not essay- song of songs

Post on 06-May-2015



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An Aesthetic Approach

Morgan Arnett


Who wrote the Song of Songs? Solomon.

Who was Solomon? He was a biblical king who came to

power around 967 B.C. He was the son of king David.

David chose Solomon to be his successor over all of his

other sons.

Solomon's end was far different than his beginning

however. In his later years he became corrupt and

perverted, which resulted in the fall of his kingdom


Song of Songs translates to “best of songs” in Hebrew.

Songs were included in the Bible.

It is easily noted that the Song of Songs is different than all the

other books in the bible, mostly because there is no direct reference

to God.

They are a poetic work, mostly about love and romance. They are a

collection of poems about a woman and her lover.

Poems/songs from this time period were performed around harvest

and planting time (they supported the idea of fertility).

Hearing the poems read aloud really helped me to

grasp the meaning of them and to focus on the

imagery the author used.

I couldn’t get the video to embed, so I will just

share the link:


I think what stands out the most in the Song of Songs is the use of

imagery. The Songs have a very beautiful word play. The author did an

excellent of using his/her words to tell these stories. I think the words the

author uses really capture the beauty and elegance of these poems.

The Songs are written like some of the other poetry we have read this

semester, but I feel like their purpose is tell a story and paint a picture of

beauty and love.

Ex. “See how he comes, leaping on the mountains like a gazelle, like a

young stag. “

Ex. “Your lips are a scarlet thread and your words enchanting.”


Metaphors are used very frequently throughout the Song of

Songs, obviously because it’s poetry. These metaphors are bring

the overall beauty to the poems and aid the audience with the

picture that the author is trying to display.

Ex. “Your eyes, behind you veil, are doves; you hair is like a

flock of goats frisking down the slopes of Gilead.”

The metaphors are often used to compare the woman to nature,

because the man sees the beauty of nature reflected in her.


Many people believe that the Song of Songs are simply a collection of poems about

a woman and her love life. Seeing as how the Songs are included in the Bible, I have

a hard time believing that there isn’t a bigger picture here. Some religions view the

Songs as a depiction of Christ and his love for the church. I, however, feel as if the

Songs are an example of how God can play a role in our relationships.

Ex. “For love is as strong as death, jealously is as severe as Sheol; Its flashes are

flashes of fire, the very flame of the LORD.”

This love is a special gift from God, hence the description of love as "the very flame

of the LORD.” (

The Song of Songs has inspired many to seek and to find a deeper experience with

God and a clearer understanding of His love (


Damrosch, David . "The Song of Songs." Gateways

to World Literature. : Pearson, 2012. . Print.

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