noipap the first two chapters

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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" The literary work is presented as a tale of multiple episodes, which through legends and aphorisms, induces the audience to reflection.It is a text that enters the deep and allows the reader to define an inner journey that leads to sensory and emotional growth. The structure of the story is set in contrast from the point of view of time, so as to provide more immediacy to the message that the author wants to give us and put emphasis on the labor that the caterpillar has faced to reach the transmutation. It is the voice of a soul that wants to communicate with other souls. The descriptions are detailed and leverage on the five senses, the goal is the total involvement. The clear and simple language makes the story highly communicative and easily interpretable; the reader can read every single concept, uploading their own personal experiences. It is not just a book about dreams, but it is a metaphorical journey of the author and the community towards their goals. Who would not want to thrive and achieve their dreams? "Barbara Bruno



The story of a soul

by Burgui T.M.

This is a message from the soul for the soul.

I believe that in the midst of these pages

your soul will hear me.

Because it was written for You.


Introduction to reading………..…………………………………………………..……...4


Chapter 15. In memoriam of Plato...…………………………...…………....……17

Chapter14. The transformation.....…………………………….……………..…......25

Chapter 13. Between a wasp and a fox sauve qui peut………………………...……....31

Chapter 12. Boom! Splat!....…………..…………………………………….….….42

Chapter 11. Some words and a story………………..………………………….…..…44

Chapter 10. A kick in the ass is a step forward ………….………………………….....57

Chapter 9. Repetitio mater studiorum est………………………..………………......65

Chapter 8. Problems attract problems, solutions attract ....................................68

Chapter 7. The truth through the eyes of childhood ……..….………………………....76

Chapter 6. Dialogue with The Sad Plump ………….…….……………..…….…86

Chapter 5. Happy or sad, it’s just a choice.……………………………………...…….92

Chapter 4. Operation Leaf ....……….…….………………………………………107

Chapter 3. A few words about Papion’s work.................…………………...….110

Chapter 2. Leaf connection.................................…….…………….……….115

Chapter1. Fact or black comedy?...........................................................120

Useful explanations recommended by my sweet soul mate Delia…….…………………124

Few words about silk history…….…………………….…………………………….…..126

The moment of thanks……………………………………………………………………128

Bibliography/ sitography………......………………….………….……………….….130

Introduction to reading

The reason why this book begins with the epilogue and ends with the first

chapter is the result of my decision to overturn the whole story in order to bring

the reader quickly to the message that it imparts.

Within the dialogues I have inserted metaphors and tales collected from

different cultures and also aphorisms that have helped me, a little at a time, to

understand life better and overcome various situations and personal limits. So I

set out with the hope that these will serve the same purpose for the reader.

The whole story revolves around a single metaphor, the transmutation of a silk

worm into a butterfly. I chose silkworms because among all the insects in the

world, Bombyx mori , whose larvae are called improperly " Silkworm ", are

assumed to be completely dependent on humans regarding reproduction and

there are no more in the wild, as free beings.

It can be seen as a satire, or understood as a philosophical text or as a book of

personal growth, but mostly it is a message of the soul. It is a story about faith,

dreams, true love, courage and changes.

And now I’m asking you, if everyone could realize the dream of their life, would

not the reality of everyone become a dream life?

Thank you for having opened this book,

I wish you a pleasant read.


Noipap was no longer surprised by anything. Even if the turtle had left too, he

didn't blame him, but he thanked him for everything he had learned.

At this time, he swore that he wouldn't return to the stone tree until he learned

how to fly.

He no longer felt alone, or angry that he couldn't fly, nor full of emotions that he

may fly someday.

He was calm and thought about everything he had learned lately and the many

changes there had been in his life...

Suddenly, peace entered his soul and he knew he shouldn't be stressed about

anything anymore! He will certainly learn, he will definitely fly!!!

That's why he was born a caterpillar, God had been kind to him that was the

only way he could become a butterfly!

All this time, millions of electrical impulses unified, new connections were

made in his brain, and all the information flew effortlessly.

He didn't know that, but in his mind there was no node that could have

interrupted those connections. And all he had learned by now became a part of

himself! Now he felt light as a snowflake, and, suddenly, looking at a cloud it

seemed closer and closer to him.

When he looked down, he realized he was flying.

“ Whether you think you can or you think you cannot,

you're right in both cases.”

Henry Ford

A few hours earlier...

While our white butterfly was sitting deep in thought on a branch, there came

the clear voice of the turtle from below:

- The Stoics believed that life gives you exactly what you need, good things to

enjoy or hard tests to learn from, and more precisely to grow.

- But I did not want to be taken over night, get chased by a crow, fight with a

bee... Was that what I needed?

- You already know my opinion…

But you know why you can't fly?!?

Because you're scared!!!

- Yes, I'm scared, I'm scared!!! So many times I thought I could do something

and when it was about to happen... I blew it all! I only managed to hurt myself

and those around me!

- Do you know what bothers me the most in this world? the turtle asked.

- No, but I'm curious to find out.

- It bothers me the most to see the sparkle in the eyes of a being, to see their

glow. And to see that it doesn't even realize how special it is, that it's unlimited,

that what it can do is much more than its wildest dreams. That's what hurts me

the most!

I'd like you to please listen to a parable that changed many beings' lives in this

world, including mine.

Unfortunately, this parable is based on the way the elephants are really chained,

first physically, then mentally, so in the end they are entirely fettered. And the

turtle began the story happened on an island called Sri Lanka.

“A Sunday morning, the little Rosan was taken to the circus by his father.

Throughout the show he was pleasantly surprised by almost all the acts and

acrobatics, both the circus men and the animals. But when he got out of the

circus yard, next to a tent, he saw the enormous elephant standing sadly. On the

neck of this great creature a rope was hanging attached to the ground by a

simple wooden stake.

- Daddy, daddy!! the child said. Why does the elephant look sad?

- Because it's captive son, and its place is out there, away from these hills, in the


- And then... why doesn't it go?

- Because it's tied up, son!

- Daddy, daddy! But it's tied up to a small wooden stake. With force it must

have, it would surely break it in a minute!

- I think so, too, son. The father said, smiling.

- But then why doesn't it escape, dad?!

- That, my son, I don't know.

All day long the child asked everyone why doesn't the elephant release itself,

having everything it needs to succeed.

From his playground friends to the uncles, aunts, grandparents and all the other

mature people he met that day. But no one knew the answer to his question.

In the evening before supper, the father found his child standing alone in the

garden, looking far away, where the animals live freely.

- You're still thinking about the elephant, son?

Yes and no... I was thinking rather about my stupid question, that there is no

answer for.

- My dear, there is no such thing as stupid questions, nor questions without an


So he took him in his arms, he let his wife know they were going to be a little

late for dinner, and they left. On the same way they had walked in the morning

to the circus, his father looked at him and said:

- If there are questions that keep coming back in your mind and you can't find an

answer, that does not mean they don't have one, but maybe you aren't looking

for them in the right place.

Getting to the circus, they found a man sweeping the yard, and the father told

the child:

- Look, there's a man you can ask.

- But dad, we came up here to ask an animal keeper of the circus when even

grandpa, who is a doctor, didn't know the answer?

- Son, never underestimate the wisdom of a man, and, more than that, do not let

your mind be closed by the illusion of what you think you see. You see just a

keeper... I see instead an old man who has spent a lifetime in the circus! In my

opinion, he knows more about these animals than your grandfather might know,

just like grandpa knows more about healing people than we do.

Everyone in this world knows something more than another, and no man knows

everything. Now go and ask him, and see if I'm right.

A few minutes later, the child returned to his father and thanked him for the

lesson of life. The father replied:

- Now, if you found out, it's your turn to teach me why the elephant does not


The child told him what he had just heard from the old man with the broom.

Dad, it seems that the elephant tried to escape since day one, but he was too

small and the stake was then too big. After a year it kept trying to escape, but the

rope and the stake were too strong for him. It seems that he understood then that

it was impossible to get away. And it really was, when he was small...

Meanwhile, the elephant grew but no one told him he was now strong enough to

break free.

- You see, son, I want you to remember this day and what you learned today

when you grow up. And remember that, if now there is something you can't do,

that doesn't mean that over time you will not be able to do it. If you wish for

something you have to try until you succeed. For there is no unattainable desire

but only strong or temporary desires. Now let's go home to teach those who will

want to hear what you've just learned.”

Once the story was finished, Noipap said:

- I understand why you told me that. I’ve tried, and I'm still trying, and I really

thought I could do it, and I risked everything again... even if I failed in other


I took it from the beginning, with the same enthusiasm that gave me wings, and

I told them all: I will succeed! And you know what? I lost, it’s no use...

-What do you mean it’s no use?! You became a butterfly!

- I have always been like this... I could never finish anything!

Now that I have real wings I'm not able to fly!!! I've always done it like this...

And so I lost everything I loved most, my family and Airam!!! Now I love life

and even though my soul isn't gray anymore, and even if I have these wings on

my back, I'm still alone, far away from what I love!!! I managed to let

everybody down again ... You know that saying, “The wolf changes its coat, but

not its habits”?

- I know it, even if I think it's a little bit limited. Let me tell you another very

short story: “It's about a young lion, who was asked by a lioness what sign he

was and replied:

- I was Libra!

After the young lioness explained to him, laughing, that all of us are born into a

certain astral juncture, and that you can't change the sign you're born in, the

young lion replied calmly:

- Okay, but I inquired everywhere about my sign's characteristics, until I learned

everything I could about it, then I carved into a mountain cliff all the related

qualities and I thanked nature and God for every single gift. Then I carved into

the tree bark where I usually sleep, all my faults. I decided to choose each of

them in turn, and I don't give up until I delete each from my character, so I can

cancel them, then, from this list.

The years have passed, and on that list there is no negative characteristic left.

Now... tell me, please, what sign am I?”

- He was very wise, the young lion, Noipap said.

- Think about these two moral stories, and try to figure out what are those

ridiculous limits that you imposed on yourself as insurmountable, and stop

worrying about those around you! If you are alone and fall, you won't hurt

anyone else except yourself.

- What an encouragement... Should I thank you?!?

- You just have to understand that you've become a butterfly just because you

fell many times!! I can give you advice just because I was wrong and I learned

from my mistakes.

- You certainly didn't do as much nonsense as I did! You know too many things

to be as stupid as me!

- I know, thanks to my experience!

And you know what? You're right! I didn't do as many mistakes. I did lots more!

When you fall and get up, you learn something from the fall.

If you keep falling and getting up, at some point you learn to stand on your own

feet and become an example.

Anyone who has experiences and is able to give good advice, does so because

they have learned from their mistakes and they just don't see them as failures,

but as experiences they needed in order to fulfill their dream.

Just learn to fly and do what you have to do, and those you love will come again

into your life! But you have to fly so you can see them; they're too far away

from you right now!!!

- But how can I learn to fly, if I don't know and don't understand what's going on

with me? Why can't I fly???

That is my question; I'd like to understand it so much... Why am I not able to do

something good from a beginning to an end? This is all I think about...

- If you only think about the reasons you can't do something, your mind will

show you all your weaknesses, and will show you why you can't. That is one of

the brain's tasks, to find answers.

- I heard that before,... Noipap said.

- Then you should also learn from it!!!

If you think you can even when everyone tells you you're wrong, your brain will

look for answers and solutions to succeed!

But you should really believe it!!! This is the secret.

Stop worrying about what you can't understand, behind each breath there should

be a thought, and that is that you can!!! And you need something else: exercise,

you must put all into practice, otherwise your thoughts will remain only dreams.

Just think a little if your dreams become real, your reality wouldn’t become a

dream one?

If you believe and do whatever you decided in order to succeed, nothing will

stand in your way!

On the contrary, all that there is around you will fill in your deficiencies and will

help you fly. Life doesn't help you accomplish what you want, but you really

believe you can do. What everyone thinks within himself, makes the difference

between success and personal failure.

You not only need to want, but you need to believe that you can and you deserve

what you want. And about mistakes, learn from the past and understand:

Today's mistakes are tomorrow's lesson.

Now you know what? Both of us are talking a lot and you're still not flying.

There is a time for everything, and now is the time for you to do something


Skip this last barrier son, and don't let the fear of failure handcuff your wings

and remember:

If you fall, you get up!!!

And the turtle disappeared...

“ Experience is the hardest kind of teacher.

It gives you the test first, and the lesson afterward.”

Oscar Wilde

Many sunrises before this event the butterfly, which at that

time was called Papion, had tried to fly every day, but

despite his efforts there was no success.

Had also passed weeks, and Papion

still hadn't learned.

The spring was almost over,

and he still hadn't been able to fly, not one inch...


In memoriam of Plato

The next day, early in the morning, Papion woke up and got out of the

hollow, ready to fly. But all morning had been a continuous failure. Towards

noon, when he met the turtle again, he asked him:

- But why am I not able to fly? The other flying insects do it with such ease,

Airam used to tell me how she flew from the first moment.

- She certainly did. But from your family, and even more, from your race, a

butterfly hasn't flown for so many generations. In fact, for a long time a butterfly

hasn't been born. Your instincts are simply dulled; it's not your fault. You need

to exercise and you'll see you can do it, as you're a butterfly. If you were a turtle

like me, then I'd say you should give up. Now come to eat, I brought you


The old man brought him some flowers so he would feed on their pollen.

- So you knew I would fail, right?

- I assumed that it was still too early, given the circumstances, and even if I had

carried the flowers for nothing and you could already fly, it was better than

finding you tired and hungry, and not having brought them with me.

- You're very kind to me, thank you.

- It's my pleasure and a way to give back what I've received. For life has been

very generous with me... By the way, I have a question, but you should not

answer me, if you don't want to.

- I will answer any of your questions, I just hope that my answer will be up to

the expectations for your question.

- What will you do when you learn how to fly very well?

- Before you found me, actually before being attacked by the wasp, I wanted to

go back to the stone tree, to sneak into my house and get back my leaf through

which I got in contact with Airam, then to go looking for her, although I don't

think she's from this planet. But I would have searched for her for a lifetime,

rather than living till the end blaming myself for not having had the courage to

seek the being who had awakened the love inside my soul.

- Why are you talking about before? You're going to do something else now?

- Now, yes. Now, I want to go back to the stone tree to tell the others the truth. I

am a butterfly now, they will certainly believe me!

- And why would you do that? Wouldn't it be easier for you to fly and look for

Airam? Wouldn't she also like it?

- Airam would want me to do what is right! And not always what is the easiest is

also the right thing to do. And I want to help all of them, and I know my beloved

little butterfly would want me to do this.

- Even those who criticized you? Who betrayed you? Who drove you away?

Who wanted to kill you?

- Airam taught me long ago that everyone is able to help those who help

themselves, or who deserve it. Except that those who help even the ones who

don't deserve it... they make the difference!

And that was just one of the many things I learned from her... Papion said with

tears in his eyes.

- You know, listening to you, I remembered the Cavern Myth by Plato, do you

know it?

- Sorry, I don't recall it well... Why do you ask?

- Because it's a dialogue from the past, but that as many decades as it may take,

centuries and even millennia, this myth continues to be up-to-date!

- Will you tell me more about it?

- I thought you'd never ask! said LaPace smiling.

I'll quote a dialogue written by Plato within The Republic, Book VII:

“- Imagine a couple of men in an underground cave-shaped house, with an

entrance open to the light on its entire width; these people are in there since their

childhood, legs and necks in chains; thus they cannot move or look elsewhere

than in front of them, the chains preventing them from turning their heads

around; the light comes from a burning fire far behind them; between the fire

and the prisoners there is a road. Imagine that on this road is built a small wall,

like a partition at a puppet show, where only the marionettes are visible.

- I can see that, he said.

- Now imagine along this wall some people carrying all sorts of objects larger

than the wall, statues of people and animals in stone, in wood and other kinds of

materials; normally, some of them are talking, some of them not.

- It is, he said, a strange picture, and there are strange prisoners, too.

- They are like us, he said, and, above all, do you think that in such situation

they had ever seen something else of themselves and their neighbors than the

shadows projected by the fire on the walls of the cave before them?

- How could they do it, he observed, when they're forced to sit their entire lives

in chains?

- As for the objects passing by, it's not the same thing?

- Undoubtedly, yes.

- But if they could talk together, don't you think they would take the shadows

they see for real objects?

- It's necessary.

- And if the back wall of the cave would have an echo, every time some of the

carriers of these objects would talk, would they think they heard something else

rather than the shadows that pass before them?

- By Zeus, no, he said.

- Of course, these people will assign a reality just to the shadows of the

manufactured objects.

- They most certainly must do that.

- Think now about what would naturally happen to them if they would get rid of

their chains and would be cured of their ignorance. If one of these prisoners

would be untied and forced to stand up straight away, to turn his neck, to move,

to look up to the light; making all these moves, he will suffer, and the blindness

caused by the light would prevent him from distinguishing the objects that he

previously saw as shadows. What do you think he would answer if someone had

come and told him that he hadn't seen before more than empty ghosts, but that

now, closer to reality, and turned towards more real objects, does he see more


If, finally, showing him each of the things that pass by, would you make him say

what are they? Don't you think he would be confused, and that the shadows he

saw before would appear to him more real than the objects shown to him right


- More real, he admitted.

- And if you force him to look to the light itself, won't it hurt his eyes? Won't he

run away from its sight, so that he can return to the things he can see, and won't

he believe that they are more different than the ones shown to him?

- Of course.

- And what if he was pulled out of the cave by force, if he was made to climb

the hard and steep ascent, and if he wasn't let go before he was dragged into the

sunlight, wouldn't he suffer a lot and wouldn't he complain about this

mistreatment? And once in the light, blinded by its glare, would he be able to

distinguish by himself from the things that we call now true?

- He wouldn't be able to do it, he answered, at least not from the beginning.

- He would need to get used to it in order to see things from the upper side. First,

he will see more easily the shades, then people's faces and the other objects that

are reflected in the water, then, facing the glow of the stars and the moon, he

would be able to contemplate the heavenly bodies better during the night rather

than the sky itself during the day, the sun and the sunlight.

- Of course.

- In the end, I imagine, there would be the sun itself in his place, not its empty

images, reflected into the water or other things.

- It has to be, he said.

- Then he would reach the conclusion that the sun creates the seasons and the

years, that it runs everything in the world we see, and that, some way, it is the

cause of everything he saw in the cave along with his companions.

- He will certainly reach this conclusion.

- But, then, remembering his first home, what is known in there, and those who

were his companions in captivity, don't you think he will enjoy the change and

that he will commiserate with the latter ?

- Yes, of course.

- And if they would share among them honours and praise, if they had awards

for who catches with a sharper eye the shadows passing by, who recalls better

those that usually go first or last, or those that go together and would, thereby,

be the most skilled in guessing their appearance, do you think that our man

would be jealous of these distinctions, and that he would envy those prisoners

who are honored and powerful? Or wouldn't he prefer a thousand times, like

Homer's hero, to be a mere servant and suffer all that can possibly be in the

world, rather than to return to his old illusions and to live as he used to live?

Now, dear Glaucon, we must apply this image point by point to what I said

before; to compare the world our sight shows us with the time spent in prison,

and the light the fire reflects with the power of the sun; as for the lifting on the

upper side, to the contemplation of its objects, if you see it as a soul rise to the

understandable, then you will not be wrong with my thinking direction; and

because you still wish to learn, here's my opinion: in the intelligible world, the

idea of good is perceived last and the most important; but you can't see it

without reaching the conclusion that it is the cause of all that is right and

beautiful in everything, that it created the light and the light sovereign in the

visible world, and in the intelligible world, it is itself sovereign and shares the

truth and the intelligence.”

- I told you this myth, because, even if they didn't try to show you the light, but

to take you to a sure death, you have been also, taken out of your own “cave”!

What I want to ask you is if you'd go back there.

You have tried to speak to them several times, and you see well the result...

Wouldn't it be better for you to live like a butterfly? Free, as a bird…

- I have to go, because, if I didn't, I would just be selfish! I must do it because

the gift that was given to me has now become a duty, the duty of helping others

like me to see what I saw!

- To teach them to fly?

- I'll consider teaching others to fly after I learn it myself! Until then, I'm just

thinking about what can I do now in order to realize how to help them.

-And if those directing it all will try to kill you, aren't you afraid? What if they

succeed this time?

- I'll die smiling, because it's worth it, dying for the truth!

- Are you absolutely convinced this is your path?

- Yes! I think I understand how to live in harmony with the universe. Now,

when I know exactly what I want to do, I'll let myself be carried away by my life

without opposing anymore. I'll accept everything that will happen to me as a gift

or as a lesson that will help me do what I decided. I will succeed or I'll die


- It's good to hear you talking like that. You're the one I was waiting for!

- You were waiting for me? Since when? the butterfly asked.

- Since the day all of your folks left nature, lost their freedom, and came to live

as prisoners of their own minds, in the stone tree.

- What business do you have to do with the silk moths? Besides, you said it

happened many generations ago. You might be a turtle, and you might live more

than ten lives of a silkworm, but neither can you be so old.

- Don't let yourself be fooled by the eye's illusions, Noipap!

- Noipap?!? With all the respect, didn't you get somehow crazy?!

- No, answered LaPace smiling.

- But why are you calling me Noipap? the insect curiously asked.

- Because you are now the opposite of all you have been once! Now, you


Noipap The White Butterfly!!!

A day before...

Chapter 14

The transformation

When he woke up, he was wrapped in a very thick shiny white cloth.

His first thoughts were that he had been captured by someone who wished him

harm. But he suddenly felt such a strong heat streaming from his chest and such

joy that he had never experienced before.

At this point, his black thoughts disappeared, and a new mindset guided him. “I

have to find the good side of this situation, there must be, there always is! There

must definitely be one reason why I am here. I don’t have to feel sorry for

myself, it does me no good. I’m alive, and what doesn’t kill me makes me

stronger! I need to find a way to get out of this situation. That's all I have to

think about!” Immobilized as he was, he began to use his mind, focusing on a

single desire, to get out. In the process he began to see how he was getting out,

he saw himself already out. Even though his body was still trapped, he felt with

all his heart the immense joy of success, although he was still motionless.

Seeing that he couldn’t move his body, but only his head he brought it near to

the cloth, and pushing his feet, he began to emerge as though through a hole that

was designed for this kind of thing. It wasn’t long until he managed to get out of

the cocoon. Suddenly he was seized by terror casting such a large shadow, that

he got frightened believing that there was someone else with him... there

certainly was whoever that had captured him. But when he looked around he

was alone, and so where was the shadow from? It couldn’t be his, because it was

the shadow of a large insect with wings, but when he reached out and touched

his back, he felt what he dreamed of since he met Airam... a pair of wings! He

realized now that he was taller, that his feet were much longer and he wasn’t

gray anymore. Finding near him the shimmer of water, he was able to see

himself. He was fully white!

He decided to leave that place as quickly as he could. He had no time to think

about what had happened. First he had to find a safe shelter and then he would

understand what really had transpired.

Coming out from the hollow where he was, he found himself directly by a lake

with the head of a turtle sticking out of the water.

Afraid, he tried to flap his wings, but as he couldn’t control them, he started

running. There came a strong but calm voice from behind that asked:

- Why are you running away from those who try to save you?

The turtle’s voice, so deep, didn’t sound threatening to Papion, and something

inside him made him stop.

- How did you save me? I escaped by myself from that net where I was


- I think it’s time to get closer to the lake and watch yourself.

- Yeah... to get closer so you could eat me?

- I don’t eat butterflies, young man!

- Butterflies? That's right! I'm a butterfly now! But how did it happen?

- One step at a time, come closer and watch yourself carefully, it is time to

understand who you are now. Don’t be afraid, I won’t harm you, I could have

done it two days ago when I got you out of the hollow you were in, where, if

you would have stayed, the wasp would have taken his revenge.

- But all I did was to defend one of my travelling companions, said Papion.

-Yes, but the whole forest knows now that it was defeated by a caterpillar. And

her pride suffered greatly. You did what you had to do, but don’t expect a wasp

to understand this.

When Papion got closer to the lake and saw himself entirely, he remained

speechless for a moment. Nature had been very generous with him. Then, he

found out how the turtle, whose name was LaPace, had pulled him from that

place where he was in danger, and what had happened to the other worms that

had betrayed him. Moreover, LaPace told him how, with the help of a squirrel

that owed him a favor, he had managed to provide a large pile of mulberry

leaves in absence of which Papion wouldn’t have been able to survive.

- You needed lots of leaves that you've been eating continuously. You needed

them to be able to produce that magic thread that you covered yourself with.

- You mean I chained myself?

- No. I tell you you've built on your own the cocoon where the magic happened.

I don't know how you manage to produce thirty, forty inches of thread per

minute, and especially how you manage to create in two days and two nights

more than a thousand five hundred meters long thread. And even if I could

understand that, I still couldn't understand the metamorphosis you go through in

this cocoon you create. But this is one of the magical parts of life, and you are

the living example that life is magical.

- But why am I white, and I'm not colorful like Airam, or like the other

butterflies that she told me about?

- Maybe it's a sign. There is a legend from thousands of years ago saying that

one day the great white butterfly will come and save all those poor things in the

stone tree controlled by the Setta-Set.

- You mean I am the one? That there is no other white butterfly?

- Yes, there are, but none like you, spotless, and, besides, your birth coincides

with the predictions of your ancestors, that is in the morning of the spring's first

sunrise, when the sun passes through the gate that we all call the spring equinox.

- What is the spring equinox? And why is it so important?

- Because it marks the beginning of the astronomical spring and it represents the

entering into the first zodiac sign. At this time, the sun crosses the equator, and

passes from the southern hemisphere of the celestial sphere into the northern

one, which determines at that time an equal duration of days and nights, no

matter the latitude...

It's a magical moment when everything is in harmony and it's followed by

nature's return to life.

- And why does it have to be white?

- This is the undeniable sign that you were born with the first spring light, and

your entire body reflects the first light of the spring, the purity.

- But I'm not pure, I did a lot of bad things until I met Airam. On the contrary, I

think I'm not worthy, I'm far from being pure!

Nor would he have believed this whole white butterfly story, if two days before

he hadn’t been a gray caterpillar, then transparent, and now a white butterfly.

Nothing surprised him any more.

- I remember that one summer’s day I sat under a willow that kept me cool and

shady, the turtle began his story. At noon, when the sun was high in the sky,

among the willows rays of light began to enter and dance with the movement of

the sun. I had never seen such a beautiful playful light, before so many particles

that composed it dancing , I saw then a reality that I hadn't seen before. I saw it

just because I was in the shadow of the willow and only few rays passed

through. I've seen thousands of sunny days, but only that day I was able to see

what hides in the light, that is life, the dancing and the singing of such small

beings that normally I couldn't see.

You see, not all of those who are born into the light manage to also see it,

sometimes all it takes is someone who stayed long enough in the darkness to see

a single light beam and to understand the miracle that hides there. You made

your mistakes in the past, it's time to forgive yourself...

- They were dust particles.

- What?

- What you saw in the light, it was just dust.

- You can call them what you want but, above all, imagine

that this whole universe is composed of dust particles... But if you want to

discover them, you'll find in them dynamism, movement, life.

- But why of all Zeta-Zet that lived in the mist and darkness I was the one who

became a butterfly?

Think of someone who lives a few miles from the sea, but he does not want

absolutely to go and have a bath. He is not interested at all because he is afraid

of the water and has other things to worry about. Now imagine a lover of the sea

who instead is climbing mountains in order to dive into the water. And everyday

he is getting closer to the banks. Dear Papion, which of them is closer to the sea?

There are no wrong places to start from, but only constructive or destructive

desires. Only consciousness can make the difference. This was your inner

journey, you've just crossed the mountains and now jumped into the sea.

When he finished the story, LaPace noted that Papion was very tired, and he

advised him to rest, because starting the next day he will have to learn how to

fly. So, Papion, who could barely stand, for an unusual tiredness had overtaken

him, decided to return to where he earlier had tried to run.

- Thank you for all your help, mister LaPace! If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't

be alive now.

- A day I could be a help to someone is always a blessed day.

For me “to help” means to be truly alive and not living in vain! finished the


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