norwich bulletin. (norwich, conn.) 1916-12-12 [p ].mcrwich. conn. tuesday. dec. 1 1916. norwich town...

Post on 26-Sep-2020






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What h Going On Tonight" Vaudeville end Moving FIctures atllio Davis Theatre.

Moving Pictures at the Breed The-t- r.

Moving Pictures at the AuditoriumTheatre.

tilietucknt Lodge, To. 27, I. O. O. Fmeets in Odd Fellows" Hall.Norwich Nest, So. )39S. O. O. (X,met in Odd Fellows' Hail.Wauregan Lodge. No. 6, K. of P.,

First Methodist Pastor and Singers atSheltering Arms Sale and Enter-tainment- Net V!0 Rev. Gilbert H.Bacheler Now Pastor at Lake City,Mich, v : ,' -

Rev. E. P. Phreaner, pastor cf theFirst Methodist church, gave a mosthelpful address at the Sheltering ArmsSunday afternoon on the subject GodGoing Before With Blessings. Godgoes before His children, giving fromHis presence go9dness for us step bystep, he said. God bas gone ahead ofus with His goodness all our lives andreaches His arms about us in helplessinfancy. Many of you can remembera pleasant childhood. In dark placesand when we have had crosses to bearHe bas made a way. - He guides uswith His eye. His hand is open inblessing. We mustn't be discouragedor despairing; God is with us and, ifwe keep steadily on we will see Hisgoodness and holiness. The fall Intosin brought forth a Saviour, whichgives us hope of the life eternal. Godis still before us when we come to theend of the way I hear a voice sayingIn My Father" bouse are many mansions; the last call will be. Come uphigher.

Miss Edith Dodge was in charge ofthe music and played the accompaniments. Much enjoyed were the solosI Have Been Alone with Jesus, byMrs. F. H. Bushnell, and by MiesMartha Brown. Mendelssohn's AbideWith Me, as arranged by Dykes.There was also a duet. Lift.Up ThineT."

Now Pastor at Lake City.Rev. Gilbert H. Bacheler, a former

lesident of .Norwich Town and a graduato of the Academy, who lias beenpastor of the Congregational church inRichmond, Mich., for several years,bas accepted a call to the Presbyterianchurch in Lake City of the same stateana 'began work Dec 1.

Notice of .Park Church Address.Notice was- - given Sunday in the

First Congregational ch-irc- that Mrs.William L. Adam of Fittsneld, Mass.,win aoaress uie ioreign missionarysocieties at Park church ' Jan. 3 onthe subject of The Golden Anniversarylillt.

Cleared About $10.

Road hall Saturday. In the eveningmere were vicnn solos by HowardBushnell and readings by Miss Fannyttogers.

Moving to East Kaddam.Mrs. Harry TJeebe's household goods

were sent Saturday to East H&ddam.Mrs. Bbe will leave Otrobando avenue this week to reside in East Haddam.

Motored to Westerly.Mr. and Mrs. Georse T.Pan of Belie- -

vue farm motored to Westerly duringtne wees ena tc visit monds. .

A. Gould Hunt . has . returned toBridgeport after a visit of severaldays at his home on Lafayette, street.

Mrs. Martha Cross of Washii.etonstreet spent a day or two the last ofthe week. with relatives in New Jjon- -don.

After spending a few davs in Taunton, Mass.. Mrs. Michael Curran hasreturned to her home on Lafayettestreet.

There will be a meeting Wednesdayof the Lathrop Memorial Missionarysociety in the First Congregationalchapel.

Mrs. Harold Cockrof t of Middletown,a former resident of Norwich Town,spent the week end with Mrs. WalterHeath of Elm avenue.

The cottage prayer meeting con-ducted by the pastor and members ofthe First Methodist church will beheld Thursday evening at the home ofMrs. Luetta Gorman on Otrobandoavenue-- .


160 Invaded a Theatre and CausedMuch Commotion.

One hundred and sixty Amherststudents invaded New London at 2.45Monday afternoon to prepare for theirannual banquet which was held at theMohican in the Evening. They werethe entire freshman class of that col-lege, and a big banner with Amherst,--920, was promiscuously displayed atthe head of the column as it moved upState street from the railroad station.The boys marched straight to theLyceum, dropping four or five to an-nounce tneir arrival at the Mohicanand to prepare for the feast. Am-herst songs and cheers were given allalong the route and nobody within amile of Statn street was left in doubtas to who the young gentlemen were.Arriving at the Lyceum, they filed inmore or less orderly procession into

committees. For instance in everyfamilv that in fnm ... ...- tuwu- -shio it seems necessary to have twelve. tvj wver me neia.Committee No. 1 is the betterFarm Production committee.

Committee No. 2 is the marketingcommittee; Committee : No. 3 is thepurchasing committee; Committee the finance c6mmlttee: Commit-tee No. 5 is the committee on enter-tainment and recreation; CommitteeNo. 6 is the committee on communi-cation and transportation; CommitteeNo. 7 is on sanitation and better farmequipments; Committee No. 8 is abetter system of education in the ru-ral districts along practical and tech-nical lines, such as domestic scienceelementary agriculture and manualtraining; Committee No. 9 is the beau-tiflcati-

committee, whose businessit is to clean up the sides of the roadand the home sites in the country andmake them ' as attractive as cityhomes; Committee No. 10 is the do-mestic science committee; this com-mittee Is taken care of by the ladiesof The Agrarian 'Brotherhood. Com-mittee No. 11 is the insurance com-rntte- e.

The business of this commit-tee Is to write the insurance for theirfamily. Committee No. 12 is the leg-islative and legal committee. , The bus-'"e- sf

of this committee is to watchtheir senators and representatives inboth state and national affairs andcompel them to keep them posted asto the various bills that aro comingup for enactment, so they in turn cankeep their families posted for the pur-pose of taking jtheir business out ofpolitics. There has been too manyshrewd politicians in the state of Con-nectc- ut

as well as in very other stateIn the Union, who have been going todo something for the farmer-i- f elected,but who in reality have been "doing"the farmer. It is expected that themarketing committee of the variousfamilies will decide on central receiv-ing stations where their products canbe brought in standardized and gradedand there prepared for market. Geo.A. Grossman of South Coventry willhave charge of the organization workin Windhnm nnrl Vow I nn4Tolland counties- - -

?T Saturday afternoon. In or nearthe 6 and 10c store, a pocketbook con-taining a sum or money. Findar pleaseleave at Bulletin Ofiloe and gut reward.' decl2dL.OST A diamond pin,, heart shape.Finder will be rewarded by leaving atBulletin Office.. - no vl 6d ,



50 Sharesof





$2,500WILL BUY

LAND and COTTAGESThree Cottages and six Acres of Landat Gales Ferry, Conn. Water frontageof 500 feet on Clarke's Cove. Idealplace for poultry raising. Two of thecottages are rented ,to "year round"occupants. -

ARCHAW.COIT,The Mutual Benefit Life Agency

Telephone 1334 63 Broadway

FOR SALE '- At the lowest possible prices, a fullassortment of. newt and second-han- dTalking Machines andfrom $3.00 up. Easy terms.

THE PLAlT-C.riDE- N CO,NGirwieu, Conn.

FOR SALTSTo close an estate the seven-roo- m

Hou$e number 227 ThamesStreet. Very convenient loca-

tion. Will sell at.- a very lowprice if soM soon.

THOS. H. BECKLEY, Admr.278 Main Street, May Building

724 Phones 68

50 ACRE FAHMFor $1,400 Cash

New house of. six rooms,, surround-ed by beautirul shade trees, harn16x30. one hennery 8x12, - twoscratching sheds, 60 peach trees(will bear his season). 1 acres

(will be in fruitagethis Spring), acres asparagus(will out 100. lbs. daily In seasonan income getter). Near railroad,school and church; land f.-e-e fromstone and machine worked.

Send tor latest catalogue. Justissued Choice of 400. Nothing likeit in all New England.

WILLIAM A. WILCOXReal Estate Broker.

41 West Broad St, Westerly. R. I.Telephone 365

Offices 110 West 34tb St, New YorkTelephone 2998 Greeley

REAL OPPOBTITNITIES.No. 1 Three apartment house, alllatest improvements, best location incity, good investment.No. 2 Colonial nip.e-roo- house, inthe most select residential section of

the city, all Ip.test improvements.No. 3 One nine-roo- m house on Lau-

rel Hill Ave., latest improvements,electricity, gas. hot air furnace, bath,hot and cold water.No. 4 Business opportunitv in acountry village about 20 miles fromNorwich, general store full . stockedwith a general merchandise. . as gro-

ceries, dry goods, etc., ca'n be boughtat a bargain; reaeon for selling, ownerhas other business in city.

s. sie;kl.Real Estate and Insurance.

Xorwlch. Conn. Tel. 21-- 4.

FOR SALEThe Manwaring Stables on Asylum

St.. Norwich. Excellent location forstable or other business.Also an undivided interest as recent-ly, owned by John Manwaring. Jr., mthe Manwaring property in Montville,consisting of the Manwaring home-

stead, Raymond farm and the Wayplace.AMOS A, BROWNING,

sept'STu Receiver.


AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELDat Montville, within and for the Dis-trict of Montville. on the 11th day ofDecember, A. DV 1910.Present DAN D. HOME, Judge.

Kstate of Edwin A. - Gay. lale ofMontville. in said District, deceasedOrdored, That the Administrator citeJn their claims against sadd estatewimia mx nromns irom tnie date byposting a notice to that effect, to-gether with, a copy of this order, onthe signpost nearest to the place wheresaid deceased last dwelt, and in thename Town, and by publishing the sameonce in The Norwich Bulletin, a news.

navinp a circulation in said. Dis-trict, and make return to this Court.DAN D. HOME, Judge.The above and foregoing Is ,a truetopy of record. .

Attest:SUSAN Fl HOME, Clerk.

NOTICE. AT. creditors of said de-ceased are hereby notified to presenttheir claims against said estate to theundersigned at Norwich. Conn., withirthe time limited in the above and fore-going ordr.

" EDWIN W. HIOG1NS,decl2d -- Administrator.

On uooiiat or laetcnao am him di tmavee. tk WUIihvh Glsajc wUl aaid IHB aw on 3S mm tm.r. cosAirr.Uol , . 11 VcaakllB St.


when you . want good help .and.want it quickly. Help Is scares

. now,, but the best workers readBulletin Want Ads. ".; ,

'When . you ' ' have ' a '' "don'twant" which you: believe mightbe "some -- one -- else want." Fur-niture, floor coverings, stoves,clothing, tool,' etc., . advertisedin Bulletin Want Ads find readysale. r ; ; :

' S

When you lose somethingfor most Norwich . people arehonest ant' on finding anythingInstinctively, turn ' to BulletinWant Ads to locate the loser.

When ' a vacancy occurs inyour rental property. . -

.When 'you want to sell yourreal estate. you .want to buy or sellpets, a business or a lease.

So aa LineFOR SALE

FOR SAI.Ii Exceptional values; one1915 eight cylinder Cadillac, perfectcondition; also one ISIS- Cadi'luc, A- -l

condition, prices verv low fur imnivdi-at- esale. Imperial Oarage.. dtcl2d

FOR SAU! Or will exchanse fcr apair of oxen, light driving horse, hug-g- y

t.nd harness. e. 4Si9. decl2dFOR SALES One" no.!el '

seven-passong- er Buiek, l:!l6,paint, tires and mechanical conditionlike new, pric never, so low; oneDodge runabout, J3!-3- , has bet n run4. SOU miles oy a very careful driver,must be sold, waiting for best offer.lnq.uireJmponal Garage decl2d

FOR SALEI-Fu-ll blooded strawberryplants, many varieties, 100 plants for$2.- - ' Arndt Bretschneider, Danielson,Conn. Phone 258-- 2. ep26TuThS

A WORD to turkey raisers: KonemahSpeciiic No. 14 is a scientific treatmentlor th prevention Snd cure of black-head in turkeys. It has never failedtc do. the work Prepared and sold, byKonemah Poultry Yards. 456 West MainSt., Norwich, Conn. Price 50Ci

augTuThSFOR SALE Cheviot and Shropshire

sheep and rams. Geoige A. Kahn. Tel.Lab. novlSTuThS

FOR SALE 25 Ions lirst class en-silage, cream separator, good rnliaolefamily horsf, platform spring vragon.Tator, Canterbury. deolid

COWS for sale; another carload hasarrived Monday. Dec. ilth, at the sameold place. .James H. Hyde, NorthFranklin, Ct. Tel. 3oLebanon. declld

FOR SALE White Wvandotte t

and 390 Cyphers incubator. Phone463- - 3. Miss Marjoric Barber. decSd

FOR SALK Four auto baigains;191m Metz '.vadster, $323, with sta-t- er

and electric lights, tires and paintgood; 1915 Mc-l-z runabout, 275, withstarter and electric lights, paint .5ndtires good; 1914 Metz runabiit. 1'i5,this car haj new motor ana new Dixiemagneto, tilts and paint "oa; 1912Jackson touring car, $200, tires andpaint good; Auto-Ca- r runabout. XS5,two cylinder, top, windshield, tires andpaint good, fall for demonstration atA Hawkins St.. or Phone 133, Daniel-co- n.

Conn. docS aHAViaro got done with my job, mustsell my two horses, age 7 and it. about2500 lbs., sound and true to work, sin-gle or double: will sell verv cheap tostop expense, at Reynolds' Boarding

Stable.6S Chestnut ij. deccdFOR SALE Cheap, one Ford touringcar. one Buick touring, model 19. Tel.

469-- 3 from 7 to 9 p. ui. dec5dFOR SALE Largo quantity ?f A No.

1 hay. corn. fodder and oat straw; alsothree cows. E. Fiteh Johnson. Tel.48-- Lebanon. deeaU

FOR SALE 1913 Cadillac in goodcondition; running every day: price$350. Inquire Maddens Cigar Store.decSd

FOR SALE Thoroughbred O. I C.pigs for delivery when eight weeks o'.d.about Dec. 20th. as good stuck as inthe state. Telephone 1861-1- 4. dead

FOR SALE Pair of young mules,weight 2200 lbs.; will sell cheap, as Iam to change my business; also car-riage. Frank B. Ford, 20 V.'indhamof., vui:manr:c. nov2a

FOR SALE Cordwood for sale cheap.James Kane. 73. ft. F. D, Canterbury.

FOR SALE A thoroughbred Guernsey bull (registered No. 28545, Cupid ofRound Hill). J. K. Lathrop. RaymondHill, .Uncasville, Conn. Telephone Ncr- -wiuu jjiv. iaa-z- 2. nov24a

FOR SALE Two airtight wood heaters, one small coal heater. Tel. 1276-- 2,

27 Division St. nov25di nu e a r t v, . ... . i . i .- ' -- - juung iii.civei,a,ducks and geese and three wild geese

iyi aa.iv. out) Anueison, .1 r., t. 2. U.rvo. o, vny. nov6d

FOR S ALE Greatest real estate bar.gain in Norwich; Buckingham home onWashington Et; house, mostsubstantially built, which cost over$50,000 to build: also 28 building- - lotsand 40-fo- ot Ftreet. Price for realdeaceand the 28 lots. S 10,000. Address Realcsiaie exenange. new uinaon, tJonn,

FOR SALEFarm of 100 acres, one-ha- lf tillable,

balance pasture and woodland, withhouse df ,teii rooms and barn to tieup 25 head stock, also large silo, citywater and electric light in buildingsmilk route with farm; located within20 minutes' walk of Franklin Square;owner leaving town. For particulars.


Central Building, JVorwIeb, Conn.


Will cut yourland into los and sellsharing profits. ifouriK Boston devol.pper and land salesman, thoroughlyexperienced, with original, progsessive.metnoos ana unexcc-iie- selling rnord.ueBiren- - to wuia?i99 :iH3oe-atlo- n

with an- - Eastern Conn, vacant UnHowner for season of i917. At presentuonuueuns suut-nsiu-i sale in a Cen-tral Conn. city. Best of references andproof of ability furnished In advanceIn replying for Interview, kindly statefull particulars, size of property, tran-sit, etc. ' All correspondence strictlyconfidential. Address C. L, Bulletin

FOB SALEA modern 12 room Housein best residential section.


The Advice of Thta Norwich WomanIs of Certain Value.

Many a woman's back has manyaches and pains. i . :

Ofttlmes lis the kidneys' fault.That's why Doan's Kidney. Pills are

' .so effective. "Many Norwich women know this.Read what one has to say about It:Mrs. Henry L. Greiner, 606 East

Main Street. Norwich, . says: "Some-

times a cold affects my back but it isusually overwork that causes dull,nagging pains across my kidneys.My back feels weak, and tired and Iam worn-out. When bending, ' sharppains seize me In my back and it Is

hard to straighten up. I used Doan'sKidney Pills and they did me lots of

' :good."

Price 60c, at all dealers.' . Don't sim-

ply ask for a kidney ' remedy getDoan's Kidney Pills the same thatMrs. Greiner had. Foster-Milbun- i' Co.,

Props, Buffalo, N..T.

their seats. The entire left half of theorchestra and parquet had been re-served for them. When the boys ar-rived .Boh 'Warren-wa- s on., hut" theydidn't seem 'to noticu him forunder' - the : direction ' of -- their cheer-leaders they gave a: musing Amherstcheer. T;he actor waited until theyelling subsided and went on. Thenthe students settled back to enjey theplay and they were comparativelyquiet until Mrs. Maude Allison of Mr.and Mrs. Allison was about to drir.k atoast ' in her character as the Swedehired girl. Then two bdys marcheddown the aisle to Uieir seats. Thepair Was accorded a. vociferous recep-tion. One of the late-como- rs sprangInto the aisle and called for a tigerfor "Paul" who was just arriving.. Evidently "Paul" is some cheese Inthe Amhwst freshman class, for theroof nearly roe un.l'. r the concertedcheering which greotc l him. After theliger the boys stopnod short to let theshow proceed. Mrs. Ai:i.or. who hadbeen "Waiting, glass in hand, to tro onwith hef linos, then bri?ht dowh thehouse by lifting her Kiass to the audi-ence and proclaiming- "Here's to Paul."

In the evening the boys banauotedat the Mohican. It is the custom ofthe sophomore to "bust up" everyfreshman banquet they can. That iswhy the freshies chose New Londonas the scene of their feast. They fig-ure it will !be too much trouble for thesophs to come all the way to New Lon-don to "gum it up." But if the sophsdo take it into their h'wirts to make thetrip, there'll be something doing to-night.


President Benjamin A.. Armstrong Received Token from Emplcyes of B.and A. Company.

Beniamin A Armcfrnnff v...-.London, president and treasurer of theBrainerd & Armstrong fnmn-.irn- - .oiflbrated tho 72r sinnlvOfCI Vr t0 Via..

at his residence, 200 Hempstead street.ouiiuciy. in? oaservance was whollyinformal, but many friends called toextend wiwishes. Mr. Armstronjr was the re-cipient of many beautiful floral offer-ings, including a maijniiicent basket of73 red roses from pmnlnvtu fcompany. Both he and Mrs. Armstrong

m catoikui neann ana nia tair toround out many more years. "I don'tfeel a dav over aa nnrt tmy wne aoes, either," said Mr. Arm-strong.

Dangerous Position.A s Persh i n er' fY iaCJ w o Jt, .J ill"tack the soldiery of Carranaa andwih not attack Villa . unless Villafires the first shot it... tob... --i- b UTcidad resemblance to a sort of an in- -

oysian.ier in Mexn'o. Marion

Hartford. A mutual liiMhnu..the estate of Dr. O. O. Smith filed inthe probate court shorvs that Olfv.-Harriso-n

Smith and Clarabe". Smithwill ' divide eiuaPy theestate, valued at $169,818.

6tmple HnrnUess Remedy Briuii Quick.i Relief.

ManV PARAa n f i m - n .. 1 - - .raoid hmvv ,,:3: f',.''tannof long standing and other diseases ofthroat and lungs aro being credited tol8c(,afy; m"e K Eugene How-ard oreester, Mass. rr. Howard's?ripflon' w,hlch is totally difterenlmethods ofCor these afflictions, is called Oxidaseand comes In the form o a tabletwhich the patient allows toslowly in the mouth. Its curative, heal!ing juices thus mingle with the salivaand enter every crevloe of th.i irritatedbronchial membranes, release the mus-VSS- S.Cri?".L th bronchial

r uiuusa peasant to thetaSihff. PW .in

rertlhat they "now'nuT

mKnI h ntiswhod hand ti . .

- luuueumie relief.

HAVANA nPcSKHow tmm at fhi-- lii r I

NASSAU bahJSsLuc ajgn bokk

MEXICOThroagh the Panama "

South America nd tlxi OocM.

WARD LINENYr V Oafc. M.U S. S. Cm.Foot of Wall Street. New YorkSL ny Railroad Ticket ,Ornoo Or Authorized Tour-st Agency.

TO RENT Basement tenement at 56School St. Inquire at Bulletin Of nee.

decl2d "

' FOR BENT Another one of thosemodel five-roo- m flats, with bath, rteamheat, electric lights, etc., for $15 Prmonth. ' Ailing Kubber Co. declld :

'f4XIC4B for hire; ldtag or shortdistances. Phone ,819. F. A. Dclbeaxe.

decd .. ; ;

TO RENT Tenement of three rooms,electrio light, at 50 Cedar St. 6ec6d

TO RENT Two rooms, well furnish-ed, steam heat. gas. one a large frontroom, 44 Union St. fhone S34-1- 2. decod

TO RENT Tenement No. 158 Pros-pect St., good repair, rent $10 permonth. Inquire of John E. Fanning. 52Broadway. dec4d

TO RE XT Furnished roora3; modernconveniences. Inquire 42 Grove St., orPhcn 628-- 5. dec2d- FOR uek "a Gentleman can secure

niceiyiurnlshed room, steam heat,modern conveniences; auto cared for.Arena W. Coit. 63 Broadway. nov2d

TO RENT Furnished rooms; alsoconveniences for light housekeeping.78 School bt. Tel. 1CS-- 2. nov27d .. TO RENT Nicely fuinishedTfrontroom, with steam heat and hath. 30Grove St. - nov21d

TO RENT Steam heated flat of sixrooms on Ala pie St. Inquire 10 Main St.Phone 1X45-- 4. nov!7d

FOR RENT House of ten rooms atNo. 54 Wasuinglon St.; all conveniencesand steam neat. Inquire of Isaac SJones, Insurance and Real EstateAgent, Kicoarcis BuUiimg, ill 'Main St.

liovifidFVRNISHED ROO.US fcr light house-

keeping, it Divisiuu SU Phone 1276-- 2.

novbu,TO RENT room, with

mooern conveniences, a Washington st.Phone 1424-- 5. oct24d

TO RENT Furnished rooms, single;modern convenience. S3 Wajhins tonat. Pnone 112!(-- 2. sep21d

FOR KENT Homelike furnishedhouse, eight rooms ana Data, best res-idence accllun. aicua W. Coit. t3uroidway. aug31d

FUKNISHiSD Yooms; reasonablerates, suitable for light housek:epiiig.Airs. Emma jaorse, lb Union St. jy2d

FOR ;UNT in the building corner ofFrunkiin and Willow streets; tine cor-ner store lor years occupied by C. C.Treat druggist, and the sales room,store room and bakery formerly usedby tne Providence BaKery. Vrcha W.Coit, 63 Broadway. - Jyl7d

TO RENT Newly furnished rooms,modern conveniences, at The Seymour,

i Franklin St. Phone 1043-- Z. aprl2d

Apartments To RentFour, five and six rooms each. Rent$10.00, $12X0 and $20,03 per month

Building Lots For SalSome of the most desirable buildinglots ever offered for sale in Norwichca nbe bought on terms to suit thepurchaser.

Inquire of J. J. CORKERYRoom 109, Thayer Building

1336 Telephones-188- -3

FOR RENTA very cosy seven-roo- cottage,

with all modern improvements, andchoice locatim For full particularsinquire of

JOHN A. MOHAN.Real Entail.' Broker,

Franklin Sqnare, Nortrlc'j.

STORE TO RENTAbout 20 to 25 feet, at 63 FranklinStreet, suitable for almost any kind ofbusiness, at a reasonable price. In-

quire at Bulletin Office.

TO RENTSix Rooms and Bath,Gas arid Large Yard,In Good Residential.

v Section

N. TARRANT & CO.117 Main Street

TO RENTQUONOCHONTAUU Ten-roo- m cot-tage. S acres land. 1000 feet fromOcean and Salt eond; sown flower andvegetable gardens; hardwood floors,plumbing and heat. Rental tSS.Others Ji'OO to S4090. Send for hnnklet.

f RANK W. COY. csterly. R. tFOR SALE

Granolithic Sidewalk FactsOver forty cement walks built by mein Norwich. One at Chelsea Parade,1,450 feet long, over one-quart- er of amile. I will furnish the names ofthose forty satisfied customers. Se-lect a man who knows how and willdo it. Specifications amount to noth-ing compared to experience.

Mine is for you if you are wise.. . START RIGHT


99 Cliff Street Telephone 822

FOR SALEA modest home can be bought very

cheap. Reason, owner leaving for theextreme northwest. For full particu-lars, inquire of

JOHN A. MJRAJT,Real Estate Broker.

FrankJia Square, Korwlcb.

Agricultural Limestoneis aa necessary to the soil as food isto the human race.

The Peck-McWillia- ms Co.

SALE HORSESI am in the West buying horses.

Will be back with a good loai Of allkinds about Dec. 22rd.TeL .636-- 3. ELMER R. PIERSON.

B. A. WIGHTMAN. Experienced 4lane Toner.

49 CHIT Stivet. Kornrlch, Conn.Fhone 732-1- S. nov2dTHERE Is no advertis:nr medium In

Eastern Connecticut to I'nn Rul.letin for business results.

WASTED A; bright .boy for messen-ger service at the Western Utflon; ex-cellent chance for ons vho tvants toapply himself to learn the telegraphbusiness. The . Western Union Tele-g-ra-

Co. . . . declZdWAJfTBD Light .housekeepingrooms wanted; refined young marriedcouple; no children. IX R. Harrington,Hopkins & Allen, City. - decJ2d

A nn .n A l , 1

work inside; good steady place forright man.. West Side Siik .Mill. tdecl2d -

WASfTIiD Young lady to do officework and typewriting. Address in ownhandwriting, giving experience andsalary deeired. Box 10Q0, care BulletinC' - decl2d

WAflfTED A rlcyolo for a V littlegirl;, must be in good condition andreasona-bl- in price. Inquire Bulletin.decl2d

WANTED Orders or native turkeysto be delivered for Cnristinas. If youare going to eat turkey, why not havethe best? .Telephone li6i-13- . NorwichDivision. decvTuTl'BWASTED 'Middle aged couple, wife

man make himself useful: good home,light work. Address Country, Bulletin.declldWANTED A nurse to attend my. of-

fices. Inquire Tuesday, Thursuavt Sat-urday, 3 30 10 p. m. , Dr., Lanehta, 4nThayer-Building- . -

. declldPOSITION wanted. b nrsP classchauffeur; make all repairs; best refer-ences Address A. B. C. case Bulletin.declld

WATED One young man for steno-graphic and clerical work. 1 man to re-pair and put on hish speed beit a, 2 in-spectors, 3 - Helpers on lautomcbiletrucks, 2 first class teolmakers, 1 half-tone pressman on Job printing presses,2 polishers on steel work, 2 buffers onbrass and nickel plated woric.- TheNew Departure Mf. Co., KmnloymontDepartment, Bristol, Cor.n. ' rieclld

LADIES YVe no its no use'nshop eary. because you're goin' to doas you ,ilw:iys dun, :n - vom getdarned good 'n' redJy: 'n' wliat wewish to say we'll bethere whenyou git reddy with a c.iinks of a lineof overythink lor the ole gent, "nis sonor his's son-in-la- at Fagan's SmokeShop. 2ec9dWANTED t on;-c-, two or "threeyoung men. Adams JCxoress Company.'dec9dWASTED Automnhiies (1,000) forexport; all makes.; all years; any con-dition; bring- oar; best prlcfs. Ameri-can Automobile Salt.s Co., 10! West30th St.. New York. dc7dWANTED Girls over 16 vears of agoto learn weaving; nice work: paidAhile iearning: can make exc-ller.- t paywhen experi-nce- d. West Si'e Silk iiiiLueef.d '..fl.l.MW) C'ap:ibi girl :r womantor general housir, ork; nt, laundry.Ca'i I3u I "is; ri St. Ph ,ne 1421.

fiET govei r.ment jobs; $90 month-n-nt- e

for list, p'rankiin Institut. Dc-p-t'

i i A., Pi.ochesterr. X. Y. dec4dWANTED Hotel help: We Want" agood housemai, a young manpreferred: a'.o ona chambermaid: per-

manent posiii-n- s. Apply ut once toUauregan .Hotel. o:ec4dW.WTfiD At Hatnaway's Market"" agood smart young man 16 or 18 years

'-- ': nov-23-- 1

SAFETY FIUST Have your bladessharpened. E. Kirby. 227 Alain St.nov!4dWANTED Raw furs, at H. A. Heeb-n- er

s every Thursday. A, C. Bennettnov!3dKELP WANTED and also work totaKe home: work easv: one hour atfactory tufiicicnt for learning;, goadpay after learned. Apply ColumbiaKid Curler Co.. Colchester, Conn.novlOdWANTED Second hand furniture,highest price paid. A. Fruckner, 5iFranklin St Tel. 717-- 3. may24d



for other departments.New mill just completed.


WANTEDTo Buy Hand Picked ApplesAll I can get. ' Will pay good price.

WriteISAAC KIRMAN, Norwich,

Or phone 1203-- 5 Evenings between 7-- 8.

WANTED14 Laborers, 6 young housework ladies,1 farm hand, 2 nurse girls.

FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAUGeo. L. Chesbro, Mgr. Central Bldg.


We pay up to T3.00 per set, ac-cording to the;- - value.THE COLLATERAL LOAN CO.

142 Main Street, Up -- stairsEstablished 1872, Norwich, Conn.


0h7OOwill buy a Cottage House, Work Shopana m large uaraen in a very aesir- -aDie pare or xne city.

E: A. PRENTICE.Phone 300 86 Cliff Street


Two Horses for sale. Enquireof A. A. Fournier, Troy SteamLaundry. -

EXCHANGEVillage- - Farm in beautiful vUlasje, 2miles out on state road, 88 acres land.10 room house, with bath, hot and coldwater, etc Splendid bams, 8 poultryhouses. Buildings cost $12,000.. Willexchanga fpr good income property.Particulars TRYON'S AGENCY, lc.


Cottage Houses, Tenement and Busl-ne- ssBlocSs, Building lMtm, ail la delrabls locations. List your property Ifyou care to sc.l o) rent, as I have anumber of people looking for realtate investments. . ...

Real XmVktm aad' Innnnaea.Kuoin 0& - Tkaycx Bids.

With your lot just be contented;For even the millionaireBy the law of compensation;Has trouble enough, to bear.Console yourself when you're trou- -k.,Tou've but to look aroundTo see others lose a thousand ..When you only lose a. pound.

A.A uu J au-.-you'll find others minus two;Tcr some the sky looks Inky blackWhen it's only grey to you.

Each cloud has a silver liningAnd it's dark before the dawn;If you've pledged your watch you're

luckyTo have a watch, to pawn.

No matter how bad your case isYou'll notice others worse.If you ride in "Black Maria,"Be thankful it's not a hearse.And if you're sent to prison.Don't talk of wounded pride:Remember you're sum ol ttwker.While, thousands starve outside.If It's dark, well say it's daylight;.That's just the plan, that's wise.For after the hours of darknessThe sun is bound to rl.r.

Sidney tJJ. S. W.i Stock Journal., ALL for THR IIF.ST.

All's .for the best, be .sanguine andcheerful,

Troubles and sorrows are friends ladisg-utae-

Nothing but folly goei faithless andfearful.

Courage forever is happy and wisejAll's for the best, if a man will but

" know it,Piovidence wishes .is all to be

blest;This is no dream of the or

poet.Heaven is gracious, and all's for the

bestAll's for the best, then fling av-:i-y

terrors.Meet all your fears and your foes in

the van.And In the midet of your dangers and

- errors.Trust like a child while you strive

. like a man.All's- for the best. unbiased.

Providence reig-n- frcm the East tothe West;

And by both wisdom and virtue sur-rounded

Hope and e happy that all's for thebest.

Old English Song.


Wife Couldn't you write y ur own.stuff. Jack? f -

Actor Of course! But think of thelawsuits for plagiarism. Puck.

Mrs. Blue blood We dined at frescolast evening.

Mrs. Xewrich I think I've met himsomewhere. Is his lirst name Albertor Alfred? Boston Transcript

Xed Sribber's last book shows hedoesn't 'hink much of kings andqueens.

Ted Just the same lie b:is an yeout for the royalties a'l the time.Town Topics.

Ike Malioney is the most expensivefriend I have.

Dyke Borrows monev. -

Ike Xo, but I've had to buy Kimfour weddintr sifts and three funeralbouquets- - Siren. -

Alice Why are you taking up bot-any?

Because my finance is Interested" ina plant of some kind, and I want touc aDie to converse intelligently withhim about his business BrooklynCitizen.

He Will you go to the withme?

She I'm sorry. I an't. But 111introduce you to vi?ry handsome andclever girl whom you can take.

He I don't want" a handsome andclever girl; I want you.- - Tiscr.

"Arent you the boy who here

"Yes, sir.""I thought so. And didn't I tell you

then that I wanted an older boy?""Yes, sir! that's why I'm here now."Southern Woman's Magazine.Xiece I do think yau are clever,

aunt, to be able to argue with theprofessor about sociology.

Aunt I've only been concealing myIgnorance, dear.

Professor Bilks (gallantly) Oh, no.Miss Knowles. Quite the contrary, Iassure you. Boston Transcript.

"I see a cargo of dyestuffs cameover-- "

"Bui it is said that none cf themare intended for the Bureau of En-graving."

"That's all right. 0:ir money willgo, even if a little faded, but ourhosiery must be Just right." KansasCity Journal.

THE KALEIDOSCOPEA wealthy native of India has given

$5,000 a year for 15 years to, aid in,suppressing tuberculosis in Bombay.

About 182,000 acres of the Madraspresidency in India: has been sown inindigo this year, about twice the nor-mal area. A

Flour costs more in Venezuela thanfor many years .past, but competitionamong the bankers h.-- reduced the"cost of bread.

Hailstones are formed by the elec-tricity of the. thunderstorms they ac-company, according to a' German sci-entist's theory.

Gold, silver, copper, , coffee, sisal,textile and other fibers, rubber, hidesand skins, tobacco and sugar formMexico's chief exports.

Sweden's government has made ar-rangements to .control' and distributeraw materials, especially foodstuffs;Decause oi me mgn prices.

A famous explorer says all lionsare "left-handed- ." He bas noticed,that whenever one of these beastsdesires to strike a blow it always usesthe left paw.

The first census of the kind evertnivcu ui vruiUBrK, which .ins aoovcone-thi- rd the area of Wisconsin,credited the country with more than5.400,000 fruit trees.

Fresh milk is shipped long distancesIn Brazil in perfect condition in sealedcann with Insulated- walls, blocks of.frozen milk being placed in it to keepits temperature down.t .

- For use in French colonial waterswhere rank vegetation would foulsubmerged wheels, shallow draft boatehave been built that are driven byaeroplane motors and ..propellers.



MALTED MILK V:Cheap nbstttAta coat YOU urns price.

metis in ilall.St. Anne's T. A. Society jr.ects in T.A. B. Buildinsr.

Second Division A. O. H., meets incaries' nail.Court vjuinebaug. No. 12$, P. of Ameets in Foresters' Hall. v

Norwich Council. No. 710, R. A.,meeis in sucKingnam Memorial.

ANNOUNCEMENTSThere Are Many Teachers, But Few

Who Teach.Mr. Clifford: lays particular emphasis

on the training of children, givingthem the foundation of the great art ofdancing in whose classical walks,harmony, grace of movement poise, arenaturally included. Mr. Clifford is amember of the Imperial Society ofDancing of Europe; also a member ofthe American Society of Professors ofuancing oi new lore.


"The Smugglers" Restores DonaldBrian to the Screen Noted StageStar Appears in Famous PlayersProduction.

John Battleby Watts, a wealthy promoter and breakfast food manufacturer tout-in-? Europe with his new wife,loses partly through carelessness andmore partly through foolishness hiswife's twenty-thousand-doll- ar neck-lace.

What did he do? . He immediatelybought her a duplicate for twenty

' cents, expecting1 to have the other oneIn a few days, and to his delight hiswfe did not realize- - that she hadb"n deceived. But, alas, they are toleave for America, and no trace of thestring1 of pearls! What would you doto prevent the customs inspectors fromdisclosincr the false Jewels to yourwife? This is the problem DonaldBrian, the famous stafre star, facesHi the Famous Players farce-comed- y.

The SmufTfflers. Sidney Olcott. whoIii the director of many notable Fa-mous Players productions, is responsi-ble for the production of this screnm-lnrl- y

humorous photoplay on the Par-amount programme, which is the fea-ture at the Breed theatre today. ThePaths comedy completes the bill fortoday. ,

Life's Shadows, a stroner and power-ful five-pa- rt Metro wonderplay, inwhich William High, the versatile di- -.rector-author-st- and Irene Howley,noted for her delineation of difficultdramatic roles, are starred, will be thefeature at the Breed on Wednesdayand Thursday. Life's STiadows is ascreen play distinctly out of the or--uinary, una is 01 unusual power ananovelty, depicting life, not as it oughtto be, but as it really is. It is dif-ferent from the average photoplay aswas all of Mr. Nigh's successes andpossesses a unique and popular appeal.

The ninth chapter of The CrimsonStain Mystery completes the pro-gramme for Wednesday and Thursday.


Captain Wanted to Be Sure of Favorite Roadster's Delivery.

An Interesting commentary on thehigh favor in which the Dodge Broth-ers Motor Car is held by governmenttroops on the Mexican border is af-forded by a recent incident in Massa--chusett- s.

Capt. Harry Martin, of theSecond regiment, that state, had fre-quent occasions to observe the car inoperation during the prolonged so- -1mii-- In... i . "Inn . , t. --- - &,,u me uiuiuJia, n. II ubecame convinced that Its ability tosurvive the rigors of that country waslittle short of. remarkable, consideringthe fact that more than 200 of the carswere on duty and practically all ofthem maintaining the same dependa-ble record.

Consequently he made tin M minthen and there that he would own aDodge Brothers car. When the ordercame for the Massachusetts soldiersreturn he lost no time In getting to atelegraph office.

"Please have Dodge Brothers Road-ster waiting for me at station whenM . N. O. train arrives," he wired theDodge Brothers dealer in SpringfieldAeedlesa to say, the dealer saw theralue of so enthusiastic a testimonial,and saw to it somehow that CaptMartin had his wish, despite his owndifficulty in keeping cars in stock.

AT THE AUDITORIUM.Following is a short synopsis ofthe photoplay now playing at the Au-ditorium. In the cast are such wellknown stars aa Margurite Snow, RoseCoutfhlin, Kdward Mackay and others.Wilbur Mason, an elderly million-ai1i?J.wldow-

fat"er of --Anne an onlychild, proposes to Lillian Hill, hisstenographer who accepts him be-cause of his declaration that he will: devote his fortune v to restoring thesight of her "blind mother.,he Peratln proves unsuccessful,realizes that her sacrifice wasIn vain and she becomes cold towardsMason.

Parker, a playwright, whom Lillianspurned to accout Mason has scored asuccess and later falls in love withAnne.Mason misunderstands where Park-er's affections He and accuses Lillianof being false to him and in love withParker. As a result of this Lillianbecomes ill and commences to fadelike a rose in the autumn winds.

. The situation is fully cleared whenIt is too late. Mason has only a mem-ory of Lillian to cherish and to makesome repp-ratio- n, he gives his daught-er to Parker.

The Hearst 'Weekly and Frank Dan-iels comedy were also Shown.. Thursday will be prize nterht again,

and a half, barrel and eight bags offlour will be given away.


George A. Grossman in Charge of Or-ganization Work in New LondonWindham and Tolland Counties.

A meeting recently held at SouthCoventry of the Agricultural interestsIn that section, for the purpose offorming an Agrarian Family in thattownship was very well attended.

The required number of applicationblanks were filled out preliminary tothe forming of a family. ,

The object of the .n'artan Brother-hood is to wold together the North,South, East and West Into one big na-tion wide fraternal busi-ness enterprise that will astonish theworld. This organization is design-ed for the man who makes his livingfrom the farm and not the fancy farm-er Who is simply spending the moneythat be has made in other enterprisesaa hobby, which very soon petersout. , . ,

When a family is formed in a town-whl- p

the various' lines of industry andentertainment are 'taken care of "by

top related