nordstrom final

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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ADV 420 Final - Nordstrom - Katherine Kaczanowski


Nordstrom is a leading fashion specialty retailer, offering customers one of the most extensive selections of clothing, shoes and accessories for men, women and children.

Nordstrom offers free shipping and returns every day all the time without a minimum purchase.

Nordstrom prides themselves on offering outstanding customer service.

Nordstrom targets a wide range of people at every age and gender as their target market.

In particular, Nordstrom aims at men and women who can afford an expensive lifestyle and don’t mind spending money on quality products specifically designer brands.

Nordstrom strives to give these customers the best experience in the store as possible by providing outstanding customer service.

By:Katherine Kaczanowski

Challenges- Competing with competitors -

Bloomingdale's, Neiman Marcus, and Saks Fifth Avenue - for sales.

- Persuading customers to shop at Nordstrom in today’s economic

recession. - Staying within the advertising budget

and using it efficiently.- Reminding customers of the quality

products they offer and of the excellent customer service they


Goals- Cover a wider range of target audience

to increase sales. - Effectively use and improve social media to advertise and connect with

Nordstrom customers.- To increase Nordstrom’s brand

exposure by using internet marketing and social media tactics.

- Advertise to more specific, relevant audiences to eliminate waste coverage.

- Improve Nordstrom’s return on investment.

By:Katherine Kaczanowski

Nordstrom needs to focus on advertising

quality products with

excellent customer service.

By:Katherine Kaczanowski

Google AdWordsNordstrom can use Google AdWords to target audiences by using keywords such as:

- apparels - shoes- handbags - cosmetics- etc.

Nordstrom can then go in depth by using specific brands that Nordstrom sells such as: - Fendi, - TOMS, - Kate Spade- etc. By:Katherine Kaczanowski

Google AdWords

When people search for these specific keywords Nordstrom will come up as a place to purchase these products.

It will also share that Nordstrom offers free shipping and free returns anytime.

These features and benefits of quality products and outstanding customer service will attract the target audience to shop online at or to go to a local Nordstrom store to purchase the product.

By:Katherine Kaczanowski

Social Media

Nordstrom is already utilizing social media by having a Facebook page, a Twitter and a YouTube channel. Nordstrom does an excellent job of updating content and interacting with customers.

Nordstrom’s Facebook page and Twitter display favorite products and new product arrivals. Nordstrom comments and tweets to customers about their concerns and comments.

Nordstrom’s YouTube channel has videos of how-to’s, new arrivals for the season, runway shows, stylist’s picks, information on Nordstrom careers, Nordstrom scholarships, etc. Nordstrom’s YouTube videos allow customers to get a better understanding of fashion and what Nordstrom is all about as a company.

By:Katherine Kaczanowski

Social Media Nordstrom should strive to generate more “likes” on their Facebook page, “followers” on Twitter and “subscribers” on their YouTube channel.

Nordstrom can use Pinterest as a way to show new products they sell and how to put outfits together. This is a great way to target women in particular because they are the majority of the population who use this site currently.

Along with Pinterest, Nordstrom can use a blogging site such as Tumblr or Wordpress to tell people of new arrivals and how to wear or use them. This can be useful to show trends at the beginning of each season and show numerous ways how to wear or use product.

By:Katherine Kaczanowski

Mobile Strategies

Nordstrom is beginning to utilize mobile strategies.

Nordstrom recently launched their mobile application making it easier for customers to shop and purchase products online from their mobile devices.

Nordstrom sends emails out to customers updating them of new arrivals and trends making it easier for them to become familiar with them.

Nordstrom can build on this by using location-based services such as Foursquare to give specials to customers that check-in and leave tips. This gives a customer incentive if they are rewarded for sharing where they are and any recommendations they have.

By:Katherine Kaczanowski

Metrics of Success

Nordstrom can use conversion tracking tools to see if Google AdWords is working effectively. This is at no cost to Nordstrom and is a free tool.

Nordstrom can use Google Analytics to understand how customers found their site, how they explored it, and how Nordstrom can enhance their customer’s experience. With this information, Nordstrom can improve their return on investment, increase conversions, and make more money on the web.

By:Katherine Kaczanowski


Nordstrom will allocate $1,000,000 to online advertising.

Advertising will peak during their Half-Yearly Sales and during the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale.

Nordstrom holds Half-Yearly Sales for Women and Kids in May and November. There are Half-Yearly Sales for Men in mid-June and late December. The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is held each July.

By:Katherine Kaczanowski

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