note quiz! you should already be prepared!. finish animal farm questions collecting them today

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Note Quiz! Note quiz today (make sure you have your notes on the USSR, Italy, and Spain You need your own paper for the note quiz Find something to write with now


NOTE QUIZ! You should already be prepared!

Finish Animal Farm questions Collecting them today

Note Quiz!

Note quiz today (make sure you have your notes on the USSR, Italy, and Spain

You need your own paper for the note quiz Find something to write with now

Note Quiz: Use only your notes! 1) By 1939 how many European states were

democratic and who were they? 2) What does USSR stand for? 3) What is collectivization? 4) What was the purpose of the 5 Year Plan? 5) In the movie animal farm, who does

Napoleon, Snowball, and Mr. Jones represent? 6) What does squadristi mean? 7) What year did Mussolini become Prime

Minister of Italy?


Hitler and Nazism

Weimar Republic

After WWI Germany’s government collapses. This government is forced to sign the Treaty of

Versailles Many thought this was a weak government and wanted

to force a change.

Who was Adolf Hitler? Born in Austria, 1889.

Poor student Dropped out of high school

at 16 Went to Vienna to be an

artist Studied German history


Hitler’s art!



Hitler’s Army Years At outbreak of World War I,

Hitler joined the German Army. Served on the Western Front Decorated for bravery twice Wounded in battle

After war, moves to Munich Assigned to spy on The

German Worker’s Party

The Early Nazis 1919, joins German Worker’s Party 1921, complete control of Party, renames it

National Socialist German Workers’ Party, called ‘Nazi’ for short

Beer Hall Putsch, November 1923 While in prison, Hitler writes Mein Kampf, or

“My Struggle”

Mein Kampf’s Message Extreme German

nationalism Anti-Semitism Anti-communism Social Darwinism Authoritarian leadership

Collecting this! Young people in Pg. 768-769 #1-3 Pg. 771 # 2 Pg. 776 # 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10

Note Quiz!All you need is something to write with and your notes!

“The broad mass of the nation … will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one” - Adolf Hitler

What is he saying in this quote?

The Nazis Grow Party expands

throughout Germany due to Hitler’s traveling and fundraising

800,000 Nazi members in the 1931

Used economic hardship to win voters

Back by popular demand!

The Nazi Promise National pride and prominence Economic reform and recovery Return to militarism Prevention of Communism Privilege and opportunity to German elite

Class 1933 – Hitler named Chancellor

The Fuhrer Takes Control Hitler becomes German citizen in

1932 Enabling Act, 1933

Ignore Constitution while problems were “fixed”

Hitler becomes dictator Political parties banished Persecution of Jews and non-


Anti-Semitism Adolf Hitler believed that the Jewish race were

inferior. Nuremberg laws

Forbade intermarriage Required to wear stars/carry ID

Kristallnacht – Nov 9, 1938 Beginning of the Holocaust Forbidden to be in public places Unable to work in or own stores

Life in Nazi Germany End of Economic crisis

Rearmament Public Rallies Shunning of non-German culture Men trained to be warriors and political leaders Women encouraged to stay at home and raise

children The Hitler Youth

Children part of Nazis in elementary school

American Propaganda

Collecting this!

Also a paragraph: Do you think Hitler was an effective leader? How was he able to take over all of Germany? Do you think he was a Great speaker? How might that contribute to his ability to lead? Do you think you would have followed Hitler based on his leadership qualities? What qualities do you look for in a leader?

Warm Up Pay attention to the Numbers! You will see

these again on tomorrow’s test

Pg. 776 # 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10

Warm Up Study 10 min There will be 45 multiple

choice questions and 10 short answer questions!

April Fools! Test is 25 multiple choice (3pts each) 5 short answers (5pts each)

When finished with test: Silent Reading! We will watch a video when everyone is

done with the test

After test

Choose 3 Put them on the back!1) Explain Fascism and Totalitarian States. How are they

the same how are they different?  2)  Explain how the Movie Animal Farm symbolizes the

Russian communist Revolution3) Explain the Dawes plan and what its purpose was.4) How was Hitler able to take over Germany? Explain in

detail the events that led up to his rise to power. (Start from after WWI to his take over of the Government)

5) Compare the 3 main dictators that took over after the Great Depression, Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler. Explain how their methods were similar how they were different.

6) Why did the depression help extremists leaders gain power in many nations?

WWII video


4/2 We are going to play Let’s make a deal! Since we were talking about how Hitler was

not a German citizen up until a year before he took office and many of you asked me how he became a citizen, I decided you should take the U.S. Citizenship test

Deal There are 43 possible questions based on

history on the citizenship exam. You must get at least an 80% to pass. If you pass you will get a dollar. If you get the highest passing grade you will get an additional 5 dollars!

Full test


Fixing your test You may fix your answers that you got

wrong on your test. You may use your notes or book to find the correct answers! If you do not give it back to me today then you get the grade on the test!

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