ni tutorial 6490 en

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NI Tutorial 6490 En


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    Advanced NI SoftMotion Module Axis Interface Reference ExamplesPublish Date: May 06, 2010


    NI SoftMotion Module 2009 and later provides the software tools to create a motion controller from almost any LabVIEW RealTime controller. This document provides some advanced examples for using the Axis Interface provided with NI SoftMotionPremium Module. Axis Interface gives access into the SoftMotion engine and lays out the framework for sending that data to IOmodules other than the standard NI-951x modules (NI 9512, NI 9514, NI 9516). An example of this would be a stepper applicationusing the NI 9477 Digital Output module for step and direction commands. Users interested in creating standard motionapplications with NI-951x modules should review the standard examples that ship with NI SoftMotion. The ability to customize IOand provide non-standard interfaces and triggering would be the typical cases for using Axis Interface.

    1. Introduction

    The Axis Interface examples that ship with NI SoftMotion Premium provide insights in creating 1-2 axis applications. Theseexamples are helpful and should be reviewed but they do not provide a scalable architecture for creating higher axis examples.Using the copy-paste per axis approach, the FPGA quickly runs out of space at typically 3-4 axes and the RT controller is boggeddown with a number of redundant loops. The following example provides RT VIs that scale to any number of axes (provided thatthe RT controller has enough memory and CPU bandwidth) and multiplexed FPGA code that scales to 8+ axes.NI SoftMotion Premium with the Axis Interface provides a way for OEMs and other high-axis count application developers toreduce cost and provide specialized and custom functionality. However, small and one-time applications should strongly considerusing the NI-951x modules. These highly-integrated modules do not require FPGA programming and pack a variety of IO thatwould require 3+ standard C-Series IO devices to create the same functionality. They provide the easiest and most direct methodfor creating motion control systems from LabVIEW RT devices. The increase in complexity and software cost in implementing AxisInterface with NI SoftMotion Premium will typically not outweigh any potential savings with lower cost IO modules for all buthigh-axis and OEM applications.Before using these advanced examples, users should be familiar with the .NI SoftMotion Axis Interface documentationThe same general architecture in standard Axis Interface examples exists in these advanced examples. Changes to sub-VIs havebeen made to create a more scalable and efficient architecture to handle large axis count systems.Reference Examples System Requirements:

    NI LabVIEW 2009 or laterNI LabVIEW RT 2009 or laterNI LabVIEW FPGA 2009 or laterNI SoftMotion Module 2009 or laterPremium

    Figures 1 & 2 show the Front Panel and Block Diagram of the RT High-Axis Stepper.VI

    Figure 1: Front Panel of Axis Straight Line Example.VI

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    Figure 2: Block Diagram of Axis Straight Line Example.VI

    Versions 3.0 of the Reference Examples have RT/FPGA examples for: Stepper

    This code is not supported by National Instruments. Questions about this example can be posted on NI Discussion Forums: Motion Control and Motor Drives 2. Reference Links

    NI SoftMotion: Create Your Custom Motion Controller on Any Platform with LabVIEWNI SoftMotion Axis Interface documentationNI Discussion Forums: Motion Control and Motor Drives

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