northern cape express 20140205

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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Northern Cape Express 20140205



Northern Cape

} Boipelo Mere

SHE quietly climbs into thedriver’s seat, adjusts her seatcarefully, adjusts the mirrors,checks to see if her seat is lockedin position, turns the ignition andthen slowly steers the vehicle outof the taxi rank.The passengers look at each

other to see if they are in the rightvehicle or not . . .Pricilla Mpatane (37), mother of

three children, glances at themwith assurance and a smileindicating that everything is okay.Mpatane is the only female and

newest taxi driver and there for agood reason.According to her, she is there to

save her family business becausetheir taxi was nearly repossessedin December.“It all started when my husband

suffered a stroke in June last yearand could not even speak. The taxiwas still new, but was standing inthe garage with no one driving it.It was expected of us to payR10 000 towards the financing ofthe vehicle,” said Mpatane shyly.She added that she had no other

choice as she had already receivedher PDP and driving permit in2004, and knew everything abouthow her husband was running thebusiness, including the finances.“All my doubts disappeared

when I entered the taxi rank as adriver on my first day, but I had toprioritise.”

In response to her experience asthe only female driver in anenvironment that no one feels isconducive for women, Mpatanesaid: “It is not bad at all. Everyonetreats me with respect and theyare very helpful and supportive. Iam naturally a quiet person, soeveryone understands that. Eventhe other day when I needed a newtyre, someone quickly assisted ingetting me one, expecting nothingin return.”She said that she does not have

to wear pants or act like a man togain respect.“I am currently a confident

driver and I realised that I canjust be myself and do not needto wear pants to stand myground.“Although some of my passen-

gers feel uncomfortable when atfirst they see me, they end uprelaxing when they see how Idrive,” she added proudly.She pointed out that her husband

is recovering very well and he isrelieved that their business is ingood hands.As to the complications of being

in the driver’s seat the whole day,Mpatane said that at first it was abit difficult because she always felttired.“But, luckily, my children are

mature and can support me withthe house chores.“I also have a driving schedule

and do not have to drive everyday,” she concluded.

Mom in driving seatTaxi driver turns family crisis into a triumph

WHO says the taxi industry is not for women? Pricilla Mpatane is proving preconceptions and stereotypingwrong – she is making it in this mess. Photo: Boipelo Mere



THISweek GWKProperties gives Ex-press Northern Capereaders tips on whereand how they canhouse hunt.In the edition of 22

January, GWK’s Eri-

ka Venter reiteratedon affordability, nowthat readers knowwhatbond theycanaf-ford they can start tosearch for dreamhomes. Simply go toyour browser and

type in a key phraselike: ‘Property inKimberley.’You can also go to and searchfor houses that meetyour requirements.

According to Venter,searching online willmake life easier forbuyers as it will ena-ble them to be an in-formed house hunter.“Make a list of the

properties you are in-terested in. Remem-ber that you can al-ways negotiate a bet-ter price,” she stated.She further advise tosearch local newspa-pers for availableproperties in your ar-ea. Venter providedthe following tips:) Afunactivity in thehouse hunting proc-ess is to drive aroundand make a list of allthe properties thatyou are interested in) Then arrange ameeting with one ofour agents.) Explain to theagent exactly whatyou require, tell themabout the propertiesyou selected from thewebsite or newspa-per.) The agent will ar-range viewings of theproperties that meetyour criteria.) Take a familymem-ber or friend with fora second opinion.) Do not lose yourheart on the firstproperty you view,make a well informeddecision by viewing arange of properties.) Ask questionsabout development inthe area, property val-ues and safety and se-curity.“Buying a house isone of themost impor-tant decisions youwill make in your life-time.”

House hunting easier if you’re informed

} Boipelo Mere

AS a means to address thechallenge of unemployment amongthe youth, a total of 100 unem-ployed youths from the NorthernCape will get the opportunity tobuild 100 low-cost houses in thePhokwane Local Municipality, JanKempdorp.The initiative is part of the

National Youth DevelopmentAgency’s Northern Cape Youth-Build project.The youths received training as

part of the YouthBuild programmeand the implementation of thisproject in the Northern Cape givesthem an opportunity to put theiracquired skills into practice.The YouthBuild Northern Cape

Project, which kicked off inNovember 2013, will not onlybenefit poor families, it will alsogive participants an opportunity toobtain technical skills, a chance toserve their community which willalso motivate them to becomeleaders and make positive changesin their lives while instilling thespirit of ubuntu in their communi-ty.Sylvia Lucas, the Northern Cape

premier, said the programmewould be done in phases, the firstof which the participants hadcompleted – the theory phase.They will now start with the

practical. Upon completion of thepractical phase certification willfollow and the final phase is jobplacement.For 12 months 100 unemployed

youths from Jan Kempdorp willapply the skills they have learntthrough YouthBuild to build atleast 100 low-cost houses forvulnerable individuals and

families.In implementing the Northern

Cape programme, NYDA is inpartnership with the Departmentof Human Settlements, FrancesBaard District Municipality at the

Phokwane Local Municipality, theDepartment of CooperativeGovernance, Human Settlementsand Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA)as well as the National HomeBuilders Registration Council

(NHBRC).Lucas welcomed the initiative

and highlighted that it was asolution to job crises. She askedgovernment, Business Labour andsociety at large to join forces.

“Statistics indicate that about42% of young people under the ageof 30 are unemployed compared tothe less than 17% of adults over30. Unemployed young people tendto be less skilled and inexperi-enced. Almost 86% do not haveformal or tertiary education, whiletwo-thirds have never worked,”said Lucas.She said the programme was

intended to harmonise academicachievement, work experience,social action, leadership develop-ment and personal transformation.“At the heart of Youth Build is

skills development and ensuringthat youths are the agents ofchange in their respective commu-nities,” continued Lucas.She promised that further

assistance would be provided inthe form of mentoring andequipping participants with theskills and resources to becomeentrepreneurs with the aim ofmaking the participants employersand not just employees.“We are encouraged by the

National Youth DevelopmentAgency to pledge R4 million tocater for stipends during formaltraining, protective clothing, thesalary of a project coordinator andtraining of participants.“The NHBRC will conduct

workshops during the recruitmentdrive and will also procure atechnical service provider.”She added that the Phokwane

Municipal Council had resolved toaccommodate this programmewithin the project already runningby providing accommodation tothe participants during the courseof the programme and by assistingin mobilising and recruiting theyouths in the area.

Project to tackle youth unemployment

SYLVIA LUCAS (far right with bucket), premier of the Northern Cape, with Alvin Botes, MEC for the Depart-ment of Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA), and Fana Mole-kwane of the Phokwane Local Municipality getting their hands dirty preparing one of the houses. Insert:Premier of the Northern Cape Sylvia Lucas handing over the keys of the third house to the overjoyed owner,Veronica Galeboe.


EXPRESS NORTHERN CAPE , WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2014 3 Human Communications 106188

Building a world-classdiamond group

Kimberley UndergroundMines JV

Kimberley Underground Mines JV is situated in the city of Kimberley in the Northern Cape.The Mine consists of 3 conventional slushier drift block cave mines.

Recovery AssistantTasks and responsibilities: • Maintain X-ray machines and grease table and belt (generalsupervision and cleaning) • Check bin levels • Pack grease on grease tables • Reportdefects on conveyors and motors • Undertake general housekeeping.Minimum requirements: A Grade 12. Knowledge of X-ray machines and grease beltrecovery experience will be added advantages.Other skills/competencies: • Knowledge of plant maintenance operations• Communication skills. (Ref. RECOV/2014)

Underground Crusher OperatorTasks and responsibilities: • Crush ore • Use the overhead crane • Drill lumps • Performhousekeeping.Minimum requirements: • A Grade 10 • 2 years’ related experience • Experience as anoperator of a jackhammer.Other skills/competencies: The ability to handle explosives. (Ref. UNCROP/2014)

Kimberley Underground Mines JV is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will begiven to suitable candidates from the designated groups in line with the Company’sEmployment Equity Policy and Plan. Pre-screening, profile testing, on-mine assessments,medical and security clearance form part of the recruitment and selection process. Short-listed candidates will be required to attend a panel interview. Employment of the successfulcandidates is subject to the aforementioned criteria. Preference will be given to candidateswho reside within our host labour sending area of Kimberley (proof of residence may berequested).Please complete an application form (available on and forward this, together with your résumé, qualificationsand ID, to or fax: 086 719 3238 before or on14 February 2014. Please note that incomplete application forms and documentationwill not be considered.If you have not heard from us within 30 days of the closing date, please regard yourapplication as unsuccessful.


} MechanicMaki

INSPIRATIONcomes in manyforms and we

can find inspiration any-where, but most importantlywe can find it in the peoplewho surround us.It can be that special

person who fills your heartwith joy and happiness andwho spiritually uplifts you,or it can be a soccer star,superstar, a businessperson,your parents or musicianswho act as role models andinspire us to better our-selves. The ones who leaveall of us believing that ifthey could do it, so can we.There are so many things

to do in life and nearly allof them are exciting andchallenging. It is for thisreason that there will alwaysbe people who naturally likeyou and there will also bethose who judge you.But I don’t care what

people think and/or say ofme. It is God’s approval thatI strive for. I am of the viewthat it is better to be hatedfor what you are than to beloved for what you are not. Awise person once said that“courage is the capacity toconfront what can beimagined, hope sees theinvisible, feels the intangibleand achieves the impossible”.The year 2014 has already

began, so let us not forget tocreate opportunities forothers who also haveaspirations, but are just notgiven the opportunities toexcel. For many of us 2013has been a challenging year.Lastly, success is a

journey, not a destination. Itis in this light that we allneed to set ourselves goalson our road to success. Letus make 2014 a year ofachievements because thereare many reasons for us as anation to be optimistic aboutthe future.

Inspiration inmany forms

} Boipelo Mere

THEY say there is a thin linebetween discipline/punishmentand abuse.Local learners were very vocal

when they were given the plat-form to tackle corporal punish-ment – whether they deserve it ornot.The dialogue immediately

heated up when Express NorthernCape asked Joe Public for viewson the matter.“I do give my child a hiding,”

snapped Olorato Dinkweng (35), aKimberley mother, when she wasasked whether she believed incorporal punishment. She admit-ted that it hurt deeply to see herson crying.According to Dinkweng, no

child of hers will bring govern-ment into her house.“If my 11-year-old son tries the

‘no corporal punishment’ trickwith me, I will show him thedoor.”She said, however, that she

believed in giving a child ahiding, but does not want anotherparent touching her child.“I am concerned that another

parent will hurt him too muchand end up potraying the wrongmeaning of discipline. You know,if you beat up a child too much,they end up becoming stubborn,”she said.Cecilia Victor (46) advises that a

child should first be warned, thencomes the hiding on the bum. Sheadvises parents never to use theirhands to give a child a hiding.“Never use your hand, rather

use a slipper or a belt, and do notgive them more that three strokes.Of course you can upgrade whenthey get older, like, 13 yearsbecause by that age they mightnot take you seriously anymore,”added Victor.She continued by explaining

that a child should be disciplinedso that they could respect theirparents so that the children wouldnot be screamed and sworn at.However, Simphiwe Ncaba (15)

of the Northern Cape High School

says a child should not be given ahiding because “it is sort ofabusive”.“Children should rather be

grounded as a way of punishment.If they still cannot learn disciplinethen the parents should seekother intervention measures,”shesaid shyly.

Boikhutso Segami (17) of the StBoniface High School and ThatoMolao (18) is of the opinion thathitting a child can result in thechild developing anger issues,especially if they are also shoutedat.“Parents should start teaching

them the right way at a young

age.“If that fails, then there should

be other interventions like callingthe uncles,” said Molao.) To hear outspoken youth talkabout corporate punishment,and some tips on how to do itgot to the Express website

Youths have their sayLEARNERS of the Floors Number Two High School were vocal about corporal punishment. Pictured here are SbongileMjquba, Emmanuel Mkaudi,Dineo Ntidisang (red headband), Letlhogonolo Senyatso, Refilwe Maruping and Emmanuel Moroke. Photos: Boipelo Mere




} Boipelo Mere

ALL individual housing queries weredirected to the housing committee of theSol Plaatje Municipality during the Excomeeting at the Social Centre.This was announced during the meeting

after the organisers of the meeting realisedthat there were more housing grievancesfrom about 100 residents in the SocialCentre than was anticipated.The open public meeting was called by

the executive mayor of Sol Plaatje, KagisoMolusi, together with the new MayoralCommittee, to discuss challenges that theresidents of Galeshewe face.Pensioner Matlakala Saigo also com-

plained that she cannot get her house backfrom the Sol Plaatje Municipality due to thefact that she was issued a title deed but inthe mean time the current tenants wereissued a subsidy.Saigo was interrupted when she went on

to explain how Simon Mothelesi from thehousing offices was sending her from pillarto post instead of giving her back her housein Bloemanda.“They refuse to move out of my house

and the municipality just keeps on makingmatters more complicated instead ofattempting to solve it,” Saigo complained.The municipality was accused of making

false promises.The mayoral committee members sitting

in front of the residents either kept onexchanging glances or seemed to be hard atwork taking notes.Lack of support was also raised, mainly

by the youth members.Rosie Sereo (45) of Greater Number 2

complained about the illegal dumping siteright on her doorstep that causes a healthrisk to her family.She was loudly applauded when she said,:

“We are sick and tired of continuouslykilling snakes and rats in our houses.”With her, Sereo brought a list of com-

plaints that she read from her diary. Afterrequesting enough time from the attendantsshe went through it, mentioning eachcomplaint until the end.She made a request to the Sol Plaatje

officials to replace the pipes in her area.“We are aware that the drains in our

area are overflowing because GFS installedsmall pipes.“It is about time that Sol Plaatje does

there part by repairing the wrongs,” sheemphasised.Another resident who stays close to the

Galeshewe Stadium complained that theynever see any light from their street lightsexcept when there is a an event at theGaleshewe Stadium.An appeal was made to the Sol Plaatje

Municipality to support the IDP and NGO’sand to revisit the EPWP projects to buildsustainable solutions.The youth further asked the municipality

to show some kind of assistance to matricu-lants to further their studies.“We have been struggling to be heard by

mayors in the past and helplessly watchedas money continuously disappears underone leader after the other.“We truly hope that our new mayor,

David Molusi, will be our Moses who willlead us to the Promised Land,” pleaded aconcerned youth member Mpho Moshweu.According to the Sol Plaatje Municipality,

feedback sessions will again be held by themayor, together with the mayoral commit-tee by the end of March and April whilstissues raised that can be dealt with will beprocessed.

Society tired ofhousing problem

ROSIE SEREO (45) showed up with a list of grievances. Photos: Boipelo Mere

PENSIONERMatlakala Saigo (right)was amongst thosewhowere referred to DineoHolele(left) of the Sol Plaatje Municipality to put her name on the housing grievances list whenshe requested her house back from the Sol Plaatje Municipality.

MPHO MOSHWEU wishes that the SolPlaatje Municipality can play a role in youthdevelopment.





KUMBA IRON ORE, a business unit of AngloAmerican, has demonstrated its commitmentand support to uplifting education andmaking a real difference in the communitiesassociated with its operations for the secondconsecutive year.

Kumba’s Sishen, Thabazimbi and KolomelaMines, as well as its Saldanha Bay portoperation, donated school bags filled withstationery to learners of 52 schools inLimpopo, the Northern and Western Cape.

The three operations collectively spentR1,2 million to buy the bags and to stock itwith a pencil bag, 30 cm ruler, pencilcrayons, ballpoint pens, an eraser, pencils, aglue stick and wax crayons.

Kumba’s intention is to ensure that thecompany contributes towards encouragingand supporting learners particularly atfoundation phase to enjoy their school lifewith focus, and most importantly to preparenewcomers to settle and adjust to formalprimary school.

“I am quite happy with the gesture fromKumba. Indeed, these are the fruits of ourcampaign to mobilise public-private partner-ships in the provision of opportunities forour children. Kumba is once again demon-strating that it is a reliable, trusted and acommitted partner in this relationship. Wehope that others will follow suit movingforward,” said MEC of Education in theNorthern Cape, Grizelda Cjiekella.

Kumba has already invested R18 million inearly childhood development for children upto gr. R and R35,8 million on primary, highschool and tertiary education in communi-ties around its operations in the past year.Kumba also made notable strides in addingvalue to education systems with teacher andlearner interventions, while more funds wereinjected into science laboratory buildings,mobile laboratories and technology kits forlocal schools.

Norman Mbazima, chief executive ofKumba, notes that this is part of the compa-ny’s commitment to strengthen education.

“We believe that giving these children theopportunity to get excited about school willcontribute to motivating them to continuetheir education and finish school.”


THE happy children with their new school bags. Photo: Supplied


THE Kimberley police are investigating aninquest after the body of an unknown manwas discovered at the Fieldsview electricalsub-station belonging to Transnet.

The electrical sub-station is situated nextto the railway line between Roodepan andBarkly West. The deceased was spotted by atrain driver in a passing train on Sunday, 19January, at approximately 19:00.

The man was found attached to anelectrical transformer where he allegedlyshocked to death.

The deceased is dark in complexion,approximately 1,7 m tall, medium build withshort hair and has a cross tattooed on hisleft arm/shoulder.

The man was dressed in a white and blueT-shirt, black tracksuit pants and brownslippers. He could be between 30 and 40years old.

An autopsy will be performed to detect theexact cause of death. Anyone with informa-tion regarding the incident can call Det.WOKenneth Lamoen on 082-302-0407 or call 0860010 111 or SMS to 32211.

Body found



} Boipelo Mere

“QUALITY services come at acost.”These were the words of the

head of the Department ofTransport, Safety and Liaison,Steven Jonkers, during a mediaconference about the newly-launched intra-provincial flightservice which has apparentlycreated international excitement.The flight services were

launched last month (January)displaying two light aircraft – an8- and a 19-seater.During a press conference that

the department called to clarifythe influx of the media enquiriesconcerning the flight service,Jonkers clarified that the servicewas a 12-month pilot project inpartnership with the PhakalaneAviation Company.Jonkers continued to point out

how the flights would savevaluable time as governmentofficials would save on accommo-dation, safety and eliminate trafficwhen they use the flights insteadof driving.“For example, a working

mother will be able to take herchildren to school in the morning,board the plane to Upington,attend a meeting, then returnhome to Kimberley later in theday to prepare supper and assisther children with their home-work,” said the HOD about theR8 500 price flight.Elaborating on the convenience

of broadening the recent scarceskills in aviation, he said the

stakeholders would inspire morestudents by holding presentationsin the field.“The aircraft will broaden the

transport network seeing that theNorthern Cape is the onlyprovince where one drives morethan a 1 000 km radius within theprovince,” he explained.According to Jonkers, the

project comes a long way with theprevious administration alsoinvolved in the feasibility studyprocess.He continued to deny allega-

tions that the flight services wereso that the MECs would have aflight available when they wenthome to Upington at the week-end.This came after a local paper

revealed that some of the MECsas well as Premier Sylvia Lucaswere from Upington.

Flight service ‘will save time’

HOD of the Department of Transport, Safety and Liaison, Steven Jonkers, explaining during a recentpress briefing that quality services came at a cost. Photo: Emile Hendricks

‘ T h e a i r c r a f t w i l lbroaden the transportnetwork seeing thatthe Northern Cape isthe on ly p rov incewhe re one d r i v e smore than a 1 000 kmradiuswithin the prov­ince.’– Steven Jonkers


NONKULULEKO SINDANE,director general of the Depart-ment of Justice and Constitution-al Development, lauded the CourtInterpreters Learnership Pro-gramme and said it was arealisation of the goal to bringabout change and enhance thelegal interpreting field in SouthAfrican courts.Sindane was speaking during

the second court interpretersgraduation ceremony of 63students at the University of theFree State (UFS) in Bloemfonteinon Friday.According to Sindane, this

qualification will improve theprofessional status of courtinterpreting by obtaining arecognised professional compe-tence certificate.“Accredited interpreters will be

able to render specialised inter-preting services within the SouthAfrican legal system professional-ly and ethically, thus enhancingcase-flow management within ourcourts,” she said.She added that a national

diploma in Legal Interpreting atNQF level 5 will allow accreditedstudents to contribute to socialand economic transformation by

ensuring human rights in thecourt setting, and equal access toa fair trial as enshrined in theConstitution.“This will not only enhance the

quality of interpreting in courts,but the graduates will sharetheir experience during theiryears of learning with other courtinterpreters in South Africancourts.”Sindane further emphasised the

importance of having competentcourt interpreters and said theyplayed a major role in providingeffective and efficient access tojustice.

Interpreters awarded for skills

FROM the left are Mosima Ratiba, Refiloe Tshelelo, Gladys Shole, Man-du Khumalo and Takalani Mavhungu. They are some of the interpreterswho graduated on Friday. Photo: Ezekiel Morake



The Government Pensions Administration Agency (GPAA) is a governmentcomponent which reports to the Minister of Finance and administers funds andschemes on behalf of theGovernment EmployeesPension Fund (GEPF), the largestpension fund in Africa. It thus administers the pension affairs of approximately 1,7million government employees and those of pensioners, spouses and dependants.To meet the needs of our changing client base, the GPAA is modernising. Inorder for this modernisation to be effective, we are looking to bring bright andenthusiastic professionals from all disciplines of life, who are interested incontributing towards positive change, into our fold. If this is you, please apply forthe post detailed below:

Are you smart? Professional? Efficient?Effective? Passionate about your work?

CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENT: KIMBERLEY(Ref: CSA/Kimberley/2014/02-1)R 138 345 per annum (basic salary)A Customer Service Agent position is currently available at the Government Pensions Administration Agency at the NorthernCape Regional Office - based in Kimberley. This position will be filled as a permanent position.KEY RESULT AREAS:The incumbent will be responsible for a wide variety of administrative and client service tasks which includes the following:• Pre-verification of all documents received at the front desk• Resolving general enquiries and provide feedback on unresolved matters to members/pensioners and beneficiaries• Monitoring application progress and missing payments• Providing payment statements and proof of subsidy to members/pensioners• Assisting clients in completing all GEPF forms to be processed• Reprinting IRP 5’s, Medical subsidy letters and Life Certificates for pensioners on request• Registering and bar-coding of documents• Linking of documents to pension numbers• Scanning and indexing of all documents• Updating of member’s personal information on CIVPEN• Admission and scale down of membership• Activation of Life CertificateREQUIREMENTS:• An appropriate three year tertiary qualification with 18 months proven life insurance/ employee benefit processing experienceOR Senior Certificate with three years proven life insurance/ employee benefit processing experience

• Knowledge of GEPF products and services• Computer literacy that would include a good working knowledge of Microsoft Office products• Valid drivers license (not mandatory)• Proficiency in English is a requirement and the ability to speak Tswana or Afrikaans would be an advantageCOMPETENCIES:• Excellent problem solving skills• Excellent presentation skills• Excellent communications skills, both verbal and written• Ability to communicate with clients

Closing date: 21 February 2014 at 12h00 noon. No faxed / e-mailed / late applications will be considered.Please forward your application, quoting the relevant reference number (on application and envelope) for the attention of Ms AlletahMashiane, Government Pensions Administration Agency, Private Bag X 63, Pretoria, 0001 before 12h00 noon on the closing date.For enquiries, please contact Alletah Mashiane at Tel no: 012-319 1218.Please note: The applications of individuals currently residing within the demographic area within the Province where the position/s areadvertised will receive preference. Applications without an indication of the specific reference number/s as stated in this advertisementwill be regarded as unsuccessful.Requirements of Applications: Must be submitted on form Z83, obtainable from any Public service Department or on the internetat (originally signed). Must be accompanied by a comprehensive CV with originalcertified copies of all qualifications (including matriculation), ID and drivers license, is a prerequisite (copies of certified documents willnot be accepted). Certified documents should not be older than three months. Applications that do not meet the above requirements willbe deemed unsuccessful.Candidates must agree to the following: Giving permission to be subjected to a personnel suitability check (criminal record check,citizenship verification, financial/assets record check, qualification/study verification and previous employment verification). Successfulcandidates may also be subjected to a skills and knowledge test, if applicable and a security clearance may be conducted. It is theapplicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). GPAA reserves

the right not to fill the advertised position. If you have not been contacted withinthree months of the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that yourapplication was unsuccessful. Correspondence will be limited to short-listedcandidates only.It is intended to promote representivity through the filling of this post andthe candidature of person whose promotion/appointment will promoterepresentivity will receive preference.E+



} Sidwell Guduka

BLOEMFONTEIN CELTIC are determinedto get a second victory in the new year atthe expense of the University of Pretoria(UP) at the Free State Stadium on Sunday.

The kick-off is at 15:30.Phunya Sele Sele registered their first

win in 2014 when they overpowered rivalsFree State Stars 2-0 in a derby match atGoble Park Stadium in Bethlehem lastSaturday.

“I’m definitely quite happy with Satur-day’s result, but not the overall perform-ance of the team. It was very important forus to start the second half of the seasonwith a win, especially away. That victorywill serve as a morale boost ahead of ournext game,” Ernst Middendorp, Celticcoach, told Express.

“We want to sustain the winning momen-tum by getting yet another win. We arestill sitting on the wrong side of the table,so it’s important to keep collecting points.

“I’m expecting an improved, matureperformance from my team when we playagainst Tuks at home,” he said.

The German mentor said he had beenparticularly impressed with his keeper’sperformance last Saturday.

“Patrick Tignyemb gave a man of thematch performance this past weekend.

“That’s something we expect from him asour last line of defence.

“He denied (Richard) Henyekane twice inone-on-one situations and continued tomake great saves throughout the game.

“As a team we really need that kind ofexcellent performance from him.

“We were very poor in the goalkeepingdepartment over the past two or threemonths.”

Middendorp was also full of praise for hisnew recruits, Musa Bilankulu, DaviesNkausu, Mogogi Gabonamong and Alfred

Ndengane.“All these players did well during the

match. They are settling in quite well.“I was highly impressed with their

performance, especially Nkausu who hadjoined the club 24 hours prior to thematch.”

When asked about the departure of ThaboNthethe who joined Mamelodi Sundowns ona four-year contract on Friday, Middendorpsaid it is sad to lose a player of Nthethe’scalibre.

“Players come and go and that’s the casewith Thabo. He is a good player and it wasunfortunate to let him go to Sundowns.

“Over the past five or six transferperiods, Thabo has been asking the man-agement to release him.

“After discussions between the player,management and technical team we decidedto grant him his wish to play for Sun-downs.

“Thabo served the club with distinctionfor more than ten years. We wish him goodluck.”) Follow Sidwell Guduka on twitter@sidwelele.

DAVIS NKAUSU of Bloemfontein Celtic (in green and white) is challenged by Anver Esterhuizen of the Free State Stars dur-ing their match at Goble Park Stadium on Saturday. Photo: Muzi Ntombela/Backpagepix

‘We want to sustain the win­ning momentum by gettingyet another win . . . I’m ex­pecting an improved, matureperformance from my teamwhen we play against Tuks athome.’– Ernst Middendorp, Celticcoach

Victory willboost teammorale

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