non-coders wanted: how to get and keep non-technical volunteers

Post on 29-Dec-2014






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Many distributions sorely need writers for documentation, press releases and blogging or experts on outreach, fundraising and volunteer management or a friendly pack of translators, but aren't sure how to get them. Non-coders do want to contribute to free software, but they need slightly different framing and like all contributors they thrive with the proper care and feeding. Tweaking your volunteer pitch, looking in different places, being open to different communications channels, and finding ways to appreciate folks will help immensely. Once you've got them, letting your new non-coding contributors get on with what they're good at will help them feel invested. In this talk, I'll discuss how to set parameters for non-coding tasks so that everyone is happy. With some basic benchmarks for scheduling, accountability and volunteer empowerment, you'll be able to retain and excite your new non-coding volunteers. Want more visibility, a better user experience, nicer materials or more well-organized events for your distro? Start bringing in folks with the skills and enthusiasm to make it happen!


Noncoders WantedDeb Nicholson- FOSDEM-Jan. 2, 2014

People do not fit into tiny boxes

No one else is doing it?

Spread too thin

Why I'm giving this talk

Why close the circle?

Free Software needs all kinds of people


Help with all the things?

Who knows what you need?

Who knows what you need?(Hint: It might not be you.)

Non-coders are the same

And they're also different

Probably not the same place you found your coders

Unless it's the GNOME Outreach Program for Women

A special note about internships

More than just grunt work


Clear is/is not

Check your lines of communication


Teamwork makes the dream work.

Working towards one goal

Team-players are more invested

A little recognition can go a long way

Always be including



You do not want to be known for not doing it

Everyone is an expert at something

You'll get your you-know-whathanded to you

Get rid of the pedestal

Not because sadness

(although I am opposed to unnecessary sadness)

Because there are other fishes in the sea

Because there are other goblins in the sea


Everyone is an expert at something

Bonus points for finding out why they work on your project

Or they will leave

Picture credits

CC.BY.SAIt's All Gone Horribly Wrong, by Rob Myers (Mediagoblin) - Not Hearing That, by Paul Stevenson (Flickr) - Bean Bag Kid, by Peter Clark (Flickr) - Giant Ear?, by jmrodri (Flickr) - Big Ball, by Mike Cogh (Flickr) - SWOT, by Xhienne (Wikipedia)

CC.BY via FlickrMountain Sunrise, by Chris Wary - Help Wanted, by photologue mp - Signed

Jersey, by Richard BH - Listening Cat, by Zanastardust - Black Belt, by Camera Eye Photography - Mustard Green, by soomen - Wuhan Garden, by toehk

CC.0In Your Internet, by Chris Webber (MediaGoblin)

Public DomainGravity from NASA (Wikipedia)

Fair UseSneetches by Dr. Seuss - "Ugly Jesus" from Daily Mail



All the plants!

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