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MODULE - 1Introduction to MassCommunication



Introduction to Communication



Your birth was a matter of great joy to your parents. With your first cry you toldeveryone that you had arrived in this world. When you were hungry you criedand your mother understood that and gave you milk. As a baby your face toldyour mother that you were not well, or were uncomfortable. Months later whenyou uttered the first words your parents were thrilled. You also started wavingyour hands or nodding your head to say ‘bye’ or ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Then slowly youstarted speaking. You asked questions because,you wanted to know about thingsaround you. Later when you went to school you learned the alphabets. Todayyou can gesture, speak and write to express yourself or, for the purpose of thisstudy, shall we say, ‘communicate’ with others.

But what is communication? In this lesson, you will learn what it is, how andwhy we communicate and different types of communication.


After studying this lesson, you will be able to do the following :

explain the meaning of communication and why human beings communicate;

state how we communicate, nonverbally or verbally;

list different types of communication;

discuss the meaning of intrapersonal communication;

explain interpersonal communication and its importance;

differentiate between group communication and public communication.


When we think of exchanging our ideas with others or giving some informationto others, we do it in two ways.




Introduction to MassCommunication


Introduction to Communication

Fig.1.1: Two people exchanging pleasantries

We either speak and tell or we just do it without words. When we look back inthe history of mankind we find that early man could not speak as we do today.

Fig.1.2: Early man

Words and languages, as we use today, developed much later in human history.


MODULE - 1Introduction to MassCommunication



Introduction to Communication









However, early human beings expressed their feelings and experiences withoutusing any words.

Their face, expressions and use of head and other organs (body parts) like thehands, could tell others many things. Later language developed and people usedwords to speak to others or convey feelings. With alphabets, writing gave yetanother powerful tool to convey thoughts, ideas and feelings.


We live in a society. Besides ourselves, there are others who may be rich orpoor, living in big houses or in huts, literate or illiterate. They may also belong todifferent religions and communities, often speaking different languages. But still allof them can speak or interact with one another. Such interaction is essential forsocieties to survive. We ask questions and get answers, seek information andget it.

We discuss problems and come to conclusions. Weexchange our ideas and interact with others. Fordoing all these we use communication. Imagine asituation where we are not able to speak and inter-act with others or think of a family living in the samehouse without speaking to each other? Such situa-tions can create plenty of problems. When we getangry don’t we stop talking to our friends or familymembers at least for some time? Soon we talk itover or discuss matters and begin normal conver-sation. If we do not speak to each other we cannotunderstand each other.So communication can helpus to understand each other and solve problems.But what is communication?


So far we have seen how we use communication. Now let’s try and definecommunication. But defining communication is not very easy. It means manythings to many people. Unlike definitions of a theory or some scientific term‘communication’ has no definition accepted by all experts.

We know that when we convey something by words, we may call it a message.If you are used to a mobile phone you would know the term ‘SMS’. This SMSis the short form for ‘Short Message Service’. Here the messages are shortsentences or just a word or a phrase or a sentence like “I am in a meeting’’.“Please call me at 4:00 p.m” or “congratulations” or “see you at home”. Theseare all messages. They are short and when someone receives them they‘understand’ it. For example, take the message “I am in a meeting’’. Please call




Introduction to MassCommunication


Introduction to Communication

me at 4:00 p.m”. It does not need any explanation. The moment you read it,you can understand it. Suppose someone has passed an exam. Just send amessage “congratulations”. The person who gets it immediately follows it. Soshall we use these two words, namely ‘message’ and ‘understand’, and definecommunication. Let’s try.

Fig.1.3: Mobile phone showing a message received

“Communication is a message understood”. Unless a message is understood

we cannot say that communication has taken place. Let’s send a message to

someone else’s phone, “where came first”. The person who gets this message

would wonder what it means. It does not make any sense. The receiver of the

message just does not understand it. So for communication to take place, there

are two conditions. First, there should be a clear message. Secondly, that message

must be understood by the receiver, for whom it is meant. In society, we all

interact with messages.. Without interactions, a society cannot survive. Social

interaction is always through messages. So we can also define communication in

the following words.

“Communication is social interaction through messages.”

Think of telling someone, “It is very warm today” or “I am bored with

the history classes.” In both these cases, we are communicating what ‘we

experience’. The weather being warm is what you feel or experience physically.

Getting bored with a subject is a different feeling which needs some amount of

education or experience in a class room. In both cases we are sharing our

feeling or experience with someone else. So we may say that “communicationis sharing of experience.”


MODULE - 1Introduction to MassCommunication



Introduction to Communication

Fig. 1.4: Two people meeting each other

Can you think of a situation where you cannot communicate with others? Insociety, we need each other for various things. Unless you communicate with adoctor how will the doctor know what your health problem is. If you want tobuy something you have to tell the seller of the goods what you are looking forand you may also ask for the price. Think of a home where parents and childrendo not communicate with each other. Think of a classroom where the teacher cannotor do not communicate. Communication therefore is essential for our survival.


1. Give any five reasons why we communicate.

2. Define the term communication.

3. State whether the following statements are true or false.

i) Communication is a message misunderstood.

ii) Social interaction through messages is communication.

iii) Sharing of experience cannot be called communication.


Have you heard the story of six people (who could not see) who went to see anelephant? They touched different parts of the body of the elephant and decided




Introduction to MassCommunication


Introduction to Communication

what it was like. The person who touched the big and sturdy side of the elephantclaimed that it was like a wall.

Fig. 1.5: Elephant as seen by the blind people

For the person who touched the sharp tusk of the elephant it was a spear andfor the person who touched its trunk it was like a snake. Like this,all otherstouched other parts of the elephant’s body and decided what an elephant lookedlike.Ear as fan, tail as rope and legs like trees! The visually challenged have todepend on their sense of touch to find out things. Ofcourse, touch is one of thefive senses with which all of us communicate.


Those six men who went to see theelephant touched and found out as they

could not see. But most of us who have

eyes can see and find out how an

elephant really looks like. Touch and

sight are channels of communication, so

are taste, hearing and smell.

We really use these senses or channels

to communicate. Remember how your

mother used a spoon and picked a bit

of curry and tasted it to check whether

Fig. 1.6: Tasting food


MODULE - 1Introduction to MassCommunication



Introduction to Communication

it had enough salt or other required spices. If she was satisfied with the result,the expression on her face would have told you whether the curry was just rightor not. Listen to some sweet sound on the flute. You feel nice and happy. Yourface would show joy and peace when you listen to the music. On the other handif you listen to a loud crashing sound you cover your ears with your hands andyour face would indicate the discomfort. Pass through an open public urinal.You will close your nose with your fingers and your face would show what youfeel. So we use our five senses- taste, touch, hearing, sight and smell tocommunicate.


So far in all the above examples, we probably never used any word or speech.The five senses are natural to us. Speech, on the other hand, is learned. Similarlywe use our eyes and hands to convey our feelings, approval or disapproval.Look at the following figure.

Fig 1.8

This indicates a facial expression which we call a ‘smily’, conveying happiness.

Fig. 1.7: Listening to music




Introduction to MassCommunication


Introduction to Communication

Fig. 1.10: Traffic cop giving signals

Someone asks you, “Are you going to the market” ? You nod your head andsay ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The way you nod would make the other person understand.

Fig. 1.9: Different human emotions

What can you make out from the above? They are different facial expressionsconveying happiness, anger, grief, fear etc.

Look at a policeman at the traffic point. He doesn’t speak a word but uses hishands to signal ‘stop’ or ‘go’.


MODULE - 1Introduction to MassCommunication



Introduction to Communication

what you mean. In all the above cases, we express our feelings or experienceswithout using any words. Here we are communicating messages through thefollowing means: -(a) By expressions on our face. These include a smile, a nod, looking at the

eyes of the other person, for listening or showing interest or narrowing ofeyes or raising our eyebrows.

Fig. 1.11: (a) Showing interest

Fig. 1.11: (b) Raising eyebrows




Introduction to MassCommunication


Introduction to Communication

(b) By body movements. Think of signaling ‘bye’ when we leave or pointingfingers or what a cricket umpire does when he raises his finger to tell that abatsman is out. In games like cricket there are plenty of such nonverbalsignals or think of Gandhiji’s three monkeys - speak no evil, see no evil,hear no evil. Shaking hands is common all over the world. But thehandshakes may convey different meanings.

Fig. 1.12: (a) Speak no evil Fig. 1.12: (b) See no evil Fig. 1.12: (c) Hear no evil

Fig. 1.13: Batsman out !


MODULE - 1Introduction to MassCommunication



Introduction to Communication

For example, you extend your hand to shake hands with someone and thatperson does not respond to you or just touches your palm or tightens the grip.This means that the person wants to keep away from you.

Just touching your palm would mean that the person does not consider you asan equal. A warm right hand shake would mean expression of closeness orfriendship.

Fig. 1.14: Sign of welcome or respect

In India and countries like Nepal or Sri Lanka a ‘NAMASTE’ or folding boththe hands together is a sign of welcome or respect. Almost all around the worldfolding of hands while praying is practised.

All the above examples show how we communicate without using any words orby using gestures or what may be called body language. Such communicationis called ‘non verbal communication’ because no words are used tocommunicate.

According to experts, almost 80% of all communication is nonverbal. Nonverbalcommunication is also practised by people who are physically challenged as faras their faculty of sight or speech is concerned. . We have already seen theexample of the six men who could not see ‘seeing’an elephant. Haven’t youseen people who cannot speak using the sign language or gestures tocommunicate? Their ability to communicate nonverbally is worth mentioning.

On the other hand, people who can speak also use nonverbal communicationwhen they speak to others. Think of someone who speaks to a large number ofpeople, like a political leader, (like Sonia Gandhi or L. K. Advani) spiritual orreligious leader (like Shri Shri Ravi Shankar or Swami Ram Dev) or social




Introduction to MassCommunication


Introduction to Communication

activists (like Medha Patkar or Aruna Roy). All of them use a lot of nonverbalcommunication. Look at speakers pointing fingers or raising hands or countingon fingers or moving their arms. Nonverbal communication is not universal ordone in the same way by everyone in the world.. Nodding of head may havedifferent meanings for people from different parts of the world. We Indians foldhands to welcome somebody, or to pray. People in Europe fold hands only topray and saying “NAMASTE” as we do by folding hands is not known tothem. They also do not welcome people the way we Indians do in India.


1. Name the five senses used by human beings for communication?

2. What do you understand by nonverbal communication?


After man developed speech we started communicating orally. It is like a childwho learns to utter words first, and then speak. Oral communication is a skillthat is developed or evolved. It uses language. This would mean words andsentences. Words do not stand independently to communicate. If you say ‘sky’or ‘blue’ or ‘high’ they may not mean much. These words are just symbols. Themoment you say the word ‘sky’ the listener would be able to imagine this.‘Blue’ would mean colour and ‘high’ would mean much above our head. In oralcommunication we group words into what we call sentences which can conveymeanings. Observe the following:

“The sky is high”

“The sky is blue”

“The sky is both high and blue”

In the above groups of words or sentences we have arranged words in such away that they make some sense. When we say a full sentence where the rightword is placed at the right place, using grammar or the rules that govern language,it would result in understanding. Otherwise it will just be using some wordswithout any meaning.

When we talk about India’s ancient wisdom or ‘vedas’, ‘puranas’ and‘shastras’, they were initially spoken, given orally and passed on from onegeneration to another. In India , we have this very strong oral tradition. Theadvantages of oral communication are: -

i. It is spontaneous and natural.

ii. It is, therefore, easy for others to understand.


MODULE - 1Introduction to MassCommunication



Introduction to Communication

iii. Choice of words generally suits the listeners .

iv. It is supported by nonverbal communication.

v. The communicator or the person who communicates, is always physicallyavailable.

vi. It can develop close relations between the speaker and the listener.

Disadvantages of oral communication: -

i. Words spoken disappear into thin air. The words are temporary.

ii. Words are not permanent unlike say written communication.

iii. What is heard is often forgotten.

iv. Nonverbal communication that supports oral communication may not beunderstood by people from other cultures.

Modern modes of communication like telephone invented by Graham Bell in1876 and radio invented by Marconi in 1901 use oral messages. These inventionshave helped in communicating instantly over long distances. You will learn moreabout radio in a later module.


Language and writing developed much later in man’s early history. The earliestscript is supposed to be found in China. Until paper was invented by the Chineseand later in Egypt, there was no written communication except on leather scrollsand palm leaves.

Today when we talk about written communication it is limited to people who canwrite and read. For this one should know the alphabet, script and grammar ofthe language. For someone to write, say the language English, one should knowvarious parts of speech besides a good knowledge of words or vocabulary.Writing, invention of paper and later invention of printing by Johan Gutenberg inthe 15th century, made knowledge available to many more people. Books werethe first to appear. Newspapers, magazines and journals slowly became popular.Such written matter helped people in communicating ideas to a larger number ofpeople. Newspapers helped people to be informed about what is happeningaround the country and the world. Newspapers also inform about the activitiesof the government.

Writing unlike speech, involves thoughts, correction, editing or rewriting and occursin isolation. That means for a writer it is an individual activity involving lot ofpreparation and hard work, unlike speech, which is a shared activity.

Advantages of written communication: -

i. Written communication gives words and thoughts permanence.

ii. Knowledge and information became available to people who could read.




Introduction to MassCommunication


Introduction to Communication

iii. It led to the spread of ideas.

The biggest disadvantage of written communication, however, is that one has tobe literate to use written communication.

Forms of written communication

Written communication has many forms. It varies from an intimate personalletter to books and newspapers. All the forms have their own special features.Here is a list of some written forms of communication: -







Fig. 1.15

For modern man writing is an inseparable tool. Almost everything is written andpreserved. Writing has given man history as all human activities and developmentsare written down by people who write history or historians. The worldwideweb and internet have given a new meaning and style to writing.

However, unlike speech, written communication tends to be formal and difficultto follow. The person interested in written communication has to be literate toreceive messages. Often writings are not very user friendly unless the writer is agood communicator. You may enjoy a story, a novel or a play but may feelbored when you read essays or books on intellectual issues.


1. State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. Writing has given man history.

b. Paper and printing were in existence before written communication wasdeveloped.


MODULE - 1Introduction to MassCommunication



Introduction to Communication

c. Writing is a shared activity.

d. The worldwide web and computers have given a new style and meaningto written communication.

e. Radio is a medium of written communication.


Communication is described depending upon the situation in which communicationtakes place. We communicate with ourselves, with others face to face,using a public address system with a large number of people or use radio ortelevision. In this section, you will learn about the different types ofcommunication.INTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATIONThink of a person driving a scooter on a lonely road. He has put on a helmeton his head to protect himself but it is not properly buckled and tightened. He isriding at high speed and is reaching a narrow junction. A bull comes chargingand in order to save himself he applies the brake and he falls down. The helmetflies off as it was not buckled properly. His spectacles also fall. The bull runsoff for dear life. What does the scooterist do? Is he saying anything or is hecommunicating? Think for a while and read further.Well, he is. First he thanks God for saving him from major injuries. ‘Thank God’he sighs. “Who has left this blessed bull to run around freely?” He probably mayquestion himself saying, “I should have put on the helmet properly”. He may saymany things aloud or tell himself. He in fact is questioning himself or iscommunicating with himself.

Fig. 1.16: Intrapersonal communication




Introduction to MassCommunication


Introduction to Communication

Let’s take another example. Have you ever seen on television some of our greatbatsmen at the crease? Take for example, Sunil Gavaskar or Sachin Tendulkarbatting shown on television? If one of them has faced a ball from a bowlerrather carelessly you should see them muttering something or talking tothemselves. Strictly speaking, this is no communication at all as no one exceptthe person himself is involved. This type of communication is called intrapersonalcommunication or communication with oneself.

Intrapersonal communication is communicating with oneself. We all do it. Thinkof a situation when you spoke to yourself. You went and met somebody andsaid something silly. Don’t you tell yourself “I should not have said that…” or “Ishouldn’t have behaved that way…” or “I made such a fool of myself…”. Allthese are very common. We all do it as long as we live. In fact this is lookinginward or looking at ourselves. This can also be accepting our faults and mistakes,and correcting them. Intrapersonal communication or communicating with oneselfis essential for our growth as responsible members of the society. Intrapersonalcommunication is the first type of communication.


When you come face to face with someone and communicate with that personit is called interpersonal communication. This happens in our daily life. In themorning you get up and meet your parents, brothers or sisters. You wish themor speak to them. When you go outside you meet your friends and talk to them.You go to a doctor and discuss your problems. If you want to book a railwayticket, you go to the booking counter and speak to the person sitting there. Allthese are examples of interpersonal communication.

Fig. 1.17: Interpersonal communication


MODULE - 1Introduction to MassCommunication



Introduction to Communication

Interpersonal communication is communication between persons or one to onecommunication. Most of us indulge in interpersonal communication every day.

Interpersonal communication being face to face generally takes place in an infor-

mal, friendly atmosphere. However, there are occasions when it is formal. For

example, a police officer questioning a suspect or a lawyer examining a witness

in a court.

Let us list some formal and informal situations in which interpersonal communi-

cation takes place.



Taking part in meetings or conferences

Sales counters

Job interviews


Private discussions with friends or family members

Corridor discussions

Conversation in canteens or restaurants

Face to face communication would also mean a lot of nonverbal communication

and immediate reply to questions. Interpersonal communication is essential in

business, organizations and services. There is no substitute for people talking

and reacting.


Let us think of a a group of people meeting for a particular reason. It may be a

group of residents of a street or mohalla or students meeting a teacher or a

student leader. In the first case the group will be addressed by a leader or a

chairman and then others, who are known to each other, may also participate in

a discussion. Such situations in which a group of people, generally known to

each other meet and talk to each other are common. This may be called groupcommunication.




Introduction to MassCommunication


Introduction to Communication

Have you ever attended an election meeting of a political party? Or heard areligious or spiritual leader giving a discourse? Such meetings and discoursesare part of our public life today. Generally there is a stage or a platform or theroof of a vehicle for such a speaker to stand and speak. A microphone and aloud speaker are essential for communication here. Many people, may be hun-dreds or even thousands can be seen waiting for the speaker to begin. Whenthe leader speaks a large number of people will be listening. One person here isspeaking to a large number of people. Such communication is called publiccommunication. The speaker can see or identify only those who sit in the frontrows. So messages are given not to just one or two persons but to many. Unlikeinterpersonal communication, here, the speaker cannot see the audience. So itgenerally lacks the personal touch. Of course there are public speakers who canbuild immediate rapport or personal touch with the listeners. But unlike in groupcommunication, here, people may not know each other.

Fig. 1.18: (a) Group communication

Fig. 1.18: (b) Public communication


MODULE - 1Introduction to MassCommunication



Introduction to Communication

Public communication may be defined as a situation where many people re-ceive messages from one person. The skills of the person are very importanthere in this situation. We can think of a number of political and spiritual leadersas excellent communicators. Again, unlike group communication, to reach outto a large number of people, microphones and loud speakers may be used .


1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word/s:

a. A situation in which a batsman is talking to himself while at the creaseis called ________________ communication.

b. A conversation between two persons is called ______________ com-munication.

c. Conversation in a canteen is ____________ interpersonal communica-tion

d. In ———— communication generally people are known to each other.

e. In public communication, generally ————— people receive mes-sages from ———— person.


Understanding human communication

development of human communication

reasons for communication

Definition of communication

How do we communicate

five senses of communication

non verbal communication

oral communication

written communication

Types of communication

intrapersonal communication

interpersonal communication

public communication

group communication




Introduction to MassCommunication


Introduction to Communication


1. Explain the meaning of communication with examples.

2. Discuss the relevance of the five senses of communication in our day today life.

3. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of oral and written communi-cation.

4. Differentiate between different types of communication with examples.


1.1 1. Refer to section 1.2

2. Refer to section 1.3

3. i) False ii) True iii) False

1.2 1. i) touch ii) sight iii) taste iv) hearing v) smell

2. Refer to section 1.4

1.3 1. a) True b) False c) False d) True e) False

1.4 a) intrapersonal

b) interpersonal

c) informal

d) group

e) many, one

top related