niit dums

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums


    S No Question Option 1


    Which of the following is one of the objectives of

    business plan? m

    1, Minimize inventory

    investment m


    John Smith has joined as a management trainee

    personnel in XL technologies. His manager has

    asked him to work and analyze details of all theapplicants for the post of software engineers and

    match the parameters of the candidates to the job

    requisitions. 1,The Training Process m


    Kinks Corporation is a small scale, manufacturing

    company in the pharmaceutical domain. The

    company was set up 5 years ago. The

    management of Kinks Corporation wants to

    improve the productivity and profitability of the

    company by using IT to integrate the

    1,Consulting outsourcing

    model and off-the-shelf ERP

    package m


    The management of MaxElectronics felt the need

    for implementation of an effective CRM strategy

    to ensure loyalty of customers. Theimplementation of CRM must help the customer

    service representatives in handling the customers

    at the front-end and the mana

    1, Integrates customer

    information with the product

    information m


    HK Electronics was facing problems in meeting

    the requirements of the customers. Therefore, the

    management decided to change its existing

    business strategy to a new customer-oriented

    strategy. The new strategy adopted by HK

    Electronics is CRM. Identify th

    1, Providing exclusive services

    to the customers and helping

    the sales team in achieving the

    sales target m


    Bob is analyzing the results of a software test. He

    uses a scatter plot to understand the relationship

    between the complexity of the program and the

    number of errors in the program duringdevelopment. On the scatter plot, the tested

    variables cluster in a

    1, Tested variables have

    negative correlation. m


    Infinity Ltd. is developing a payroll system. The

    system has to be delivered to the client in three

    months. The probability that the project will

    exceed its deadline has a value 0.7 and the

    impact of the risk has the value 3 on the rating

    scale.Calculate 1, 0.7 m


    Which of the following set of components are

    essential for preparing an aggregate production

    plan? m

    1, Product information, time

    period m


    Red Sky Pvt. Ltd. did not follow any automatedHR Management System. Which of the following

    is not a disadvantage that the managers might be

    suffering because of manual management of HR

    processes? m 1,Increased paper work m

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    Jawger Inc. is an established organization in the

    retail sector. It has been one of the top

    organizations in its domain due to its state-of-the-art infrastructure, efficient management and

    processing, and tech-savvy inclination. Jawger

    Inc. has learned th

    1,The problem is that the ERPsystem data cannot be used

    for generating trend analysis

    reports. m


    The management of PeopleTrust has developed

    a CRM strategy for integrating CRM with the

    business processes in the organization. For

    developing an effective CRM strategy, the

    management first defined the objectives of CRM

    and then defined the service value

    1, Basic and special service

    value m


    Your organization has recently purchased an off-

    the-shelf ERP package. However, some businessprocesses need to be extended to suit the needs

    of your organization. Which of the following

    components of an ERP package will help you

    extend the features of th 1,Service engine m


    Which phase of the ETVX process ensures that

    no activity ends abruptly? m 1, Verification phase m


    Which of the following is one of the objective of

    Master Production Schedule? m

    1, To provide information

    related to the requirement of

    resources and raw materials

    for production m


    Which of the following HRM process helps

    employees to acquire job-related skills and

    knowledge and also helps in carrying out theirroles and responsibilities? m 1,The Recruitment Process m


    Techsoft is a small organization but in the last few

    years it has managed to achieve a competitive

    position in the market. To expand the business,

    the management asked its sales and customer

    care executives to collect customer feedbacks. By

    reviewing the 1, Telephonic survey m


    KJI Corporation is a large-scale manufacturer of

    copper wires. KJI has a small IT support

    department that supports inventory and accounts

    management. Due to lack of coordinated workingbetween the production and other departments,

    such as purchase and acc 1,Enterprise-wide m


    Which of the following sub-systems of the Sales

    module can help you create delivery orders? m 1,Shipping Management m

  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums


  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums



    The technical team of MaxElectronics has

    implemented a CRM system and integrated the

    CRM system with all the existing enterprise

    applications, such as Enterprise Resource

    Planning (ERP), Web server, and data

    warehouse. They have also integrated the CRM


    1, Upgradation will result to

    loss of previous data m

    SQAM030 What is unit testing used for? m

    1, To test each individual unit

    of software to detect errors in

    its code. m


    Which of the following is not an activity performed

    in test effort estimation? m

    1, Identifying the risks related

    to the testing phase of SDLC



    Which of the following is the first activity

    performed as part of the Test Execution process?


    1, Assigning test scripts to

    testers for execution. m


    In which of the following phases of acceptance

    testing, a customer must understand theconsequences of adding new functions to

    enhance the software? m

    1, Defining the acceptance test

    criteria m


    Which of the following is not an objective of defect

    recording phase of the defect management

    process? m

    1, Further improving the

    software development process


    SQAM035 What is Defect Density? m

    1, It is the measure of all the

    found defects per size of

    software entity being

    measured. m

    SQAM036 What is the use of a test reporting tool? m

    1, To plan a test environment



    Which of the following is a responsibility of a test

    lead? m 1, Creating a test plan m


    Which of the following is not specified as part of

    test specification? m 1, Test objectives m


    In which of the following software testing

    methods, checking the availability of physical data

    elements is an entry criteria? m 1, Unit testing m


    Which of the following is not a responsibility of

    customer in a software development process? m

    1, Development of software

    requirements and acceptance

    criteria. m


    In which of the following integration testingapproaches, all the modules that have been unit

    tested for a system are put together and tested?

    m 1, Top-Down testing m


    Which of the following is not a test reporting tool?

    m 1, Analysis tools m


    Which test reporting tool is used to represent the

    results of a software test statistically? m 1, Defect tracking tool m

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    Trivia Ltd. is developing a software application

    whose production cost might exceed the planned

    budget. Also, the application will be competing

    with similar applications already available in the

    market. The application is likely to face which of

    the follo 1, Software risk m


    Who among the following is responsible forestablishing test objectives and goals that define

    the scope of the testing effort? m 1, Project manager m


    Identify the phase in the life cycle of a test

    process in which test cases are stored for any

    future regression testing requirements. m 1, Design test cases phase. m


    Which SQA activity do you need to perform in the

    software construction phase? m

    1, Assuring that the approved

    design is placed under

    configuration management m


    Which type of testing uses the black box method

    for testing the software? m 1, System testing m


    In which of the following integration testing

    approaches, the terminal modules are tested first

    followed by all the lower level modules? m 1,Top-Down testing m

    SQAM050 Identify the purpose of compliance testing? m

    1, It verifies the integrity of data

    during testing. m


    Which of the following requirements given by the

    customer are related to the business procedures

    and standards that the software must execute? m 1, Interface requirements m


    Which of the following processes helps in the

    defect acknowledgment process? m

    1, Analyze one report for one

    type of defect. m

    SQAM053 What does DRE stands for? m

    1, Deficiency Removal

    Efficiency m


    Which test reporting tool helps a software tester

    to determine the source of errors in the process

    being tested? m 1, Source tool m


    The impact of a security risk on a project is

    calculated to be 4. The risk factor of the same is

    calculated to be 2.4. What is the probability ofoccurrence of the risk in the project? m 1, 6 m


    Which of the following testing techniques tests

    whether the application is developed in

    accordance with information technology

    standards, procedures, and guidelines? m 1, Compliance testing m


    Which review checklist helps you to check

    whether the data types and data declarations are

    correct? m 1, Coding review checklist m

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    According to the V model, which of the following

    types of testing can be planned by using the

    documents created during the requirements

    phase. m 1, Integration testing m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: Test effort estimation is theresponsibility of a test manager.

    Statement B: The test effort estimate helps in

    determining the number of testers and time

    required for software testing.

    Which of the follo

    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m


    Which of the following Code Coverage measure

    reports the true or false outcome of each Boolean

    sub-expression, separated by || and &&

    operators? m 1,Condition Coverage m


    According to the V model, which of the following

    types of testing should be planned in therequirements stage of an SDLC? m 1, Unit testing m

    SQAM062 What is the purpose of stress testing? m

    1, To check that the system

    works efficiently when

    subjected to above-normal

    transaction volumes. m

    SQAM063 Which of the following is a size metric? m 1, Lines of code m


    Which test reporting tool is used to identify the

    quantifiable problems to prioritize work based on

    their severity? m 1, Scatter plot m


    Newways Solutions is developing an online

    reservation system. A sister concern of the

    company is currently testing a similar application.The testing team of Infinity Solutions wants to

    consult the experienced testers of the sister

    concern for identifyin 1, Checklist m


    Which of the following types of errors become

    visible when two or more modules are integrated?

    m 1, Leakage errors m


    Which of the following phases of the testing life

    cycle involves documentation of test

    specifications? m 1, Test execution m


    Which of the following is not a test case design

    technique? m 1, Equivalence partitioning m


    Which of the following integration test approaches

    allows you to test the basic skeleton of the system

    early in the test process? m 1, Big Bang testing m


    In which phase of acceptance testing, a customer

    should be comfortable with the functionality of the

    software? m

    1, Defining the acceptance

    criteria m

  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums


    SQAM071 Why are test metrics gathered? m

    1,Test metrics are gathered to

    evaluate the effort of the

    testing team. m


    Which statistical analysis tool is used to maximize

    insight into a data set? m 1, Exploratory analysis m


    Trinity Ltd. is testing a position tracking system.

    The company is testing this kind of a system for

    the first time. In order to identify the risks

    associated with the Position Tracking system, the

    participation of the entire testing team is desired.

    Whic 1, Checklist m


    Clark Lewis has recently been appointed as the

    Test Manager at ICIS Ltd. ICIS has developed a

    share trading application that enables customers

    to buy and sell shares online, and Clark is

    responsible for testing the application. He has

    formed a testing tea

    1, Clark should specify the

    expectations from Tim in a

    clear manner, in the next team

    meeting. m


    Which of the following tools is used to determine

    the breakdown point in application software? m 1, Regression testing tool m

    SQAM076 Which of the following is a QA activity? m 1, Inspection m


    Technology Solutions Inc. is developing a library

    management system. The acceptance criteria

    was defined early in the development life cycle

    using the requirements document. During the

    analysis phase, the analysis document was used

    to prepare the system t

    1,The documents created

    during requirements, analysis,

    and design phases should

    have been tested using white-

    box testing techniques. m


    Paraways Solutions is developing an order

    processing application using ASP.NET. The

    developers of Paraways have not worked on thistechnology before. Due to budgetary constraints,

    Paraways is not conducting any training on the

    new technology being used. I 1, Market risk m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: For each phase of testing, the

    planned tests are executed and the actual test

    results are compared with the documented

    expected results.

    Statement B: A tester while creating test cases

    estimates the expecte

    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m


    Which of the following acceptance requirements

    relate to the quality attributes of software? m 1, Functional Requirements m


    Which of the following displays a sequence of a

    defect life cycle? m

    1, Raise a defect, report a

    defect, get the defect

    acknowledged by developer,

    get the defects fixed by the

    developer, verify and close the

    defect. m

  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums



    The project manager of a software project needs

    to know the average time before the first defect

    occurs in the software. Which metric can provide

    this information to the project manager? m 1, DRE m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: Scatter plot is a statistical analysis


    Statement B: Exploratory analysis is used to

    analyze data represented by a scatter plot.

    Which of the following is correct in context of the

    preceding statement

    1, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m


    Adam Martin is the test manager of a team

    responsible for testing an application that provides

    information on daily login time of the employees.

    At one of the project meetings, Adam realized that

    the team was not performing upto the standardsset at the b

    1, Listen to the team members

    in the next team meeting and

    analyze key points conveyed

    by the team membersregarding their performance. m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: The selection of an appropriate tool

    is a secondary aspect of the testing process.

    Statement B: The selection of an appropriate tool

    leads to an ease in the burden of test production

    and test execution.


    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: Quality Assurance is oriented to

    prevention of defects.

    Statement B: Quality Control is oriented to

    detection of defects.

    Which of the following is correct in context of the

    preceding statements? m

    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m


    Global Infosystems Inc., has developed a job site

    for Manpower Consultants, a placement

    company. To increase the business generated by

    the site, Anne Forsythe, a manager with the

    placement company has decided to launch anadvertisement campaign promoting 1, Operation testing m


    Technowave Solutions is working on a gaming

    application. Jim Lewis, a tester for this project,

    has written a code to calculate the perimeter of a

    rectangle. The code needs to be tested for

    different types of inputs. Which type of testing will

    Jim use to t 1, Integration testing m

  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums



    For a test problem, identify which of the following

    attributes gives information on why the difference

    between the problem and the ideal criteria is

    significant? m 1, Statement of Condition m


    Why is it necessary to identify critical success

    factors of the software during acceptance criteria?m

    1, To indicate whether the

    software has been identified ofdefects. m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: Regression testing comprises

    checking consistency, completeness, and

    correctness of the software at each stage and

    between each stage of the SDLC.

    Statement B: Verification is an activity that

    provides obje

    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B are False. m


    A testing team member needs to calculate the

    total number of tests that need to be conducted

    for a module. Which metric can give thisinformation? m 1, DRE m


    Paraways Solutions is developing an online

    gaming application for school-going children. The

    organization has recruited highly experienced

    developers for this project. The developers are

    coming up with innovative ideas and developing

    excellent features in 1, Market risk m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: A test bed is prepared to conduct a

    test based on the requirements stated for a test

    environment and the strategy devised to

    implement it.Statement B: A test bed only contains the

    hardware necessary to co

    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: Quality assurance is product


    Statement B: Testing is a quality assurance


    Which of the following is correct in context of the

    preceding statements? m

    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m


    Global Solutions Inc. has developed a librarymanagement system. After development, the

    software was thoroughly tested using various

    testing techniques and finally, the software was

    implemented at the library site. Earlier, the library

    had been using a ma 1, Performance testing m

  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums



    Susan Ward is a software developer in

    Supersoft2000 Inc. She has developed an

    application that offers e-commerce services for

    transacting business through the Internet. Which

    technique should Susan use to test if the financial

    transactions are safe? m 1, Security testing m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: Statement Coverage measure can

    distinguish between two consecutive switch


    Statement B: Statement Coverage measure is

    sensitive to logical operators, such as || and &&.

    Which of the following is

    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: It is the responsibility of a customerto perform acceptance testing.

    Statement B: It is the responsibility of a customer

    to define the accept and reject criteria for the


    Which of the following i

    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: Inspections are very effective at

    finding defects.

    Statement B: Inspection is an example of dynamic

    technique for detecting defects.

    Which of the following is correct in context of the

    preceding statements

    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B are False. m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: Word processing packages can be

    used to prepare test report formats.

    Statement B: All organizations use a standard test

    report format.

    Which of the following is correct in context of the

    preceding statemen

    1,Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums



    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: Software testing is successful if the

    test data tests all aspects of the software


    Statement B: Test coverage is a measure of thecoverage goal of a program based on test data.

    Which of the fo

    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m


    Software Technologies Inc., had developed a

    library information system. The application had

    been running successfully for the last nine

    months. However, due to a hard disk failure, all

    library records in the database server have been

    lost. No backup of th 1, Recovery testing m


    Which of the following activities cannot performed

    by using Code Coverage tools? m

    1, Measure the coverage of a

    set of test cases m


    Which of the following activities are included

    under Responsibilities of Customer, a component

    of a software acceptance plan? m

    1, Identifying the end-users of

    the final product m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: Validation is the process of

    evaluating software at the end of the SDLC to

    ensure that the software product complies with

    software requirements.

    Statement B: Validation testing is the

    determination of how w

    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B are False. m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: SQA activities in the software

    design phase involve use of the High-level design

    review checklist.

    Statement B: SQA activities in the software

    design phase involve use of the detailed design

    review checklis

    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m


    Software Solutions Inc. is developing a payroll

    application for SSTP Corporation. SSTP

    Corporation is already using a leave accounting

    system that facilitates the management of

    employees' leaves. The application has beenrunning successfully for the last 1, Integration Testing m

  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums



    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: A tester, while creating test cases,

    estimates the expected test results, whereas, the

    actual test results occur during execution of these

    test cases.

    Statement B: A tester, while executing a testscript, n

    1, Both, Statement A andStatement B, are False. m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: During execution of acceptance

    plan, the objectives of the acceptance activities

    are defined along with procedures for meeting

    these objectives.

    Statement B: Execution of acceptance plan

    determines whether

    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m


    Which of the following is an objective of defect

    reports? m

    1, Identify defects in all phases

    of SDLC. m


    The development team knows the number of

    operators and number of operands used in a

    software project. How can they use this

    information to calculate the size of the program?


    1, Software Size= log2 (Total

    number of operator tokens

    used) + log2 (Total number of

    operand tokens used) m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: Structural test case design

    techniques are used when test data is developed

    from documents that specify the intended

    behavior of application software.Statement B: Equivalence partitioning, a structural


    1,Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: Preparing test documentation is not

    a responsibility of a software tester.

    Statement B: Reporting test results is not a

    responsibility of a software tester.

    Which of the following is correct in context of

    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m


    Jack Thomas was assigned the task of testing an

    online share trading application. Jack has tocreate relevant test cases and on the basis of

    these test cases, test plans will be executed

    during each phase of the testing life cycle. While

    creating the test

    1, Jack should confirm that the

    application runs successfully

    on all supported hardware and

    software environments. m

  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums



    Global Solutions Inc., has developed HRMS

    software for its customer to provide automation

    solutions for the management of the Human

    Resource Department of CompuServe. However,

    during acceptance testing, it was found that the

    software was not functioning p

    1, Detecting software defects

    early during development m


    John Allen, a project manager at Blue IT

    Systems, has just delivered a software application

    on inventory control for Green Alley Stores Ltd.

    Now, the senior management decides to analyze

    the defect removal processes adopted by Johns

    team. The number of 1, 6 m


    Michelle, a software tester, uses a run chart to

    represent the performance level of a software

    application on different hardware configurations.

    There are around nine data points on the run

    chart, which are above the average of the plotted

    data. What does 1, A trend m


    Assertion: Operations testing is designed to verify

    that prior to production, the operating procedures

    and staff can properly execute the application


    Reason: Operations testing confirms the

    successful execution of the application software


    1, BOTH the assertion and the

    reason are TRUE, and the

    reason is a correct explanation

    of the assertion. m


    Which of the following activity is not performed as

    part of the risk analysis phase? m

    1, Determining the probability

    of occurrence of risks. m


    James Cooper, a certified software tester, has

    been asked by CompCord Inc. to test an

    application that provides information about the

    login and logout time of the employees. For thistask, James has to create a record showing the

    number of users who log o 1, Recovery testing m


    Web Solutions Corp. has developed an online

    reservation application for a travel agency. One of

    the requirements given by the client is that the

    information provided by the website should be

    highly secure. Identify under which of the following

    categories 1, Functional requirement m


    During the acceptance testing of a software

    project, the customers found 12 defects. Earlier,

    the testing team had found 67 defects while

    reviewing the design phase, and 75 defects whileperforming the system testing. How efficient were

    the defect removal 1, 0.87 m


    The software testing team of Ebiz Solutions is

    analyzing the results of a software test on an e-

    commerce application. The team uses a scatter

    plot to represent the relationship between the

    numbers of errors identified during the

    development phase and the

    1, Negative correlation

    between the tested variables m

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    Newwave Ltd. is developing an inventory

    management system. The project is in its testing

    phase. One of the testers has been asked to

    document the different combinations of conditions

    and associated results in order to derive unique

    test cases for validati 1, Code coverage tools m

    SQAM126 Which of the following is a software risk? m 1, Market risk m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: A tester need not have knowledge

    of the tools that aid in software development.

    Statement B: A tester must have knowledge of

    the software development, operation, and

    maintenance process.

    Which of the follo

    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m


    Web Solutions Corp. has developed an online

    reservation application for a travel agency. One ofthe requirements given by the client is that the

    users should not spend much time on getting

    used to the website and finding the relevant

    information. Identify 1, Functional requirement m


    A software program has 32 edges and 29 nodes

    in its flowchart. The testing team needs the

    estimated maximum number of test cases that

    need to applied to the software program to ensure

    that all the statements have been executed at

    least once. Calculate the 1, 2 m


    Betty, a software tester, uses a control chart to

    monitor the frequency of occurrence of defects in

    a software project over a period of time. Sheanalyzes the chart and concludes that the

    frequency of occurrence of defects is stable.

    What observation on t

    1, Data points have multipleentries above and below the

    central line of the control chart.



    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: The load testing tool should be

    evaluated to determine if the tool supports the

    application technology not only at the Graphical

    User Interface (GUI) level but also at the middle

    tier and database level.


    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m


    Which of the following risk identification

    techniques is used when a broad range of options

    or ideas are required in a short span of time? m 1, Observation m

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    Smart Solutions Corp. has been assigned a

    project to develop an application that provides

    information about the total number of hours for

    which an employee logs on to the system. Which

    of the following requirements should the customer

    specify, at the begi

    1, Non-Functional

    requirements m


    The development team at Technology Systems isdeveloping an application for a car dealer. The

    application will be used to extract the names and

    addresses of the car owners whose cars need

    servicing by the 20th of the month, from a

    database of cars sold b 1, 0.875 defects m


    Robert, a software tester, is prioritizing the causes

    of poor quality of a software application using a

    Pareto chart. He ranks developer errors as the

    most significant cause to the poor quality of the

    software and poorly defined objectives as the

    least si

    1, The number of erros related

    to poorly defined objectives

    developer errors is the

    minimum and number of

    developer errors is the

    maximum. m


    Assertion: Static testing validates theconformance of a software application to the

    specified requirements without executing the


    Reason: Static testing is conducted to ascertain

    whether a software application meets all the

    requirements specified in

    1, BOTH the assertion and the

    reason are TRUE, and the

    reason is a correct explanation

    of the assertion. m


    Which of the following information is not specified

    as part of the risk analysis table? m 1, Probability of occurrence m


    Henry Ford was assigned to test a Java

    application developed by Smart Java Co. While

    testing a particular Java code, Henry suggested to

    his team that if they want complete codecoverage, all the Boolean sub-expressions must

    be separated by logical || and

    1, Multiple Condition Coverage



    Global Solutions, Inc. has developed an

    application for Super Solutions Corp., which will

    provide automated solutions for the management

    of the HR Department of Super Solutions. The

    application was developed keeping in mind the

    customer requirements. Howe

    1, Change the software

    specifications m


    Perry is analyzing the results of a software test.

    She uses a scatter plot to understand the

    relationship between the complexity of theprogram and the number of errors in the program

    during development. On the scatter plot, the data

    points of the tested

    1, Tested variables are

    positively related. m

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    NewWave Ltd. is developing an inventory

    management system. The project is in its testing

    phase. One of the testers has been asked to

    specify the order of actions that should be

    performed during a test session. Identify which of

    the following tools should 1, Test script m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: Budget risk is a type of software


    Statement B: Technology change is a contender

    for software risk.

    Which of the following is correct about the above

    statements? m

    1, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m


    Global Software Solutions Inc. is a software

    development company that provides financial

    analysis applications to large and medium-sized

    financial companies. Currently, the organization iscreating an online application for one of its clients.

    The managem 1, Test design m


    Web Market Inc. has been asked to develop a

    software that will provide automated solutions for

    an electronic marketplace. The representative for

    the market has specified the acceptance

    requirements for the particular software in the

    beginning of the proje

    1, Performance requirements



    John, a Java programmer has developed a code

    for a shopping mall. The code generates an

    applet that displays description of all the products

    available in the mall along with their prices. The

    Java applet has to undergo a process of codereview. In which p 1, Task phase m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: Premature release risks arise when

    deadline of completion of the project has


    Statement B: Premature release risks arise when

    an equally competitive product is about to be

    released in the market by

    1, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m


    SmartLabs Inc., is a software development

    company that develops customized software

    solutions. Currently, the organization isdeveloping a shopping application that would

    require shoppers to register themselves with the

    shopping site before placing an ord

    1, Defect tracking and

    management m

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    Rob, a test manager in Global Software Solutions,

    needs to create a test evaluation report for stress

    testing that was carried out on the network of the

    organization. Suggest the phase of the test

    process life cycle during which Rob should create

    this rep 1, System study phase m


    Consider the following statements:

    Statement A: A questionnaire contains a list of

    questions related to a particular risk.

    Statement B: The list of questions in a

    questionnaire is standard and fixed.

    Which of the following is correct in context of the


    1, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m


    Countryside Markets is developing a shopping

    application that would require shoppers to register

    themselves before placing an order. The project is

    in its testing phase. During a team meeting, therewas a disagreement about the phase of the

    testing life c 1, Test reporting m


    Web Solutions Corp. has developed an online

    reservation application for a travel agency. One of

    the requirements given by the client is that the

    system should support future expansion of the

    business. Identify under which of the following

    categories will 1, Functional requirement m


    The software development team in Software

    Solutions has developed a code in C++ to

    generate an inventory management software.

    This software has to be tested line-by-line to

    check whether it maps to the informationtechnology standards. Which type of testi 1, Operations testing m


    To deliver high quality softwares, Technology

    Systems performs quality planning, formal

    technical reviews, and software testing. It is

    observed that the organization spends a

    considerable amount of time in testing due to

    many errors being found in the cod

    1, Train software developers.



    Soft Solutions Inc., developed a software that

    provides automated solutions for an electronics

    shopping mall. After the software acceptance

    review, the customer prepared an acceptance

    plan without mentioning the precautions forpotential misuse of the sof 1, Criticality of the software m


    InfoTech Software Solutions has developed a new

    payroll system for its employees. The old payroll

    system had some performance problems. The

    proposed application is currently in its testing

    phase. Before phasing out the old system, the

    testing team must en 1, Parallel testing m

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    NewWays Softwares has recently started in-

    house testing of software applications. Being a

    new testing team, there is a lot of confusion

    between the roles and responsibilities. This

    confusion is leading to a lot of differences

    between the members of the te 1, Test lead m


    Paraways Solutions is developing an airlinereservation application. One of the requirements

    given by the client is that the website should be

    able to cater the visually-challenged users and

    should allow them to browse the website easily.

    Identify under w 1, Interface requirement m


    The code developing team in Paraways Solution

    has developed software to record the entry time

    and exit time of employees. The employees are

    asked to fill a feedback form. Under which

    category of manual tools will this feedback form

    be listed? m 1, Decision tables m


    Inform Solutions is developing an Internet banking

    application for one of its clients. The project is

    currently in its testing phase. Williams, one of the

    testers working on this project, has been asked to

    document the details of the test cases that have

    1, Williams should create a test

    item transmittal report. m


    Net Solutions Ltd has developed a software to

    create HTML pages without coding. The testing

    for this application needs to be carried out. The

    test manager wants to use an automated testing

    tool that would avoid the defects from cropping up

    in the test exe

    1, The test manager should

    select a code coverage tool. m


    Perfect Solutions is working on an orderprocessing application. Now, the testing team has

    been asked to define the sequence of the testing

    process. Identify which of the following documents

    should the testing team create for the same. m

    1, The testing team should

    create a test plan. m


    Solution Shares Ltd. has developed a software to

    enable online trading of shares. Sandra, one of

    the testers working on the project, has been

    asked to document the test case design.

    Presently, she has to document the input and

    output values for the tests.

    1, A test plan should be

    created. m


    Blue Skies School has engaged a software

    organization to create a software for the schoollibrary. The software will allow the library staff to

    keep a record of all the books issued and

    returned. The software is currently in its testing

    phase. Identify wh 1, Operations testing m

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    Broadways Ltd. is developing an online software

    application. The development team for this project

    includes nine team members. During the team

    meetings, James, the test manager for this

    project, realized that a few members of the team

    have grudges against 1, Software risk m


    Broadways Ltd. is developing a softwareapplication that has to be delivered next month.

    The project manager for this project is pushing

    the team to complete the application this month

    because another similar application is being

    released by a competitor 1, Business risk m


    Which of the following is NOT considered to be a

    critical success factor for acceptance testing? m

    1, Significance of the software

    for the organization. m


    In which of the following phases of the testing life

    cycle are the actual test results compared with the

    expected results? m

    1, Defect tracking and

    management m

    SQAM168 Which of the following is not a responsibility of atester? m 1, Providing technicalleadership for the tests. m


    Technowave Ltd. has just completed the testing

    of an inventory management system for its client.

    The application will be delivered to the client next

    week. The client has an existing inventory system

    that needs to the be integrated with the new

    system dev 1, Requirements testing m


    Technique Solutions has developed an order

    processing application. The testing team has

    identified a few defects that need to be fixed by

    the development team. Identify which of the

    following types of testing needs to be performed

    to ensure that the fixes 1, Recovery testing m


    Technique Solutions has developed an order

    processing application. The test manager wants

    to confirm that the users at the client-end are

    comfortable using the new application. Identify

    which of the following types of testing needs to be

    performed in the 1, Manual-support testing m


    Technique Solutions has developed an online

    auction application . The software is currently in

    its testing phase. Joseph, one of the testers, has

    been asked to test the performance of the

    application when a large number of users access

    it simultaneously, 1, Stress testing m


    Paraways Corp. has created an online shopping

    application for a leading chain of super stores.

    Now, the test manager for this project wants the

    application to be tested by the users at the client

    site. Identify which of the following types of testing

    need 1, Alpha testing m

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    Newwave Solutions is developing a payroll

    management system for a client. The testing

    phase of the project has just been completed.

    The defects identified are intimated to the

    development team for fixes. The development

    team fixed the defects quickly and

    1, The client should have been

    involved because then the

    development team would have

    done the fixes properly. m


    Newwave Solutions is developing a payrollmanagement system for a client. The testing

    phase of the project has just been completed.

    The testing team has identified certain defects

    that need to be fixed by the development team.

    The project manager wants th

    1, The development teamshould perform a thorough

    alpha testing because this will

    ensure that all the defects are

    addressed and closed

    effectively. m

  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums


    Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Solution

    2, Maximize the use of

    resources m

    3, To ensure that cost of

    production is less m

    4, Measure and review actual

    performance against a

    specified benchmark m 4

    2,The Recruitment Process m 3,The Performance Process m 4,The Appraisal Process m 2

    2,Hosting model and off-the-

    shelf ERP package m

    3,Consulting outsourcing

    model and custom ERP

    package m

    4,Hosting model and custom

    ERP package m 2

    2, Acts as a source of

    collecting customer information

    and customer queries m

    3, Analyzes customer behaviorand categorizes customers into

    current and prospective

    customers m

    4, Provides instant information

    about the customer and its

    purchasing details m 4

    2, Enhancing the product

    quality by improving production

    activities m

    3, Increasing sales by

    improving sales activities m

    4, Maintaining the contact

    information of the customers m 1

    2, Tested variables have a

    strong positive correlation. m

    3, Tested variables are not

    related. m

    4, Tested variables have a

    positive correlation. m 4

    2, 3 m 3, 2.1 m 4, 0 m 3

    2, Product information, time

    period, and work force m

    3, Product information, time

    period, and inventory m

    4, Product information, time

    period, work force, inventory,

    and time period m 4

    2,Complexity in maintaining

    data bases of employees m

    3,Less time for analysis,

    planning, and identifying

    important opportunities within

    the organization m

    4,More time in searching and

    selecting tasks m 3

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    2,The problem is that the ERP

    system lacked integration with

    a business intelligence tool that

    would use the ERP system

    data to generate trend analysisreports. To rectify the problem

    the ERP system needs to be

    integrated with a BI tool. m

    3,The problem is that the ERP

    system lacks integration with

    an eBusiness tool. To rectifythe problem the ERP system

    needs to be integrated with an

    eBusiness application. m

    4,The problem was thatinstead of an ERP system,

    they only needed to install a BI

    system. m 2

    2, Basic, extended, and

    custom service value m

    3, Elementary, extended, and

    custom service value m

    4, Elementary, extended, and

    special service value m 2

    2,Custom development

    workbench m 3,Administration utility m 4,Modules m 2

    2, Entry phase m 3, Exit phase m 4, Task phase m 4

    2, Create a logical framework

    for developing and pursuing

    production strategies over a

    particular time period m

    3, To ensure that materials are

    available for production at the

    right time m

    4, Schedule manpower and

    machine resources for

    maximum efficiency m 1

    2,The Training Process m3,The PerformanceManagement Process m 4,The Appraisal Process m 2

    2, Written survey m 3, The Internet survey m 4, Face-to-face interviews m 4

    2,In-house m 3,Partial m 4,Modular m 3

    2,Billing Management m

    3,Sales order entry and

    management m

    4,Sales master data entry and

    management m 1

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    2, Production plan m

    3, Master production schedule

    m 4, Capacity planning m 3

    2,Judge the strength m 3,Fair and just policies m

    4,Access to organizational

    information m 4

    2, Providing user manual and

    online help m

    3, Providing training material

    and demo applications m

    4, Providing a common training

    class for all employees m 3

    2,Outsourcing consultancy m 3,In-house m 4,Hosting m 3

    2, Web tracking m 3, Data analysis m 4, Data mining m 4

    2, Test script m 3,3 ,Test specifications m 4, Test procedure m 1

    2, Capacity Planning m 3, Inventory Planning m 4, Resource Planning m 1

    2,Only B m 3,Both A and B m 4,None of these m 3

    2, Unwillingness of theemployees in using the CRM

    system m

    3, Required production targets

    are not achieved on time m

    4, Effective training programsare not provided to the

    employees m 1

    2,In-house m 3,Partial m 4,Modular m 4

  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums


    2, Complex design and high

    upgradation cost m 3, No scope for upgradation m

    4, Upgradation will require

    alteast 2 years m 22, To ensure that each unit

    functions correctly across

    different versions of browsers.


    3, To ensure that the

    developed system can handle

    additional load. m

    4, To ensure the validity of the

    software application. m 1

    2, Developing a test plan

    strategy m

    3, Identifying the tasks to be

    performed m

    4, Computing the size of the

    application m 1

    2, Establishing the test bed. m

    3, Assigning test cases to test

    cycles. m

    4, Setting up the system test

    environment. m 4

    2, Developing an acceptance

    test plan m

    3, Executing the acceptance

    test plan m

    4, Developing an acceptance

    decision m 1

    2, Reporting the status of the

    application m

    3, Gathering statistics to

    develop defect resolutions for

    future applications m

    4, To identify the critical

    mistakes made as part of the

    development process. m 4

    2, It is the measure of defects

    before the delivery of software.


    3, It is the average time from

    one defect to the next defect

    occurrence during a test

    operation on a software

    project. m

    4, It is the measure of defects

    after the delivery of software.

    m 1

    2, To identify risks m

    3, To track the defects found

    during testing. m 4,To fix the defects m 3

    2, Providing technicalleadership for the test process

    m 3, Creating test data m

    4, Preparing test

    documentation m 2

    2, Test assumptions m 3, Test entrance/exit criteria m 4, Test effort m 4

    2, Integration testing m 3, System testing m 4, Acceptance testing m 1

    2, Identification of interim and

    final products for acceptance,

    along with their acceptance

    criteria. m

    3, Estimating the time and

    effort that should be spent on

    the software. m

    4, Scheduling adequate time to

    examine the product before the

    final acceptance review. m 3

    2, Bottom-Up testing m 3, Big Bang testing m 4, Hybrid testing m 3

    2, Code coverage tools m 3, Database tools m 4, Test report formats m 2

    2, Graphic tool m 3, Drawing tool m 4, Analysis tool m 4

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    2, Testing risk m 3, Premature release risk m 4, Business risk m 4

    2, Test manager m 3, Development team m 4, Customer m 2

    2, Wind-up phase. m 3, Execution phase. m 4, System study phase. m 2

    2, Reviewing the requirements

    document to ensure that the

    software requirements are

    complete and expressed as

    functional, performance, and

    interface requirements m

    3, Conducting Formal

    Technical Review of code m

    4, Assuring that the allocated

    modules are included in the

    detailed design m 3

    2, Unit testing m 3, Stress testing m 4, Recovery testing m 1

    2, Bottom-Up testing m 3, Hybrid testing m 4, Big Bang testing m 2

    2, It verifies whether the

    authorization rules have been

    properly implemented in the

    application. m

    3, It verifies whether the

    system is able to recover from

    varying degrees of failure. m

    4, It verifies whether a system

    can manage high volume of

    test plan execution. m 2

    2, Performance requirements


    3, Non-functional requirements

    m 4, Functional requirements m 4

    2, Implement codes in the

    software project to find known

    and common defects. m

    3, Develop code to count the

    number of defects in a

    software m

    4, Implement codes to slow

    down the software

    implementation m 2

    2, Defect Removal Effort m 3, Defect Regression Effort m

    4, Defect Removal Efficiency

    m 4

    2, Defect tracking tool m 3, Error tracking tool m 4, Analysis tool m 2

    2, 0.6 m 3, 0.06 m 4, 6.6 m 2

    2, Security testing m 3, Operations testing m 4, Recovery testing m 1

    2, High level design review

    checklist m 3, Testing review checklist m

    4, Detailed design review

    checklist m 1

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    2, Unit testing m 3, Acceptance testing m 4, System testing m 3

    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 2

    2, Decision Coverage m 3, Statement Coverage m

    4, Condition/Decision

    Coverage m 1

    2, Acceptance testing m 3, Integration testing m 4, System testing m 2

    2, To check if adequate

    backups have been made. m

    3,To check if the system

    achieves the desired level of

    performance. m

    4, To check if a system

    performs correctly over a

    continuous period of time. m 1

    2, Number of defects m 3, Mean time to failure m

    4, Project development effort

    m 1

    2, Pareto chart m 3, Control chart m 4, Histogram m 2

    2, Observation m 3, Brainstorming m 4, Questionnaire m 2

    2, Integration errors m 3, Compatibility errors m 4, Syntax errors m 3

    2, Planning process m 3, Test design m 4, Risk analysis m 2

    2, Boundary value analysis m 3, Regression analysis m 4, Extreme input testing m 3

    2, Hybrid testing m 3, Bottom-Up testing m 4, Top-Down testing m 4

    2, Developing acceptance plan


    3, Executing acceptance plan


    4, Developing acceptance

    decision m 1

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  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums


    2, MTTF m 3, DD m 4, Cyclomatic complexity m 2

    2, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m

    3, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    4, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m 1

    2, Provide constructive

    criticism to the teamindividually and in private. m

    3, Ask the team members in

    the next team meeting to

    provide justification of their nonperformance. m

    4, Provide constructive

    criticism to the team in the nextteam meeting. m 2

    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 4

    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 2

    2, Stress testing m 3, Regression testing m 4, Recovery testing m 2

    2, System testing m 3, Acceptance testing m 4, Unit testing m 4

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    2, Criteria m 3, Cause m 4, Effect m 4

    2, To indicate whether the

    software has been accepted or

    rejected, based on customerrequirements. m

    3, To indicate whether the

    software has been able to

    meet the critical acceptancerequirements. m

    4,4 ,To indicate whether the

    software has been corrected ofdefects. m 3

    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 4

    2, MTTF m 3, Cyclomatic Complexity m 4, DD m 3

    2, Project risk m 3, Technical risk m 4, Management risk m 1

    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 3

    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 1

    2,2 ,Parallel testing m 3, Operations testing m 4, Security testing m 2

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    2, Reliability testing m 3, Regression testing m 4, Operations testing m 1

    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 1

    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 2

    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 3

    2,Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m

    3,Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    4,Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m 1

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    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 1

    2, Operations testing m 3, Regression testing m 4, Integration testing m 1

    2, Analyze test case coverage

    against system requirements

    m 3, Evaluate the test results m

    4, Develop new test cases to

    test previously untested parts

    of a system m 3

    2, Scheduling resource and

    facility requirements m

    3, Preparing change control

    report m 4, Creating a project plan m 2

    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 2

    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 2

    2, Regression Testing m 3, Compliance Testing m 4, Intersystem Testing m 4

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    2, Both, Statement A andStatement B, are True. m

    3, Statement A is True andStatement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False andStatement B is True. m 3

    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 4

    2, Identify whether the softwaredeveloped meets customer

    requirements or not. m

    3, Provide information about

    the defects to the developmentteam and enable the team to

    reproduce the defect. m

    4, Provide information of the

    defects to the customer. m 3

    2, Software Size= Total

    number of operator tokens

    used + Total number of

    operand tokens used m

    3, Software Size= Total

    number of unique operator

    tokens used + Total number of

    unique operand tokens used m

    4, Software Size= Total

    number of operator tokens

    used * Total number of

    operand tokens used m 2

    2,Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    3,Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4,Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 1

    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 1

    2, Jack should check for the

    standard back up and recovery

    procedures and special

    security requirements. m

    3, Jack should confirm that thedifferent modules of the

    application can be successfully

    integrated to perform one or

    more application functions. m

    4, Jack should conduct

    performance and load tests on

    individual application

    components. m 4

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    2, Preparing appropriate test

    facilities m

    3, Identifying the business

    standards and procedures for

    software development m

    4, Considering customers

    requirements early during

    software development m 4

    2, 0.06 m 3, 0.6 m 4, 0.7 m 3

    2, Two or more processes m 3, Unusual events m 4, Low performance m 3

    2, BOTH the assertion and the

    reason are TRUE, but the

    reason IS NOT a correct

    explanation of the assertion. m

    3, The assertion is TRUE and

    the reason is FALSE. m

    4, The assertion is FALSE and

    hence the reason DOES NOT

    apply. m 1

    2, Identifying the impact of

    risks. m 3, Monitoring risks. m 4, Prioritizing risks. m 3

    2, Security testing m 3, Audit trail m 4, Data integrity m 3

    2, Non-functional requirement

    m 3, Performance requirement m 4, Interface requirement m 2

    2, 0.922 m 3, 0.75 m 4, 0.94 m 2

    2, No correlation between the

    tested variables m

    3, Positive correlation between

    the tested variables m

    4, Error during development

    and errors during testing are

    independent of one another m 3

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    2, Test scripts m 3, Checklists m 4, Decision tables m 4

    2, Budget risk m 3, Management risk m 4, Technical risk m 4

    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 4

    2, Non-functional requirement

    m 3, Interface requirement m 4, Performance requirement m 3

    2, 3 m 3, 4 m 4, 5 m 4

    2, Majority of data points lie

    below the lower limit of the

    control chart. m

    3, Majority of data points lie

    above the upper limit of the

    control chart. m

    4, Data points lie within the

    upper and lower limit of the

    control chart. m 4

    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 3

    2, Interviews m 3, Brainstorming m 4, Checklist m 3

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    2, Performance requirements

    m 3, Functional requirements m 4, Interface requirements m 2

    2, 32 defects m

    3, 0.18 defects per function

    point m 4, 1 defect per function point m 3

    2, The number of errors related

    to poorly defined objectives is

    the maximum and the number

    of developer errors is the

    minimum. m

    3, The number of errors related

    to poorly defined objectives is

    minimum. m

    4, The number of developer

    errors is the maximum. m 2

    2, BOTH the assertion and the

    reason are TRUE, but the

    reason IS NOT a correct

    explanation of the assertion. m

    3, The assertion is TRUE and

    the reason is FALSE. m

    4, The assertion is FALSE and

    hence the reason DOES NOT

    apply. m 3

    2, Risk impact m 3, Risk factor m 4, Risk mitigation strategy m 4

    2, Decision/Condition

    Coverage m 3, Path Coverage m 4, Condition Coverage m 1

    2, Communicate the software

    problems to the development

    team m 3, Reject the software m

    4, Review the software again

    m 3

    2, Tested variables have a

    negative correlation. m

    3, Tested variables are not

    related. m

    4, Tested variables are closely

    related in a positive manner. m 2

  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums


    2, Checklist m 3, Decision table m 4, Traceability tool m 1

    2, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m

    3, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    4, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m 4

    2, Planning process m 3, Test execution m

    4, Quantitative measurement

    m 2

    2, Non-Functional

    requirements m 3, Functional requirements m 4, Interface requirements m 2

    2, Exit phase m 3, Entry phase m 4, Verification phase m 4

    2, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m

    3, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    4, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are False. m 3

    2, Planning process m 3, Test design m 4, Test execution m 3

  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums


    2, Execution phase m 3, Design test cases phase m 4, Wind-up phase m 2

    2, Both, Statement A and

    Statement B, are True. m

    3, Statement A is True and

    Statement B is False. m

    4, Statement A is False and

    Statement B is True. m 3

    2, Test execution m 3, Test design m 4, Planning process m 4

    2, Interface requirement m

    3, Non-functional requirement

    m 4, Performance requirement m 3

    2, Performance testing m 3, Recovery testing m 4, Compliance testing m 4

    2, Train software testers. m

    3, Conduct inspection after

    each phase of SDLC. m

    4, Conduct checkpoint review.

    m 1

    2, Resources involved indeveloping the software m 3, Size of the software m

    4, Time period in which thesoftware was developed m 1

    2, Intersystem testing m 3, Control testing m 4, Integration testing m 1

  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums


    2, Tester m 3, Development team m 4, Test manager m 2

    2, Performance requirement m 3, Functional requirement m

    4, Non-functional requirement

    m 1

    2, Test scripts m 3, Checklists m 4, Checkpoint review m 3

    2, Williams should create a

    test summary report. m

    3, Williams should create a test

    log. m

    4, Williams should create a test

    incident report. m 3

    2, The test manager should

    select a regression testing tool.


    3, The test manager should

    select a traceability tool. m

    4, The test manager should

    select a traceability tool. m 4

    2, The testing team should

    create a test case specification

    document. m

    3, The testing team should

    create a test design

    specification document. m

    4, The testing team should

    create a procedure

    specification document. m 1

    2, A test design specification

    should be created. m

    3, A test case specification

    should be created. m

    4, A test procedure

    specification should be

    created. m 3

    2, System testing m 3, Error-handling testing m 4, Control testing m 1

  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums


    2, Premature release risk m 3, Management risk m 4, Market risk m 1

    2, Premature release risk m 3, Testing risk m 4, Software risk m 1

    2, Impact of failure of the

    software. m

    3, Complexity of the

    requirements defined in the

    project plan. m

    4, Business risks in developing

    the software. m 4

    2, Quantitative measurement

    m 3, Performing tests m 4, Test reporting m 3

    2, Creating test documentation.m 3, Executing tests. m 4, Creating test data. m 1

    2, Parallel testing m 3, Intersystem testing m 4, Integration testing m 3

    2, Regression testing m 3, Control testing m 4, Parallel testing m 2

    2, Recovery testing m 3, Regression testing m 4, Requirements testing m 1

    2, Recovery testing m 3, Regression testing m 4, Compliance testing m 1

    2, Beta testing m 3, Requirements testing m 4, Regression testing m 2

  • 7/27/2019 NIIT dums


    2, The testing team should

    have done the fixes

    themselves to shorten the

    process. m

    3, The development team

    should have done beta testing

    before giving the application for

    verification to the testing team.


    4, The development team

    should have done regression

    testing before giving the

    application for verification to

    the testing team. m 4

    2, The development teamshould perform thorough

    regression testing because this

    will ensure that all the defects

    are addressed and closed

    effectively. m

    3, The development teamshould perform a thorough

    beta testing because this will

    ensure that all the defects are

    addressed and closed

    effectively. m

    4, The development teamshould perform a thorough

    error-handling testing because

    this will ensure that all the

    defects are addressed and

    closed effectively. m 2

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