note of region wide projects hub meeting 27.3.12

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 Note of Region Wide Projects Hub Meeting 27.3.12



    Note of Region wide Projects Hub meeting

    Tuesday March 27th Lesser Town Hall Castle Douglas

    Present: Ken Gouge (Chair), Rebecca Coggins, Leah Black, Tonia Lu, Finlay

    Cooper, Alice Stilgoe, Malcolm Davies, Suzanne Davies, Pam Pumfrey, Peter

    Renwick, Carolyn Yates, Valerie Heppel, Cliff Robertson, Lesley Sloan, Cate Ross.

    Apologies:Paula Macdonald, Claire Thirlwall, Barbara Kelly, Karen Ward-Boyd,

    Jan Hogarth, Jo Hodges, Lesley Rogers, Julian Watson, James Cox, Linda Mallet,

    Heidi Wilson, Jenny Wilson, Anne Barclay.

    1. Minute of the last meeting

    Minutes of the last Region wide Hub meeting were discussed. Cliff Robertson

    was concerned that the hubs were going to replace the activities previouslybeing undertaken by DG Arts. There was concern that the hubs do not

    become organisations like DG Arts. There was a recognition that some of the

    functions previously undertaken by DG Arts were still necessary and needed

    to be fulfilled through the hubs. The notes of the previous meeting were


    2. Feedback from Proto Chamber

    Feedback from the proto Chamber of Arts was discussed. It was suggested

    that there is a lack of alignment between the councils Single Outcome

    Agreement (SOA), Creative Scotlands (CS) Objectives and the D&G Arts

    Strategic Objectives. It was agreed to recommend that the Chamber of Arts

    look to creating a vision for the arts across the region which reflects the SOA

    aims and CS objectives and outlines the entitlement to the arts that can be

    expected by the people living in the region and how this is to be achieved.

    This would in turn provide guidance for the work of each of the hubs.

    Finlay reported some concerns from the Stewartry hub regarding the co-

    opting of independent members from the arts sector to the Chamber. While

    grateful to the particular individuals involved, and fully anticipating that theywould act in the best interests of the arts sector, various members of the

    Region-wide Projects hub agreed that their preference was for these

    representatives to be elected and accountable to the sector, and that a

    mechanism to allow this should be put in place as soon as was possible. Ken

    agreed to report this concern to the Chamber of Arts.

    Following on from this Finlay, Cliff and Cate felt that the hubs should be

    properly constituted from the outset in order to clarify voting rights,

    membership and terms of reference. Ken suggested that the creation of aconstitution and terms of reference may be needed in the future but at this

  • 8/2/2019 Note of Region Wide Projects Hub Meeting 27.3.12



    time the relationships between the hubs and the council are at an early stage

    of development and it would not be wise to attempt this task too soon.

    Nevertheless it was agreed that terms of reference for the hubs would be


    Lesley asked if the notes from the various hub meetings would be shared with

    the other hubs. It was agreed to take this idea to the Chamber meeting.

    Lesley also asked what how the membership of this hub connected to that of

    the other hubs and region wide projects, and how information could best be

    shared between them.

    Cate suggested that a mapping exercise would help to identify other region

    wide groups and issues and should be undertaken to inform the work of all the

    hubs. It was agreed that this task had already been undertaken at the

    Dalbeattie meeting and that the CABN project was also undertaking a

    mapping activity for creative practitioners and therefore it could be a question

    of updating this information and sharing it. The area hubs will be mapping

    local arts provision.

    3. Memorandum of Understanding

    The draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was discussed. It was

    explained that it had been drafted by the council and could be changed as

    appropriate. It was felt that one of the early tasks for the Chamber is to redraftthe MOU in the light of feedback. Finlay suggested that a written constitution

    would help to clarify the MOU.

    However it was felt that in the section covering the Region Wide Hub needed

    to list all the region wide projects. Also that the first bullet point should read

    The Region Wide Hub will oversee the allocation of projects and resources in

    order to ensure that they are appropriately shared across the region.

    It was agreed that the third set of bullet points each should begin with a

    doing word.

    It was also agreed that the Key Tasks were not all key tasks and that this

    section need to be redrafted.

    Cate felt it would be helpful to have more regional hub reps on the Chamber.

    The issue of potential conflicts of interest was raised by Cliff. It was agreed

    that this is an issue for the whole hub process. It was agreed that it is

    important to recognise this and to attempt to find ways to address it.

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    Again the question of a constitution was raised and it was suggested that the

    hub seek agreement from the Chamber to convene a working group to draw

    up a constitution. Finlay and Cliff offered to be part of such a group.

    Ken stated that the council should consider servicing the hub meetings.

    Accurate notes of these meetings are essential and it is not good practice to

    ask a participant in the meeting to take the notes as it restricts their ability to

    contribute to in the meeting.

    4. Region-wide projects Hub Chair

    At present Ken Gouge and Jan Hogarth are acting as joint chair of the group.

    As Ken is a co-opted member of the Chamber, it will probably not be

    appropriate for him to continue. Cate suggested that a vote be taken for the

    position of chair. It was pointed out that at the previous meeting which had

    been well attended the members had agreed that Ken and Jan should act aschairs. Ken informed the group that Jan would be attending the upcoming

    Chamber meeting and that he had arranged to brief her prior to the meeting.

    5. Rebecca led the feedback on the results of the Council meeting held on March


    6. A brief update on the progress of the region wide projects was provided to the

    group. The main issues arising from this:

    If the partnership is going to work, council officers should make

    attending the hub meetings a priority.

    An issue was raised in relation to literature development and the recent Rural

    Talent Hub application requested from Creative Scotland. It was agreed that

    there had been a misunderstanding regarding the status of the bid for a share of

    this funding that had been submitted via the proto Chamber from a new writers

    group based in Wigtown. Key players in the area of creative writing talent

    development in the region, such as the Literature Officer and other members of

    the Literature Forum had not been fully consulted by the group. It was felt

    appropriate that the 5,000 for literature allocated as part of the Rural Talent Hub

    application should be discussed by the Literature Forum, where all key

    organisations involved in literature development are represented, and that the

    Literature Forum should agree how this money should be allocated in order to

    meet the aim of the Rural Talent Hub and in line with the regions strategic plan

    for Literature. Ken agreed to raise this at the Chamber meeting.

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