no harm done hosts benefit concert for utah domestic violence council featuring local artists

Post on 04-Aug-2015



News & Politics



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Contact: Jefferson Montoya

(702) 885.4426

No Harm Done Hosts Benefit Concert with Original Songs Performed by

Local Artists to Benefit the Utah Domestic Violence Council for its Fight

Against Domestic Violence

Salt Lake City & Provo, UT – No Harm Done, the fundraising initiative to raise

awareness and the necessary funds to assist victims of domestic violence, will host a

benefit concert with six featured artists performing at the University of Utah’s Olpin

Union Ballroom on June 1st. A CD comprised with original music from 12 artists will also

be available for sale, and all proceeds will be donated to the Utah Domestic Violence


“I set up this benefit concert because I really believe there are too many cases of

domestic violence in Utah,” explained Jefferson Montoya, founder of the No Harm Done

project and award winning singer/songwriter. “Domestic violence is never acceptable

and our goal is to raise a significant amount of money for the cause.”

Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women; more than car

accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. No Harm Done, in collaboration with the

local performers, will help provide the resources needed to bring help and hope to these


“The Utah Domestic Violence Council’s vision is to live in a world where

everyone lives free from fear,” said Peg Coleman, Utah Domestic Violence Council. “No

Harm Done also hopes that this vision will be accomplished and the benefit concert is

the first step to help it become reality.”

The No Harm Done initiative is currently seeking corporate sponsors to assist

with the costs associated with the concert, including the production of the original CDs

being sold at the event. To inquire about the many benefits of being a sponsor, contact

Jefferson Montoya at (702) 885.4426,, or visit the

group’s Facebook page at:

The benefit concert, which is open to the public, will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the

University of Utah’s Olpin Union Ballroom on June 1st, and will be featuring top talents

like Ellee Duke, John VanWagner, and Jefferson Montoya. Tickets are $10 per person

and can be purchased at, as well as advanced copies of the

CD and donation opportunities.

# # #

About No Harm Done:

No Harm Done (, founded in 2013, is a charity project to

raise the funds needed to help victims of Domestic violence. Through concerts and CD sales, No Harm

Done provides funds to organizations that directly use the resources to bring help and hope to those who

feel helpless and hopeless.

“It’s Music for a Good Cause. It’s Songs Against Domestic Violence.”

About Utah Domestic Violence Center:

The Utah Domestic Violence Council (UDVC), formerly the Utah Domestic Violence Advisory Council,

was founded in 1978 by the Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS). The UDVC was initially formed

as a community forum to start a dialogue about domestic violence in the state of Utah. The UDVC

incorporated in 1993, and in 1994 the Council became independent of DCFS. In 1998, the UDVC was

designated as a 501c(3), non-profit organization.

The UDVC is recognized nationally as the state domestic violence coalition in Utah. UDVC receives base

funding from two federal state coalition grants, Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA)

and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) grant.

Currently, the UDVC is comprised of 36 voting members with a 12 member Board of Directors. The

Council employs 7 staff and has 4 independent contractors and 4 dedicated volunteers. Four (4) working

committees and eight (8) workgroups, focus on collaborative efforts in public awareness, training and

education, best practices for domestic violence shelter programs and treatment providers, and cultural

competency and policy. The Council also works closely with and provides limited funding for Utah’s 22

local domestic violence coalitions, as well as collaborating with and providing resources and information

to many individuals and agencies. UDVC also hosts the Domestic Violence LinkLine, which operates 24

hours a day.

The UDVC’s unique status as both a grass roots, open community forum and a non-profit Council as well

as its local and national relationships allow it to function with efficiency and effectiveness. Throughout the

years the UDVC has shown extraordinary achievement in becoming the leader of Utah’s collaborative

statewide effort to eliminate domestic violence.

*The performers are not being compensated for the event and are donating their time and music

for the benefit concert. All proceeds, including the purchases of music from online sources will be

donated to the UDVC.

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