nicole bonham, 4w

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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Multi-genre research project




m4 WhiteMay 13,2012

I am Nicole Bonham. I was born

in Saint Joseph, MO on July 8,

1997. My mother and father are

Rhonda Bonham and Michael

Bonham Sr. I have one sibling.

His name is Michael Bonham

Jr. Me and him both go to

Benton High School. I will b


Graduating in the year of 2015.

At Benton I play tennis and

band. I have many frie

nds. My

life is not over so this biography

will be much longer. S

o, it will




! All Things don’t come naturally to me. Like

school it never comes naturally even still now. But,

outdoor activities or sports they do. I never really like

school subjects. I didn’t think I would ever use the

subjects I am learning. But me noticing that I don’t like

school all started back at Lake Contrary Elementary


! Kindergarten was fine I could count and say my

ABC like all the other kids. First grade is where it got

hard. I had to start adding and doing number

sentences that I didn’t understand. I would get

homework that I didn’t know how to do. My mom

would try to help me but I did not understand what she

was trying to tell me. We would sit up at the kitchen

table after dinner to do my homework. And we would

stay up late into the night. Like way past my bedtime.

Some nights it would be 11 or 12 o’clock before my

mom would give up on me and tell me to got to bed.

And I usually would have cried by the end of the night

or was crying when I went to bed. I would be crying

because I let myself down but not just me my own

mother. I knew I was not like the other kids. I would

have to try harder. Bu, sometimes when I would try

harder I still couldn’t get it.



! After first grade it didn’t get any easier all the

way up to fifth grade I took tutoring. Every other day I

would stay after school for an hour or two for help

even sometimes the help they were giving me really

wasn’t helping me. I still would come home confused.

And my mother kept on trying to help but she just

didn’t know how to help me anymore. My brother

thought he could help but I just got even more

frustrated. He was just like my mom. He thought the

same way. Then, my dad would come to help. He

would calm me down and try to help because he is like

me. But, he didn’t know how to explain it to me either.

! Some nights that my mom would stay up late

with me. I would go to bed but not fall asleep. I would

listen to my dad and my mom talk about holding me

back. I would cry because I knew I didn’t want to get

held back. I had friends and I thought if I were to get

held back I would get made fun of and laughed at by

the other kids because they were cruel.

A Struggle To Over Come

! Then, my sixth grade year came around. I

thought everything would be the same but it wasn’t. I

got a new teacher. She came from Kansas. Her name

was Mrs. Page. she is one of my favorites because

how she helped me so much. We started are math

session. And no body really knew how to do the math

she was giving us. She understood that we had to start

all the way back to the beginning. We would be timed

on addition and once we passed the we would move

on to subtraction, to multiplication then division. She

was teaching us memorize everything. She was

making things easier for me. After that year math really

has not been that hard.

! Spring Garden Middle School was quite easy. I

got past my math classes with a passing grade. I

would still struggle with some of the things my teacher

will teach me. Then, when it comes to the end of my

eighth grade year I had to pick my classes for Benton

High School year. I was going to pick all honors

because that is what my Advisor said to pick. But, my

parents did not think I should since I have been still

struggling. So, I choose the subjects that I was best at.



! But, even now at Benton High School I am still

struggling with my subjects. They are not hard to me

anymore like they use to. But, I know I have to work

harder then most kids. I know that I am different too.

And that is not a bad thing. I have to learn to live with

the struggles. I am given these because they make me

stronger and who I am.!

! ! By: Nicole Bonham

’Dad’s Side

Clayton Bonham

(Great Grandpa)Deceased

JoAnn Bonham

(Great Grandma)Deceased

John Goldizen

(Great Grandpa)Deceased

Mary Goldizen

(Great Grandma)Deceased

Scott BonhamSherry


David Bonham


Rosemary Goldizen-Bonham


13 Siblings

David Shaw(Uncle)

Angie Shaw(Aunt)

Chad ShawCody Shaw

Savannah ShawAbby Shaw

Debbie Woolery(Aunt)


Heath BonhamCody BonhamAustin DilleySonny Dilley

Brain Bonham

Lilly Bonham

Michael Bonham Jr(Brother)

Nicole Bonham


Michael Bonham


Rhonda Helfery-Bonham(Mom)

Robert Helfery

Brittany HelferyBrandy Helfery


Roxie Helfery(Aunt)

Lindsey Helfery -


Matt Wheeler

Trinity Winiger


Crissy Carver

Destiny Carver

Scott Carver

Mickayla HelferyBarron Helfery

Rodney Helfery


Kayle Helfery

Khole Michael

Bonham Jr(Brother)

Nicole Bonham


Rhonda Helfery-Bonham(Mom)

Michael Bonham


Jack HelferyLouse HelferyAlbert HelferyLarry Helfery

Robert Helfery(Grandpa)

Jean Asher-Helfery


JoAnn Asher-Springs

Truman Asher Jr

Henry Helfery

(Great Grandpa)Deceased

Mary Carter-Helfery

(Great Grandma)Deceased

Lora Harper-Asher(Great Grandma)


Truman Asher Sr(Great Grandpa)


’Mom’s Side

The 10 Quotes I Live By

10. “ All our dreams can come true -

if we have the courage to pursue

them.” - Walt Disney

9. “We must be the change we want to

see.” - Mahatma Gandhi

8. “Do what you can, with what you

have, where you are.” - Theodore


7. “It is better to be hated for what

you are then to be loved for

something your not.” - Andre Gide

6. “Competing in sports has taught me

that if I’m not willing to give 120

percent, somebody else will.” -

Ron Blomberg

5. “If you can imagine it, you can

create it. If you can dream it, you

can become it.” - William Arthur


4. “Don’t let what you can’t do stop

you from doing what you can do.” -

John Wooden

3. “Life is a Journey, not a

destination.” - Aerosmith

2. “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is

a mystery. And Today? Today is a

gift. That’s why we call it the

present.” - Babatunde Olatunji

1. “Life is not about waiting for the

storms to pass... It’s about learning

how to dance in the rain.” - Vivian Greene­‐to-­‐live-­‐by.html

If I were to go to Paris, France. I would want to stay there a whole week. I would go and see many famous places. Like the Eiffel Tower that was built in the 1889. And has over 1,652 steps. I also go to the Notre Dame Cathedral, Arc De Triomphe and Catacombs. I would also want to go shopping and do many other things.





Dream Vacation


















Description eye color - hazel Hair color - Brown Height - 5 ft. weight - 125 poundsSkin Color - white Birth Date - july 8, 1997

Wanted For Releasing Animals Out Of The Animal Shelter.

Last Seen at Sonic

Half A Million Dollars

I Want To Be A Vet.

Nicole’s MenuAppetizers

Chips and SalsaMozzarella

Cheese Sticks

Breakfast Sunny Side Up




SoupPotato Soup

SidesFrench Fries/Curly Fries

Spicy DoritosMash Potatoes

DrinksSweet TeaDiet Pepsi

Orange Juice

DesertChocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate ShakeBanana Nut Bread

Dinner3 Tacos

2 EnchiladasGrilled Hamburger w/ BQ

SauceFried Chicken

LunchHot Dog

Bologna & Tomato Sandwich

Roman Noodles Chicken

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