noninvasive imaging of the photoreceptor mosaic response ...8 srinivasan vj, wojtkowski m, fujimoto...

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Noninvasive imaging of the photoreceptor mosaicresponse to light stimulationVivek J. Srinivasana,b,1 and Alfredo Dubrac

In their latest work, Hillman et al. (1) observe opticalpath length changes of individual photoreceptor cellsin response to light stimulation, noninvasively, in a liv-ing human subject. This is a remarkable technical feat,showing the reliable extraction of nanometer-scalechanges across the photoreceptor mosaic, althoughinvoluntary motion of the target tissue is up to fiveorders of magnitude larger. The approach combinesconcepts from holography, optical coherence tomog-raphy (OCT), and computational adaptive optics,creating a powerful tool for studying vision, retinaldisease, and response to treatment.

The vision process is initiated by phototransduc-tion, which starts with the absorption of photons in thephotoreceptor outer segments by photopigments.Impairments of phototransduction or photopigment

regeneration lead to vision loss in numerous inheritedretinal conditions, such as blue cone monochromacyand achromatopsia.

Importantly, the phototransduction process itselfmodifies the optical properties of the photoreceptors,by changing the amount of light that they transmit,scatter, or absorb; this allows one to study photo-transduction noninvasively using light as a probe.Bleaching, the increase in probe light transmittedthrough the outer segment when high incident lightlevels drive a fraction of the photopigment to anonabsorptive state, is one of the most studied ofthese phenomena (2). Although bleaching is the mostdirect result of a light stimulus, scattering (3, 4) andrefractive index (5) may also change. These otheroptical changes, which are more prominent at near-infrared probe wavelengths, have never been fullyexplained, in part due to contradictory results in theliterature derived from different techniques and spe-cies. These poorly understood, nonbleaching signalsin the photoreceptors have been grouped underthe somewhat ambiguous title of “intrinsic opticalsignals” (IOSs).

How can we pinpoint the origins of the IOSs? Onefruitful path has been to use an interferometer, a verysensitive “clock” that measures the time difference, oroptical path difference, between two light waves travelingalong different paths, by adding them together (Fig. 1).If one or both paths change, the relative phase changeof the waves translates into a measurable intensitychange. Thus, path length changes can be measuredwith exquisite precision down to fractions of a wave-length. Jonnal et al. (6) elegantly used the photorecep-tors themselves as a biological interferometer, buildinga flood illumination, adaptive optics ophthalmoscopewhere the two interfering paths were reflections fromthe proximal and distal ends of the photoreceptor outersegments (Fig. 1). The resulting oscillations in intensityafter a light stimulus suggested that IOSs correlatewith a change in the optical path length of the pho-toreceptors during phototransduction (6).

OCT is also an interferometer-based approach inwhich one of the two interfering light waves is outside



outer segment

Incident light

inner segment

Baseline S�mulus

Reflected light

Incident light

Reflected light




Fig. 1. By comparing the phases of reflections from both ends of the cone outersegment, Hillman et al. (1) precisely measure nanometer-scale changes in theoptical path length of the outer segments. (A) OCT depth-integrated image showsthe cone photoreceptor mosaic, and (B) cross-sectional image shows the coneouter segments. OCT images are reproduced with permission (13) with horizontalscale bars of ∼0.1° and vertical scale bars of ∼50 microns. Two reflections,corresponding to the photoreceptor inner segment/outer segment junction (IS/OS, blue) and cone outer segment tips (COST, red), respectively, are evident. (C)During a light stimulus, the change in phase difference between the two reflectedwaves can quantify the change in optical path length of the outer segments. Aninnovative full-field, swept-source OCT approach for rapid, volumetric, and phase-stable imaging enables precise registration of datasets acquired over time,overcoming effects of involuntary eye motion. Finally, computational aberrationcorrection achieves single-cell resolution over a wide field of view.

aBiomedical Engineering Department, University of California, Davis, CA 95616; bDepartment of Ophthalmology and Vision Science, University ofCalifornia Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA 95817; and cByers Eye Institute, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 94303Author contributions: V.J.S. and A.D. wrote the paper.The authors declare no conflict of interest.See companion article on page 13138.1To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email:

12902–12903 | PNAS | November 15, 2016 | vol. 113 | no. 46







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of the eye, in a reference path. OCT is widely used in clinicalophthalmology for high-resolution imaging of retinal structure bymeasuring the echo time delay of back-scattered light. Indeed,usingOCT tomeasure back-scattering changes (7), the elusive IOSshave been localized to the retinal outer segments (8, 9). However,so-called “flying spot” OCT systems, although capable of mea-suring phase changes corresponding to just a few nanometers ofoptical path length, are highly susceptible to involuntary motionthat is inevitably present in the living retina. Although phase-sensitive OCT has been used to measure outer segment elon-gation over long time scales (10), reliable detection of changesassociated with relatively fast IOSs during phototransductionhas proven challenging due to eye motion and limited imagingspeeds.

Here Hillman et al. (1) surmount the major technical challengeof eye motion. They accomplished this by using a novel high-speed, complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS)camera to build a full-field, swept-source OCT system for reti-nal imaging. This enabled the rapid acquisition of a series ofphase-stabilized volumes at rates of hundreds of volumes persecond. With this impressive imaging speed, building on thehypothesis by Jonnal et al. (6), the authors were able to mea-sure elongation of the outer segments by referencing the phaseof the proximal outer segment reflection to the phase of thedistal one (Fig. 1). Because swept-source OCT can make a di-rect measurement of optical phase, rather than inferring thephase from the intensity as in Jonnal et al. (6), the results pre-sented here are unambiguous: In response to a light stimulus,the outer segment optical path length increases; that is, the

photoreceptor outer segment apparently elongates. If this ap-parent elongation is due to an increase in refractive index, as itseems to be, this work also helps to explain scattering IOSs.Finally, the authors leveraged a computational adaptive opticsapproach (11), achieved by postprocessing, to “sharpen” imagesand perform single photoreceptor measurements. This ap-proach is better suited for the full-field implementation of OCTdemonstrated here, because, unlike flying spot systems, it col-lects all of the light returning from the eye. Ultimately, the resultsshow compelling maps of optical path length changes with sin-gle-cell transverse resolution, clearly demonstrating signal spec-ificity to the photoreceptor outer segments.

The results represent the thoughtful application of state-of-the-art technologies to a biological problem that they are almostideally suited to address. In the future, it will be critical to furtherapply these technologies to determine precisely which aspects ofthe phototransduction cascade (12) cause the observed signal,and whether rods and cones can be independently assessed.These basic studies will enable the eventual exploration of numer-ous questions around scotopic (low light) and photopic (brightlight) vision. On the clinical side, the approach is very timely in-deed, as gene therapies for inherited conditions affecting photo-pigments are under development, and some are even startingclinical trials. These technologies might enable new ways of quan-titatively monitoring efficacy of these promising therapies.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors’ research is supported by the Glaucoma Research Foundation Cat-alyst for a Cure.

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Srinivasan and Dubra PNAS | November 15, 2016 | vol. 113 | no. 46 | 12903




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