s

4/2009 -

10/2009FTU HN



-Join 2 EP


-Be EP buddy of Ms.

Do Thu Thuy

-Event management


-Marketing strategy

-Communication skill


- nowFTU HN

IM team


-Make IM team plan

and build IM process

-Run logo campaign

-Manage website


-Team work and team

management skills

-Marketing knowledge

-IT skills

AIESEC Foreign Trade University 4

-Built LC internal

communication site

4. Your non-AIESEC experience:


/OrganizationPosition Job description Key learning’s


- nowChinese club (FTU)

Head of



-Promote club’s

activities and


-Run events

(solve technical


-Cooperate with

the executive

board in

designing action




-Team work and


- Organizational







-IT skills

1/2009 -


Young media club


-Leader of

news and


group of

VOF station

-Member of



-Edit articles of






magazine of FTU





including design

and publication

of magazines

5. The highest level of education achieved or still studying

University and Faculty: Hanoi Foreign Trade University

Field of studies: External Economics

Year: 3

AIESEC Foreign Trade University 5

Graduation time: 2011

6. AIESEC conferences attended (national and international only)

Year Conference & locationRole - Delegate,

Facilitator, OC

7. Mention other additional courses, schools you have attended


1. Languages you speak and level both written and spoken. If you have

done some English proficiency test mention it together with result.

2. Other skills

& interests

-IT skill

-Marketing knowledge

-Economics knowledge

-Vietnamese history and literature knowledge

-Leadership and management knowledge

3. Please rate your own competency from 0 to 4

(1-little evident; 2-Some evidence; 3-Regular evidence; 4- strong

evidence; 0-not observed)

Language Level of spoken Level of written

Vietnamese Native Native

English Intermediate Intermediate

Chinese Intermediate Intermediate

AIESEC Foreign Trade University 6

Background Evaluation Reasons for your evaluation

Self Awareness

Having a balanced and honest view of one's own personality, and an ability to interact with others frankly and confidently.

4 -I understand my own strengths and weaknesses well.

Personal Effectiveness

Ability to manage work load efficiently, being accurate, focusing to details and planning carefully to meet targets.

3 -I am good at working under pressure.

-I usually make plans for important events.


Being able to adjust easily to changes and new conditions, in order to be able to perform in diverse environments.

3 -I usually adapt to new environment quickly.

-Sometime, I’m not patient enough to finish hard works.

Awareness of Others

Identify with and understand another person’s feelings or difficulties and connecting it to own emotions and actions.

3 -I’m good at indentifying others’ feelings and thinking but not very good at connecting it to my own.

- I am able to respect individuality and differences in personality and characteristics. I have the ability to make friends and communicate with people of different backgrounds. (economic, cultural, academic, etc) from my own.


Involving everyone in the group in decision making and generating performance by inspiring trust and respect.

3 -In most of my team works, I often involve every member even quiet or inactive members at all level.

Effective Communication

Clearly conveying and receiving messages to meet the needs of all parties involved.

2 -Sometimes I can’t explain my idea clearly.

Developing Others

Helping others to grow personally and professionally by investing own time and energy to achieve this.

3 -As a team leader, I have proactively tried to get to know my team members so that I am able to assign the work appropriately to each member, e.g. providing opportunities for those interested in marketing to strengthen their ability.

Stakeholder Focus 2 -Since joining AIESEC, my works have not involved this competence

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Identifying key internal and external customers; working with them to understand their requirements and concerns in order to generate value based partnerships.


Flexible Thinking

Using technical knowledge/expertise effectively to analyze information and situations making effective decisions and as well being ready to change your own opinion.

4 -I’m good at analyzing information and situation.

-I always want to improve all of my work, I have rarely satisfied with any works.

-I’m always ready to follow others’ logical ideas.

-I often make alternative plans and consider different scenarios when making decisions.


Thinking out-of-the-box and challenging conventional wisdom. Creating new solutions for current challenges or a new approach to old situations.

3 -As mentioned above, I always want to improve all my works. I always try to find out new way, new method to increase the efficiency.

Commitment to results

Knowing what results are important, and focusing resources to achieve them.

4 -As all of my team mates commented, I’m a responsible person and seldom miss deadlines.

-I always tend to finish works before deadline with high quality.


1. Describe your AIESEC experience (Induction to AIESEC, Taking

Responsibility, Leadership, Exchange stage) up to now and explain what

did you learn at each stage?

I joined AIESEC in April 2009, when one of my friends suggested me applying for

membership of AIESEC Hanoi. I tried and became a member of the first generation of

AIESEC FTU Hanoi, which was separated from AIESEC Hanoi right after that time.

Firstly, I worked in OGX team. My first work as an OGX member was preparing for EP

training in May 2009. After that, I became buddy for Ms Do Thu Thuy – Exchange

Participant. Unfortunately, after 4 months seeking, Ms Thuy could not find any suitable

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TN. She decided to withdraw from GIP. Even though my EP could not complete her

exchange experience, I learnt a lot from working with her. I understood more about how

to deal with other people, how to encourage and motivate them. I also deeply

understand Exchange process and had basis knowledge about selling @XP.

In August and September 2009, I was responsible for OC Promotion for AIESEC FTU

Hanoi Intern Fall Recruitment and providing support for promotion of Member

Recruitment at the same time. My jobs included making plans, delegating tasks,

cooperating with other teams and tracking results. This experience significantly

improved my event management skills and marketing strategy. Managing an event is not

easy. You have too many things to do. So if you don’t have a clear plan and follow it,

you’ll easily get stuck. Running an event is really hard, but attracting audience for that

event is even harder. Without marketing knowledge, you can’t do it effectively.

Marketing is both an art and a science. If you only read the textbook, you won’t be able

understand marketing deeply. This experience has helped me to realize the importance

of strategic planning as well as flexible thinking in marketing. When running the

promotion campaign, what happened to your initial plans? What did you have to adjust

along the way? Etc.

In October 2009, I had the honor to become the first leader of the first Information

Management team in AIESEC Viet Nam. With only 4 members (including me), after 2

months of hard work, we got some encouraging results such as: finishing a clear plan

and job description for the team, running Logo Campaign for LC, maintaining internal

and external website of LC, managing LC’s facebook and google account, supporting

other teams … I have learnt many things from IM works but the most important thing is

how to manage a team. In any organization, you can’t work individually; you have to

cooperate with others. But how does a team with 4 members work more effectively than

4 members work individually? And how can a leader lead and manage members of

team? You can answer these questions means that you have achieved the core value of

AIESEC: explore and develop leadership potential. My AIESEC experience became with

the Introduction, Taking responsible and Taking Leadership role. My aspiration after

these steps is continue activating leadership, on a higher position, to explore and

develop my leadership potential, contribute to AIESEC and create impact to society.

2. What do you see yourself doing five years from now? (Occupation,

family, your image, contribution to society etc) How do you see your

work in AIESEC will contribute to achieving this goal?

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In the next 5 years, I want to work in one of 2 sectors: business (non-governmental

corporate sector, HR or ERP department ) or education (economics university). AIESEC

works can provide me experience and knowledge, especially about management and

leadership. Relationship and friendship are also very important. Via AIESEC network,

I’ve known many interesting and talented friends. They have touched me a lot. And I

believe these relations will be very useful for career in future.

3. What kind of personal challenges do you predict for yourself in the

term as LCP, and how would you like to deal with them?

Actually, I have to face many personal challenges but challenges are also opportunities

to improve myself:

-Firstly, my parents only want me to study at university, not to join other activities. But

they still let me do what I want. The most inconvenient thing is: My parents would not be

willing to support me financially for participating in international conferences.

-Secondly, next year is also my last year at university. Certainly, I will be busy with studying,

finding job… but I believe that I can manage my time effectively by logical plans and

schedules. Next year will be a critical stage in my studies. Preparing for employment also

needs my attention. Thus, time management and the ability to prioritize tasks are essential. …

4. Mention your 3 major strengths and 3 weaknesses?

My 3 major strengths:

-Inquiring: I’m a quick learner and always eager to learn new things.

-Analytical Thinking: I’m good at analyzing problems and proposing solutions.

-Responsibility: I always commit to my tasks..

My 3 weaknesses:

-Impatience: I always want to do all the works quickly, so I often make mistakes.

-Ineffective communication: sometimes, I can’t explain my idea clearly.

-Quick temper: Sometime I can lose my temper and become furious.

AIESEC Foreign Trade University 10

5. Describe how your strengths and weaknesses could influence your

LCP performance? (Maximum in 300 words)

As a LCP, my strength and weaknesses could certainly influence my performance.

Analytical thinking can help me make plan and strategy, analyze problems and define

solutions. Be an inquiring person, I always want to improve everything, always try to

think out-of-the box. I often suggest new ideas and I’m also ready to follow others’

creative ideas as well. My responsibility always urges me to complete every work on

time. But sometime, when I want to work as fast as possible, I lose my patience and

become careless. As a result, carelessness causes me make other mistakes. That time I

can easily become furious and lose my temper. I have been trying to improve these

weaknesses for a long time. Until now, they have been much better. I’m more careful in

every work and harder to lose my temper.


1. Why are you in AIESEC?

I came to know AIESEC through a Vietnamese friend that failed to become a member of

AIESEC York University, Canada. I was inspired by her passion to join AIESEC as well as

learned from her what opportunities AIESEC has to offer. I decided to try and


2. What have been your 3 key achievements in AIESEC?

My 3 key achievements:

1. Run OC Promotion of OGX Intern Fall Recruitment.

2. Become the first leader of the first IM team in AIESEC Viet Nam.

3. Build IT based systems of LC (including:, website, internal site,

facebook…) with other IM team members.

3. After hearing you introduce about AIESEC, the Principal of our

university do not believe that AIESEC could be the platform for young

people to explore and develop their leadership potential. How would

you address him? Use a maximum of 150 words!

AIESEC Foreign Trade University 11

Firstly, AIESEC is global and unique. With a long history (from 1948) and presents in

more than 100 countries, the influence of AIESEC to students all over the world is

confirmed by not only 1 or 2 but some of greatest person of our time, such as Kofi Anna.

Secondly, with a very clear and positive vision “peace and fulfill humankind’s potential”,

AIESEC has contributed significantly to the world issues with the nearest example is at

COP 15.

Thirdly, through the different activities we run at local/nation/international level, we

are offering the opportunities for many students to join a global learning environment.

Lastly, to develop leadership potential, AIESEC defines one standard which includes six

core values and global competency model. Based on this standard, we provide members

opportunities to take responsibilities and we empower them to do so.

So to summarize, AIESEC provides opportunities and guideline for student to create

impact on society and develop their leadership potential.

4. What is your understanding of AIESEC 2010? How can it relevant to

our LC?

Gen 2010 or Generation 2010 includes all members of AIESEC in the term 2009 and

2010. As the leadership of AIESEC at that time, Generation 2010 has the opportunity to

deliver the final, most important, stage of AIESEC's 2010 vision which was established in

2005. This is no small challenge; however, it is one we are ready to meet!

Generation 2010 is:

Smart - we know that working "smart" is just as important as working hard. We use smart, simple methods to run our national and local committees that will allow us to have the maximum IMPACT for our activities!

Savvy - we are informed and know what's happening in the network and the world. We are connected with global trends and understand how our national and local committees can tap into them to achieve IMPACT!

Strong - we are ready to meet the challenge that lies in front of us. We realize that much of our strength lies in number of our global network and we are ready to work together to create IMPACT in our world.

Fast - we know that time is important! 2010 is approaching rapidly and we are ready to move quickly to reach our goals and achieve IMPACT!

Based on 2010 vision, we – all LC and each functional team need to create our own

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versions of AIESEC 2010 vision. Example, with LC 2010 vision:

- Achieve 20 exchanges realized

- Achieve 2 exchange after leadership

- Be a financially sustainable organization


1. Why have you decided to apply for the position of LCP?

I know that LCP is a stressful position with many responsibilities and pressure. Being a

LCP, you represent for the whole organization and members not only for yourself.

So it’s hard to be a LCP.

But being a LCP also means that you have taken the leadership opportunity which

AIESEC offers to you. Being a LCP you can devote more for AIESEC, create bigger impact

on society and develop other members and even yourself. I love the slogan of NLDC

2010: “Limit your challenge or challenge your limit”. Being a LCP is absolutely a great

opportunity to challenge my limit. I have to take it.

It’s good to be a LCP.

2. Describe LC FTU HN’s current situation in terms of strengths &


Please see detail in the attached files

3. What could be the opportunities & challenges for LC FTU HN next


Please see detail in the attached files

4. From your perspective, describe the model of LCP & VPs that LC FTU

Hanoi needs for next term

In my opinon, LCP&VPs of LC FTU Haoi in next term must be:

-LCP: far-sighted and inclusiness. As a very new LC, we have been defined our definition,

culture, rules, plan… Without a vision, LCP can’t lead LC to move forward.

-VP ER: effective communication and stakeholder focus. As leader of a sale team, VP ER

AIESEC Foreign Trade University 13

must communicate effectively and focus on stakeholder (including team members).

-VP F: commitment to result and resilience. To manage LC budget, VP F must be very

responsible and careful.

-VP IM: inquiring and innovative. IM is a very new team both in Vietnam and all over the

world. Different from other teams, IM process, which is based on virtual channels,

rapidly changes. VP IM needs to keep update with new technology and apply them in

LC’s works.

-VP ICX: effective communication and inclusiveness. As a sale team leader, VP ICX needs

to communication to stakeholders (including members) effectively. In the other hand,

ICX is the biggest team of LC, ICX works often require individual efforts rather than team

work cooperation. So VP ICX really needs to involve all members into team’s progress.

-VP OGX: flexible thinking and resilience. The market for OGX is very potential but

unpredictable. VP OGX needs to adapt it quickly and effectively.

-VP TM: resilience and awareness of others. We have already had TM process but many

parts of it haven’t been done. In next the term, VP TM must try to run the whole process

and understand demands of LC and members to improve the process.

5. How do you see AIESEC FTU Hanoi in 3 years?

In next 3 years, I want AIESEC FTU Hanoi to become

-The first choice for leadership and personal development in Hanoi Foreign Trade


-The number one LC in Vietnam and rank about 50-60 all over the world.

-60 members with strong connections and logical structure.

-Run 2 projects/year and create tangible impact to student community in Ha Noi.

6. Imagine that your year as LCP is gone and your successor is talking

about your main achievements during past year in front of the LC. What

is he/she saying?

The most thing I want to hear from him/her is: “Our LC has became a truly amazing

family which every member feel that they are one inseparable part of. Every member

AIESEC Foreign Trade University 14

finds out their desire in working. Learning by doing, they have been significantly developed.

With such talented staff, we have finished all of our goals. Understanding and satisfying

members’ demands, harmonizing them with organization’s demands, lead LC go on the right

way are 3 key mentors make you successful.”

7. Describe what your preferred leadership style is and what kind of

team would you like to work with (not concrete people or personalities,

but more what kind of atmosphere, and how the team should function)

My preferred leadership and team work style:

- Participatory: This style involves the leader including one or more members in the

decision making process (determining what to do and how to do it). However, the leader

maintains the final decision making authority.

-Balance between result-oriented and people-oriented: With people-oriented style, the

leader is focused on organizing, supporting and developing the people in the leader’s

team. As a participative style, it tends to lead to good teamwork and creative

collaboration. While a highly result-oriented leader focuses on getting the job done, and

can be quite autocratic. He or she will actively define the work and the role-require, put

structures in place, plan, organize and monitor. However, both these two styles have

their strengths and weaknesses. Leader needs to use both of them, depends on certain


8. What is the most important characteristic of a leader in your opinion?

My most favorite quote is “Management is problem-oriented, while leadership is

oppurtunity-oriented”. In my opinion, a leader needs many characteristics but the most

important is he has to have a vision. Without a vision, you don’t know where you want

to go, you stay in the same place and can’t move ahead. Without a vision you always do

what you have always done, you only get what you have already had. Individuals want to

be inspired, your team will look to you for vision, direction and leadership and this is

what a leader must provide. Leaders also have a long term and holistic perspective – you

must think about the long term direction of your LC and how that fits into the bigger

picture of AIESEC Vietnam’s direction.

9. Please explain to the whole LC why the Compendium is crucial (max.

300 words)

AIESEC Foreign Trade University 15

Compendium is the rule of all rules in one LC. Without rule, we can’t manage anything.

Without Compendium, we certainly can’t manage our LC because:

-Compendium is the definition of who we are and what we do. It is used by not only one

generation but many ones. It keeps the inheritance of our LC. In the other hand,

Compendium includes some of LC’s most important processes such as LCP election or LC

performance management process. They are written from experience and knowledge of

our LC and many other LC, by the time and all over the world. Without these processes,

LC can’t operate. If these processes weren’t written in Compendium, the later generation

wouldn’t know how to run them.

-Compendium is the system of rules, which everyone, from LCP to each member must

follow. It provides the legal basis for all activities in LC happen; it’s the legal platform of

our LC.

-Compendium is the link from us to the world of AIESEC. All Compendium of every LC,

MC and even AI must obey some general standards which make us to be an inseparable


So to summarize, Compendium is not only some strict rules but also our culture. Our

Compendium makes us unique, makes our works effective and makes our inheritance.

10. What culture would you like to see AIESEC in FTU Hanoi having?

What would be your key “strategies” to foster this culture?

The culture of our LC must be built based on AIESEC culture. We need to make member

understand the definition of AIESEC, AIESEC values, the AIESEC way… The key strategy I

recommend is involving all members in the culture process includes:

Step 1: Discuss on the culture: built a system of values, vision,… for LC based on AIESEC


Step 2: Define behaviors that are suitable and unsuitable to the culture.

Step 3: Set a long-term action plan to built a strong culture. Focus on communication,

both virtual and physical methods.

Step 4: Regularly keep track that plan; TM should be in main responsibility.

Build a culture is such a long and patient process. But without a culture, we can’t have a

strong organization.

AIESEC Foreign Trade University 16

11. How do you evaluate LCP term 2009-2010’s performance?

In my opinion, until now LCP term 09-10 has successfully build for LC a solid foundation

which includes :

-A logical structure with 5 teams and 40 talented members.

-Initially set out LC framework of rule and policy (Compendium, Team process…).

-Set out a strategic and effective plan for all LC.

-Integrate LC into AIESEC networks, BOA and partners.

Finished these things, LCP has many strong points:

-Personal effectiveness



-Commitment to the result

But LCP also needs to improve some points:

-Presentation and communication skills

-Often make things more serious than necessary.


1. Endorsement from Ms. Tran Minh Hien – LCP 2009/2010:

To whom it may concern,

As the President 2009 – 2010, I would like to endorse Mr. Nguyen Quy Tien as the

enormous potential candidate for the LCP position of AIESEC FTU Hanoi term 2010

– 2011.

With his 9 months of AIESEC experience, Quy Tien has demonstrated himself as one

of the leading individuals in terms of strategic thinking, comprehensive vision, high

adaptability and notably spectacular pro-activeness.

In the position of IM team leader, he has been able to outline the vision for IM

development in the future. Furthermore, he could draw up the feasible plan for the

AIESEC Foreign Trade University 17

“infant” stage of Information management function in LC FTU Hanoi by focusing on

developing infrastructure for information & communication such as Google site,

Facebook or Website.

He owns the ability to get the overall view of activities in the LC and think forward to

realize the opportunities of AIESEC in FTU Hanoi in upcoming time, which has been

proven in the contribution to LC plan and LC compendium.

Through the time, Quy Tien has gained the attitude of synergizing works not only

within his team but also among other teams. He has been very supportive to ICX in

intern integration, to ER in contacting with other clubs in the university and to the

whole LC in Google site using.

Despite the background of studying Chinese and Economics, Tien was ready to

challenge himself in using English and dealing with Technology. He has gradually

shown the noticeable improvement in English as well as continually acquired

knowledge in Information Technology and Management areas. The most critical

reason for him to be the enormous potential LCP candidate is that he has revealed

the huge capability to CHANGE and DEVELOP, which is defined in AIESEC as the


Although Tien is the individual who has tendency to pursue perfectionism, quite

serious when working and should improve the presenting or motivating skills, it

could be asserted that he is among the ones with the LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL. Quy

Tien would be an asset to any organization and I strongly recommend him for any

endeavor he chooses to pursue, especially a leadership position.

Yours faithfully,

Tran Minh Hien

President 2009-2010, AIESEC FTU Hanoi

2. Endorsement from Ms. Nguyen Thanh Huong, OGX AP team leader:

Hanoi 1st Jan. 2010

To whom it may concern:

I have a chance to work with Quy Tien for more than 8 months and he has proved

that he has suitable abilities and responsibility to become a leader. I would like to

AIESEC Foreign Trade University 18

recommend Mr Nguyen Quy Tien as a potential candidate for the Local committee

president position, AIESEC Foreign trade university Ha Noi.

As a member of OGX team in 6 months, Quy Tien mastered most of functional

exchange knowledge and always showed his innovation in work to make OGX’s tasks

completing more successfully and effectively. Moreover, he demonstrated his

responsibility and his enthusiasm by accomplishing his tasks on time with good

quality. In addition, he was very proactive when he took main responsibility for EP

recruitment promotion in September 2009.

Furthermore, when I had chance to work with him in 3rd ground of member

recruitment to assess group OGX 1, I found out that he has HR skill to judge, evaluate

candidates and choose the right person.

One more important thing is that Quy Tien has good networking skill. He has close

connections with not only OGX members, IM members but also with AIESECers in

our LC and LC Hanoi. He always shows his cooperative, open-minded, funny and

professional attitude when working in team. He is also helpful and enthusiastic to

support others.

Recently, Quy Tien has proved his strategic thinking, logical thinking and leadership

skill in leading IM team. He can manage his work effectively and have a clear plan for

his team. I highly appreciate his great contributions in designing LC’s logo and

internal website.

For my view, Quy Tien is a very potential candidate for LCP position. He can lead our

LC with better results and bright future.

If there are any questions with regards to this endorsement, please feel free to

contact me.

Yours truly,

Nguyen Thanh Huong

AP team leader, Out going exchange team

AIESEC Foreign trade university Hanoi, term 2009-2010


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Express anything you want to express here

In the end of my application form, I want to express my endless gratitude to all members of AIESEC FTU Hanoi who have supported me a lot since I joined AIESEC. Applying for the position of LCP, I want to contribute more and more to our LC. If you have the same vision with me: make our LC become the leading LC in Vietnam, the leading organization in FTU Hanoi and a family in each members’ minds. TRUST ON ME!

Together, starting today, let us finish the work that needs to be done, and usher in a new future of our beloved LC.

LC SWOT Analysis


40 talented & united members

Unique & quality product (exchange program)

Logical structure6 teams & about 12 sub-teams

clear job discrition

Logical plan and strategy

Effective strategy

Clear timeline

Set goal and keep track

System of rules, policy and processes

Leadership opportunities

Global learning environment

Excellent individual communicationnegotiation and problem-solving skills


Better clarification roles/relationships

Need better training

Talent development (TD) & IT education (IM)

Sale skill (ER&ICX)

Exchange knowledge andsharing (OGX&ICX)

Improve policy & processes

Better keep track system

More flexible Intern recruitment

More effective Member recruitment


Communication between teams must be improved

Improve communication channels

Consult other LCs' experience


The economy recovers


Become official LC

Have BOA, alumni, and more partner

More support from MC

New markets


Legal status

Don't have fix address and venue

Hard to sign partnership with university

Administration fee increased

LC SWOT.mmap

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