niraj sharma(cash operation

Post on 21-Feb-2018






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  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Cash Operation

    Niraj SharmaNCC Bank

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    What is cash?Cash means currency notes whichare in vogue (type) in different

    denominations issued & guaranteedby Central Bank of the country as

    means of settlement of public debt.

    Cash are the most liuid assets of

    any possessor.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    What is Cash !uivalent then?Cash euivalents are those assets

    other than currency notes which

    can be easily or within very uickand"or specified time period

    converted into cash i.e. currencynotes.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    #ow cash is generated in the

    bank?Cash is generated by deposit

    transactions of the bank. $t may be

    %ccount eposit and or other forms

    of deposits as reuired and allowed

    by banks. Withdrawal by a normal'C cheue may reduce the deposit

    of physical cash.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Who manages such cash? %nd how?

    $n every bank there is Cash epartment managing

    and handling cash items. $t ensures the collectionof physical cash and arranges it properly. hen

    based on the capacity of the vault (Where

    physically Currency notes are reserved with proper

    insurance coverage) the e*cess and over cash aresent to concerned institutions responsible for such

    transactions. +or us ,epal -astra Bank (,-B) is

    that $nstitution where e*cess and over cash (i.e. not

    unutilied cash) are dumped into our account with,-B. 'ut of this dumped cash certain

    percentages are statutory reuirements as a

    cushion to depositors.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    What is C-- (Cash -eserve

    -atio)?% prescribed percentage of physicalcash reuired to be maintained at

    ,epal -astra Bank (,-B) at ouraccount. his is a Cushion to eposits

    of the Bank. C-- is /./0 of total

    eposits. hat means if total deposit is-s.122 as a C-- -s. /./2 should be

    held as Cash -eserve at ,-B.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    What types of balances are considered for

    C-- calculation?'nly cash balance maintained with ,epal -astra

    Bank (,-B). +or calculation following accounts are

    considered3Current %ccount eposits

    3,ormal 4aving %ccount eposits

    3+i*ed eposit eposits

    %part from these 'ther eposits such as +C5eposits 6argin %ccounts etc are not included in

    the calculation.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    What is eposit?$t is liability of a bank received from

    Customers of the Bank in agreement to

    give or may not give return to thedepositors in specified intervals. 4uch

    liabilities are in the form of emand

    erm or 7uasi term eposits and orothers as may be agreed upon.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    #ow the deposit liabilities are

    created?eposit liabilities are created once the

    account of a customer is opened and moneyis deposited into the account by way of

    a) %ccount ransfer ( Balance ransfer)

    b) 8hysical Cash eposit.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation




    The basic function of Cash Department

    is receipt an pa!ment of cash an

    cash items che"ues#$

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    The summarized functions of the CashSection are as follows:

    eposit of cash over the counter.

    8ayment of cash" cheue over the counter

    eposit of cash items (cheues) over the


    8urchase and 4ale of foreign currency Cash"C

    Cash give and take among ellers"#ead eller

    Cash transfer 3$nter Branch and ,-B Cash vault operation.

    Cash position management and


  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Deposit of cash into customer%s


    1. 9et cash from the customer along with eposit:oucher" 4lip filled in two copies; original andcounterfoil.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    =. 6ake sure both copies of the deposit slips contain thesame information.

    >. While counting the notes ensure that none of thepiece is mutilated fake or unacceptable in any way tothe Bank.

    /. 8ass the entry in the computer system

    . !nsure that the name of the depositor mentioned in

    the deposit slip tallies with the name appearing in thesystems while posting.

    @. 6ark both copies of the deposit slip with ACash'ecei(e stamp and initial deposited amount thereonalong with your signature.

    . #and over the

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    )roceures for Che"ue Encashment &

    1. 9et the Bank cheue from the customer with thecheue presenterEs endorsement.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    /. :erify the signature and account operation instruction.

    . ,ote down the denomination of cash and its summationon the back of the cheue.

    @. 6ark A8ay cash or ACash 8aid stamp and sign on it.. 9et the signature of the cheue presenter once again

    on the back of the cheue to ensure the right payee andacknowledgement of receipt of cash and pay the cash.

    D. %ll the cheues are valid up to months unless

    mentioned on it.12. he common reasons for getting the transaction into

    stack are as follows a. Out of debit amount limit

    b. Insufficient available balance. c. Account frozen

    d. Incorrect check number.

    e. Dormant account

    f. Stop payment held etc.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Date of The Che"uei.e. banker should check whether thecheue drawn is 4tale Cheue ( i.e. a predated cheue not

    presented for payment within a reasonable period after the dateof issue)

    'r 8ost ated Cheue ( i.e. Cheue having date subseuent to

    the date on which it is drawn)

    Stale Cheque; % cheue dated 1st Baisakh presented tothe bank on Chaitra i.e. after si* months of issue.

    Post Dated Cheque; % cheue dated

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Forei*n currenc! Cash+TC purchase+

    Deposit & +C5 Cash"C can be purchased from ,epalese as

    well as foreigners.

    9et +C5 Cash"C and passport from the seller along

    with the +C5 encashment application form.

    !nsure the +C5 Cash"C is acceptable as per ,-B


    9ets a photocopy of passport evidencing foreign trip

    and detail address of seller.

    +or +C5 Cash pass entry by debiting +C5 teller and

    crediting ,-4 teller. %pply cash buying rate.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Forei*n currenc! Cash+TC purchase+

    Deposit cont,$ +or +C5 C debit C purchase a"c and credit ,8-

    teller a"c. %pply other instrument buying rate.

    $ssue +oreign Currency !ncashment -eceipt.

    +C5 cash up to F4

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Forei*n currenc! Cash+TC purchase+

    Deposit cont,$ $n case of cash deposit into +C5 account take 10


    $n case of C purchase" deposit take 2./0


    $n case of $,- /22 and 1222 denomination notes are

    not allowed to purchase as per ,-B regulation.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Cash *i(e an take amon* Te--ers+Hea Te--er &

    he #ead eller distributes the reuired amount of cash to

    the ellers. he ellers are given certain cash holdinglimits during the transaction hour. $f any eller is

    short"e*cess of cash he"she can get"give the cash from"to

    the #ead eller. he #ead eller monitors and helps for

    maintaining optimum level of cash with the ellers. %ny

    such cash transaction between the #ead eller and theellers is called ECash 9ive and akeE transaction.

    4ometimes two tellers may also 9ive and ake with the

    permission of the #ead eller. he ECash 9ive and akeEtransaction is recorded in the computer system through

    the G9ive and akeH module.

    $f cash is not balanced the difference amount should be

    booked in cash GshortH or GoverH with the approval of

    higher authority.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Other operations 'e-ate to Cash Department

    .$ Cash Transfer bet/een the Branches

    0$ Cash Transfer to + from N'B

    1$ Cash 2au-t Operations Cash (au-t

    2au-t ke! arran*ement

    2au-t ke! re*ister

    2au-t 3o* Book

    2au-t Ba-ance 'e*ister+2au-t Cash Book

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Other Operations 'e-ate to Cash Department

    .$ Cash Transfer bet/een the Branches

    0$ Cash Transfer to + from N'B

    1$ Cash 2au-t Operations Cash (au-t

    2au-t ke! arran*ement

    2au-t ke! re*ister

    2au-t 3o* Book

    2au-t Ba-ance 'e*ister+2au-t Cash Book

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Cash )osition

    Cash position at an! point of time is the sum of

    three states of cash 4Cash in (au-t5 Cash inTe--er an Cash in transit#$ The ba-ance sho/n

    b! the Computer S!stem at an! point of time

    shou- ta--! /ith the ph!sica- ba-ance of each

    state of the cash position as mentione abo(epro(ie a-- the transaction are poste an

    appro(e in the s!stem$ The cash position at

    an! point of time shou- be /ithin the

    insurance -imit$

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Cash )osition Insurance

    For securit! purpose5 the cash position shou-

    ha(e ae"uate insurance co(era*e$ The amountof insurance ma! iffer from branch to branch$

    The branches nee to kno/ their respecti(e

    insurance -imits an maintain the cash

    accorin*-!$ In case5 the branch has some

    e6cess cash position than the insurance

    co(era*e -imit5 aitiona- temporar! co(era*e

    shou- be obtaine b! fa6in* the re"uest of that

    to the nominate insurance compan! /ith cop!

    to the 7enera- Aministration Department5Corporate Office$


    Cash at 2au-t5 Te--er Cash5 Cash in Transit

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation



    Durin* the course of a business a! a number

    of instruments 4che"ue5 raft etc# are eposite/ith a bank for co--ection b! its customers$

    These instruments ma! be ra/n on ifferent

    branches of (arious banks an a co--ectin*

    bank has to ph!sica--! present the instruments

    for co--ection to each ra/ee bank+branch$ Thec-earin* s!stem pro(ies a con(enient an /e--

    estab-ishe institutiona- mechanism to take

    care of the prob-em of ph!sica- e-i(er! of

    instruments as /e-- as funs transfer bet/eenifferent banks$

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation



    Durin* the course of a business a! a number

    of instruments 4che"ue5 raft etc# are eposite/ith a bank for co--ection b! its customers$

    These instruments ma! be ra/n on ifferent

    branches of (arious banks an a co--ectin*

    bank has to ph!sica--! present the instruments

    for co--ection to each ra/ee bank+branch$ Thec-earin* s!stem pro(ies a con(enient an /e--

    estab-ishe institutiona- mechanism to take

    care of the prob-em of ph!sica- e-i(er! of

    instruments as /e-- as funs transfer bet/eenifferent banks$

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    T!pes of C-earin*

    3oca- Currenc! C-earin*

    Forei*n Currenc! C-earin*

    Out/ar C-earin*

    Out/ar C-earin* is the c-earin* of instruments

    eposite b! our customers$ These instruments are

    ra/n on other banks+financia- institutes in thesame -oca-it! or outstation$

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Out/ar C-earin*

    he clearing process begins with the acceptance ofclearing instruments by the front desk.

    he person receiving the instruments for collection should

    ensure that the deposit slip is filled up properly

    incorporating all details of instruments to be sent forcollection.

    he receiving person in the front desk then puts the

    Banks received stamp and initial on the deposit slip (on

    both the Bank and Customer Copy) and the customer

    copy is handed back to the customer. he received dateshould be correctly ensured and affi*ed clearly on both the

    copies of the deposit slip.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Out/ar C-earin* cont,

    he details of instruments should be recorded in theCheue -eceived -egister by the receiving person

    and forwarded to the Clearing Fnit" epartment for

    further processing.

    On basis of the authori9e eposit s-ip5 theinstruments are checke an punche into the

    s!stem for (a-ue ate creit to ini(iua-


    Crossing stamps and endorsements should beaffi*ed on all instruments and cross checked before

    they are dispatched for clearing"collection.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Out/ar C-earin* cont,

    he instrument and deposit slip is segregated at thisstage.

    he clearing summary sheet for collection to respective

    banks with the number of instruments and the amount

    to be claimed is generated from the system. $ndividualsheets of instruments to be drawn on respective

    branches of other banks are generated as well. he

    clearing summary sheet and individual sheets are to be

    checked again and authoried by the esk 'fficer

    before being finally dispatched.

    he verification check list of all clearing items for credit

    to respective accounts is generated and audited on

    basis of the deposit slips.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    In/ar C-earin*

    $nward Clearing is the clearing of $nstruments presentedby other banks through the clearing house for the debit of

    our customers account.

    Steps + )roceures&

    otal number of instruments received and the total claimfrom other banks and financial institutions should match

    the total inward claim for the day. he separate claim

    from banks and financial institutions should also be

    ensured correct. Clearing epartment should ensure that the instruments

    received for payment are in order and correct in all

    aspect. Crossing and endorsements should be checked

    as well.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    In/ar C-earin* cont$$

    he instruments to be honored are passed for paymentas per authority delegated in the system.

    he unpaid instruments are reIected to the Clearing

    #ouse by

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    :oa-ities of the C-earin* House

    he clearing summary sheet of the total presentation ispresented to the Clearing #ouse before 12;22 %6 every

    business day and presenting and accepting of

    instruments with other relative members takes place.

    he Clearing #ouse will then prepare 1st

    settlement ofclearing transaction of that day and will provide a copy

    of that settlement to each member bank showing the

    total volume of total acceptance and total presentation

    from"to each member banks (in amounts).

    $f any mistakes or corrections are found in the 1st

    4ettlement an adIustment summary is presented to the

    Clearing #ouse within

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    :oa-ities of the C-earin* House cont$$

    he instruments that are not honoured are fa*ed to theClearing #ouse within

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Nettin* of C-earin* Transactions&

    % net settlement is arrived at the clearing house and thedebit or credit position of the bank is determined. hese

    are booked in their current accounts maintained by the

    settling bank. his represents the inter3 bank settlement.

    he payment process is completed only when the funds

    are debited from the drawerEs account and credited to

    he payeeEs account. his occurs after the completion of

    the return clearing.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Nettin* of C-earin* Transactions&

    otal out!ard clearin" cheques presented # $$$$$ %ess& return out!ard clearin" cheques # $$$$$

    Net receivable = xxxxx

    otal in!ard clearin" cheques received # $$$$$

    %ess& return in!ard clearin" cheques # $$$$$

    Net payable = xxxxx

    Netting of Clearing Transaction # '() Payable * '+) ,eceivable

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    'e*u-arisation of C-earin* )rocees&

    he outward clearing is regularied at the end of dayin the system and the proceeds of collection realied

    to individual accounts after adIusting the returned

    cheues. he cheue receivable and cheue sent for

    collection accounts should be ero at the end of the

    day. he corresponding entry to ,-B account should

    match the advice received from the Clearing #ouse.

    %ny difference should be immediately informed to the

    Clearing $n3charge "Branch 6anager.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    'e*u-arisation of C-earin* )rocees&

    he outward clearing is regularied at the end of dayin the system and the proceeds of collection realied

    to individual accounts after adIusting the returned

    cheues. he cheue receivable and cheue sent for

    collection accounts should be ero at the end of the

    day. he corresponding entry to ,-B account should

    match the advice received from the Clearing #ouse.

    %ny difference should be immediately informed to the

    Clearing $n3charge "Branch 6anager.

  • 7/24/2019 Niraj Sharma(Cash Operation


    Thank ;ou

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