niw Üblians klpublloam türdat, jijly 4, 1876. 8 monetary ...€¦ · st. george hotel, offenbach...

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8N iw ÜBLIANS klPUBLlOAM TüRDAT, J i JlY 4, 1876.

r o u a i w » Ll

troops reaching the Servie* froaUer b y way of the Danube. Th« Austrian « G en era l 8trathnieH>vitz, hsa been nppointed second in of the Servian oorpe ni Alexi-

y s fM n of I l t fS l ta l iM U -T irk iK k Troop« M n s c l u *

ConsTAHTirfbi’LE, July 2.—A letter from Vrinee Milan was delivered to the Grand Vizier on Thursday last, demanding the incorporation of Bosnia and Herzegovina with Servis nnder the suzerainty of the

Negotiations between the Prince of Mon-* tenegro and the Porte for an arrangement wn the basis of accession of territory failed. Both Servians and Montenegrins are ready to croes the frontier. War is imminent.

The Midhat reforme are indefinitely poet-

P<Prinee Milan baa asked the Prince of Koumania to observe a strict neutrality torthe present. .. _ ..

The Ottoman gunboats are ascending tne river Dannbe'beyond the Turkish banks.

The report that the Servians and Monte- had crossed the frontier is oon-negrins



M exican V eterans ea B ea te .St. L o o is , July 3.-Between forty and

fifty Mexiean veterans from Texas p a j« d through this city, bound for Philadelphia.

The exchanges have adjourned to Wednes­day.

Preparations a t M em phis.Memphis, July 3 —To-day was generally

given up to preparation for the celebration to-morrow. Main and other prominent streets present a gay appearance with a liberal display of bunting and a band parad­ing the streets and playing national airs. A salute was tired from the bluffs this after­noon by ex-federal and ex Confederate artil­lerymen. Thirteen guns will be fired at midnight and all" bells rung. Indications are that the celebration to-morrow will sur­pass any ever witnessed here.

A t M obile.Mo b il e , July 3 —The fourth will be gen­

erally observed by the citizens and mili­tary. A large number of firemen from New Orleans are here on a visit, guests of Mobile firemen.

At M ontgom ery.Montg om ery , July 3.—The fourth will

be celebrated in grand style in this city, in­cluding national salute, oration, military parade and fireworks at night.

The Mayor Moses, of the oity, sends the following to General Hawley, president of the centennial committee:

The people of Montgomery, the birth­place Of the Confederate government, though the oity council, extend a cordial and fraternal greeting to all the people of the United States, with the earnest prayer for porpotoation, concord and brotherly feelings throughout our land.

T he F eotiv ltle« a t Philadelph ia.P h il a d e l p h ia , July 3.—Strangers are

flocking to the oity. Independence Hall is the centre of attraction. The attendance a t the eentennial building to-day was very large. Governor Hayes had a reception at the Ohio State building; many prominent persons were present.

The celebration of the anniversary of American independence was inaugurated to-night by a grand torchlight procession by the civic and industrial societies. Long before dark great crowds of people gathered on Broad street, from Christian street to Columbian avenne, a distance of several miles, to view the great torchlight proces­sion, arranged to celebrate the completion of a century and welcome the advent of a new century in the history of the republic. Every pi ice from which a view of the pageant could be obtained was promptly occupied. Considerable sums we paid for eligible positions. Probably 500,000 persons are on Broad

of a small boat near the Eureka Club House, Newark, yesterday. Two more men and a boy were also drowned in the Passaic rirer, near Newark, yesterday afternoon, while bathing.


P ardon e f C em m ailats.P a r is , July 3.—One hondred and twenty

more Communists have been pardoned.A New P arty .

Irreconcilable Radical members of the Chamber of Deputies, to the number of twenty-three, met a t the residence of M. Louis Blanc yesterday and formed a special party.A C oban In s nr s e n t Chieftain B a m a a d e d

aad E scapee—O flela l M alfeaaaaee.H a vana , via Key West, July 3.—The in-

s urgent chief Yazleseta, who waa entirely c losed io by the Spanish troops on one side and by the sea on the other, in the marshy district .called Cienaga Deaapata, has ef­fected bia escape. He aent a flag of trace to tfae government of Matanzas, offering to surrender himself with his mes the next day at a place oalled Calimeto, on condition that all should be pardoned. This was ac­cepted. That same night the Governor of Matanzas went to Havana to oonfer with tbe Chptain General, who or­dered him to immediately withdraw the troops around Cienaga without the

river a t Fulton rese sixteen feet fa-BislaM th irty M O N E T A R Y A N D C O Ü E B C I A L .

^ÿîcM Bvna, July 3.—The feU^tw» Tbe w eather is J tf f l v e r y -------* ■“ Jdeparted a t 5 P- *• Arrived—Matches, a t SP. M.

atsapais. ' July 3.—River stationary. Weather clear mercury 33e. Arrived—Baum, from Cincin­nati:'W hite, from VlckahUïg. Departed—Future Citv, last evening, for New Orleans,

Cincinnati, July 3.—River ten feet six inches and


Mondât Evaxise. July 3, 18%. The offerings for diecount continued (Sir, both in

falling. Weather clear and warm.lo r o v iu i , July 3.—Weather warm and clear-

Passed up—Williame, from New Orleans, g iver

hank and on lhe street, and commercial paper was be Exchange at

rising with six feet fonr inches in tbe canal.3.—Departed— Grand Tower, forCaiBO, , iut . - i i r p i H . - u i . i M . . . . . . . . .

Vicksburg, a t 2 A. M. River thirty feet eleven inches ana stationary. Weather clear and warm.

Evanstillb, July 3.—Weather hot. River nine feet and stationary.

knowledge ol tbe insurgents and concen­trate them at Calimeto. Tbia was done, bnt

T tldea's C areer aa a R a ilroad Job b er .

Mr. Tilden’s career as a “railroad law­yer” began in the year 1858, and it con­tinued until 1872, when he dropped the business and began to work fop political honors. In this period of fourteen years, as counsel, trustee, director, referee, arbi­trator, committeeman, or in some other like oapacity in connection with varions railroad corporations all over the eonntry, though principally in the West, Mr. Tilden amassed a Mtlossal fortune. The means by which he did this will, it ie safe to assume, be very thoroughly inquired into between now and next November, for unless he baa been more grossly maligned than any other man who ever occupied a conspicuous position in this country, Mr. Tilden’s career as a railroad lawyer is a record of intrigue,

without quotable variation. The New York h* ins closed, no market telegram« i received from tha t c.ty. Gold hardened under rumors, bu t aold to only a limited extent, fo r­eign exchange wap quiet and firm a t previous rates. New York sight wai moderately active, hut unchanged. No sales of stocks were reported. State cento;* were quiet at about Saturday's quotations. Premium bonds were in (air request and fiimer. Only a few sales of bonds were re ­ported.

The Stock Exchange was closed to-day, and the Cotton Exchange, Merchants’ Exchange and public offices will be closed to-morrow.

We nc t.ce th a t tbe Carrollton Ra lrcad Company baa declared a quarterly dividend of 2)$ (p cent.payable on and after the twentieth instant.

We eoij continue to quote exceptional paper at 8®— IF cent V annum discount; A1 do a t 10312, and second grade a t 15318. First class mortgages rule a t 9310 p cent IF annnm, and second grade are quoted entirely nominal.


July 1................................ £824,362 93 (127,962 08July 3. ............................. *18.565 99 137,388 58

Yazliseta, who was informed by spies, knew all and escaped to the Certoe hills with his men, about 300 in number.

Senor Alduha, formerly intendante of the oommissary department, has arrived here by the Spanish naval steamer to answer to the chargee against him lor defaloations. He apparently bas denounced his aoeom plicee, for yesterday Rawrall & Amos, pro vision merchants, were arrested and im­prisoned, and Tratoha, of the same buei ness, has fled. All of these are said to be implicated. More arrests and develop­ments are expected.

In tbe U o n se e f Commons.L ondon , July 3.—la the House of Com­

mons this afternoon Mr. Disraeli, in reply to a question by the Marquis of Hunting

unsorapnlousneM, ‘and the perversion of am"great anilities to selfish and unworthy ends.

As a necessity to the completeness of this sketch of his life, it will be well to mention the first great corporation case which he undertook, because his success in this es­tablished his reputation as a railroad law­yer. I t is generally known as tbe Cumber-Taiand coal oase, and was heard in the State of Maryland, and in tfae year 1858. It was a suit by tbe company against its directors, and was an application to set aside a pur­chase made by the directors, on their own aooonnt, of property confided to them for sale by the company. Mr. Tilden, in that case, applied for the first time to tbe direo tors of corporations the familiar doctrine that a trustee can not be a purchaser of property confided to him for sale, and he successfully illustrated and settled thetvi tm ijupeuvu wj iaiu au ta a ijuid vi aauuuu^- ■ --------— *• —~ 7 . .

doD, col firmed the reported declaration of | equitable principle on which such sales to war by Servia and Montenegro. He saidno direct information had been received from the seat of war. Negotiations be­tween tbe Porte and the insurgents had ter­minated. Tbe papers would be presented to the House, and then discussion wonld be

direotors are set aside, and also the condi­tions to give them validity. Another great oase in wbioh he was employed was the sait of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Com­pany against the Pennsylvania Coal Com­pany. The former corporation had a con-

justified. He, however, could not present I tr*°l with the Pennsylvania Coal Company

. street to-night, witnessing tbemagnificent spectacle.

The entire route of the processionbrilliantly illuminated and the display of

nd banners generally magnificent,flags anand what added greatly to the efleet were the illuminated and festooned triomphant arches, which had not been need on public demonstrationa in this city since tbe re­ception to the Marqniade Lafayette in 1824 Tbe illuminations were especially splendid at the new Masonio Temple, Lapierre House St. George Hotel, Offenbach Garden, Academy of Fine Arte, Broadway Hall and many residences on North Broad street.At many of them especial displays of fire rorka were made and added greatly to the

effect.Along Chestnut street there were a nom

ber of triomphal arches, SDd all of the hotels, theatres, and most of the large stores were lighted np, and oontained many handsome and patriotic designs. Although the parade was almost a spontaneous throwing together of a vast number of men there waa little time lost in the formation of the line. There waa some difficulty in placing the bodies of tbe secret orders and societies who had reported a t the last minnte.

The proeession was organized in fonr grand divisions, each with a marshal and aids. The line was headed by General Callis and his aids, mounted, with a pro­fusion of torches around and about them. Then followed tbe .northeast division, nn­der tbe command of Mr. Isaao A. Sheppard. Competent judges estimate tbe number of persons in tbe parade at over 10,000. This included tbe Improved Order of Red Men in tall regalia—about thirty tribes; the oldest social club in the world, “The State in Schuylkill,” escorting Governor Hart- ranft and Mayor Stokeley; tbe Caledonian Club, about 100 men, in full Highland cos­tume, escoiting ihe British Centennial Comini ssion, and the employes oi Disslon & Sons escorting Dorn Pedro. Prince Os- ear, of Sweden, and Count Rochambean also bad industrial escorts, and the former was accompanied by a number ot his fel­low cade ts and the officers and men of the Swedish men-of-war now in port.

It was nine o’clock before the vast parade could be got to move in the order set forth, and then, amid a grand series of pyrotech nical displays, the procession moved ont Broad street. Some of the special features of the parade and all of the distinguished guests were vociferously applauded, but the best order was preserved.


H at W eather la New York.N e w Yobk, July 3.— At 3 P. M. rester

day tbe thermometer indicated 98°. A number of annstrokes occurred. Three mad dogs killed.

A Stray Balldozer.An unknown man passed down Bowery

street last night, tiring off bis revolver as he went along. When near Hester street he suddenly accosted James St. Clair and shot him in the right hip. He then ran across the street, and rushing torward a man named Thomas Phillips, who was walking quietly along tbe sidewalk, drew a knife and stabbed him in the neck. A crowd clnstered around tbe two wounded men, and in the excitement which prevailed tbe unknown man escaped. It is supposed be was insane. The man who was shot is fatally wonnded.

Preparations for the Feerth .The day is wholly given np to preparation

for to morrow. The papers publish only one morning edition.

laterraptien e f Travel.The steamer Narragansett, which pnt in

here last night, waa obliged to do so by reason of inferior coal which would not make steam. Her passengers, inelnding the Providence Infantry and several ladies, were sent forward by a special train. The boat will leave for Philadelphia to bring them borne after procuring coal.

tSuSdea Death el General Le Herts.General Marshall Lettens died instantly

ot heart disease on board tbe train, this morning, while en route to Philadelphia, in command of tbe veterans of the Seventh Regiment. His death occurred just as the train w:is coming into Newark. The whole command turned back, and are at the depot, where the body awaits a train for New York. Tbe General was seen to fall ont of line on Broadway, and it waa re­marked when be took tbe cars a t Jersey City that he looked like death.

Tbe Seventh New York Veterans, under command of General Marshal Lellerts, and the Twenty-second Regiment, Colonel Por­ter, left by special trains for Philadelphia this morning.

Draward.Four men were droitntd by the np setting

by which, among other things, it was agreed in esse of the enlargement of their canal, the ooal company should pay for the use of their canal extra toll equal to such portion of one-half the redaction in the ex­pense of transportation as might result from such .enlargement. In due time the canal company pnt in their olaim lor extra toll. The amonnt olaimed waa twenty cents a ton on an annual transportation of five or six hundred thousand tons a year lor some ten

__ ____________________ years, besides a royalty of the same amountright Warned Mr. Disraeli for I tor *° indefinite future. The eoai company a statement, informing the I denied that tbe cost of transportation had

1 been reduoed, or that they had derived any advantage whatever from the enlargement.

Thus far this week..........£1,642,928 92 £ 265 350 66Fame time last w eek.... 1,740,868 26 226.557 19Total last week................ 4.945,767 32 766.130 46Total week before............. 5.075,168 45 679.395 51

Gold opened a t 1121(72112;$, against 112H. the cksring rale at New York on Saturday, and, after a limited business, closed at 112L3112H, *sc higher. The sales were roi fined t > £14 000, embracing £1000 at 1129»; £2000 and £10,000a t 1 life, and £1000 a t 1129».

No tale* of silver were reported, and quotations continued nominal for both American half dollars and Mexican dollars.

Foreign exchange waa without quotable varia­tion. The only sale reported was £3000 bauk sterling a t £5 50.

At tbe close sterling bills were quoted at £5 45H 35 46H for bill of lading and A1 clear, and —3 £5 50 for bank (bank counter rate —®£5 501$), and fiancs a t —-34.65 for commercial and nominal for bank. • •

New York sight showed a fsir degree of anima- tien, but was wilhout quotable variation. The salts comprised £75,000. embracing £25,000 prt vate bankers' a t >4 (0 cent premium, and £50,000 do at 9- 32. We a 'to noticed sales of £15,000 three days’ sight on New York a t ^ P’ cent premium; £25 000 do at 3 16; £10,000 commercial ou Provi- renee a t par; £10,000 do at 8. and £10.000 on Bos­ton a t k -

The banka continued to check on New York at h (P cent premium, and commercial sight was still quoted a t A.

No sales of stacks were reported.State consola we e quoted at 63)«®64; the only

sale reported was £5000 at 64.City premium bonds were in fair request and

firmer, cloeir g at 35 \ '<736. The sales includid £4000 ana £5000 s t 36k.

No * ales of other city bonds were reported.Nothing transpired in city scrip or State war


NO SCALING.d en are held atlOc; «tear rib sides-like; cleir sides 12 he f IB; 5 casks elear rib aidrs aold spot a t l l \ c , and 80 boxes clear side«, to arrive, at 12 >4o 49 lb. Dealers are jobbing shoulders a t 10qc; elear rib aide« 12i|c; elear stdea 12’* c ? f t . job trade.

HAMS—Choioe sugar cured, small aize, continuescarce and in demand for Cuba and prices for L _____ __ __—j-ra ithem have further advanced )«®lo 91 lt>. 10 and I J T f r * m i l w r r .



VU HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON AND HAVANA15 tierces sold a t 15t$c; 10 and 10 a t i6q, and 10 a t 16i$c ft. Medium aise command I4)t3:5t$c

E ft. La; ge aize and old itock are dull a t 13®14c tb, as iu condition and brand. The job trade ia sk at. tec. above these prices.

BRBAKFA8T BACON—Has become scare 3 and is j fully He higher. 10 boxes sold a t l4t$c and 30 a t 14c 4P ft. The stock ia now held a t 14*c 4P lb.

LABD—Is in light supply and active demand la the local trade a t 12hc for tierce refined;" !3Hc for keg, and 13k c for bucket. 50 kegs, 45 buckets I and smaller lots aold a t these prices.

PACKERS’ HOG PRODUCT«-Prime mess pork is selling on oraers a t £18 7S®19; extra prime £16 50317; rump pork £18918 50 4P ubl No family clear on band. Pig pork £11 4P half bbl.

WHISKY—Louisiana and Western lectified is sell­ing in lota to the local trade £1 13 4P gallon The stock of Bourbon whisky is smuli and it is in demand.

CORN IN BULK—None on the spot on sale. It ia quoted to arrive a t 54c 4P bushel.

COW PEAS—The stock on hand is estimated a t 2000 sacks, held by dealers, who are selling on orders for the country a t £1 50®] 85 4P busbel for mixed, and £2 for clav. .

NEW YORK AND WESTERN MARKETS—The Bourd of Trade adjourned on Saturday, the first, a t 1 r. M until the fifth instant, a t 9:30 A. M., Hence no market telegrams on 'Cnange here to-

a l l p r i z e s

P A I D I N F U L L !

The Steamships o f the North_ German Lloyd will resume tbeir 'regu la r trips In October, 1876. The |d ay s of departure and price of pasa- rerilaed hereafter.

___j steamers touch outward a t Havre and Ha­ss. and on their home trip a t Havana and South*

ampton. H e company reserve the right to change the route.

Passage tickets from Bremeu, Southampton er Havre to New Orleans issued by the undersigned.

For further information apply toED. F. sroCKMEYER k CO., Agents,

jelO ______ No. 42 Union street.

SPLENDID SCHEMEU nited S ta te s M all L ia s .


day. The Exchange here will be closed to-mor row. July 4, and the day will be observed as a general holiday.

iX'RN IN SACKS—Light supply of all kinds, and the m arket is bare of yellow. Moderate demand for mixed und white, bu' prices are firm, 100 ' sacks sold, of which 300 mix< d a t 61 c; 150 white mixed a t 62« : 250 white, in burlens, at 62c, and 300 choice white, in burlaps, at 63.• 4> bushel. Yellow is called for in tbe Cuban trade.

OAT«—Are in good supply with a moderate de

A. FO R T U N E !

Through bills of lading Issued to all points in Florida, including Tampa, and toNew York, Charles* ton' ane Savannah.





maud a t previous prices. 750 sacks sold, of which 400 fair St. Louie a t 34c; 100 prime St. Louis at 35c;250 tialeua at 41c 4? bushel.

BRAN—Good supply and little doing but previous prices are maintained. 200 sacks sold a t 65c #100 lbs.

HaY—Licht supply and tome little demand from d-aiera. 125 bales prime sold a t £16 4f> teu.

BUTTER—Receipts are large, the demand is moderate and prices have fallen. Choice West­ern is quoted a t 20923- medium 17*20c.; inferior 14915c; choice Goshen 33c; medium 22 925c 4P tb.

CHEESE—The supply is more than ample aud scarcely aov demand. Ho’d-us are offering choice Western a t 9®llc; New York cream 14315c 4P ft.

RICE—1 he market is quiet. Wequote Louisiana J No. 2 at 2)6 ®3c: common 434 he; ordinary 4k®4kc! Dur 535kc; good 5k®6c: prime 6J» 36)«c 4P- It.

COFFEE—Is in good jobbing demand a t steady prices. We quote cargoes: Ordinary 15k®15kc (gold); fair 161.®’17c; good 17k®174(c; prime 17k®18e (6 16. Job lota, ordiuary 16®16ifC (gold); fair17®17hC; good 17k®l8c; prune 18hrtd8kc 4P 16 | „ „ _ „ „

STAR CANDLES—Are in better demand and hrm, I ON SATURDAY; JU LY 29; 18*6;with a moderate stock. Selin g at 14c 4P ft. 1

ttefiets given to above points.No freight received without permit from thg


, No. 120 Common street.


r jiE O A K D E N H O T E L ,


some of the documents without consulting foreign governments.

Mr. Jenkins, liberal, attacked the govern­ment for its reticence, and dwelt on the anxiety of the eonntry in the matter. He moved an adjournment of the House.

Mr. Disraeli deprecated the discussion of the question without tbe offioial documents being before the House upon the diplomatic gossip of the newspapers. He said the time had arrived for diaonssion, bat only when the papers were before the lloase.

Mr. Jo!

CO M M ER C IA L.COTTON—The sales to-day barely reached 800

ha ei. a t pricis requiring a pretty générai reduc­tion of kc in oar quotations We give also the

not making eonntry of his policy. He protested againsta policy of war for the maintenance of Tur­key, and declared that the Crimean war unjustly commenced, unfortunate in prog, ress, and ignominious in its end. He con­cluded by saying that the nation wanted neutrality.

Sir Henry Wolf, conservative, deprecated party discussions, and stated that he sup­ported the course of the government. [Cries of, “What course?']

Mr. Fawcett, liberal, demanded to know the policy of the government.

The debate now became very exciting; the Marauia of Huntington wished to dis­continue it.

Mr. Disraeli said: “The government can not publish confidential correspondence without injuring the public service.”

Mr. Je n k in s then withdrew his motion for an ad jo u rn m en t a n d the subject dropped.

Sm all-pox.

After tedious and futile negotiations suit was instituted by the Canal Company, andMr. Tilden was retained for the defense. The case was tried before Judge Hogeboom, of the Supreme Conrt, sitting as referee. Seventy-odd days were consumed in tbe hearing, and the testimony ottered by the plaintif! fills several large'printed volumes. Mr. Tilden established the fact against the Canal Company and won the case. Tbe calculations involved ilk this defense were immense, and tbe fondamental economic


10 kïïk12 k

principles of canal navigation were, in fact, settled by them. Mr. Tilden’s connections

At a meeting of tbe L mdon Metropolitan Asylum board on Saturday reports were re­ceived, showing that the small-pox is rapidly increasing here.

with Western railroads do not reflect such honor upon him, and he is now one of the defendants in a suit institute', by the aggrieved parties in one of these cases.

The worst of these is the well known case of the consolidation of the Galena and Chi­cago railroad with tbe Chicago and .North­western railroad. The former road was,

to 1864, one of tbe best managed, best Ajaipped, and best paying roads in rLo

The Scotch Kille Team.E d in b u r g , July 3 — Mr. Macdonald,

captain ot tbe Scotch Rifle Team for Amer ica, will probably appoint Messrs. Dunlap and Ferguson additional members of tbe team. 1 tie.y both won memberships in the Elcho shield—eig h t.a t Cowglen—and are

West. The stock was largely held by per­sons living along the line, and was a favor­ite investment for trust funds involving the estates of widows aDd orphans. Toe Chicago and Northwestern road was bankrupt concern, with “ watered” and al­most worthless stock. Mr. Tilden was trustee of the road. Io 1863 he set on foot the scheme of consolidation, and, as is al----.UU BZC I 7------------------- --------- ---------------- —— — ' — - —

reputed to be two of the best of the small leKedi secured enough votes, by traudubore shots in Scotland. The' team will probably start on August 16 for Liverpool,and will practice aa a team two days before sailiog. They will take passage for Amer­ica in the steamer Bothnia, which sails the nineteenth. Ten or twelve small bore shot« of Scotland will accompany the team for the purpose of witnessing the contest at Creed moor.


H ote l Burned.Cape Mat, July 3 —Wheaton’s hotel,

five stories high, burned.Internation al T ypographical Union.

P h il a d e l ph ia , July 3.—The annual con vention of tbe International Typographical I committee of the St. Louis, Alton and Union, composed of representatives from | Terre Hante road. The facts, as alleged

lent means, to consolidate the paying Chicago and Galena road with the worthless Chicago and Northwestern The consequence was that the dividend paying road was swallowed up in its bankrupt associate. The stock of the Galena and Chicago road immediately fqll to a meie nothing, while there was a sadden jump in that of Chicago and Northwestern. This shrewd operation was the ruin of hnndrede. Its effect on the population along the line of the Galena road was like a blight. The savings of years, the sole dependence of the nnfortu nate people who had their all invested in tbe stock of the road, was sw .pt away in a day. Another matter in which Mr. Tilden waa engaged was as one of the purchasing

t he United Statee and Canada, convened. They were welcomed to the oity by Mr. John W. Bailey, president ot the Philadel­phia Union, in a neat speech.

Mr. Bell, president ol tbe International Union, then addressed the assembly, after which a committee on credentials was ap­pointed, and invitations were received and accepted to visit places of publie interest.

The. commitree appointed on erection of the proposed monument to Horaoe Greeley reported that in conjunction with a com­mittee of employing printers of New York city, they have attending the construc­tion ot the granite work of the base pedes­tal and coping of the monument. The stonework will be completed ’ the middle of the next month, and the iron figure, a colos­sal bust, will be cast by tbe first of Septem­ber, by Robert Wood & Co., of this city. Tbe first proposition made was for a type metal stature to tbe weather for any length of time. Several thousand pounds of old type received in 1873 will have to be put in the monument in some way. The totsl contributions thus far received toward the monument fund amount to 93233 76

The committee appointed a t the district convention to prepare a constitution for the government of subordinate unions presented a report, which was received and will come op for future consideration.

After the report oi the committee on ere dentiale had been received and several mat­

in this case, are briefly these: The company was reorganized, and a committee appoint­ed, Mr. Tilden being one, to purchaee the various forms of indebtedness under which the road labored, and to pay for them in new issnes of etook, etc. When this had been done, it was found that some three hundred thousand dollars of stock in excess of the amount authorized had been issued. The committee were called upon to aooonnt for this extra issue, and to tell where the extra stock was. They referred the in­quirers to Mr. Tilden, who went away to Europe about this time, and he has neveranswered the question since, always pnttiDg

I daoff tfie inquirers to some future day, which has not yet come. There are a large num­ber of other equally doubtful transactions with Western roads in which Mr. Tildenappears as the prime actor, bat they will be spoken of another day.—JVen York Timet.

M eteoro log ica l and R iv e r R ep ort.The following statement of Ih e weather and

rivers is furnished b) the Signal Service efficer sta­tioned a t New Orleans:


convention adjourned.W om en’s Suffrage A seocla tlcn .

A meeting of the American Women’s

in Horticultural Hall, to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary ot tbe establish­ment of woman’s suffrage in the province of New Jersey Addresses were made by Mrs. Lucy Stone, Mrs. Julia Ward Howe and others, who endeavored by citing numerous examples to show that women were as well calculated to hold trust and intelligence as men. 'The consti­tution ol the second of July, 1776, at New Jersey, which continued in toree until 1844, waa referred to, under which women availed tbemselvea of the suffrage of the polls, and pertinent remarks were made upon the subject.

f i n S trok e.Five of the New York Seventh Regiment

were sunstruck yesterday.P rob ab ilities .

Wa* PlPAXTHENT, ) Office Chief Signal Officer, >

Washington, July 3,1876-4:39 P. M. ) For the 8outh Atlantic and Gulf States, rising

or s'ationarv ban .neur, nearly atatiOuary tern-

Places. Tter. Wind. Weather.Cairo.................. .. 88 s. Fair.Cincinnati........ .. 88 8. W. Clear.H»' c apart......... .. 79 N. K. Clearing.Dubuque........... N. W. Cloudy.Fort bully......... .. 79 W. Threatening.Uftivestou......... .. 92 S. B. Clondy.Indisoola........... .. 84 S. B. Cloudy.Keokuk ............ .. 89 S. W. Fair.Lscroàte........... 8. Clearing.Leavenworth... .. 90 8. W. Clear.LoHlsvil e......... .. 89 8. W. Clear.Memphis............ .. 91 S. W. Fair.Nashville........... .. 99 8. Cloudy.New Oi leans— .. 84 S. E. Cloudy.Omaha............... .. 79 E. Cloudy.Pittsburg......1.. .. 87 s. w. Fair.Shreveport....,'. .. 94 s. w . Cloudy.St. Loirin............ .. to s. w. Fail.St. Paul............. .. P0 s. FainVicksburg........ .. 93 w. Fair.Yankton........... .. 81 s Fair.Augusta............ .. 80 8. E. Light rain.Mo oil*............... .. 87 s. Cleudy.Montgomery__ .. 94 s. w. Cloudy.Key West.......... .. 86 K. Cloudy.Savannah.......... 93 s. w,Corsicana.......... .. 92 8. Cloudy.


pcr-iture, scuihwett to a< u th ta t winds, partly “ “ * * IS willcloud> w eaibei te d ocetiiiDdjlv local lain* ..... prevail, except bisher temperxtijre in the lormer.

R iv er and M arine N ew s., dS-<!ütb£ ,!‘Ï Piu; JlJ y ,3' « P. M.- Barometer 29. i5. Wind ea .t, tirsh. Weather hazy ai d

Arrived—Briti-h .hip Aim. na, Bcnwe 1,

Rife, Fall,Above low

water mark.

Cairo..................inches. Inches. Ft,

30 iiCincinnati.......... 17 10 6Davenport.......... ....... 2 8 61-uhnque........... i n 0

1Fort su l y ........ 5 11Ke. kuk............... ....... 2 9Lacrosse............. 4Leavenworth__ 15Louisville.......... i 6Memphis............ 21 9Nash vi le ........... 7 6New Orleans....... i *5Omaha............... ....... 4 14Pittabuig........... i 3 4Shreveport........ 10 nSt. 6 24 6St. Paul............... 4 6Vicksburg........... i 38 4Yankton............. 3 12 8

figure* and xeport of tne Exchange, aa below: AMERICAN STANDARD OF CLASSIFICATION.

General Exchange quotations, quotations

Inferior..................................... 6k® 6teLow ordinary............................. 6>4® 7kOrdinary...............»...................7»4® 8Strict ordinary........................ 8 V® 8 kGood ordinary.......................... 9 ® 9kStrict good ordinary............... 9s, a 9kLow middling........................... KM, ®l«kStrict low middling..................10k®llMiddling...................................i lk 31# .Strict middling........................ l lk ® llkGood middling.......................... 12k ®12kMiddling fair........................... Nominal.Fair........... ............................... Nominal.

The market was inanimate throughout the day, with on'y a aiack demand and limited offerings, of desirable kinda, which were scarce. In tbe àbtence. however, of any coop-tition among buyers, factura found it impracticable to effect ra ea unless as acme conceaainna and the prices paid, aa noted above, showed a falling off of about kc from previous rates. There were no te egrurns from New York. The Liverpool dispatches reported the market f i.t and irregular with sales of 6no0*balea, and arrival- dull and offered freely. Havre also waa re ported; da'.

The .ales’ of the past two data emb:aee 1509 belea (700 on Saturday and 800to day), against 3650 for the corresponding time last week, and 3100 the week l>efore.

Receipts bince Friday evening 1517 bales, embrac­ing 132 from other delivery ports (of which 39

from Mobile and 93 from Galveaion. etc.), and 1385 prope r, against 897 proper last week, and 554 the week Before. Tota'proper since August 31, 1.4e4 189 bales against 992,727 last year—increase 411.462 bales.

The exporta comprise 6193 bales, embracing 5657 to Liveipool, and 536 to New A ork.

The Exchange makes the amount on shipboard not cleared (before to day's exports) 21 834 bales. enubractLg 8714 ior Liverpool, 93fi for Havre, 294. for Bremeu, and 85« for ciaatwise porta, leaving in prtss-s, agr -eably to its account at 12 M., 52 019 b. lr-. hs'imated amount unsold 51 500 bales, onlv , email part ot which ia actually eu sal.

A; noon to-d*v urddiing was quoted at Galveston a t 11 ko. at >!■ pile a: lie, at Savannah 11c. at - hallest' n a ' lik e , a: Memphis at lie, and a t Augusta a. loko' lie. Nodispatches from other points.

Ti c ExchaRfc reports: “Sales 800 Market

«ALT—Coctlnuts dull, but no change in prices. Dealers are offering coarae at £1 and fine a t £1 30 4ff sack, delivered; Turk's Island 70®85c f bag of | two bushels; tab lera it in pockets. 2fc®6kc each as in size.

BAGGING—Large stoek asd trade is beginning Domestic ju te is quoted a t 131(®13kc; India 10c y yard.

EGGS—Light supply and dulL Wqatern are quoted a t 10318c Loui.iaua !6®18c F dozen.

ESCULENTS AND GREEN VEGETABLES—The re­ceipts continue large; there ia very little demand, and tha t is only for the city consumption. Louisi

j j jL O l 'N T S P R IN G S ,


A G R A N D G O L D E N D R A W IN G . sorTH ER5 BKALTH AWD pl e a su r e r b so rt .

Capital P rize, $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 .an« potatoes are quoted a t £2®2 59; onions £J 50

’ ê bbl. Cabbages are scarce.


3 5 8 0 P R I Z E S .



BEAN8 AND WESTERN PEAS-Are in fair supply and inactive. Northern beans are quoted a t 2k®2kc; Western l®2kc; white kidney 2k 33c, red kidnev 2k®2kc; green peas 2®2kc 4P ft

DRIED FRUIT—Ie scarce and neglected. Apples are quoted a t 9k®9kc; peaches 8)&®9c 4P ft.

WOOL—There is not as much arriving as last week and the maraet remain* d id . Burry is quoted a t 8®9c; Louisiana clear 18®19c: clear lake 29®20kc; Texas merino 18919c: pulled long 25c: short 13®15e; long black 17318c 4P ft. 6090 fts clear lake seid a t '20ke ^ 16

H1DB8—Tbe stock is accumulating and very limited demur,O. Country green are quoted a t 6®7c; dry salted 8k®9c; dry flinr 10c 4? ft

MOSS—Gray iaseiimg at 2’®2kc; mixed 3®3tec; black 434 Re 4P f t . .

STaRlH—L ght supply and moderate demand.Selling at 3k ®'3kc4^ ft.

LAKD OIL—The market ia well supplied. Extra winter strained is quoted a t £1 08 31 10; fall strained £131 03; No. 1 95398c 4P gallon

IRON COTTON TIE8—The arrow tie is selling at £3 36 4P bund le; Beard A Brothers' tie and Branch,Crook A co. £3 50 bundle, containing 59 bands;Drake A Flournoy self-locking and riveting cotton Dale ties 5k c 4̂ ft; the Plulp wire tie 8c with a discount on large lots put up in bundles of 90 ties.

RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE—Arrived since our re- view of Saturday: 4738 hb'.a flour. 790 bbls pork,254 Dbla whiskr. 176 tierces hams. 489 tierces and 650 kegs lard. 67 casks and 35 boxes bacon, 44* bblscorn meal. 2956 sacks com, 442 sacks bran. 329 bales . ____________ ____ ______ ______h .y , 44 hlids sugar. 115 bbls molasses, 612 kegs bnt- I S A T U R D A Y , J U L Y 2 0 , 1 8 7 6 ,ter, 26 bbls beef, 1641 sacks cotton seed. 482 boxes | 1 ’cheese, 29 boxes and 10 bbls eggs, 23 casas meat,

Direct on the line of travel between this city and the North and East, 130 miles north o! Montgom­ery, in the mountainous regions of North Alabama. Passengers leaving the city on the 5:05 P. M. tra in for the East by way of Mobile, Montgomery and Louisville, take dinner a t the Jackson House,

. Blount Springs, next day.Try a summer a t this favorite resort, where you

get the beet mineral water in America. Send for guide and circular. Rates of board.,£2 50 per day,. £15 per week, £40 and £50 per month. Round trip tickets good until November £27.

je8 Im___________ J. D. TOWSKB, Proprietor.


B IL O X I, M IS S IS S IP P I .This superior hotel, located on the front, and

pleasantly situated, is now open for the reception of visitors. Every luxury the season affords is liberally furnished by the proprietor. Far# cplendid and term* reasonable. Special induce­ments offered to excursionists.



^ r e u s T E «

c o m m e r c i a l r e s t a u r a n tN e. 10T C ustom house s tr ee t.

Between Royal and Bourbon.

The drawing will positively commence a t nine

o’clock on the morning of

All the delicacies of the season, choioe wines, etc., always on hand; also, all tha t is neoeaaary ih r soirees, weddiDgs. etc., promptly furnished. Pri­vate saloons up stair* Elegantly furnished rooms to rent by the week or a t moderate prioes

The restaurant is open till midnfeht. fel3 Iy


164 bbls potatoes, 48 bbls rice, Î00 boxes starch, 80 hble vinegar aud 43 b.Ves wool

EXPORTS OF PROi*CCB—Exports fcince our re vfcw ol Saturday: 419 bbl§ flour. 2 bbls pork, 28 ca^ks bacon, 33 tiero-e lard, 144 bbls cern meal, 36 bbls whisky. 1897 sacks corn. 351 r,vks oats, 102 »acks Man 30 bai^s Lay. 1Î hbdsard 45 bbls sugar. 147 bula ujvj.aRhfS 27 bbls liee. 35 aack« salt, kegfr bum l , 30 beds oixioLS and 5 sacks cow peae.




O P E R A H O U S E ,


» a le s . K e rr lp ta an d E x p o rta o i P ro d u ce .The following are ihe sales, receipts and execute

of rite principal articles for the past two azyn

dull.” Its quotations are reducedCOTTON STATEMENT.


Biles9,976Stock on hand September 1, 1875..

Ariived sine- last statement.......Arrived previously (including

City baiings)........................... i,581.718—1,533,143

Total................Cleared tom ay ..........


Cleared pasviously........................ 1,518 132LehnConsumed a t Lehman, Abraham

A Co.'s mill..............................Burned in steamers..................... 594—1.523,669

Stock on hand and en shipboard not cleared. 69.451Same time last year........................................ 35,413

Today’s exporta embraced 3630 balea to Liver pool and 536 te New York.

Receipts proper since Satnrdsy evening 1324

Articles. Sales. Beceipts. Exports.Sugar, hhds.................. 229 48 49Sugar, bb ls.................. 113Molaasts. bbls.............. 123 V lFlour, bb s ................... . 4 186 d r:vr 912Corn meal, bbls.......... 625 412 204Corn, sacks................. 2 459 2,̂ 56 13.116Oats, sacks................... 1 600 172 547Brau, s-teks........ 200 442 283Hau, bales........ .......... 125 361 25P-*rk, bbls..................... 590 8(h* 14Bacon, casks................ 60 67 62Bacon, b *xes............... 20 40H»ms. tierces.............. 25 176Drv sa’t meat, f ts ...... 7,500 43,190Dry salt meat, boxes.. - 80Drv 6ait meat, casks.. 5Lard, tierces................ 450 80Lard kegs.................... 50 650Whisky, hols................ 150 254 47

It will be conducted with a


For which tbe Beet Musical Talent available in the country will be engaged, and to which every holder of a COUPON TICKET will be entitled to F&KR ADMISbluN.



1 0 7 ..................P o jrd raa S t r e e t ................... 1 0 7

la prepared to furnish for the

GREAT C E N T E N N IA L POLITICAL CAM P AIG NEvery description of

F L A G S , B A N N E R S , E T C .

An experience of over tw enty year3 enables him guarantee the

Best W ork and Lowest Prices

LO O K AT T H E S C H E M E !In the South. Clubs, Associations, Companies, Hofels Steamers, and all d^sir^g t i e most eie-

4 J, a. It jftiT 2mgant articles, are invited to call.

E x trao rd in ary Scheme ! IB B A N K R U P T C Y .—COMMERCIAL FIRME or individuals desirous of availing themselves

8 0 , 0 0 0 X i c b e t s a t | 5 0 E a c h .


of the benefit of the bankrupt act ea r have theis -etitions and schednlea prepared strictly acoord-

to the_ bankrupt law aa amended, general

hales, against 769 on last Sunday aud Monday, and 456 last year, making an aggregate since Fridayevening of 1385 bales, agaii st 897 last week aud 554 last year, aud since August 31 of 1 404.189 bales, against 992 727 last ; ear—increase 411,462.

No dispatches were received a t the Exchange from N>w York, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Wilmiug- ton and Norfolk, aud we therefore omit our usnal statement of receipti, exports and stocka

TOBACCO—The only sale reported to-dav was 29 bhd. The amount ou sale is estimated at 11,100 bhds. We continue to quote as follows: Low lugs 5)$®6c; medium to good lugs 6)&® 7qc; low lear 839)&c; medium lo a n e e ; good 12313c; fine 13)* 315c; selections 15)4 316c. and Africans — ®16>4c. Received since lest eveniag. 343 hhds; exported none: stock on hand by our running statement 14 299 hhde.

The Louisville Courier-Journal of Saturday says: Crop reports do not inipr< ve ss rapidly as was an- ticipated. We have before u sa list c’f eighty two crops in Christian, a countv which ra ks below none in importance as a tobacco produ er. The list was con piled by a competent, reliable and responsible party, and t ’ e aggregate result is to lmuea'e that about one fitih ihe i .tended acreage waa planted on June 26, and tha t the final acre age will be about one-third as large, as was con­templated. A similar list made up in Warren county shows that the acreage ia more than a third as large as m 1875, and about cue half an average crop. We are araured that the crons were taken at random in diffeieut sections of the counties referred to.

OFFICE OF THE REPUBLICAN, Tuesday, July 4, 1876.


CLEARED YESTERDAY.Steamship Morgan City, Read, for Havana and New

YorkShip Viigiuia, Barker, for Liverpool

all. " ' "Bark Halcyon, Hardie for Liverpool Schooner Mary L Petera. York, for Liverpool Tow b'at C C Keyser. Fauria, for Pensacola, in bal­


ARRIVED YESTERDAY.Steamship Margaret, Baker, from Havana via

Farida ports, to I K Roberta—lat district 13 Ship Almnra, Benwell, 45 days from Rio Janeiro,

in ballast to master—3d district 29 8hip Scotia, Baker. 35 days from Portland. Me. to

J R Warner—1st district

1 C apital P r iz e ......1 Prize.................. .1 Prise..........................1 Prizes a t 8 5S O O .... 4 Prizes a t 8 4 5 0 0 . . . .

3 0 Prizes a t 810410....5 o Prizes a t 8 5 0 0 .......

1 3 0 0 Prizes at 8 1 0 0 ........3 0 0 0 Prizes a t 8 5 0 ..........

8 1 0 0 ,0 0 05 0 .0 0 03 0 .0 0 010.000 10,000 10,0003 0 .0 0 03 5 .0 0 0

. 1 3 0 ,0 0 0 > 100,000

of the United States Supreme Court and rotes of the United States District Court, by ap- RUin« to the undersigned a t the office of 0 .9 . Kellogg, Register in Bankruptcy, In tbe Custom­house reasonable.


' in Bankruptcy, in tbe Custom- New Orleans, Louisiana. T e n u

'oatofflee box 2097.JOHN S. CARTES.


They present about as bad a showing, probably, as could he ffound in any other county in the state. The Paducah Herald of June 29 has a still me.e discouraging account.

FRKIGHfS—The steam rate for Liverpool has weakened, and t9 now quoted at kid. The sail rate for the same port ia barely maintained. We ouote as follows:

By steam—Co'ton to Liverpool Hd; corn Der bnsnel 10d; cotton to New York toc; to Boston, Providence, Fsll Hirer and Philadelphia, via New York, he.

By sail—Cotton to Liverpool, 17 32d; to Havre, l%c; to Bremen lise; corn to Liverpool, per bushel lOd.

SUGAR— Beceived this morniDg 44 hhds. The market is strong with an active demand, and 147 hhds sold at 7 c for common to g od common, 8)40 for good fsir. 8)40 too- fully fair, 8)4 39c lor seconds, 9c tor prime to strictly prime ana 9)yc for yellow clarified.

MOLASSES—Received this morning 115 bbls. Nothing doing, and the market is quoted nominally at 43346c for tair, 46®50c for prime, 52354c for Birictlv prime aud 55357c for choice P gallon.

CITY REFINERY SUGAR- Is selling on orders at 19^0 for standard A in bbls; 11 ito for granulated; l ik e for powdered and crushed, and lik e for cut loaf

CITY REFINERY MOLA8SES-Is selling on orders at 40c for common; 45c for fair; 5tic for prime; S5c for choice and 80385c for golden syrup.

FLOUR—'1 he stock Is smail and the local do-

STEAMBOATS.Mart ha. Bassett, from Lower Coast J F Frazer. Canton, from Lower Coast Colonel A P Kouus, Kouns, from Jefferson

ARRIVED SUNDAY.Spanish steamship FreAerico, Bidechea. from Ha­

vana, to Pim. Forwood kco—4th district STEAMBOATS.

Henry Tete. Ancorn. from Lafourche Katie. Campbell, from Vicksburg Bastrop, hodge. from Ouachita river Wawenock. Taylor, from Lower Coast Carrie A Thorn, O’Pry, from Lower Coast Mary Ida. Ruiz, from Houmss Plantation Governor Alleu, Brown, from Bayeu Sara

1 0 0 Approximation Prizes a t 8 3 0 0 . . . .8 3 0 ,0 0 0 1 0 0 Approximation Prizesat 8 1 6 0 . . . . 1 0 ,0 0 0 1 0 0 Aproximation Prizes a t 8 7 5 . . . . 7 ,5 0 0

T O T A L :

3 5 8 0 P r i z e s i u A.11,

D * * W A L K E R Sc IUOHE*.

D E N T IS T S ,T iv o li C ircle , en tran ce N o, 1 8 0 D elord

street«Solicit tbe patronage of the public, assuring them careful attention In all operations pertaining to tneir profession, a t charges in keeping with the prosent distressed pecuniary condition of tbe peo­ple of Louisiana.

They have eegaged the services of competent assistants, and every care has beeu taken in the arrangement of their offices for tbe accommoda­tion and comfort of tbeir patreas.

Dr. R. Otto Mosea having formed a co partner- snip with Dr. J. R. Walker, has removed hia ofllc g j1®*S: 24J Baronne street to No. 180 Delord afreet, Tivoli Circle. je l3 8m


2 ,5 0 0 IX GOLD!P .

A . M U R R A Y ,

C I S T E R N M A K ER ,

1 9 1 . .M agaz in e s tree t.. 191

BELOW—COMING UP.Italian brig Carmella, Scotto, 84 days from Mar-

seilles, to Maigaan &l Laborde

Price of Ticket«WHOLE TICKETS.............................HALVES............................. .TENTHS..................................TWENTIETHS.................. ' * ”

- . . « 5 0 0 0 — . 3 5 0 0. . . . 5 0 0

3 5 0

Between Julia and S t Joseph

EXPORTS.NEW YORK VIA HAVANA—Steamship Morran I Fnv .. la . t „n , . ». _ ,

C ity-For New York. 536 baies eotton 274 bags woo! I 1 ‘ U th N Orleans agencies and111 bales wool 403 bdls hides 1507 h'des 504 bxs beef 19 hhds tallow 128 cks pi'ch 49 balea moss and 74 pkgs mdse. For Havana, 10,500 ska e o n 200 bbls of


Hour 100 ska oats £1105 in siLIVER]------

3600 staviLIVERPOOL—«nip Vjrgßüa—3630 bales ootton

the Central Office of the


Diplomas awarded a t the two

last Louisiana State Fairs.

LIVERPOOL—Bark Haioyon—13 900 staves 764 logs timber 60 pcs walnut 411 tabla legs

nlVEKPOoi.—Schooner Mary L Peters—7565 ska oilcaae

Cisterns made to order and repaired. AU work warranted to give entire satisfaction. A lot of cis­terns, from 1900 to 29.000 gallons, made of the heat material and workmansllp. t W t m u t m t l v r ahand and fnv sate at J

A ddress L ock B ox N o. 6 9 3 , N ew O rleans


hand and for sale a tP rice« to S a lt th e T im e«.

Orders promptly attended to. fef3 jy

IMPORTS.HAVANA—Steamship Margaret-329 hhds sugar



maud ib active and lurioea are »trouger. Ail gradea were bought up to-day. 'ihe demand for Cuba ia

RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE.n o iS ïrS î* ““ ” Martha—SundriesLow «K COAST—Steam er j t F n ra r__115 bbla

molasses and sundries uJEFFERSON—Steamer Colonel• JiSPfKRSON—Steamer Colonel A P Kouns__180

Dales cotion 319 head oattle and sundriesretarded by the absence of the grades called for.

ihe local trade embraced 3186 bbls,RECEIPTS SONDAT.

LAFOURCHE—Steamer Henry Tete—20 hhda i gar and —indues ■

VICKSBURG—Steamer Katie— 403 bales eotton 24 hhda sugar 703 ska oilcake1482 ska oMtton

and sundriesOHA CHI TA RIVER—Steamer Bastrop_82 hales

cott—n 24.0 staves and sundriesd rie s*** COAST_steamer Carrie A Thorn-Sun-

warm __ _________ r _blaster. lor \ five dais from' RÏë, in“ beiE!t' m aster; American atiip beet a, Baker, m aster th irty .fiv e asya from Portland, with ice, t., j K Warner, «mied—M eeniship t i i y of Norfolk, and barks Elliott snd Kiot; steam shin Haytuui a t o'clock last night. The steamship St. Louis is at ai cbor outside coaliig.

Pout Eads July 3, 6 P. M.—Arrived—Iia'Un brig Caimelia, Scotto, master, eighty-four daye from Marseilles, with a general cargo, te V. Main- nan k Laborde.

SukBTKPouT, July 3.—Weather fair aud hot; heavy showers all around. The river has fallen one inch. The Lotus arrived from New Orleans on Sunday. No other movements. The upper

•Belsw high water mark of 1874.

$100,000To be won for $50,

In the next golden drawing Louisiana State LJttery lom i any,

Opeia House,, July a».

BuyA ticket and

Make your fortune.Make your fortune.

LuWER coast— Steamer Waweuoek__15 skanee and sundries

The sales inof which 69 1 w grade a t £3 25; 32 aud 190 super f inest £3 75; 59 common at £3; 25 low treble at £4 62)4; 89 and 25 low treble extra a t £4 75. 75 a t £5; 59 and 190 do at £5 12)4; 50 good treble at £5 25; 40 snd loo a t £5 37)4; Ito sud 109 at £5 50;115 C'hOiC: t re b le a t £ 5 87)4; 30, 50, 85 and 290 a t £6 ; 50 and lot» cho ce tr b e a t £6 50; 50 do a;£6 60; 25 choice extra a t £ •; 75 do a t £7 25; 2 u,259 and 1144 bbls on private term s All ihe large lota weie bought bv the same dealer. Good treble extra ia scarce. Common is quoted at £ 7; fine £3 253 3 75; superfiue £3 7534;double extra £4 25 34 50; low treble extra £4 7535; good do £5 253 5.50; choice do £5 5736 25: choice extra and turn- ily extra £6 5037 50 P bbL

CORN MEAL Continues in good supply snd dull. Only 59 bbls sola a t £2 40 a d 25 at £2 59 ge Dbl. Dealers are jabbing a t £2 60 aud £2 75 (p bbl.

Grtl’l S—Command £4 £ bbl on the lanaing.PORK—Is in light supply aud quiet, but steady

a t last Satur. av’s improvement. M ss is held ia lots at £21 75322, as in brand, and dealers are j. truing a t £22322 50 P bbl. Last Saturday even­ing, not previously reported, 200 b'rla mesa sold to arrive a t £21 50 p bbl. To-day 25, 30 and 100 bbls me.s old spot a t £21 TSflbr l, 50 to arrive a t £21 75, and samples were out lor 100 bbls extra ■ ï 4 „ „ . . . . .heavy a t £21 87)4 IP bbl. Some Chicago packing I KF KJ1U» AA......................could be had on the landing a t £21 75 «► bbi. and I — _ . _ ____



J u ly 3 9 , 1 8 7 6 ,



STATE LOTTERY FOR JULY 3 , 1 8 7 6 . CLASS I j y .

3 4 5 6 7 | 8 | 9 10 | 11 1 12 1371 22 64 52 33 1 57 1 60 13 1 70 | 12 2

S O L D F O R G R E E N B A C K S .

The above drawings are published in the pnncinaJ " e. drawn 1U a-ily « t£e rooms


of the Company.

d » rJ u ly 3°T8?6'nd9 Louisiana, th is

SundSe.A8 PLA» T"IO N _ S te am er Mary Ida—

oo?tenZ dA. ^ ^ T “er G°;eril°* AUeb_22 bales [

P A I D IIV GrOX.r>.




Ja"y°3B-8AandriraUI8lA1,A AKD TKXAS “ AILROAD,

and*sundries °°tt011 82 Bka rice 227 he*d cattlea ^ ORLEANS AND MOBILE RAILROAD, July ! J-25 bales ootton 1 hbd tobacco 212 bbla tonin

A & U c i r - & y.fc i sA gents w an ted la ev ery S ta te , C ou n ty ,

City aad T ow n th rou ghout the U nion .1 3

B E M O V A L S .


1*.................. Boarbaa S tree t......

U rg e « Haff'm ̂ ^ t / X Ä r o p e ä ü » « ,


perhaps a t £21 50 » bbl.DRY SALT MEATS—The market is bare ef about-

dors, and there are none coming in. They would command 9c (p Ifi. Dealers are j .bblng them at »k9hc P ft. No demand for sides.

BrUUN—l be market is quirt,.but very strong at Saturday ’s advance, w;tu right supplies, shout*


G- F . W A LK ER , M. D.,Has removed to

No. 9 3 0 m agn xln e S tree t,NEW ORLEAN8.

Office hours from DA. M to 2 P. M. my23 ly

And must, In every instance, accompany applica­tions,



New Orleans, L e als ! ana.

Ie««» muaiwered mean a negative reply.■ P W



T o O cean Spring« nod R etu rn fo r t l .Leaving foot of Canal street- a t 6:45 A. M.

Tickets good to return on any tram of the fourthand fifth.


a t




T he N ew O rleans. I __and Havana Steamship Linn

■will dispatch one of the above first (class steamers from Now Orleans te

evanaE very W e ek .

Touching a t Cedar Keys and Key W e«, and MB> treating with steamers for Tampa

Splendid passenger accommodations, and through ckets given to abov

_____ M IS S IS S IP P I_ City, Missrsisippi.—TLe new buiidrngs andgeneral improvements added to this hotel enable the manager to offer to guests greater facilites than Heretofore. A barroom has ueen built outside of the grounds: the kitchen has been removed from the south side to the east, and thus giving two un­interrupted fronte to the house. Shade trees have teen set out and the grounds generally improved and beautified. Sufficiently removed from the beach to avoid the glare from the water, rending i t the cooleat house on the coast.

The table will be furnished with the best the markets afford.

Terms—£2 50 per day; by the month. £10 per week. Liberal arrangem ru’s made with families for tbe season. J. O. NIXON, Manager.

Extra dinners for the Sunday extrusion trains.je25 2m












1era•ncoatp lii

1• 6p la . & A

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