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Investigator, Raymond Jantz,January 13 , 1933.

Interview with John T. Barr-,Stecker.

I moved to the Chickasaw Nation, Indi-an Territory,

in 1371, f if ty-five years ago. v'fhen I came to the

Territory there were but few white s e t t l e r s .here. The

land embraced in whet were^c'elled the Chootaw and

Chickasaw Nations by t reaty with the Indians had been

ceded to them in consideration of the relinquishment

of lands in Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee.

At the ti-ne, of the removal of the t r ibes known as

the Five Civilized Tribes to the Indian Territory the

country was intended ss a permanent abiding place 'of

such t r ibes , where, as self-governing coranunities,

$he Five Civilized Tribes should be free .from any

interference or encroachmen-t of the whites, but as .

years passed and the population of the s ta tes contiguous

to the Indian Territory increased / the whites over-

flowed, in to the Territory where they improved and






cultivated the land as tenants of the Indians.

Thus, finally, partly as 8 result of the short-

sightedness of the Indians in admitting the whites into

the country and pertly as a result of 'the pressure of

the dominant race, v/hich had over-ridden' them in their

homes east of the Mississippi end whom they were, again

y;powerless 'to resist , this seclusion and isolation'

the * .

which/Indians sought by immigration was lost.

I t i's 2 matter of. history now that their tribal

laws and courts were finally abolished, the land once

held by them in common was allotted to th<?»i in severr.lty,

and the old Indian Territory and Oklahoma csrue into the .

Union as a state.-

I only refer to these matters as a background for

my description of life in/the old Chicka.saw Nation end

the incidents I am about/to describe, for those conditions

grew out of the changes that tine has ?/rought during

the last fifty ^fesrs. '

' At the time I' came to the Chickass'v Nation the

country was only thinly settled and as I have already


i - 3 - -

ststed there were only 8 few white se t t l e r s here, many

• of them inter-married white men who had contracted

marriages with women of Indian blood. The Indians as

a general thing lived in small settlements but the few

whi te s e t t l e r s who were scattered here and there over

the-country seldom located in the Indians' sett lements.

Most of the Indians were averse to manual labor

and as game was plentiful they managed to get along

very well with their stock and small garden patches.

A few of the mixed bloods were more enterprising and

had farms-but generally speaking there was very l i t t l e

•"* effort on the part of the Indians to-put* the land into

cult ivat ion. Originally no white people had any r ight

to l ive in the Indian country and, those who came i'n.

were real ly on sufferance or by permission of the

Indian au thor i t i e s . A permit lav: WPS enacted under

othe provisions of which white men were permitted to

l ive in the Terri tory. The f i r s t permit law enacted

provided that whites might l ive here by paying an

r annual permit fee or tax of 25 cents . This charge was

la te r increased by the Indian Legislature, f i r s t to




$1.00 per year and la ter to* $5.00. There was very l i t t l e

objection to ttie f i r s t raise but when the annual permit *

was boosted to $5.00 per head there was some d i s sa t i s -

faction among the whites. Some few.of them moved out

of Indian Territory but most of them paid the tax without


As the land was held in coranon, no one could acquire

t i t l e to any part icular t rac t of land. Right of .possession

depended on the occupancy and improvements made upon the

land. There was no law regarding land l ines other then

a trespass law making i t unlawful for anyone to locate

or reside nearer than one-fourth mile from the holdings'

and improvements of another.

As the white people continued to d r i f t into 4he (

c'ountry, some of the more enterprising Indians conceived

the idea of making long-time leases on tuei r holdings of

from five to ten years, depending upon the emoiint of

land put into cultivation and the kind of buildings erected.

Under th is lease system the country began to s e t t l e up

very rapidly. The open range and plenty of grass and

water began to a t t r a c t cow-men and quite a number of stock.

, . •' ^ ' . . 453BARR, iow T . SECOND ittb&mmS '

- 5 -

ranches were established in the Indian Territory a t an

early da"te. > ^

The full blood Indians' did not take kindly to the

encroachments of the whites and would have been bet ter

sat isf ied without their presence in the cduntry. I well

remember a conversetion at the Brier Creek Court House

on one occasion between Dr. ./orthington, an inter-married

ci t izen who was County Clerk of pickens County/ an.d a

bunch of full bloods over the lease question. Dr. Abrth-

"ington was.urging the full bipods to Vase^out their

land, te l l ing them that the game.would soon be gone and

that they would have to-chen-e their customs; but that if

they would rant out the i r land the rents would make them*

a living.. The Indiens l istened at tent ively to his argii-

ment but rather scoffed at 'the idea, saying "Tom Fuller

mighty good, Doc; Tom Fuller mighty £ood."

As time went on, the lease system was greatly

extended. Cowmen were stocking the range with ca t t l e ,

some of the pastures being fenced." Under the Indian

rule i t was unlawful for a white man to hold ca t t le in

the, Indian Territory bu t \ th i s la v was easi ly evaded by


an arrangement with some Indian under which the pasture

and ca t t le were held in the Indian's name.

Owners of herds of cat t le ,on their way to the north-

ern" marksts through the Chiekasaw Nation from Texas?were

compelled to pay a tax of 25 cents per head on the ca t t le

driven through tiie Indian domain. This law was also evaded

f by resourceful comen and Indians in many instances by

giving a bogus b i l l of sale to some Indis n wno would meet

them at Red Rivey; the Indian for an agreed sura -wouldi .and / .

accompany the ca t t le , /c la im them as his own un t i l they &

passed the Chickasew border on the north.

During Governor Overton's administration in 1876 or

1877, the Indian Legislature again'amended the permit law

by raising the tax on each non-ci'tizen from $5.00 to

#25.00. There had been some dissat isfact ion some years

before when the tex had been raised from $L00 to $5»00but nothing to compare with the ten pest raised by this

/ " \ " Vl a s t increase. - [ - . \

/ " • ' \

Many of the lessees and renters openly refused io

I -pay and Governor Overton/ called cart the Milrtie end also


- 7 -



asked for the assistance of a squad of United States

Soldiers to collect the permit tax and remove those who

refused to pay it. These strong measures were effective

end most of the white men paid off their Indian land-\

lords', ass is t ing them in many instances and those who

persisted tn their refusal -.vert removed from the l imi ts/ • «. •

of ihe Chickasaw Nat ion. \

Meanwhile the t ide of white immigration to the

Indian Territory continued. -a^gpod many cowmen came in

from Texas seeking new range for the^ir ca t t l e and a l l

thjls tended to advertise the country. Many of the cowmenr • • i

rain wire fences around Jtheir ranges, putting in large

pastures to save expense and to keep ca t t l e belongingto otHers off the i r range. In this way quite a number of/ the

large pastures in ihe western part, of/Chickasaw Nation

were enclosed. Some of these pastures covered thousands



adres. As au white man could lawfully hold ca t t le/ .

the Indian country, the pastures by secret arrange-

ments were a l l claimed by Indian cit izens but were

finknced by/hon-citizens who were the. real owners of.

the stock, ' This was done to evade the law.


-8- ' " .

This illegal practice became so prevalent as to

finally attract the attention of the Indian Government

and a law was passed prohibiting Indien citizens from

fencing more than one square mile or six hundred and

forty acres of land and orders were issued for the

removal of a l l fences enclosing holdings in excess- of

that provided by law. The owners refused to take down

their fences and the Militia was again called out to

cut down the, large pastures and put out permit ev.a.ders,

arid the Indian Militia in obedience to those orders

proceeded to cut the wire around the pasture illegally

fenced and considerable excitement followed.

V»T. 3.-"Washington, &n inter-married citizen, was the

owner of one of these large pastures. A detachment of

Militia camped neer his ranch with the view of cutting

his fences the following day. During the night their~~*

horses were a l l stolen or run off and. some twenty head

were killed arid the balance scattered over the country

which was rough\and broken. I t was penerelly believed

that Washington's cowboys had run the IndiarS * horsed off


-9- -


.and Mr.. Washington and some of his cowhands were arresjted

but the matter was finally adjusted in some way and

Mr. Washington paid for the horses. , . ..

The early history of the Chickasaw Nation and so

far as that is concerned of the whole Indian Territory I

is crimsoned with blood. Many white men in the Chickasaw

'Nation could hardly be classed as good citizens. The

• /

unsettled condition of the country and the difficultyI !

of bringing criminals to justice made the CJtiickasaw

Nation an ideal stomping ground for renegades and out-i

laws from other states.I • ..

The Unfted States Criminal Court, witii* headquarterJ *

at Fort Smith, Arkansas, was the only court having juri

diction in the Indian Territory. It is true that there

were Indian, courts but they had jurisdiction, only in ca;i

involving Indian citizens. A few deputy United States

marshals -scattered over this vast territory constituted the



i ' y Ixonly police force, and energetic and efficient though they /

might have been, they were too few in number to apprehend \

many of the law violators and alli-round bad men of that day./ .

It was a violation of the United States law £o intro-

duce intoxicating liquor into the Indian ooupry,


fio- *9655

but this by no raeens/prevented i ts introduction,arid*/

' '"among the notorious' whiskey runners wbo'se'names/were

- well-known were/he //ade brothers, who/oe men/and two-

negroes, Dick / l a s s and George Mack/ • The}/ heed-

quarters/werii in the Sehinole lie #1 on bui/a's their

supply of jmiskey cane from Texas, they had to pass

through jm§ Chickasaw Nation with-I^freir--supplies,

following what became ,kn^n as tfye old .Vhiskey Tra i l .

'-noth/7/ ' ' J -'

ier well-known whi/skey peddler and all-around' / / *'

"barman" was Frank/Pierce fy&berts, "sometimes calledPierce, who''came- "rpm "Texas. Hi,s headquarters

- / ' ' . "-fere a,t J6hnsenville in/tni^Chibkasaw Nation. A

negro (of th<=> name of Manual-Patterson was another

notorious character/ He lived near the,-old Cherokee

town of ivashita. /He f inal ly ki l led one of the AAKJ&S

7 • • • ' • ' ' ' : - • • - • • ' • • • . • •

brothers, a density United States marshal-, while

res is t ing arrest , and Manuel Pctter^on '.later died in

the Fort Smith j e l l . - ' •

'" To/this li-st may be added the nspie. of • Bud

Stevens^ He commitfe.d some crime .aee'r Gerdenvilley.



<* ' '-11- ' ; '

Grayson County, Texas, and when Deputy Sheriff Dallas

Hodges tried to ar-rest him Stevens shot and'killed

him and accompanied "by his wife, fled to the Indian

Territory and-located near Sorghum Flets on the <veshits

T-4^=tne Arbuckle Mountains. Some of the brokers- of

Dallas .Hodges learned of Stevens' thereabouts 2nd* ' (

• went to-arrest him. Stevens was hiding in a secluded

place in vrough;broken country and detecting the

approach of the Hodges men before they saw him, he

topened,fire, killing.^Bsbe Hodges end wounding

„ Mr. Colemen-end then made good his esc.e'pe 'o a

•.community near the fcot of the Arbuckle'Mountains.Here he found a congenial sp i r i t in the person of a young

• * " y

• negro of. the name of Bully July and being of. the same typ?

of character, they soon becane cronies end boon companions

fin3 made frequent trips together to the mountainus,. "^ut

July's cupidity finally r e s u l t s in bte'v=ns' death.

Learning- that.Stevens had accumulated some l i t t l e .property /

an d desiring to possess i t , the negro lured Stevens into

the mountain, shot him down' in coir!-'-lood^and having

concealed 'he body.' returned to the Stevenr, home and


-12- *

« informed Mrs. Stevens that her husband/was badly injured

in the mountains and needed h>r csre gnd attention.

'Ihe unsuspicious woman unhesitatingly/ ccccmpa.nied the

negro to the place where her husband/was supoosed to be,

•.vhere she was brutally f-sr<anlted 'by I 'he negro who then

murdered her and cist her body intci c deep cave.

The protracted absence of Stevens and his *vife

excited l i t t l e attention in the community where they had

resided for i t ".as known that jipywes an outlaw avd on

the "dodgfe," end i t was generelly believed thrt they had

left the country. ?rcb£-bly their fate -'.ouLi n -vor hav=

been known if the lips of the :nur:!erer li&3 remained

seeled, but .vhi skey finally vet^ayed him. ..hile attending

a negro gathering end while under the influence of .'.hiskey^

this negro confidentially revealed the details of his

crime to -one of his col rei fri^n-i c^ th- name "of Loftus.

Loftus l^ter toli some other negroes-en3. "ul'y bec&ne

suspicious of Lc^us a-ic killed hin: but the det&4§ts of

hifs cr\me Lgainst Stev^ hij ..ife finally leelr-id

cut,-probably through s>3rle o^ the negrnrs »vhom Loftus

had told -C'i\0. ofi.OBrs .vpre sent to tie scene of the

/crime. • - .


t tr


The ccve was loc: ted in which Urs. 'oteveas ' body

had been cast , and one of the officers lowered into

• the cave. .Then he reached the bottom he found th^t

i\ was a veri table sneke den and signalled his friends

and f-jeypulled him out. Procuring a gun he again descend-

ed and kil led c - l e r S e number of rat t lesnakes. The-

" skeleton of Itfrs. Stevens was found in the cave and with •

her body there was e c?rpe.t bag. containing her clothing,

"dully was arrested, carried to Fort Smith, t r ied , convict^

ed and hanged in 1383.

1 no% cone to the incidents -leading up to the k i l l -

ing of my t/?o brothers, Jim ~.ndy Roff,^>y the notor-

.ious Lee gang of "outlaws in 1^85. At that tine Ji(n and

Andy and another brother of lfhiae were ranching between

Ca-ddo Greek an1 the mountains about twj aiiles west of

3erwyn. Frcnk Pierce, ..hose re: 1 nsne was Prank Pierce

..Roberts, Jim Lee and his brothers, P1'nk end To:.i Lee, and l

their trothi-r-in-law, £3 Oteine,w-re cper.-'tiag in the

vicini ty of. Ived -River some distance from whese my. brothers

• .vere ranching.



- . . ' * . ' -14- - • •

Frank Pierce had moved into the Indian Territory

from one of 'the 7>/estern counties of Texas and had

iocated at Johnsonville.. Kis principal business was ..t

bootlegging and he was considered a very bad man..

«/hile-he was t t Johr son.ville he killed Chub yJoore,

Chickasaw Indian, but. escaped prosecution on a clain

of self-defence. J .-

s Ed St°in "was running e small store at th* t* time . • ' •

et Dela'were Bend" in Texa.s' on F;ed ?i?er a:id from him

?ie^'">^ obtained .his supplies of#<.hiskey. In fact

Stein 's pl^ce was the source offsupply for nos+ of

the whiskey peddler? operating ir> the Chiokas£.7 nation.

Jim lee >vas a squs-f men v/hq had married an Indien wife .

end as th is gave hix a "ri.°f>t" in the country, he had . *

quite a Itrge pasture feio.pd in on the Indian Territory

side of the r i i rer twelve to fifteen miles nortV of •

Delaware .Bead'near what was called "'•IS Branch, e

t r ibutary of Ceddo Creek, u rc^her oat-of-the-v.ay

place and f.vith him lived brother, ''-rik This piece• • • - ' • '

wes the general stronghold of i r s t o* the bfd rr,en and


- 1 5 -


outlaws passing through tht.t part of the country.

Iliese four men were ' a i l friends and associates in

crime1 and the Lep brothers'.end ITrenk Pierce, in addition

to thei r other criminal a c t i v i t i e s , .vere essocie ted

to£et'ner in rusislinr c£ t t l e .

7or sevprcil" years prior to 11"5 aad up to that time>

qui te L> nu-r.Lfr of ci t t l e ranged 3,n the snouiiteins i e . r the

lioff ranchmand in A ^r i l of th:. t y^er ;\hile ~: • brother

* . N - ' ; *•Ti~ '-c u=p in I?le mountains lov.:inr- throagh the otre'e^


he sf>w five or six on horseback rounding, o small

o^' c a t t l e . *ie stirto-l to ride cvprito tbe olece

ossible andv?here they were to identify these men if p

;see what they were doing with the cat t le out .wh.en these,

men paw .AH coming they le^t tho ca t t l e and rode off.

Jim could no.t recognize any of the party l-it a^oi examiri-* *

ing the ca t t l e , he discovered thto „'.:-. • oeirr^ed to

some of the s e t t l e is in the neighborhood, «no owned small

herds. Some of these cf t t le belonged to a-man of the

name of Estes; others to a man- of the aame qf ?&c

and the others showed Moff" brrnda.


Jim left the cattle and rode off some distance and

concealed himself and in £ Fhort time the rustlers

returned and rounded up the ca t t le .

Jim then went to L.stes and'^cGolgin and- rep or te-"

.vlu-t he had seen, ' I t v\e.s evening &nc they 'were Icifce inj , , *

striking, the t r a i l to thny ..aited until-morning end.

started out. They trailed the: cattle across the river

to pelawrre 3en^ • «»Iien they rpde up to -twine's store

four or five ~ien ca,:e- oat with! fins in their hands,

inc^uJing Frank Pierce, the Le^ Boys and also iSd Steine

.vho acted as spokes-nan fo~ the narty. J^ Vrotii-r usked.i

wir. Steine if he' had seen anyone pa?,3 leading or '"riving

a lar'ge span of bli-cV i i les . Steiae th&n turned to his

followers, spying, "they tire lCokinc to% so:ne mules."

advantage, ray t ro th a r md his coiap--r.ioua di4 not deem

i t ad*riseble to men'M.oi Cc.!^!^ i.n.i soon £ " t a r •!".: t rode

1 away. . " ' v . • v

.Later my brotner and his co?nk tnioi? j~ot in touch

' '.vith the •.sheriff's office 1.1 jfcincsville am ./.r. Hil l ,

the sh^rif?, arranged to meez the~ on ? fixed L^te and

JOHLI 2?...

l a y plans for th.e a r r e s t of the r< l a accordance

" ' • " • • ~ \ • ' " ' • • / • '

with this arrangement a meetrag was held,attended by

posse of nien ftfom the; Territory, Sheriff -Hill andr ^

>t ' •

of his deputies.. -. •*>

Sheriff Hill suggested that inasmuclyas he and'

his deputy, Pr t i/are, were unknown .to t£e Xee boys' and

Frsnk ierce, they would gp to th.e store and g<

inside on a pretext of buy something^nd Th "~~• • " - . ' • / • •

'this inenner locate their men and get the dr/p on them

and in"the rae&nt.ime- thet the res t of the pos:=e must wait-

on the -Territory side unt i l they her.ri ff.ofn- Sheriff H i l l .

ThtS plW wcs' filially adopted. • d i l l tnd .rare rode on

to the gjtore .wher e they'v^re ne.t by -/rink Pierce with •. •

'fly asked, them what' 'they wan-teed -anti upon bein^\irif ormed by M-V»__ ^ |i— thtt+-

they ^^4-«6n the^r.way toi&fe-xter L'i-1 v?£ntei3 to know whist"

\ I \ • ' ^ "' 'road to'iMske, Pieivce pointed! to-the r-^aJ '.vith'his "gun-1"

and .told; them to "hAt-it and Wot'look back.." '} it to

• v I \rode on \o De^tei\.

n, tiki- meantime 't'h^ p.Qsse,\on the. t e r r i t o r y sicje ; '.'

vv,er«; (,vaitin^. for some v/ord frpm\tfae. sheriff , but bearing

.- \ '

\ • ! • / •

- -f - •_ ; • _


< -I"- - 1 3 - '


no/thing, they fina/ly became, res t less and sent a\man who

(d^in that/neighborhood and/had sometimes traded at .

/ • • • • ' - / / / ' / • '

>t-he- ^teine s4pre to^e.te,',. beTieving thet he

would-not grouse'any suspicion among the people v.'h.o v)/ ' • • . /

acquainted with him bu/when he arrived'at the store/ ;'< i j ^ . - ' -

Pierce/ordered, him tyS get

As this man did not .return and no word came from

him, the possfe f inal ly decided to investigate the matter

for vthemsftives. ( 'twere were six or 'e ight men in the

party,'Tohn •/ia'shington, Andy-Hoff| three or "f.our Chick-

. asaw/nrdians and possibly one or//two others. They crossed

"the l o t . Mr. iVashington, 'who. hafi. taken shel ter behind a

Tence, • calTe^^uT*_|o^^im~^jS^^l*d^^

rep-liftd^, "Hold up. youTije3if,,:"<v&$d.-fired his sun^eft-,\\eshing-

ton, the bullet. striMng one i f the fence rai ls and '' • ' . . " • / / " • * • ' >

soa^ttering a lot of • sp l in te rs around him.'

PJLerce then ran some djfstance, jumped on his horse

7?h\cn was. already, saddled and star ted to cross the^river,

• ...the Kieiaber;? of t he posse shodting at him: and he re turning"' - - J - \ , - • • • ' . " , ' • . • ; ' • ' ••"" - > v ' v • ' . . , - • '

; their \ite. He managed'to reach the other, srde of,"the/ ' - . \ •• : - . . • - : - • , ; • x w

BARR, jrOHNT. SECOND. . 9655467

•river; hup there he- f e l l .from his horse on" the sand bar,#

l i t e r a l l y shot tp pieces, his record of en end, •

Thml members of the posse- recovered several heeds - '

of the. siole^i stock in 'a brushy pasture? on-the Texas'

side in al bend of the r iv^r . Lee. boys werere not at

• \

the store\at..the time fierce ki l led but when th|ey

learned of! his, death they were very\inu,ch incensed, and

.gathered together/<fuite a" number of b&d > men a t , Jim

on-Cold Branch,.


""*• f

. • Gtay insii

I . and Kipfo j



' • / •


/ ; lRoff | rincli aiid I replies

of £; fqsse /to afssis^ I

errest of Jim and Pirik .Ouee and al§oan pyder

•*_ Goy.ern.or. rtplf?

i t being ip exces^ of flihe'adreage fellp^ed'-'by1 ldw^

./ith a- view .dT\%arrestiirg t|iese pefi

negro, Dallas Humby, fvhi(> wajs s'f;yin^

i. Guy. went, to the qerabers-• ' ' ' .

these p^r-iies.

the Lees and EJi

fortified,, did

at that

et ia-1-l

was e ca^e of"'no*

There were,six me

Andy,&h.d^Xim,\p.; co jboy• f

jBjLlly.Kirksley,/' B^|uty Unite

two r'egultr posse-;pe\i, ' '.indyj

' "the. -lame of Snersdn Eols-ora. .]

_ , Ij


•• : - 2 1 - ' . '


I t was -ah il l-8dyised expedition "for Guy's rashnessfl • • . - . * * . . • • • • , . . .

'..tcost him his l i f e and that of three others of the party..-.

~-~\ - *..QB . th e jnof ning of the f i r s t day. of. May, 13S5-, Guy

.marshalled hisi forces a t Hendter son's, store^. oii^JJiei^fefshi ta-- *-

some eight or jften miles from the L&eranch* There were 'v. ' •'

eleven-or -tw«|lve men in the ppsse by this time. They lef t' I " '' *

\j before dawn and arrived at thelLee ranch about sunup.

Lee ranch house was a two**roora»-log-house with an, open'hall

0 between the -wb rooms. There was e small window on th

, nor,th si'de 6|vthe east room wllii \a board shutter

y _ -. ;, • 1 • • •• \ i'\ s t ick and d i r t chimney-in the eas-c end of the

}house had be|sn carefully arrangetd ^o r e s i s t attack withv \ / ' .

• port holes-through which to. shoot; , there was one port.Vhlti d.e

Sonre ijwo hundred yards, east of ^the,houses-there was a• \

Hh\ •

and when Guy's forces res id the branch they


tit and boggy ^ajJ^tHey1'could ndtvcross, only


/$o' *urrekder that he

g the other side, so thejK.agreed .

with Mr. Johrison and walk to j;heX.

b^ys/liiat, if; the Lee .boys refused v

e e fight but would;

.his forces^


-22- ' )

When the members of the posse ceme up near the north-

east corner of the east room, someone>8fterward, said°to ' •

have been Ed Steine, the Lee boys brother-in-law, opened

'the windcw shutter on the north side anfl asked them What l

they wanted. Mr. Guy told him that he had a writ for Jim

and Pint Led and an order from Governor »Volfe to cut the i r

pasture, that he wanted them to come out and surrender and

/ t ha t he did not want any trouble and that he would see

that ' the Lee,'brothers and Humby were protected. Steine told

him to .come around to the front and they would talk-the«

matter-over and-with these, words shut the window.

• Guy and Folsom walked around to the front near" a large /

,oak tree standing a short distance- from the east end of

the ha l l where'er. Guy set h is gun down. A moment l a t e r

a shot was fired from the west room, the bal l passing

through Guy's body,kill ing him almostUnstantly. Ihis shot j

v was supposed to have been fired by the negro, Dallas

.Humby. " .

A f w moruonts of silence followed and then from the

port 'holes' on the east end1 of the house rained a volley of

\ • -


- 2 3 - -

shots i n t o the group of men outs ide , most o£^whom were

assembled near the e a s t end of the 'house . My two b r o t h e r s ,

Andy and Jim Roff,and B i l l y Kirksey,were k i l l e d i n s t a n t l y ,

two b u l l e t s passing through . their bodies-. ' Andy Roff, though

badly wounded, managed to ge t some dis tance from the hous,e.

The other members of the par*ty f led from the sceney^T

danger, some of them reech ing the s h e l t e r of a small gulch

heading up near the nor theas t corner of the house and others

running and h id ing from t ree to t r e e , f i r i n g back. They

eventual ly made t he i r - e scape .

My bro the r Andy was l a s t seen a l i ve by some of the

boys who escaped, s i t t i n g a t the root of a t r e e some l i t t l ei •

distance from the house apparently in great agony. All

indications show that he musjb have been alive when the

general firing ceased for when,his body was picked up later ,

a;t the root of the tree where he had been seen, i t was

discovered that two shots had passed" through his body, one

through the lower part and the other seemed to have been

fired when he was in a si t t ing position for the bullet

had entered his breast under the collar bone and passed.


. • . - 2 4 - -


out a t the back iower down and had evidently been fired

a t close range for his. clothing was powder burned. , <

Ift was related by the survivors that ten or ..twelve

men must have been concealed in the house a t the time

the shooting occurred for the f i r ing was incessant, five

or six guns working from port holes and others being

constantly fired from other parts of the house.

I t waj the general opinion that the gang inside

included the three Lee bbys, Jim, Pink.and Tom, the i r

brother-in-law, Ed Steine,> Tom Cole, a man of the name of

Copel-and, the negro, Dallas Humby and possibly three or

four more}including the Dyer brothers who shortly a f te r -

weirds were hanged by a mob in lamar County, Texas, after .

k i l l i n g the sheriff of 'that county. At the time of' the-

hanging one of them had .a gunshot wound which he said he

had received, in a 'fight in the Indian Terr i tory.

Great excitement followed these bruta l and unjust-

if ied murders and large bodies of armed men wer-e organized

end sent out to range the country arid hunt down the

outlaws. The day following the tragedy a small- body of

, men on foe lookout for the Lees, were fired upon from the

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. BARR; JOHN T-4 SECOND VMBftfcJSH "' ' •' 9655

- . ' - 2 5 -


brush but fortunately no one was hurt for the shots were

fired a t long range. The Sunday following the shooting

which occurred-on Friday, e crowd went to the Lee ranch

and finding tiie place deserted, burned the ranch house


A. B. Roff offered a large reward for the capture . . .

of the Lee boys and Ed Steine, dead or a l ive . This reward

was posted e t Gainesville and as a resul t officers and

detectives came in from Dallas and other Texas points to

join in the hunt.

Shortly a f te r the reward was posted Ed Steine and

Tom 1SJ&- slipped through the country to Denison, Texas, and

surrendered to off icers . They were taken to .Sherman,

placed in j a i l end on e preliminary hearing before United

States Commissioner Rickets.were committed without bai l on

• a charge---of murder and were1 taken to Fort Smith and lodged

in the United States j a i l to await t r i a l . '

'Thejirshad considerable property, c a t t l e , horses and

some moneyed were able tot secure able attorneys to defend

them. Judge Pierson1 of Denison, Texas, and Cravens and

^y ** 474BARR, JOHN -T. 3$C0HD INTERVIEW ' , 9655

; . • . -26-

Duvall of Fort Smith, Arkansas, were employed in the i r

defense. Ed Steihe and Tom Lee were tr ied that" Fall and

after e hard fought ba t t le were .acquitted. Ed St'eine movepl

to Denison and resumed h is favorite business o"f se l l ing

whiskey'but as he was one of h i s own best customers, h e .

soon wound up his earthly career. The l a s t account ofl '« ,

Tom Lee was of his conviction and confinement in the pen-

i t en t ia ry on e charge of larceny.

The real leaders of the "outlaw band, Jim and Pink Lee,

were a t large for some time. They went heavily armed,

usually carrying two revolvers epiece in addition to two

r i f l e s on their seddleSjand as they liad a wide range . <"

extending from Delaware Bend on Red River on the south ; to ',

the Canadian River on the n o r t h e d had a host of friends

of . their own'stripe scattered a l l over the country to keep

them posted^ their apprehension wa<s a .d i f f i cu l t task. Many

of the negroes on Caddo Creek were giving the Lee brothers

aid and. comfort), carrying them provisions, advising than

of the whereabouts "of the pursuers an* hiding them on

occasion. Bu t ' t i r e l e s s Nemesis in the persons of'two men,

Heck Tomas sfrd a man of the name of Jim Taylor, were on

• . * •. c ' .. - • N 4 7 5BABR, 'JOHN T.. . SECOHD INTEKVIES, 9655 "

the trade of the Loo. brothers.

Heck'Thomas,then living in Fort Worth, Texas, a former . 'i • -

United States marshal and at one time city marshal of

Lawton, is well known to most of the people of Oklahoma.

Taylor was a resident of the Indian Territory and had a

reputation, of being handy with a gun, These men working

together kept persistently on the trail , of these outlaws; the

Lee brothers,.,from early summer until the.month of September,

1885. • • ' *

One of the principal hide outs of these desperadoes was

at Delaware Bend where many of their old friends and some of

their kinsfolk lived ,inoluding Doc Lee, a brother,and two

sisters . The Lee boys often hid .around with these people« so

in the vicinity of the homes of the members of the Lee 'olan,

Thomas aai Taylor^stablished headquarters', staying at Strather

Browns place out oh a hill- on 'the edge of the prairie*.

On the morning of the 7th day of September, 1885, Jim

and Pink Lee,started out south towards Brown's place with

the avowed intention of locating Thomas and Taylor and shoot-

. ing them down a t long range. While Thomas and Taylor were at

dinner some of the women folk came in and reported thet the


Lee boys had jus t ridden- by at the back of 'the lo t »nd" Thomas

and Taylor immediately s tar ted in pursuit^,accompanied by a

man named Jack Brown and another man.- Believing that the

Lee^boys had gone into the brakes in the direct ion of -Ste ine ' s

., store they went in that direct ion but could not locate them. Mr.

Thomas f inal ly ascended 'a high point overlooking John. ' and

Washington^' pasture / with the aid of h i s f ield glasses ,

located the Lee boys out on the* p ra i r i e five or s ix hundred

yards from Brown's house. 1 The Lee boys, were in tent ly gazing

toward Mr. Brown's-house. •

A long branch headed into the p ra i r i e in Washington^'

pasture^up near-the place where the outlaws were standing and

Qouata. and h i s companions en t i re ly concealed from them, ,

traveled up the branch to a place where „ i t forked near the

top of the h i l l . Here JimTaylor le f t the re s t of the par ty

and crawled up the h i l l u n t i l he could peep over the top .

One glance was enough fox the Lee boys were- in. pla in view,

only about seventy-five yards away. They^rere s t i l l gazing

off towards Brown's house. They had discarded- two of t h e i r

jguns and each car r ied only one r i f l e apiece; one of them> • <. , m .'

of large calibre, a 45-90 as-1 recall i t ; they pro.bably• ' > * * " • •

i i

. • " •' • • . -' 4WBARB, JOHN T. . SECOHD IBTE WSW 965;5

; , ' -89-

intended tp do the i r shooting at long, range.

Crawling back out of sight,Taylor signalled Thomas to

join' him. ' Brown and his companion then .crawled up the le f t

fork of the branch to a clump of small t rees and Thomas went

di rec t ly up the h i l l and joined Taylor and together they

commanded the outlaws to lay down the i r arms and surrender.

Then Toraas and h is companion shot and shot to k i l l . Pink

Lee was shot through the head and expired at once. Jim Lee• ' ' ' i ' <

was badly wounded but game to the l a s t , he sprang to the.> " t* t

place where his brother lay and opened fire on his1 enemies

but his sights were raised for long shooting and the shots

a l l went wild. As he refused to give himself up another

7 shot was fired which closed his earthly pilgrimage.

Forty years ,have* corns and gone since these tragic

days. Most of the actors in th is st irr ing drama, good, bad,

and indifferent,are sleeping away th^ages in spine quiet

grayes. - \

In th i s narrative I have touched the^ dark side of l i fe/ *

\ r • •

but there was a brighter side as well. There was light* • - ' - ' /

among the shadows, sunshine ai/d roses as well as crime and• '

' • A

"' 478• ' / •


bloodshed'. There were joys as well, as sorrows. People

liyed and loved and lost in those early days as they do

now. There were friends whom w,e loved, neighbors whom

we honored and xesjpected. A great many of them s're gone

but I feel sure that these early pioneers have done their

bit to make the world a better place in wliich to live.

Those old-time Chickaaaws who were our f r i e r s , how.

we cherish their memories. Let us hope that their vision

of a "Happy Hunting Ground" I s a reality.*.

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