noah's ark

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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powerpoint presentation for Children's Ministry,


This is the story of Noah.

When Noah was born, Lamech, his father, proclaimed,“My son, Noah, will be ablessing to the world!”

And so Noah grew up to be a man of God.

He got married and had 3 sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth.

Although God was happy with Noah …

God was very grieved…

..that the people around Noah were wicked …

…and did evil things to each other.

When we do bad things, we make God sad too!

God called Noah and said: “I see how the earth is full of lawlessness …

…and corruption. I will destroy all men and beasts.

God said:“I want you to make a boat 440 feet long,73 feet wide,And 44 feet high.”

“Cover it inside out with pitch,and make 3 decks inside.”

Noah took down all the

instructions God told him

because Noah wanted to follow everything God


Noah took down all the instructions

God told him because Noah

wanted to follow everything God said.

Noah knew that if He obeyed God, God will bless him.Do you know that if you obey God, God will bless you too?

Maybe God won’t tell you to make a boat, but each one of us has a special giftGod wants us to use, a special role, a unique mission just like Noah.

When God finished giving Noah all the instructions about the boat, God said, “I’m going to send rain and flood,

but don’t be afraid, because I will take care of you and your wife, your sons and your sons’ wives and all their children.”

“You must also bring two of every living creature,

one male and one female. You also have to provide

food for yourselves and for the animals.

And so Noah and his family set to work on building the boat. His neighbors laughed and jeered but Noah and his family kept working.

They also went and gathered a pair of every kind of animal and stocked up on food, just as God instructed.

Soon, the Lord said to Noah, “Go into the boat, you and your family. Bring all the animals and the food.” I

“In 7 days,” God said, “it will start raining for 40 days and 40 nights.” So Noah and his family …

True enough, in 7 days, it started raining. God shut them all in safely so no one could get in. The neighbors were crying, pleading to get in!…and all the animals went into the boat.

True enough, in 7 days, it started raining. God shut them all in safely so no one could get in.

By now, Noah’s neighbors were shouting to be let in!

For 40 days and 40 nights, heavy rain poured on the earth. The waters lifted the boat higher…

...and higher!

All the highest mountains could be seen no more!

All the creatures of the earth, all mankind perished! Only Noah and his family and the animals

on the boat survived the flood.

The rain stopped after 40 days and 40 nights…

…but the waters took a long time to subside.

Noah had to send a bird to fly around to see if there was dry land. The bird came back because it couldn’t find anywhere to stay.

So Noah sent the bird off again.

The second time the bird returned with a branch from a tree. The third time,

the bird didn’t return again.

After a year went by since the rain began to fall, at last the earth was dry!

The boat landed on the mountain of Ararat.

God called out to Noah, “Come out now, Noah!Let all the animals out so they can multiply!”

Pair by pair, the animals left the boat.

Can you imagine the relief they felt after being cooped up in the boat?

Noah was so happy he built an altar and gave thanks

to the Lord.

God was so pleased with Noah, he said,

“I make a promise to you-never again to send a flood to destroy all the

living creatures on the earth.”

“I will hang a rainbowin the sky to remindMe of my promise.”

“The rainbow is a sign of My promiseto you andall the creatures of the earth!”


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