norian cautibar educational technology

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Hi ! I'm Norian Palina Cautibar, 20 year's old taking Bachelor of Elementary Education at Palawan State University- Brooke's point Campus. My family and friends calling me Yan-yan as my nickname but my boyfriend loves to call me Toyang. I love sports especially volleyball, because I am a volleyball player since when I'm in elementary until now. I also really love to cooked, cooking is one of my favorite hobby, I learned how to cooked when I observed my Mama cooking in the kitchen. My favorite color is black, red and blue. I also love singing and dancing but I am not really good on those skills

is defined by the Association for Eduactional Communications and technology or the study and ethical practice of facilititating learning and improving performanceby creating, using and managing appropriate technological process and resources. Educational technology refers to the use of birth physical hardware and educational theoretics. It encompassess several domains, including learning and where mobile technologies are used, m-learning. Accordingly there are several discrete aspects to describing the intellectual and technical development of educational technology:

educational technology as the theory and practice of educational approaches to learning.

eduactional technology as technology tools and media that assist in the communication of knowledge and its development and exchange.

educational technology for Learning Management System (LMS), such as tools for student and curriculum management and Education Management Information System (EMIS).

educational technology itself as an educational subject; such courses may be called "Computer Studies" or Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

It provides a method for the functional organization and development of instruction. This method applies to preparation of materials for classroom use, as well as for print and non-print media. Inputs to the systems approach include well defined objectives, analysis of the intended audience special criteria desired by the costumer, analysis and use of existing resources and a team of instructional system specialists subject matter experts, writers and visual specialists subject matter experts, writers and visual specialists. Outputs are functional trees functional block diagrams, a teaching sequence chart, and frames ( a combination of words and visual on a specific topic from the teaching sequence chart.) The three step production flow consists of content requirements, content development and use. Material is divided into levels of detail so that the students studies only until he has reached the level he needs. At each level of detail, the material is treated as a whole, then in its parts and finally recombined into a functional whole visuals illustrating the concepts are included.

The System Approach views the entire educational program as a system of interrelated parts. It is an orchestrated learning pattern with all parts harmoniously integrated in to the whole. The school, the teacher, the students, the objectives, the media, the materials and the assessment tools of instruction with the new ones such as the computer.

• Defines objectives Considers the student's need interest and readiness• Choose appropriate method To be utilized by the teacher• Choose appropriate exercises Learning activities that could spell out the instructional objectives• Assigning personnel roles Who are the persons invoved in the instruction and their tasks• Implement the intruction Actual mode of instruction in which all plans are being utilized• Evaluate outcomes Examining if the instructional object was attained or not• Refine the process Getting the system fixed before entering to other cycle

The Roles of Educational Teachnology in Learning

Today's generation of students are growing up in a digital world. Using digital devices is a huge part of their everyday experience out of school. Through Google they have access to a wide wealth of digital information, content and resources.

After this, I learned a lot especially in hands on activities when Ms. Jovengrace giving us a task. I was been challenged when she assigning a work for us, like making a different account in the websites. I realized how much important this subject matter, because it can really help me in my future profession someday. Because of this, my knowledge about using technologies was been improved. Therefore I hope that someday, i was be able to used those skill of what i have been learned. Because technology can make all the things easies in the shorties period of time.

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