notes hypothesis-testing

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How Do We Do Hypothesis Testing?

Jeff Gill,

1 The Current Paradigm: Null Hypothesis Significance


The current, nearly omnipresent, approach to hypothesis testing in all of the social sciences isa synthesis of the Fisher test of significance and the Neyman-Pearson hypothesis test. In this“modern” procedure, two hypotheses are posited: a null or restricted hypothesis (H0) whichcompetes with an alternative or research hypothesis (H1) describing two complementarynotions about some phenomenon. The research hypothesis is the probability model whichdescribes the author’s belief about some underlying aspect of the data, and operationalizesthis belief through a parameter: θ. In the simplest case, described in every introductorytext, a null hypothesis asserts that θ = 0 and a complementary research hypothesis assertsthat θ 6= 0. More generally, the test evaluates a parameter vector: θ = {θ1, θ2, . . . , θm}, andthe null hypothesis places restrictions on some subset (` ≤ m) of the theta vector such as:θi = k1θj + k2 with constants k1 and k2.

A test statistic (T), some function of θ and the data, is calculated and compared withits known distribution under the assumption that H0 is true. Commonly used test statisticsare sample means (X), chi-square statistics (χ2), and t-statistics in linear (OLS) regressionanalysis. The test procedure assigns one of two decisions (D0, D1) to all possible values inthe sample space of T, which correspond to supporting either H0 or H1 respectively. Thep-value (“associated probability”) is equal to the area in the tail (or tails) of the assumeddistribution under H0 which starts at the point designated by the placement of T on thehorizontal axis and continues to infinity. If a predetermined α level has been specified, thenH0 is rejected for p-values less than α, otherwise the p-value itself is reported. Formally,the sample space of T is segmented into two complementary regions (S0, S1) whereby theprobability that T falls in S1, causing decision D1, is either a predetermined null hypothesiscumulative distribution function (CDF) level: the probability of getting this or some lowervalue given a specified parametric form such as normal, F, t, etc. (α = size of the test,Neyman and Pearson), or the cumulative distribution function level corresponding to thevalue of the test statistic under H0 is reported (p-value =


PH0(T = t)dt, Fisher). Thus

decision D1 is made if the test statistic is sufficiently atypical given the distribution underH0. This process is illustrated for a one tail test at α = 0.05 in Figure 1.

2 Historical Development

The current null hypothesis significance test is synthesis of two highly influential but incom-patible schools of thought in modern statistics. Fisher developed a procedure that producessignificance levels from the data whereas Neyman and Pearson posit an intentionally rigiddecision process which seeks to confirm or reject specified a priori hypotheses. The nullhypothesis significance testing procedure is not influenced by the third major intellectual


Figure 1: Null Hypothesis Significance Testing Illustrated

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3





Distribution of the Test Statistic: T



Distribution Under H(0): θ= 0

α = 0.05

D , Reject H(0)1D , Not Reject H(0)0S1S0

stream of the time: Bayesianism, except as a reaction against this approach.

2.1 Fisher Test of Significance

Fisher (1925a, 1934, 1955) posited a single hypothesis, H0, with a known distribution ofthe test statistic T. As the test statistic moves away from its conditional expected value,E(T |H0), H0 becomes progressively less plausible (less likely to occur by chance). Therelationship between T and the level of significance produced by the test is established bythe density outside the threshold established by T (one or two tailed), going away fromthe density region containing the expected value of T given H0. The outside density is thep-value, also called the achieved significance level. Fisher hypothesis testing is summarizedby the following steps:

1. Identify the null hypothesis.

2. Determine the appropriate test statistic and its distribution under the the assumption thatthe null hypothesis is true.

3. Calculate the test statistic from the data.

4. Determine the achieved significance level that corresponds to the test statistic using thedistribution under the assumption that the null is true.

5. Reject H0 if the achieved significance level is sufficiently small. Otherwise reach no conclusion.

This construct naturally leads to the question of what p-value is sufficiently small as towarrant rejection of the null hypothesis. Although Fisher wrote in later years that this thisthreshold should be established by the context of the problem his influential work is fullof phrases such as: “The value for Q is therefore significant on the higher standard (1 percent) and that for N2 at the lower standard (5 per cent).” (1971, p.152-3). Furthermore,this determination of significance levels at 0.01 or 0.05 was made by Fisher in the context ofagricultural and biological experiments. This was partly defensive on Fisher’s part as rigidsignificance threshold’s are more conducive to Neyman-Pearson hypothesis testing: “In anacceptance procedure, on the other hand, acceptance is irreversible, whether the evidence forit was strong or weak. It is the result of applying mechanically rules laid down in advance;


no thought is given to the particular case, and the tester’s state of mind, or his capacity forlearning, is inoperative.” (Fisher 1955, p.73-4).

2.2 Neyman and Pearson Hypothesis Testing

Neyman and Pearson (1928a, 1928b, 1933b, 1936a) reject Fisher’s idea that only the nullhypothesis needs to be tested. They argue that a more useful procedure is to propose twocomplementary hypotheses: ΘA and ΘB (or a class of ΘBi), which need not be labeled “null”or “alternative” but often are purely for convenience. Furthermore, Neyman and Pearson(1933b) point out that that one can posit a hypothesis and consecutively test multiple ad-missible alternatives against this hypothesis. Since there are now two competing hypothesesin any one test, Neyman and Pearson can define an a priori selected α, the probability offalsely rejecting ΘA under the assumption that H0 is true, and β, the probability of failing toreject ΘA when H0 is false. By convention, the first mistake is called a Type I error, and thesecond mistake is called a Type II error. Note that α and β are probabilities conditional ontwo mutually exclusive events: α is conditional on the null hypothesis being true, and β isconditional on the null hypothesis being false. A more useful quantity than β is 1−β, whichNeyman and Pearson (1933a, 1936a) call the power of the test: the long run probability ofaccurately rejecting a false null hypothesis given a point alternative hypothesis.

In this construct it is desirable to develop the test which has the highest power for agiven a priori α. To accomplish this goal, the researcher considers the fixed sample size, thedesired significance level, and the research hypothesis, then employs the test with the greatestpower. Neyman and Pearson’s famous lemma (1936b) shows that under certain conditionsthere exists a “uniformly most powerful” test which has the greatest possible probability ofrejecting a false null hypothesis in favor of a point alternative hypothesis, compared to othertests. A sufficient condition is that the probability density tested has a monotone likelihoodratio. Suppose we have family of probability density functions h(t|θ) in which the randomvariable t is conditional on some unknown θ value to be tested. This family has a monotonelikelihood ratio if for every θ1 > θ2, then: h(t|θ1)

h(t|θ2)is a non-decreasing function of the random

variable t. Suppose further that we perform a test such as H0: θ1 ≤ θ2 versus H1: θ1 > θ2

(θ2 a known constant), where t is a sufficient statistic for θ1, and h(t|θ1) has a monotonelikelihood ratio. The Karlin-Rubin Theorem (1956) states that if we set α = P (t > t0) andreject H0 for an observed t > t0 (t0 a known constant), then this test has the most powerrelative to any other possible test of H0 with this α level (Casella and Berger 1990: 366-70,Lehmann 1986: 78).

To contrast the Neyman-Pearson approach with Fisher’s test of significance, note howdifferent the the following steps are from Fisher’s:

1. Identify a hypothesis of interest, ΘB , and a complementary hypothesis, ΘA.

2. Determine the appropriate test statistic and its distribution under the assumption that ΘA

is true.

3. Specify a significance level (α), and determine the corresponding critical value of the teststatistic under the assumption that ΘA is true.

4. Calculate the test statistic from the data.


5. Reject ΘA and accept ΘB if the test statistic is further than the critical value from the ex-pected value of the test statistic (calculated under the assumption that ΘA is true). Otherwiseaccept ΘA.

The Neyman-Pearson approach is important in the context of decision theory where thedecision in the final step above is assigned a risk function computed as the expected lossfrom making an error.

2.3 Producing The Synthesis

The null hypothesis significance test attempts to blend the two approaches described aboveproducing the “synthesis.” With Fisher hypothesis testing, no explicit complementary hy-pothesis to H0 is identified, and the p-value that results from the model and the data isevaluated as the strength of the evidence for the research hypothesis. Therefore there is nonotion of the power of the test nor of accepting alternate hypotheses in the final interpre-tation. Conversely, Neyman-Pearson tests identify complementary hypotheses: ΘA and ΘB

in which rejection of one implies acceptance of the other and this rejection is based on apredetermined α level. Some people are surprised, but Neyman and Pearson actually do usethe word “accept”, see 1933b.

Neyman and Pearson’s hypothesis test defines the significance level a priori as a functionof the test (i.e. before even looking at the data), whereas Fisher’s test of significance definesthe significance level afterwards as function of the data. The current paradigm in the socialsciences straddles these two approaches by pretending to select α a priori, but actually usingp-values (or asterisks next to test statistics indicating ranges of p-values) to evaluate thestrength of the evidence. This allows inclusion of the alternate hypothesis but removes thesearch for a more powerful test.

The synthesized test also attempts to reconcile the two differing perspectives on how thehypotheses are defined. It adopts the Neyman-Pearson convention of two explicitly statedrival hypotheses, but one is always labeled as the null hypothesis as in the Fisher test. Insome introductory texts the null hypothesis is presented only as a null relationship: θ = 0 (noeffect), whereas Fisher intended the null hypothesis simply as something to be “nullified”.The synthesized test partially uses the Neyman-Pearson decision process except that failingto reject the null hypothesis is treated as a quasi-decision: “modest” support for the nullhypothesis assertion. There is also confusion in the synthesized test about p-values andlong-run probabilities. Since the p-value, or range of p-values indicated by stars, is not set apriori, it is not the long-run probability of making a Type I error but is typically treated assuch. The synthesized test thus straddles the Fisher interpretation of p-values from the dataand the Neyman-Pearson notion of error probabilities from the test. It is very interestingto note that with the synthesized modern hypothesis test there is no claim of authorship.The acrimony, both intellectual and personal, between Fisher and Neyman & Pearson islegendary and continued until Fisher’s death. So it is curious that no one was willing toclaim responsibility for a potentially bridging approach and it appeared in the textbooksanonymously (Gigerenzer 1987: 21). The timidity of these authors led them to try andaccommodate both perspectives by denying that there were substantive differences.

Many problems with the current paradigm result from the mixture of these two essentiallyincompatible approaches (Gigerenzer 1989, Gigerenzer 1993, Gigerenzer and Murray


1987, MacDonald 1997). While both approaches seek to establish that some observed rela-tionship is attributable to effects distinct from sampling error, there are important differencesas noted above. Neither Fisher nor Neyman and Pearson would have been satisfied with the

synthesis. Fisher objected to preselection of the significance level as well as the mandatorytwo-outcome decision process. Neyman and Pearson disagreed with interpreting p-values(or worse yet, ranges of p-values indicated by “stars”) as the probability of Type I errorssince they do not constitute a long-range probability of rejection. Neyman and Pearson alsoconsidered the interpretation of data-derived p-values to be subjective and futile (Neymanand Pearson 1933b, footnote 1).

3 Status and Importance

Led in the social sciences by psychology, many are challenging the basic tenets of the waythat nearly all social scientists are trained to develop and test empirical hypotheses. Ithas been described as a “strangle-hold” (Rozeboom 1960), “deeply flawed or else ill-used byresearchers” (Serlin and Lapsley 1993), “a terrible mistake, basically unsound, poor scientificstrategy, and one of the worst things that ever happened in the history of psychology”(Meehl 1978), “an instance of the kind of essential mindlessness in the conduct of research”(Bakan 1960), “badly misused for a long time” (Cohen 1994), and that it has “systematicallyretarded the growth of cumulative knowledge” (Schmidt 1996). Or even more bluntly: “Thesignificance test as it is currently used in the social sciences just does not work.” (Hunter1997).

Statisticians have long been aware of the limitations of null hypothesis significance test-ing as currently practiced in political science research. Jeffreys (1961) observed that usingp-values as decision criteria is backward in its reasoning: “a hypothesis that may be truemay be rejected because it has not predicted observable results that have not occurred.”Another common criticism notes that this interpretation of hypothesis testing confuses in-ference and decision making since it “does not allow for the costs of possible wrong actionsto be taken into account in any precise way” (Barnett 1973). The perspective of many statis-ticians toward null hypothesis significance testing is typified by the statement: “a P-value of0.05 essentially does not provide any evidence against the null hypothesis (Berger, Boukai,and Wang 1997), and the observation that the null versus research hypothesis is really an“artificial dichotomy” (Gelman 1995). Berger and Sellke (1987) show that evidenceagainst the null given by correctly interpreting the posterior distribution or correspondinglikelihood function “can differ by an order of magnitude.”

The basic problem with the null hypothesis significance test in political science is that itoften does not tell political scientists what they think it is telling them. Most of the problemsdiscussed here are interpretive in that they highlight misconceptions about the results of theprocedure. From the current presentation of null hypothesis significance testing in publishedwork it is very easy to confuse statistical significance with theoretical or substantive impor-tance. It is also possible to have data which tells us something about an important politicalquestion, but which does not pass an arbitrary significance level threshold. In this circum-stance, one would still want to know that there is empirical evidence of some phenomenon ofinterest. There is nothing mathematically wrong with p-values in these circumstances: they


are simply not sufficient statistics for actual theoretical importance.It is important to know that there exist effective alternatives which require only modest

changes in empirical methodology: confidence intervals, Bayesian estimation, and meta-analysis. Confidence intervals are readily supplied by even the simplest of statistical com-puting packages, and require little effort to interpret. Bayesian estimation eliminates manyof the pathologies described, albeit with a greater setup cost. Meta-analysis is sometimesa complex process, but it offers the potential benefit of integrating and analyzing a widerscope of work on some political question.

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