not to sound cosmic

Post on 05-Aug-2016






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ezine summer 2016 spirituality/rape/witch rappers/coming of age films


Not to sound cosmic...Ezine summer 2016 Spirituality/Rape/Witch Rappers/Coming of age films

Front Cover

Rigaud Benoit- (1911-1986)Femme Fleur 1958 Oil on Board

“Ori Inu: In search of self”

6/13 -clean room-plant sunflower seeds-read “heal thyself”-burn manifestation list-start manifestation journal -wash/condition hair 6/14I wish bw would stop giving their energy out so freely to these leeches. too many ppl get off on the idea of bw suffering, even bm. I dont feed into the bullshit. i see it for what it is and keep my distance.

6/20 its nice having somewhere to go every week.

7/8 Been thinking about what University of E. S on YT said in one of her videos the other day about how bw all seem to be receiving similar downloads. Which has a lot of us feeling this pressure, i describe it as more of a shift. Something just feels off and I wish I could place what it is exactly that is different now.


I wanna know why everything I want in life comes packaged like this, like When am I ever gonna run across another black female witch rapper?

● a whole rap album talking about being a witch and witchcraft.

*i think thats whats really scary about Azealia tho, she actually knows what she’s talking about regarding the occult. all of her interviews, songs, and music videos make reference to magic. she just seems so unbalanced.

When are lil black girls gonna get a coming of age film that doesn’t involve some sort of deep traumatic event. I wonder this almost everyday. Lil blk girls deserve way more than 20 films where they are molested, abused, killed, raped, driven to sex work, etc. now these films do have their purpose since this is day to day life for a lot of blk girls but if we have 20 films focused on the struggles blk girls face we NEED 20 more films showing blk girls not going through pure traumatic events. I don’t think this is too much to ask.

I have to connect with more of my ppl who know whats up. work is being done against us everyday. just walking into some of these corporations and seeing the Orishas, magical symbols, and what not is amazing. our stuff is being used, while most of us are on some bullshit.


Dating with in my age bracket feels like pulling teeth honestly. No one has any tact and its blowing the fuck out of me. I DONT WANT TO COME OVER AND CHILL.I DONT WANT TO COME SMOKE WITH YOU.I DONT WANT TO COME TO YOUR MANS PLACE SINCE HE HAVING SOME PPL OVER. none of dat. and most of the time these boys will want committed tasks done in their favor. can’t even commit to a $20 date but want cooked meals, sex, etc. like why would i do any of that? an they be so surprised when you simply stop talking to them.

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