nicolaìs caìrdenas mc_app1

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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General Application

CV and AIESEC Experience at: VP Mkt @Jave

Former NST @Colb in TM / EXP / IM&COMMActual EP GCDP in Brazil

Please tell us what do you consider is your mission in life, and answer: how working for “Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind’s Potential” contributes to your mission?2.


By now I know I want 3 things in life; first is being a father, be a really good one, raise a family is something that really requires the most effort, passion and dedication, there’s nothing I can think is better and challenging. Secondly and mainly because AIESEC has transform my sense of responsibility with my country, I know I want to work with the public sector and as a designer I’ll enjoy to work innovating and improving services in so much places needed, specially in health services. Thirdly I know that as soon as I finish my University I’ll start a business, and in my experience managing my family business I know that you have to work with people who want to do good in the world, so you have to embrace in what you believe not only inside AIESEC, but in life; that are more the ones who want to do the good, that are more the ones who are willing to face status quo, that WE are more who are today building a better future.

I believe in energy, in the energy each of one of us have, and being surrounded with people that aim to achieve piece and develop leadership within the people they surround is amazing, you can feel that amazing energy of people and this inspire you every time to make things better, to put your effort in creating more change agents, to built the future I want to live, and be sure those that surround me are going to be part of it, because right now we are building something greater than ourselves, we are changing our world for good. So is not just my mission, is that I am sure mine is one of thousand stories to be written, a lot of futures we are building now. Working now is actually building what I know we are all achieving together; a greater future for my kids, the partners I am sure I will work with, and the leaders that together will bring more thrive and equity to our country.

What makes you believe that “Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind’s Potential” is possible?

After a three years journey inside AIESEC and living and exchange GCDP experience in Brazil really put me in a “do I really believe this is the place I want to be?” mood. This experience has been challenging as a cultural shock, but far from it, it is has been challenging to my own view of what I expect and imagine AIESEC is about. As EP you are called to “handle the situations”, to stand over the exchange issues and keep moving on. However coming as an AIESECer of a Country that I know stands out for its amazing quality content in its social projects, I was really disappointed about everything and that put me in a reflection mood of what I truly believe this experience is about, its actually the best thing I have had in my AIESEC experience.

By now in the middle of my exchange experience I can tell you what I got from this reflection and by that why I believe what AIESEC envision is possible.

I realize that every one of us is searching for something different, but that AIESEC is called to put a powerful component in that search: Leadership. Without that in our experiences we can’t say that we are achieving something, and this is because at the end of the day the world issues are not ending, but if we are providing to youth a powerful tool to understand why we are the solution and what to do now to face those issues, then we are achieving it. Leadership is built by the way we are delivering this experiences, it is not about to accomplish task in a project but to know you are working with amazing people to change a reality, to give the best of your talent to make a long-lasting change in those lives we are touching, and that by doing that we are becoming better.

So yeah, AIESEC as many other organization in the world is not sunshine and rainbows; we have a lot of issues to improve, but for over 65 years we are uniting more people to believe that developing ourselves, connecting our talents and creating leaders that have the will to face the world issues is the way to achieve peace, to become a better humanity. This journey have just make me believe more in this because we need it everywhere.

Nicolás Cárdenas ReyesNicko / NatGeo

Colombian24 / 09 / 1987 Thursday 8:40 am

321 20 80

Skype: nicko.cardenasI sleep with my eyes a little open, that scares people.

Oda al Hombre SencilloPor Pablo Neruda

Voy a contarte en secretoquién soy yo,así, en voz alta,me dirás quién eres (quiero saber quién eres)cuánto ganas, en qué taller trabajas,en qué mina,en qué farmacia,tengo una obligaciónterribley es saberlo,saberlo todo:día y noche saber cómo te llamas,ése es mi oficio,conocer una vidano es bastanteni conocertodas las vidases necesario,verás,hay que desentrañar,rascar a fondoy como en una telalas líneas ocultaron,con el color, la tramadel tejido,yo borro los colores

y busco hasta encontrarel tejido profundo,así también encuentrola unidad de los hombres,y en el pan buscomás allá de la forma. Me gusta el pan,lo muerdo,y entoncesveo el trigo,los trigales tempranos,la verde formade la primavera,las raíces, el agua,por esomás allá del pan,veo la tierra,la unidad de la tierra,el agua,el hombre,y así todo lo pruebobuscándoteen todo,ando, nado, navego,hasta encontrarte,y entonces te preguntocómo te llamas,calle y número,para que tú recibasmis cartas,para que yo te diga

quién soy y cuánto gano,dónde vivo,

y cómo era mi padre.Ves tú qué simple soy,

qué simple eres,no se trata

de nada complicado.Yo trabajo contigo,

tú vives, vas y vienesde un lado a otro,

es muy sencillo,eres la vida,

eres tan transparentecomo el agua,

y así soy yo,mi obligación es ésa:

ser transparente,cada día

me educo,cada día me peino

pensando como piensas,y ando

como tú andas,como, como tú comes,

tengo en mis brazos a mi amor

como a tu novia tú,y entonces

cuando estoestá probado,

cuando somos iguales,

escribo,escribo con tu vida

y con la mía,con tu amor y los míos,

con todos tus doloresy entonces

ya somos diferentesporque, mi mano

en tu hombro,como viejos amigoste digo en las orejas:

no sufras,ya llega el día,

ven, ven conmigo,ven con todos

los que a ti se parecen,los más sencillos.

Ven, no sufras,ven conmigo,

porque aunqueno lo sepas,

eso yo sí lo sé:yo sé hacia dónde vamos,

y es ésta la palabra:no sufras

porque ganaremos,ganaremos nosotros,

los más sencillosganaremos,

aunque tú no lo creas,ganaremos.

En todo caso el recinto olía a whisky, sangre y algodón. La noche estaba descompuesta. La noche se estaba cayendo a pedazos a mi alrededor como un absurdo

naipe donde definitivamente nadie ganaba.

La enfermera me dijo fresco muñeco nada va a pasar, abran paso, se nos va, mierda y yo estaba pensando en mi número telefónico para dárselo a ella y decirle pasemos la noche

juntos, pasemos la noche bajo la lluvia, seamos una hoja seca. La camilla siguió avanzando a través de un pasillo lleno de gente en silencio. La gente me miraba con esos ojos que decían,

pobre chico, tan joven, tan sano, tan blanco y yo desde la camilla les dije tranquila gente, no soy tan sano, ni tan limpio, ni tan creyente, no me lavo los dientes todas las mañanas como ustedes,

no me cambio de medias todos los días como ustedes, no leo tantos libros, no hago deporte, ni rindo tanto en el trabajo como ustedes, tranquila gente.

Opio en las Nubes. Rafael Chaparro

Vos preferiste la calma y yo soy todo, menos la calma.

Luis Ángel Zola


Talent Management Service Design is mainly understand how an experience is lived by a user and is being delivered by a provider. In AIESEC as a service oriented organization we tend to numb the “experience” by just understanding it as a group of processes framework where we deliver it, you can call it TM flow, EP flow, TN flow. However we have to get a proper understanding of what the user of this experience (us; real people) are living. For that you need to go deeply in what we feel, what we expect and how the value of this experience is delivered, so our main Value proposition, the leadership development, is being well delivered and our members understand what they are experiencing.

During these three years I start feeling attracted to understand this, that’s why as VP Mkt I work a lot in 2012-2 in TM recruitment and know how hard is for us to attract people. I failed bigly in that recruitment, but learn something even greater; we are not adapted to the generation we are facing, we are not fast and clear enough. Then working in the NTMT I start looking what are those process we create to deliver the experience, I learn what they do, how they were connected, and I learn we need a big change to change in Promotion, Induction and Selection processes that motivate to go deep in it so now I am working in my degree project with this issue. With the MC Boost we achieve the first product package for TM, that now shapes how we are delivering most of our initiatives for inner and outer clients. We propose the Nomads initiative then, that evolve in the nomad program we know now. At Andes last year we build a LEC programme that keeps up to 50 assistants per session all year, and the analysis of the TM flow in the NTMT built a development model for the area that adapt to the clusters proposed in that time.

Outside AIESEC, in my family business I work in the same thing, making more young people be attracted to our Institute and get in. There is really no big difference, in this other context I realize that people need clear information and facts that match their expectations, this is easy when you are solving a necessity; education, it is a little harder in AIESEC because in our context “leadership” is not a clear concept. But what really grant your success as a business is not only to have a nice first impression, but to work hard to deliver the value you are offering. In the case of my family business we were on a substantial crisis, and the handling of these strategies in promotion, and delivery of our educational proposal grant that we can continue forming people, with a growth over 50% in enrolments over the last year, retaining 90% of our clients after 6 months and reducing the receivables from 6 or more months to one, we solve the crisis and now we are rethinking our whole business strategy with new products, new management dynamics and a proper accountability of our operations.

About my academic background: when you are designer I think you get the best of both the rational and the creative thinking, that is why innovation is mainly in what every person in my career works, we have to understand the user, the context, the process involved, every part of the service, interact with the stakeholders involved and then get the best of what we learn, look and analyze to prototype our discoveries, select the best working ideas and then provide suitable solutions (we don’t just make something “pretty”). So creative thinking is a must, but is no just rush into an ocean of ideas but actually be smart to catch inspiration and transform it into real things. That is where innovation is born, where challenge ideas and diverge thinking styles converge to do good; to add value in everything we are working. This applies to anything in my life and I really love this way of hack into the world and understand it. This won’t change in any position.

Regional Director ZoE Bogotá, Tunja and Villavicencio and hopefully in a mid term ambition Yopal makes what we by now know as the East Zone. Most of my last 6 months experience has related issues here. My father family is from Boyacá and my mother family lives in Villavicencio, so I understand from first hand what is mainly going on in these departments. I worked in Andes in the development of Tunja and Villavicencio initiatives, we deliver coaching and make some small membership events with the support of the Andes membership, and by now both entities are starting a new leadership process that during this 6 months to come must establish the basis of a sustainable organizational development in both cities.

Applying to be LCP at Andes was also a learning process about what we can exploit in Bogotá and grow in the city. By that I know our expansion model in Bogotá, needs a special segmentation model that adjust the logistic dynamics of the city, that we need to cooperate deeply in both EP and TXP selection process to make it faster and easier, and really gain a sense of collaboration for grow over iGIP operations. We need specialization across sectors, joint the city over events, smart PR in the whole city with the support of our Universities network, but mainly to stop being selfish about “my LC” and start thinking as “my Organization” so we actually believe that we are the same AIESEC across the city.

The delivery of the events (zonalito - induction days - coaching days) in Tunja and Villavicencio let the entities did not “die” and maintain a small group of people interested in open AIESEC there and for me that is something that was really important. A lot issues must be improved, same for Bogotá lagged entities. And I think that the talent that moved from Jave and Andes to ECI and EAN in this last election process for VPs its going to be a key factor to a better synergy between Bogotá entities. It will pump change management and innovation in this entities. We achieve start changes in the entities development model in the NEXT, but we need to keep working on it for the challenging scenarios we are facing. Innovation and Cooperation policies must appear if we want to accelerate our performance.


List maximum 3 positions in the MC 14.15 structure that you would like to have. For each of them you will have to argue why you consider you are a good option.

Someone that led you:


Skype: thiago.gabriMCVP MKT AIESEC Col 12-13

Someone you led:


Skype: lauperdomo23Cel: 313 431 2070

Expansion AIESEC Andes

A co-worker:


Skype: lauramariapachechosilvaCel: 317 314 5016


Someone outside AIESEC

Andrés PerezGeneral Director at IFESCOLSALUD

castorandres@gmail.comSkype: c.andres.perez.m

Cel: 310 815 8555

General Questionnaire:

Which entities? If the whole AIESEC in Colombia with not such an scenario reach last year 174 IGIP Realizations every entity is needed to achieve 500 RE, and knowing that from that number a lot of them are ETs a radical different approach is needed.

As the local reality with 13 LCs 10 ext and 7 OUs, for reaching 500 TNs in one year, each LC must sell at least 28 TNs (364), each extension at least 15 (150). Unlikely the extensions are going to achieve 15 TNs when more of our LCs are achieving 10 TN averange in a year. So selling 500 requires of the government and/or big partnerships and a proper knowledge of our environment.

The MC must outsource a market research that allow us to really focus over the real opportunities, this market research must be done out of AIESEC and by partners with the proper skills to do it, and we also have to quit the mindset of the “expensive cost” of this, we can promote investigation in the universities and get the best of our main stakeholders in a open innovation process to understand our local markets, getting in touch with the marketing and business faculties in the universities and finding partners and sponsors that invest in this initiatives, we have the reach to catch those opportunities because we are part of them.

So the solution is use both the IT and the MT products, in IT focus over the development software sectors, and in MTs focus over marketing solutions for SMBs sector. I will adapt the pricing model per product, so the Corporative Product fit the market payments of an employee of this profile. With this we can become more competitive and catch a better market share over MTs, approach effectively to PYMES, and make a 3TN sales during the year. Same for the IT product, where we really need to adapt to the software development dynamic, by attaching 3 or 4 developers for requirement, and do better I+D so we can really understand this business dynamic and develop a proper seller training programme and products that really understand how the market works and where are those opportunities.

So each LC must realize 10 sales of this triple trainee pack (30TN/LC * 13LC = 390TNs), each Extension 5 sales (15TN/ext * 10ext = 150TNs). This will get us 540 RE in a year. To support this sales in case them don’t perform 100% effectively, Bogotá cluster of Andes/Javeriana/Rosario, Medellin EAFIT/EIA, Cali and Uninorte built in the first semester a national project for GIP of 100 TNs for empowering the IT development of the country with the TICs Ministry. The MC must support the project process generation with the alumni network, and our national allies. Support the sales process by PR and BD accompaniment of the sales and the legal agreements with the last experience GCDP experience allow us to work fast enough to sign it in august and start the delivery at the end of the year. This must be connected with the vision of the new Goverment for the next 4 years and we have to capitalize this opportunity.

Finally, we need to check our value proposition, we need to connect the experience we are delivering with the development of leadership, so the trainees that come are really making a change in the business they work and connect what we stand as AIESEC with the TN taker.

1. What plan do you propose to sell 500 GIP TNs in one year? Which sector and segments would you choose to sell, and based on this, with which local entities would you work?

[Winning] Success begins in the mind. You need to set your mind to do something if you want to achieve anything. You need to set a fish trap to catch fish. Modern motivational gurus tell us to dream big, and to have a “can do” attitude. We are told that we need to set ambitious long term goals, and clear short-term targets. Just as the greyhound runs faster when chasing the mechanical rabbit, people are more motivated when pursuing identifiable targets. We are used to believe in this, is part of our 2015 organizational culture and dynamics.

If we achieve these goals we feel good about ourselves. Few things make us as happy as performing a difficult task well and doing something useful, that is the modern idea of success. But what happens when this does not occur? Reality has a habit of putting obstacles in the way of our dreams. We are not going to win every race. We may travel a long way down a road, only to find that we cannot quite achieve our original objective. If we only focus on the final goal, we can become uptight. Not only may this affect our chances of success, it makes us less likely to enjoy our journey, we tend to repeat ourselves: It's not going to be easy but it will be worth it; sometimes we are numbing our struggle.

As we put ambitious goals in our planning processes, we are used to believe those ambitions are going to drive our behavior to perform. By now I have seen great performer LCs, however non of them has actually reach their goals, they actually growth in their operations, usually have a strengthen in their membership and do good to achieve and deliver our promise. In the end we get satisfied with what we as leaders achieve, however the road was full of pressure, frustration, struggles to reach the goals, and yeah maybe you can said that is needed to have a fulfilling leadership experience, that is what teach resilence and work under pressure, but the thing is that in that struggle we are risking the best of we can actually have, the talent and joy of our members with frustration and stress, with bad academic results, with the things that maybe just have happen to you not so long ago.

Imagine an AIESEC that don’t think in goals, but actually in a sustainable growth, like 50% each year. Every LC is called to at least grow 50% in their operations. For some LCs it sound like so much reachable, if you have 20 exchanges in one year you only need to grow to 30. No much effort someone can say; but what happen if they actually reach those 30, I think nothing would stop them to do more, the thing is they’ll forget about the goal and push them even harder to achieve, to push them to their real limit. For a bigger LC, like a 250 exchange per year LC growth 50% in every programme means they at least have to reach 375 in one year; 125 more experiences, so for them it start being really challenging but knowing that is reachable nothing would stop them to reach it and when they do it, the momentum of their organizational dynamic will be so strong that surely they’ll make their best effort to do more and better. Imagine a NATCO event where we don’t replan our goals decreasing like we usually do, but increasing by this winning culture we have as a national entity. If we repeat that the goal is the limit, we are getting satisfied with the things we get to reach it, thats only a mindset we can change.

2. WINNING TOGETHER – What is missing currently to have this culture? How do you think we can encourage this culture and have real results from it?

2015 Analysis Achievements and GAPs. Propose 5 big milestones that NEED to happen in the following 2 years (2014 and 2015) in order to reach these goals


focus must be over GIP but evolving our performance for not not getting lagged in OGCDP. Third, IGIP is really getting lagged, and the challenge of 2014 to get 720 GIP means we really need innovation and a change in the way we coincieve this programme; it is a must that IGIP start working in masive projects.

[Together] For me this comes of a simple but powerful question that challenge us to work together; What can we do together that we could not do alone? Often, this means thinking beyond individual projects to whole solutions and big, bold ideas. Here we have to stop being selfish, usually the LCs just want to participate if they are receiving this big benefits, usually the people involved in the collaboration work is not the senior leaders, but members that can not see the whole picture, that only have a short view of what they are facing. It is needed for us to really get involved in this big view, that senior directors of the LCs (the Ps) have the necessity of participate in collaborative projects because lastly it will benefit their entities without losing focus, it challenges their comfort zone.

Also, we need to understand that collaboration is not an easy thing, it has complexity beyond our local dynamics, so we have to struggle with new communication dynamics, new was of share information, of tracking, and the solutions to come are not as the usual we use, this will lead us to a learning environment where we have to fix our approach as we are advancing in the projects, that innovation is a must, and that commitment to the achievement of big bold results will only come with the real involvement of everyone that is related to the collaboration project.

This also means that this together behavior needs not only to be kept inside AIESEC but to propend it happens with our stakeholders and clients. AIESEC need to light other business path, our management approaches, our leadership dynamics, our way to understand the role of a organization in the world, that does not search profit but common benefits for everyone, is something so much needed for new startups, for small and medium business, for readapting to this new generations and the way we work.

We can make this happen with a common will to collaborate as a new necessity for our organizational culture evolution, if the MC offer a collaborative platform, teams built for innovation and collaboration, if we start building legislation about collaborative projects, shared benefits, mutual recognitions, if the LCs start evolving their selfish approaches to big projects and can start working as a common network. If our leadership is about serving and enabling others to do good, then there is no excuse to help and ask for help, because we know this will bring us development, and will pump the achievement of the BIG AIESEC we all dream about.

Inside AIESEC there are not winning and losers, we all are winning or we all are loosing, so let’s better win together.



yearContribution per year

2011 219 455 111 204 989 6%2012 650 750 200 300 1900 12%2013 800 1120 340 480 2740 17%2014 1300 1800 490 720 4310 27%2015 1600 2500 700 1100 5900 37%

TOTAL 4569 6625 1841 2804 15839 100%Contribution per

programme29% 42% 12% 18% 100%


achieved per year

Achievement per Year

2011 219 454 111 204 988 6%2012 588 697 143 242 1670 11%2013 811 961 174 323 2269 14%

TOTAL Achieve per programme 1618 2112 428 769 4927 31%

TOTAL GOAL 1669 2325 651 984 5629 36%

Achievement per programme

97% 91% 66% 78% 88%


per yearGAP per


2011 0 1 0 0 1 0%2012 62 53 57 58 230 1%2013 -11 159 166 157 471 3%

Total GAP per programme 51 213 223 215 702 4%

TOTAL GOAL 1669 2325 651 984 5629 36%

GAP per programme

3% 9% 34% 22% 12%

Three important things; First, in this two years to come we have to accomplish the 64% of our overall goal to 2015, and clear the 4% overall gap. Second, the differences between the GCDP and the GIP contribution and gaps per programme points evidently that our

IGCDP IGIP OGCDP OGIP TOTAL2014 1300 1800 490 720 43102015 1600 2500 700 1100 5900GAP 51 213 223 215 702

TOTAL 2951 4513 1413 2035 10912

2. During the first months and due to the Ley de Garantías, we will have time to innovate and plan the way to reach the government so we keep our iGCDP advances, and start to apply the same with iGIP. We adapt our pricing at iGIP to become the most competitive option in the market.

1. At the start of 2014, our HR capacity must growth to have the talent resources needed to achieve the X performance Fast TM processes and the service innovation over our OGX clients will allow we keep short to our goals. We develop the first service oriented flow model for each of our programmes.

3. Mid of 2014 is the time to achieve the new goverment contracts so we can grow. This is complemented with an amazing training and preparation of the whole membership to achieve 2014 peak. The sales teams are fully operational and the achievement of the IGIP massive TN contracts allow us to close the gap.

4. Late 2014 and start of 2015 make us strengthen our membership, now the Bogota LC is achieving massive iGCDP and iGIP IT REs with the local goverment and as cause of our boost brand awareness some big companies will put their focus on us. We achieve an ISO-9001 to validate our performance in the market.

5. Mid 2015 make us achieve a cooperation agreement for HR supply. We work with Venezuela, Ecuador and Perú to deliver 600 GIPs for a IT health project in the region during two years. We become the development experience option for students want to go abroad facing challenges of such a big volume of people.

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