node.js streaming csv downloads proxy

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Small Node.js proxy to turn a paginated JSON REST API into a CSV streaming download. Examples of code and patterns. Presented at the London Node User Group meetup, April 2014


Streaming downloads proxy service with


ismael celis @ismasan - Hosted e-commerce in South America

background job Email


Previous setup

Previous setup

Previous setup

• Memory limitations • Email deliverability • Code bloat • inflexible

New setup

• Monolithic micro • Leverage existing API

New setup

• Monolithic micro • Leverage existing API

curl -H “Authorization: Bearer xxx” \

New setup

API -> CSV Stream

// pipe generated CSV onto the HTTP responsevar writer = csv.createCsvStreamWriter(response)// Turn a series of paginated requests // to the backend API into a stream of datavar stream = apistream.instance(uri, token)// Pipe data stream into CSV writerstream.pipe(writer)

API -> CSV Stream

response.setHeader('Content-Type', ‘text/csv'); response.setHeader('Content-disposition', 'attachment;filename=' + name + '.csv');

API -> mappers -> CSV Stream

{ "code": "123EFCD", "total": 80000, "status": "shipped", "date": "2014-02-03", "items": [ {"product_title": "iPhone 5", "units": 2, "unit_price": 30000}, {"product_title": "Samsung Galaxy S4", "units": 1, "unit_price": 20000} ]}

code, total, date, status, product, units, unit_price, total2 123EFCD, 80000, 2014-02-03, shipped, iPhone 5, 2, 30000, 800003 123EFCD, 80000, 2014-02-03, shipped, Samsung Galaxy S4, 1, 20000, 80000

API -> mappers -> CSV Stream

var OrderMapper = csvmapper.define(function () { this.scope('items', function () { this .map('id', '/id') .map('order', '/code') .map('status', '/status') .map('discount', '/discount_total') .map('shipping price', '/shipping_total') .map('total', '/total') .map('year', '/updated_on', year) .map('month', '/updated_on', month) .map('day', '/updated_on', day) .map('payment method', '/payment_method_type') .map('name', '/contact/name') .map('email', '/contact/email') .map('address', '/address', address) .map('product', 'product_title') .map('variant', 'variant_title') .map('sku', 'variant_sku') .map('unit price', 'unit_price') .map('quantity', 'units')

API -> mappers -> CSV Stream

var writer = csv.createCsvStreamWriter(res);var stream = apistream.instance(uri, token)var mapper = new OrdersMapper()// First line in CSV is the headerswriter.writeRecord(mapper.headers())// mapper.eachRow() turns a single API resource into 1 or more CSV rowsstream.on('item', function (item) { mapper.eachRow(item, function (row) { writer.writeRecord(row) })})

API -> mappers -> CSV Stream

stream.on('item', function (item) { mapper.eachRow(item, function (row) { writer.writeRecord(row) })})

Paremeter definitions created_at:gte=2014-02-01 & page=2

Paremeter definitions

var OrdersParams = params.define(function () { this .param('sort', 'updated_on:desc') .param('per_page', 20) .param('status', 'closed,pending,invalid,shipped') })

Paremeter definitions

var params = new OrdersParams(request.query)// Compose API url using sanitized / defaulted paramsvar uri = "" + params.query;var stream = apistream.instance(uri, token)

Secure CSV downloads

JSON Web Tokens

headers . claims . signature


JSON Web Tokens

headers {“typ":"JWT", "alg":"HS256"}

claims{ “shop_id":"acme", "iat":1300819380, "aud":"orders", "filters": {"status": "shipped"} }


+ Base64

+ Base64

HMAC SHA-256 (headers + claims, secret) + Base64

Rails: Generate token (Ruby)

# controllers/downloads_controller.rbdef create url = Rails.application.config.downloads_host claims = params[:download_options] # Add an issued_at timestamp claims[:iat] = ( * 1000).to_i # Scope data on current account claims[“shop_id"] = # generate JWT token = JWT.encode(claims, Rails.application.config.downloads_secret) # Redirect to download URL. Browser will trigger download dialog redirect_to “#{url}?jwt=#{token}" end

Rails: Generate token (Ruby)

claims[:iat] = ( * 1000).to_iclaims[“shop_id"] = current_shop.idtoken = JWT.encode(claims, secret)redirect_to "#{url}?jwt=#{token}"

Node: validate JWT

var TTL = 60000;var tokenMiddleware = function(req, res, next){ try{ var decoded = jwt.decode(req.query.jwt, secret); if(decoded.shop_id != req.param(‘shop_id') { res.send(400, ‘JWT and query shop ids do not match'); return } var now = new Date(), utc = getUtcCurrentDate(); if(utc - Number(decoded.iat) > TTL) { res.send(401, "Web token has expired") return } req.query = decoded // all good, carry on next() } catch(e) { res.send(401, 'Unauthorized or invalid web token'); }}

Node: validate JWT

var decoded = jwt.decode(req.query.jwt, secret);


Node: validate JWT

if(decoded.shop_id != req.param(‘shop_id') { res.send(400, ‘JWT and query shop ids do not match'); return}

Node: validate JWT

var now = new Date(), utc = getUtcCurrentDate();if(utc - Number(decoded.iat) > TTL) { res.send(401, "Web token has expired") return}

Node: validate JWT

req.query = decoded // all good, carry onnext()

Node: HTTP handlers

app.get('/:shop_id/orders.csv', tokenMiddleware, handler.create('orders', ...));

app.get('/:shop_id/contacts.csv', tokenMiddleware, handler.create('contacts', ...));

app.get('/:shop_id/products.csv', tokenMiddleware, handler.create('products', ...));


ismael celis @ismasan

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