nino roso - gau - global autopoietic university

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 Nino Roso - GAU - Global Autopoietic University


  • 7/31/2019 Nino Roso - GAU - Global Autopoietic University


    The Tree of Life is an eclectic model an autopoietic one about the development of social

    systems, economies and human development eventually.

    A Great Teacher TD Lingo once said and applies to this diagram perfectly;

    You are a Tree with the roots down there in Anthropology and with the branches up there inCosmology

    So what if there is a solution to world failing economical situation? What if there is a neat

    catch that no one actually considered before? There is, and this Tree of Life IS that model,

    which is developed by Prof. Emeritus, dr. sc. Ante Lauc.

    No one in todays world Invests in people first, everyone invests in money or capital. Profit is

    what drives the economy and Greed. Thats why everything is failing down in monetary

    economy. This is by far the first mathematically (scientifically) explained and proofed model

    that shows how Investing in the people is at least 10 times more profitable then the usualinvesting in capital only. Imagine now just what kind of humane society we would be living

    in if the world bank the IMF the federal reserve and such and suh institutions DO actually

    invests in moral and intellectual and social capital FIRST? It all starts with education.

    One thing strikingly noticeable about modern educational system is that it's still 19-th century

    oriented (facts inputting) and almost entirely geared towards 'Left Brained' Intellect to the

    detriment of developing the right side 'equally'. Individuals with both brains equally

    developed are more mature, emotionally stable, less rigid in thinking patterns and etcetera.

    Overall, the individuals engaged in forms of mental development that target both halves

    equally are better learners and better and more productive and happier citizens of our culture.

    Overly educated in "books smarts" individuals tend to have certain problems in life and in

    their professional career as well, such things like having rigid attitudes, being stubborn and

    way too much goal oriented and specific so much so that their brain is almost unable to 'use

    some creativity from the right side' and solve problems at hand with 'the big picture view' of

    things. Similar but different in nature challenges were happening with the overly creative or

    we can say "street smarts" individuals. Someone so wildly creative who is blossoming in his

    her own creativity may be way too much disorganized in his personal or professional life. Not

    coming at time at work. Starting but not pursuing projects to their final realization, all

    characteristics of the left brained intellect which the overly creative individual lacks.

    Balance between two intellects leads to perfection, even genius. One quick famous example is

    Leonardo Da Vinci who was well versed into 'Fine Arts' like sculpting, painting, drawing and

    then again he was also brilliant in the 'left brained' intellectual proclivities like science, math,

    astronomy, biology etc. etc.

    Here's quick example of this balanced Left/Right brained approach to educational sistem; the

    'Orff Schulwerk', or simply the 'Orff Approach' music educational system that incorporates

    dance, music, movement, drama and speech into lessons that are similar to child's world of

    play. The Orff Schulewerk was developed by the German Composer Carl Orff (1895-1982)

    during the 1920s. The Orff Approach is a "child-centered way of learning" music education

    that treats music as a basic system like language and believes that just as every child can learnlanguage without formal instruction so can every child learn music by a gentle and friendly

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    Here's one more example of combining 'both' hemispheres for better learning acquisition; The

    Suggestopaedia teaching method developed by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov.

    It is used in different fields, but mostly in the field of foreign language learning. Lozanov has

    claimed that by using this method a teacher's students can learn a language approximatelythree to five times as quickly as through conventional teaching methods.

    suggestopedia is a system for liberation; liberation from the preliminary negative concept

    regarding the difficulties in the process of learning that is established throughout their life in

    the society. - Georgi Lozanov

    The natural conclusion here would be to include more of these 'artistic activities' into our

    overly left-brained curriculum of education, as "due to art activities' exercising the brains'

    right hemispheres would naturally de-lateralize students thinking." This would be correct line

    of thought, and then also providing more left-brained education to overly right-brained people.

    Exactly! One toolkit for balancing the Brain we have is neat high-tech sound approach toconsciousness evolution; SoundWave Meditation Program


    developed by Nino Roso.

    Stimulating the brain with SoundWave audio technology will safely and effortlessly take

    students to states of profoundly deep (and extremely pleasurable) meditation then stimulate

    the creation of new neural pathways between the right and left hemispheres of the brain,

    balancing the brain and leading it to a high-performance state scientists call "whole brain

    functioning" dramatically improve learning ability, memory, intuition, creativity, and the

    ability to focus, concentrate and think more clearly create true quantum leaps in personal

    self awareness significantly lower stress levels and lower the levels of harmful brain

    chemicals related to stress create remarkable improvements in mental and emotional

    healtheven in areas that have stubbornly resisted change with other approaches

    dramatically increase production of vital (and very pleasurable) brain chemicals related tolongevity, well-being, and quality of life.
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    GAU The society of free and moral, loving humans

    We do believe in the power of traditional values, and our vision of future is an autopoietic

    society through integration of this power with scientific and technological achievements.

    However, the only true freedom is the freedom based on morality.

    Without ethics there is no real freedom, only an illusion of freedom.

    Without ethics there is no creativity, only an imitation of creativity.

    Transformation happens by integration of moral and ethical values with scientific theories and

    this Marriage between cold Scientific method and the warm Philosophical method naturallyleads to the emergence of the understanding that Mind is a play and Love is a genuine social

    value in a community. A human being shall thus be the central strategic agent and processor

    of knowledge acquisition, production, and dissemination and creation. We all are a tool-using,

    culture-making, vision-exploring creatures and Yes WE Can create the Truth, the Beauty and

    the Goodness.

    Currently we are enjoying The Dominator Paradigm (Dominator Culture) collective

    psychological style, we are now the product peddlers, with infantile obsessions with the thing

    fetish and materialism and this dominator paradigm is the prime cause of patriarchy, rape,

    hatred and murder of gays and lesbians, greed, loss of contact with, and destruction of, theenvironment, cruelty to animals, lust for power, slavery, Fascism, war, and genocide.

    It is a mind-virus (meme or meme-complex) which arises and spreads by emotional and

    physiological, as well as cognitive and cultural means. A dominator paradigm is an unhealthy

    male ego paradigm, a control oriented, hierarchical, and oppression prone. We are clearly in

    the adolescence of our species and our full potential cannot be realized in the environment

    calculated to lock its members into the lower brain centers, into the competitive consciousness.

    To Survive and thrive in todays society one needs to effectively utilize his/her own snakebrain to produce more computations and responses that are required from him/her by the


    Lowest brain centers are the antithesis of the highest brain centers, ones triune Brain cannot

    compute both reptilian and paleomammalian computations of lust, aggression, greed, need for

    power, sex, money, status and the highest brain centers of pacifism, empathy, altruism and

    higher morality.

    You cannot be cooperative and competitive at the same time.

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    And so we are very proud to have qualities that are uniquely human jet those qualities are

    only manifested in those highest brain centers in anterior primate brain or frontal lobes, and

    those same qualities can virtually disappear as soon as one circuits into his/her own

    competitive parts, as is required by the culture we are living in and the education we are

    receiving, by the TV propaganda and so on and so forth. Do we want to grow and evolve into

    truth beauty and goodness?

    Of course not. Because this part of our brain, of our reptilian legacy wants to stay the same, it

    seeks comfort in the familiar, it avoids fear, its happy to dominate of conform and ultimately

    thats the job of the human ego.

    There is a little acronym you can use: (F.O.G.U) Fear Of Growing Up. Same can be applied

    to culture, which is composed of many individuals or groups of people. Its just a bigger

    boundary, same psychology underneath.

    Mission: Freedom through love, truth and knowledge

    Knowledge, the crucial commodity, knows no boundaries

    Science does not know real love and without the connection with the soul can produce no real

    freedom. And as stated before, ..only true freedom is the freedom based on morality. Withoutethics there is no real freedom..

    Morality is a human capital and it consists of moral, intellectual and social component. Only

    through the application of moral and ethical principles, through love, truth and knowledge

    may we attain freedom, personal freedom, social freedom, and freedom as the human race,

    living in accordance with all Gods creation.

    Project Goal: The Autopoietic University towards the Autopoietic Society

    The goal of our project is to create an autopoietic University where we will all together learn

    how to live and love, where we will all together learn. A true Great Learning Society. Quote

    from Prof.Dr.Sc.Ante Lauc below:

    Coming from small countries, which strived for ages, and still strive, through difficult times

    towards a fuller life, we realize that neither Croatia nor Bosnia and Herzegovina investedenough in the human capital. As true modernists we preferred to invest into material capital.

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    Owing to the war this material capital is largely destroyed now but now we see that more and

    more people learn to prefer to invest in themselves, rather then in material possessions.

    The project is presently planned to be initially grown in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Our plan is to establish a Global Autopoietic University (GAU) for Croatia and Bosnia and

    Herzegovina. This Autopoietic University shall be grown by people from around the world.

    We wish to mobilize exceptional individuals, those with the combination of best mind and

    heart, from all walks of life, be it Nobel Prize winners or exceptional craftsmen, priests, artists,

    scientists, businessmen or politicians. These distinguished individuals would teach, by giving

    lectures (audio, video, text), by individual mentoring and by teamwork with the pupils, a large

    population of students via the Internet.

    This knowledge transmission base would be integrated in the Global Autopoietic University.

    This University, linking all the teachers and students in an self-organizing structure, shall

    actually be a virtual university, where through the use of most modern communication and

    presentation technologies, through the Internet, and specifically through an Educational Grid,

    the integrated knowledge of teachers and students shall be accessible throughout the towns

    and villages of Bosnia and Herzegovina, throughout the towns and villages of Croatia, and,

    naturally, throughout the towns and villages of the world.

    The Internet is a miracle in this sense, as it allows a huge and growing population in the world

    to be virtually on any place they wish. The emerging Educational Grid technology will be

    able to actually link all those people into one great project team, allowing not only common

    meeting ground or scheduled common lectures, but also, through the integration of e-science

    and e-learning, teamwork of the highest quality in all kinds of distributed experiments. Theemerging e-society will be an autopoietic society, based on love, truth and knowledge, and

    will empower each such individual to express his personal freedom in a best possible way for


    Companies, organizations and communities which will participate in this project will

    gradually, through the interchange of knowledge and experience, become learning

    organizations, which is a prerequisite for survival through the modern chaotic economy.

    It is obvious that the better the human potential of the lecturers, employing the wisest moral,

    honest and knowledgeable professors and teachers, the better the students demand forknowledge and for learning. However, no professor or teacher can know more alone than with

    his students. Therefore it is obvious that a teamwork of teachers and students will produce the

    best new teachers, former students, in a purely networked autopoietic way, and will produce

    the best true knowledge and experience for the furtherment of mankind. And we all know that

    a good teacher is only the one which has pupils that surpass him or her. Closed Quote.

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    Autopoietic self-organization through true knowledge

    The development is produced and consumed whenever and wherever educated, free and

    creative people come together. In the world today we have a new quality, the Internet, whichcan ensure much faster development and much faster knowledge dissemination around the

    world than it was possible in any time of the past.

    Internet, especially through the development of Scientific, Social and Educational Grids, will

    become a catalyst of globalisation in a positive sense. Knowledge and experience transformed

    through the power of communication will reshape every product, every service, and every job

    throughout every country and the whole world community.

    The key strategic resource necessary for future prosperity has become an ethical and

    knowledgeable worker. Added value is produced by the difference between the private andthe social rate of return of knowledge. This obvious relation is, unfortunately, still not

    properly recognized in non-Christian economics.

    The key question in economic development and investment strategies is: what is the rate of

    return from investment in human and/or physical capital?

    The modern Chicago school of economy insists that the rate of return of both the

    investment in human and in physical (material) capital is the same. Following this theory, we

    have to invest 50% in each of these resources (intangible and tangible assets).

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    However, the postmodern Osijek autopoietic school has shown that the social rate of return

    is 3-25 times (depending on other variables) higher then the private rate of return.

    The methodology of this project is designed in such a way as to compose a strategy that will

    confirm and validate this discovery on a large scale. We shall be ready to invest more in the

    human capital (moral, intellectual, and social capital) to get a higher investment return rate,

    leading to development and prosperity.

    The ABCDmodel of the consumption/production of a society shows that there can be seen

    four types of individuals involved in social organization (economic, knowledge or other):

    In the world today, not only in transition countries, but also in the most developed ones, we

    can see a strict stratification between the individuals of type C, (Eros Principle) which do not

    produce much, but consume a lot, and individuals of type B, which produce a lot, (agape

    principle) but consume meagrely. This stratification is obvious not only inside different

    countries, but even much more so in the stratification between communities, populations and

    whole countries in the global economy.

    Our aim is to attain the state A (win/win principle balanced Eros and Agape) from the above

    model for all willing individuals, primarily not in the material, physical sphere, but in the

    sphere of knowledge, and through true knowledge in the sphere of full human freedom. We

    wish to attain a society where individuals produce a lot of freedom for others and consume alot of freedom for themselves in an balanced, self-organized autopoietic way. The physical

    reality will soon follow this development.

    "Eros and agapeascending love and descending lovecan never be completely separated.

    The more the two, in their different aspects, find a proper unity in the one reality of love, the

    more the true nature of love in general is realized... On the other hand, man cannot live by

    oblative, descending love alone. He cannot always give, he must also receive. Anyone who

    wishes to give love must also receive love as a gift..."

    - From the Encyclic written by Pope Benedikt XVI, "Deus Caritas Est"

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    Eros - "consuming" (Type C Individuals) and Agape "giving" (Type B Individuals) should be

    balanced in harmony (Type A Individuals) as harmony is the way of Nature. Jin/Jang.

    Win/Win. The only way to truly win the game of life is with and through other people, is

    through win/win deals (Type A individuals - produce a lot (agape) consume a lot (eros) in a

    balanced way) This we feel is possible by reprocessing and restructuring acting entities and

    relations between them.

    To accomplish this goal we use an autopoietic approach. The autopoietic methodology

    enables the projecting and control of the growth and development of a self-organizing

    network of free individuals and societies. Such a system, from its very beginning starts being

    vital, self-supporting. The aim is to attain self-sufficiency as early in the process as possible.

    This, naturally, presupposes high total quality management, just in time production, ethical

    and, naturally, legal ways of protecting knowledge throughout the networks, and assuring of

    privacy of producers and consumers in general.

    In this project the greatest challenge for the lecturers and the recipients of knowledge will beto develop a spirit of learning instead of the spirit of teaching. Out of a generally allopoietic

    society, the result of an allopoietic approach currently operational, where everything is

    defined by outside forces (Capital and/or Government, pyramidal power distribution

    throughout the economic and social life), by using the power of computer networks we are

    able to design autopoietic organisations where almost everything is designed from inside

    (own heart and mind as the channel for God, own company, own country and state).

    In autopoietic teams and organisations consumers and producers will be self-organizingly

    operationally closed owing to the knowledge base and the networking of people and resources.

    Our main objective is to, as much as possible, develop the level of knowledge necessary for

    competent decision making in the technological, economic, legal, and political area.

    A team of individuals, organizations and institutions, a team network, a grid of teams will be

    developed, dedicated to the improvement of higher education through the effective and

    efficient application of information technology following the rationale of the autopoietic

    theory (development of motivation, knowledge, teamwork etc., based on the idea that a true

    prosperous society can exist only if each entity gives more to the community than it takes

    from it).

    True knowledge can be achieved by education networks linking best providers of knowledgewith the best learners. The teams shall consist of specialities (psychology, technology,

    economy, law etc.), and the projects they develop for the GAU, before and during actual

    implementation, shall be verified in workshops and conferences on national and international


    Some criteria for estimating the quality of the individual projects, as well as for the whole

    Global Autopoietic University could be:

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    Reliability does the project actually work and give positive results? Validity does it improve the quality of everyday work and life? Accessibility is there the technology available making the knowledge accessible to


    Cost are the results free of charge or with minimal fee, is the project self-sustainable? Freedom does the project liberate rather than enslave? Create free time rather than

    soak it up, create quality of life (having, loving, being according to Maslow)?

    Universality is the project autopoietically spreadable through achievedcommunication, or is it just producing more chaos (producing an allopoietic situation)?

    Phasing: Autopoietic method of project development

    The project of the Global Autopoietic University as a whole, and the individual sub-projects

    will unfold in a series of (generally four) phases per cycle. However, the exact duration of the

    evolvement will depend upon participants, their motivation, knowledge, as well as the group

    dynamic, and the quality of the emerging network.

    It is obvious that, specially at the beginning, the teams and projects should need the help of

    the spiritual, academic, political and economic leaders. In the last phases the links and the

    network established between the project and the spiritual, academic, political and economic

    leaders will enable a self-sustainability of the project, without an explicit conducting effort on

    the side of the project leaders in that area.

    Therefore the full project cycle is actually defined in phases divided into kairological units

    (the right time to do something), and not linearly or chronologically defining dates or

    occasions. It is important to note that an autopoietic project can evolve only through cyclical

    implementation of kairological moments.

    From our past project experiences we did effectively project an autopoietic phasing plan of

    proper kairological moments, which will be introduced into the linear timing depending on

    the variables known to bound the chronological timing of intended and intending individuals,

    using the autopoietic development method, with the stream of proper moments.

    Conclusion: Towards a better future

    I would like to present the results of the conducted research in the scientific project Synergy

    of human, physical and financial capital for autopoietic development in RH, approved by the

    Ministry of Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, as well as models and

    hypotheses on which we have designed strategy for our society.

    Variance of social development can be explained by the equation:

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    Y = ax1 + bx2 + CX3 + dx4 + ex5 + fx6,

    where Y is an expression of full development, the coefficients af are the weights of

    independent variables, with the moral capital (motivation of employees) x1, x2 is intellectualcapital ( knowledge and skills of employees), social capital (human relationships) x3, x4 for

    physical capital ( technical equipment), financial capital is x5 and x6 is environment of

    observation system. The relationship of these coefficients as follows:

    a> b> c> d> e> f

    With existing human, physical and financial resources, our research has shown that RHshould have gross domestic product almost twice the current level. In this project we propose

    that in a short period of time (3-5 years) with increased motivation for work, higher

    knowledge level and organization capabilities, it is possible that wages could be two or three

    times higher.

    The last research, we have conducted on a sample of 52 countries, with new data for year

    2008, showed that the coefficients are in accordance with our expectations (Ante Lauc;

    Metodologija drutvenih znanosti, Osijek, 2000) :

    a > b > c.

    The variance of GDP per capita countries in the world, or the degree of development of

    countries is explained over 90% (R square coefficient is 0.92) with human capital (moral,

    intellectual, and social).

    We got the equation:


    The greatest impact on GDP per capita for these countries has the moral capital (in the matrix

    of linear correlation coefficient is 0.91, in a multiple linear correlation a coefficient is 1895),

    then the intellectual capital (in the matrix of linear correlation coefficient is 0.88, in a

    multiple linear correlation b coefficient is 219) and, finally, social capital (in the matrix of

    linear correlation coefficient is 0.55, in a multiple linear correlation c coefficient is 89).

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    Every one of us personally, especially the managers in the economy and politics, as soon as

    possible should become the masters in the theory of motivation, learning the relevant

    knowledge and creating team organization.

    We could create a rich, happy, and free RH, but it requires the engagement of every individual,

    regardless of the job done. Human development will result in organizational, economic and

    cultural development of the whole community. It is important to develop a shared vision and

    learning organization (according to Peter Senge) , which constantly need reprocessing andrestructuring elements and relations within autopoietic entities and creating something better

    (need for good), more knowledgeable (need for truth) and on higher cultural level (need for

    beauty) than it was in previous iteration.

    Network of all teams from the institutions of local self-government (territorial) and business

    (functional) to the level of the state ( the ministries and parliament ) through autopoietic

    theory and technology will bring us to the permanent synthesis. Responsible people in

    government and parliament must recognize what is the basis for a much larger investment in

    the development of human potential of the Republic of Croatia, and it should be a priority in

    the development strategies.

    The causes of economic, legal, and political problems are in the processes of investing

    primarily in physical capital instead into people, from which it follows that we must

    reverse the cycle and invest primarily in people who will owing to it develop their

    motivation and the relevant level of knowledge and contribute to overall progress, as

    seen from the two charts up.

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    Drivers of development should be the fittest and the most honest individuals and companies

    (they are located in quadrant B). If a critical mass of B people do not support this approach,

    but C players are still better self-organized and developmentally incompetent, RH will as a

    society and the state continues to falter and stagnate.

    From the current allopoietic paradigm of the social sciences we can not achieve autopoietic

    development, but with postmodern knowledge of the biosphere, noosfere, psychosfere and

    tehnosfere we can create new paradigms (self-organization theory, fractal theory, the theory

    of deterministic chaos and theory of autopoiesis) it is possible to create it.

    To achieve autopoietic society we need a network of project teams in companies and public

    institutions. Interdisciplinary teams should be composed of engineers (physical capital),

    economists (financial capital) and lawyers (human capital). Other professionals (psychologist,

    sociologist etc.) should contribute in a way that will lead to honest, intelligent and beautiful

    solution. For this we need a digital learning, where all the best in physics, chemistry, biology,

    philosophy, psychology, engineering, economics, law, political science and art will be

    transparent in sound, pictures, movies, and text over the Internet (see Global Autopoietic

    University GAU). The next graph through links will be developed and help anyone,

    anywhere, anytime to learn to live in LOVE and FREEDOM.

    In such ispirit of 'LOVE' and 'FREEDOM' we have recently conducted a media Project; "Song

    for seven billion voices" in our City Osjek (Click for YouTube Clip)

    In this public celebration of Love and Freedom we have incorporated the dance, the song the

    Capoiera music, Hooponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) an ancient Hawaiian practice ofreconciliation and forgiveness:

    "I am sorry", "Please forgive me", "I love you", "I thank you".

    Here is the letter to all leaders of the world:

    SONG FOR SEVEN BILLION VOICES AND THE LIBRARY OF THE PLANET EARTHto Leaders of all the countries in the World.

    My name is Matej Matus. I'm in sixth grade of elementary school Ivana Filipovia in Osjek,

    Croatia. My favourite subjects are geography, music education and foreign languages. My

    language professors in school are not very happy with that. Every one of them wishes me to

    know their language the best. outside of the school I like to play national instruments and

    listen to national music, but also to play soccer, extreme sports, ride a horse and to learn about

    the cultures of non-European people. In my free time I like to participate in different projects

    promoting peace, love and freedom in artistic ways with a group of my friends enthusiasts.
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    Please forgive me for taking away your precious time, but I am speaking directly to You and

    I'm asking You and Your people to join me in the project "Song for seven billion voices",

    which goals are:

    - that all of the people om planet Earth stop for a moment, and realize that we all live in one

    place, on the same planet and that our future depends only on ourselves - from little newborn

    baby to you - a leader of one whole nation.

    - that all of the people on planet Earth, regardless of cultural differences, become strong

    enough and soft enough, so they can look in each other's eyes and speak the words; I'm

    sorry ... please forgive me ... I love you .. thank you"

    - that all of the people at one day, in the nearest possible future (and I'm sure you can make a

    hughe contribution here) in the same moment sing the song of peace love and freedom - songfor seven billion voices, song that can be sung on seven billion ways ...

    You will make me happy, if you can, as a sign of your support for this project, send to my

    school a book which will present your nation in the library of the planet Earth - the library

    which has a space for every country, every culture. I'm sorry because a library like that doesn't

    already sxist in every city - a library which would draw attention to the universal value

    ofevery single plant, animal, every human being. I think people would be much closer to each

    other, regardless of distance, and they could send a message about peace, love and freedom,they could say; "I love you" to every living being, even in the remotest, most inaccessible part

    of the world.

    In the end, or I hope the new beginning, beginning that will in earliest possible time connect

    seven billion voices in song of peace, love and freedom, I greet you from Croatia, from the

    city of Osjek which was not so long ago a driving force of the only successful UN

    peacekeeping mission in the world. Thank you.

    Signed: Matej Maus

    Can we all learn to live in PEACE and LOVE and FREEDOM on this suicidal planet?

    Yes WE Can.

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