north shore united methodist november 2016north shore united methodist november 2016 the ... go up...

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North Shore United Methodist November 2016


November 1st– United Methodist Men Breakfast @ 7:30am

November 1st– United Methodist Women General Meeting @ 10:30

November 4th– Last 5th Quarter

November 6th– Daylight Savings Time

November 10th– Creative Hands at Carol Bryant’s Studio 9:30-2pm

November 13th– Commitment Sunday

November 13th– Veteran’s Day Tribute

November 13th– First Day of Family Christmas Eve Rehearsal Noon- 2pm

November 20th– Community Thanksgiving Service @ 6:30pm

November 20th-22nd– Youth Beach Retreat

November 20th– Last Day to order Poinsettias

December 9th– NSUMC at NPV @ CRRC 6-9pm

December 11th– Church Charge Conference 3pm December 11th– All Church Caroling 5-7pm

Every Part Matters

We are in a sprint now as Commitment Sunday is fast approaching! We had a fabulous church picnic and celebration on October 23rd. I’m so excited for the possibilities of what we can do as we “Come Together.” It really will take all of us! Please be in prayer about your gift. There is no gift too large or too small. We have been talking about the amazing fight of David’s mighty men in 2 Samuel 23. The kind of strength and courage that we have been talking about for our church is not about, “I’m going to go out and do it in my own strength.” No, this is with the Ho-ly Spirit’s help, this is a stewardship issue. God has given you time, talent and treasure. Potential is Gods gift to you, what you do with it is your gift to God. And I want to fight till my hand sticks to the sword for the Kingdom of God because He’s not going to say, well thought, well planned…no what we want to hear is well done. Done! I don’t want to just get by with a domesticated religion. I want to give God the glory. I want to have the courage to run like Beniah to the roar of the Lion and not away. I want to know that there is a dream within a dream within a dream for so many people who have not even found their way to North Shore. If you want to fight for God’s Kingdom plan you’ve got fight until your hand sticks to the sword. (2 Samuel 23: 9-10) We can’t just pray like it all depends on God, we can’t just wait for someone else to do it, you have to work like it depends on you; for indeed it does.

Two thousand years ago Jesus said, “on this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” He hung on a cross and yelled charge, he walked out of a tomb and said let’s do this thing.

His Kingdom is going to come, his will is going to be done. If you had placed bets on the Roman Empire or one hundred and twenty scared people locked in hiding in an upper room who are you going to bet on? You’re going to bet on the Roman Empire seven days a week and twice on Sunday. The Roman Empire doesn’t exist anymore the Kingdom of God does, in fact a couple of billion people around the globe bend the knee to Jesus Christ.

His kingdom is going to come, His will is going to be done, I have no doubt about that...the question is, are we going to be part of it? Do we want to be the kind of church that the gates of hell will not prevail against it?

It’s easy to sit and listen to the things we have been talking about in this latest sermon series. Go up against 800-1 odds, run to the roar, fight until your hand sticks to the sword, I understand we get tired, I understand that we can think we don’t have enough, but at the end of the day I just think we have been given a command to charge, to play offense with our lives…only that which is done for Christ will last. Is this easy…no. A dream worth chasing never is. But it is what God has called us to right now and I pray that he will call us to even more…and if God has called you here to this place at such a time as this…you are part of this dream. And every part matters. We can do this, together!

In Mission with You!

Pastor Kim

Important Dates: Advanced Commitment November 4 Commitment Sunday November 13

(You may make your commitment in loving memory or in honor of a loved one.)

Sunday, November 6th


November 1st – Tuesday at 10 AM come meet Becky Harrell a United Methodist Missionary who will introduce us to her work in Latin America. There will be a brief business meeting.

December 6th Tuesday all women are invited to the UMW annual Christmas Party at North Shore UMC – 10:00 – Noon. More information to follow

UMW READING CIRCLE Reading Circle will not meet in November or December and will resume January 9th.The book for January is from 2017 Education for Mission. It is America and Its Guns by James E. Atwood, an avid hunter and retired Presbyterian minister. It was written in 2012.

Creative Hands– We will meet at Carol Bryant's Thistle Dew Two Art Studio Thursday, November 10th Thistle Dew Studio is next door to the left of her home: 2322 Valley Forge, Canyon Lake.

We will be working on lap quilts and a mission project for Uganda. Please bring your sewing supplies and a bag lunch - 9:30am till 2:00pm. I will have coffee and cookies. All are welcome. No experience needed !! If you need more info please call Carol Bryant @ 830-832-4483. Directions: FM 306 to Potters Creek Rd; First left on McIver Rd; cross two cattle guards; at the bottom of hill Private Rd sign; Valley Forge at the end of road is our home on the lake; take driveway to left to the studio.


UMW women are the best educated faith based group of women in the world. We must be educated to be able to address the needs of marginalized women, children and

youth in the world. So plan on coming to the meetings on the first Tuesday of each month and get to know us and our

mission, we are much more than a social club!

Greetings – As of this writing, we find ourselves approaching the end of Pentecost, preparing for Advent, and continuing to enjoy Texas Autumn. Altogether an exciting time – fraught with outreach opportunity.

During last month’s meeting, we enjoyed visiting with Dick Young. As you’ll recall Dick is our NSUMC Capital Campaign consultant. A long time employee of the Texas Methodist Foundation, Dick is no stranger to campaigns – such as ours. Speaking of which, the Campaign is off to a heady start, with many sources of information (and opportunities to participate) available. Please make plans to join the rest of our men at the upcoming November UMM meeting (on Tuesday November 1st – 7:30am – in the NSUMC Sanctuary). During this meeting, we will discuss Officer Elections (at the December meeting). Jen Crownover (County Commissioner) will be our Guest Speaker. In closing, please join me in prayer for our continuing ministries in the Canyon Lake area as we seek to answer our Savior’s call and meet local needs. In Christ, Fred

United Methodist Men

Advent is Coming! All Church Study Well, I think if the major stores have begun bringing out the Christmas lights we can begin telling you about the plans we have for celebrating Advent and Christmas in the church. This year we will have an all-church study and sermon series entitled, “Down to Earth.” We would like to have small groups in homes to study, learn and connect people in our 4 zones. (North, Central, South and Beyond.) North- Fischer to Mystic Shores and 281 Central- Hancock, Dam Access and Canyon City areas South- Sattler, Startzville and New Braunfels Beyond- San Marcos, Wimberley, Blanco If you can host a group in your neighborhood please let Pastor Kim know ( We will provide some basic training in hosting and small group dynamics. Study books will be provided for easy facilitation. Our youth and children will also be participating in this study.


Music News The11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. Most people know that Veterans Day is a day to honor Americans who have sacrificed for our country. Here is a little background on the special day. On June 28, 1919, WWI had officially ended with the Treaty of Versailles, in the Palace of Versailles in France. However, the fighting continued for an additional seven months and finally ended with an armistice, or a peace agreement, between the Allied Nations and Germany on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, or November 11. The day was commemorated the following year on November 11, as Armistice Day, and was intended to dedicate a day to remind nations to seek peaceful relationships between one another, in hopes that we will never again be divided. Unfortunately, we know, this was not the case. We are recognizing the importance of Veterans Day on Sunday, November13, by honoring and celebrating veterans for their patriotism, passion for our country, and selflessness in serving for the common good. Without their service to our country, we might not have the freedom to worship in our churches as we now do. On the 13th we will have a special music presentation by the men of the church who will sing the military anthems of the five primary branches of our military. All men are invited to join in the tribute. (I know many women served as well and we thank them equally.) For a preview of the musical tribute (and for your own practice) go here on YouTube. Follow this link: If you have photos of family members who have served, please bring them to the church or send them by email. We will display the pictures as part of our tribute. I pray God continues to bless our country and our way of life. I pray that as a church we will continue to seek peaceful relationships with one another. I pray that we embrace our differences and recognize what brings us together and not let differences divide us. Marty Chrisman

PRAYER MINISTRY Greetings from the Prayer Ministry !!!.

We pray all the time, but meet on Sunday mornings at 8:30 AM if anyone would like to join us in the Prayer Chapel in the Education Building.

Please stop and say hi to anyone of us. We would be happy to speak to you, take a prayer request or just chat about prayer and how wonderful and privileged we feel it is to be able to take your concerns, joys, praises, etc. before the Lord.

When I said, "My foot is slipping, " your love, O Lord, sup-ported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consola-tion brought joy to my soul. Psalm 94:18-19

BLESSINGS - Annie Perez Katie Mason Pat Cahill

Susan Fuqua Diane Kunz

On Fall Hey Northshore! I was standing in my front yard the other and noticed the first few leaves that had fallen off of our Red Oak tree. I won't be long and the whole yard will be covered with a thick blanket of red leaves. What will I do with all of these dead leaves? Jesus said "I am making all things new." The reality is that very often in nature and in our own lives, something must die and fall away to make room for some fresh and beautiful to grow. Do you have a deep hurt or frustration that you carry around inside of you year after year? I know I do. Before there is resurrection there needs to be a death. What is it that needs to die and fall away in your life so that new life can take its spot? Jesus wants to bag it up and haul it away for you. That's what He is all about. Maybe that's why when Mary went to the tomb she thought he was the gardener. My prayer for you this season is that you are able to let go of something that hurts you. Haven't you carried it long enough? My hope for you is that you will allow Jesus to make something new and spec-tacular burst forth in your life. You don't even have to wait for Spring! Peace, Rev. K.P. Polk

4’s powerful. Certain songs can teleport you to a different time and place where you first heard them. The first dance with your sweetheart. A road trip with family or friends. A holiday tradition of a family carol sing while gathered around the piano. Music connects us, sooths us, and can unlock memories. As Methodists we have a rich music history. John Wesley’s brother Charles wrote dozens of hymns that we still sing today. Music is special. This Christmas we are going to take a special journey through time and all over the globe for our Family Christmas Eve Service. I hope you will plan on joining us Saturday, December 24th at 4:30pm as we sing, travel, and celebrate! To make all this happen we are looking for budding actors and actresses who will be in town and can plan on being at a few rehearsals to practice for this special worship. No need to memorize any lines. Readers will introduce each song and share some interesting trivia. Hopefully we’ll include everyone’s favorite tunes! Please contact Pastor Bethany if you are interested in being a part. ( or 210.595.0383.) Rehearsals will start Sunday, November 13th right after 11:00 service. Lunch provided!

We are in the process of interviewing some great folks to be our fantastic teachers! Stools, steps, sinks, and changing tables are here! We’re painting our learning spaces. The babies will enjoy soothing lavender, toddlers calming aqua, and 3’s & 4’s inspiring green! We had a great meeting with the teachers at Rebecca Creek and then will open up registration to our church members and then community! Licensing application is headed for Austin and Kids Cove is quickly becoming a reality! Huge thank you to our committee who has diligently worked through parent and staff handbooks, who have listened and advocated well during interviews, and have given countless hours to get ready to submit our application and preparing our spaces for precious ones!!!

Our 3rd Graders are diving in! Our Deep Blue Divers meet on Sundays from 12-2 (lunch provided) to learn and explore some of the many wonders found in their new Bibles. 6th—Gospels 13th—Letters

YACHT Club 4th & 5th Graders

Sundays 5-7 (dinner included)

6th—Thanks 13th—Giving 20th & 27th—Happy Thanksgiving, no


Thanksgiving is a great time to reflect on the year and count our blessings. Here’s a crafty idea the whole family can be a part of... Find a jar, maybe it formerly held your spaghetti sauce Cut up some paper squares, maybe explore the scrapbook paper aisle at a local craft

store. Add some ribbon or a cute bow if you’d like and your set. Place the jar in a place where you’re family will see it every day. Take turns writing a blessing each day on a piece of paper and put it in the jar. Watch your blessings over flow. Want your blessing jar to last even longer… use it the following year and remove a blessing each day as a reminder of how blessed you are.

Family Fun Food Craft— Oreo Turkeys!!! * Oreos * Candy Corn * Candy Eyes * Pretzel sticks * Butterfinger Bites * Royal Icing Carefully place candy corns into the Oreo icing for feathers and two pretzel stick pieces for feet. With a dot of royal icing press on the Butterfinger bite. With more royal icing attach candy eyes. For the beak bite off just the yellow part of a candy corn. For the waddle use the orange part. Attach both with royal icing. Gobble-Gobble!!!


North Shore Youth

October has been quite a month for our youth as we prepare for our last 5th Quarter of the 2016 season! If you haven’t had a chance to check it out, make sure you come join in on the food, fun, and fellowship on November 4th. We’ve had the pleasure of hosting nearly 100-200 youth after each home football game and continue to be so excited to welcome students onto our campus. I want to extend a huge thank you to all those who have volunteered, donated sodas, and prayed for this ministry; it’s an honor to serve alongside each one of you!

We wrap up this month with a trip to the corn maze with our youth and yacht kiddos on Oct. 30th. We are heading over to Barton Hill Farms in Bastrop to paint pumpkins, find our way around the Lonesome Dove Maze, sack races, corn hole, and more. The following Sunday we will kick off a sermon series about the character of God. As always, if you are interested in coming and checking out what we have got going on Sunday evenings, feel free to come help out! We can always use more cooks, mentors, and leaders to help guide, teach, and serve our students!

Our annual Youth Beach Retreat is around the corner and we have solidified dates: November 20-22! We will be heading back to Port Aransas for a weekend of renewal and some much needed rest. Sign ups and registration information will be announced here soon, so mark your calendars and be on the lookout for further details!

Incredibly thankful for how God has moved in and through our youth ministry and so excited for what this upcoming month will bring! Follow us on Instagram

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New Directory

The New Church Directory will be ready to pick up Sunday, November 6th. Copies will be on one of the tables in the Narthex. Grab your copy while they are hot!

Pastor Kim's GoodReads. Many of you know that I love to read the Bible and other books on God and spirituality. This is what I've been reading. You may enjoy as well. Imagine Heaven - John Burke The Divine Dance - Richard Rohr Finding God in the Waves - Mike McHargue.

Poinsettias Once again we will be selling Poinsettias to decorate the Sanctuary at Christmas time. If you are interested in ordering one in honor of or memory of a loved one please fill out an order form located in the basket at the back of the Sanctuary and either drop them off in the offering plate or church office. The cost of the Poinsettias are $7.00 each. If you would like to order we need these no later than Sunday, November 20th.

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