notre dame directories faculty carey, c.s.c., rev. william arthur badin hall, notre dame, ind....

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D i r e c t o r yof

Faculty and Students1934-35

N otre Dame, Ind iana A t the U niversity Press

November, 1934


Rev. John F . O’H ara, C.S.C.,President

Rev. H ugh O’Donnell, C.S.C.,Vice-President

Rev. J . Leonard Carrico, C.S.C.,Director o f Studies

Rev. F rancis J . Boland, G.S.C.,P refect o f Discipline

Mr. Robert B. R iordan,Registrar

Mr. K enneth A. Oliver,Secretary

B rother Engelbert, 0 .8 .C.,Treasurer

Mr. F rancis W . Lloyd,Comptroller

B rother Chrysostom, C.S.C.,A uditor


Rev. John F . Farley, 0 .8 .0 ....................................................................................................... Sorin HallRev. Jam es J . Stack, 0 .8 .0 Corby HallRev. George J . M arr, C.S.C .W alsh H allRev. Joseph A. M uckenthaler, C.S.C...................................................................................... Badin H allRev. H enry G. Glueckert, 0 .8 .0 .......................................................................................H ow ard HallRev. Thomas T. McAvoy, C.S.C Alum ni HallRev. John J . Reynolds, C.S.C................................................................................ St. Edw ard’s H allRev. George L. Holderith, C.S.C.....................................................................................M orrissey HallRev. John M. Ryan, C.S.C...................................................................................................... Lyons HallRev. Jam es A. Fogarty , C.S.C........................................................................................F reshm an HallRev. F rederick M. Gassensmith, C.S.C............................................................................... .Dillon HallBi other Ju s tin , C.S.C..........................................................................................................Brownson HallB rother M aurelius, C.S.C. Carroll Hall


Rev. Jam es A. Burns, C.S.C., ProvincialRev. Thomas P . Irv ing , C.S.C................................................................................. Community HouseRev. Jam es W. Connerton, C.S.C.......................................................................... Moreau Sem inaryRev. R ichard J . Collentine, C.S.C..................................................................... Holy Cross Sem inaryB rother Agatho, C.S.C...............................................................................................D ujarie In stitu teRev. P a trick H . Dolan, C.S.C..........................................................................................Mission HouseRev. Joseph H . Burke, C.S.C..........................................................................Community Infirm ary

( 1 )


A ckerm ann, F rancis Xavier Mech. D raw ingMain Building, N otre Dame, Ind.

Apodaca, Joseph Louis Economics115 N orth Taylor Street, South Bend, Ind.

Baldinger, Lawrence H enry614 N orth St. P e te r S treet, South Bend, Ind.

B arry , Thomas JosephA pt. C, 618 W est Colfax Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Bartholomew, Paul Charles230 E as t B a rtle tt Street, South Bend, Ind.

Bender, Wesley CharlesBerry Avenue, M ishawaka, Ind.

Benitz, W illiam Logan1341 E ast W ayne Street. N orth , South Bend, Ind.

Bocskey, Stephen Charles1130 E ast C halfant Street, South Bend, Ind.

Bolger, G.S.C., Rev. W illiam A ugustine M ain Building, N otre Dame, Ind.

Bott, H erb ert Joseph339 Parkovash Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Boyle, A ndrew Joseph628 W est Colfax Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

B rennan, John StephenOliver Hotel, South Bend, Ind.

B rennan, t/.S.C., Rev. Thomas Jam es Sorin Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Broughal, C.S.C., Rev. Law rence V incent Main Building, N otre Dame, Ind.

Brubaker, Gerald Clement360 Goshen Avenue, E lkhart, Ind.

Buckley, Louis F rancis718 E ast Corby Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Burke, C.S.C., Rev. Eugene Paul Dillon H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Burke, C.S.C., Rev. Joseph H enry Dillon H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Butler, C.S.C., Rev. Thomas F rancis How ard H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Pharm acy

J ournalism


M arketing

Mech. E ngineering



M arketing





A rchitecture




H istory

Cain, W illiam Morley Law826 Forest Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Campbell, David Law rence English1847 N orth Adams Street, South Bend, Ind.

Campbell, Thomas Bowyer H istoryMorrissey H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Caparo, Jose Angel Blec. E ngineering1024 Deeper Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

( 2 )


Carey, C.S.C., Rev. W illiam A rth u r Badin Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Casasanta, Joseph John1309 E ast Cedar Street, South Bend, Ind.

Cavanaugh, C.S.C., Rev. F rancis P a trick Dillon Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Chapman, Emmanuel229 South W illiam s Street, South Bend, Ind.

Chizek, Cletus F rancis222 E ast B artle tt S treet, South Bend, Ind.

Collins, George Briggs214 Angella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Connerton, C.S.C., Rev. Jam es W illiam Moreau Seminary, N otre Dame, Ind.

Coomes, Edw ard A rthu rCorby H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Cooney, John Michael413 LaM onte Terrace, South Bend, Ind.

Cooper, George Arlo1102 N orth Blaine Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Corcoran, C.S.C., Rev. Joseph Jam es Community House, N otre Dame, Ind.

Corona, Jose Crisanto3121 Belmont Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Coty, Gilbert Joseph835 E ast Cedar Street, South Bend, Ind.

Cox, Ronald Clarence545 N orth Sunnyside Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Coyne, W illiam Jam es310 South W illiam s Street, South Bend, Ind .

Crepeau, E lton B enjam in805 N orth M ichigan Street, South Bend, Ind.

Cunningham , C.S.C., Rev. W illiam Francis W alsh Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.


















Davis, Alden E. F inanceM arm ain A rm s Apts., South Bend, Ind.

de Lander©, Pedro A ntonio1031 N orth N iles Avenue, South Bend, Ind. P

Dick, W alter Joseph Relio-ionW alsh H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Doremus, C.S.C., Rev. Charles Louis FrenchSorin Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

D0T l 5 ^ a k l S e 2 , e NHeS, Mich. EconomicsDoyle, A lbert Loring Sneeoh

1213 Prospect Drive, M ishawaka, Ind.DuBois, Benjam in George French

416 E ast Peashw ay Street, South Bend, Ind.

E arl, Hom er Quincy Law2010 Beverly Place, South Bend, Ind.

E ells,»L e d a ir Herold F inance213 E ast A ltgeld Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Engels, N orbert A nthony English122 E ast A ngella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.


Fagan, "Vincent F rancis440 N orth Sunnyside Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Farrell, W illiam Eugene618 E as t L aSalle Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Fenlon, P au l IgnatiusSorin Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Flatley, Lee Thomas1322 Longfellow Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Flynn, J r . , F ra n k ThomasLyons H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Fogarty , C.S.C., Rev. Jam es A nthony Freshm an H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Frederick, Jo h n Towner5529 Blackstone Avenue, Chicago, III.

F ron ing , H enry B ernhard t415 E as t Pokagon Street, South Bend, Ind.

A rchitecture

H istory


F inance





Gassensmith, C.S.C., Rev. F rederick Michael Dillon Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Gierut, Rev. Joseph AloysiusLyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Glueckert, C.S.C., Rev. H enry George H ow ard H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Gorman, C.S.C., Rev. Leo W illiamM oreau Sem inary, N otre Dame, Ind.

Greene, R obert Lee710 A rch Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Groom, W illard Larkham922 Niles, Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

M athem atics




Pharm acy


H andy, Elvin Roy1020 N orth Eddy Street, South Bend, Ind.

Hasley, Louis Leonard628 W est Colfax Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

H ebert, C.S.C., Rev. P e ter E dw ard A lum ni H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Heffner, Edw ard941 South 20th S treet, South Bend, Ind.

Hennion, George Felix833 E ast M iner S treet, South Bend, Ind.

H ines, Jam es F rancis305 Peashw ay S treet, South Bend, Ind.

H inton , H enry David1104 W oodward Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Hoever, O.Cist., Rev. H ugo H enry Lyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Hoff, Rev. N orbert CasperDillon H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

H olderith, C.S.C., Rev. George Leo M orrissey H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Holton, W illiam John1006 E ast St. V incent S treet, South Bend, Ind.

Hope, C.S.C., Rev. A rth u r Joseph M ain Building, N otre Dame, Ind.

H oran , F ra n k W illiam914 Diamond Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Phy. Education



Mech. E ngineering


H istory




H istory



Civil E ngineering


Hoyer, Raymond Alonzo1001* Corby Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Hull, Daniel128 N orth F rancis S treet, South Bend, Ind.

H uth, E dw ard A ndrew1014 E ast Cedar Street, South Bend, Ind.

Ill, C.S.C., Rev. B ernard JeffreyM ain Building, N otre Dame, Ind.

Irv ing, C.S.C., Rev. Thomas P a trick Community House, N otre Dame, Ind.

Jacques, EmilSorin H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Johnson, C.S.C., Rev. N orm an John The Presbytery, N otre Dame, Ind.

Ju s t, Theodor K arlRushton A pts., 501 W est W ashington Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Kaczmarek, Regidius M arion317 Napoleon Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Keller, C.S.C., Rev. Edw ard A nthony Dillon Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Kelley, C.S.C., Rev. John Charles Lyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Kelley, F ra n k W illiam629 H arrison Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Keogan, George E dw ard1922 P ortage Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Kervick, F rancis W ynnLyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

King, C.S.C., Rev. R obert W illiamCommunity House, N otre Dame, Ind.

Kline, Clarence Joseph1340 E ast South S treet, South Bend, Ind.

'K line, C.S.C., Rev. Jam es Edw ardSt. E dw ard 's H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Konop, Thomas F rancis1102 S tan fie ld ; South Bend, Ind.

K untz, Leo F rancis1210 C halfant S treet, South Bend, Ind.

Lahey, C.S.C., Rev. Thom as A quinas The Presbytery, N otre Dame, Ind.

Lane, C.S.C., Rev. John Joseph Community House, N otre Dame

Langford, W alter M cCarty1252 E ast Corby Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Langwell, E arl F rederick501 W est W ashington Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Lyons, C.S.C., Rev. W illiam JosephSt. E dw ard’s H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Madden, Thomas P a trickDillon Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

M ahin, Edw ard Garfield206 W akewa Avenue, South Bend, Ind.


Boy Guidance





A rt







Phy. Education

A rchitecture


M athem atics




A dvertising




H istory


M etallurgy


Manion, Clarence E dw ard . T , 617 W est W ashington Avenue, South Bend, Ind.


M arr, C.S.C., Rev. George Joseph W alsh H all, N otre Dame, Ind.


M aurus, E dw ard Joseph _ _ _ , T 1328 E ast W ayne Street, South, South Bend, Ind.

M athem atics

McAvoy, C.S.G., Rev. Thomas Timothy A lum ni H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

H istory

M cCarthy, Jam es E dw ard730 W est Colfax Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

For. Commerce

McDonald, C.S.C., Rev. Jam es H arold M orrissey Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.


McGinn, C.S.C., Rev. John Conor M ain Building, N otre Dame, Ind.


McKeon, C.S.C., Rev. Frederick Thomas Main Building, N otre Dame, Ind.


McLellan, H a rry Jam es2605 E rskine Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Mech. E ngineering

McMahon, F rancis Elm er1103 N otre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Ind.


M cNam ara, C.S.C., Rev. W illiam Michael Corby H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

H istory

Meagher, C.S.C., Rev. George Thomas Community House, N otre Dame, Ind.


Mehling. C.S.C., Rev. Theodore John Moreau Sem inary, N otre Dame, Ind.


Miller, John Edw ardLyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

A rchitecture

M iltner, C.S.C., Rev. Charles Christopher A lum ni H all, N otre Dame, Ind.


Moore, C.S.C., Rev. Philip Samuel M orrissey H all, N otre Dame, Ind.


M oran, F ran c is Edw ard , _ , 709 N orth St. Joseph Street, South Bend, Ind.


M oran, C.S.C., Rev. Jam es E dw ardHoly Cross Sem inary, N otre Dame, Ind.


M uckenthaler, C.S.C., Rev. Joseph Aloysius Badin Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.


M urray, C.S.C., Rev. Raym ond W illiam W alsh H all, N otre Dame, Ind.


Myers, Frederic Irw in821 Forest Avenue, South Bend, Ind.


Napolitano, Dominick John1014 N orth Eddy S treet, South Bend, Ind.

Nicholson, John P a trick1401 E ast South St., South Bend, Ind.

Nieuwland, C.S.C., Rev. Julius A rthu r M ain Building, N otre Dame, Ind.

N orthcott, J r . , John Andrew435 Parkovash Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Phy. Education

Phy. Education


Elec. E ngineering

° ^ 4 8 % I to h to n Apts-! 501 W est W ashington Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

O’Malley, F rancis JosephHow ard H all, N otre Dame, Ind.




° ' S B a d in H a n , N o to e ^ m e , t l T ™ M i s 'ion

° ’T M S e ^ S£ m i n " y , “ ^ f n d . Philosophy

Paff, George Hugo1409 E ast Madison Street, South Bend, Ind.

Payton, Eugene John408 Pokagon Street, South Bend, Ind.

Pence, Raymond Vanover816 Forest Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

P e ttit, M aurice L om e425 W akewa Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Pirchio, Pasquale Mario125 E ast Gripe Street, South Bend, Ind.

P lunkett, Devere ThomasLyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

P lunkett, Donald JosephLyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Pollock, Robert Channon503 W est W ayne Street, South Bend, Ind.

Price, Stanley Raymond305 Peashw ay Street, South Bend, Ind.


M arketing



Ita lian





Quinlan, C.S.C., Rev. Jam es J . Lyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind. Economics

Rauch, Rufus W illiam215 M arquette Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Reyniers, Jam es A rthu rLayden Street, R ural Route 5, South Bend, Ind.

Reynolds, C.S.C., Rev. John JosephSt. E dw ard’s H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

Rich, Ronald Emil1246 E ast M iner Street, South Bend, Ind.

Richter, E lton E.218 E ast Angella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Rigley, C.S.C., Rev. M aurice Stein Freshm an Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Riley, Philip H enry1310 Hill Crest Road, South Bend, Ind.

Riordan, Robert Boehm2015 E ast Cedar Street, South Bend, Ind.

R iter, C.S.C., Rev. Regis H enryCommunity House, N otre Dame, Ind.

Roemer, W illiam F rancis422 E ast Angella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Rohrbach, George Edward410 Napoleon Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Rollison, W illiam Dewey1209 Hill Crest Road, South Bend, Ind.

Ronay, Stephen H enry310 St. W illiam s Street, South Bend, Ind.

Ryan, C.S.C., Rev. John Michael Lyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.



H istory

Chem. E ngineering







Mech. E ngineering



H istory


Scandlon, C.S.C., Rev. W illiam Stephen Community House, N otre Dame, Ind.

Scannell, Jo h n Andrew544 M arquette Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Schubmehl, Raymond Jacob1622 McKinley Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Seidel, Richard. H erm ann1518 Glenlake Avenue, Chicago, 111.

Sessler, Stanley Sascha235 David Street, Roseland, South Bend, Ind.

Shilts, W alter Leonard714 E as t Corby Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Sigm ar, Rev. Ju lian P a trickM ain Building, N otre Dame, Ind.

Smith, Knowles Burdette1347 Leeper Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Sm ithberger, A ndrew Thomas1516 H ildreth Street, South Bend, Ind.

South, Benjam in Joseph1135 E ast M iner Street, South Bend, Ind.

Sowa, F rancis Joseph813 E as t Angella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Stack, C.S.C., Rev. Jam es Joseph Corby H all, N o tre Dame, Ind.

Staunton, H enry Capen F .533 E as t A ngella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Steiner, C.S.C., Rev. Thomas A nthony The Presbytery, N otre Dame, Ind.

S tritch , Thomas JohnAlumni Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

Trahey, C.S.C., Rev. Jam es Dennis Moreau Sem inary, N otre Dame, Ind.

Tunney, H ubert Jam es,620 W est Colfax Avenue, Apt. E, South Bend, Ind.

Turley, Jo h n P a trick709 W est Angella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Vogt, R ichard RockhillR ura l Route 3, South Bend, Ind.

W ack, George Joseph1025 St. V incent S treet, South Bend, Ind.

W ard, C.S.C., Rev. Leo Lewis Lyons H all, N otre Dame, Ind.

W atson, Jam es Donald501 W est W ashington Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

W eber, Rev. LawrenceSacred H eart Church, Lakeville, Ind.

W eigand, K arl Russell1308 Otsego S treet, South Bend, Ind.

W enninger, C.S.C., Rev. F rancis Joseph M ain Building, N otre Dame, Ind.

W enzke, H erm an H enryLyons Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.


Phy. Education

Civil E ngineering


A rt



Min. E ngineering


M athem atics


H istory


Civil E ngineering




L atin




F inance


Elec. E ngineering




W hitm an, John H arris A. T _ _How ard Hall, N otre Dame, Ind.

W ilkins, LaRoy W alter Fdn^tin-n315 E ast Peashw ay Street, South Bend, Ind.

W ithey, Jam es Alexander Eno-KyiiHotel LaSalle Annex, South Bend, Ind, °

Alum ni H eadquarters, Main Floor A dm inistration BIdg\, N otre Dame, Ind.

M i. Jam es E . A rm strong, Secretary, The A lum ni Association of the U niversity of N otre D am e; 975 Riverside Drive, South Bend, Ind.

Mr. W illiam R. Dooley, A ssistan t S ec re ta ry ; 805 - 23rd Street, South Bend, Ind.


Thomas K. LaLonde .................................................................................................................... President

Robert W . Cavanaugh ................................................................................................................ Secretary

E. Frederick DeLia ......................................................................................................................... easul

W illiam J . Casazza Jam es F. Shanley

Stephen P . Banas Thomas J . M urphy

Philip J . Purcell E dw ard T. Sullivan

Thomas G. P roctor John J . DeGarmo

Charles M. Schill W illiam J . Schmuhl

John F . Morley Jam es R. Bacon

John F. H olahan H arold E. Miller

Robert M. Siegfried


S e n io r

Thomas G. P roctor ..................................................................................................................... President

H erbert W. H a r t ................................................................................................................. Vice-President

F rancis J . Shay .................. - ........................................................................................................ Secretary

Joseph H. A rgus ........................................................................................................................ Treasures'

J u n io r

Thomas J . M urphy .......................................................................................................................President

Paul E. Rubly .....................................................................................................................Vice-President

H arold R. S tine ............................................................................................................................Secretary

M artin E . Bayer ..........................................................................................................................Treasure,-

S o p h o m o r e

H arold E . Miller ...........................................................................................................................President

Charles B. Jo rdan ............................- .................................................................................. Vice-Pi esident

Jo h n C. W illiams ....................................................- ..................................................................T . TreasurerJoseph P . Quinn .............................................................................................

( 1 0 )


D e s i g n a t i o n s : A B = College o f A r ts and Letter’s ; CM = College o f Com­m erce; EG = College o f E ngineering; L W = College o f Laio; SC — College o f Science; GR — Graduate School; PG — Postgraduate; P E — Physical Education; SP = Special stu d en t, 1, 2, 3, and Jt- designate, respectively, the freshm an, the sophomore, the junior, and the senior year o f the college course; in other cases the num ber indicates the years in the course or a t the U niversity; H S — H igh School. The nam e o f the high school in which the student has done his preparatory work is g iven in parentheses a fte r the name o f the student.

Aberle, E arl Joseph, Bridgeville, Pa. (Duquesne U niversity H igh School) CM 1637 Elm S tre e t; A lum ni Hall

A braham , E li Myron, South Bend, Ind. (McKinley H igh School) LW o925 N orth F rancis S tree t; Home

Ackroyd, K enneth Edward, Scranton, Pa. (St. Thomas H igh School) CM 11331 Mousey A venue; Brownson Hall

Adamson, Thomas Edward, Geneva, 111. (Geneva H igh School) CM 3522 S tate S tre e t; Alum ni Hall

Agamy, A lfred Anis, Gardner, III. (Gardner Township H igh School) AB 4H ow ard Hall

A gans, B enjam in Franklin , N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Joseph’s School) AB 1Holy Cross Sem inary

A hlering, Joseph Jerom e, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) SC 21119 N orth F rancis S tre e t; Home

Alaman, Louis Gonzaga, New York City (Mt. Assum ption Institu te ) CM 1651 W est 171st S tre e t; Badin H all

Albert, Robert Carl, Racine, Wis. (St. Catherine’s H igh School) LW 11306 M arquette S tre e t ; W alsh Hall

A lderm an, J r . , Jenome Campbell, Lombard, 111. (York Community H igh School) CM 21106 W ashington B oulevard ; Badin Hall

Allen, Donald Lewis, Chicago, 111. (St. Mel H igh School) CM 320 N orth Lore! A v en u e ; Badin Hall

Allen, John Maxwell, B attle Creek, Mich. (St. P h ilip ’s Convent) AB 415 Cliff S tre e t; Corby Hall

Alten, Joseph Aloysius, Cleveland, Ohio (Holy Cross College) AB 39829 Lake A venue; Carroll Hall

Altfeld, A lbert Anchel, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) SC' 3527 South W illiam S tre e t; Home

Alworth, Samuel Ross, Tooele, U tah (Tooele H igh School) CM 2157 N orth Second Street, W est; Badin Hall

Ameling, Robert Gerald, Chesterton, Ind. (Chesterton H igh School) CM 1710 Calumet R o a d ; St. Edw ard’s Hall

Amorosa, Nicholas Arm en, Albany, N. Y. (Cathedral Academy) SC 329 Besch A venue; Corby Hall

Andersen, C.S.C., B rother Charles, N oire Dame, Ind. (Central Catholic H. S.) AB 4D ujarie Hall

* (a fte r nam e) w ithdrew since school opened.* (before college symbol) freshm an status because of unremoved deficiencies, f deceased.

( 1 1 )


Anderson, A rth u r Francis, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School)751 Brom pton S tre e t ; F reshm an Hall

Anderson, J r . , H enry Rogers, Paducah, Ky. (St. M ary’s Academy)1040 P a rk A venue; Carroll Hall

Anderson, C.S.C., Jam es Garfield, N otre Dame, Ind. (Columbia U . H igh School) M oreau Sem inary

Anderson, Louis Logan, Paducah, Ky. (St. M ary’s Academy)1040 P a rk A venue; Carroll H all

Anderson, Paul H erbert, P ittsburgh , Pa . (Duquesne U niversity H igh School)7032 Lem ington A venue; Brownson Hall

A ndorka, Bela Jessie, L orain, Ohio (L orain H igh School)1601 E as t 30th S tre e t; Carroll H all

Andreoni, A lbert John, St. M arys, Ohio (Memorial H igh School)229 E as t Spring S tre e t; W alsh Hall

A nnas, John Thomas, D etroit, Mich. (U niversity of D etro it H igh School)18300 P a rk s id e ; Sorin H all

A nton, John Francis, Chicago, Illinois (Dc. L a Salle In stitu te )6513 H arv ard A venue; F reshm an Hall

Apichella, F rancis Paul, Hazleton, Pa . (H azleton H igh School)586 A lter S tree t; Brownson H all

Appal, W illiam Lewis, H annibal, Mo. (H annibal H igh School)1120 B roadw ay; Dillon H all

Arboit, Ennio Benjam in, Oglesby, 111. (St. Bede College Academy)403 E as t W alnut S tre e t ; Dillon Hall

Arcadi, V ittorio G., W hittier, Calif. (W hittier U nion H igh School)511 N orth Newlin A venue ; Sorin H all

A rgus, Joseph H enry, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)4232 Central A venue; Corby Hall

Armel, W illiam Butler, Chicago, 111. (Nicholas Senn H igh School)3235 Olive S tre e t ; Freshm an H all

A rm strong, John Joseph, Philadelphia, Pa . (Rom an Catholic H igh School)5110 N orth Broad S tree t; M orrissey H all

A rm strong, Robert Joseph, Philadelphia, P a . (Rom an Catholic H igh School)5110 N orth Broad S tr e e t ; Lyons H all

A rnade, E dw ard Berault, V ineland, N . J . (Sacred H e a rt H igh School)418 Elm er S tree t; M orrissey H all

A m heiter, Philip P a trick , H arrison , N . J . (St. Benedict’s P rep ara to ry )411 Cleveland A venue; Corby H all

Arnold, Paul A lbert, St. Louis, Mo. (S t. Louis U niversity H igh School)1916 McCausland A venue; Brownson H all

Ashamy, Roger Gerard, Coal City, 111. (.Coal City H igh School)Freshm an Hall

Ashenden, W illiam Dawson, E lm hurst. 111. (W estern M ilitary Academy)437 K enilw orth A venue; H ow ard Hall

Astone, V ictor Cornelius, Beacon, N . Y. (Beacon H igh School)14 D inan S tre e t ; Corby H all

A tkinson, Thomas H enry, W inchester, Mass. (S t. Jo h n ’s P repara to ry )9 Sheffield R o ad ; Freshm an Hall

A ustin, Jam es Raymond, W illiamsville, N . Y. (W illiamsville H igh School) A m herst Villa R oad; Brownson Hall

Bacon, Jam es Richard, Lock H aven, P a . (Im m aculate Conception H igh School) 19 S ixth S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H all

Baer, F red K arl, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School)1902 South Catalpa S tre e t ; Home

Bailey, W illiam John, D etroit, Mich. (De L a Salle Collegiate School)4351 H averhill R o a d ; St. E dw ard 's Hall

CM 1

AB 2

AB 2

AB 1

AB 1

P E 1

LW 3

AB 4

CM 1

AB 1

CM 1

P E 1

SC 4

CM 4

CM 1

EG 2

EG 2

CM 1

AB 4

CM 1

CM 1

*AB 1

GR 1

SC 1

SC 1

AB 2

LW 2

SC 1


Baker, John Aloysius, Lexington, Ky. (U niversity H igh School) AB 4226 E ast Maxwell S tre e t; W alsh Hall

Baker, John Francis, New York City (D w ight H igh School) *AB 1625 W est 156th S tre e t ; St. Edw ard’s H all

Baker, N orm an Francis, Buffalo, N . Y. (L afayette H igh School) CM 130 Monticello P la c e ; F reshm an Hall

Baker, J r . , R ichard Joseph, New York City (H am ilton Institu te ) CM 3625 W est 156th S tre e t; H ow ard Hall

Balanda, Edw ard Jam es, W aterbury, Conn. (Crosby H igh School) AB 116 Chipman S tre e t ; Brownson Hall

Baldwin, H a rry Alfred, Oak P a rk , 111. (Fenw ick H igh School) *CM 1613 W ashington B oulevard; Lyons Hall

Bales, Jam es Edward, Dixon, 111. (Dixon H igh School) *CM 1915 Second S tre e t ; Alum ni Hall

Ball, J r . , George W illiam, Caledonia, N . Y. (Caledonia H igh School) CM 333 E ast A venue; H ow ard Hall

Ball, Marcellus Francis, Plym outh, Ind. (Lincoln H igh School) CM 11023 N orth M ichigan S tre e t ; Home

Ballatin, N orm an Thomas, New Orleans, La. (St. Aloysius H igh School) P E 13101 Canal S tre e t; Dillon H all

Balliet, R ichard Stephen, Appleton, Wis. (A ppleton H igh School) AB 42 Brokaw P la c e ; W alsh Hall

Ballman, R ichard John, Milwaukee, Wis. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) AB 42024 N orth Hi-M ount B oulevard; W alsh Hall

Baltes, John W isda, Norwalk, Ohio (St. P au l’s School) EG 1181 Benedict A venue; F reshm an Hall

Bambenek, Raymond Richard, W inona, M inn. (W inona H igh School) AB 4508 E as t F if th S tre e t; W alsh Hall

Banas, Stephen Peter, E as t Chicago, Ind. (Catholic Central H igh School) LW 3710—143rd S tre e t; Sorin Hall

Bandurich, Joseph Stephen, B ridgeport, Conn. (H ard ing H igh School) CM 3500 N orth Summerfield A venue; Badin Hall

Banfield, Robert Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Stanley H igh School) AB 1Holy Cross Sem inary

B arber, George W inchel, Lawton, Okla. (St. M ary’s H igh School) EG 4611 Bell A venue; W alsh H all

B arber, John Thomas, E as t Orange, N . J . (E ast O range H igh School) CM 310 Crawford S tre e t ; Alum ni Hall

Barber, Joseph Clarence, E rie , P a . (E ast H igh School) AB 3412 Newm an S tre e t; Badin Hall

Barbush, F ra n k Charles, H arrisburg , Pa. (John H a rr is H igh School) *AB 1123 South T hird S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

B arker, Paul F rancis, Rochester, N . Y. (W est H igh School) *EG 110 Arklow S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Barlas, George Christ, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) CM 2632 N orth L afayette S tree t; Home

Barlow, A dair Charles, Amarillo, Texas (Amarillo H igh School) EG 41716 Jackson S tre e t ; W alsh Hall

B arnett, Neil Charles, Saginaw, Mich. (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB 3937 Genesee A venue; Alum ni Hall

B arnett, W illiam Howard, Dawson Springs, Ky. (Dawson Springs H igh School) *AB 1Ham by A venue; 502 N orth Logan Street, M ishawaka Indiana

Barolet, John Alfred, W ickford, R. I. (N orth Kingstown H igh School) SC 127 A nnaquatucket R o ad ; Dillon Hall

B arrack, Roger George, Trinidad, Colo. (Holy T rin ity H igh School) CM 1115 Elm S tre e t; Freshm an Hall

B arron, Roy Joseph, D etroit, Mich. (St. M ary of Redford H igh School) CM 114135 S tra th m o o r; Lyons Hall


B arry , Robert Edward. Johnstow n, Pa. (Central Catholic H igh School) 248 M ain S tre e t; W alsh Hall

*EG 1

Barstow,* Fred Adolph, Menominee, Mich. (Menominee H igh School) 441 Ludington A venue; Badin Hall

AB 3

B arth , W alter Michael, Cleveland, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School) 10414 Fidelity A venue; Freshm an Hall

AB 1

Bartley, James Aloysius, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) 547—59th S tre e t; W alsh Hall

AB 4

Bartley, Jam es Alphonsus, Morganfield, Ky. (Holy Cross Sem inary) St. M ary's College, N otre Dame, Ind.

GR 1

Bartley, John T rainer, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) 576—68th S tre e t ; Morrissey Hall

AB 2

B artnett, Edmond Joseph, New Rochelle, N. Y. (N ew Rochelle H igh School) 179 L iberty Avenue ; Brownson H all

AB 1

Batchellor, Clyde Charles, Elba, N. Y. (Albion H igh School) Rural Route 1 ; W alsh Hall

EG 4

Bates, George N orbert, Morrisville, V t. (Peoples Academy) 51 Main S tree t; M orrissey H all

SG 2

Batrow , P eter Paul, B ranford, Conn. (B ranford H igh School) Short B each ; St. E dw ard 's Hall

EG 3

B attaglia, Joseph Alphonso, Buffalo, N. Y. (Canisius College Academy) 280 W est A venue; M orrissey H all

AB 2

Battle, Gerard Joseph, Scranton, P a . ( Central H igh School) 332 Maple S tre e t ; Brownson Hall

CM 2

Bauer, B urne tt Calix, Good Thunder, Minn. (Good Thunder H igh School) Brownson H all

CM 1

Bauer, C.S.C., Edw in Charles, N o tre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary

AB 2

Bauer, Louis H enry, Louisville, Ky. (dqPont M anual T ra in in g H igh School) 3931 F ran k fo rt A venue; Freshm an Hall

AB 1

Baum, A rth u r Aloysius, B attle Creek, Mich. (St. P h ilip ’s H igh School) 129 Cherry S tre e t; H ow ard Hall

EG 3

Baum ann, R ichard Joseph, Racine, W is. (St. Catherine’s H igh School) 1116 E rie S tre e t; W alsh Hall

*AB 1

Baur, J r ., Adelbert Chamisso, Chicago, 111. (De P aul U niversity Academy) 3104 Logan B oulevard ; Alum ni Hall

CM 3

Bayer, M artin Edward, Rochester, N . Y. (A quinas In stitu te ) 616 E ast M ain S tre e t; A lum ni Hall

CM 3

Bayer, Philip John, E rie, Pa. (S trong V incent H igh School) 724 W est T enth S tre e t ; Dillon H all

CM 1

Bayer, W illiam K irberger, E rie, Pa. ( Cathedral P repara to ry ) 724 W est T enth S tre e t ; Alum ni Hall

CM 3

Bayot, A ntonio M aria, Manila, P . I. (Ateneo de M anila) 811 V erm ont S tre e t; Dillon Hall

CM 1

Baysore, W illiam F rank ; Sioux Falls, S. Dak. (W ashington H igh School) 710 W est 12th S tree t; M orrissey Hall

CM 2

Beach, Joseph DePauI, New Orleans, La. (Holy Cross College) 1015 Nashville A venue; M orrissey Hall

CM 4

Beare, John Byron, Chester, 111. (W estern M ilitary Academy) 140 Op dyke S tre e t ; Morrissey Hall

SC 8

Beaudoin,* Paul R ichard, Hoquiam, Wash. (Hoquiam H igh School) 110 Jefferson S tree t; A lum ni H all

EG 2

Beaudway, Jam es Edward, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) 624 W est W ayne S tre e t; Home

CM 1

Becek, Joseph Francis, Ambridge, Pa. (Am bridge H igh School) 123 M erchant S tre e t ; Corby Hall

AB 4

Beck, Joseph Gill, Indianapolis, Ind. ( Cathedral H igh School) 1652 N orth Talbott Avenue ; W alsh Hall

AB 4


Becker, H arry Pelle, Louisville, ICy. (St. X avier H igh School) CM3332 W estern P a rk w a y ; Freshm an Hall

Becker, John Edward, Am sterdam , N. Y. (St. M ary’s Catholic In stitu te ) CM169 M arket S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Becker, W alter Joseph, O ttaw a, 111. (O ttaw a Township H igh School) AB716 Sanger S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

Beckmann, Joseph Casper, P a rk Ridge, HI. (Maine Township H igh School) CM502 South Prospect A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

Beer, John Joseph, Auburn, 3ST. Y. (A uburn H igh School) CM5 Pim m A venue; Carroll Hall

B ehrens,f Gilbert Charles, W hiting, Ind. (W hiting H igh School) SC1832 Pennsylvania A venue; Dillon Hall

Beichner, C.S.C., Paul Edw ard, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) ABMoreau Sem inary

Belanger, George Oliver, W hitehall, N . Y. (W hitehall H igh School) CM24 P o tter S tree t; Dillon Hall

Belden, W illiam HinchlifEe, Canton, Ohio (Phillips E xeter Academy) CM1414 N orth M arket A venue; H ow ard Hall

Belhumeur, George Joseph, Iron M ountain, Mich. (Iron M ountain H igh School) AB625 E ast “B” S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Belmont, Carmi A nthony, Fall River, Mass. (B.M.C. Durfee H igh School) AB601 A nthony S tre e t; Carroll Hall

Belmont, Roman Peter, Geneva, N . Y. (St. F rancis De Sales School) AB64 Maxwell A venue; H ow ard Hall

Beltemacchi, George A rthu r, Logansport, Ind. (Logansport H igh School) EG1701 M ichigan A venue; Corby Hall

Benavides, Roberto Manuel, Laredo, Texas (Laredo H igh School) *AB1519 M atamoros S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Benavides, W illiam, Laredo, Texas (Laredo H igh School) EG1519 M atamoros S tre e t ; Dillon Hall

Benkert, Edw ard George, Piqua, Ohio ( Central H igh School) CM530 W est H igh S tre e t; A lum ni Hall

B ennett, Oliver Joseph, F a irfax , Okla. (M issouri M ilitary Academy) LW922 N orth Law rence Street, South Bend, Ind.

B ergm ann, C.S.C., F erd inand Frederick, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB M oreau Sem inary

B ernard, E dgar Burchard, Mayville, Wis, (Mayville H igh School) CM26 P a rk A venue ; Freshm an Hall

B ernard, E dw ard Lawrence, Springfield, 111. (Campion P repara to ry ) SC815 South W alnut S tre e t ; Lyons Hall

B ernard, R alph Leo, B arberton, Ohio (Central H igh School) EG144 Sixth Street, N . W .; Lyons Hall

B ernard, Robert F rancis, Mayville, Wis. (Mayville H igh School) EG26 P a rk A venue; H ow ard H all

B ernard, W alter Emil, Springfield, 111. (Campion P repara to ry ) EG815 South W alnut S tre e t ; Alumni Hall

B ernard, W ilbur V incent, G'oldwater, Ohio (Coldwater H igh School) ABBadin H all

Bernard, J r . , W illiam Paul, B arberton, Ohio (Central H igh School) EG144 Sixth Street, N. W .; W alsh H all

Bernard, W illiam Reisch, Springfield, 111. (St. M ary’s College H igh School) SC815 South W alnut S tre e t ; W alsh H all

Bernbrock, H enry W illiam, Quincy, 111. (Quincy College Academy) P E800 1-3 M aine S tre e t ; Freshm an H all

Bernbrock, W illiam Frederick, A urora, 111. (Campion P repara to ry ) EG541 South Fourth S tree t; Sorin H all

Berry, Jam es F an t, Greensboro, N . C. (Mt. St. M ary’s College P repara to ry ) EGPost Office Box 1111; Brownson H all































Berry, John Anthony, S treator, 111. (S treato r H igh School)106 E as t Lincoln A venue; W alsh H all

Bertagnolli,* Aldo Anthony, Superior, Wyo. (Superior H igh School)Freshm an H all

B erteling, John Burke, Ham ilton, Ont., Can. (E vanston Township H igh School) 91 Barnesdale B oulevard ; Dillon H all

Besanceney, J r . , G irard Edw ard, Newark, Ohio (N ew ark H igh School)418 Hudson A venue; Lyons Hall

Besinger, C.S.C., Jo h n Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Gross Sem inary)M oreau Sem inary

Best, George Jaeger, Peoria, 111. (Spalding Institu te)404 B arker A venue; Dillon H all

Beyrer, John Benjamin, South Bend, Ind. (Howe M ilitary Academy)1020 E ast Colfax A venue; Home

Biagioni, Paul Adolph, Chicago, 111. (Fenw ick H igh School)4746 W est Maypole A venue; Lyons H all

Biggins E dw ard Richard, F o rt W ayne, Ind. (Central Catholic H igh School)2816 H oagland A venue; W alsh H all

BiIse r, H ow ard David, St. Augustine, Fla. (St. Joseph’s Academy)24 Fullerwood D riv e ; Brownson H all

Binder, George A rthu r, W heaton, 111. (Cam pion P repara to ry )111 W est W illow A venue; How ard Hall

Biron, F rancis E rnest, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School)126 S tate S t ; Home

Bishop, George Haynes, F reew ater, Ore. (M cLaughlin U nion H igh School)1 reshm an Hall

B ittner, Joseph Anthony, Jam aica, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry )87-Z7 Chelsea R o a d ; Corby H all

Blai 0*1 £ a^ S ? ni! r ’ Belleville, Kans. (Belleville H igh School)2107 N S tree t; Freshm an H all

Blake, Cecil F rancis, Taberg, N . Y. (Camden High School)M orrissey H all

Blake, Glenn A rthu r, Canton, Ohio (McKinley H igh School)R ura l Route 7, Lesher R o a d ; Corby H all

Blunt, Jam es W illiam, Brockton, Mass. (Brockton H igh School)452 W arren A venue; Freshm an H all

Bock, M dton Joseph, M ishawaka, Ind. (St. Hedwige’s H igh School)419 E ast M ishawaka A venue; Home

B cbert Jam es, Chicago, 111. (Cam pion P repara to ry )2666 E ast 73rd S tre e t; Lyons H all

l r T ^ § a , i C ret!n HiBh Sch°0l)

(C M liC O th e H i s h S c h “ »

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H igh sch ° oi>


LW 3

CM 1

SC 1

AB 2

AB 4

SC 1

AB 4

AB 2

EG 4

CM 1

EG 3

EG 1

CM 1

AB 4

SC 1

*CM 1

LW 1

AB 1

AB 2

*CM 1

CM 1

EG 1

P E 1


LW 1

P E 4

AB 1

CM 2

AB 3


Bonfi904d’B & H igh Sch° ° »

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B°rdm 6 CEanSm I S S ^ ’w S S a S ^ High Sch°al>

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B°W6CTnFenrSw ayT w aisha H ^ ^ » ° " d' Mass- 'M edford H igh School)

(Cathedral H igh School)

(Loyo,a Ac"^ ^ C a r r o U ^ ^ e n h r ie r , Tenn. (F a ther Ryan H igh School)

B°yl! b l ^ t SAJv°eSnfeh - Sch°d )

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Bay' i 2 9 % n % r r ' a ± a N - Y - (caaan d a i»ua a » >

BOT i H iih ^ r ee t ;RDmond,H a!rh A^ ' N ' J' (Perth Hi®h School)

227 T y l^ s S e ^ k ^ ^ s t ' w S h ^ g t ^ S t ^ e t .^ k h f r ^ n d .

Bra°lS EadrmhAsgUelTcoBrHayiT Y" <St J°hn'S Hi* Sch°°»(G™ za«a H « h School,

B' adS e : % i 9 % e I : l % N- Y- (Cornwall-on-Hudson High School)

BraMoreauS£minaryClS N°tle Dame' Ind' <H°]y Cross Sem inary)

Brady5 £ S L “ t f H ^ r d H L f ’ N - Y ' (“ rSh * « Academy)

B ra l 6 I S c Y P ^ l y ! ° ^ M - Y' ,A9UinaS *“ >

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CM 2

AB 2

AB 4

CM 4

CM 1

AB 2

AB 2

AB 1

AB 1

P E 4

CM 1

AB 3

*80 1

AB 3

8 0 1

AB 2

LW 3

AB 4

AB 1

CM 1

CM 1

AB 1

AB 4

CM 1

AB 1

AB 1

*80 1

*8C 1

AB 1


B ranigan, W illiam Aloysius, Albany, N . Y. (C hristian B rothers Academy) AB 1377 E lk S tree t; Brownson H all

B rannigan, C.S.C., Rev. Joseph Michael, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) GR 1 St. Joseph F arm

Bransby, C.S.C., B rother Elmo, N o tre Dame, Ind. ( Catholic Central H igh School) AB 2D ujarie Hall

Brassell, John Edward, Taunton, Mass. (St. M ary’s H igh School) CM 12 Cooper S q u a re ; St. E dw ard’s H all

Bray,* Jam es Farrell, Oskaloosa, Iow a (Oskaloosa H igh School) AB 31201 “ G” Avenue, E a s t; H ow ard H all

Bray, John Felix, Paducah, ICy. (St. M ary’s Academy) SC 31916 Kentucky A venue; A lum ni H all

Braym er, John Robert, Tulsa, Okla. (Tulsa H igh School) CM 42621 Terwilleger B oulevard; Sorin H all

Breen, John Aloysius, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) AB 47244 Pax ton A venue; Sorin H all

B rennan, Edw ard Joseph, P aw Paw , Mich. (Paw Paw H igh School) CM 1806 E ast M ichigan A venue; Freshm an Hall

B rennan, John Edward, L ’Anse, Mich. (H oughton H igh School) AB 4St. Edw ard’s H all

B rennan, R obert Joseph, B ridgeport, Conn. (LaSalle M ilitary Academy) AB 1344 W est M organ A venue; Dillon H all

B rett, Raymond Charles, D etroit, M ichigan (U niversity of D etro it H igh School) AB 45652 Stanton A venue; How ard H all

Brezik, C.S.C., B rother H ilarion, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H e a rt College) AB 2D ujarie H all

Brick, J r . , A nthony W illiam, N orth Tonaw anda, N . Y. (No. T onaw anda H . S.) LW 1152 V andervoort S tre e t ; Corby H all

Bride, Allen Francis, H artfo rd , Conn. (Bulkeley H igh School) CM 256 Adelaide S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s H all

Bried, Edw ard A drian, Beach H aven, N . J . (St. Benedict’s P re p a ra to ry ) EG 4Box 161; 1011% Sherm an Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Brieger, Louis Charles, Taylor, Texas (Taylor H igh School) EG 3311 Davis S tre e t ; Badin H all

Brien, Joseph Jam es, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P re p a ra to ry ) CM 28705 Colonial Road ; M orrissey H all

Briercheck, J r . , John Paul, Brownsville, Pa. (South Brownsville H igh School) AB 124—18th S tre e t; Freshm an H all

B right, F rancis Edw ard, F rank lin , N . J . (F ran k lin H igh School) CM 1150 M ain S tree t; F reshm an H all

Brislan, John B ernard, F ran k fo rt, Ky. (S p ring Hill H igh School) CM 1225 Cap A venue; Dillon H all

B ritton, John Francis, Paw ling, N . Y. (Paw ling H igh School) AB 3Dutcher A venue; A lum ni H all

Brockenbrough, Cornelius David Kenny, Richmond, Ya. (McGuires Univ. School) EG 1 Pum p House R o ad ; Dillon H all

Broderick, Jam es Thomas, N otre Dame, Ind. (C entral Catholic H igh School) AB 1Holy Cross Sem inary

Broderick John Daniel, Boston, Mass. (English High School) *AB 1311 N orth H arvard S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Broderick, Raymond Joseph, Philadelphia, Pa. (W est Catholic H igh School) AB 45512 V ine S tree t; Badin H all

Brogan, E m m ett V incent, Em m ett, Mich. (St. S tephen’s H igh School). CM 1Brownson H all

Brogger, John Fred, G rand Rapids, Mich. (Catholic C entral H igh School) CM 2149 Youell A venue; Badin H all

Brookmeyer, F rederick Rosseter, Lakewood, Ohio (St. Ignatiu s H igh School) CM 416523 L ake A venue; W alsh H all


Brophy, Joseph John, Floral P ark , N . Y. (H em pstead H igh School) AB 484 Aspen S tre e t ; Corby H all

Brosius, III , Charles Thomas, Lime Kiln, Md. (St. John ’s L itera ry In stitu te ) CM 1Freshm an H all

Brovelli, Charles Carlo, F ram ingham , Mass. (F ram ingham H igh School) P E 2526 W averly S tre e t ; St. Edw ard’s H all

Brower, Floyd Edward, Sycamore, 111. (Sycamore Community H igh School) CM 1431 Somonank S tre e t; Dillon H all

Brown,* A lbert Edw ard, Monaca, Pa. (Monaca H igh School) CM 11316 V irg in ia A venue; Freshm an H all

Brown, A nthony William, New York City (L a Salle M ilitary Academy) CM 43014 Grand Concourse; W alsh H all

Brown, A rth u r John, New York City (L a Salle M ilitary Academy) CM 230l4 Grand Concourse; M orrissey H all

Brown, A rth u r W illiam, Toledo, Ohio (C entral Catholic H igh School) P E 41327 S ta rr A venue; Sorin H all

Brown, Charles M atthew, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School) EG 13556 Salem S tree t; Carroll H all

Brown, Clifford Francis, Norwalk, Ohio (St. Pau l’s H igh School) AB 3R ural Route 3, Box 35 ; Badin H all

Brown, Ham ilton Paul, H ibbing, M inn. (H ibbing H igh School) AB 32601 Roosevelt A venue; 1107 N. N otre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Brown, W alter H ubert, Hazleton, Pa. (Hazleton H igh School) AB 4332 W est Broad S tre e t; Corby H all

Bruccoli, M atthew Joseph, Valhalla, N . Y. (Fordham P repara to ry ) *AB 1V alhalla P a r k ; St. E dw ard’s H all

Brucker, Charles Alphonse, Niles, Mich. (Niles H igh School) *CM 11009 F erry S tre e t; Home

Brugger, Robert Leonard, Erie, Pa. (Cathedral P repara to ry ) *EG 1333 E ast E ighth S tre e t; Morrissey H all

B runeni, LeRoy Samuel, Rockford, III. (St. Thomas H igh School) SC 1502 Longwood S tre e t ; Brownson H all

Bruno, V incent Thomas, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School) CM 34747 E ast W ashington S tree t; How ard H all

Bruno, W illiam Ben, Asbury P ark , N . J . (A sbury P a rk H igh School) AB 21116 Second A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

Bruzek, R obert Jam es, Minneapolis, Minn. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) CM 15034 Gladstone A venue; Dillon H all

B ryan, Robert Jam es, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) SC 1315 Peashw ay S tre e t ; Home

B ryant, A lbert Eugene, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) AB 15348 W ayne A venue; Dillon H all

Bucci, Joseph A nthony, Am sterdam , N . Y. (St. M ary’s Catholic Institu te) AB 412 L ark S tre e t; W alsh H all

Buchart, J r ., E dw ard Egid, Louisville, Ky. (St. X avier’s H igh School) AB 42100 Napoleon B oulevard; W alsh H all

Buckley, E dgar Thomas, Roslindale, Mass. (Mechanic A rts H igh School) P E 1636 W est Roxbury P a rk w a y ; Brownson H all

Buckley, Tim othy Jam es, Cicero, 111. (Campion P repara to ry ) AB 21839 South 51st A venue; Lyons H all

Buckley, W illiam Augustine, W aterbury, Conn. (Crosby H igh School) CM 374 Columbia B oulevard; How ard Hall

Bulkiewicz, Raymond M arion, Chicago, 111. (De Paul U niversity Academy) AB 41645 W abansia A venue; W alsh H all

Bullinger, C.S.C., B rother Remigius, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H eart College) AB 3D ujarie H all

Burch, C.S.C., Raymond M artin, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 2Moreau Sem inary


B urger, Glare B ertram , R ittm an , Ohio (R ittm an H igh School) EG54 South M ain S tre e t; Corby H all

B urkart, II, B ernard Andrew, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School) *EG243 N orth Sum m it S tree t; M orrissey H all

Burke, F rancis W allrich, Portland , Ore. (Columbia U niversity H igh School) *EG2346 N . W . N orth rup S tre e t; Lyons H all

Burke, Jacob Eli, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) EG2102 W estern A venue; Home

Burke, Jam es Byron, Lemoore, Calif. (Lemoore U nion H igh School) CM75 Bush S tre e t ; A lum ni H all

Burke, Jam es Robert, Evanston, 111. (St. George H igh School) CM1004 Dobson S tre e t; Alum ni H all

Burke, C.S.C., John Charles, N otre Dame. Ind . (Holy Cross Sem inary) ABM oreau Sem inary

Burke, John Joseph, Milwaukee, W is. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) AB2121 W est W isconsin A venue; W alsh H all

Burke, John Joseph, R iver Forest, HI. (Loyola Academy) *AB534 Monroe A venue; Badin H all

Burke, R obert Charles, C incinnati, Ohio (S t. X avier College Academy) CM1657 W estm oreland A venue; Lyons H all

Burke, Robert John , Dowagiac, Mich. (Dowagiac H igh School) *CM107 Jam es S tre e t ; H ow ard H all

Burke, J r . , Robert Thomas, Louisville, Ky. (St. X avier H igh School) AB2114 Douglass B oulevard; A lum ni H all

Burke, J r . , W illiam Adam, South Bend, Ind. (St. M ary’s H igh School) LWOliver H o te l; Home

B urkhardt, W illiam Gustave, Akron, Ohio (S t. V incent H igh School) CM50 Mayfield A venue; W alsh H all

B urnett, Law rence Frederick, N ew ark, N . J . (S t. Benedict’s P repara to ry ) SC386 Roseville A venue; M orrissey H all

Burns, Joseph P a trick , W atertow n, N . Y. (Im m aculate H e a rt Academy) EG1135 Academy S tre e t ; Corby H all

B um s, M artin Thomas, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) AB1310 Thorndale A venue; Lyons H all

B urns, W illiam Carroll, W atertow n, N . Y. (Im m aculate H eart Academy) CM1135 Academy S tre e t ; Sorin H all

Bush, E dw ard M artin , F lin t, Mich. (C entral H igh School) AB719 Beach S tree t; Dillon H all

Bush, R obert Leo, Brownsville, P a . (Brownsville H igh School) SC400 Spring S treet, N orth S ide; Lyons H all

Busichio, Jo h n Joseph, Elizabeth, N . J . (Thom as Jefferson H igh School) *AB211 H igh S tre e t; Corby H all

Busqueta, J r . , Antonio, Mexico, D. F . (In s titu te Franco-Ingles) CMRepublica de Cuba 60 ; Lyons H all

Buta, A nthony Adam, N otre Dame, Ind. (Proviso Township H igh School) ABHoly Cross Sem inary

Butler, A lbert Augustus, Lakewood, Ohio (St. Ignatius H igh School) AB16911 Edgew ater D rive; Brownson H all

Butz, Charles Aloysius, K earny, N . J . (K earny H igh School) CM499 Belgrove D rive; C arroll H all

Byrne, Conal Joseph, Ardm ore, P a . (W est Philadelphia Catholic H igh School) AB 631 W oodcrest A venue; H ow ard H all

Byrne, J r . , Jam es A lbert, Cleveland H eights, Ohio (C athedral L atin H igh School) AB 2172 Maplewood R oad ; Sorin H all

Byrne, Jo h n M atthews, Phoenixville, P a . (L a Salle H igh School) ABW hite H orse R o ad ; Lyons H all

Byrne, Kevin Jam es, Seneca Falls, N . Y. (M ynderse Academy) P E14 Seneca S tree t; Lyons H all































Byrne, Thomas Charles, Cleveland H eights, Ohio (St. Ignatius H igh School) *CM2172 Maplewood R o ad ; Lyons H all

Byrne, W illiam Joseph, A uburn, N . Y. ( Christian B rothers Academy) CM140 South Hoopes A venue; Badin H all

Byrnes, P a trick Gregory, H am ilton, Ont., Can. (Cathedral H igh School) AB75 Leinster Avenue, S o u th ; Morrissey H all

Byrnes, R obert Charles, Cedar Rapids, la . (Im m aculate Conception H igh School) AB 1300 Third A venue ; Sorin H all

Cackley, J r . , John Newton, Ronceverte, W. Va., (G reenbrier M ilitary Academy) *AB 906 Pocahontas A venue; Dillon H all

Cahill, Joseph Leo, Fall River, Mass. (B. M. C. Durfee H igh School) CM48 Almy S tree t; How ard H all

Cain, John Aloysius, Cheboygan, Mich. ( Cheboygan H igh School) ABDuncan E s ta te ; Carroll H all

Cain, C.S.C., B rother Patrick , N otre Dame, Ind. (St. V incent’s College) ABCarroll H all

Caldwell, Edw in George, Hudson, Ohio (Hudson H igh School) AB150 Elm S tre e t; Sorin H all

Caldwell, M erlin John, Louisville, Ohio (Louisville H igh School) *GM321 South Silver S tre e t ; Brownson H all

Callahan. Charles M artin , Lexington, Mass. (Lexington H igh School) AB11% Sherm an S tree t; Freshm an H all

Callahan, C.S.C., Charles Robert, N otre Dame, Ind. (P aterson H igh School) ABM oreau Sem inary

Callahan, Jam es Russel, Cleveland Heights, Ohio ( Cathedral L atin H igh School) CM 2358 Ardleigh D riv e ; Dillon H all

Callahan, Joseph A nthony, Woodhaven, L. I., N . Y. (Richm ond Hill H igh School) AB 9143—79th S tre e t ; Brownson H all

Callahan, Robert Allen, Hastings-on-Hudson, N .Y. (George W ashington Eve. H . S.) EG 22 P leasan t A venue; Freshm an H all

Callahan, Thomas H enry, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) CM5510 Sheridan R oad; Freshm an H all

G'allan, F rancis John, Milwaukee, Wis. (Boys’ Technical H igh School) CM818 South 25th S tre e t ; Brownson H all

Calvert, Charles Francis, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) AB439 E lgew ater D rive; Home

Calvert, H am ilton Edwin, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) CM439 E lgew ater D rive; Home

Campbell, Charles* Richard, M inneapolis, M inn. (W ashburn H igh School) EG4800 Second Avenue, S o u th ; A lum ni H all

Campbell, John H ugh, Hazleton, P a . (S t. Gabriel’s H igh School) SC141 South W yoming S tre e t ; Lyons H all

Campbell, John Thomas, G rand Rapids, Mich. (Catholic Central H igh School) CM1458 W ilcox P a rk D riv e ; Badin H all

Campbell, Joseph Francis, Rockwell, Iow a (Rockwell H igh School) CM1847 N orth Adam s Street, South Bend, Ind.

Camperlengo, A nthony John , Yonkers, N . Y. (Yonkers H igh School) *AB114 Oak S tre e t; Corby H all

Campers, C.S.C., Edm und V incent, N otre Dame, Ind . (Holy Cross Sem inary) ABM oreau Sem inary

Canale, A nthony August, Memphis, Tenn. (C hristian B rothers College H . S.) CM1433 P op lar A venue; Corby H all

Canale, F rancis S turla, Memphis, Tenn. (Catholic H igh School) AB620 South Belvedere; St. E dw ard 's H all

Canale, Joseph Andrew, Memphis, Tenn. (C hristian Brothers College H . S.) CM1433 P op lar A venue; M orrissey H all






























Canavan, Jam es Edward, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. M ary’s H igh School)Holy Cross Sem inary

Cannon, J r ., George W illiam, Muskegon, Mich. (Georgetown P repara to ry ) In terlaken Road ; Alum ni H all

Cannon, John W ayne, F reeport H igh School)1274 W est Stephenson S tre e t; Alum ni H all

Canolesio, Aldo B ernard, W eedsport, N. Y. (W eedsport H igh School)South S tre e t; Dillon H all

Cap it ell, A lfred John, Belmont, Mass. (Boston College H igh School)193 W hite S tree t; H ow ard H all

Capitell, Robert W illiiam, Belmont, Mass. (Belm ont H igh School)193 W hite S tre e t ; Brownson H all

Capoun, Clement Jam es, Chicago, 111. (H arrison Technical H igh School)4139 W est Potom ac A venue; Dillon Hall

Carbine, John Dugan, Rutland, V t. (R utland H igh School)182 S ta te S tre e t; Sorin H all

Cardinal, Ralph M arion, Malone, N . Y. (F rank lin Academy)117 W ebster S tree t; H ow ard H all

Caresio, J r . , John Christopher, Chicago, 111. (Tilden Technical H igh School) 11911 Ind iana A venue; Corby Hall

Carey, A lbert Daniel, Endicott, N . Y. (U nion-Endieott H igh School)20 Roosevelt A venue; Badin H all

Carey, A rth u r Francis, Cleveland, Ohio (St. Ignatius H igh School)10500 Lake A venue; Sorin Hall

Carey, George Lawrence, Lake H opatcong, N . J . (Roxbury Township H S ) Badin H all

Carey, P a trick , Kokomo, Ind. (Kokomo H igh School)1131 N orth A rm strong S tre e t ; Freshm an H all

Carideo, F red Joseph, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. (Mt. V ernon H igh School)119 N orth F ifth A venue; Sorin H all

Carney, R ichard Aloysius, T ieonderaga, N . Y. (Ticonderoga H igh School)85 Lake George A venue; Carroll H all

Carney, Thomas Patrick , DuBois, Pa. (St. Catherine’s H igh School)220 H ubert S tre e t; Lyons H all

Carpenter, Lawrence Edmund, Rochester, N . Y. (A quinas In stitu te )135 H obart S tre e t ; Brownson H all

Carr, W alter Thomas, Ambridge, Pa. (Am bridge H igh School)1693 M erchant S tree t; Carroll H all

Carrico, Paul Eugene, Bremen, Ind. (C entral H igh School)Rural Route 2 ; 929 N orth F rancis Street, South Bend, Ind.

C arrigan, R ichard Maurice, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School)2427 Morse A venue; Brownson H all

Amthony, New Rochelle, If. Y. (N ew Rochelle High School)2d9 Elm S tre e t; Lyons H all

CarroU Patrick Joseph, Highland Falls, If. Y. (Cornwall-on-Hudson H. S.)33 Lake S tre e t; Corby H all

Carroll, Paul W illiam, Sandusky, Ohio (Sandusky H igh School)E rie County Home, South Columbus A venue; Sorin H all

Can,oll, R ichard Joseph, Chicago, III. (Leo H igh School)7222 Luella A venue; Lyons H all

Carroll Robert Patrick , Seattle, W ash. (Seattle College)717-17 N orth S tre e t; Dillon H all

C a r ! H i g h S c h o o i)

C art?59 V * w s S t rC o X ° H a T - H igh Sch” 1)

C art8?S X S t t » 1 & S ° :“ H aIli0 <SaCred ^ H igh Sch° 0,)

AB 1

EG 3

*CM 1

AB 1

AB 4

SC 1

EG 1

AB 4

CM 2

EG 4

CM 3

CM 4

CM 2

CM 1

LW 1

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SC 1

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EG 1

♦CM 1

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SC 1

CM 1

P E 4

CM 4


Casazza, W illiam John, Albany, N . Y. ( Christian B rothers Academy)11 Rosemont S tre e t; Corby Hall

Casey, Eugene Francis, Chicago, 111. (Em il C. H irsch H igh School)1201 E ast 72nd S tree t; Freshm an H all

Cashin, John Jerem iah, Fayetteville, N . Y. (Fayetteville H igh School)108 South P a rk S tre e t; Badin H all

Casillo, Nicholas Salvatore; Brooklyn, N . Y. (Jam aica H igh School)1975 W est E ighth S tre e t; A lum ni H all

Casper, F rederick Joseph, Milwaukee, W is. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) 3514 N orth Shepard A venue; Dillon H all

Casper, N orvin Lee, Louisville, Ky. (St. X avier H igh School)1722 W indsor P la c e ; Badin H all

Cass, F rancis Joseph, Buffalo, N . Y. (C entral H igh School)675 Richmond A venue; 1035 N orth St. P e te r S treet, South Bend, Ind.

Cassedy, C.S.C., Elwood Edward, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary

Cassidy. Thomas Edward, Kings P ark , N . Y. (K ings P a rk Central H igh School) B roadw ay; Lyons Hall

Cassone, P e ter George, P o rt Chester, N. Y. (P o rt Chester H igh School)202 South Regent S tree t; Morrissey H all

Castineira, Alberto Enrique, H avana, Cuba (El In stitu to de Segunda Ensenanza) C entral H ershey ; M orrissey H all

Castleman, W illiam Pryor, Louisville, Ky. ( Columbia U niversity H igh School) 2140 Bonny C astle ; Dillon H all

Catalane, Bartholomew W illiam, N ew ark, N . J . (St. Benedict's P repara to ry )42 Oakland T errace; A lum ni H all

Cattie, Eugene Ignatius, Philadelphia, Pa . (N ortheast Catholic H igh School)S. E. Corner Sixth & 64th A venues; M orrissey H all

G'avanagh, John Joseph, Brooklyn, N. Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry )637 St. John 's P la c e ; M orrissey H all

Cavanaugh, Joseph H ubert, N otre Dame, Ind. (H arpers F erry H igh School)Holy Cross Sem inary

Cavanaugh, Robert W illiam, Rouseville, P a . (Oil City H igh School)M ain S tre e t ; Badin Hall

Cavender, Savino W alter Lawrence, Wakefield, Mich. (Wakefield H igh School) Sorin H all

Caveny, Robert Thomas, Macoupin, 111. (Litchfield Community H igh School) R ural R oute; St. M ary’s College, N otre Dame, Ind.

Cecala, George Gregory, Salt Lake City, U tah (Judge Memorial H igh School)825 P a rk S tre e t; M orrissey H all

Chadwick, J r . , A rth u r John, Amityville, N . Y. (Amityville H igh School)43 Greene A venue; M orrissey H all

Chanowicz, Stanley Joseph, Philadelphia,, Pa. (W est Phila. Catholic H . S.)2246 W est Allegheny A venue; Brownson H all

Chapell, W illiam Francis, F lin t, Mich. (Central H igh School)910 E ast Second S tre e t ; M orrissey H all

Chill, J r ., Charles W illiam, Detroit, Mich. (Chadsey H igh School)7411 Wykes A venue; Dillon H all

Church, A ugust Joseph, N orth Plainfield, N . J . (N . Plainfield H igh School)20 M anning Avenue ; Badin H all

Cifrese, Liborio Francis, M orristown, N . J . (M orristown H igh School)139 Speedwell A venue; W alsh H all

Claeys, J r ., Jerom e Francis, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)510 Leland A venue; Home

Clair, John Morgan, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy)1245 A rth u r A venue; Lyons H all

Clancy, Thomas John, Schuylerville, N. Y. (Schuylerville H igh School)212 N orth Broad S tree t; Lyons H all

AB 4

AB 1

AB 3

SC 3

CM 1

*SC 1

EG 4

AB 1

*AB 1,

SC 2

EG 2

CM 1

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EG 2

AB 2

AB 1

CM 3

SC 4

AB 2

CM 1

CM 2

P E 1

AB 1

EG 1

AB 3

SC 4

CM 2

*AB 1

*AB 1


Clark, Charles H enry, P lattsburg , N . Y. (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School)6 L orra ine S tre e t; Badin Hall

Clark, Jo h n Francis, Chicago, 111. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy)1355 N orth A ustin B oulevard; W alsh H all

Clark, Law rence V anZandt, Rensselaer, N . Y. (Rensselaer H igh School)1129 Third S tree t; How ard H all

Clarke, Philip Jam es, N ew burgh, N . Y. (N ew burgh F ree Academy)144 Ren wick S tre e t; How ard H all

Cleary, J r . , John Francis, Taunton, Mass. (M onsignor Coyle H igh School)19 W ebster S tree t; Freshm an H all

Clements, Evans Moore, Nashville, Tenn. (Peabody H igh School)H ard ing Road & Jackson B oulevard ; M orrissey H all

Clements, Jam es Roseman, Springfield, Ky. (Springfield H igh School)623 P a rk Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Clements, M errill E lton, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)112 South N otre Dame A venue; Home

Clements, Sam Spaulding, U niontow n, Ky. (St. Agnes H igh School)Corby H all

Cliff, J r ., Edm und Vail, New Rochelle, N . Y. (N ew Rochelle H igh School)46 Stonelea P la c e ; W alsh H all

Clifford, Jerem iah Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)7244 M errill A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

Clifford, John Francis, New Haven, Conn. (N ew H aven H igh School)147 W est Rock A venue; Brownson H all

Clifford, Joseph Campbell, New Haven, Conn. (New H aven H igh School)147 W est Rock A venue; Dillon H ail

Clifford, W illiam V incent, Gary, Ind. (H orace M ann H igh School)715 H arrison S tree t; Freshm an H all

Cloutier. C.S.C., B rother Alphonsus, N otre Dame, Ind . (Sacred H eart College) D ujarie H all

Clymer, F rancis Elroy, Granger, Ind. (W ashington Clay H igh School)Home

Cochran, Daniel W alter, W heeling, W. Va. (Linsly Institu te )14 Birch A venue; Dillon H all

Coen, W illiam M artin , A fton, Iowa (A fton H igh School)W alsh H all

Cohen, Herman H arris , Mishawaka. Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School)901 W est M ishawaka A venue; Home

Cohen, H ym an Jacob, South Bend, Ind. (Yeshivah H igh School)625 South Clinton S tre e t; Home

Cohn, Elliot Irw in , South Bend, Ind. (Phoenix U nion H igh School)1115 Riverside D rive; Home

Cole, W illiam Noonan, Paola, Kans. (Paola H igh School)610 E as t P eoria S tre e t; M orrissey H all

Coles, J r ., Charles Edw ard, W innetka, 111. (New T rie r H igh School)1192 A sbury A venue; A lum ni H all

Coll, Jam es Joseph, Hazleton, Pa. (St. Gabriel’s H igh School)419 W est Oak S tre e t ; W alsh H all

Colleran, James Paul, Youngstown, Ohio (Rayen H igh School)1239 Elm S tree t; Sorin Hall

Collins, F rancis Thomas, Auburn, N . Y. (A uburn H igh School)14 Gaylord S tree t; H ow ard H all

Collins, John Allen, Clinton, Iowa (St. M ary’s H igh School)530 Tenth Avenue, S o u th ; M orrissey H all

Collins, John Thomas Fairm ont, W. Va. (St. P e te r’s H igh School)Peacock P a rk ; Dillon H all

Comeau, J r . , Jam es H enry, Schenectady, N . Y. (Schenectady H igh School)1038 Phoenix A venue; Alum ni H all

AB 3

CM 4

AB 4

CM 3

CM 1


CM 1

CM 3

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CM 4

CM 1

AB 1

SC 1

CM 1

SC 8

CM 1

EG 1

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LW 3

GR 1

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CM 4

EG 2

SC 4

*CM 1

CM 4

*CM 1

PE 1

AB 3


Commisa, Salvatore Adolph, N ew ark, N . J . (B arringer H igh School) 21 Mt. Prospect A venue; Badin H all

P E 3

Compa, Russell Edw ard, Bogota, N . J . (Bogota H igh ‘tichool) 168 Beechwood A venue; Corby H all

EG 4

Condon, Edw ard Joseph, Brooklyn, N . Y. (St. F rancis Academy) 305 Linden Boulevard; Freshm an H all

P E 1

Condon, Joseph Eugene, Brockton, Mass. (Brockton H igh School) 14 H am ilton S tre e t ; 306 Pokagon Street, South Bend, Ind.

LW 2

Condon, Stephen Decatur, Hancock, Mich. (Hancock H igh School) 1143 Quincy S tree t; Brownson H all

AB 1

Condon, W illiam Patrick , Greenville, Miss. (St. Rose of L im a H igh School) 718 W ashington A venue; Freshm an H all

AB 1

Conley, Charles Aloysius, Connersville, Ind. ( Connersville H igh School) 814 Lincoln A venue; 731 South Bend Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

LW 3

Conley, N orm an Benedict, Canton, Ohio (S t. John H igh School) 344 - 15th Street, N. W .; A lum ni H all

EG 3

Conlon, Joseph W illiam, Bingham ton, N . Y. (B ingham ton H igh School) 137 Hawley S tre e t ; W alsh H all

EG 4

Connell, Jam es Taylor, N ew port, R. I. (Rogers H igh School) 11 Bedlow P la c e ; Dillon H all

EG 1

Conner, Joseph George, W est Springfield, Mass. (Cathedral H igh School) 43 Lowell S tre e t; Badin H all

P E 3

Connor, J r . , David John, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School) 401 W est H am pton D riv e ; Carroll H all

CM 1

Connor, Jam es W illiam, M orris, 111. (M orris H igh School) 305 E ast N orth S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H all

P E 2

Connor, John Charles, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) 256 S terling S tre e t; Dillon H all

CM 1

Connor, Thomas Reardon, M orris, III. (M orris H igh School)305 E ast N orth S tree t; 731 South Bend Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

LW 3

Connors, John Robert, Buffalo, N. Y. (St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institu te ) 44 A rkansas S tre e t ; Sorin H all

P E 4

Conrad, John Francis, Vincennes, Ind. (Lincoln H igh School) 313 South Sixth S tre e t ; Carroll H all

AB 1

Conry, W illiam Edw ard, Tulsa, Okla. (Cascia H all H igh School) 2124 South St. Louis A venue; M orrissey H all

*AB 1

Conway, J r . , Stephen Joseph, Johnstow n, Pa . (Johnstow n H igh School) 211 M ain S tre e t; M orrissey H all

*GM 1

Coogan, John Gerald, Saranac Lake, N . Y. (Saranac Lake H igh School) 164 B roadw ay; Sorin H all

EG 4

Cook, M artin W illiam, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) 709 Rex S tre e t; Home

SC 2

Cook, Robert Frederick, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) 913 Lincoln W ay E a s t ; Home

CM 3

Coon, Jam es John, Buffalo, N . Y. (Canisius H igh School) 72 Middlesex R oad; Dillon H all

CM 1

Cooper, M orris Benjam in, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 827 P ortage A venue; Home

SC 3

Copeland, Thomas Francis, Troy, N. Y. (L ansingburgh H igh School) 60 Sixth A venue; Dillon H all

SC 1

Corcoran, Jam es Melvin, W ashington, D. C. (W estern H igh School) 2026 - 37th S treet, N. W .; Freshm an H all

SC 1

Corcoran. Joseph Michael, Brockton, Mass. (Brockton H igh School) 138 Belmont S tree t; Dillon H all

AB 1

Cordaro, Joseph Thomas, Rochester, N . Y. (W est H igh School) 31 Ja y S tree t; Brownson H all

SC 4

Cormier, Leo Joseph, Rum ford, Me. (Stephen’s H igh School) 237 F rank lin S tre e t ; Lyons H all

AB 2


Correll, Hugh, Canton, Ohio (McKinley H igh School)901 Second Street, N. W .; Freshm an H all

Corrigan, James B ernard, W auwatosa, W is. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) 1829 N orth 69th S tre e t ; W alsh H all

Corrigan, John Th-omas, W auwatosa, Wis. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) 1829 N orth 69th S tre e t ; W alsh H all

C orrigan Thomas Earle, Chicago, HI. (McKinley H igh School)1822 W est Monroe S tre e t; Lyons H all

Cosgrove F rancis Peter, Peekskill, N . Y. (Peekskill H igh School)R ural Route 2 ; Brownson Hall

Costa Joseph Louis, Metuchen, N. J . (N ew Y ork M ilitary Academy)416 Mam S tre e t; Alum ni H all

Joseph, Metuchen, N . J . (New York M ilitary Academy)416 Mam S tre e t; Alum ni H all

Costello, A lbert Thomas, Akron, Ohio (N orth H igh School)340 East Tallmadge Avenue; Carroll Hall

Costello, John W illiam, Dover, N . J . (St. Benedict's P rep ara to ry )55 W es t B lackw ell S t r e e t ; D illon H a ll

Costigan, William James, Carbondale, 111. (Campion Preparatory)311 W est Cherry S tre e t ; Dillon H all

Gharies, C incinnati, Ohio (St. X avier H igh School)667 E ast M itchell Avenue; Brownson H all

^ ° ^ M m ^ u " s ^ h % r y ^ Dame, Ind. (Holy Gross Sem inary)

Cover. Jix, Glenn Alfred, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)2709 M ishawaka A venue; Home

° ° WS t: E * ™ d ?sd l S r S’ Woodhu11’ IIL W oodhull Township H igh School)

c L ^ B la n t^ S tre e tT jU n m n ^ H a ll^ 611 * School)

M orrissey^Hall Sch» »

M - s t r 1 H ig h S c h o o l)

Frhr f f 's ? r ae T s ^ Bend, i S t ^ ^

^ % 2 % t h S ! ' D r % T l ^ n i ' H ! H H igh SchooI)

& “ d607H^ h JsTee!t ;EA t i aS ! h I,L ( ^ p io n Preparatory)

CradMoteau'leminY™ am N °tre Dame‘ Ind' <St" Thomas High School)

^ ai k ? r s a a % % e % ^ A J i (Newtown Hish schooi>

Cre^ u t £ Q2U2e3 ^ a » ” • F ' Nacionai)

^ % 2 % : d a % y % a ^ (A~ > Academy)

C™0nitL 2 a n te ttrS ? C ^ ? rH Oan ^ <MUby High -Schoo,)

C' « N o M k e 3^ H igh Sch°° l)

(R °m an “ C H igh ^ O O ,) .

^ % W n : V r : % m ,T S a H WiS- (MenaSha High School)

AB 1

AB 4

AB 4

AB 1

SC 1

CM 3

CM 3

P E 3

SC 1

EG 1

CM 1

AB 2

CM 1

EG 2

SC 3

CM 1

CM 2

LW 3

AB 3

*AB 1

AB 4

AB 1

EG 3

CM 4

CM 1

AB 2

AB 1

CM 1


Crollard, Frederick Michael, W enatchee, W ash. (W enatchee H igh School) AB 1112 South Em erson S tre e t; Dillon H all

Cronin, J r . , A rth u r Dennis, D etroit, Mich. (U niversity of D etroit H igh School) AB 319160 Woodston Road ; Howard Hall

Cronin, Edw ard Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) AB 17823 E ast End A venue; Carroll H all

Cronin, Jam es Raymond, Chicago, HI. (Leo H igh School) AB 42063 E ast 72nd P la c e ; Howard H all

Cronin, Robert Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Leo H igh School) CM 22063 E ast 72nd P la c e ; Lyons H all

Crooks, David Paul, Kansas City, Mo. (Rockhurst H igh School) AB 15500 W yando tte ; Dillon Hall

Crosiar, F rancis Everett, U tica, 111. (La Salle-Peru Township H igh School) AB 1Church S tre e t; Dillon H all

C rotty, E dw ard Joseph, Danbury, Conn. (D anbury H igh School) P E 29 M ountainville A venue; St. E dw ard 's H all

Crotty, Irw in Patrick , Storm Lake, Iowa (Storm Lake H igh School) P E 3610 W est F ifth S tre e t ; How ard H all

Crotty, Joseph W illiam, W orcester, Mass. (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School) CM 2188 H ighland S tre e t; Lyons H all

Crowe, Andrew Michael, Lafayette, Ind. (Jefferson H igh School) AB 11313 T ippecanoe; Brownson Hall

Crowe, John Benedict, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) LW 31522 E ast Colfax A venue; 419 Lincoln W ay W est, South Bend, Ind.

Crowley, A nthony W illiam, Rockford, 111. (St. Thomas H igh School) LW 31112 W est Jefferson S tre e t; W alsh H all

Crowley, Cornelius Joseph, Brooklyn, N . Y. (St. Michael’s H igh School) AB 4272 Lenox R o ad ; Corby H all

Crowley, F rancis Edw ard, Beach Haven, N. J . (B arnegat H igh School) SC 1Beach & Ocean ; Brownson H all

Crowley, Thomas John, Los Altos, Calif. (St. Joseph’s School) CM 1Cherry O ak s; Freshm an Hall

Croxall, W illard Joseph, South Bend, Ind. (Columbia U niversity H igh School) , GR 2117 F rank lin P la c e ; Home

Crunican, John Joseph, Chicago, 111. (St. Mel H igh School) CM 44149 Jackson B oulevard ; Sorin H all

Crystal, Louis Francis, W est Brighton, S.I., N . Y. (Steven’s P repara to ry ) EG 337 Moody P la c e ; A lum ni H all

Cudmore, Jack Daniel, E aton, Colo. (E aton H igh School) CM 1308 P a rk A venue; Dillon H all

Cullen, J r . , B ernard W alter, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School) AB 16144 N orth Talm an A venue; Dillon Hall

Cullen, Edw ard Paul, Dorchester, Mass. ( Commerce H igh School) P E 460 Radcliffe S tre e t ; Corby H all

Cullen, C.S.C., Joseph Francis, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Mel H igh School) AB 2M oreau Sem inary

Cummings, Paul W illiam, W orcester, Mass. (St. Jo h n ’s P repara to ry ) *CM 1842 P leasan t S tre e t ; Alumni H all

Cunha, Daniel Joseph, St. Petersburg, F la. (St. Petersburg H igh School) P E 4919 Baum A venue; Carroll H all

C urran, G.S.C., B rother Columba, N otre Dame, Ind. ( Cathedral H igh School) GR 1D ujarie H all

C urran, Michael P ria l, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) AB 36435 South P a rk A venue; Badin Hall

Curran, C.S.C., Thomas B ernard, N otre Dame, Ind . (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 2M oreau Sem inary

C urran, V incent Thomas, New ark, N . J . (Seton Hall H igh School) CM 340 N ether wood P la c e ; How ard Hall


C urran, W illiam H enry, H ibbing, M inn. (R ibbing H igh School)402 Lincoln S tre e t; A lum ni H all

Curry, Philip H enry, P ittsburgh , Pa. (Schenley H igh School)5410 Plainfield S tre e t; Dillon H all

Curtin, J r . , H enry Francis, Woonsocket, R. I. (W oonsocket H igh School) 360 Mason S tree t; Brown son H all

Cusack, H ow ard Clune, Brooklyn, N . Y. (St. F rancis X avier H igh School)400 Clinton A venue; A lum ni H all

Cushing, Jerom e Jam es, Evanston, III. (Loyola Academy)900 Edgemere C o u rt; W alsh H all

Cushing, Leo Joseph, H astings, N ebr. (H astings H igh School)401 U niversity A venue; Alum ni H all

Cusick, J r . , M artin Patrick , Je rsey City, N . J . (St. P e ters H igh School) 255 A rm strong A venue; Freshm an H all

Cyrwus,* W alter John, Chicago, 111. (St. R ita H igh School)4329 South P au lina S tree t; St. E dw ard’s H all

Czlapinski, Edw ard Joseph, P ittsburgh , Pa. (South H igh School)2105 Sarah S tre e t ; Brownson H all

Dahill, J r . , E dw ard Jam es, Taunton, Mass. (T aunton H igh School)179 H ighland S tree t; Lyons H all

Daley, J r . , E dw ard H enry, L a Porte , Ind. (L a P orte H igh School)1710 Ind iana A venue; Badin H all

Daley, F rancis V incent, Buffalo, N . Y. (South P a rk H igh School)200 W hitfield A venue; Carroll H all

Daley, Jo h n P a trick , L a Porte, Ind. (L aP orte H igh School)1710 Ind iana A venue; Badin H all

Dalrymple, David Wendel, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)1612 M arie tta S tre e t; Home

Da3y; « S f e les F rancis, V entnor City, N. J . (Holy S p irit H igh School)5309 V entnor A venue; Carroll H all

Daly Jam es U rban, N orth Braddock, P a . (N orth Braddoek H igh School)426 H aw kins A venue; Carroll H all

D’Am ora, A lfred F rancis, Ardm ore, Pa. (Lower M erlon H igh School)30 Holland A venue; Corby H all

D anahy, R ichard Thomas, Buffalo, N . Y. (South P a rk High School)385 McKinley P a rk w a y ; Dillon H all

Danbom, Laurence Edwin, Calumet, Mich. (Calum et H igh School)507 Fourth S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Dan<~hy, Jam es Philip , Chicago, III. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)7321 South Shore D riv e ; 805 Leland Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Da*i?ls, W illiam Edward, Brooklyn, N . Y. (L a Salle Military Academy)666 St. M ark’s A venue; Brownson H all

Daniel sk i,. C. S. C B rother Sigismund, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H e art College) D u jan e H all ’

Daoust, W illiam Edw ard, Defiance, Ohio, (Defiance H igh School)650 Jefferson A venue; A lum ni Hall

D aPra, Luinoi Louis, E ast Chicago, Ind . (W ashington H igh School)4121 Ivy S tre e t; Brownson H all

DaV41JCthFSt?elt; io^HiSr- ^ ° f Perpetual H<*> High School)

Darcy, W illiam Jam es, Lakewood, Ohio (Lakewood H igh School)1361 Cook A venue; Badin H all

Dasso John Comillo Oak Park, 111. (O ak P a rk H igh School)916 N orth E u c lid ; A lum ni H all

D a u g h to ^ J ’rancis^M aurice, Grand River, Iowa (G rand R iver H igh School)

LW 8

AB 1

CM 1

*AB 1

EG 4

CM 3

CM 1

EG 1

P E 1

CM 2

SC 8

AB 1

CM 8

GR 1

SC 1

*EG 1

P E 4

AB 1

P E 2

GR 2

EG 1

AB 2

CM 2

AB 1

LW 1

EG 3

CM 2

*AB 1


Dausm an, H urdis Dana, Bremen, Ind. (Brem en H igh School)218 W est Dewey S tre e t; Home

Davey, Jerom e Michael, Mason City, Iowa (Mason City H igh School)233 Seventh Street, N. W .; M orrissey Hall

Davidson, A rth u r Cleveland, Greenville, Miss. (St. Rose of Lim a H igh School) 1303 Main S tre e t ; Freshm an Hall

Davis, DeLancey Joseph, Schenectady, N . Y. (Hazleton H igh School)1131 Parkwood B oulevard; M orrissey H all

Davis, Irw in V incent, Ponchatoula, La. (Ponchatoula H igh School)Sorin Hall

Davis, Thomas Leo, Chase, Kansas (Lyons H igh School)R ural R oute; Dillon H all

Day, J r . , Winfield Scott, E lm hurst, III. (St. P a trick ’s H igh School)St. Charles R o ad ; M orrissey H all

Deane, John Joseph, Milwaukee, W is. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) 3728 W est Brown S tree t; Brownson H all

DeBartolo, Jam es Thomas, Youngstown, Ohio (South H igh School)27 W est Judson A venue; Dillon H all

DeBeek, Marcel Camille, N ew Carlisle, Ind. (New Carlisle H igh School)R ural Route 1 ; Home

DeBruyne, Philip Cornelius, St. Charles, 111. (Community H igh School)514 West M ain S tre e t; A lum ni H all

DeCarbo, Michael Anthony, New Castle, P a . (New Castle H igh School)310 E as t L utton S tree t; Brownson H all

Dee, W illiam Jerom e, Oak P ark , 111. (Oak P a rk & R iver Forest Twp. H . S.) 1025 Linden A venue; Dillon H all

Deely, Raymond Edward, N orth T arry town, N . Y. (N orth T arry tow n H. S.) 61 College S tre e t ; Badin H all

Deery, F rancis Xavier, Indianapolis, Ind . (Cathedral H igh School)609 N orth Riley A venue; A lum ni H all

DeForest, Daniel Lawrence, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)1135 P ortage A venue; Home

D eFuria, P atsy F rancis, Belleville, N . J . (Belleville H igh School)30 P a rk View A venue; Carroll H all

DeGarmo, John Joseph, Niles, Ohio (McKinley H igh School)35 Lincoln A venue; Badin H all

Deichm ann, F red Alfred, Kansas City, Mo. (Southw est H igh School)7909 Holmes S tre e t ; A lum ni H all

de Landero, Carlos Abel, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)1031 Niles A venue; Home

de Landero, Telmo, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)1031 Niles A venue; Home

Delaney, J r . , F ra n k Joseph, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)5808 N orth Delaware S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Delaney, R ichard Heneberry, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)5808 N orth Delaware S tree t; M orrissey H all

de la V ergne, P ie rre Renaud, New Orleans, La. (S pring Hill H igh School) 5931 St. Charles A venue; Dillon H all

Delavy, C.S.C., V incent B ernard, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy -Cross Seminary) M oreau Sem inary

Del Gaizo, Carmine Louis, W aterbury, Conn. (Crosby H igh School)72 W ilkenda A venue; Badin H all

De Lia, Emilio Frederick, N ew ark, N . J . (B arringer H igh School)25 Crane S tre e t; Corby H all

Delligan, F rancis W illiam, Stafford Springs, Conn. (Stafford H igh School)34 Prospect S tree t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Delmore, John Robert, N otre Dame, Ind . (Pio Nono H igh School)Holy Cross Sem inary

Demer, W alter Joseph, Honesdale, Pa. (Honesdale Catholic H igh School)404 Church S tree t; Lyons Hall


CM 4

*AB 1

SC 1

CM 2

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EG 1

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CM 1

LW 2

EG 3

P E 1

EG 1

CM 3

*AB 1

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AB 3

CM 3

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EG 2

CM 1

EG 2

AB 1

AB 1

EG 3

SC 4

*SC 1

AB 1

SC 2


Demetrio, George Tynan, New Haven, Conn. (New H aven H igh School) AB 453 Blake S tre e t; Sorin H all

DeMots, John Edw ard, Minot, N . Dak. (M inot H igh School) AB 3424 F irs t Street, S. E . ; How ard Hall

Dempsey, John Joseph, Tacoma, W ash. (Bellaram ine H igh School) *SC 1724 N orth Y akim a A venue; A lum ni H all

Dempsey, Robert Jam es, Muskegon, Mich. (St. M ary’s H igh School) EG 290% E ast Grand A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

Dendler, H enry Edward, Philadelphia, Pa. (H am m onton H igh School) AB 32351 N orth Cleveland A venue; Badin H all

Denten, John Marcel, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School) CM 12047 Hum boldt B oulevard; Brownson H all

Derbin, Michael Edward, M ishawaka, Ind. (E dw ardsburg H igh School) AB 1507 E ast M ishawaka A venue; Home

Derengoski, Robert Andrew, Manistee, Mich. (M anistee H igh School) AB 1386 T hird S tre e t; Brownson H all

Derham , John A nthony, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) SC 15510 Sheridan R o a d ; Dillon Hall

Deschamps, F ra n k A rthu r, Alpena, Mich. (St. A nne H igh School) EG 4510 Tawas S tree t; Corby Hall

Desmond, John Joseph, Fall River, Mass. (B. M. C. Durfee H igh School) CM 2387 Grove S tre e t; A lum ni Hall

Devine, Robert Benedict, Norw alk, Conn. (N orw alk H igh School) LW 26 Melbourne R oad; W alsh Hall

DeVoe, LeRoy Edwin, South Bend, Ind . (Y.M.C.A. H igh School) CM 11141 Belmont A venue; Home

Devore, H ugh John, N ew ark, N . J . (St. Benedict’s P repara to ry ) LW 152 N orth T enth S tree t; St. Edw ard’s H all

DiBrienza, Am erigo W illiam, Brooklyn, N . Y. (A braham Lincoln H igh School) SC 18831-20th A venue; Freshm an Hall

Dice, R ichard Wilson, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) AB 3823 E as t Donald S tre e t ; Home

Dick, W alte r Joseph, Galesburg, 111. (St. M cCarten’s College) AB 4Corpus Christ! H igh School; W alsh Hall

Diemert, C.S.C., B rother Oliver, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H eart Academy) SC 2D ujarie Hall

D ietrich, J r . , Stephen, P o rt Chester, N . Y. (Greenwich H igh School) AB 1345 K ing S tre e t; Freshm an Hall

DiGiovanni, Paul Marco, Kansas City, Mo. (W entw orth M ilitary Academy) AB 3823 E as t F if th S tre e t ; Alum ni Hall

DiGiovanni, Salvatore Sam, Kansas City, Mo. (K em per M ilitary School) AB 3410 Gladstone B oulevard ; A lum ni Hall

DILeo, Senatro W illiam, U tica, N . Y. (U tica F ree Academy) SC 2658 Bleecker S tre e t; Carroll Hall

Dillon, J r . , Leo Marcellus, Grafton, P a . (G rafton H igh School) AB 4171 Steuben S tree t; W alsh Hall

Dillon, Thomas Edward, G irard, Ohio (G irard H igh School) *EG 128 Sm ithsonian S tre e t; Lyons H all

Dillon, W illiam Robbins, Grafton, Pa. (G rafton H igh School) AB 3171 Steuben S tree t; A lum ni Hall

DiMatteo John Ignatius, M iamisburg, Ohio (M iam isburg H igh School) AB 117 W est Central A venue; Dillon Hall

DiMatteo, Joseph Angelo, P ittsburgh , Pa. (P erry H igh School) P E 126 Bonvue S tree t; Carroll H all

Dinefn4 K # ew’n K ittan llin^ P a - (K ittan ing H igh School) SC 4404 N orth McKean S tre e t; W alsh Hall

Dmeen,^ JohnJD aniel, W hite Sulphur Springs. W. Va. (W hite Sulphur Springs H .S.) AB 2


Dineen, Joseph Daniel, H erkim er, N . Y. (H erkim er H igh School) 217 T hird A venue; Brownson Hall

AB 1

Dizenzo, P a trick Albert, Hackensack, N . J . (H ackensack H igh School) 35 Hudson S tre e t; Carroll H all

AB 3

Doan, Joseph Edward, Lima, Ohio (C entral H igh School) 525 N orth Collett S tr e e t ; Freshm an Hall

AB 1

Dohnalek, Charles W alter, Chelsea, Iowa (Chelsea H igh School) Alumni Hall

CM 3

Dolak, M artin Joseph, Youngstown, Ohio (Benedictine H igh School) 1625 Mayfield A venue; Dillon Hall

CM 1

Dolan, W illiam Jam es, Catlin, 111. (Gatlin Township H igh School) V erm ilion ; Dillon Hall

CM 1

Donahue, Jam es Terrence, Chicago, 111. (Bowen H igh School) 4539 Ellis A venue; Dillon H all

CM 1

Donahue, John Aldon, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 522 South Rush S tre e t; Home

EG 1

Donahue, J r ., Joseph Francis, South Bend, Ind. (Cam pion P repara to ry ) 904 E ast Jefferson S tre e t; Lyons Hall

CM 2

Donahue, Robert Jam es, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 5217 U niversity A venue; M orrissey Hall

AB 4

Donahue, J r . , W illiam Francis, H arvey, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 14843 Main S tree t; 733 N orth Hill Street, South Bend, Ind.

LW 3

Donigan, J r . , V incent Paul, Kansas City, Mo. (R ockhurst H igh School) 2941 E ast 29th S tree t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

CM 2

Donlon, F rancis John, Endicott, N . Y. (U nion-Endicott H igh School) 1903 T racy S tre e t ; St. Edw ard’s H all

AB 2

Donly, John Cummings, N ew port News, Va. (Benedictine H igh School) 4803 H unting ton Avenue ; H ow ard Hall

CM 2

Donnell, J r . , W illiam Kyle, Lindsay, Okla. (L indsay H igh School) 107 South Garvin S tre e t ; Freshm an Hall

AB 1

Donnelly, B ernard Patrick , Holland, Mich. (Holland H igh School) 284 Maple A venue; M orrissey Hall

SC 2

Donnelly, Gordon V incent, Chicago, 111. (H irsch H igh School) 8522 B ennett A venue; Dillon Hall

CM 1

Donnelly, C.S.C., John Edward, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary

AB 1

Donnelly, John P atrick , M ichigan City, Ind. (St. M ary’s H igh School) 118 W est W illiam S tre e t ; Brownson Hall

AB 1

Donnelly, P a trick Ignatius, South Bend, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) 202 E ast Angella B oulevard ; Home

CM 1

Donnelly, Robert Edw ard, Willoughby, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School) 32001 Lake Shore B oulevard; Freshm an Hall

CM 1

Donnino, Joseph Dominick, Jam aica, N . Y. (Boys’ H igh School) 9017-168th S tre e t; Badin Hall

P E 3

Donoghue, F rancis Edmund, Merrill, Wis. (Georgetown P repara to ry ) Alum ni Hall

SC 3

Donohue, Eugene Jam es, Antigo, W is. (A ntigo H igh School) 411 Clermont S tre e t ; Dillon H all

SC 1

Donohue, J r . , John H enry, N orth River, N . Y. (N orth Creek High School) Brownson Hall

SC 1

Donohue, V incent John, Peekskill, N . Y. (Peekskill H igh School) 300 Depew S tre e t; Brownson H all

AB 1

Donovan, Alan Eugene, W illim antic, Conn. (W indham H igh School) 63 Lewiston A venue ; H ow ard Hall

AB 3

Donovan,* F rancis Johnson, T upper Lake, N . Y. (T upper Lake School) 25 Cliff A venue; Alumni Hall

*CM 1

Donovan, Jam es Fredric, Joliet, 111. (Jo lie t Catholic H igh School) 121 South Center S tre e t; Dillon Hall


AB 1


Donovan, John Timothy, Jam aica, N . Y. (LaSalle M ilitary Academy)87-32—168th S tre e t; W alsh H all

Donovan, P a trick Joseph, Chicago, 111. (S t. R ita College Academy)7516 Essex A venue; Alum ni Hall

Doody, Thomas Joseph, Gary, Ind. (Lew W allace H igh School)4395 Jackson S tre e t ; Dillon H all

Dooley, John Joseph, D etroit, Mich. (St. Leo H igh School)2208 Field A venue; Sorin Hall

Dooley, W illiam Francis, Detroit, Mich. (St. Leo H igh School)2208 Field A venue; M orrissey Hall

Doozan, Carl W illiam, Saginaw, Mich. (SS. P e te r & Paul H igh School)122 M alzahn S tre e t; Carroll Hall

Doran, Paul Thomas, Galesburg, 111. (Corpus Christi H igh School)509 South W est S tre e t ; M orrissey Hall

Dore, C.S.C., Eugene Louis, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Mel H igh School) M oreau Sem inary

Dorgan, Joseph Thomas, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)3515 W est 64th S tre e t; M orrissey H all

D orris, Thomas Basil, South Bend, Ind . (A ssum ption Academy)St. Joseph H ospital, South Bend, Ind.

Dorsey, W illiam Joseph, Peekskill, N . Y. (Peekskill H igh School)1030 Brow n S tre e t; Brownson H all

Dougher, Paul A drian, Evanston, 111. (St. George H igh School)2421 H artzell S tre e t; Sorin Hall

Dougherty, Jam es Joseph, Bristol, Tenn. (Bristol H igh School)920 Seventh A venue; Brownson Hall

Douthat, M orton Zahn, Joplin , Mo. (St. M ary’s College H igh School)531 Sergeant A venue ; W alsh Hall

Dowling, E dw ard John, Humboldt, S. Dak. (N otre Dame Academy)832 N orth St. Louis Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Downey, Jam es W adsw orth, Chickasha, Okla. (Chickasha H igh School)1227 K ansas A venue; M orrissey H all

Downing, Thomas W illiam, Baldwin, L .I., N . Y. (Chaminade H igh School) 36 Central A venue ; A lum ni H all

Doyle, B ernard Jam es, Cleveland, Ohio ( Cathedral L atin School)1525 E as t 106th S tre e t; F reshm an H all

Doyle, Gerald Purcell, Chicago, 111. (Leo H igh School)7204 Pax ton S tre e t ; Sorin H all

Doyle, Jo h n Joseph, P e rth Amhoy, N . J . (P e rth Amboy H igh School)155 Sm ith S tre e t; F reshm an Hall

Doyle, Jo h n M orrissey, Oak P ark , 111. (S t. Philips H igh School)102 LeMoyne P a rk w a y ; 310 E ast A ngella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Doyle, Paul Jam es, Chicago, III. (Leo H igh School)7204 Pax ton A venue; A lum ni H all

Doyle, R obert F rancis, F lin t, Mich. (C entral H igh School)514 E as t F if th S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Doyle, Thomas Joseph, Chicago, HI. (St. Mel H igh School)5439 Jackson B oulevard; St. Edw ard’s H all

Doyle, Thomas Michael, Teaneck, N . J . (Stevens P repara to ry )277 M errison S tree t; M orrissey H all

D raper, Donald Maxine, Gridley, Kans. (Gridley H igh School)A lum ni Hall

D rayer, Adam M atthew, New B rita in , Conn. (New B rita in H igh School)24 M iller S tre e t; Corby H all

Drescher, A lbert Robert, Oklahoma City, Okla. (Classen H igh School)1019 W est 34th S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Drislane, Jam es Joseph, Albany, N . Y. (V incentian Institu te )756 Madison A venue; Carroll Hall

AB 4

*CM 1

AB 1

AB 4

CM 2

AB 2

*CM 1

AB 1

CM 2

GR 2

CM 1

EG 4

EG 1

CM 4

CM 1

SC 2

CM 3

CM 1

AB 4

CM 1

LW 3

SC 3

CM 1

*AB 1

*AB 1

AB 3

AB 4

SC 1

CM 1


D ro M 2 f ra ^ J ^ ^ ^ o r r S s ^ H a n a‘ ^ Cl'°SS C°lleee) 0M 2

“ s T N o 'r th ^ a s f ^A ven^r’Alumni HaUm 0 Sch°0l) CM 2

DUb1200ia clstkwonod AvVe n S f ’ Lyons ifail Sch°ol) *CM 1

DUB886 M ttch d lA ^en u e f m U o T H a n ' <Y° rk Com,mmlt=' H i=h Sch°°» CM 1

i three t° N -. ^ nX * h g a , iMCKinl6y ^ Sch°0l>

DUCH o w ar^ HaU Tablas’ Repub- of Panam a (St. Stanislaus H igh School) EG 2

Ducey, Thomas Robert, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School) EG 21113 Loyola A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

Dudley, Joseph Clifford, Paducah, Ky. (St. M ary’s Academy) CM 4Cairo Road, Rural Route 2 ; Sorin Hall

Duffner,* Elm er Frederick, DeSoto, Mo. (DeSoto H igh School) AB 2419 South F ifth S tre e t; Morrissey Hall

Ro^ eiC Kendall, Chicago, III. (Spring Hill H igh School) *EG 16901 Oglesby A venue; Alum ni Hall

Duggan, Eugene Ryan, Roanoke, 111. (St. Bede College Academy) CM 1Dillon Hall

Duggan, V incent Joseph, Melrose, Mass. (Melrose H igh School) AB 12 Central T e rra c e ; Brownson Hall

Duke, Charles W illiam, L aPorte, Ind. (L aP orte H igh School) CM 1304 Niles S tre e t ; 617 N orth St. P eter Street, South Bend, Ind.

Duke, N orm an Edward, LaPorte, Ind. (L aP orte High School) LW 3304 Niles S tree t; 617 N orth St. P eter Street, South Bend, Ind.

Duncan, W alter, La Salle, 111. (St. Bede College Academy) CM 11232 N orth M arquette S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Dunn, Edw ard Reardon, Chicago, 111. ( Campion P repara to ry ) AB 37717 Clyde A venue; Badin Hall

Dunn, J r . F rancis Anthony, Joliet, 111. (De L a Salle H igh School) LW 1107 Glenwood A venue; Sorin Hall

Dunn, J r . , K ieran Louis, Springfield, Mass. (Central H igh School) CM 4Round H ill; Sorin Hall

Dunn, Louis Jam es, A drian, Mich. (St. M ary’s H igh School) CM 1840 South M ain S tre e t ; Brownson Hall

Dunn, Thom as Francis, Pittsfield, Mass. (St. Joseph’s H igh School) CM 2Elberon A venue; H ow ard Hall

Dunn, Thomas Joseph, Christopher, 111. (Com munity H igh School) P E 3Hill Crest Addition ; H ow ard Hall

D unning, A nthony F rank , Berwyn, 111. (M orton H igh School) CM 42102 Gunderson A venue; W alsh H all

D urkin, Thomas Francis, F o rt W orth, Texas (W ichita Falls H igh School) *CM 1424 South Ballinger S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Dutmers, Jam es Edward, Grand Rapids, Mich. (O ttaw a Hills H igh School) CM 11150 W ealthy S tre e t ; Brownson Hall

Dutton, J r ., Jam es Joseph, Norwich, Conn. (Norwich Academy) CM 3221 Broad S tre e t; Alum ni Hall

Dwyer, J r ., Jam es B ernard, E rie, Pa. (Academy H igh School) AB 24006 State S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

Dwyer, Jam es Joseph, Brooklyn, N . Y. (St. F rancis P repara to ry ) *SO 1312 P a rk P la c e ; Alumni Hall

Dwyer, Jam es Mullen, Hudson Falls, N . Y. (Hudson Falls H igh School) AB 414 Elm S tre e t; W alsh Hall


Eble, Pau l Felix, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) 706 N orth N otre Dame A venue; Home

EG 1

Eby, Lawrence Thornton, South Bend, Ind. (W ashington Clay H igh School) R ural Route 5, Box 134 ; Home

SO 1

Eckrich, R ichard Peter, Jackson, Mich. (St. M ary’s H igh School) 1012 Carlton B oulevard; M orrissey H all

*CM 1

Edelkraut, George Richard, Clifton, N . J . (St. Benedict’s P repara to ry ) 49 Hadley A venue; Carroll Hall


Edwards, John Richard, Yonkers, N . Y. (Charles E. Gorton H igh School) 46 P ine S tre e t ; W alsh Hall

CM 4

Edw ards, W illiam Howard, South Bend, Ind. (Kem per M ilitary School) 1217 E ast V ictoria S tre e t; Home


Egan, F rancis Forrest, P ittston , Pa. (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School) 89 W illiam S tre e t; Lyons Hall

AB 2

E gan, Robert H arry , D unkirk, N . Y. (St. M ary’s Academy) 524 P a rk A venue; Dillon Hall

AB 1

E isert, Milton Joseph, E rie, Pa . (St. Jo h n ’s P repara to ry ) 1134 E as t 28th S tre e t; Dillon Hall

SC 1

E l-A raj, Aziz Saliba, Ramallah, Palestine (Ram allah H igh School) St. E dw ard’s H all

LW 3

Elder, C.S.C., B rother Dominic, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H eart College) D ujarie Hall

AB 3

Elder, Thomas Joseph, Coshocton, Ohio (Sacred H e a rt H igh School) 235 N orth E ig h th S tre e t; Carroll Hall

EG 1

Elliot, F rancis Joseph, New Rochelle, N . Y. (N ew Rochelle H igh School) 1 H arrison S tre e t ; Brownson Hall

AB 1

Ellis, John Duke, Greens Fork, Ind. (Greens F ork H igh School) Pearl S tre e t; Brownson Hall

AB 1

Ellis, W illiam Joseph, Tacoma, W ash. (S t. M artin’s H igh School) R ural Route 1, Box 143 ; A lum ni H all

CM 4

Ellis, I I , W illiam V incent, Brookline, Mass. (St. A idan’s H igh School) 116 Thorndike S tre e t ; A lum ni H all

AB 2

Ellw anger, J r . , R alph Joseph, Dubuque, Iowa (St. V ia to r’s H igh School) 605 W est F ifth S tre e t ; Alum ni H all

CM 4

Elmore, George Milton, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 2210 Lincoln way W e s t; Home

AB 1

Elser, Donald Lewis, Gary, Ind. (H orace M ann H igh School) 764 Polk S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s Hall

P E 3

Ely, Eugene Jam es, A uburn, N ebr. (A uburn H igh School) 1014-17th S tre e t; Lyons Hall

P E 2

Em anuel, Dennis George, Iowa City, Iowa (St. P a trick H igh School) 1004 N ew ton R o a d ; Carroll Hall

SC 1

Em rich, John Francis, Chicago, 111. (Lake View H igh School) 1706 Melrose S tre e t; Dillon Hall

CM 1

English, B ernard Leo, Toledo, Ohio (U niversity of Dayton P repara to ry ) . 154 P rinceton D riv e ; W alsh Hall

AB 4

English, Edw ard Jacob, Sioux City, Iow a (C entral H igh School) 1525 Douglas S tre e t; Lyons Hall

AB 2

English, Jam es P atrick , Jam estow n, N . Y. (Jam estow n H igh School) 12 W est S ixth S tre e t; F reshm an H all

EG 1

English, John P a trick , Seattle, W ash. (Garfield H igh School) 1619-35th A venue; W alsh Hall

AB 4

English, Joseph Robert, N ew burgh, N . Y. (N ew burgh F ree Academy) 794 B roadw ay; M orrissey H all

*GM 1

E pler, Edw ard Paul, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 730 E as t Corby B oulevard; Home

EG 3

Erdle, F rederick Joseph, Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas Institu te ) 38 Alameda S tre e t; Sorin H all

CM 4


J °SePh'S C°1!egiate In " CM 1

B r 6 m e5 H i * h School>

BrVir 2 5 % t t t h nf t r = ^ m n ? L i JaCkSOn ™

*EG 1

SC 3

ESSl9 7 Cl l t h T a S - s t ^ e M b y m , ? ^ ' CM 4

S' P a 'm er H i8h Sch°ol) ™ 1

H i s h S c h o o l) s o 2

j S X n A tnn u e?C SX ° 'H AJ lk ' College Academy) *AB 1

r a iTsb & ? I L S S S M - y " (New Eochelle Hish “ AB 2

^ X ^ E a ^ l ^ ' A l ^ r H o m r * ^ ( S t Th™ " ! M ilitary Academy) *CM 1

Farll 4 'south B » d AVeSnue; Home ^ H=£h School) AS 1

F a ' ? M 7 % M A v ^ f # a l A aH a i r k^ " a a College) CM 4

F arr39i s : ^ z ? ' s : : : i ; % S ' H a u J - <st- B“ 's p ~ » y > a b 4

Fautsch, Louis Francis, Dubuque, Iowa ( Columbia College Academy) LW 3648 South Grand View A venue; Sorin H all

McKeon, Memphis, Tenn. (Catholic H igh School) CM 2692 South Belvedere A venue; How ard Hall

Feehery George Joseph, Chicago, 111. (St. R ita College Academy) *AB 17321 South Shore D riv e ; A lum ni Hall

Feele/ ’ George Robert, Scranton, P a . (Central H igh School) C M 2836 W heeler A venue; M orrissey H all

Fegan, W alter W illiam, South Bend, Ind . (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) CM 1116 South L afayette S tre e t ; Home

Fehlig, Louis Joseph, St. Louis, Mo. (St. Louis U niversity H igh School) AB 25610 Chamberlain A venue ; Lyons Hall

Fehr, Charles R utherford, Spring Valley, 111. (St. Bede Academy) CM 4115 E ast M innesota S tre e t; Sorin Hall

Fell, Arnold Augustus, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB 1Holy Cross Sem inary

Felts> H a rry Princeton , Ind. (Princeton H igh School) AB 4620 E ast S tate S tre e t ; H ow ard Hall

Fennelly, Thomas John, Brooklyn, N . Y. (E rasm us Evening H igh School) AB 31404 Avenue “ O” ; H ow ard Hall

Fergus, Paul Anthony, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) AB 4833—31st S tre e t; Home

Ferland, D arius Joseph, Paw tucket, R. I. (St. Raphael Academy) SC 1154 Robinson A venue; Brownson Hall

Fernbach, Robert Dennis, Cheektowaga, N . Y. (Canisius H igh School) AB 1U nion R oad; Freshm an Hall

Fiedler, Raymond Edward, Thomasboro, III. (Rantoul Township H igh School) SC 1Brownson H all

Fiew eger W illiam H enry, M enashaa, Wis. (M enasha H igh School) CM 3304 F irs t S tre e t ; Alum ni Hall

Fillipitch,* Robert Anthony, P ana , 111. (P ana Township High School) *CM 16 E ast F ifth S tre e t; Badin H all


Finan, F rancis Steve, Crawfordsville, Ind. (Crawfordsville H igh School) *CM713 E as t Jefferson S tre e t; Lyons Hall

F inn , Daniel Roach, Brookings, S. Dak. (Brookings H igh School) CM1215 T h ird S tre e t; Lyons Hall

F inn , John Francis, Springfield Gardens, Hew Y ork City (Jam aica H igh School) *AB 18605 Higbie A venue; Corby H all

F innerty , C.S.C., B rother B ertram , N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H e a rt College) ABD ujarie Hall

F innerty , C.S.C., John Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind . (Holy Cross Sem inary) ABMoreau Sem inary

Finocchiaro, M ark A ntonio Joseph, Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas In stitu te ) SC287 Clifford A venue; F reshm an Hall

Fish, W illiam Joseph, Chicago, 111. (De L a Salle In stitu te ) CM7227 South May S tre e t; Alum ni Hall

F isher, Donald W illiam, U tica, N . Y. (St. F rancis De Sales H igh School) CM705 H um bert A venue; Brownson Hall

F isher, J r . , Lawrence Frederick, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) SC1717 E ast Colfax A venue; Home

Fisher, P a trick Jam es, Indianapolis, Ind. (C athedral H igh School) LW206 N orth S tate S tre e t; Sorin H all

F ish wick, Edw ard H enry, St. Augustine, Fla. (St. Joseph’s Academy) AB90 Cedar S tre e t ; Brownson Hall

Fitzgerald, Jam es H enry, Brockton, Mass. (Brockton H igh School) AB21 K ensington P la c e ; A lum ni Hall

Fitzgerald, M artin Sylvester, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) AB8350 South May S tre e t ; Dillon Hall

Fitzgerald, Ralph Aloysius, Gresco, Iow a (Assum ption H igh School) EG421 Second Avenue, W e s t; Dillon H all

Fitzgerald, Russell Edward, New London, Conn. (Bulkeley H igh School) AB158 W illiams S tre e t ; Freshm an H all

Fitzgerald, Thomas, Indianapolis, Ind . (Cathedral H igh School) EGR ural Route 17, Box 88 ; Brownson Hall

Fitzgerald, Thomas Allan, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) EG7726 South Shore D riv e ; Howard H all

F itzpatrick , George Francis, N orth Bellingham, Mass. (Dean Academy) AB28 M aple S tre e t; Dillon H all

F itzpatrick , J r . , John Joseph, Albany, N . Y. (C hristian B rothers Academy) CM441 Hudson A venue; M orrissey Hall

F itzpatrick , Jo h n Patrick , Chicago, 111. (Tilden Technical H igh School) EG666 Lake Shore D riv e ; Corby Hall

F itzpatrick , J r . , W illiam Joseph, Troy, N . Y. (M anlius School) *CM109 Second S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Fitzsim m ons, Floyd E rin , Benton H arbor, Mich. (Benton H arbor H igh School) CM732 Colfax A venue; Dillon Hall

Fitzsim m ons, F rederick Aloysius, Taunton, Mass. (M onsignor Coyle H igh School) EG20 Randall S tre e t ; F reshm an Hall

Fitzsim ons, Charles Sprague, Buffalo, N . Y. (B ennett H igh School) AB221 W allace A venue; Badin Hall

F lanagan, J r . , E dw ard Jam es, Grand Rapids, Mich. (Catholic Central H . S.) EG 634 L ake D rive; Lyons Hall

Flanagan, George Christopher, Bridgeport, Conn. (Central High School) SC124 Lenox Avenue; Brownson Hall

Flanagan, J r . , Jam es Joseph, Newburgh, N . Y. (N ew burgh Free Academy) SC19 Leroy P la c e ; F reshm an Hall

Flanagan, John Ignatius, Grand Rapids, Mich. (Catholic Central High School) AB634 Lake D r iv e ; W alsh Hall

Flanigan , Edw ard Thomas, Buffalo, N . Y. (St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institu te) AB159 V irgil A venue; Brownson Hall































Pla1 l l ? ’ Wa!sh( Han “ ^ Sch°0l)

° ity <A" H a" 0WS In "

Il00 f c S S y M n' Hart’ MiCh' (Hart High School)

HallV a ' (Cath0,iC Central H ieh S fhod)

FIyT 62DK ftdh i t o e l T A I u Z T H a n - (<5™ CTa Comm™ ity H igh School)

<N=W Y°rk M ilitary Acad™ y >

Fly™47 East m nhLM7eet” eL “ ?nnH till0W a <N6W Ym'k MUitary Academy>

F n ni 5 f T o S h FS t w o CoS icl ? ^ “ ; H i s h S e h o o l)

Flyn4,9 J ' (Im m aculat= Conception H igh School)

F 'yaM U A ^ " !a% 2 h % I,L (ML Carmel H igh School)

FoSeo’Ko i°^ n N icv ’ Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)9527 Escanaba A venue; Freshm an Hall

FOleMo?e™C Sem toary°SeI,h' N °tre Dame' Ind ' <H °ly Cross Sem inary)

Pole? ' . / “hn Michael, Mohawk, Mich. (Calumet High School)H 6 Stanton A venue; Brownson Hall

J ^ e p h % n n o r, Dallas, Texas (Oak Clig H igh School)709 Haines S tre e t; Carroll H all

F °*e5Mno‘ r iaeJ1 R°me’ N . Y. (St. Aloysius Academy)1402 N orth George S tre e t; Dillon Hall

^ Em m ett, Grosse Polnte, Mich. (St. P au l's H igh School)44 H am pton R oad; Morrissey Hall

F °Iey2 2 i ? K h E a™ !h#k,sThen5 a ,1<FairhaVen ^ ™

^ M f E a T i l S MBor°rS eyyn 'H ;ilY - P repara to ry )

^ ° " % s h % f ^ F ^^ ic is, Monterey, Ind . (St. Joseph 's College)

Foltz, Jaxnes^ H enry, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)1030 Blame Avenue ; M orrissey Hall

Fomenko, Leo Joseph, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)414 Easu Napoleon B oulevard ; Home

Milton, F o rt W ayne, Ind. (Central Catholic H igh School)1614 Forest P a rk B oulevard; Alum ni Hall

F °^ e S ' J r . , Robert Lucas, New Rochelle, N . Y. (New Rochelle H igh School)60 Soundview A venue; Corby H all

Ford, Jam es Kennedy, Cumberland, Md. (L a Salle Institu te)117 Columbia S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

Ford, John Francis, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)3540 N orth Capitol A venue; H ow ard Hall

For(L C-S*C-’ W illiam Beezer, N otre Dame, Ind. (Douglas H igh School)Moreau Seminary

Foretich, V incent DePauI, N ew port News, Va. (N ew port News High School) 310—42nd S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Fortune, Robert Thomas, Omaha, Nebr. (N orth H igh School)111 South 51st S tre e t ; Badin Hall

Foss« Georse Julius, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School)6146 N orth Talm an A venue; Corby Hall

CM 4

*AB 1

CM 2

SC 2

AB 3

CM 3

CM 2

AB 4

CM 4

CM 4

CM 1

AB 2

AB 1

*AB 1

CM 1

*AB 1

CM 4

AB 2

SG 4

AB 2

AB 4

*AB 1

AB 4

*SG 1

AB 3

AB 4

*SC 1

SC 1

EG 4


Fosselman, David Harold, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary)Holy Cross Sem inary

Foster, H arvey Goodson, South Bend, Ind. (H ighland P a rk H igh School)712 Lmcolnway E a s t; Home

Fox, Daniel W ilton, Kenton, Ohio (Kenton H igh School)732 N orth M ain S tre e t; W alsh H all

Fox> Edw ard Aloysius, Chicago, 111. (S t. Thomas M ilitary Academy)2609 W indsor A venue; Lyons Hall

Fox- J oseph, N ew ark, Ohio (St. F rancis de Sales High School)340 W est M am S tre e t; Lyons H all

F o x ,J r . , H arry , Cleveland H eights, Ohio (Cleveland H eights H igh School)3101 Lincoln B oulevard; Dillon Hall

Fox, Jam es William, H ot Springs, A rk. (H ot Springs H igh School)1611 Central A venue; 1320 H illcrest Road, South Bend, Ind.

Fox> J r ->. Jo h n Peter, Buffalo, N . Y. (L afayette H igh School)83 L ivingston S tre e t; Dillon H all

Fox, Joseph P a trick , Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas In stitu te )315 Electric A venue; H ow ard H all

Fox, K enneth Jack , Chicago, 111. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy)2640 Fargo A venue ; Dillon Hall

Fox Ixuns AHhim, Fort Wayne, Ind. (Central Catholic H igh School)Old Mill R o ad ; Dillon Hall

Fox, Robert Campbell, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy)2029 Morse A venue; H ow ard Hall

Fox, W illiam Mason, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)1405 E as t Madison S tre e t ; Home

Foy, John Francis, E lkhart, Ind. (E lkhart High School)1135 South M ain S tree t; Home

F °y,L yo£?H aH aU1, Centra1, N * M’ M ' State Teachers College H igh School)

Francis, John Joseph, Chicago, 111. (St. Ignatius H igh School)25 N orth A ustin Boulevard; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Francis, Robert, Merrill, Wis. (M errill H igh School)801 Cottage S tree t; Lyons H all

F ra r1eZ L E^ rI(l F rank , South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)1335 E as t South S tre e t; Home

Frascati, Frank Paul, North Bergen, N . J. (Emerson High School)724 Monroe S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Frawley John Raymond, Birmingham, Ala. (Phillips H igh School)1408 N orth 30th S tre e t; Badin Hall

Fredericks, N orm an John , D etroit, Mich. (U niversity of D etro it H igh School) 19363 Lucerne D rive; Sorin H all

Freehill, Ambrose Joseph, Melvin, 111. (Melvin Community High School)731 South Bend Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Freem an, Charles Benjam in, E lm hurst, 111. (Y ork Community H igh School)611 Colfax A venue; Carroll H all

Friedman Sanford Sherm an, South Bend, Ind. (Lincoln High School)MarMam Arms A pts., M ain and M arion S tre e ts ; Home

Friesem, Gustave Daniel, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)214 W est Madison S tre e t; Home

F rom hart W allace Leo, Moundsville, W. Va. (Moundsville High School)1207 Sixth Street; St. Edward’s Hall

Froning, Joseph Fendall, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)415 E ast Pokagon S tree t; Home

F ™ % s G le n d y , Kansas City, Mo. (W estport H igh School)3540 Penn Street; Corby Hall

Fulnecky, K arl Dwyer, F ran k fo rt, Ind. (F ra n k fo rt H igh School)801 E as t South S tre e t; Sorin H all

AB 1

AB 2

SC 4

CM 2

AB 2

CM 1

*AB 1

CM 1

*CM 1

CM 1

CM 1

AB 4

CM 1

P E 4

CM 2

CM 1

EG 2

EG 3

EG 2

*CM 1

AB 4

P E 4

P E 3

AB 2

SC 1

CM 2

EG 2

EG 4

LW 1


Puna76°8 (Sa,esian H igh School) 8 0 1

F m m T\ ^ s i f a ‘l t e i i r M t a ? H S t (St" M ary's High Scbool) ™ i

FUI1 Moreau ^ erS n S -y 1* H erm an’ N otre Dame’ Ind - (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 2

FUr Moreau * Sem inaryStanislaus’ N otre Dame- Ind - (Holy T rin ity H igh School) AB 2

GabrieB Frederick Raphael, Eldred, Pa. (E ldred H igh School) SO 3Mam S tre e t; A lum ni H all

G abriel J r . Louis Thomas, Eldred, Pa . (E ldred H igh School) SC 3M am S tree t; A lum ni H all

Gafney, J r . , H a rry Dabol, W are, Mass. (W are H igh School) P E 443 Bank S tre e t; Sorin Hall

Gagnier, Jam es Leo, Churubusco, N . Y. ( Chateaugay H igh School) AB 2ot. ititlward. s Hall

Gain®r ’ John Jam es, Wood River, HI. (M arquette H igh School) AB 4217 N in th S tre e t; W alsh Hall

Gainsback, V incent B ernard, N otre Dame, Ind. (Most Holy Rosary H igh School) AB 1 Holy Cross Sem m aiy

G ^ M o reau " Sem ina? ^ 0^s™s’ H ot re Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 3

Gallagher, Charles Mackey, Milton, Mass. (Law rence Academy) AB 1588 Adams S tree t; Dillon Hall

G allagher,.F rancis Joseph, Scranton, Pa. (St. John H igh School) AB 2314 P itts ton A venue; St. Edw ard’s Hall

Gallagher, H ubert Shields. Easton, P a . (Easton H igh School) P E 2676 Lehigh Street, St. E dw ard’s Hall

Gallagher, John Hugh, Donegal, Ireland (Columbia U niversity H igh School) *CM 1Kilear C ounty ; Carroll Hall

Gallagher Joseph W alsh, D etroit, Mich. (Catholic Central H igh School fo r Boys) *AB 1 1501 Burlingam e A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

Gallagher^ Thomas Francis, Freeland, Pa. (St. A nn’s H igh School) CM 4143 i ern S tre e t; Sorin H all

Galletta, J r . , Philip Carl, Elizabeth, N . J . (Thomas Jefferson H igh School) P E 1210 A m ity S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Gallin, W illiam H enry, New Rochelle, N . Y. (Iona P re p a ra to ry ) EG 170 Arg-yle Avenue ; Freshm an Hall

Gallivan, Gilbert Giles, Brooklyn, N. Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) *AB 1739 Lincoln P la c e ; Morrissey. Hall

Gallivan, John W illiam, Salt Lake City, U tah (Bellarm ine Coll. School) *AB 1603 E. S. Temple S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

Gammino Thomas Anthony, Edgewood, R. I. (Peekskill M ilitary Academy) *CM 1152 Columbia A venue; Alum ni Hall

Gangwere, John Francis, P ittsburgh , Pa. (W estinghouse High School) CM 17224 Jo n a th an S tre e t; Brownson H all

Gannon, Edw ard Jam es, Youngstown, Ohio (St. Ignatius High School) CM 2261 Gaither A venue; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Gannon, J r . , Robert Lewis, Pelham, N. Y. (Pelham High School) CM 3251 L orm g Avenue ; H ow ard Hall

Gara, C.S.C., B rother M atthew, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H e a rt College) AB 3D ujarie Hall

Gardner, J r . , H erbert P arkhurst, Reading, Ohio (Roger Bacon H igh School) CM 1R ural Route 6, Box 442 ; Freshm an Hall

Garland, Laurence Raphael, Kewanee, 111. (Kewanee H igh School) CM 2342 South Cottage S tre e t; Carroll Hall


G arnitz, Irv ing , South Bend, Ind. (Boys H igh School) 624 W est Golf ax A venue; Home


Garry, Gerard Joseph, Forest Hills', L .I., N . Y. (La Salle M ilitary Academy) 101 Colonial A venue; Lyons H all


Gartland, Robert Edward, Boone, Iow a (Sacred H e a rt H igh School) 728 Benton S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s H all

AB 2

Garvey, Edw ard John, Oak P ark , 111. (Cam pion P repara to ry ) 629 Gunderson A venue; Lyons H all

AB 1

Garvey, Jam es W illiam, P ra irie du Chien, W is. (P ra irie du Chien H igh School) 518 South M innesota S tre e t; Brownson H all

AB 1

Garvey, Thomas Michael, Sharon, P a . (Sharon H igh School) 1365 Hall A venue; Dillon H all

EG 1

Gast, Frederick Charles, G rand Rapids, Mich. (Catholic Central H igh School) 412 Cambridge B oulevard; M orrissey Hall

EG 2

Gaul, F rancis Joseph, W aterville, Me. (W aterville H igh School) 41 Ticonic S tre e t; Corby H all

P E 2

Gaul, Michael Felix, Chicago, 111. ( Chaminade College H igh School) 1530 Hoyne A venue; W alsh Hall

EG 4

Gauthier, Ralph H enry, Boston, Mass. (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School) 1615 Commonwealth A venue; W alsh H all

EG 4

Gay, Peter, Taunton, Mass. (T aunton H igh School) 43 H a r t S tre e t ; Carroll Hall

AB 1

Geary, Robert Joseph, Chicago, HI. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 5006 Ellis A venue; Dillon Hall

AB 1

Geddes, F rancis Michael, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 7112 Luella A venue; Lyons Hall

AB 2

Gedmin, Teofel Raymond, Chicago, HI. (Bowen H igh School) 10001 Commercial A venue; W alsh H all

EG 4

Gedmin, Zanny Richard, Chicago, 111. (Bowen H igh School) 10001 Commercial A venue; Freshm an Hall

EG 1

Geerts, Marcellus Joseph, D avenport, Iow a (St. Ambrose College Academy) 1925 M yrtle S tre e t ; Badin H all

EG 3

Gehres, Robert F rancis, Seattle, W ash. (St. M artin ’s College) 1109 Telephone B u ild ing ; M orrissey H all

SC 2

Geidemann, Kenneth LeRoy, Niles, Mich. (Niles H igh School) 1209 Sycamore S tre e t ; Home

EG 3

Gels, A rth u r Jam es, Chicago, 111. (St. Mel H igh School) 1454 N orth Mason A venue; Brownson H all

CM 1

Genegal, John Andrew, Middletown, N . Y. (Middletown H igh School) 43 W atkins A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

*GM 1

Genet, C.S.C., B rother L. Ju stin ian , N otre Dame, Ind. (C entral H igh School) Brownson Hall

GR 1

Gerl, R ichard M athias, Manitowoc, W is. (Lincoln H igh School) 1032 South T enth S tre e t ; Brownson H all

EG 1

Germann, R ichard John, Ripley, Ohio (Ripley H igh School) R ural Route 1 ; Carroll H all

CM 1

Gerrits, John Rudolph, Yonkers, N . Y. (All Hallows In stitu te ) 123 Sem inary A venue; W alsh H all

EG 4

Gervasio, Emilio Joseph, M orristown, N . J . (M orristown H igh School) 2 L iberty S tre e t; Corby H all

AB 4

Geuss, C.S.C., H enry Aloysius, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary

AB 4

Geyer, George Eugene, W oodhaven, L .I., N . Y. (Cham inade H igh School) 8638 80th S tre e t ; Dillon H all

EG 1

Ghesquiere,* George David, Grosse Pointe, Mich. 873 R ivard B oulevard; Carroll H all

CM 1

Gibbon, W illiam Joseph, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) 913 E as t W ashington S tre e t; Home

CM 1


GibbDujar<ieS HallB r0ther Berchm ans’ N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H eart College) AB 3

G'bbM % e ^ S ^ m iS a r y ^ b^ Dame, Ind. (Holy Gross Seminary) AB 2

Gibbs. J r . , Dan Sidney, Holyoke, Colo. (Phillips County H igh School) SC- 1Freshm an Hall ^ x

Gibbs, George Irv ing Manitowoc, Wis. (Lincoln High School) SC 11030 Lincoln B oulevard; Dillon Hall

GibHD ujarie°ilaH r0 ther N otre Dame, Ind. (Carhondale H igh School) SG 1

GH>son W illiam Edward, Grand Rapids, Mich. (E . Grand Rapids H igh School) CM 2607 Laurel Avenue ; Lyons Hall

Gierut Rev. Josephi Aloysius, O rchard Lake, Mich. (St. M ary 's H igh School) GR 2SS. Cyril and Methodius Sem inary ; Lyons Hall

Gilchrist, John Joseph, Taunton, Mass. (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB 138 G rant S tre e t ; Dillon Hall

Gilger, W illiam Raymond, Ottumwa, Iowa (O ttum w a H igh School) CM 4N orth Court R o ad ; H ow ard Hall

Gillen R ichard Jam es, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) LW 1717 N orth St. Louis B oulevard; Home

Gillespie Gerard Basil, Hem pstead, N . Y. (H em pstead High School) AB 2275 Jackson S tree t; St. M ary’s College, N otre Dame, Ind.

Gillespie, John A ustin, Westfield, N . J . (Holy T rin ity High School) AB 2o46 Alden Avenue ; M orrissey Hall

Gillespie W illiam Francis, Long Beach, N . Y. (Long Beach H igh School) AB 340 W isconsin S tree t; Badin Hall

Gillis, Roderick Joseph, Camp Hill, Pa. (Catholic H igh School) CM 1364 N orth 24th S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

Gillooly, John Francis, Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas In stitu te ) CM 499 Bedford S tre e t; Corby Hall

Gilston, W illiam Joseph, Am sterdam , N . Y. (St. M ary’s Academy) SG 37 Mohawk P la c e ; Alum ni Hall

Gioe, Salvatore Samuel, Rahway, N . J . (Woodbridge H igh School) P E 4Rural Route 1 ; Corby Hall

Giruzzi, J r . , A nthony John, U tica, N . Y. (U tica Free Academy) CM 3405 Kossuth A venue; Badin Hall

Glanzner, John Lawrence, Trenton, 111. (T ren ton Community H igh School) AB 4Sorin Hall

Gleason, C.S.C., Daniel, N otre Dame, Ind. (K nights of Columbus H igh School) AB 3M oreau Sem inary

Gleason, J r . , John Simon, Chicago, 111. (Georgetown P rep a ra to ry ) CM 36235 Kenmore A venue; Alum ni Hall

Gleason, Joseph Thomas, Chicago, 111. (Leo H igh School) PE 14623 Em erald A venue; Freshm an Hall

Gleassey, John Michael, Goshen, N . Y. (G arr Institu te) EG 113 M arket S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

Gleichauf, Thomas Ju stin , N ew ark, Ohio ( Campion P repara to ry ) EG 3384 Mt. V ernon R o ad ; H ow ard Hall

Glenn, Jam es John, W hiting, Ind. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) CM 41337 119th S tree t; Sorin Hall

Gloudemans, Alvin George, Appleton, Wis. (A ppleton H igh School) CM 2603 South State S tre e t; Morrissey Hall

Godersky, George Edwin, P o rt W ashington, Wis. (P o rt W ashington H igh School) SC 2510 Main S tre e t; 1245 E ast Madison Street, South Bend, Ind.

Goebel, H arold Louis, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) EG 41706 Anderson S tre e t; Home

Goedert, Edmund Nicholas, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 1Holy Cross Sem inary


Goldberg, M ilton Paul, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) 449 Edgew ater D riv e ; Home

AB 3

Goldman, Irw in Leonard, Woodmere, L.I., N . Y. (Law rence H igh School) 76 Meadow D rive; H ow ard Hall

AB 3

Gomber, J r . , W illiam Joseph, Woodeliff, N . J . (X avier H igh School) 401 34th S tre e t; M orrissey H all

AB 2

Gomes, A nthony Michael, Taunton, Mass. (T aunton H igh School) 190 Middleboro A venue; Brownson Hall

AB 1

Gomez, Jaim e, Manizales, Colombia, S. A. (Colegio de Cristo) Calle 14, C arreras 9 y 10, H um ber 117 ; Lyons H all

EG 1

Goncher, John Stephen, Chicago H eights, HI. (Bloom Township H igh School) 1535 F if th A venue; Brownson H all

EG 1

Gonring, Leroy John, W est Bend, Wis. (W est Bend H igh School) 302 N orth M ain S tree t; A lum ni H all

CM 3

Gooden, H arold W ayne, Tulsa, Okla. (Tulsa H igh School) 2208 South N orfolk S tre e t ; Corby Hall

AB 4

Gooden, H ow ard Connelly, Tulsa, Okla. (Tulsa H igh School) 2208 South Norfolk S tre e t; Dillon Hall

AB 1

Gorgen, W illiam Phillip, M ineral Point, W is. (M ineral P o in t H igh School) 332 Dodge S tre e t ; W alsh H all

EG 4

Gorman, John Edw ard, P aris , Tenn. (E . W . Grove H igh School) 800 South M arket S tre e t; Badin Hall

EG 3

Gorman, R ichard Edw ard, Peoria, 111. (Spalding In stitu te ) 518 Johnson S tre e t ; Carroll Hall

CM 1

Gorman, Thomas Anthony, Chicago, 111. (St. Philip H igh School) 5910 Fulton S tre e t ; W alsh H all

LW 2

Gorman, Thomas F rancis, P aris, Tenn. (E . W . Grove H igh School) 800 South M arket S tree t; Badin H all

EG 3

Gorman, J r . , V incent Augustine, K ingston, N . Y. (K ingston H igh School) 184 A lbany A venue; W alsh Hall

AB 4

Gormley, Eugene Edwin, Delavan, W is. (Delavan H igh School) R ural Route 2, Box 4 ; Carroll H all

AB 1

Gott, A rch F rancis, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 7246 M errill A venue; M orrissey H all

CM 2

Gottemoller, C.S.C., B rother Thaddeus, N otre Dame, Ind. (C athedral H . S.) D ujarie Hall

SC 4

Gottsacker, W illiam A nthony, Sheboygan, W is. (Sheboygan H igh School) 720 Geele A venue; Alumni Hall

CM 3

Grabarz, C.S.C., Casimir F rancis, N o tre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary

AB 4

Grady, Thomas Harold, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) 6433 Lakewood A venue; Alum ni Hall

CM 2

Graham, A rchibald G., South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 808 W est Colfax A venue; Home

LW 1

Graham , Charles Joseph, Clarion, Pa. (C larion H igh School) 650 M ain S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s H all

CM 2

Graham , W illiam H enry, Clarion, Pa. (C larion H igh School) 650 M ain S tree t; St. E dw ard’s H all

CM 2

G rant, III , Frederick, T erre H aute, Ind. (S pring H ill H igh School) 127 Adams S tre e t; Lyons Hall

CM 2

Grasse, John W inston, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) 7633 Bosworth A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

AB 1

Gravel, Camille F rancis, A lexandria, La. (M enard Memorial H igh School) 1755 M arye S tre e t ; Sorin Hall

AB 4

Graves, Thomas Jam es, Tell City, Ind. (Tell City H igh School) 747 Eleventh S tre e t; F reshm an H all

CM 1

Graves, Thomas V enard, Galesburg, 111. (Corpus Christ! H igh School) 573 N orth P ra irie S tre e t; Carroll H all

AB 4


Green, H erm an W illiam, New Castle, P a . (New Castle H igh School) AB9 W est Wallace A venue; Alum ni Hall

Greene, Leo V incent, W apella, 111. (W apella Community H igh School) CMAlumni Hall

Greene, Thomas Em m ett, W apella, 111. (W apella Community H igh School) CMLyons Hall

Grega, George Rudolph, Shaker Heights, Ohio (Campion P repara to ry ) CM17410 Scottsdale B oulevard; Dillon H all

Gregory, A rth u r Clarence, Canon City, Colo. (Canon City H igh School) LW406 Griffin A venue; Sorin Hall

Griffin, H erm an Thomas, Tulsa, Okla. (Cascia Hall H igh School) EG916 South Denver Avenue ; Morrissey Hall

Griggs, George Benton, T renton, 111. (T renton Community H igh School) ABFreshm an H all

Grimes, George Joseph, N orth Providence, R. I. (St. Raphael’s Academy) AB5 W atauga A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

Grimm, A lbert Edwin, Peoria, 111. (Spalding Institu te ) CM2223 Seventh A venue; Dillon Hall

Grogan, Robert Lawrence, T erre H aute, Ind. (Garfield H igh School) AB2124 N orth Seventh S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

Groos, John Jacob, South Bend, Ind. (F erris In stitu te ) CM813 E ast Angella B oulevard; Home

Gross, Charles H enry, T arrytow n, N . Y. (W ashington Irv ing H igh School) AB15 E ast F rank lin S tree t; Freshm an H all

Gross, O.S.G.. E lm er George, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Gross Sem inary) ABMoreau -Sem inary

Grosso, Louis John, New York City (Regis H igh School) AB219 E as t 82nd S tre e t ; W alsh H all

Grubb, H enry Wendell, M ichigan City, Ind. (M ichigan City H igh School) EG3035 F rank lin S tre e t ; Carroll Hall

Grube, H a rry Thomson, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) SP421 Leland A venue ; Home

Gruenenfelder, M arcus A rthu r, H ighland, 111. (St. Paul H igh School) AB1522 Main S tre e t ; Freshm an Hall

Grummell, C.S.C., Raymond Maurice, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB M oreau Sem inary

Grundeman, Reuben Elm er, M errill, W is. (M errill H igh School) CM1212 Seventh S tre e t; Sorin H all

G uarnieri, Paul A rthu r, W arren , Ohio (W arren G. H ard ing H igh School) LW418 E ast M arket S tre e t; W alsh H all

Guchereau,* Charles Miller, Vicksburg, Miss. (St. Aloysius College) CM23,00 Drummond S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Guggisberg, John Brown, F o rt Dodge, Iow a (F o rt Dodge H igh School) AB1710 Second Avenue, N orth ; Freshm an H all

Guimont, W illiam Marcell, M inneapolis, Minn. ( Central H igh School) CM4048 H arrie t A venue; Corby Hall

Gustafson, F rancis Otto, Escanaba, Mich. (Escanaba H igh School) CM922 Ludington S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Gutierrez, Nestor, Manizales, Colombia, S. A. (Colegio de Cristo) EGH ow ard Hall

H aas, George W illard, Youngstown, Ohio (F itch H igh School) SCRural Route 5 ; St. Edward’s Hall

H abig, Leonard Paul, Maplewood, N . J . (St. Benedict’s P repara to ry ) EG72 Boy den A venue; Carroll Hall

H ack, Jam es Gorman, Chicago, HI. (Culver M ilitary Academy) CM442 W ellington A venue; Lyons Hall





























Hackenbruch, Arnold Charles, Milwaukee, W is. (M arquette U. H igh School) EG 43917 W est Galena S tre e t ; W alsh Hall

H ackett, Edw ard Jam es, Milwaukee, Wis. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) *GM 13615 N orth Lake D riv e ; Lyons Hall

H ackett, John Lynch, Chicago, 111. (De Paul U niversity Academy) CM 15301 Quincy S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s H all

H ackm an, Robert H enry, Cleveland H eights, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School) CM 12975 Scarborough R oad; Carroll H all

H ackner, J r . , John W illiam, LaCrosse, W is. (St. Thomas Aquinas’ H. S.) EG 2521 F e rry S tre e t; A lum ni Hall

H ager, E dw ard Clair, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) AB 11112 E ast Madison S tre e t; Home

H ager, C.S.C., George Carlos, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 4M oreau Sem inary

H aggar, Edmond Ralph, Dallas, Texas (St. Joseph’s Academy) CM 16712 Lakewood Boulevard; Dillon Hall

H aines, F rancis Xavier, B ingham ton, N . Y. (B ingham ton Central H igh School) SC 237 Stuyvesant S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Hakes, Jam es Raleigh, Laurens, Iow a (L aurens H igh School)St. E dw ard’s Hall

H albert, P au l David, W eedsport, N . Y. (W eedsport H igh School)3 Green S tre e t ; Corby H all

H albert, Robert Thomas, W eedsport, N . Y. (W eedsport H igh School)3 Green S tre e t ; F reshm an Hall

Haley, C.S.C., John Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sewickley H igh School)M oreau Sem inary

Haley, Robert Joseph, F o rt W ayne, Ind. (C entral Catholic H igh School)1610 N orth A nthony Boulevard; Freshm an Hall

Hallberg, John Marcus, Galesburg, 111. (Corpus Christ! H igh School)1091 South Chambers S tree t; Corby H all

H aller, C.S.C., Eugene Jam es, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary)M oreau Sem inary

Hailey, Thomas A lbert, Seottsbluff, N ebr. (Scottsbluff H igh School)25 W est 20th S tre e t ; Badin Hall

H am ilton, Jam es M atthew, Racine, W is. (W ashington P a rk H igh School)2915 W ashington A venue; Corby H all

Ham m , A aron John , W averly, N . Y. (W averly H igh School)456 Pennsylvania A venue; Sorin Hall

H am m er, Edmond Francis, Bronx, New Y ork City (L a Salle M ilitary Academy)2961 D ecatur A venue; A lum ni Hall

Hanifin, J r . , Thomas Edw ard, H inton, W. V a. (H in ton H igh School)407 Jam es S tre e t; Dillon H all

Hanley, Daniel F rancis, Butte, Mont. (C hristian B rothers Academy)333 W est Boardm an S tree t; Sorin Hall

Hanlon,* Kyron W illiam, P ittsbu rgh , P a . (C entral Catholic H igh School)606 South L ang Avenue ; Lyons Hall

H anlon, Leo Edw ard, Billings, Mont. (Billings H igh School)330 Clarke A venue; M orrissey Hall

H anna, C.S.C., Joseph Francis, N otre Dame, Ind . (S t. R aphael’s H igh School)M oreau Sem inary

H anning, Donald Gerard, W atertow n, Conn. (W atertow n H igh School)56 H ighland A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

Hanousek, Raymond A nthony, Chicago, 111. ( St. Thomas M ilitary Academy)40 E as t Oak S tree t; M orrissey H ail

H anrahan , Daniel Joseph, St. Albans, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry )114-19 198th S tre e t; H ow ard H all

H ansm an, Louis H enry, Carroll, Iow a (Carroll H igh School)102 N o rth Main S tre e t; B adin Hall

AB 3

AB 4

EG 1

AB 3

LW 1

*CM 1

AB 2

SO 3

CM 4

EG 4

AB 3

SC 1

AB 4

*AB 1

EG 4

AB 4

CM 2

*CM 1

*AB 1

CM 3


H appel, Leo Theodore, Evansville, Ind. (Reitz Memorial H igh School) P E 2820 N orth F irs t A venue; Lyons Hall

H a rd a r t , J r . , F ra n c is Jo sep h , F o re s t H ills , L .I ., N . Y . (N ew m an School) A B 264 D artm outh S tree t; M orrissey Hall

H ardart, Thomas Roche, Forest Hills, L .I., N . Y. (Newm an School) AB 164 D artm outh S tre e t; Dillon H all

Hargrove, Jordan Thomas, Bay Shore, L.I., N . Y. (Mt. St Mary's College Prep.) CM 4149 F ifth A venue; St. M ary's College, N otre Dame, Ind.

Harley, John Edward, Milwaukee, W is. (N orthw . M ilitary and N aval Academy) EG 14906 W est W ashington B oulevard; Dillon Hall

H arrell, C.S.C., B rother Elias, N otre Dame, Ind. (Dorchester H igh School) AB 2D ujarie Hall

H arris , Falm ore Bath, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School)1506 South V irg in ia S tree t; Home

H arris , W alter Jam es, Jersey City, N . J . (Lincoln H igh School)273 Fulton A venue; Brownson Hall

H arrison,* George Wood, Ashland, W is. (Ashland H igh School)121 E ast F ro n t S tre e t ; Sorin Hall

H a r t H a rry B arre tt, D unkirk, Ind. (U niversity of Dayton H igh School)401 E ast W ashington S tre e t; Corby Hall

H art, John Albert, N orth Branford, Conn. (New H aven H igh School)Carroll Hall

H art, N orbert Wallace, Dunkirk, Ind. (D unkirk H igh School)503 Broad S tre e t; Corby Hall

H art, Paul M cGrath, W aupaca, W is. (W aupaca H igh School)605 Shearer S tre e t ; H ow ard H all

H art, Robert Emm et, Farm ington, Mich. (Sacred H e a rt Sem inary)V ista V illa F a rm ; Lyons Hall

H artn e tt, Vincent W illiam, New Rochelle, N . Y. (Iona School)21 Laurel P lace ; M orrissey Hall

Hartz, Bernard Francis, Chrisney, Ind. (Chrisney H igh School)St. E dw ard’s Hall

Hauck, John Booth, Donora, P a (Donora H igh School)965 M cLean A venue; Carroll H all

H auser, H arold Joseph, W indham, N . Y. (W indham H igh School)M ain S tre e t; Badin H all

H averick, Donald Regis, Coshocton, Ohio (Sacred H e a rt H igh School)850 M ain S tree t; Sorin Hall

Hawblitzel, H enry Gale, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School)2221 South H igh S tree t; Home

Hawley, Jr., Jess Bradford, Boise, Idaho (St. Joseph’s High School)203 M ain S tre e t ; Badin Hall

Hawley, John Nicholas, N orth P latte , N ebr. (N orth P la tte H igh School)903 W est F if th Street; Badin Hall

Hayes, Jam es Francis, Gary, Ind. (Horace M ann H igh School)568 Jackson S tre e t ; Morrissey Hall

Hayes, Thomas Joseph, Bellefontaine Ohio (Bellefontaine H igh School)321 W illiams R o ad ; M orrissey H all

Hazen, Leo Joseph, Pendleton Ore. (St. Joseph’s Academy)304 Lilleth S tree t; Badin H all

Head, John Irv ing , W aterville, N . Y. (Cook Academy)424 W hite S tree t; Brownson Hall

Healy, Thomas Peter, Scranton, P a . (Central H igh School)1418 Fordham P la c e ; Brownson H all


HeCl1016 » K u & f i i S a , f 46 ™ Sh SCl,°0l)

CM 4

CM 1

GR 1

SC 3

EG 2

CM 4

AB 4

CM 2

*AB 1

EG 2

P E 1

P E 3

CM 4

CM 3

*AB 1

P E 2

EG 2

AB 3

P E 1

AB 1

CM 3


H egarty , O.S.O., B rother Quintan, N otre Dame, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School) ABD ujarie H all

Hegeman, R ichard E rvin , Racine, Wis. (St. Catherine’s H igh School) CM1810 P a rk A venue; Brownson Hall

Heideman, J r . , George H erbert, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) CM533 E ast Ind iana A venue; Home

H einem ann, H arold Edward, St. Albans, L .I., N . Y. (Jam aica H igh School) EG187-47 Sullivan R oad; St. Edw ard’s H all

Heinle, Philip Jacob, Maplewood, N . J . (E ast O range H igh School) CM76 Oakview A venue; W alsh Hall

Heintskill, C.S.C., H enry Andrew, N otre Dame, Ind. (M arquette U. H igh School) AB M oreau Sem inary

Heinzer, A lbert John, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Fidelis Sem inary) ABHoly Gross Sem inary

Hellenthal, Jo h n Simon, Valdez, A laska (Ju n eau H igh School) ABW alsh H all

Hellmuth, A ndrew Link, Springfield, Ohio (Catholic Central H igh School) AB1231 N orth Limestone S tre e t; A lum ni H all

Hendele, M artin Aloysius, Chicago, 111. (St. Philip H igh School) AB1100 N orth M assasoit A venue; W alsh H all

Henebry, Joseph Aloysius, Plainfield, 111. (Cam pion P rep ara to ry ) ABCommercial S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Henkel, Carlos Alberto, Toluca, Mex. (St. E dw ard’s U niversity P rep ara to ry ) EGAvenue Lerdo 67 ; H ow ard Hall

H enneberger, Robert Lawrence, Mt. Carmel, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) AB126 E ast F ourth S tree t; Sorin Hall

Hennessy, Donald Andrew, Youngstown, Ohio (F itch H igh School) P E1930 Logan R o ad ; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Hennessy, R ichard Joseph, Springfield, Mo. (Springfield H igh School) EG725 St. Louis S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Hennion, George Felix, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) GR833 E ast M iner S tre e t; Home

Hennion, Joseph Basil, South Bend, Ind. ( C entral H igh School) AB1115 W est Oak S tre e t; Home

H enry, John Robert, Eggertsville, N . Y. (A m herst Central H igh School) CM174 Le B run R o a d ; Dillon H all

Herb, F rancis Jacob, B ridgeport, Conn. ( Central H igh School) . CM1484 N orth A venue; Lyons Hall

Herold, Edw ard Thomas, Indianapolis, Ind . (Cathedral H igh School) CMR ural Route 16, Box 186 D ; Sorin Hall

H errick, J r . , John Sherburne, Albany, N . Y. (V incentian In stitu te ) AB48 Euclid A venue; H ow ard H all

H errly, Raymond A nton, M inneapolis, M inn. (De L a Salle H igh School) EG109 W est M innehaha P a rk w a y ; A lum ni H all

H ertel, M orris Chester, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) EG423 A rth u r S tre e t; Home

Hesburgh, Theodore M artin , N o tre Dame, Ind. (Most Holy Rosary H igh School) ABHoly Cross Sem inary

Hess, Philip Charles, M ishawaka, Ind . (M ishawaka H igh School) AB210 South B aker S tre e t; Home

Hetland, Gene C lark Louis, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. (W ashington H igh School) CM103 E ast 26th S tre e t ; F reshm an Hall

H ew itt, C.S.C., Thomas Edw ard, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) ABMoreau Sem inary

Heywood, John Donald, N ew Richmond, W is. (New Richmond H igh School) CMCorby Hall

Hickey, H I, Dennis John, D avenport, Iowa (St. Ambrose College Academy) CM501 Kirkwood B oulevard; Alum ni Hall































Hickey. Donald Francis, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)1004 E ast St. V incent S tre e t; Home

Hickey, Edw ard Thomas, Glen Ellyn, 111. (Glehbard Township H igh School)400 Ridgewood A venue; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Hickey, H enry Thomas, A uburn, N . Y. (A uburn H igh School)46 Maple S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Hickey, Joseph V incent, ICeokulc, Iow a (St. P e te r’s H igh School)825 B ank S tre e t ; St. Edw ard’s H all

Hickey, Louis Joseph, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)1004 E as t St. V incent S tree t; Home

Hiegel, A lfred Joseph, Conway, A rk. (St. Joseph H igh School)519 Ash S tre e t; Corby H all

H iggins, F rancis Michael, Chicago, 111. (S t. Ignatius H igh School)2313 South Oakley A venue; Brownson H all

H iggins, John W illiam, Pottsville, Pa . (Pottsville Catholic H igh School)1805 M ahantonga S tre e t; W alsh Hall

H iggins, W ilbert Joseph, R iver Forest, 111. (St. Mel’s- H igh School)904 W illiams S tre e t ; Alum ni H all

H ilbert, Joseph M ark, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Jam es Madison H igh School)1411 Avenue “ P ” ; Dillon H all

Hill, Charles Frederick, New Y ork City (Mt. Assum ption Institu te)F ra te rn ity Clubs Building, 22 E ast 38th S tre e t; Corby H all

Hill, George E dgar, New York City (Mt. Assum ption Institu te)F ra te rn ity Clubs Building, 22 E as t 38th S tre e t; Corby H all

Hill, Jam es Allen, Jefferson City, Mo. (Jefferson City H igh School)916 M oreau D riv e ; W alsh H all

Hillers, C.S.C., S ister M. A nn V irg in ia , N otre Dame, Ind. (St. M ary’s Academy) St. M ary’s C onvent; 721 W estern Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Hines, Thomas V incent, Phillipsburg, N . J . (St. Philip and St. Jam es School)37 Railroad A venue; H ow ard Hall

Hines, W illiam Jam es, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)305 Peashw ay S tree t; Home

H m urcik, Joseph Peter, B ridgeport, Conn. (W arren H ard ing H igh School)258 Bond S tre e t; A lum ni H all

Hoban, John Jam es, E ast St. Louis, 111. (E ast Side H igh School)5800 Collinsville Road, W alsh H all

Robert, Cecil Joseph, Shaker H eights, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School)14412 Larchm ere B oulevard; Sorin Hall

H ochreiter, F rank lyn Clarence, Buffalo, N . Y. (St. Joseph’s Collegiate In st.)11 Brunsw ick Boulevard; Sorin H all

Hockwalt, Paul H erbert, Canton, Ohio (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School)1647 W oodland Avenue, N . W . ; Sorin H all

Hoctor, Joseph Francis, New York City (Iona School)2407 E ast T rem ont A venue; Carroll Hall

Hodierne, Charles M organ, Monroe, N . Y. (Monroe H igh School)Box 423 l, Dillon H all

Hoenninger, C.S.C., John Charles, N otre Dame, Ind. (All Hallows Institu te) M oreau Sem inary

Hoffert, W illiam George, Downers Grove, 111. (Downers Grove Community H . S.) 1104 Grove S tre e t ; W alsh Hall

Hoffman, A rth u r Frederick, Monroeville, Ind. (Central Catholic H igh School) R ural Route 4 ; M orrissey H all

Hofschneider, Leo John , Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas Institu te)109 Thorndale T e rra c e ; A lum ni Hall

Hogan, Charles Carroll, New Y ork City (Brooklyn P repara to ry )54 77th S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

Hogan,* Donald Jam es, Byron, 111. (Byron Community H igh School)Brownson Hall

AB 1

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AB 1


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EG 2

SC 1


Hogan, Edw ard Paul, Bingham ton, N. Y. (B ingham ton Central H igh School)62 M ary S tre e t; Carroll Hall

Hogan, J r . , F rederick Jerem iah, Milton, Mass. (Milton H igh School)19 Brookside P a r k ; 731 South Bend Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Hogan, Jam es William, Chicago, 111. (Calumet H igh School)7819 South P a rk A venue; M orrissey Hall

Hogan, V incent Joseph, Jackson Heights', N . Y. (L a Salle Academy)3346 90th S tre e t ; Corby H all

H olahan, John Francis, Galesburg, 111. ( Corpus Christ! H igh School)1092 P ra irie S tre e t ; Presbytery

Hollenbach, J r . , Louis Jacob, Louisville, Ky. (St. X avier H igh School)1805 W indsor P la c e ; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Holman, Edw in Johnston, Leavenworth, Kans. (Im m aculata H igh School)231 T hird A venue; 937 South Bend Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Holm an, Lewis Grant, Sergeant Bluff, Iowa (Sergeant Bluff H igh School) Dillon Hall

Holtz, Robert Francis, E lkhart, Ind. (E lk h art H igh School)422 W est Craw ford S tre e t ; Home

Honse, Edw ard Joseph, Uniontown, Pa. (South U nion Township H igh School) 9 Dixon B oulevard; Dillon Hall

H opkins, Jo h n Andrew, Elizabeth, N . J . (S t. Benedict’s P repara to ry )865 Livingston R o ad ; Badin Hall

Hopkins, John W arner, N ew Orleans, La. (Jesu it H igh School)609 Royal S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Hoppe, Leonard Thomas, Sheboygan, Wisr. (Sheboygan H igh School)627 St. Clair Avenue ; St. E dw ard’s H all

H oran, Raymond Augustine, B ridgeport, Conn. (C entral H igh School)48 P orte r S tree t; Brownson Hall

H oran, W illiam Cornelius, Chicago, 111. (St. Ignatius H igh School)2325 South M arshall B oulevard ; Dillon H all

Hosinska, C.S.C., Sister M. Severina, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. M ary’s Academy) St. M ary’s C onvent; 721 W estern Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

H osterm an, Philippe Taylor, Seattle, W ash. (O’Dea H igh School)5151 O rchard S tree t; M orrissey Hall

Hostetler, Robert Louis, South Bend, Ind . ( Central H igh School)R ural Route 7, Box 12, Ireland R oad; Home

Houghton, Thomas Edward, Plym outh, Ind. (Lincoln H igh School)501 Lake Avenue ; Home

How ard, George Clifford, W ashington, D. C. (St. Jo h n ’s College H igh School) 3103 19th Street, N . W. ; F reshm an Hall

Howard, Jam es R ichard, Chicago, 111. (Leo H igh School)7948 Vernon A venue; Corby Hall

Hoyos, E lias A rango, Manizales, Colombia, S. A. (Salesian H igh School). H ow ard H all

Hoyt, E dw ard Jam es, New Y ork City (E vander Childs H igh School)2523 U niversity A venue; St. E dw ard’s Hall

H ruby, Louis H enry, Cleveland H eights, Ohio (C athedral L a tin H igh School) 2596 Shaker R o ad ; W alsh Hall

H ruska, Ralph Edward, Canton, Ohio (Cathedral L a tin H igh School)2756 Cleveland Avenue, N . W. ; Lyons Hall

H uber, A rthu r F rank , Fork A tkinson, Iow a (F o rt A tkinson H igh School) A lum ni Hall

H uber, R ay Burns, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School)221 E ast Dayton S tre e t; Home

H uening, Jo h n W illiam, W aterford, Wis. (W aterford H igh School)A lum ni H all

H ufnagel, Andrew David, Ridgewood, L .I., N . Y. (A lexander H am ilton H. S.) 1930 M enahan S tre e t ; A lum ni Hall

AB 1

EG 1

♦EG 1

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♦AB 1

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♦SO 1

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AB; 1

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AB; 3


Hufnagel, Charles Anthony, Richmond, Ind. (Morton H igh School) SC436 South 12th S tre e t; Lyons Hall

H ufnagel, Leon Clement, Clarion, Pa. (Clarion H igh School) EG720 Wood S tree t; Badin Hall

Hughen, Thomas Alfred, Beaumont, Texas (Rayen H igh School) LWBox 2442 ; Corby H all

Hughes, Charles Bradley, W est Englewood, N . J . (Teaneck H igh School) P E156 E as t Forest A venue; Badin Hall

Hughes, John Michael, Chicago, III. (St. George H igh School) AB6654 N orth W ashtenaw A venue; Freshm an Hall

Hughes, Joseph Michael, Menomonie, Wis. (Dunn County A gricultural School) EG 1317 Main S tree t; Carroll Hall

Hughes, Paul Cornelius, F lin t, Mich. (St. Michael’s H igh School) CM306 W est Fourth A venue; Brownson Hall

Hughes-, Thomas John, New Rochelle, N . Y. (New Rochelle H igh School) CM33 M uir P la c e ; M orrissey Hall

Hughes, Thomas Michael, Frem ont, Ohio (Ross H igh School) SC1014 B irchard Avenue ; Dillon Hall

H ugler, Robert Joseph, F lin t, Mich. (St. Michael’s H igh School) AB2615 Westwood P a rk w a y ; Dillon Hall

Huisking, Edw ard Paul, H untington, L.I., N. Y. (LaSalle M ilitary Academy) *ABBox 3, V ineyard R oad; Lyons Hall

Huisking, F rancis Robert, H untington , L.I., N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) ABBox 3, V ineyard R oad; Lyons Hall

Hum m er, Edw ard Joseph, Defiance, Ohio (C entral H igh School) CM603 P a rk Avenue ; Alum ni Hall

Hum phrey, H enry Richard, El Paso, Texas (Cathedral H igh School) CM3705 Bisbee S tree t; Freshm an Hall

H unt, C.S.C., B rother Edmund, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Joseph’s College) ABD ujarie Hall

H unt, Russell Leonard, Woonsocket, R. I. (L a Salle Academy) AB45 Olo S tre e t ; Freshm an Hall

Hurley, F ra n k Joseph, Bennington, V t. (Bennington H igh School) EG323 South S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Hurley, John Farrell, Rushville, N . Y. (Rushville H igh School) ABGilbert S tre e t ; M orrissey Hall

H usung, M artin John, Alamosa, Colo. (E ast Denver H igh School) AB512 S tate S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

Hutchinson, Tom Eugene, Goshen, Ind. (Goshen H igh School) AB723 Em erson S tre e t ; Home

H uter, A lbert H enry, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School) CM3820 N orth H am ilton A venue; Lyons Hall

H utter, K arl George, Beaver Dam, W is. (Beaver Dam H igh School) CM600 Madison S tre e t; M orrissey Hail

Hyde, R ichard Dean, Des Moines, Iowa (Roosevelt H igh School) CM678 26th S tre e t; W alsh H all

Hyland, John Thomas, New Haven, Conn. (New Haven H igh School) AB50 Cold Spring S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Hyland, W illiam Francis, New H aven, Conn. (New H aven H igh School) AB50 Cold Spring S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Hynes, John Clayton, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) AB414 Peashw ay S tre e t; Home

Infan te , F rancis Joseph, Astoria, L .I., N. Y. (Salesian H igh School) SO8-09 A storia Avenue ; Freshm an Hall

Inglis, Jam es Francis, Woodhaven, New York City (St. John ’s H igh School) *AB8717 95th S tree t; Morrissey Hall






























Ireland, George M artin , Madison, W is. (Campion P repara to ry )402 South P a rk S tre e t; A lum ni Hall

Irv in , J r ., H a rry Clay, Holland, Mich. (Holland H igh School)572 P ine A venue; Brownson H all

Irw in , B ernard Ray, Houston, Texas (Tulsa Central H igh School) 1615 Blodgett S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Isselm ann, George Lenz, Manitowoc, W is. (Lincoln H igh School) 1402 South Eleventh S tree t; H ow ard Hall

Itzin , F rancis H enry, Burlington, W is. (B urlington H igh School) 901 Geneva S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Ivory, Thomas Hafey, Norwich, N . Y. (N orw ich H igh School)25 Division S tree t; Lyons Hall

Jackow ski, Ralph George, Chicago, 111. (S t. R ita College Academy)5648 South Maplewood A venue; Brownson H all

Jacobs, Philip Aloysius, A lexandria, La. (St. S tanislaus H igh School)2111 A lbert S tre e t; Corby H all

Jacobs, W illiam Leo, Lakewood, Ohio (S t. Ignatiu s H ig h School)1295 Chase A venue; A lum ni Hall

Jagoda, Joseph Michael, Cleveland, Ohio (C athedral L atin H igh School) 7007 A etna R oad; F reshm an Hall

Jakop , Jo h n W illiam, Milwaukee, W is. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) 405 N orth 35th S tre e t; Brownson H all

Jansky, Carl Joseph, Two Rivers, W is. (W ashington H igh School)1601 E m m ett S tre e t; Dillon Hall

J a r re t, A ram Pothier, Woonsocket, R. I. (L a Salle Academy)121 W oodland R o ad ; Dillon Hall

Jasinsk i, Edwin Lee, N orth L iberty, Ind . (New Carlisle H igh School)R ural Route 1, Box 128; 1304% W estern Avenue, South Bend Ind.

Jassoy, Robert W illiam, M inneapolis, M inn. (De La Salle H igh School) 1815 Lyndale Avenue, N o r th ; Corby H all

Jeffers, H ow ard F rancis, Chicago, 111. (St. Mel H igh School)6140 South Sacram ento A venue; Sorin H all

Jehle, Jo h n Louis, Alton, 111. (A lton H igh School)636 E ast 16th S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Jenney, Clairville R ichard, Lakewood, Ohio (Georgetown P repara to ry )1611 Lewis D riv e ; Dillon Hall

Jenn ings, Jam es T raynor, El Paso, Texas (Cathedral H igh School)1017 R iver S tre e t ; Corby H all

Je rry , F rancis Joseph, E lgin, 111. (E lg in H igh School)621 Douglas A venue; M orrissey H all

Jodon, Clayton Edw ard, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)426 Cottage Grove A venue ; Home

Johannes, Jo h n H ubert, P o r t W ashington, W is. (P io N ono H igh School) R ural Route 1 ; 1245 E as t Madison Street, South Bend, Ind.

John, Joseph Andrew, E as t Chicago, Ind. (W ashington H igh School)3618 Ivy S tr e e t ; Sorin Hall

Johnen, P e te r Joseph, Chicago, HI. (St. R ita H igh School)5658 South T roy S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H all

Johnson, George W att, Taylorville, 111. (Taylorville H igh School)107 W est V ine S tre e t; Dillon H all

Johnson, H ow ard W alter, Green Bay, W is. (W est H igh School)120 Cleveland S tre e t; Carroll Hall

Johnson, N orm an Lyle, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)133 Keasey S tre e t; Home

Johnston, B enjam in DuBal, F o rt Sm ith, A rk. (S t. A nne’s Academy)925 G arrison A venue; M orrissey H all

AB 2

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Jones, Jam es Maurice, Iron wood, Mich. (St. Ambrose H igh School) 515 N orth Lowell S tre e t; H ow ard Hall SC 3

Jones, Robert Gordon, Gary, Ind. (Horace M ann H igh School) 544 Monroe S tree t; Dillon Hall CM 1

Jones, W illiam Lawrence, Paducah, Ky. (Jackson H igh School) 2107 B roadw ay; A lum ni Hall *80 1

Jordan, Charles Butler, Oak P ark , 111. (Fenw ick H igh School) 804 N orth Oak P a rk A venue ; M orrissey H all AB 2

Jordan , John Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Quigley P repara to ry ) 943 W est 54th S tre e t; Lyons Hall AB 4

Jordan , Roger Timmins, M ontclair, N . J . (M ontclair H igh School) 90 M ontclair A venue; Dillon Hall AB 1

Jordan , Thom as George, Chicago, 111. (Lindblom H igh School) 943 W est 54th S tre e t; Freshm an Hall AB 1

Jorgensen, H arry , South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) 620 N orth Scott S tre e t; Home CM 1

Joyce, J r ., Edm und Patrick , Spartanburg. S. C. (S partanburg H igh School) 645 Maple S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

CM 2

Joyce, F rancis Myles, E rie, Pa. (Cathedral P repara to ry School) 918 C hestnut S tre e t; A lum ni Hall EG 3

Joyce, John B aptista , Kokomo, Ind. (Kokomo H igh School) 1117 N o rth W abash A venue; Carroll Hall

CM 1

Judae, Adolph Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) 6324 Kenmore A venue; Lyons Hal] *OM 1

Judge, Joseph A drian, Troy, N . Y. (Troy H igh School) 3330 Sixth A venue; Dillon Hall

AB 1

Jurjevich,* Tony John, Chicago, 111. (Tilden Technical H igh School) 10502 Ew ing A venue; M orrissey Hall

CM 1

Juszczak, C.S.C., B rother Reginald, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H e a rt College) D ujarie Hall

SC 1

Kaczmarek, Jerom e John, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) 317 Napoleon B oulevard; Home

SC 2

Kaemmerlen, Leo John , Tyler, Texas (Tyler H igh School) 119 South Fleishel A venue; Brownson Hall

*EG 1

K afka, Joseph Michael, Buffalo, N . Y. (Riverside H igh School) 9 Deer S tre e t ; F reshm an Hall

CM 1

Kaiser, John W illiam, E au Claire, Wis. (S t. P a trick ’s H igh School) 318 M arston A venue ; M orrissey Hall

CM 2

Kaiser, R alph Raymond, Lakewood, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School) 1437 Robinwood A venue; H ow ard Hall

EG 3

Kalczynski, Daniel Ferdinand, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) 212 South Scott S tre e t; Home

AB 3

Kaley, Joseph John, Milton, N . Y. (N ew burgh Free Academy) Main S tre e t ; Sorin Hall

CM 4

Kalm an, Caesar Joseph, Holland, Mich. (Holland H igh School) 64 Madison P la c e ; M orrissey Hall

LW 1

Kane, John Francis, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. (Sacred H eart Academy) 109 Locust S tre e t ; Carroll Hall

CM 1

Kane, J r . , Owen Normile, W isner, Nebr. (W isner H igh School) Freshm an H all

AB 1

Kane, Paul H enry, Youngstown, Ohio (Rayen H igh School) 2117 Elm S tre e t; Carroll Hall

EG 1

Kane, Raymond Aloysius, Clifton, N . J . (Xavier H igh School) 89 Clinton A venue; H ow ard H all

CM 3

Kane, R ichard Jerom e, Topeka, Kans. (Topeka Catholic H igh School) 824 W est S tre e t; Alum ni H all

*AB 1


Kane, W illiam Jerom e, Seattle, W ash. (Roosevelt H igh School) 5407 21st Avenue, N . B . ; Brownson Hall


K app, Louis H enry, Aviston, 111. (Aviston Community H igh School) F reshm an Hall


K arl, F ra n k John, Chicago, 111. (St. Michael’s H igh School) 1852 Sheffield A venue; Badin H all


Katz, Milton A aron, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 1332 Lincoln W ay W e s t; Home


Kaufm ann, Jam es Anthony, Newton, 111. (N ew ton Community H igh School) 522 W est J o u rd a n ; Corby Hall


Kavanagh, John Carroll, Bay City, Mich. (St. Jam es H igh School) 2012 S ixth S tre e t ; Corby Hall


Kaveny, C.S.G., B rother Lellis, N otre Dame, Ind. (C anandaigua Academy) D ujarie Hall


Keating, Raymond Benedict, Platteville, W is. (Platteville H igh School) 430 W est M ineral S tre e t; W alsh Hall


Keefe, Daniel Edward, Ashton, R. I. (Cumberland H igh School) Mendon R o a d ; Freshm an H all


Keefe, W illiam Carroll, Bronxville, N . Y. (C linton H igh School) 5 Lee P la c e ; Sorin Hall


Keegan, Jam es Joseph, P ittsburg , Kans. (St. Louis U niversity H igh School) 202 W est E ighth S tre e t; Corby H all


Keenan, Thomas Edmund, Brooklyn, N. Y. (Mt. A ssum ption Institu te ) 3823 Bedford A venue; Alum ni Hall


Keenen, J r . , George Edward, Bayonne, N . J . (The N ew m an School) 796 Avenue “A ” ; Dillon Hall


Keffler, B ernard John, M alvern, Ohio (M alvern H igh School) E as t P o rte r S tre e t; M orrissey Hall


Kehoe, George Edward, St. Louis P ark , M inn. (De L a Salle H igh School) 2706 Glenhurst A venue; Dillon H all


Kehoe, Kevin O’Neill Patrick , Chicago, 111. (Lake View H igh School) 4849 N orth P au lina S tree t; Carroll Hall


Kelleher, W ade Patrick , St. Louis, Mo. (St. Louis U niversity H igh School) 7255 P rinceton S tre e t ; Corby Hall


Keller, George Samuel, Niles, Mich. (Oil City H igh School) 9 South St. Joseph A venue; Home


Kelley, A ugustine Regis, Greensburg, Pa. (G reensburg H igh School) 231 W estm oreland A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all


Kelley, John B ernard, Gary, Ind . (Lew W allace H igh School) 123 W est 43rd A venue; Lyons Hall


Kelley, John Raymond, Portland, Me. (P ortland H igh School) 46 Congress S tre e t; F reshm an H all


Kelley, Thomas Joseph, Los Angeles, Calif. (S t. A gnes’ H igh School) 1428 W est Adams B oulevard; M orrissey Hall


Kellner, F rancis George, Buffalo, N . Y. (B ennett H igh School) 31 Groveland A venue; Badin Hall


Kellogg, A rm and Wesley, Rock Springs, Wyo. (Rock Springs H igh School) 714 “B” S tree t; Sorin H all


Kelly, Donald Maurice, Chicago, 111. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) 4300 Lake Shore D riv e ; H ow ard Hall


Kelly, Edm und Joseph, Norwood, Mass. (Norwood H igh School) 395 N ahatan S tre e t; Badin Hall


Kelly, Fergus Ford, Jam aica, N . Y. (Jam aica H igh School) 85-38 168th P la c e ; M orrissey H all


Kelly, F rancis P a trick , Joliet, 111. (De L a Salle H igh School) 401 South B riggs S tre e t ; Badin Hall


Kelly, John Gregory, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School) 7440 B arton A venue; Carroll H all
































Kelly, Joseph John, Chicago, 111. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) CM 14300 Lake Shore D riv e ; Dillon Hall

Kelly, Joseph W illiam, Algona, Iow a (St. Cecilia Academy) AB 1202 South W ooster S tree t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

Kelly, Lewis B ertrand, Madison, Wis. ( Culver M ilitary Academy) *AB 11918 Regent S tre e t; H ow ard Hall

Kelly, Luke Francis, Albany, N . Y. (C hristian B rothers Academy) AB 48 K ent S tre e t; Sorin Hall

Kelly, Omer Anthony, Algona, Iowa (St. Cecilia Academy) EG 1202 South W ooster S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Kelly, Robert John, P ittsburgh , Pa . (Central Catholic H igh School) *AB 14150 Bigelow B oulevard; M orrissey Hall

Kelly, Russell John, Louisville, Ky. (duPont M anual T ra in ing H igh School) AB 1229 South Galt Avenue; St. Edward’s Hall

Kelly, Thomas A rthur, Anaconda, Mont. (Anaconda H igh School) EG 1617 W est T hird S tre e t; Carroll Hall

Kenefake, Edwin W illiam, Robinson, 111. (Robinson Township H igh School) GR 1R ural Route 1 ; 813 E ast Angella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Kenline, Robert H enry, Dubuque, Iow a ( Columbia College Academy) LW 3315 W est Locust S tre e t; Sorin Hall

Kennedy. Edw ard Jam es, Saranac Lake, N , Y. (Saranac Lake H igh School) -CM 189 M ain S tre e t; Badin Hall

Kennedy, John Edward, Alton, 111. (M arquette H igh School) AB 3738 Spring S tre e t; A lum ni Hall

Kennedy, M aurice Jam es, Ogden, IJtah (Ogden H igh School) CM 12151 G rant A venue; Freshm an H all

Kennedy, Thomas Leo, Hazleton, Pa. (St. Gabriel’s H igh School) SC 1134 South Poplar S tree t; Dillon H all

Kennedy, W illiam Aloysius, Brooklyn, N. Y. (St. John ’s College H igh School) AB 4393 McDonough S tre e t ; H ow ard H all

Kennedy, W illiam Jam es, Chicago, 111. (Leo H igh School) CM 29225 South Bishop S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Kennedy, W illiam Joseph, New H am pton, Iow a (New H am pton H igh School) LW 3156 South L inn A venue; W alsh Hall

Kenny, Raymond Joseph, Yonkers, N . Y. (New York M ilitary Academy) CM 21050 W arburton Avenue ; Alum ni Hall

Kent, Robert Charles, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) EG 1R ural Route 2 , Box 103 ; Home

K enyon , H e rb e r t Jam e s , F a ll R iv er, M ass. (B . M. G. D u rfe e H ig h School) A B 2722 Locust S tree t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

Keough, Jam es Patrick , St. Paul, Minn. ( Cretin H igh School) AB 41186 Lincoln A venue; Corby Hall

K erin, M arcus Pierce, Denver, Colo. (W est Side H igh School) AB 21443 L ipan S tre e t ; Lyons H all

K ern, P eter W illiam, F o rt Madison, Iowa (F o rt Madison H igh School) *CM 11013 Avenue “F ” ; Alumni Hall

Kerns, A rth u r V incent, Saginaw, Mich. (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB 3225 N orth T hird S tre e t; Carroll Hall

Kerwin, George Delker, Oelwein, Iowa (Oelwein H igh School) EG 1114 Second Street, N . E . ; Brownson H all

Kesicke, F rancis Edward, Yonkers, N . Y. (Gorton H igh School) EG 189 Greenvale A venue; Freshm an Hall

Kiely, W illiam Francis, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) SC 16531 Greenview A venue; Brownson H all

Killian, Donald B ernard, South Bend, Ind. (McKinley H igh School) GR 2601 N orth Cottage G rove; Home

K ilm urry. Edw ard Jam es, A tkinson, Nebr. (St. Joseph’s H igh School) CM 4W alsh Hall


K ilrain, Edw in Thomas, Indianapolis, Ind. (St. M einrad M inor Sem inary) 5270 Boulevard P la c e ; Carroll Hall

CM 1

King, George Moerdyke, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 515 W est L a Salle A venue; Home

CM 1

King, John Edward, Galesburg, 111. (Corpus Christ! H igh School) 164 W est Knox S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

*AB 1

King, J r . , K arl G rant, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 515 W est LaSalle S tre e t; Home

CM 2

King, C.S.C., Rev. Robert W illiam, N otre Dame, Ind . (Regis H igh School) Community House

GR 1

King, T im othy Raphael, Niles, Ohio (McKinley H igh School) 1117 Robbins A venue; Lyons Hall

*AB 1

K inm an, Lindell Merle, Jonesboro, A rk. (Jonesboro H igh School) 622 W est M atthews A venue; H ow ard Hall

SO 3

Kinnealey, Thomas Francis, Milton, Mass. (Milton H igh School) 349 Canton A venue; St. Edw ard’s Hall

AB 2

ICinville, Paul Joseph, M arquette, Mich. (B araga Parochial H igh School) 14 W est H ew itt A venue; M orrissey H all

GR 1

Kirby, E dw ard Stephen, N ew ark, N . J . (Seton H all College P repara to ry ) 578 Ridge S tre e t; Sorin H all

AB 4

Kirincich, Joseph V incent, Joliet, 111. (De L a Salle H igh School) 500 Ruby S tre e t; 1246 H illcrest Road, South Bend, Ind.

LW 3

K irk, W ilfred B ernard, N arrow sburg, N . Y. (N arrow sburg H igh School) Lyons Hall

P E 2

Kirley, Philip H arrison , Kewanee, 111. (V isitation H igh School) 116 McKinley A venue; W alsh Hall

CM 4

Kirseh, Jo h n W illiam, Indianapolis, Ind. (C athedral H igh School) 5246 N orth New Jersey S tre e t ; A lum ni H all

CM 3

Kiszeli, Paul Joseph, Jenkintow n, Pa. (Rom an Catholic H igh School) Carroll H all

P E 2

Klaiber, Robert John, South Bend, Ind. (S t. Joseph H igh School) 834 E ast M iner S tree t; Home

CM 4

Klaiber, Velm ar Keith, Snyder, N . Y. (M anlius School) 1 Smallwood D riv e ; Corby H all

*CM 1

Klecka, Roy Joseph, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) 2321 Miami S tree t; Home

CM 1

Kleinfelder, F rederick Adam, Muncie, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 1207 South W alnut S tre e t ; Dillon H all

CM 1

Klima, J r . , W illiam John, New York City (Textile H igh School) 349 E ast 73rd S tree t; St. E dw ard’s H all

LW 2

Kling, E rnest Frederick, Youngstown, Ohio (South H igh School) 546 E as t Indianola A venue; Brownson H all

EG 1

Kling, W erner H erbert, Youngstown, Ohio (South H igh School) 546 E ast Indianola A venue; Brownson H all

EG 1

Klise, John Joseph, W ooster, Ohio (Valley Forge M ilitary Academy) 207 H en rie tta S tre e t ; Dillon H all

CM 1

Klosinski, Theodore A nthony, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 1121 W est Jefferson B oulevard ; Home

LW 2

K napp, Joseph John, Sidney, N . Y. (S t. P a trick ’s Academy) 50 R iver S tre e t; Corby Hall

AB 4

Koehler, H a rry Frederick, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 315 N orth F ranc is S tre e t ; Home

*AB 1

Kohlhaas, V ernon Connie, Algona, Iow a (St. Cecilia’s Academy) N orth Colby S tre e t; F reshm an Hall

AB 1

Kohlman, H arold Louis, E lm hurst, 111. (Y ork Community H igh School) 240 Berkley A venue; Corby H all

EG 3

Kolka, A lfred Jerom e, Irm a; Wis. (M errill H igh School) R ural R oute; Alumni H all

*SC 1


Kollar, J r . , Charles Stephen, Cliffside P ark , N . J . ( Cliffside P a rk H igh School) 234 Cliff S tre e t; Alum ni Hall

Kolp, J r . , Charles Augustus, Canton, Ohio (St. John 's H igh School)N orth Canton R o a d ; Dillon Hall

Konsek, A lfred Anthony, Depew, N . Y. (Depew H igh School)74 Litchfield A venue; Dillon Hall

Kopczak, F rancis Gregory, Chicago, 111. (H arrison Technical H igh School)2426 South Sacram ento A venue; Badin H all

Koppelberger, F rancis Lawrence, LaCrosse, W is. (Central H igh School)1601 Madison S tre e t; H ow ard Hall

Korzeneski, A rth u r Lucius, Chicago, 111. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy)2711 Logan B oulevard; W alsh H all

Kovacevich, John Francis, McKeesport, Pa. (Allentown P repara to ry School)500 A rcher A venue; Freshm an H all

Kovach, Joseph Edw ard, Uniontown, P a . (Uniontow n H igh School)269 N orth Gallatin A venue; St. Edw ard’s Hall

Kovaleik, George John, Donora, Pa . (Donora H igh School)1137 Meldon A venue; Brownson Hall

ICovzelove, Alexander Semion, New York City (George W ashington H . S.)1711 Davidson A venue; Brownson H all

Kowaczek, R ichard Peter, Chicago, 111. (Illinois M ilitary School)3630 W est George S tre e t; Alumni Hall

Kowalski, C.S.C., Edm und Stanislaus, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary

K rafthefer, Jam es H enry, W ilmette, 111. (St. John ’s M ilitary Academy)901 Oakwood A venue; W alsh Hall

K rajci, P e ter George, Niles, Mich. (Niles H igh School)722 Emmons S tre e t; Home

K rajenski, Leonard Benedict, Elizabeth, N . J . (Thomas Jefferson H igh School) 560 South Broad S tre e t ; Lyons Hall

K ram er, Tobias, M ontclair, N . J . (M ontclair H igh School)340 O range R o a d ; H ow ard H all

ICranzfelder, A rth u r Leonard, Bloomer, Wis. (Bloomer H igh School)Box 375 ; W alsh H all

Krause, Paul E rnest, Valley Stream , N . Y. (C entral H igh School)9 W est Valley Stream B oulevard; Alum ni H all

Krauss, Gordon Lewis, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)108 South N otre Dame A v n u e ; Home

ICrebser, John P a trick , Kokomo, Ind. (Kokomo H igh School)820 W est B roadw ay; Sorin Hall

Kreuz, Charles John, Menominee, Mich. (Menominee H igh School)806 Dunlap A v en u e ; H ow ard H all

Kristel, George A nton, Schenectady, N . Y. (Mt. P leasan t H igh School)1114 Congress S tree t; Carroll Hall

Kroeger, F rancis Alexis, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)417 N orth W illiam S tre e t; Home

Kroeger, John W illiam, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)417 N orth W illiam S tree t; Home

Krug, George Philip, Mineola, L .I., N . Y. (L a Salle M ilitary Academy)182 Lincoln A venue; W alsh H all

K rupa, Joseph W alter, Lyndhurst, N, J . (L yndhurst H igh School)509 T hird S tre e t; Brownson H all

W to T e& r°A v 2 u e |^ s " s L h Bend, Ind.K ryder, Donald Edwin, South Bend, Ind. (W ashington Clay H igh School)

119 N orth Dixie W a y ; HomeKubialc, H enry Joseph, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)

2205 W est B ertrand S tree t; Home

SC 2

CM 1

P E 1

P E 3

*AB 1

AB 4

AB 1

AB 2

P E 1

AB 1

*CM 1

AB 2

CM 4


*SC 1

*AB 1

SC 4

P E 3

SC 4

EG 4

CM 3

AB 2

AB 1

GR 1

AB 4

AB 1

LW 1

CM 1

AB 1


Kubik, F ra n k Joseph, M ichigan City, Ind. (Isaac C. Elston H igh School) 212 W ashington S tree t; 2213 W est Roger Street, South Bend, Ind.


Kuboske, Paul Clifford, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 714 N orth Cleveland A venue; Home


K uharich, A nthony Stephen, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 1912 South Taylor S tre e t ; Home


K uharich, Joseph Lawrence, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) 1912 South Taylor S tre e t ; Home


Kull, Guy Jam es, Monroe, Mich. (Monroe H igh School) 704 W ashington S tree t; Alum ni Hall


Kumler, Joseph Edward, Kewanna, Ind. (Grass Greek H igh School) R ural Route 2 ; H ow ard H all


Kumrow, E dw ard Franics, Buffalo, N . Y. (L afayette H igh School) 296 H ym an B oulevard ; H ow ard Hall


Kunsch, W illiam Charles, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) 3115 N orth H alsted S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s Hall


Kunz, Jo h n Jacob, Oconomowoc, W is. (Oconomowoc H igh School) 505 L a Belle A venue; W alsh H all


K urth , Thomas Peter, Madison, Wis. (E ast Side H igh School) 16 N orth Seventh S tre e t ; Carroll H all


K urz, Herschel LaRue, Peru , Ind. (P eru H igh School) 383 N orth Duke S tre e t; F reshm an Hall


Kurzweg, F ra n k T urner, Plaquem ine, La. (Plaquem ine H igh School) 701 Labauve A venue; Dillon Hall


Kurzweg, J r . , V ictor Jerom e, Plaquem ine, La. (Plaquem ine H igh School) 701 Labauve A v en u e ; W alsh H all


K uth, E dw ard Joseph, Duluth, M inn. (Cathedral H igh School) 107 W averly Place ; M orrissey Hall


Lacey, Thomas Lee, Canton, 111 (Canton H igh School) 163 M artin A venue ; F reshm an Hall 4


Ladewski, C.S.C., Rom an Sebastian, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary


LaDuca, John Frederick, Buffalo, N . Y. (H utchinson Central H igh School) 3211 M ain S tree t; H ow ard H all


Lafferty, John Lawrence, Chicago, III. (U niversity H igh School) 6748 Ridgeland A venue; W alsh Hall


Lafferty, W illiam How ard, Oaklyn, N . J . ( Collingswood H igh School) 27 E as t Collingswood A venue; M orrissey H all


Lagoni, John Otto, Niles, Mich. (Niles H igh School) 424 St. Joseph A venue; Home


Lahey, Jam es H enry, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) 127 P aris S tre e t ; Home


LaLonde, Thomas King, Cleveland, Ohio (Aquinas In stitu te ) 1212 H athaw ay A venue; W alsh Hall


Lam bert, Robert Charles, W averly, N . Y. (W averly H igh School) 491 W averly S tre e t ; Dillon H all


Lam berto, Rom an Nicholas, Remsen, Iowa (St. M ary’s H igh School) Brownson Hall


Lam biente, J e r ry Anthony, Brooklyn, N.Y. (New Y ork M ilitary Academy) 1754- 60th S tree t; Alum ni H all


Lam brecht, Melvin E dgar, Merrill, W is. (M errill H igh School) 1701 R iver S tree t; Dillon H all


L a Monica, Samuel B ernard, Oneonta, N . Y. (O neonta H igh School) 21 W atkins A venue; H ow ard Hall


L am pert, Nelson N orm an, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) 4707 Beacon S tre e t; Lyons Hall































Lancaster, J r . , Leon Lange, O rchard P ark , N . Y. (O rchard P a rk H igh School) AB 1127 Freem an R oad; F reshm an Hall

Landers, C.S.C., B rother E ric, N otre Dame, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School) SC 1D ujarie Hall

Landmesser, Charles A ustin, E ast Orange, N . J . (Seton H all College P re p a ra to ry ) AB 4 14 Dodd T e rra c e ; H ow ard Hall

Landry, Christopher Lee, L ittleton, Mass. (L ittleton H igh School) SC 1W hitcomb A venue; Brownson Hall

Lane, George Powell, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) AB 2244 E ast 31st S tree t; M orrissey Hall

Lane, C.S.C., Rev. John Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) GR 1Community House

Lang, John Benedict, Chicago, 111. (St. Bede College Academy) EG 45140 South U nion A venue; H ow ard Hall

Lange, Louis A lbert, Fond du Lac, Wis. (Fond du Lac H igh School) CM 336 Cottage A venue; Badin Hall

Langer, Robert John, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School) CM 11 E ast 36th S tre e t; Freshm an Hall

Langston, Carl Eugene, H artm an , A rk. (Goal H ill H igh School) LW 1Y. M. C. A., South Bend, Ind.

Langton, H arold Francis, Locust Gap, Pa . (Mt. Carmel Township H igh School) P E 1 M ain S tre e t ; Dillon Hall

Lanka, B ernard Cyril, Berwyn. 111. (J . S terling M orton H igh School) EG 11337 South E ast A venue; Freshm an H all

Lanois, E rnest Louis, LaPorte, Ind. (L aP orte H igh School) *CM 1705 Maple A venue; Badin Hall

Lanzafam e, Sare Anthony, Rochester, N . Y. (Benjam in F rank lin H igh School) SC 236 Oakman S tre e t ; Lyons Hall

Lardie, H ow ard Leslie, N iag ara Falls, N . Y. (St. M ary’s H igh School) EG 1756 Fourth S tree t; Brownson Hall

Larkin , Lawrence Justin , Cranford, N . J . (C ranford H igh School) AB 17 F razer P la c e ; Freshm an Hall

Larm er, Paul Joseph, Oak P ark , 111. (Fenw ick H igh School) AB 3136 South Taylor A venue; A lum ni H all

L attim er, K enneth Curtis, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) AB 31127 E ast Fox S tree t; Home

Lauer, R obert Marion, F o rt W ayne, Ind. (C entral Catholic H igh School) *CM 11132 H ugh S tre e t ; Alum ni Hall

Laughlin, Robert Neil, M attoon, 111. (M attoon H igh School) CM 1204 N orth 22nd S tre e t; Dillon Hall

L au tar, John Paul, Moundsville, W. Ya. (Moundsville H igh School) EG 21921 Second S tree t; Carroll Hall

Lavin, Ju s tin Paul, Haverhill, Mass. (H averhill H igh School) EG 128 South Kimball S tre e t; F reshm an H all

Lawler, J r ., Samuel Sturgis, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) EG 1814 E ast Jefferson B oulevard; Home

Lawrence, John W illis, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) GM 41611 South M arietta S tree t; Home

Laws, Kenneth F rancis Lafayette, Ind. (Jefferson H igh School) SC 3633 Owen S tre e t ; Alum ni Hall

Lawton, George A lbert, Lakewood, Ohio (Cathedral L a tin H igh School) AB 417403 Edgew ater D riv e ; Sorin H all

Lawyer, C.S.C., Jerom e Regis, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 4M oreau Sem inary

Layden, F rancis Louis, Davenport, Iowa (D avenport H igh School) CM 31125 Brady Street; Badin Hall

Layden, W alter George, McAlester, Okla. (City H igh School) VAB 1510 E as t Seminole S tree t; W alsh Hall


Leadbetter, John W illiam, Barnesboro, Pa. (Barnesboro H igh School)408 Bigler A venue ; Brownson H all

Leader, H enry George, New Y ork City (St. A nn’s Academy)1227 Madison A venue; Brownson Hall

Leahey, R ichard Francis, Albany, N. Y. (C hristian B rothers Academy)446 Second A venue; Sorin H all

Leahy, Paul Jam es, Tiffin, Ohio (Calvert H igh School)55 E as t P e rry S tree t; F reshm an Hall

Lebherz, John W illiam, Frederick, Md. (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School)315 W est Second S tre e t; F reshm an H all

LeBlanc, J r . , Aleide Joseph, San Antonio, Texas (C entral Catholic H igh School) 418 Peach Street, South ; Brownson H all

Lechner, John Jacob, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School)918 Niles A venue; Home

Lee, John Michael, Salamanca, N . Y. (Salam anca H igh School )46 M urray A venue; Alum ni H all

Lee, M aurice W illiam, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy)8313 M errill Avenue ; 1246 H illcrest Road, South Bend, Ind.

Lee, J r . , Robert Edw ard, New Haven, Conn. (New H aven H igh School)1985 Chapel S tree t; Sorin Hall

Lee, W alter Aloysius, New Haven, Conn." (Hillhouse H igh School)1985 Chapel S tre e t ; Freshm an H all

Lee, W illiam John, N orth E ast, Pa. (C athedral P rep ara to ry )96 South Lake S tre e t; M orrissey H all

Lefere, M aurice Joseph, Jackson, Mich. (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School)400 Ellery A venue; W alsh Hall

Lehan, John Putnam , Dunlap, Iowa (St. Joseph’s H igh School)910 E aton S tree t; M orrissey Hall

Leibin, Charles Gardner, Youngstown, Ohio (Rayen H igh School)1501 Ohio A venue; St. E dw ard’s Hall

LeJeune, E dw ard George, Oak P ark , 111. (Oak P a rk H igh School)319 N orth Taylor A venue; W alsh Hall

LeMire, Donald Francis, Escanaba, Mich. (E scanaba H igh School)600 Lake Shore D riv e ; Dillon H all

LeMire, Robert Eugene, Escanaba, Mich. (E scanaba H igh School)600 Lake Shore Drive; Alumni Hall

Lemons, Charles Frederick, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)328 Parkovash P la c e ; Home

Leonard, Edward Thomas, Cleveland Heights, Ohio (Cathedral Latin H. S.)2992 Meadowbrook B oulevard ; 1127 N orth St. P e ter Street, South Bend, Ind.

Leonard, F ranc is Neville, LaGrange, 111. (St. Mel H igh School)7 N orth Edgewood S tre e t; W alsh Hall

Leonard, Joseph Lawrence, C incinnati, Ohio (Roger Bacon H igh School)1213 S tra tfo rd P la c e ; Lyons H all

Leonard, Robert Patrick , Cleveland Heights, Ohio (H eights H igh School)2992 Meadowbrook A venue; Dillon H all

Leonard, W illiam John, Seattle, W ash. (Columbia U niversity H igh School)3428 W est L aure lhurst D riv e ; M orrissey H all

LeRoy, B ernard F rank lin , Oshkosh, W is. (Oshkosh H igh School)70 Evans S tre e t; Freshm an H all

Lesko, John George, W indber, Pa. (W indber H igh School)909 G raham A venue; 1136 N otre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Lesselyong, F ra n k Edw ard, Ironwood, Mich. (L uther L. W righ t H igh School)108 Pew abic S tre e t; Lyons Hall

Letsen, Carl W illiam, Yonkers, N . Y. (M ercersburg Academy)16 Quincy P lace ; H ow ard H all

Levi, Jam es H enry, Stevens Point, W is. (Em erson H igh School)116 Brawley S tree t; Sorin H all

EG 1

AB 1

CM 4

EG 1

SC 1

EG 1

AB 3

EG 2

LW 3

AB 4

AB 1

*CM 1

CM 4

EG 4

AB 2

EG 4

SC 1

*AB 1

CM 2

CM 4

AB 4

AB 1

CM 1

*EG 1

P E 1

LW 3

*CM 1

AB 3

LW 1



Levicki, J r . , John Joseph, Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa. (Perkiom en P rep .) P E4125 T errace S tre e t; St. Edw ard 's H all

Lewiecki, W alter Thomas, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) EG317 W est Stull S tre e t ; Home

Lewis, Robert Paul, F rank fo rt, Ind. (W estern M ilitary Academy) LW758 N orth Columbia A venue; H ow ard H all

Ley, Jack Phillip, Grand Rapids, Mich. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) AB66 A uburn Avenue, S. E . ; 221 W est N orth Shore Drive, South Bend, Ind.

Leyes, George Philip , M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) AB112 W est E ighth S tre e t; Home

Liddy, Robert Allan, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) AB961 E ast 49th S tre e t ; Morrissey H all

Lieser, W illiam Adam, Canton, Ohio (McKinley H igh School) EG600 Fulton Road, N. W .; M orrissey H all

Lill, Joseph Charles, F o rt W ayne, Ind . ( Campion P repara to ry ) EG3204 South H anna S tre e t; Freshm an H all

Linder,* Raymond Jam es, Memphis, Tenn. (C hristian B rothers College) CM1115 Eastm oreland S tre e t; Brownson H all

Ling, Eugene Frederick, Lakewood, Ohio (St. Ignatius H igh School) AB1261 Bunts R oad; Lyons H all

Link, H ow ard Carl, P ittsburgh, Pa . (Sacred H eart H igh School) AB5902 Elgin A venue; Sorin H all

L inn, H arry , South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) CM1601 Longley A venue; Home

Lipsie, H enry Isaac, U tica, N . Y. (U tica F ree Academy) SC1908 Butterfield A venue; Freshm an H all

Lipsio, V incent John, New Rochelle, N . Y. (New Rochelle H igh School) CM39 F rank lin A venue; Freshm an H all

Liscinsky, Andrew George, W hiting, Ind. (Catholic Central H igh School) EG1711 Atchison A venue; Carroll H all

Lively, John Jam es, Leonia, N . J . (Bishop Laughlin Memorial H igh School) AB45 Linden T e rra c e ; Carroll H all

Locher, J r . , John Joseph, Monticello, Iowa (Sacred H eart H igh School) LWSorin H all

Lochner, Robert Jam es, Cleveland, Ohio (W est H igh School) AB11095 Lake A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

Loftus, Joseph Edward, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) AB516 - 61st S tree t; .uyons H all

Logan, J r . , John H enry, F o rt W ayne, Ind. ( Central Catholic H igh School) LW2902 H oagland A venue; Sorin H all

Lonegan, Edw ard Joseph, Jackson H eights, L .I., N . Y. (Loyola H igh School) SC34-26 92nd S tre e t; Sorin H all

Lonergan, M ark Aloysius, M ontclair, N . J . (M ontclair H igh School) AB36 N orth W illow S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Longon, Jam es Russell, Memphis, Tenn. (C hristian B rothers College) CM308 E ast Parkw ay, N o r th ; Dillon H all

L ongstreth, Raymond Edward, Zanesville, Ohio (St. Thomas A quinas H . S.) CM117 A dair A venue; Freshm an H all

Lord, W illiam Kelly, P ittsburgh , Pa. ( Central Catholic H igh School) AB6824 Thomas B oulevard; Sorin H all

Loritsch, J r . , A lfred Frederick, W arwood, W heeling, W. Va. (Cen. Catholic H .S.) CM 110 N orth 17th S tre e t; W alsh H all

Loritsch, John A nton, W arwood, W heeling, W. Va. (Central Catholic H . S.) EG110 N orth 17th S tre e t; A lum ni H all

Lougee, F rancis Edward, Nashua, N . H . (Thayer H igh School) CM8 Gray S tre e t; Freshm an H all

Lounsberry, Eugene Peter, Brooklyn, N . Y. (St. Jam es H igh School) EG63 H ausm an S tree t; How ard H all































Love, Charles Kinsella, Buffalo, N . Y. (B ennett H igh School)265 H untington A venue; Dillon Hall

Love, Donald Wiley, Buffalo, N . Y. (B ennett H igh School)265 H u n tin g to n A v e n u e ; D illon H a ll

Lovell, Dale Edward, W illiam sport, Pa. (W illiam sport H igh School)812 Poplar S tre e t; 840 - 32nd Street, South Bend, Ind.

Low ell, J o h n W esley, C hicago, 111. (E n g lew o o d E v e n in g H ig h School)7300 South Shore D riv e ; H ow ard Hall

Lowery, Jam es Vernon, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Fidelis Sem inary)Holy Cross Sem inary

Lueitt, C.S.C., Philip V incent, Notre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) Moreau Sem inary

Luckey, J r . , Thomas H annan , South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School)2522 Erskine B oulevard; Home

Lungren, John Charles, Sioux City, Iow a (C entral H igh School) c-o C. D. Follett, 409 N ebraska S tre e t ; Dillon H all

Lusson, W illiam Michael, Chicago, 111. (S t. Ignatius H igh School)<135 Woodlawn A venue; Carroll H all

Lux>, -% bert A rthur, Lakewood, Ohio (St. Ignatiu s H igh School)17827 Lake A venue; Sorin H all

L y n on fn% ?d^ a r£ Patrick , Philadelphia, P a . (C hestnut Hill Academy)3200 M arket S tre e t; Morrissey H all

Lynch, Edw ard Jam es, S tratford , Conn. (S tra tfo rd H igh School)296 Bruce A venue; Corby H all

P ^ n c is Joseph, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. (Sacred H eart Academy)304 E as t W isconsin S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

Lynch, George Joseph, Benton H arbor, Mich. (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School)472 Pavone S tre e t; Sorin H all

J ^ f t f o r d , Conn. (Thom as IS. W eaver H igh School)137 Ridgefield S tree t; W alsh H all

Lynch, J r . , P a tric k Joseph, New Castle, Ind. (New Castle H igh School) Corby H all

Lynchj Robert Joseph, Lakewood, Ohio (C athedral L atin H igh School)1490 Clarence A venue; St. E dw ard’s Hall

Lynch, W illiam _ Irv ing , Rome, N . Y. (Rome F ree Academy)306 W est Linden S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s H all

Lynck> WiHiam Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)7667 S ou th S h o re D r iv e ; L y o n s H a ll

^ °% n % tr ic k Emmett, Butte, Mont. (Boys Catholic Central High School)330 V irg in ia S tre e t; Brownson H all

Ly0n/n’o ? eTdm,0nd Joseph, Chicago, 111. (St. Mel H igh School)4020 Jackson B oulevard ; Sorin Hall

Lyons Robert John, South Bend, Ind. (C entral High School)715 W est Forest A venue; Home

Macaluso, Charles Joseph, Cleveland H eights, Ohio (Cleveland H eights H . S.) 3374 Meadowbrook B oulevard; Freshm an H all

H a T <Bt A m a t o r y )

“ “ t c S S tS e t , BMinnH a U ' V erm °n t (Bellows Free Academy)

< s t - M a t t W ’ s S c h - >

M°- <St- ^ U niversity H igh School)

AB 1

EG 4

SC 8

EG 3

AB 1

AB 1

CM 2

SC 1

AB 1

EG 3

AB 2

P E 4

EG 1

LW 2

*AB 1

EG 4

♦EG 1

CM 2

EG 2

AB 1

LW 2

SC 1

P E 1

♦AB 1

AB 3

AB 3

SC 8

AB 1


M aclsaac, John Claude, Sydney, N . S. (Sydney Academy) 98 George S tree t; Sorin H all

CM 4

Mack, George Francis, Bay Shore, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) 245 E ast Main S tre e t; Corby H all

AB 4

M adaras, Joseph W illiam, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 1324 W est Colfax A venue; Home

EG 1

Madden, Daniel Lawrence, Chicago, 111. (St. V iator H igh School) 111 W est W ashington A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

AB 3

Madden, V incent Lawrence, N otre Dame, Ind. (Rayen H igh School) Holy Cross Sem inary

AB 1

Haddock, John Nicholas, W hite Plains, N . Y. (W hite P la ins H igh School) 76 N orth Kensico A venue; Carroll H all

*CM 1

Maffei, Andrew Robert, Yonkers, N . Y. (Yonkers H igh School) 29 Poplar S tre e t ; W alsh H all

AB 4

Magee, Jerom e B arry , Buffalo, N . Y. (Nichols School) 358 S tarin A venue; Dillon H all

EG 1

M ahar, Joseph Augustus, K ingston, N. Y. (K ingston H igh School) 345 B roadw ay; Howard H all

AB 2

M aher, Charles Edward, Herndon, Kansas (H erndon R ural H igh School) Corby H all

EG 4

Maher, J r ., Robert Campbell, Leechburg, Pa. (Leechburg H igh School) 224 Main S tree t; W alsh H all

SC 4

M aher, Thomas Francis, W atertow n, Mass. (W atertow n H igh School) 13 P au l S tre e t; Brown son H all

CM 1

Mahoney, C.S.C., Charles Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Joseph’s H igh School) Moreau Sem inary

AB 8

Mahoney, Daniel Patrick , Troy, N. Y. (LaSalle Institu te) 1614 H utton S tre e t; M orrissey Hall

SC 2

Mahoney, John Daniel, Sioux City, Iow a (South W est H igh School) 821 E ighth S tre e t; Carroll H all

AB 2

Mahoney, J r . , John Patrick , Ashtabula, Ohio (H arbor H igh School) 1652 W est F ifth S tree t; Brownson H all

AB 1

Mahoney, W illiam Patrick , W inslow, Ariz. (W inslow H igh School) Brownson H all

AB 1

Mahoney, W illiam Thomas, Chattanooga, Tenn. (N otre Dame H igh School) 1709 Ashton S tree t; Brownson Hall

AB 1

Mailhes, Albin Roland, Shreveport, La. (St. John ’s H igh School) 911 D elaw are S tree t; Dillon Hall

CM 1

Malarney, Robert Daniel, Brooklyn, N . Y. ( Crosby H igh School) 568 Pacific S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

LW 1

Mallett, George Miller, C incinnati, Ohio (W estern Hills’ H igh School) 2 Green H ills P la c e ; M orrissey H all

AB 2

Malloy, Daniel Joseph, Coaldale, Pa. (St. M ary’s H igh School) 57 E ast Ridge S tree t; Alum ni H all

CM 3

Malloy, Eugene Francis, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 6719 M errill A venue; Alum ni Hall

CM 3

Malloy, John Gwynne, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 1521 E ast 67th P la c e ; W alsh H all

AB 4

Malloy, J r . , P a trick H arring ton , Tulsa, Okla. (Cascia Hall H igh School) 1131 E ast 19th S tre e t ; A lum ni H all

*AB 1

Malone, Joseph Patrick , Locust Point, N . J . (St. Jam es Catholic H igh School) Lyons H all

*CM 1

Maloney, Jam es Malachy, Cincinnati, Ohio (St. Xavier H igh School) 3161 Hillside A venue; M orrissey H all

GR 1

Maloney, Jo h n Edward, Chicago, 111. (Campion P repara to ry ) 1107 P ra t t B oulevard; Lyons H all

-CM 1

Maloney, John M artin , Buffalo, N . Y. ( Catholic H igh School) 276 W oodward A venue; Alum ni H all

AB 3


Mangelli, Joseph Edw ard, Bayonne, N . J . (Bayonne H igh School) 73 W est 22nd S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H all

AB 2

Manion, 0 .8 .0 ’., Jam es Joseph, N o tre Dame, Ind. (Holy Gross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary

AB 2

M anix, Joseph David, Greenville, Ohio (Greenville H igh School) R ural Route 3 ; F reshm an H all

EG 1

M ann, Jam es Edw ard, Chicago, 111. (Leo H igh School) 7745 Clyde A venue; Carroll H all

CM 1

M annehach, Joseph Peter, Kenilworth, 111. (Loyola Academy) 140 R obsart R o a d ; Dillon H all

CM 1

M anning, John Joseph, Sioux City, Iow a (C entral H igh School) 604 - 28th S tre e t; Morrissey H all

SC 2

M anning, Robert Andres, Sioux City, Iow a (C entral H igh School) 604 - 28th S tre e t; A lum ni H all

AB 3

M annion, John Jam es, P o rt Lyon, Colo. (B ent County H igh School) Corby H all

AB 4

Mansfield, Joseph Francis, Fall River, Mass. (B. M. C. D urfee H igh School) 407 Grove S tre e t; A lum ni H all

AB 3

M anuszak, W alter Thomas, South Bend, Ind . (C entral H igh School) 1309 Otsego S tre e t; Home

EG 1

M arbach, John Charles, W hite Plains, N . Y. (Regis H igh School) 21 Oxford R o a d ; Lyons H all

*AB 1

M arcy, A nthony Charles, Chicago, 111. (Roosevelt H igh School) 5030 N orth C entral P a rk A venue; Lyons H all

*CM 1

M arek, C.S.C., John Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) Moreau Sem inary

AB 3

Marek, M aximillian Anthony, Chicago, 111. (Lindblom H igh School) 1721 W rightwood A venue; Lyons H all

AB 1

M argrett, Raymond Francis, Rochester, N . Y. (A quinas In stitu te ) 109 Belmont S tre e t; Corby H all

♦CM 1

M arguet, J r . , W illiam Gabriel, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P rep ara to ry ) 147 Berkeley P la c e ; Dillon H all

AB 1

M arino, F rancis A nthony, U tica, N . Y. (U tica F ree Academy) 901 Mohawk S tre e t; Carroll Hall

SC 2

M ark, R obert Davies, Salt Lake City, U tah (E as t H igh School) 1145 Gilmer D rive; St. M ary’s College, N otre Dame, Ind.

SC 1

Marley, H arold V incent, Fostoria, Ohio (S t. W endelin H igh School) 624 W est Center S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H all

SC 2

M arohn, Jam es Arnold, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) 311 South Dixie W a y ; Home

CM 4

M arr, John Harold, W altham , Mass. (Boston College H igh School) 212 Charles S tree t; Lyons H all

AB 2

M arre, Raymond Anthony, F o rt Sm ith, A rk. (F o rt Sm ith H igh School) 300 N orth 14th S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H all

♦EG 1

M arrion, Thomas A lbert, B arre, V t. (Spaulding H igh School) 15 Maple Grove; Dillon H all

EG 1

M arshall, John F rancis, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 1320 E as t Ind iana A venue; Home

LW 1

M arshall, W alter Michael, Philadelphia, Pa . (Simon Gratz H igh School) 1911 Bristol S tre e t; Brownson H all

P E 1

M artin , J r . , A rth u r Raymond, Chicago, 111. (S t. Ignatiu s H igh School) 119 N orth C entral A venue; H ow ard H all

LW 1

M artin , F rancis Joseph, Hem pstead, N . Y. (H em pstead H igh School) 26 Totten S tree t; Badin H all

EG 3

M artin , C.S.C., B rother Giles, N otre Dame, Ind. (South H igh School) D ujarie H all

SC 4

M artin , Jam es Richard, Concord, N . H . (Concord H igh School) 88 W ashington S tree t; Badin H all

P E 3


M arty, B ernard Adolph, Decatur, HI. (S t. Teresa H igh School)1035 N orth M ain S tre e t ; M orrissey H all

Mason, Joseph Carroll, South Bend, Ind . (Central H igh School)1116 E ast Madison S tree t; Home

M asterson, Thomas Hugh, Gladstone, Mich. (Gladstone H igh School)1212 Dakota A venue; Corby H all

M astrangelo, J r ., J e r ry Joseph, New H aven, Conn. (New H aven H igh School)69 P a rk S tre e t; Dillon H all

Matavovsky, F rancis George, Chicago, 111. (Lisle Academy)5367 A rcher A venue; 733 N orth H ill Street, South Bend, Ind.

Mathews, F rancis Joseph, H ighland Falls, N . Y. (N ew burgh F ree Academy)22 Kleitz A venue; Carroll H all

Mathey, J r . , W illiam Joseph, Clifton, N . J . (S t. Benedict’s P repara to ry )77 W ashington A venue; Freshm an H all

M atricia, Joseph John, Crawfordsville, Ind. ( Crawfordsville H igh School)808 South W ashington S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s Hall

M atthews, John Joseph, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. (Mt. St. M ary’s P rep .) 548 E ast W ashington L a n e ; Sorin H all

M atthys, F rancis W illiam, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)7003 Em erald A venue; W alsh H all

M attingly, Edw ard Joseph, Cumberland, Md. (L a Salle Institu te)515 Shriver Avenue ; Brownson Hall

M auren, Leo Edward, Minneapolis, M inn. (De La Salle H igh School)824 F ifth Street, N. E . ; Badin H all

M aurin, J r . , E rnest Paul, Kansas City, Kansas (W yandotte H igh School)1322 N orth 20th S tre e t; Freshm an H all

Maxwell, F rancis Ries, Rochester, N . Y. (John M arshall H igh School)377 E lectric A venue; Corby H all

May, J r . , F rancis H a rt, D unkirk, Ind. (D unkirk H igh School)621 South Main S tre e t; Dillon H all

Mayer, Lawrence B ernard, Ipswich, S. Dak. (Ipsw ich H igh School)Carroll H all

Mazanec, Robert John, Cleveland, Ohio (St. Ignatius H igh School)17127 Greenwood Avenue, N . W .; Brownson Hall

Mazziotti, A nthony Joseph, Elmsford, N . Y. (W hite P la ins H igh School) Central A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

McAllister, C.S.C., Rev. Joseph Robert, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) Holy Cross Sem inary

McAloon, Albert Jeremiah, Pawtucket, R. I. (St. Raphael Academy)252 Paw tucket A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

McAloon, V incent Gerard, Paw tucket, R. I. (St. Raphael Academy)252 Paw tucket A venue; M orrissey H all

McAlpine, John Francis, Downers Grove, 111. (Downers Grove H igh School)4705 Forest Avenue ; St. Edw ard’s Hall

McArdle, R ichard B ernard, F o rt W ayne, Ind. ( Central Catholic H igh School) 2205 South Calhoun S tree t; M orrissey H all

McAuliffe, J r . , John H erbert, Oak P ark , 111. (Fenw ick H igh School)620 South Wesley A venue; Lyons Hall

McAuliffe, Robert Allen, Ashland, W is. (Ashland H igh School)817 Second Avenue, W e s t; Corby H all

McAuliffe, C.S.C., W illiam Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) Moreau Sem inary

McAveney; Jam es Victor, Brooklyn, N . Y. (St. F rancis P repara to ry )134 Second P la c e ; Corby H all

McCabe, E dw ard Schuyler, Lock Haven, P a . (Lock H aven H igh School)69 E ast Church S tre e t; Dillon Hall

McCabe, Joseph Anthony, N orth Attleboro, Mass. (N orth Attleboro H igh School) 6 F orrest P la c e ; 1246 H illcrest Road, South Bend, Ind.


SC 2

EG 2

AB 4

AB 1

LW 3

CM 3

SC 1

*AB 1

AB 4

LW 2

EG 1

CM 1

CM 1

P E 4

AB 1

AB 1

CM 1

CM 3

GR 1

AB 2

GR 1

*CM 1

CM 2

EG 2

EG 4

AB 2

AB 4

SC 1

LW 3


McCabe, C.S.C., Robert F rancis, N otre Dame, Ind . (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB SMoreau Sem inary

McCaffery, C.S.G., B ernard Aloysius, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 3Moreau Sem inary

McCanles, W arren Leslie, Kansas City, Mo. (Rockhurst H igh School) CM 1606 W est 52nd S tre e t ; Dillon H all

McCann, John Joseph, Portland, Me. (D eering H igh School) SC 199 Mabel S tree t; Brownson H all

McCann. Ju s tin Carmody, Yonkers, N . Y. (Georgetown P rep ara to ry ) AB: 266 H illcrest A venue; Lyons H all

McCarron, John Francis, Pottsville, P a . (Pottsville Catholic H igh School) AB 11819 M ahantongo S tre e t; Dillon H all

M cCarthy, A lbert Daniel, Crosse Pointe, Mich. (A nnunciation H igh School) CM 4

946 N ottingham R o ad ; Corby H allMcCarthy, Cornelius Andrew, Saranac Lake, N . Y. (S aranac Lake H igh School) EG 3

31 Lake S tree t; A lum ni H allMcCarthy, Jam es Edward, New H aven, Conn. (St. Anselm’s College H. S.) AB 1

618 W halley A venue; Dillon H allM cCarthy, John Gregory, Glencoe, 111. (Loyola Academy) AB 1

975 Eastwood R oad; Dillon H allMcCarthy, Thomas Lawrence, Madison, Wis. (E as t Side H igh School) *CM 1

2134 Atwood S tre e t; Lyons H allM cCarthy, W illiam P atrick , Glen Cove, N . Y. (Glen Cove H igh School) AB 2

9 Fairm ont P la c e ; St. E dw ard’s HallM cCarthy, W illiam Redmond, Butte, Mont. (C hristian B rothers Academy) GR 1

1045 M aryland A venue; M orrissey HallM cCartney, Thomas Owen, Punxsutaw ney, P a . (8 8 . Cosmas and D am ian’s School) *CM 1

117 R ail Road S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H allMcCarty, F rancis K innear, Cleveland, Ohio ( Cathedral L atin H igh School) *SC 1

9801 Ram ona B oulevard; Lyons H allMcCarty, John W illiam, Denver, Colo. (Sacred H e art H igh School) AB 2

1545 E as t 31st A venue; Lyons H allMcCarty, P a trick F rancis, Toledo, Ohio (C entral Catholic H igh School) P E 1

2621 Chase S tre e t; Brownson H all

McClain, Charles Robert, Peru , Ind. (P e ru H igh School) AB 2324 E as t Main S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s Hall

McCombie, F rancis A lbert, Spangler, P a . (Spangler H igh School) EG 1Brownson H all

McCormack, Donnell Jam es, Memphis, Tenn. (C hristian B rothers College H. S.) CM 2196 E as t P a rk w a y ; A lum ni H all

McCormick, B ernard Patrick , W est Brownsville, Pa . (South Brownsville H . S.) AB 3Railroad S tree t; Badin H all

McCormick, John Robert, Deer Grove, 111. (Com m unity H igh School) P E 1Dillon H all

McCormick, N evin F rancis, Livermore, Calif. (L iverm ore U nion H igh School) AB 1Brownson H all

MeCraley, W illiam Jam es, Carnegie, Pa. (Duquesne U niversity H igh School) SC 32 Christy A venue; W alsh H all

^ C onCr,e°n ’ R ichard H enry, K ingston, N . Y. (LaSalle M ilitary Academy) AB 127 P r in c e ; Freshm an H all

McDermott, George John, Rochester, N . Y. (Monroe H igh School) AB 1168 R utgers S tre e t ; Carroll H all

Christopher Jackson H eights, N . Y. (LaSalle M ilitary Academy) CM 434-44 88th S tre e t; Corby H all

McDonagh Thomas Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Catholic Central H igh School) AB 1H o ly C ross S em in a ry

< S t - T h ° m a S H i g h S c h 0 0 l ) *A B 1


MCD2 r< )ak L a n e ; S ^ ”n H a U aVenPOrt' ^ ^ Ambrose H iSh School) CM 4

MCDm r w ' a s h S n Avenue1; M llm H a n 8, ^ H ish Schrol> SC 1

V a- ( P ^ e r e h u i . , H igh School) *AB 1

I1L <Le° H igh Sch°0,) CM 4

MCFAlum ni Halliam Edw ard’ CanaI Fulton- Ohio (Canal Fulton H igh School) CM 2

0 1rme-n t Edward, Lansing, Mich. (St. M ary’s H igh School) CM 1

412 West Ionia S tree t; Freshm an H all

M cF! * W e s X i a a S t r e ^ r i” 5m “ iCH if f n ^ H ish Scbool) A B »

^ M s T s t h N- Y ' ( S t J °h n ’S P re Bara to ry> GR 1

O.S.C., John Thomas, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 3Moreau Sem inary

McGettrick Jam es John, Lorain, Ohio (Brookside H igh School) S C IRural Route 1, Box 27 ; Dillon H all V

McGettrick, Thomas Aloysius, Cleveland, Ohio (St. Ignatius H igh School) CM 3

16200 Lucille A venue; Alum ni H all

McGinley, Cecil Randolph, Lynn, Mass. (Lynn Classical H igh School) P E 3

64 N ahan t S tre e t; Carroll H allMcGinley John Edward, Montclair, N . J . (M ontclair H igh School) *AB 1

431 Orange R oad; Lyons Hall

McGlynn John B ernard, Gladstone, Mich. (Gladstone H igh School) AB 3

219 South N inth S tre e t; Howard H allMcGorey, John Luke, Chicago, 111. (St. Ignatius H igh School) CM 1

2123 South Homan A venue; M orrissey H all

McGory, C.S.C., B rother Romuald, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sandusky H igh School) AB 3D ujarie H all

McGovern, B ernard Joseph, W ilm ington. Del. (Salesianum H igh School) CM 3

1705 M aryland A venue; Alum ni H all

McGovern, J r ., George W ashington, Lynbrook, N . Y. (F ishburne M ilitary School) CM 1 199 Union A venue; Brownson H all

McGovern, H enry Charles, W ilm ington, Del. (Salesianum H igh School) CM 21705 M aryland A venue; M orrissey H all

McGowan, J r . , Clement Leo, A tlan ta, Ga. (M arist College) AB 2670 Spring Street, N . W. ; Lyons Hall

M cGrath, George Edward, W are, Mass. (W are H igh School) P E 4

9 Church S tree t; Corby H allMcGrath, John Joseph, Sedalia, Mo. (Sm ith-Cotton H igh School) AB 4

700 W est F ifth S tree t; W alsh H allMcGrath, John Joseph, W aban, Mass. (Newton H igh School) P E 1

1325 Beacon S tre e t; Brownson H allMcGrath, J r . , John M artin, New Y ork City (LaSalle M ilitary Academy) AB 4

The W arwick Hotel, 65 W est 54th S tre e t ; Sorin HallM cGrath, Joseph Jam es, Drexel Hill, Pa. (U pper D arby H igh School) *AB 1

3220 Brunswicke A venue; Badin H allM cGrath, Robert A rthur, Oak P ark , 111. (Fenw ick H igh School) AB 1

725 South E ast A venue; Carroll H all

McGuinness, John Jam es, Ashland, Wis. (E au Claire H igh School) CM 2815% W est Second S tre e t ; M orrissey H all

McGuire, F rancis Edward, Chicago, 111. (Campion P repara to ry ) CM 4

c-o Mr. D. L. Madden, 1608 Conway Building; Sorin HallMcGuire, Jam es Francis, Anaconda, Mont. (Anaconda H igh School) *AB 1

711 W est Third S tre e t; Lyons H all


McGuire, Jam es H artn e tt, Geneseo, N . Y. (Geneseo H igh School) AB 342 Oak S tre e t; H ow ard H all

McGurl, J r . , John Breslin, Minersville, Pa. (M inersville H igh School) AB 2452 Sunbury S tree t; M orrissey Hall

M cHugh, E dw ard Patrick , Chicago, 111. (Fenw ick H igh School) SC 15407 Haddon A venue; Dillon H all

McHugh, Jam es W illiam, Fitchburg, Mass. (St. B ernard’s H igh School) AB 2129 H arvard S tre e t; Lyons H all

McHugh, J r ., W illiam Felix, Rockford, 111. (St. Thomas H igh School) EG 1309 E lm S tre e t; Dillon H all

M clnerny, M atthew Robbins, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) EG 21343 E ast LaSalle S tre e t ; Home

M clntee, Jerom e Stand, Rochester, N . Y. (Monroe H igh School) AB 2347 Culver R o ad ; Lyons H all

McIntosh, Joseph Kerwin, P o rt H uron, Mich. (St. S tephen H igh School) EG 2820 E rie S tree t; M orrissey H all

M clsaac, B ernard Eugene, M annington, W. Va. (M annington H igh School) AB 1116 M arshall S tre e t; Brownson H all

McKay, Donald Richard, Fargo, N . Dak. (F argo H igh School) *SC 1523 13th S tre e t, S o u th ; A lu m n i H a ll

M cKeating, Robert Jerom e, Chicago, 111. (Fenw ick H igh School) CM 25246 W ashington B oulevard ; Lyons H all

M cK ee, C.S.C., R o b e r t F re d e ric k , N o tre D am e, In d . (H o ly C ross S e m in a ry ) A B 3M oreau S em in a ry

McKendry, John Charles, Buffalo, N . Y. (Canisius H igh School) CM 134 Monticello P la c e ; Dillon H all

McKenna, Jam es A rthu r, St. Paul, M inn. (C retin H igh School) CM. 11888 Princeton A venue; Dillon H all

McKenna, Jam es Francis, Portland , Ore. (Columbia U niversity H igh School) *EG 13004 N . W. Quimby S tre e t; A lum ni H all

McKenna, John Francis, W est Orange, N . J . (St. Benedict’s P rep ara to ry ) • P E 2 154 H igh S tree t; St. E dw ard’s H all

M cKernan, B a rt Paul, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) P E 313200 Carondolet A venue; Badin H all

M cLaughlin, Daniel Thornton, M inneapolis, M inn. (W est H igh School) AB 32405 Russell Avenue, S o u th ; P resbytery

M cLaughlin, Jam es Donald, Dorchester, Mass. (B ridgton Academy) *AB 119 Thornley S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H all

McMahon, Andrew Joseph, Paw tucket, R. I. (St. Raphael Academy) CM 412 Johnson S tree t; 1122 N otre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

McMahon, C.S.C., Gerald F rancis, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. P a tric k ’s Academy) AB 2M oreau Sem inary

McMahon, Joseph P atrick , Chicago, 111. (S t. Philip H igh Schoool) AB 35702 South Racine A venue; Badin H all

McMahon, Oliver F rancis Kriel, Rockville Centre, N . Y. (Boro H all Academy) AL 111 Lakeside D riv e ; Dillon H all

McManus, H enry H ugh, W enatchee, W ash. (W enatchee H igh School) GR 1P . O. Box 1158; Corby H all

McMichael, J r ., Guy H enry, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) LW 1301 South Sunny side A venue; Home

McMullen, Jam es Mahlon, South Bend, Ind. (A urora H igh School) AB 3415 W est M arion S tre e t; Badin H all

McNally, E dw ard Thomas, P ittsburg , K ansas (Missouri M ilitary Academy) CM 3411 W est Jefferson S tre e t ; Alum ni H all

McNally, Joseph Clifford X avier, Jackson Heights, L .I., N . Y. (S t. X avier H . S.) AB 2 40-23 73rd S tree t; Lyons H all

McNally, W illiam M artin , Jackson H eights, L. I., N . Y. (St. F rancis X avier H . S.) AB 2 40-23 73rd S tre e t ; Lyons Hall


M d t2 0 D S a ^ S f B ^ S HaU N ' H ' (W est Leba" ° n H i=h School) CM 1

McNm apekshway S tre t i ; Hole Ind' <St Bede Colle Academy) GR 1A venge’; F i l h l a n ^ u (Cam» im P repara to ry ) AB 1

^ % ’p o : K : : f B S a » ' ^ ™ - (Mound c ity com m unity H feb s =h” » e g 3

^ C Badin^He l lin Scillafly’ Carlyle, (St. M ary’s H igh School) EG 3

McNeill, John Francis, Ridgewood, N. J . (Ridgewood H igh School) AB 2

242 N orth P leasan t A venue; Carroll H allMcNelis, Jam es Thomas, Hazleton, P a . (St. Gabriel H igh School) SC 1

182 South Laurel S tre e t; Dillon H all

McNicholas, Lavin Joseph, Memphis, Tenn. (C hristian Brothers College H. S.) CM 4

591 N orth Trezevant S tre e t; Corby H allMcNichols, J r ., Charles Grover, Chicago, 111. (DePaul U niversity Academy) LW 2

182 N orth Leam ington A venue; Sorin Hall

McNS S ’ J ° spuH ALarbin, Tulsa, Okla. (Cascia Hall H igh School) SC 21653 E ast 12th S tre e t ; Alumni Hall

McQuade, John Jam es, Jackson Heights, L .I., N . Y. (St. Jo h n ’s P repara to ry ) SG 3

82-16 34th A venue; Corby H allMe Shane, M atthew Thomas, Chicago, 111. (St. Mel H igh School) CM 3

1901 South Crawford A venue; Carroll Hall

Mead, W illiam Jam es, H astings, Nebr. (H astings H igh School) CM 4318 W est Fourth S tree t; Corby Hall

Meagher, George Beyer, DePue, 111. (Community H igh School) SC 3Howard H all

M eagher, C.S.C., Rev. George Thomas, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) GR 1Community House

Meagher, Thomas Jam es, Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas In stitu te ) AB 3321 E lectric A venue; Badin H all

Measer, W illiam Adams, Williamsville, N . Y. (N eum ann School) AB 425 Milton S tree t; Sorin H all

Mee, Fenton Jam es, Logansport, Ind. (Logansport H igh School) AB 1516 12th S tre e t; Brownson H all

Megin, B ernard Edward, W est Concord, Mass. ( Concord H igh School) P E 22 Lawsbrook R o ad ; St. Edw ard’s H all

Mehling, C.S.C., Rev. Theodore John, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Joseph’s H . S.) GR 1Moreau Sem inary

M ehring, Joseph W illiam, H untington, Ind. (H untington H igh School) EG 11631 Cherry S tree t; Freshm an H all

Meier, R ichard H enry, Faulkton, S. Dak. (Faulkton H igh School) AB 2Carroll H all

Meister, George Frederick, N ew port, Ky. (St. Stephen H igh School) LW 2714 Linden A venue; W alsh Hall

Melchione, H ugo W illiam, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy) AB 2

5510 Sheridan R o ad ; Lyons HallMelinkovich, George Joseph, Tooele, U tah (Tooele H igh School) P E 3

51 N orth F ourth S tre e t ; W alsh H allMellett, C.S.C., B rother Silvan, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H eart College) *AB 1

D ujarie H all

Mercado, V ictor Ramon San Juan , Woodhaven, L.I., N . Y. (Chaminade H . S.) AB 1

8711 - 95th S tre e t; Dillon H allM erchant, Law rence A rthur, St. Joseph, Mich. (St. Joseph H igh School) AB

944 Lewis A venue; Home

M ergardt, Gerard Maurice, Brewster, N. Y. (Cathedral H igh School) AB 337 Center S tre e t ; Corby Hall


M errill, W illiam K enneth, E lm ira, N . Y. (E lm ira Free Academy)521 W est F irs t S tre e t ; Dillon H all

Messick, I I I , Joseph, Chester, Pa . (St. R obert’s H igh School)20th & Chestnut S tre e ts ; Dillon H all

M etcalf, J r . , John Coughlin, Duluth, M inn. (C entral H igh School)21 N orth 21st Avenue, E a s t ; Lyons H all

M ettler, V ictor H erbert, Ham mond, Ind. (H am m ond H igh School)251 Douglas S tre e t ; W alsh H all

M etzger, J r . , Charles John, Rockville Centre, N . Y. (South Side H igh School) 355 De M ott A venue; Dillon H all

Meyer, F rancis Joseph, Danville, 111. (Danville H igh School)430 N orth Verm ilion S tre e t; A lum ni H all

Meyer, Raymond Joseph, Chicago, 111. (St. P a trick ’s H igh School)4620 W est Jackson B oulevard ; Brownson Hall

Meyers, Charles Frederick, E lgin, 111. (E lgin H igh School)439 South S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H all

Michels, Carol) A rthu r, South Bend, Ind . (Central H igh School)901 E ast LaSalle S tre e t ; Home

M ichuta, John Francis, Detroit, Mich. (Holy N am e Institu te )9844 Russell S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

M ilauekas, A nthony Lawrence, Cicero, 111. (Campion P repara to ry )1837 South 49th C o u rt; Dillon H all

Miles, Charles F rancis, Oak P ark , 111. (St. P h ilip ’s H igh School)1516 N orth A ustin B oulevard; M orrissey H all

Miles,* W illiam Allen, Chicago, 111. (St. Ignatiu s H igh School)4057 N orth M arm ora A venue; Dillon H all

Miley, B enjam in Rhodes A nthony, Houston, Texas (S t. Thomas College)615 W est Gray Avenue, A pt. 3 ; H ow ard H all

Miller, Floyd Francis, Mitchell, S. Dak. (N otre Dame Academy)805 E ast Fourth A venue; Badin H all

Miller, George A ndre, W alhalla, N . Dak. (W alhalla H igh School)H ow ard H all

Miller, H arold Edwin, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)3005 E ast Tenth S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Miller, C.S.C., Joseph Shirley, N otre Dame, Ind. (C hristian B rothers College H. Moreau Sem inary

Miller, S tephen Christian, Rock Island, 111. (St. Joseph H igh School)1839 Tenth S tre e t; Badin H all

Miller, Stephen R ichard, E lm hurst, L .I., N . Y. (Newtown H igh School)74-35 43rd A venue; Brownson H all

Miller, W illiam Edw ard, Lockport, N . Y. (Lockport H igh School)36 South S tree t; W alsh H all

M illner, W ayne V ernal, Salem, Mass. (Salem H igh School)196 N orth S tree t; Badin H all

Milton, George Edw ard, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry )7815 Colonial R oad; Alum ni H all

M inarick, J r . , Joseph W illiam, M idland P a rk , N . J . (Ridgewood H igh School) 21 Cross A venue; Lyons H all

Minella, Samuel Jam es, Plainville, Conn. (Plainville H igh School)51 W hiting S tree t; A lum ni H all

Mitchell, A nthony Miceli, G rand Rapids, Mich. (Catholic Central H igh School) 729 Jefferson Avenue, S. E . ; Carroll H all

Mix, Melville Byerley, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)602 W est Colfax A venue; Home

Mladinich, A nthony John, Puyallup, W ash. (Bellarm ine "High School)1519 T hird Street, S. E . ; Carroll H all

Mohan, Charles John, P ittsburgh , P a . (C entral Catholic H igh School)5464 N orthum berland S tre e t ; M orrissey H all

CM 1

AB 1

*CM 1

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AB 1

AB 3

AB 1

AB 2

SC 1

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AB 1

CM 2

EG 1

EG 2

CM 1

AB 3

CM 2

) AB 3

AB 3

EG 1

AB 4

CM 3

CM 3

EG 2

AB 3

P E 3

*EG 1

EG 1

CM 2



J^ifsara Falls N . Y. (Niagara Falls H igh School)2707 LaSalle A venue; Broxvnson H all

M olinarb Gerald Rocco, Oneonta, N. Y. (O neonta High School)17 Brookside A venue; W alsh H all

Molinari, Russell John Oneonta, N. Y. (Oneonta High School)32 Maple Street; Howard Hall

Anglin, Logansport, Ind. (Lincoln High School)162.6 H igh S tree t; Sorm H all

M0llf/Q^Ri f iai 'dT5 BeT o rd ’ S tratford , Conn. (S tra tfo rd H igh School)1434 West Broad Street; Freshman HallMonacelli, W alter Joseph, Albion, N . Y. (Albion H igh School)

10 H errick S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Monaghan^ Charles Patrick, Ashtabula, Ohio (Ashtabula Harbor High School)1479 M orton D riv e ; Brownson H all

M onaghan, J i \ , Daniel George, Denver, Colo. (Regis H igh School)5o5 E ast E ighth A venue; Dillon H all

M onaghan, John Edward, Cleveland, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School)1367 E ast 112th S tre e t; Freshm an Hall

Monahan, John Edward, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)114 N orth N otre Dame A venue; Home

Monahan, John Richard, Butte, Mont. (Boys Central High School)1051 W est M ercury S tre e t; W alsh Hall

M onahan Joseph Paul, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)114 N orth N otre Dame A venue; Home

Monckton John William, Springfield, 111. (Springfield H igh School)610 W est Monroe S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Montedonico, Edw ard LeM aster, _ Memphis, Tenn. (C hristian B rothers Coll. H . S.) 327 Kenilw orth P la c e ; M orrissey H all

Montedonico John Scott, Memphis, Tenn. (Christian Brothers College H. S.)44 N orth Second S tre e t; Morrissey H all

Monteverde, John Paul, P ittsburgh , Pa . (Schenley H igh School)7000 Edgerton A venue; Dillon Hall

Montgomery, Charles Robert, Mercer, Pa. (M ercer H igh School)N orth Diamond S tree t; Sorin Hall

Mooney, V erner Claire, Forrest, 111. (F orrest Township H igh School)Lyons Hall

Moore, Edw ard Joseph, B irm ingham , Mich. (Royal Oak H igh School)363 Big Beaver R o ad ; Brownson H all

Moore, George Louis, Chicago, 111. (A ustin H igh School)1331 Lorel A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

Moore, John William, New Haven, Conn. (Hillhouse High School)36 Young S tre e t; Freshm an Hall

Moore, Joseph Stephen, Bloomfield, N . J . (Bloomfield H igh School)64 N ew ark A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

Moore, Richard Thomas, W hitesboro, N . Y. (W hitesboro High School)34 Mohawk S tre e t; Freshm an H all

Moore,- W est Miller, South Bend, Ind. (Lincoln H igh School)1010 Diamond A venue; Home

Moorman, Achilles Herndon, D etroit, Mich. (U niversity of D etroit H igh School) 282 E ast Euclid S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Moorman, Louis W illiam, Cincinnati, Ohio (E lder H igh School)790 Weils S tre e t ; Sorin Hall

Moran, John Joseph, New York City (Salesian H igh School)1565 Lexington Avenue ; Badin H all

Moran, M artin Charles, Nekoma, Kans. (St. M ary’s H igh School)733 N orth H ill Street, South Bend, Ind.

Moreau, Louis Steve, P o rt A rthur, Texas (Allen Academy)622 14th S tre e t; Carroll Hall

CM 1

AB 4

*AB 1

LW 2

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SC 1

AB 1

AB 1

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CM 1

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CM 2

AB 1

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SO 1

AB 1

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AB b

LW 3

CM 2


M oriarty, George Joseph, Lynn, Mass. (English H igh School)6 H uron S tree t; Badin H all

M oriarty, K enneth Joseph, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry )1588 E as t 17th S tree t; M orrissey H all

Morine, K enneth Hal, South Bend, Ind. (Fow ler H igh School)718 N orth S lst S tre e t ; Home

Moritz, Christopher Dueward, Seymour, Ind. (Seymour H igh School)726 W est L aurel S tree t; Carroll H all

Moritz, W illiam Bates, Newark, N . J . (Seton Hall College P repara to ry )141 Richelieu T e rra c e ; 729 N orth St. Louis Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Morley, Jo h n Francis, Chicago, III. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)6141 South M ozart S tre e t; W alsh Hall

M orra, P a trick Nicholas, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School)2017 South F rank lin S tre e t; Home

Morris, Charles Samson, Cortland, N . Y. (C entral H igh School)11 Brown A venue; 147 Pokagon Street, South Bend, Ind.

Morris, F red Locke, Mexico, Mo. (M issouri M ilitary Academy)218 South Cole S tre e t; Sorin H all

M orrison, Arnold B ernard, Rochester, N . Y. (E as t H igh School)373 Grand A venue; W alsh H all

M orrison, Carlos A lbert, Barboursville, W. Va. (H unting ton H igh School)R ural Route 2, Box 42 ; Corby H all

M orrison, Charles M arvin, Lynchburg, Va. (Holy Cross Academy)401 H arrison S tre e t; Carroll H all

M orrison, R eginald Alexander, Rochester, N . Y. (E ast H igh School)373 Grand A venue; Lyons H all

M orrison, C.S.C., W illiam Terence, N otre Dame, Ind . (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary

Morrow, Charles Gilmer, Louisville, Ky. (St. X avier H igh School)2452 Bardstow n R o a d ; Dillon H all

Mosele, M ario Paul, Chicago, 111. (A ustin H igh School)4858 W ashington B oulevard; H ow ard Hall

Mosher, Robert Joseph, Minneapolis, M inn. (John M arshall H igh School)1042 14th Avenue, S. E. ; Corby H all

Moskowitz, M orris, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Stuyvesant H igh School)922 42nd S tree t; Lyons Hall

Moss, W illiam Thomas, New York City (M anhattan College P repara to ry )71 V erm ilyea A venue; Carroll H all

Moty, Gilbert Robert, Medford, Ore. (Medford H igh School)704 W est T enth S tree t; Badin Hall

Moulder, John Shillington, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)418 Pokagon S tree t; Home

Mouros, John Stephen, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School)812 N orth Elm S tre e t; Home

M oynahan, Robert Brow ning, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)710 U nion T itle B u ild ing ; W alsh Hall

Mrowca, C.S.C., B rother Adalbert, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy T rin ity H igh School) D ujarie H all

Mueller, A rth u r Casey, South Bend, Ind. (Lowell H igh School)617 N orth St. P e te r S tre e t; Home

Mueller, P au l Frederick, Law renceburg, Ind. (Law reneeburg H igh School)547 Ridge A venue; Lyons H all

Mueller, C.S.C., P e ter F rancis, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. E dw ard’s P rep . School) M oreau Sem inary

Muellman, John Joseph, Chicago, III. (St. R ita College Academy)1845 W est Garfield B oulevard; A lum ni H all

Muessel, Charles Andrew, N o tre Dame, Ind. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) Holy Cross Sem inary

AB 3

AB 1

CM 1

AB 1

EG 4

AB 4

CM 1

CM 4

*AB 1

EG 4

*SC 1

CM 1

EG 2

AB 2

AB 1

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AB 4

SC 2

CM 4

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CM 1

AB 4

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CM 4

EG 2

AB 2

*CM 1

AB 1


Muleahey, Jam es Lane, Taunton, Mass. (T aunton H igh School) AB 1

32 P ine S tre e t; Brownson H all

^ L y o n s " % ^ r ^ O h ^ e s , Weslaco, Texas (Weslaco H igh School) AB 2

^ % o Z ' % a d ^ % l o n % H ^ ^ ' H aN ford H igh School) CM 1

Mulhoe/ f \ x F ran c isAA rth u r> Palisade, N . J . (Regis H igh School) AB 1254 W arren A venue; Freshm an H allM ulhern, Jam es Woodrow, Palisade, N . J . (Regis H igh School) SC 1

254 W arren A venue; Freshm an H all

^ % M o n r o e G ^ y ^ " ^ ^ i n e H igh School) LW 1

M ull^ ly ,e^ .S X ^iJoseph Thomas, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 4

MU,14SM M il to y 6 A vm ue T lM to H a l f ' <Creishton U niversity P repara to ry ) EG 3

Mull^> J r ., A rth u r Daniel, New Haven, Conn. (Hillhouse H igh School) AB 1444 Ellsw orth A venue; Dillon Hall

Mullen, B ernard Behrends Juneau, Alaska (Bellarmine College P repara to ry ) AB 2Box 2344; Morrissey H all ,

Mullen Eugene Patrick , South Bend, Ind. (Ja sp e r Academy) EG 2

715 E ast Cedar S tre e t; Home

Mullen, Robert Jam es, Milwaukee, Wis. (Palla ttine Sem inary) AB 1

1936 N orth 33rd S tre e t; Brownson Hall

Mulligan, John Franklin, Lake Village, Ark. (Lake Side High School) CM 2M orrissey H all

Mulligan, Thomas Patrick , Cleveland Heights, Ohio (Cathedral L a tin H igh School) SC 1

2183 Dem mgton D riv e ; Freshm an Hall

M ulrenan, W illiam Francis, S tratford , Conn. (S tra tfo rd High School) *AB 155 Holmes S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

Mulvaney, A nthony Joseph, Jackson, Mich. (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB 4808 F irs t S tre e t ; Sorin H all

Mulvey, Raymond Francis, Westbrook, Conn. (St. Jo h n ’s P repara to ry ) AB 4214 M am S t r e e t ; H o w ard H all

Mundee, F red William, Youngstown, Ohio (South H igh School) CM 1

1141 F ranklin A venue; Lyons HallMurdock, B ernard Valentine, E lkhart, Ind. (E lkhart H igh School) *SC 1

230 P a rk A venue; Home

Murdock, H ow ard Daniel, Kingston, N . Y. (K ingston H igh School) SC 1

102 Hone S tree t; Lyons Hall

M urphy A ustin Thomas, Chicago, 111. (St. P a trick ’s H igh School) AB 1

308 South Lockwood S tree t; Carroll H allM urphy. Donald V incent, Ida Grove, Iowa (Ida Grove H igh School) AB 1

508 Court S tre e t ; Morrissey HallM urphy, III, F rancis Joseph, Baltimore, Md. ( Calvert Hall H igh School) AB 3

1805 South R o a d ; H ow ard H allM urphy, F ran k John, Springfield, Mass. (Cathedral H igh School) AB 4

18 Dell T e rra c e ; 306 Pokagon Street, South Bend, Ind.M urphy, George Eugene, Paterson, N. J . ( Central H igh School) SC- 3

498 E ast 21st Avenue ; Badin Hall

M urphy, George V incent, Iron River, Mich. (Iron River H igh School) SC 1134 Cayuga S tree t; Dillon Hall

M urphy, Jam es Daniel, Pontiac, 111. (Pontiac H igh School) EG 2

119 R eform atory A venue; M orrissey Hall

M urphy, Jam es Gordon, Rock Springs, Wyo. (Rock Springs H igh School) CM 2

108 Third S tree t; Morrissey HallM urphy, Jam es M artin, Tucson, Ariz. (Tucson H igh School) CM 1

505 South Fourth A venue; Freshm an Hall


M urphy, John Condron, Adams, Mass. (Adams H igh School) SC23 Summer S tre e t ; A lum ni H all

M urphy, John Delbert, Libertyville, 111. (Libertyvilie H igh School) P E342 N orth Milwaukee Avenue ; St. E dw ard’s Hall

M urphy, John Edw ard, Clinton, Iowa (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB326 Tenth Avenue, S o u th ; Howard H all

M urphy, John Francis, Memphis, Tenn, ( C hristian B rothers College H igh School) EG 1859 Mignon S tre e t ; Badin H all

M urphy, John Leo, Bingham ton, N . Y. (B ingham ton H igh School) CM43 Kneeland A venue; Corby H all

M urphy, John Patrick , South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) P E1247 E ast LaSalle S tre e t ; Home

M urphy, Joseph Em m ett, Ida Grove, Iowa (Ida Grove H igh School) CM508 Court S tre e t ; Badin H all

M urphy, Joseph George, N otre Dame, Ind . (Petoskey H igh School) ABHoly Cross Sem inary

M urphy Thomas Joseph, N ew port, R. I. (Rogers H igh School) CM15 Mill S tre e t ; H ow ard H all

M urphy, V incent Benedict, Cleveland, Ohio ( Cathedral L atin H igh School) EG9332 Miles A venue; Corby H all

M urphy, V incent Ignatius, Evanston, 111. (St. George H igh School) AB714 Seward S tre e t; Lyons H all

M urphy, W illiam Francis, New Rochelle, N . Y. (New Rochelle H igh School) CM80 Hilltop A venue; Brownson H all

M urray, Donald Edw ard, F o rt W ayne, Ind. ( Central Catholic H igh School) CM438 W est Rudisill B oulevard; Carroll H all

M urray, F rancis Jam es, Elizabeth, N . J . (X avier H igh School) SC36 Raymond T errace; A lum ni H all

M urray, Joseph Eugene, Kansas City, Mo. (W estport H igh School) AB3144 Sum m it S tre e t ; H ow ard H all

M urray, W illiam Philm ore, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio (St. V incent’s Academy) CM1940 South Sixth S tre e t ; W alsh H all

M urrin , IV , John, Butler, P a . (Butler H igh School) AB611 E ast B rady S tre e t; Dillon H all

M urtagh, Jam es Joseph, Chicago, 111. (C entral H igh School) *AB1433 Farw ell A venue; M orrissey H all

M urtha, J r . , W illiam Francis, W est Hem pstead, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) AB35 South Bedelle Terrace ; Sorin H all

Myers, W illiam George, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) AB113 W est E ighth S tre e t ; Home

Myron, Joseph Berchm an, Jam aica, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) CM8813 175th S tre e t ; Sorin H all

Mysliwiec, Thaddeus Sigmund, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy T rin ity H igh School) ABHoly Cross Sem inary

N abicht, Ferd inand Charles, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) CM820 N orth N otre Dame A venue; Home

Nadeau, H erbert Louis, F lin t, Mich. (St. M atthew ’s School) AB123 E ast E ighth S tre e t ; H ow ard H all

N agler, Robert Dore, Los Angeles, Calif. (Belmont H igh School) CM4657 W est 62nd P la c e ; Carroll H all

N ano vie, Joseph Paul, Palm er ton, Pa. (Stephen S. Palm er H igh School) CM31 L afayette A venue; Corby Hall

N ardone, Julius Louis, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Stuyvesant H igh School) AB143 19th S tre e t; M orrissey H all

N ardone, W illiam Frederick, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Boys H igh School) SC143 19th S tree t; M orrissey H all






























Nau, Charles John, Hammond, Ind . (Hamm ond H igh School) *EG 1

23 Elizabeth S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H allN ail> T£oma;s Edward, Hammond, Ind. (Ham m ond H igh School) EG 1

23 Elizabeth S tre e t; Freshm an H all

N ear, A rth u r Edwin, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Gregory H igh School) AB 1Holy Cross Sem inary

Nee, Maurice Lyden, W ashington, D. C. (Georgetown P repara to ry ) AB 1

2855 Woodland D riv e ; Freshm an HallNeedham, Thomas H enry, Houston, Texas (St. Thomas College) SP

1040 H arvard S tre e t; Morrissey H allNeeson, John H enry, Philadelphia, Pa. (St. Joseph’s College H igh School) AB 4

5116 N orth Broad S tre e t; Sorin H all

Neff, C.S.C., AIfred Jam es, N otre Dame, Ind. (Parnell H igh School) AB 3Moreau Sem inary

Neilson, Clifford Christian, Geneva, N . Y. (DeSales H igh School) CM 3

64 Maxwell A venue; How ard H allNem eth, J r . , P e te r F rancis, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) *AB 1

744 W est W ashington S tre e t; HomeN erad, Edw ard Joseph, Berwyn, 111. (J . S terling Morton H igh School) AB 4

6550 W est 26th S tre e t; Corby H allNerney, Jam es Keron, Attleboro, Mass. (LaSalle Academy) SC 1

43 Dennis S tre e t; Dillon HallN eum ann, A rthu r Frederic, Plainfield, N . J . (N orth Plainfield H igh School) AB 2

117 F a ir m ount A venue; Alum ni Hall

Neuwirth,* Joseph George, St. Louis, Mo. (St. Louis University High School) AB 33524 K ingsland C o u rt; How ard H all

Nevils, Charles Edward, Louisville, Ky. (St. X avier’s H igh School) AB 3

2346 Em erson A venue; Cadillac H allNewberry, W illiam Leo, Alliance, N ebr. (St. Agnes Academy) GR 1

608 L aram ie A venue; W alsh HallNewburg,* W illiam Ott, LaCrosse, Wis. (Central H igh School) CM 2

1634 K ing S tree t; Alum ni H allNewcomb, R ichard Maher, Yonkers, N. Y. (Yonkers H igh School) AB 2

100 Rumsey R o a d ; M orrissey H allNewell, F rank lin Denison, Minneapolis, M inn. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) CM 1

2501 G irard Avenue, S o u th ; Dillon HallNewm an, Joseph Jack , South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) CM 3

2106 South Leer S tre e t; HomeNickol, Robert W illiam, Batesville, Ind. (Ja sp e r Academy) CM 2

201 N orth W a ln u t; Morrissey H allNied, Joseph August, Swissvale, P a . (W estinghouse H igh School) CM 1

7335 Schoyer A venue; Dillon H allN iem ier, C.S.C., B ernard M artin , N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 4

Moreau Sem inaryN ienaber, W alter Joseph, C incinnati, Ohio (Xavier H igh School) CM 2

1658 Elizabeth P la c e ; Lyons H allNiezer, B ernard Maurice, F o rt W ayne, Ind. (Central Catholic H igh School) AB 2

1241 W est W ashington B oulevard; Lyons H allN igro, Joseph Augustine, Yonkers, N. Y. (Yonkers H igh School) AB 3

166 Willow S tree t; Howard HallN igro, Joseph Francis, T rinidad, Colo. (Holy T rin ity H igh School) AB 1

1111 A rizona A venue; Freshm an HallN ix, Elmo Francis, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) SG 1

151 W est M arion S tre e t; HomeNolan, George Andrew, Ironwood, Mich. (Wright High School) AB 1

302 Arch S tre e t; Freshm an H allNolan, J r . , Jam es Joseph, Hem pstead, N . Y. (Hem pstead H igh School) AB 2

16 Garfield P lace ; Carroll H all


Nolan, W illiam Howard, Chillicothe, Ohio (Chillicothe H igh School) 236 B ast Second S tre e t ; Brownson Hall


Nolen, J r . , Jam es Aloysius, Philadelphia, Pa. (St. Joseph’s P repara to ry ) 529 E as t Mt. P leasan t A venue; How ard H all


N orris, H a rry Leo, Bridgeport, Conn. (Central H igh School) 88 B artram A venue; Brownson H all


N orris, R ichard Owen, Trinidad, Colo. (T rin idad H igh School) P ost Office Box 414 ; H ow ard Hall


N orthrop, V incent Jaim e, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. A ugustine H igh School) Holy Cross Sem inary


N orton, John W illiam, Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas In stitu te ) 80 Beckwith T e rra c e ; Alum ni H all


N orton, Joseph Glen, W ashington, D. C. (C hristian B rothers H igh School) 1023 Connecticut Avenue, Apt. 828 ; W alsh Hall


N ott, Paul Bradley, Richmond, Va. (McGuires U niversity School) 2808 B arton A venue; Freshm an Hall


Novak, Charles John, Lackaw anna, N . Y. (L ackaw anna H igh School) 64 Gates Avenue ; Corby Hall

* s c

Novak, J r . , John Francis, Lackaw anna, N . Y. (L ackaw anna H igh School) 64 Gates A venue; Corby Hall


Novak, Stephen B ernard, Claremont, N . H. (Stevens H igh School) 19 W est Terrace S tre e t ; M orrissey H all


Nowak, Joseph Stanislaw, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) 1301 W est Ford S tre e t ; Home


Nowak, Paul Thomas, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) 414 N orth Allen S tre e t; Home


Nuchereno, Louis Thomas, Buffalo, N. Y. (Riverside H igh School) 1021 Tonaw anda S tre e t ; Freshm an Hall


N ugent, Thomas Andrew, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 7111 P ax ton A venue; Dillon H all


Nyikos, Joseph Maurice, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) 1905 South G rant S tre e t ; Home


Oakes, W illiam Raymond, Chicago, 111. (Leo H igh School) 7724 South M arshfield Avenue ; W alsh H all


O’Boyle, A nthony Francis, Philadelphia, P a . (Salesian Institu te ) 1212 W alnut S tre e t; M orrissey H all


O’Boyle, Joseph John, Sayre, Pa. (Sayre H igh School) 402 South W ilbur A venue; Brownson Hall


O’Brien, B ernard Michael, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) 8633 U nion A venue; W alsh H all


O’Brien, Daniel Thomas, Cleveland, Ohio (Holy N am e H igh School) 4257 E ast 128th S tre e t ; A lum ni H all


O’Brien, Eugene Louis, South Bend, Ind. (Lake Forest Academy) 903 E ast Jefferson Boulevard ; Sorin H all


O’Brien, F ran c is Fennell, E lm ira, N . Y. (E lm ira F ree Academy) 373 W est Second S tre e t; St. E dw ard 's Hall


O’Brien, George Francis, Danbury, Conn. (D anbury H igh School) 354 M ain S tre e t; Corby H all


O'Brien, Joseph Donald, Jackson Heights, N . Y. (Newton H igh School) 33-42 72nd S tree t; Carroll H all


O’Brien, C.S.C., Joseph Phillip, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary


O’Brien, C.S.C., Michael Graham, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) M oreau Sem inary


O'Brien, Thomas W illiam, Midland, Mich. (M idland H igh School) 115 Jerom e S tree t; Lyons H all































AB 1

AB 1

AB 3

CM 1


° ' BlS L a a ? V A ^ L f w L h ° H 5 i I1L <St- Th°m as M i,itary Ae»1emy) CM 4

0 ,Bril? 3 & E S al t i U? : I r e S S M l P a - <” — = U ' S e p a ra to ry ,

° ’BS K r a y V™DCZ n g g * ^ A* (Cath°,ic Hi*h School)

° ’Byi4n37 No]^tli^Tifip^^venueTBadin*'Hafl^* *“ ™ gh School)

0 Chai l r k a n 1 ^ n “ S & n Haa7l’a ’ P ' 1 (S t' Bede College Academy)

° ^ # " w ^ s t aG3P^ 8 t r e e t ? B % n ^ n HaU * '* a C°Ile8e Academy) CM 1

N ' J ' <R°m an Catholic H igh School) EG 1

° ' % q Z " t % t ; % i Z ^ l , Baa' W i=' <F°nd d“ Lac School) CM 1

<Marietta H ish Sl* ° ° » CM 4

° ' C0H M ? h n t S ? n e- S e T f V o 'L (H ^ r la A"

° ' ° % T M r ^ s t « ^ : b y % ; ' ° re - (S t' F rancis Academy) *EG 1


0 ,C Mo?eku°SSem taaw hn J °SePh' Dame' Ind ' <HoIy Cross Sem inary) AB 4

° '° T o rT h frd 's S e 1S ; A l u ^ i HaU“ U L* N ' Y’ (Bl'°oklyn S e p a ra to ry ) *SC 1

i o L ^ S ^ Hish Sch°oI)

s s l i t School) cM 4

° '^ ^ ^ O ^ N M th ^ ^ ^ i^ a iM .A ven im ^S o 'rin^H an^^8116 U n i r a 'sity H igh School) AB 4

<WebSter GrOTeS S=hoo.) CM 3

° d% h f a e : n % t % T ' A S : n i H : i ^ - Y- (AqUinaS In stitu te ) BO 3

(St- " High S=hoo.)

° ' " 7 6S I ' s i a e t a M S aseVBHandyn’ Y ' <Br° ° Hy11 S e p a ra to ry )

O P^ ^ 3 0 BM argareBta ^ r e e t^ F r e s h m a 'n 'H a l /C entra l Catholic H igh School, CM 1

0 'D m f 1koJ^ nFrCaan S ; V £ i o S ' L i ^ 1 ^ & h °0l)

^ Ba z s : ^ : f a % i i Pa- <Centrai catM ic s=ho0„

° ' D in2 ' H ^ d & S w a ^ s ^ l n 0 8 ™ 21 H i8h School)

° ’Hanrna - Edw ard Leo, Rochester, N. Y. (Aquinas Institu te) P F a20 Cameron S tre e t ; Corby H all 4

O’H ara. Jam es Francis, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) *FG i6682 Kenwood A venue; Lyons H all

O’H ara, Jam es Patrick , N otre Dame, Ind. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) AB 1Holy Cross Sem inary x

^ ^ Du jarie^H s’l 1 ®ro^ er J ames> N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H eart College) SC 2

SC 1

AB 2

SC 2

AB 2

*SC 1


O’Kane, Joseph Cornelius, W ashington, Ind. (W ashington Catholic H igh School) 506 Grove S tre e t; Sorin H all

O’Kane, Thomas Jerom e, Syracuse, N . Y. (St. Jo h n ’s Catholic Academy)210 Melrose Avenue ; Corby H all

O’Keefe, Jam es Charles, Chicago, 111. (St. Ignatius H igh School)4841 W est Adams S tre e t; A lum ni H all

Oksanish, Nicholas John, Grafton, Mass. (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School)Logan R o a d ; Freshm an H all

O’Laughlin, F rancis Jam es, Chicago, III. (St. George H igh School)6326 N orth Francisco A venue; Freshm an Hall

Olczak, Edw ard Anthony, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)719 W est C olfax ; Home

0 ,H ai Z ; ^ ? dward, Joseph’ Philadelphia, Pa . (W est Phila. Catholic H igh School) 5238 Chester A venue; Brownson H all

O’Leary, John A rthur, Oak P ark , III. (Fenw ick H igh School)439 Lenox S tre e t; Lyons H all

O’Leary, John Edwin, Crosse Pointe, Mich. (St. Paul High School)615 Lincoln R o a d ; Brownson H all

O 'M alley, J r . , J o h n G erald , P h o en ix , A riz . (B ro p h y H ig h School)2222 N orth Alvarado R o ad ; A lum ni H all

O'Malley, Ralph Thornton, Kankakee, 111. (St. P a trick ’s H igh School)444 E ast Chestnut S tre e t; Sorin H all

O’M eara. Jam es Patrick , W est Bend, Wis. (W est Bend H igh School)902 W alnut S tre e t; Sorin H all

O’Neil, A rth u r Francis, Evanston, 111. (Loyola Academy)1435 Ridge A venue; Sorin H all

O’Neil, Paul F ranics, Rochelle, 111. (Rochelle Township H igh School)205 Seventh A venue; 601 Cottage Grove Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

O'Neill, J r . , Joseph Ignatius, Phoenixville, Pa. (LaSalle H igh School)400 South Main S tre e t; H ow ard H all

O’Neill, Joseph W illiam, Springfield, Mass. (Cathedral H igh School)25 M assasoit P la c e ; M orrissey H all

O’Reilly, Charles W illiam, St. M arys, Ohio (Memorial H igh School)128 South V ine S tre e t; Brownson H all

O'Reilly, Eugene John, Norwalk, Conn. (N orw alk H igh School)Sasqua Hills ; Corby H all

Orkiszewski, C.S.C., E rw in W alter, N otre Dame, Ind. (W eber H igh School) M oreau Sem inary

Orvis, H anford Roberts, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)901 Sancome Avenue ; Home

Orzechowski, A lbert Victor, Chicago, 111. (St. Stanislaus H igh School)2900 N orth Central P a rk A venue; Corby H all

Osep, F ra n k Joseph, Milwaukee, Wis. (Pio Nono H igh School)354 E as t N ational A venue; Carroll H all

Osgood, Jam es Rollin, Chicago, 111. (Lyons Township H igh School)5610 Fulton S tree t; St. Edw ard’s H all

O’Sullivan, J r . , W illiam John, Louisville, Ky. (St. X avier H igh School)2134 Emerson A venue; Morrissey H all

Osweiler, V incent Pious, Marshall, M inn. (M arshall H igh School)508 W est Lyon S tre e t; W alsh H all

O'Toole, C.S.C., B rother Barnabas, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H eart College) D ujarie H all

O’Toole, Ju s tin Richard, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)7137 Luella A venue; A lum ni H all

O'Toole, Law rence Joseph, P ittsburgh, Pa. (Central Catholic H igh School)425 South Aiken A venue; H ow ard Hall

O'Toole, Robert Joseph, P ittsburgh , Pa . (C entral Catholic H igh School)425 South Aiken Avenue ; Freshm an Hall

P E 3

AB 3

*AB 1

CM 1

AB 1

LW 1

CM 1

AB 2

CM 1

CM 3

CM 4

EG 3

+AB 1

LW 3

CM 3

P E 3

AB 1

CM 4

AB 2

CM 1

CM 4

*CM 1

LW 1

EG 2

SC 3

AB 2

AB 3

AB 3

AB 1


ott- i L i t e CoIlege Ac"° % 2 R ™ u t o l T L ? n H j ! aW' ° hi° <MinSter Hieh School)

OW™69T|r s L a y UiT reet” S , S na- Hi* School)

OWe964 MadSon 8 t % i ' A ? = k a H ° ' ^ School>

° We?0i EaaS t h S t e e e t ; ^ S„as m n ' M° ' <Rockhurst School)

EG 2

CM 4

CM 4

AB 3

*SC 1

AB 1

P a 8 t e e a u S e m in 3 y VirSi1, N ° tr6 Dame' In 4 <°ur Ladr °f Lourdes High School) AB 2

Page4 3 4 T ^ s Gl ° t S ;CB“ 3 M <AuStin H ish Sch°°»

PaglBaa d in H tn aerig° B ap tist’ Rol)erts’ M,ont- (Roberts H igh School) P E 3

Pa,k2°?7<!N o 5 h :S l k r t f S S ; H o w f r d H k l f ^ <Set°“ HaU CoU^ P repara to ry ) P E 3

M m 6eird O M s l y l n n t i f H ^ m e 3' ^ <Mii“ a School) EG 3

P ahi r p ^ ' gi v L T e " ^ t 7 s i i M - & „ N - Y - (M“ e Sch” ‘)PaJumbo^^Leo^ Josejph, Payette, Idaho (Payette H igh School) CM 3

Panzino, Louis Joseph, U tica, N . Y. (U tica F ree Academy) a r i33 A uburn A venue; Brownson H all

Papachristos, George Leo, N ashua, N . H . (N ashua H igh School) AB 1

52 Palm S tre e t; Brownson H all 1

P arish John Anthony, Momence, 111, (Momence H igh School) a rAlum ni H all d

^Alumni H alinUm J /u^’us^ ne’ Momence, 111. (Momence H igh School) AB 4

ParSm ’N o?SeWatauCt01 StrePitT sT hEdwfrd's( H 3 lOTth S=h°0l) 30 *P artyka, Stanley John, Plainfield, N . J . (Plainfield H igh School) AB 1

419 Spooner A venue; Carroll Hall

PaG^ 5 8 YSoutdilIRichnrorHie s tre e t ;a M orrisse3^Hall10maS Academy) AB 1

S 0,as High Sch00l) 0M 2Payto^o’ ^ a^ ST ^ ™ er’ South Bend, Ind. (M arion H igh School) CM 3823 N orth Hill S tre e t; Home

Pence, John Gowin, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) SC 1

1219 N orth L afayette B oulevard; HomePendergast, J o h n Francis, Galesburg, 111. (Corpus Christ! H igh School) CM 4

163 W est Tompkins S tre e t; Sorin H all

Pendergast, Robert Patrick , Kansas- City, Mo. (Rockhurst H igh School) CM 4

4138 Campbell S tre e t; M orrissey HallPendergast, Thomas Michael, Galesburg, 111. (Corpus Christi H igh School) AB 2

163 W est Tompkins S tree t; M orrissey H allPenrose, John Heald, Cohoes, N . Y. (Cohoes H igh School) EG 1

37 Lincoln A venue; Freshm an H allPenrose, Laurence Delaney, Keokuk, Iow a (St. P e te r’s H igh School) AB 1

511 Palean S tree t; Carroll H all


AB 3

EG 1

CM 1

CM 1

^ 0W ° <H* N a™= H i*h S=h=d) AB 2

P eP 4 i l Cent^e’ Street'i^Dil'lo^HaJl^' ^ Philadelphia Catholic H igh School) SC 1

PerkS i k h a i T 5 t f " end- In d - <CaStle H eishtS ^ h o o l) AB 1

^ e l , Ore. (Mt. Angel H igh School) g

• High Sch00l) SC 2

S M S ; PS r & w ™ 'd 4 SS 5 ? inS “ *>

(Herington High School)

P e t m b f p S ^ T v ' S e f S , . P&al.(" High Sch00l) SC 2

Petrill^^Augujt^Pasquale_kJV[oant^Vernon, N . Y. ( » . V ernon H igh School) LW 2

^ k l ^ u T o ^ ' s g ^ T & r o ^ s M ™ 61 ™

P e“ no fl5 e c a 1 S I S ? S ^ H a l ? * Y ' (WatMnS G1“ H igh School) P E 4

Petti425Mm t e w a LA v e S u e " e end' ^ (S to tt H igh School> PG

P ^ o r e a f S e m fn S y k N °b 'e Dame‘ In d - (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 2

P e y M o re a f '& m ? n a ^ aS N ° tre Dame' In d - <H oly Cross- Sem inary)

P r e p a r e ,

P feif r b w t ! e t D riv e - 'A ta m n f ia ' l f ^ d' <Cathedral Hteh School) CM 3

Phil4g601 4 r c L p r i ^ e e ™ H o m e nd- ™ gh School> LW 1

PhUl ? I ' l i 04 netB| S ee?'; U k r r i ^ ^ a B ' Y' (Amsterdam H igh School) SC 2

PW1S l ’ B a ^ M n c o t niv e m e ? V o v ™ so b H alf' (A 'B' Da™ H teh School) CM 1

Ph0f o T ’w“ M nSon S?reet': B % n 3 (La Salle Insti« = >

PiCk80J6i™eC h 2 r s J A l K l l l i ? „ (WeSt B™ d H igh Sohoo.)

P i% 1 'E a l ! T a v l n o " h StreS5 ” m l ? ” a l ? ^ ( S t Academ y> EG 4

Pierm t i h rt ? L Jr Z hEdGw ^ s g § [ ' N ' Y- (He“ H iSh School)

P ie l« 0 ' K L S % t r ^ t ” t r i n H a i r ” " a ^ Sch°ol) LW 2

P " '% 4 8 E % d S % a « e t ” m a i , B'' (Pinckneyyille Community H . S.) P E 4

M n !065AS™5T L ^ a t o A vem e ™ St/E dw m d” m T ”31 H igh Sehool) P E 8

Pina82 B t n i n S l : % r % % : % ± T h ^ ' ” " H!gh S d ” °» EC .1

P " a% % % dg t « : t T ' M ^ i % a n ' Y' <AOTinaS Institute> ‘ SC 2

AB 2

AB 3

AB 3

SC 4


Piseck, A ndrew H enry, N ew port, N . Y. (H erkim er H igh School) *AB ib u n n y h ill; Badm H all 1

P la sC .S .C ., B rother E dgar, N otre Dame, Ind . (Sacred H e a rt College) SC 1

D ujarie H all x J o v

^ rDUS “ 1 H teh Sch” '> CM 4

POimi « i i S o S h C rlw io rd A veni° '; B a d i % l ^ H igh School) AB 3

P °n 675 - 3Mhglv® n™ r N o r th f ty o n sUHklIF la ' ^ C°lleSe P re Ia r ‘ t " ' l ) CM 2

Pontarelli, E rnest Dominic, Chicago, 111. (Illinois M ilitary Academy) CM 14848 Dakin S tre e t; Lyons H all

Pontarelli, John Edward, Chicago, 111. (M organ P a rk M ilitary Academy) SC 15134 Cullom Avenue ; Dillon H all

P °n t>aorfo iLrMic^ aeJ . A nS"elo> Chicago, Bl. (Illinois M ilitary Academy) CM 14848 W est Dakin S tre e t ; Dillon H all

PontareHi,* Raymond Harold, Chicago, HI. (Illinois M ilitary Academy) EG 14848 W est Dakin S tree t; Dillon H all

Ponzevic, Joseph John, Chicago, 111. (Englewood H igh School) " CM ?2018 South P eoria S tre e t ; Badin H all

Poore, John Nelis, Alton, 111. (M arquette H igh School) EG 1

124 E ast Sixth S tre e t; Freshm an H allPope, Ralph Lester, Chicago, 111. (M organ P a rk M ilitary Academy) CM 1

9414 South Bishop S tre e t; Brownson H allPorcoro, John Eugene, Garfield, N. J . (N ew ark P repara to ry ) AB 4

133 Monroe S tree t; Corby H allP orter, Glen Joseph, W innetka, 111. (New T rie r Township H igh School) AB 3

146 B ertling L a n e ; Alumni H allPoulin, H a rry Edmund, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) *CM 1

225 N orth St. Louis B oulevard; HomePoulin, John George, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) EG 1

229 South F rancis S tre e t ; HomePower, P e ter Donald, New Y ork City (M anhattan College H igh School) *AB 1

302 W est 87th S tree t; St. M ary’s College, N otre Dame, Ind.

Powers, John Carroll, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 1

Holy Cross Sem inaryPowers, John Michael, Houston, Texas (San Jacin to H igh School) SC 2

2202 A rbor S tree t; M orrissey H allPowers, C.S.C., Joseph Leo, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Joseph’s H igh School) AB 2

M oreau Sem inaryPowers, J r . , W alter Thomas, Jam aica, L .I., N . Y. (St. F rancis Xavier Coll. H .S.) AB 4

8320—169th S tre e t ; Carroll Hall

Prekowitz, Theodore Edward, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) AB 3

810 W estern A venue; HomePrendergast, Joseph P atrick , W are, Mass. (W are H igh School) AB 3

48 P leasan t S tree t; Alum ni H allP rendergast, William Richard, B ridgeport, Conn. (Central H igh School) *AB 1

966 Lindley S tre e t ; A lum ni H allP rentice, John Dell, Milwaukee, W is. (M arquette U niversity H igh School) *AB 1

526 N orth 33rd S tre e t; A lum ni H allPrice, John Francis, Cleveland, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School) AB 1

9106 Kempton A venue; Carroll H allProbst, V incent George, New Athens, 111. (New A thens Community H igh School) CM 2

200 M arket S tre e t ; M orrissey H allProctor, Thomas G rattan , E lkhart, Ind. (E lkhart H igh School) , AB 4

417 Prospect S tre e t ; W alsh H allP ropp , E arl Brooks, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) SC 1

1201 Diamond A venue; Home


State N orm al H ieh School)

PrUf 5 o w “ t“ i S t de ^ T F ’J L i n ei t l Sa" e H igh Sch°0l)

PSik22! a e s t a& hd SC5 a ! ° b 2 n (S i r n Academy)

TeChniCal H ish ^ h o . l )

Purcg47 ( j u d s e m — = « * * * > 01,

PUrC9l'7 l hrT ^?e% itetrwea M tah Mem°riaI H i=* School)

PUrS st°u1h M a in S t r e ^ f f e ^ Ha<l l ° neSb0r° A‘ & M‘ College P rep .)

P ° * M £ S l aI/ Christia” Academy,

Py% 2 T & 2 ? r s t u S f H a V , S t XOTi“ College Academ y,

N - Y ' (K r is t ia n B rothers Academy,

^ % ' A h m l f T % e T 8S a U ^ ' ™ gh Sch°°»

Sopertcm, Wis. (S t. N orbert's Academy)

I k , f ' <St Benedict'S P re p a ra to ry ,

QUin^ W n I k e P a r k T s i SrinNH ljlham ’ MaSS' (Ifeedha™ H igh School,

^ t e i S s f t a s w (st- pauvs H!gh sch“ »

Bend I„d

QU” n62JSao ^ S hS ^ e t t ^ a M ° ,Umbia ^ ”QUiT 9 J " <St' Benedict'= P rep ara to ry )

QUiT 9 a t r : : % r : % , f J - (NeWt°n H igh S ^ o o l,

P a tr i=k '= H igh School,

9 Ui* i s f eK L a y ? H k w « d H ! , , City' M° ' <E °d d ™ s t =W > School)

QUit s lo t t”h ™ - ^ a? ° ^ “ ish<l ali I d H igh School,

QU!rik8 S ^ a i K e S ^ - H i f ,* - Md High SA0d)QUit k ^ “ f c o Fo ? R S d f 0A l L n i H l l i N ' J ‘ <St‘ Benedict' s P re p a ra to ry ,

9UitpiokpIiUi?eei?HowkMHTll’ (S t‘ M ary's H i*h School)

s i r n °m s c h * , ,

Pa" V # L W % S tr:% & a ^ Central H igh School)

AB 1

CM 1

P E 1

P E 2

*EG 1

AB 4

CM 2

AB 2

EG 2

CM 1

CM 4

AB 1

EG 2

AB 4

CM 1

*CM 1

SC 3

EG 2

CM 2

AB 3

*AB 1

CM 4

*CM 1

AB 3

*GM 1

CM 1

CM 1


W estern Av'emm;' Home Ind" (Central School) EG 1

^ s l Hoho S c P l S ; T s h NHaT.' Day School, *AB 1

E an | f - M S s MH a T y' Blue Biver- W is- <B1™ River H igh School) SC 2

W aTh Ha?!8*' I,L (De Paul ^ v a r s i t y Academy) EG 4

R a n 35io G 4 n t l S " v ea0r T ’MNo S s £ ^ na1i ( IM y Co»eKe, CM 1

R % f a S ^ N - J ‘ <B-d e n to w n H igh School, AB 3

Ra% ^ e % a S ^ a w ^ s % ^ a" " - H!gh “ CM 2

Ra% ^ K b e Z : ; ^ a l % % , ' , M0' (S t' L °UiS d i v e r s i t y H igh School) CM 4

EdZOM o rfau S em to a r? N °tre Dame' In d ' <Ho!v t r in i ty H igh School) AB 4

Rea? W ifeuth^ Eleventh A w n ™ ’ ^ Schoo!) AB 3

“ j ' N ^ M f A v e ^ T ; 2 ^ % H igh School) CM 1

R e a 4d3 fw e sdtW6a9rtdh S°tSeth ; g S M f * ^ <B° Ckh" St School) CM 2

(W ashington H igh School, CM 3

R e d 209 WakewaSA vinue '; Home Be" d' ^ ( C e n b ' a l H ish School) CM 1

ReedoniP A^ ,^U-Pvene’ Kn °x> Ind. (Loyola Academy) TW i201 N orth H eaton S tree t; 314 South W illiam Street, South Bend, Ind.

Reed232“ f f l X ' s S r H o w f k I>Hall<WayneS,>UrS ™ Sh School) ’ EG 3

R " % 4 % e t RS T H ^ e d° " ^ ' (SL " » = * School) AB 4

S e p a ra to ry ) CM 1

E eS aMo?em?'&mtana w 1VeSter' Dame' In d. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 3

ReB m V aLm h sr e t ’; M l t n S / ' Y ' (M°M °e H igh S°h° ° " CM 1

“ T M S S S N - ^ <Chaminade H!gh School) CM 1

Reit E ^ l i Sr e 5 t T M e y Ci^ n I,a - ( S t ^ H i=h School)

Rei"70S*" S t h f a t t ™ s“ Dhlon yngham U n s h i p H igh School) EG 1

E a" ' : 5 3 8 % % l . F % : % e f Z r ^ g ‘f, <Rh°d6S P repara to ry )

Reil\y46Bseo T h V g W h ^ S t^ e tT c a i- rS i Hall®*' B en ed ic t’8 P repara to ry ) CM 1

Ead% 9 % & % J % t u e T S s % y L l ^ ^ Sch°d ) AB 2

E a" 8 3 0 % n d % S T ^ s C i i f m U F ia ' <St' P a trick ’S H ish School) EG 1

W - V a- <SaCred H eart H ish Sohoo» CM 4

E etthM OTem's?m™ ary R° ^ ' N ° tre Dame' IncL ( H * Cross Sem inary) AB 1


Rennekamp, J r ., W illiam Joseph, McKees Rocks, Pa. (Duquesne U. P rep ara to ry ) P E 4 114 Sarah S tre e t; W alsh H all

Reville, Jam es Francis, New York City (Fordham P repara to ry ) EG 3185 Beach S treet, City Is la n d ; Corby H all

Reynolds, J r ., Clark Leonard, M illburn, N . J . (X avier H igh School) AB 1

17 South M ountain R o a d ; Dillon H allRhodes, H arold Houghton, Rensselaer, N . Y. (C hristian B rothers Academy) AB 3

• 2 P a tten A venue; A lum ni H allRice, J r ., Ambrose Ignatius, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) CM' 1

1029 N orth Niles A venue; HomeRice, Joseph M ark, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. P au l’s H igh School) AB. 1

Holy Cross Sem inaryRice, R ichard Irw in, Niles, Mich. (Niles H igh School) EC 1

109 N orth 13th S tre e t; HomeRich, H a rry William, McKeesport, Pa. (M cKeesport H igh School) CM 3

1503 Grandview A venue; Howard H allRich, Melville Charles, W hittier, Calif. (W hittier U nion H igh School) AB 4

529 H aviland A venue; Sorin H allRich, Paul John, McKeesport, Pa. (M cKeesport H igh School) SC 1

1503 Grandview A venue; F reshm an H allRich, W illiam Angelo, Deadwood, S. Dak. (Deadwood H igh School) CM 1

391 Main S tre e t; Freshm an H allRichards, Robert William, Niles, Mich. (Niles H igh School) CM 1

533 H ickory S tre e t ; HomeRichardson, Glenn W., South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) *AB 1

1012 Lindsey S tre e t ; Home

Richardson, Ralph A rthur, South Bend, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 1226 Parkovash P lace ; Home

Rickert, Jo h n George, Honesdale, P a . (Honesdale Catholic H igh School) AB 1219 T errace S tree t; Dillon H all

Rieder, John Joseph, South Bend', Ind. ( Central H igh School) SC 1808 E ast Madison S tre e t; Home

Rigley, C.S.C., Rev. M aurice Stein, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) GR 1Freshm an H all

Riley, John Aleide, New Orleans, La. (Jesu its H igh School) EG 2323 South Solomon S tree t; Carroll H all

Riley, Joseph Francis, W eston, W. Va. (St. P a tric k ’s H igh School) *AB 1Cox A ddition ; St. Edw ard’s H all

Riley, R ichard Anthony, W estport, N . Y. (W estport H igh School) AB 2304 St. Edw ard’s Hall

Riley, W alter Jam es, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) CM 28191 Champlain A venue; Lyons H all

Riley, W illiam John, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) AB 18101 Champlain A venue; Dillon H all

Ringwelski, C.S.C., B ro ther Romanus, N otre Dame, Ind . (L ittle Falls H igh School) AB 4 D ujarie H all

R ini J r . Thomas M artin , Cleveland, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School) AB 1819 E as t B oulevard; Freshm an H all

Ritchel ,* Kenneth Ralph, B ridgeport, Conn. (Central H igh School) CM 1257 Wood A venue; Freshm an H all

R it<*cy, Raymond Charles, Gallon, Ohio (Gallon H igh School) SO 1638 H ard ing W ay W e s t; Dillon H all

R iter, C.S.C., Rev. Regis H enry, N otre Dame, Ind. (Most Holy Rosary H . S.) GR 1

Community HouseRoac11l> J r ., John W illiam, M uscatine, Iow a (St. Mathias- H igh School) CM 1

1510 M ulberry ; Dillon H all

Robertshaw Charies Fyshure, P o rt A rthu r, Texas (St. Michael’s Academy) SC 2617 F ifth S tre e t ; M orrissey H all


R r a a & j % a £ r High schoo,)“ « « ' <Loyoia

RObiC o™ 'B ead fS o rin H lnh- Huntinfi;t™ ' L I - N - Y. (Georgetown P repara to ry )

E °b lT ? S fa S ’t S . M f <UniVerSity °£ " Scboo,,

R ° CC6a85Jm M A v e S e f B ^ H a U - ' ' H ish Sch<»»

ROCei652e§ ? o S a ° ; H o w L ? H l„ M ani,a' P ' L (A t™m de “ >

1052 O roauietoT 1021 ’ E ^ a“ t,a ’y & < ilit<S ^ S > South e n d Ind

ROdf80S6 & = a K t t % = . ^ a - (U l,i°n H igh Sch~ 1>

ROeS60r8 N o “ h % ^ ’ SRS i l o n H a U ^ ”

Rogers, g ^ e r t F g « s , R o .k w a y ^ e h , L.L, N.Y. (St. F rancis X avier Coll. H.S

Rag% ? D & e s t : t L d T & f H a H " a' N ' Y ' <St A ^ s A=ademy)

R°bt o f F o t % A v 5 % r A % a ,f ' ' ' <NeW Triel' T°m sM » Hi=* School)

^ u ^ f o u t e ^ S t ' l & d f H a i l 0 8 *11641'31 Hi8H SCh°0,)

^ 7 ^ C a ^ 5 ^ H a l l ^ ° ^ (Sour Lake S ig h School)

Ron^ ’ Michael , Chicago, 111. (Fenw ick H igh School)3601 N orth L una A venue; Lyons H all

R^ k S r s S a^ % / " d- <Elkhart H ish Schooi)

R 0 0 2 ^ s T S S f FS l ^ ° n t - Can' <C“ * Institu te)

Rosenstein, Stanley Arnold, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School)721 Lincoln W ay E a s t ; Home

R othert, W illiam Tohrnas, Hollidaysburg, Pa. (Altoona H igh School) oylvan Hills ; Alum ni Hall

Rothlein, Gerard John, Jersey City, N . J . (St. Benedict’s P repara to ry )194A Lexington A venue; Dillon H all

Rouleau Roland Alfred, Peoria, 111. (Spalding Institu te)603 Kansas A venue; W alsh H all

R °Wf ? ’w d^ r d £ OS<??h) W ilkes-Barre, Pa. (Coughlin H igh School)34 W est N orth S tree t; How ard HallRowe, Milton W illiam, Brandon, V t. (V erm ont Academy)

63 P a rk S tre e t; Brownson H allRubly, A lfred George, Rockford, 111. (Rockford H igh School)

1153 N orth Main S tre e t; W alsh H all

Rubly, Paul Ellsworth, H ighland P ark , 111. (Deerfield-Shields H igh School)532 Glencoe A venue; Badin Hall

Ruby, H arry Ludwig, Hoquiam, W ash. (Hoaquim H igh School)624 M” S tre e t; W alsh H all

Rueger, John Carl, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry )1815 Avenue “R” ; Freshm an H all

RueIh £ t Vi d f ^ r e w , Detroit, Mich. (U niversity of D etroit H igh School)18465 Parkside A venue; Morrissey H all

Ruen, John H enry, D etroit, Mich. (Catholic Central H igh School)18465 Parkside A venue; Lyons H all

8 8

P E 1

CM 1

AB 3

AB 1

*SC 1

CM 4

GR 1

EG 1

AB 1

.) AB 4

*AB 1

CM 3

P E 2

AB 3

CM 2

P E 4

EG 1

LW 3

CM 3

SC 1

EG 4

SO 3

AB 1

CM 4

CM 3

AB 4

CM 1

*CM 1

AB 2


Ruetz, Joseph H ubert, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)1121 N orth St. P e te r S tree t; Home

Buffer, W alter Edward, R utherford, N. J . (R utherford H igh School)17 W est Passaic A venue; Badin H all

Ruge, Emil Vernon, Lowell, Ind. (Lowell H igh School)Box 149; 414 E ast Pokagon Street, South Bend, Ind.

Rum pf, Robert John, A uburn, N. Y. (A uburn H igh School)114 Chapman A venue; Brownson H all

Russell, F rancis Swain, Tiskilwa, 111. (St. Bede College Academy)Dillon H all

Russell, Robert Riley, Marengo, 111. (M arengo Community H igh School) St. Edw ard 's H all

Ryan, Charles Michael, Emery, S. Dak. (E m ery H igh School)424 N orth M ichigan Street, South Bend, Ind.

Ryan, Daniel Francis, Rushville, Ind. (Eushville H igh School)421 N orth M organ S tre e t; Carroll H all

Ryan, F rancis Jam es, H ibbing, M inn. (H ibbing H igh School)2113 Third A venue; A lum ni H all

Ryan, John Francis, Oak P ark , III. (St. Mel H igh School)601 Gunderson A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

Ryan, John Joseph, Fram ingham , Mass. (F ram ingham H igh School)327 Union A venue; Corby H all

Ryan, III , John Joseph, Chester, P a . (St. R obert’s H igh School)236 E ast 21st S tree t; H ow ard H all

Ryan, J r . , John Vincent, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)7316 Constance Avenue; Sorin Hall

Ryan, Joseph B ernard, Zanesville, Ohio (St. Nicholas H igh School) dOO Fountain S q u a re ; M orrissey H all

Ryan, W alter Anthony, Rochester, N . Y. (A quinas Institu te)50 H obart S tre e t; Corby H all

Ryan, W illiam Francis, Fram ingham , Mass. (F ram ingham H igh School) 327 Union A venue; Corby H all

Rybicki. Eugene John, Chicago, III. (Holy T rin ity H igh School)1732 W est 18th S tree t; Alum ni H all

By dell, Oscar Ferdinand, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)7400 M errill Avenue ; M orrissey H all

Saffa, W illiam Paul, D rum right, Okla. (D rum righ t H igh School)301% E ast B roadw ay; H ow ard H all

Sagartz, John Peter, Chicago, 111. (De Paul U niversity Academy)6355 Raven S tree t; A lum ni H all

Sagartz, M athias Peter, Chicago, 111. (De P au l U niversity Academy)6355 Raven S tree t; Corby H all

Saggau, John Lally, Denison, Iowa (Denison High School)233 W est B roadw ay; Dillon H all

Saleh, Mitchell Joseph, Tyler, Texas (Tyler H igh School)322 W est F irs t S tree t; Corby H all

Salerno. Nicholas Jam es, P o rt W ashington, N. Y. (P o rt W ashington H . S.) 15 H erbert A venue; Lyons H all

Samowski, R ichard John, Am sterdam , N . Y. (St. M ary’s H igh School)221 E ast M ain S tre e t; Alum ni H all

Sampson, C.S.C., F rancis Leon, N otre Dame, Ind. (F rank lin H igh School) Moreau Sem inary

Sander, Thomas O’Dell, Salamanca, N . Y. (St. B onaventure’s H igh School) 117 Broad S tree t; W alsh H all

Sandusky, Arthur Ambrose, Sheridan, Wyo. (Sheridan H igh School)205 Coffeen A venue; W alsh H all

SC 1

CM 3

AB 1

EG 1

CM 1

*CM 1

LW 3

AB 1

AB 3

*AB 1

CM 4

AB 3

AB 4

*AB 1

CM 4

CM 4

AB 3

CM 2

P E 3

CM 3

EG 4

CM. 1

EG 4

P E 2

SC 3

AB 1

*AB 1

LW 2


W ashington ' N - Y - <p° r t w a =h - H . s . , C M ,

SanX e a u l e n 5 i a t y dreW F r ™ CiS> N otre Dame’ Ind- <H °ly Cross Sem inary) AB S

“ ' S L I S S W w I . s h H a I l 0 ity ^ * n “ c b X a™ r H - &) AB 4

Said? r R h S e i ^ L y o n s iCH a ? - ^ (Am erican ™ Sh School) EG 1

School) GE 2

" a" % 3 % E % . e S f a : n % i ™ gh S c M > SC 1

SaXT379Mp e lo d y VAvCeen ^ e f l Z Z S H a T ' M ffltary Aaade“ y > »CM 1

SCaft & MaSS' (Dedha™ H igh School) CM 3

SCantom m unftyH ?usVe Stephen, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) GR 1

S C am i % $ £ 2 f r 2» t h ° hsi?

S“ f l e n l e r v . I S f n ' ; C a r t u T a l l ^ (° ™ Sby VillaSe H igh School) AB 1

SChas1 l1> e m S ? L X a ° I T 1D m o ° M inte ' <Gr°SSe P °™te H * h School) AB 1

^ ^ r s ^ ± ' & e - T , n m % % l f ' (C hristian B rothers Coll. H . S.) "CM 1

SChaf f i C h S tm t AvenSe ; % ^ H a ™ ' (L °y°la Academy> EG 4

^ b % i bC , 5 L f % e ! t ™ : m r ba ' In d - (MiShaWaka H igh School) AB 1

Schanh^Panl Joseph, W heeling, W. Va. (Central Catholic H igh School) CM 1

Scheoeo ^ ETd>Var? ^ ver’„ ? outhTBend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) AB 12324 Lincoln W ay W e s t; HomeSchemmer, John Karl, Colby, Wis. (Colby H igh School) AR

Dillon H all x

Schenk, J r ., W illiam Gilbert, Chicago, 111, (De Paul U niversity Academy) *AB 1

2406 Greenview A venue; Alum ni HallScherer, Benjam in Michael, M amaroneck, N. Y. (Rye Neck H igh School) AB 2

742 Halstead A venue; M orrissey HallScherer, Otto E rnest, Palm yra, Wis. (Palm yra H igh School) CM 1

Brownson HallSchiavone, F ra n k Alfred, Buffalo, N . Y. (H utchinson Central H igh School) P E 2

201 P rospect A venue; Badin H all

Schidel, C.S.C. George Edw ard, N otre Dame, Ind. (G irard H igh School) AB 4

M oreau Sem inarySchiefer, Thomas Joseph, F o rt W ayne, Ind. (Central Catholic H igh School) CM 2

2223 South Calhoun S tre e t; M orrissey H allSchill, Charles Michael, H avana, 111. (H avana H igh School) EG 4

126 E ast F rank lin S tree t; W alsh H allSchilling Joseph Valentine, Pleasantville, N . Y. (Dw ight P repara to ry ) CM 2

Bedford R o a d ; St. Edw ard’s HallSchiralli, Rocco Victor, Gary, Ind. (Em erson H igh School) CM 4

1713 Delaware S tre e t; Sorin H allSchirm er, Deno Eugene, F reeport, 111. (F reeport H igh School) CM 2

1043 W est Stephenson S tree t; Lyons H all

Schirm er, George H enry, F reeport, 111. (F reeport H igh School) CM 1

1043 W est Stephenson S tree t; Dillon H all


S°hl! « ' 'S a l t M n S l t S l f l S h ^ ' H S l t (CathedraI P re» a r a t e y School) EG 1

Ohio ( s t Xa™ r coi)^ ™ i

^ e^ a 6^5:’SouthlCL a ^ o n aBouI^aTdLt^ rtla l^*H aIl^ar<311e e H i«h Sch” » SO 4Sehmelzle, Robert John, F reeport, 111. (F reepo rt H igh School) AR o

1243 W est Lincoln B oulevard ; A lum ni H allSchmidt, H enry Jolm , Belleville, N . J . (St. Benedict’s P rep ara to ry ) iP.m i

46 Malone A venue; Brownson H all

S°h” 069 B ain?rid™ n^ n ™ 7 c W b y k S h <Ma” ha« a n P repara to ry ) CM 3

L'L> N - Y’ (Eichm °nd ™ School) EG 3

™ t g S £ S u e ;H o m e Bend' iC ^ H teh Schoo» EG 2

^ ^ M ^ o a d r W a l Z H i S ’ L J - N ‘ Y" <Richm ™ d Hill H igh School, EG 4

SCh™ i y K r r t S t L t K W d'; Z Z T m l i S‘ D ak' <W atert0™ ™ gh School) P E 1

SChlD uJarieSH a llB r°th er ^heophane, N otre Dame, Ind. (D ecatur Catholic H . S.) SO 2

Ind- (S t- Ma^ ' s m sh School) CM 3

s c h n boe,E i f f i e N h a o S ' w is - <Linc°in H igh ^ . o , ) s o i

B°b ' s t d M a % 'S e % B7 H o 7 a r d H ^ ' ^ d P ” k’ Baltim ore Md- (C rafton H . S.) GR 1

^ T M r d ’ | 0H L o r r s ht r ® s ; S m M i <M t " H igh School> AB 1

^ h ^ X h ^ e e t r M ^ V y ^ t 8- (VerSaiUeS School, AB 1

SCht? 7 £eM : dS i bT S T A HaV,1rSide’ (RiVerside “ dd School) CM 1

f t e7 i t a rW a°sh 0H iu athedral X a tln H igh School) SC 4

SCh0lT o T fin itn w l7 w e Ss7 L m e nd’ ^ d' (Central HigB Sch” » *CM 1

% 1 % ^ School, P E 1

<E1W°°d H igh School) LW 2

SChri96S' p i a c h t r e 'e R r o d ^ s S n 'H a n * ’*’ <Georgetown P repara to ry ) AB 4

S o u M n w o o d ' D ^ e ; ^ (C entral H i*h School)

(M e r i 'ffl H iS h School)

SChUHoWJr°dHan°ndit' Beardstown- HI. (Beardstown High School) A B 3

SChUBox'JU S ; S f E d w ' a r f f S <Gladwin H ish School) PB 2

S c h u m a c ^ O a r ^ c e ^ e t e r . Mishawaka, Ind. (St. Joseph’s College) EG 3

^ % a % u S n % , T <SaCted H eart “ * School,

( S t S tank laus C C cge)

SC 1

SC 4

AB 2

SC 1


^ a v ie , H igh School, CM 1

SChW27U D ou.rial’s b e t ' ; A ium ni H al” 0' (C hristian B rothers H i*h School) EG 3

HallY ' <NW R0Chdk ®=hoo„

™all<Whee,mg Township H igh School) LW 1

"“ L t e T w f ^ n S i 1- N - Y ' (Aguinas Institu te) CM 2

Scottoo1Joar? eS1 Robe^ ’ Sioux City, Iowa (Central H igh School) CM %3212 Jackson S tree t; W alsh H all

Scott, John Alden, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) AB 1

808 L aw ndale; Home l

SCri^uj^arS‘ Hall B r°ther Simon’ N o trs Dame, Ind. (Sacred Heart-College) AB 3

Scull0y’ y ^ h a e l Richard Bridgeport, Conn. (Central H igh School) g n l3265 Main S tre e t; M orrissey H all

Seco, Robert Alan, N ew ark, N . J . (B arringer High School) AB 2777 Lake S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H all

See’™ lvin ^ OSep^ ' Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) on 47320 Ind iana A venue; W alsh Hall

Selig, William Lawrence, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) g n 94447 Greenwood; M orrissey H all

Selna, A rth u r John, Jerome, A riz. (Jerom e H igh School) r'M iP . 0 . Box 134; Freshm an H all um 1

Senger, Carl Joseph, W ichita, K ansas (Cathedral H igh School) CM 3

257 New York A venue; Carroll Hall

Sepe, Thomas Anthony, Cranston, R. I. (C ranston H igh School) -pp a79 P leasan t A venue; 1122 N orth N otre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Ind.

Serge, A nthony Paul, Elizabeth, N. J . (Thomas Jefferson H igh School) P E 21009 A ugusta S tre e t; Freshm an Hall

Servaas, R ichard Niessink, Kalamazoo, Mich. (Kalamazoo Central H igh School) CM 1

447 Grandview A venue; Dillon H allSettles, J r . , Merle Leroy South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School) EG 4

1502 N orth O B nen S tre e t; Home

Setzer, ^WiHiain Francis, F o rt Lee, N . J . (St. Cecilia’s High School) *AB 1

490 Main S tree t; Alum ni H allSexton, John Peter, Chicago, 111. (S pring Hill H igh School) CM 1

2336 Commonwealth A venue; Dillon H all

Shal<fl?Aaw ’ ? in!am Valentine, New York City (P o rt Richmond H igh School) AB 34810 W ashington B oulevard ; W alsh H all

Seymour, Jam es Edward, Honeoye Falls, N . Y. (Honeoye Falls H igh School) SC 469 E ast S tre e t ; Corby H all

Shaffer John Francis Regis, P ittsburgh , Pa. (Central Catholic H igh School) SC 3

5216 Gertrude S tre e t; How ard HallShakespeare, William Valentine, L. I., N . Y. (P o rt Richmond H igh School) AB 3

202 Liverm ore A venue; Alum ni H all

Shambleau, N orm an David, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) EG 2

1736 E ast Jefferson A venue; HomeShamla, R ichard Joseph, Glencoe, M inn. (Glencoe H igh School) CM 4

Walsh Hall

Shanahan, Robert Em m ett, Mt. Clemens, Mich. (St. M ary’s H igh School) CM 4

98 New S tre e t; Sorin HallShaner, John Frederick, Bucyrus, Ohio (Bucyrus H igh School) SC 4

1023 Roger S tree t; Sorin H allShanley, F red Jam es, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) AB 4

541 N orth Sunnyside A venue; Home


Shapero Joseph Brooks, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) CM s1217 Blame A venue; Home 6

Shapiro, Isador, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) at*150 W est B roadw ay; Home ^

D i l to T k n - J - <The ° ra t0 ry Sch00,) SO 1

^ ^ J ^ ^ M tr ifo p e k B o u ^ v a rc f^ h fo r r is ^ e y h fa l? ^ 3011’ ^ (H asti^ - H u d s o „ H .S.) AB 2

(Ne,SO™ lle H i» School) *CM 4

Shea25?K bpS A venuf: S h o n H=» N " (S t' M ary'= School) AB 1

Sh6as L t S S S i ^ r <St J °h n ’S P re» » a tory) , CM ,

Shea3l ^ ™ i v i ^ C o A y S& f l linefield ' MaSS' <WeSt H . S.) P E 4

H o ^ a ^ H a n ^ HigH Sch°0l) ™ 3

Sheaih2To 2 S 2 S . B ? S i S t i S T (Ke:th Academy) *AB 1

Shee5d5y40HBe,Tan? S t a e t ; ^ P >— ory) CM 1

Sh<! m D ™ D r iv e f ly o n s Stall* ' (A m herst CentraI H « h School) CM 2

“"Hi fewhi'3" l rSn'Hanyder' *' <Bennett High School> EG 3Sheei a” ’i a m te r ^ A ? e n x ^ t 's tHEdwlardY 1H a/lCOmmerCial H tah Sch°0,) = 0 3

(E °CkhUrSt HiKh Sch00l) CM 3Sheehan, ^ ^ % ^ t m r o r e , Md. (Georgetown P rep a ra to ry , 8 0 2

She' ^ 1 4 PB1 ^ aA ” n ™ ? ' S h ^ iH ^ t,ledral L atin H igh Sch° 0l) CM 1

^ 1 r a % S t ; % a N ' H ' <St" J °SeDh H igh ™ CM 4Sheehy, W a r ™ B ^ o t a , N J . (St. Ceei.ia H igh School) SC 1

Shei^ 3 B t S M r M e ; S e M H teh Scho°» EG 1

Shei,220J ° S h M u r l y ™ ^ ? ; ^ ^

^ % 3 dS o ^ S % a % ' , " ' N ' Y‘ ( I°na Sch” l)

V t' (Cathedral School) CM 4

^ m - B ^ L r A ^ u ^ m o ™ H i n 80' ™" <St' Ge° rBe H teh School) AB 1

m & a % 5 e ' I1L <Hob™son Township H igh School) AB 3

Sher& l VEoCn ™ \ f 'l ? i „ ® * n H til ™" (Robinson Township H igh School) SC 1

^ ^ I ’K e n d fllT v e n n e T B a S n r g J a rr^ ° ™ . »■ Y. (N orth T arry tow n H . S.) CM 3

“ ■ U S M S S2S-- <St- MiChad’= H igh School) CM 1

SMel2f4 M r 7 s ™ M o ; r S e y ^ a- * * * • ™ Bh Sah°“» EG 2

P E 3

AB 4


BeeS i ? T v ye n „ t aSd l ? f e f & haU(C a th 0 li0 “ H =gh Schoo»

ShieM4 f c t S g S h m f n H ail Communit* School)

Shleid2Si 3 PGhS & :K& 0a0n S f - ( 8 t H ish ™

Shlelm 3 RG0rand A venue; C ^ h T i I ^ ^ A^ stine H i®h S<*°°»

Shie1/ - J ° s ePh Leo St. Paul, M inn. (C retin H igh School) lb65 Ashland A venue; M orrissey H all

Shinier, H erbert Joseph, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)410 E ast 43rd S tre e t ; M orrissey Hall

Shini6^™e£6miaS i J 0Sl ? h ’ Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)1406 E ast Ohio S tree t; Sorin H all

Sh° C o ’ o ? ePileiA F isher- Dallas, Texas (Sunset H igh School)6942 Shook A venue; St. E dw ard’s H all

F o rt A tkinson, W is. (St. F rancis Academy)419 E ast Milwaukee A venue; Sorin H all

Shore, ^Byron Burdell, Rochester, Ind. (Rochester H igh School)525 Pontiac S tree t; Alum ni H all

Sh°T6ani W ^ t ^ X ? S ? r « t :Clo r in dS l i IU' Com” ™ ^ H tth School)

Sibr,r i ^ Worenc;e Francis, Chicago, 111. (Lindblom H igh School)5659 South Maplewood A venue; H ow ard Hall

Siddall, Jam es Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Calumet H igh School)7724 Yates A venue; Badin H all

Sidler, August William, Brooklyn, N. Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry )124(—ootri S tree t; Dillon Hall

Siegfried, Robert McBride, Tulsa, Okla. (Cascia Hall H igh School)2240 South Troost A venue; Lyons H all

Siekemeyer, Leonard W illiam, South Bend, Ind. (Muskegon H eights H igh School) 902 E ast Woodside A venue; Home

Sienko, F rancis Paul, Hem pstead, N . Y. (H em pstead H igh School)Remsen Avenue ; Dillon H all

Siepietowski, F rederick John, W hitinsville, Mass. (N orthbridge H igh School)32 Brook S tree t; Dillon H all

Sierra, John Ferronez, Silvis, 111. (U nited Township H igh School)801 F irs t A venue; St. Edw ard’s H all

Simmons, Robert F rancis, Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas Institu te)211 H ighland P a rk w a y ; W alsh Hall

Simon John Daniel, Kalamazoo, Mich. (St. A ugustine H igh School)1420 Academy S tre e t; Freshm an H all

Simon, K urt Godfrey, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)M ornmgside Hotel, 413 W est C o lfax ; Home

Simonds, Robert Jasper, South Bend, Ind. ( Riley H igh School)1338 Belmont A venue; Home

Simonitsch, C.S.C., Roland Gerard, N otre Dame, Ind. (W estport H igh School) Moreau Sem inary

Simpson, E dw ard Leslie, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School)5928 N orth Campbell A venue; W alsh H all

Singson, Vicente Conde, Manila, P . I. (San Beda College)573 L eg a rd a ; Alum ni H all

Sini F ra n k Peter, Shoreham, N. Y. (P o rt Jefferson H igh School)Brownson Hall

Sinnott F rancis Reed, N orth Tarrytow n, N . Y. (St. John ’s P repara to ry )47 Hudson T errac e ; W alsh H all

Siscanaw, John Joseph, Am sterdam , N . Y. (St. M ary’s Catholic Institu te)5 Dean S tree t; Sorin Hall

EG 4

P E 1

CM 1

EG 3

EG 2

AB 3

LW 1

CM 1

EG 4

CM 3

AB 4

CM 3

CM 3

AB 1

CM 2

CM 4

SC 1

P E 1

AB 1

AB 4

AB 1

CM 4

CM 1

AB 3

CM 4

*OM 1


AB 4

LW 2


( P e a b o d y H i s h S c h 0 0 l >

(ScwicHey H igh School,

S k d K n f aS e P L yo“ H all (WeSt Philadelphia Catholic H igh School)

Ske,2yd Y ' H em p stead H igh School,

^ % . « % % t T c : : r o H % n da' N ‘ Y ' (G°Wanda H i®h School)

Senn H igh School,

W a l S f ' In d ' (Cathedral H igh School)

S1” Moi.ris?eyMH S i eW' ™' ( ° “™ n i t y H igh School)

" a>

S,USt r aeenSK duedt ? : J o t r K ^ d H ‘Sh

Sma& l 5 ? a/2nJdOSpTahce ^ c S , ^ * * > S=hoo„

Sm ar n 8 S rT o n 6 S % o r % : y % j - d' ° M° <Shaw H igh School,

i ' a , / 8*- Ge° rSe H igh School,

Smithy g S ^ ^ B f a n p . t a j g , N . Y. (H em pstead H igh School)

Sm' l h5 2 5 ° ^ s f 2 7 ^ rs tSrehe t % % y m u (Central H igh ‘ School)

" « a t s J K S S W M s i L 5 i ~ t t i r , s - a

^ ^ ^ 'g /^ o H h ^ ^ S e c o n d 1 s tre e t f^Howard^kaT^' (H a™ b u r g Academy,

Smif424EdETg?neJ t ^ ,e v a r d h; g o m e ^ d ' (Bi,6y H i*h School)

S m in i t e 2 a e g ° D ° f f i - H Na ,lY- ' B^ , y n P re p a ra to ry ,

Sm‘f d 6M e t e e E G , § £ i <LaP° * H igh School,

Sm* f 46 E ra T h V a r io n S t? e e t ; B^adin m i l Fenwick H igh School)

S m i4d07Jrp a g ° I % „ t ” ^ i „ 5 ldI i T I,OliS- In d ‘ <Ca“ H ^ School)

( Central Catholic H igh School)

^ S O b 2 S . W 8 ? £ S 5 H all <D°n0 ra H % h School)

Smitm JM n ^ n IA vm uT d C ^ b y EH S lLiVerP001’ ° hio (B ast Liverpool H igh School)

" " % % h i a % a r i ^ H l 7 a" " a ' ^ g h School)

^ K M r 7 A d e n Bi ta 1? .' E d w I ^ M * * ™ gh School)

^ % 4 % S a % t , ^ o 5 : : y % T f <Ca“ H igh School,

AB 1

EG 4

*EG 1

CM 3

AB 1

CM 1

GE 1

*CM 1

*CM 1

CM 2

AB 4

EG 1

CM 1

*GM 1

AB 1

CM 4

P E 4

EG 3

AB 4

8 0 1

CM 1

AB 3

CM 1

EG 1

AB 2

AB 4

CM 2

P E 2

CM 2

*AB 1

CM 2

EG 4

P E 3

P E 1

6 CM 1

EG 1

AB 3


(M ishawaka m e h school)

S ch 0 0 l)

S m if i2 1 ^ & » n u Ce^Cl f f ^ H a 0y0la CM

^ l u r ^ ^ u t e ^ f S d i ? " * 0™ ' N ’ J - (H aekettstow n H igh School)

Smt S k l w 7 r C Y ^ S ^ l a l l 0"*- (0 l'°Si Union High School)

S“ l 5 nS a l r s S e e ® r s r ® & , H all^ (S t E d i c t ' s High School) CM 4

™ s f t o S S : H S t ^ u& h MB ^ 5 iaL f igh Sch00,)

mgh “

DeL (SalesianHm H igh School)

Sn°?18 N « r s C t f A , u % f ^ ' <ChriStian Brothers High School, CM 3

^ % ' B r : k d ^ % ' e s h S ' & a H ' J ' <PaSSaic H i» S ^ o o l) CM 1

MaSS- H iSh School,

SOleM oreauCS ^ n Y 5 r A nthony’ N * a Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 1

S°U U S ? E irM in ers& e? ™ H o m eend' ^ (Central High S ^ ool) GR 2

^ 4 7 2 1 W a i C % o n S k y a r d % % w % d HaR Ig n a« aa H igh School) CM 2

S P a 3 0 l ! s i v e S t l S k t f S j ^ H a l l ™ 8h Schoo,)

SPa1 on L S r M i i ? S ” -Sorind H illOU° (L °nd0n HiBh Schoo,)

“ College I S a y Me m°rial H igh CM 2

^ T % a % : \ ^ : % k ^ a' E % d % T ' HiSH Scht,0l) SC 2SPie^ g e r . ^ C iS.C„ B rother Rudolph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Catholic Central H. S.) AB 2

2 K r t % t r % % ^ H a l / ^ C°aSt MiMtary Academy> CM 1

Ste1 i o T s ? i S nl i Sr-ee tUHome“ ^ ^ (B lkhart H igh ” EG 2

StaC|i o EE S M to e yr f t e e ! ? f H o m e d' ^ <E'k h a rt H igh Sch°°» EG 2

StadD ujarie HalIBrCther Bede' N otre Dame' In d - (Sacred H eart College) AB 1

S ta iMmeai; S ^ & k r y ^ " ' J °hn ' N °tre Dame’ In d ' <Holr Cross Sem inary) AB 4

Stan2d908 W ch T a A v e lm '; c X ^ H a n ^ ( S t Thomas Coll<® >

Stan2f?fA ™ k'di°eh:nm ; I aH k l f 0USt0n' TeXaS (S t' M a r y ' 8 H igh Sch»ol>

EG 2

GR 1

LW 1

EG 4

*AB 1


i S A o w a r d I T ” ' MaSS- <BOSt°n C0Uege H igh Schoo,)Stapp, Robert Richard, Longmont, Colo. (Longm ont H igh School)

339 P r a t t S tre e t; 713 N orth N otre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Ind.Stau£ u P£ uI W dliam, F o rt W ayne, Ind. (Central Catholic H igh School)

332 E ast W ashington B oulevard; Corby H allStaunton H enry A rm itage, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School)

o33 E as t Angella B oulevard; HomeStaunton, John Joseph, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)

533 E as t A ngella B oulevard; HomeSteigmeyer, Gregory Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary)

Holy Cross Sem inaryStein, R obert W illiam, Canton, Ohio (McKinley H igh School)

606 Fulton Road, N. W .; M orrissey H allS te in b erg ,S id n ey Lester, Chicago, 111. (St. John M ilitary Academy)

1325 Chase A venue; H ow ard H allSteiner, H enry John, Manitowoc, W is. (Lincoln H igh School)

1126 South E ighth S tree t; How ard H allSteinkem per, W illiam Jacob, Chicago, 111. (De Paul U niversity Academy)

5510 Sheridan R o a d ; Lyons H allSteis, W illiam Burton, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy)

5239 Wmthrop A venue; St. M ary’s College, N otre Dame, Ind.Stephenson, Don King, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)

937 Riverside D riv e ; Home

Stewart, Laurence Casey, Chicago, 111. (St. George High School)6844 Osceola A venue; Freshm an H all

S tew art P e ter Driscoll, Detroit, Mich. (Catholic Central High School)1995 Colhngwood S tree t; St. Edw ard’s H all

S tew art, W illiani A lbert, Cortland, N . Y. (Cortland H igh School)10 W illiam S tree t; 1308 Otsego Street, South Bend, Ind.

StiHey, K enneth Leonard, Clairton, Pa. (C lairton H igh School)538 P a rk A venue; Badin H all

Stillisano, P a trick Joseph, Willoughby, Ohio (U nion H igh School)90 Second S tree t; F reshm an H all

OMO <St- V!n°ent D« P “ ‘ H - S.)

(D e L a S a i ie H i £ h s c h o d )

S tinD ujarie^H all B rother Christian, N otre Dame, Ind. (Sacred H e a rt College)

Stolarski, Joseph John, Chicago, 111. (W eber H igh School)4929 W est 31st P la c e ; M orrissey Hall

Stolich L l o y d Richard, Watsonville, Calif. (Watsonville High School)123 Jefferson S tree t; M orrissey Hall

StOl?029P i ? L o T f l t r ? e t T w t l l UeH aU - <Bd™ 1'dsvllle School)

S tra 307r3 N S a i i t m l B S i ; H ish Sch“ »

T enn ' (C hristlan Brotilers College H. S.)

S t r iH 8V ? r Y e r n „ n “ SeeSt " r d' H igh School)

Strini ? S S S ? A v a noe'; C o ^ / S X ( S t Ste» h m ’s School)

T enn- (UniVersity o f Dayton H - S.)

S trnad, J ° s® h j :o le ,ASoUnthe B end^Ind . (H arrison Technical H igh School)

AB 3

AB 3

CM 4

SC 3

GR 2

AB 1

SC 1

AB 4

SC 3

CM 2

AB 4

*AB 1

CM 1

*CM 1

LW 2

P E 3

CM 1

AB 3

EG 3

SC 3

EG 1

AB 2

CM 4

CM 2

EG 4

*AB 1

*AB 1

GR 1

P E 1


Stroker, Cyril Francis, W aterbary, Conn. (Crosby H igh School) CM 155 P laza A venue; Carroll H all

Struck, W illiam Leary, Dayton, Ohio (Steele H igh School) LW 1617 Kenilworth A venue; Sorin H all

Sulewski, A nthony Chester, New Y ork City (Don Bosco P repara to ry ) EG 1

1054 V irginia A venue; Brownson H allSullivan, Daniel Charles, Ulysses, Kans. (G rant County H igh School) -CM 1

Box 116; M orrissey HallSullivan. Daniel F rancis, Chicago, 111. (St. Ignatius H igh School) AB 1

657 N orth Springfield A venue; Carroll H allSullivan, Daniel Jam es, Springfield, Mass. (Cathedral H igh School) AB 3

33 H aw thorne S tre e t ; 713 N orth N otre Dame Avenue, South Bend, Ind.Sullivan, Daniel Jerom e, Amboy, 111. ( Amboy Township H igh School) CM 2

35 N orth Mason A venue; St. Edw ard’s H allSullivan, Daniel Leo, N ew port, R. I. (De La Salle H igh School) *GM 1

50 Morton A venue; Badin HallSullivan, C.S.C., Dennis Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (B. M. C. Durfee H igh School) AB 3

Moreau Sem inarySullivan, Edw ard Thomas, Meehanicville, N . Y. (Mechanicville H igh School) AB 3

136 South T hird S tre e t; Alum ni H allSullivan, Jam es Francis, B ingham ton, N. Y. (Dimock H igh School) AB 1

52 M ain S tre e t; Brownson H allSullivan, Jam es Leo, T erre H aute, Ind. (Garfield H igh School) EG 3

2040 N orth T enth S tre e t; Howard H allSullivan, Jam es N orbert, Calumet, Mich. (Sacred H eart H igh School) AB 1

420 Seventh S tre e t; Carroll H allSullivan, J r . , Jerem iah Joseph, A tlan ta , Ga. (F a ther Ryan H igh School) *CM 1

2489 Dellwood Drive, N. W .; H ow ard HallSullivan, John Dennis, Fall River, Mass. (B. M. G. D urfee H igh School) EG 1

583 Fourth S tre e t; Dillon H allSullivan, John Michael, Indianapolis, Ind. ( Cathedral H igh School) EG 1

2816 Ruckle S tre e t ; Freshm an HallSullivan, John Mitchell, Fall River, Mass. (B. M. C. Durfee H igh School) *CM 1

1831 Bedford S tre e t ; Morrissey H allSullivan, Joseph Daly, Norwichtown, Conn. (Norwich Free Academy) CM 2

Pecks C o rn e r; Badin H allSullivan, Joseph George, New York City (St. John’s College Academy) AB 3

230 Beach 131st Street, Belle H a rb o r ; St. Edw ard’s H allSullivan, C.S.C., B rother Noel, N otre Dame, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School) AB 2

D ujarie HallSullivan, R ichard Francis, Toledo, Ohio (St. Jo h n ’s H igh School) CM 3

807 Oak S tre e t; Alum ni H allSullivan, R ichard John, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (Poughkeepsie H igh School) AB 1

58 College A venue; St. Edw ard’s HallSullivan, R ichard P arker, Lexington, Ky. (H enry Clay H igh School) AB 2

460 W alnut S tre e t; Lyons H allSullivan, Robert, Monticello, Ind. (Montieello H igh School) P E 1

R ural Route 3; Freshm an H allSullivan, Robert Jam es, Ironwood, Mich. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) CM 2

223 E ast Gogebic S tre e t; Lyons H allSullivan, Robert Joseph, Chicago, 111. (De L a Salle H igh School) AB 3

7215 Y ates A venue; Alum ni H allSullivan, Robert Roger, A tlan ta , Ga. (N orth Fulton H igh School) EG 1

2489 Dellwood Drive, N. W .; Dillon HallSuth, C.S.C., Em ery W illiam, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 3

Moreau Sem inarySweeney, Charles Alexander, Bloomington, 111. (T rin ity H igh School) AB 1

814 N orth Oak S tre e t; Carroll H all


Sweeney, John Francis, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral High. School) AB1512 N orth M eridian S tre e t; Howard H all

Swisher, R ichard Fredrick, Anderson, Ind. (Central H igh School) CM306 W est 12th S tre e t ; Dillon H all

Swords, Jam es Dennis, Chicago, 111. (Calumet H igh School) *EG7817 South P a rk A venue; M orrissey H all

Swoyer, H a rry Samuel, D unkirk, N . Y. (D unkirk H igh School) EG60 W est Fourth S tre e t; Morrissey H all

Szumachowski, Steven Anthony, Schenectady, N. Y. (M ount P leasan t H igh School) AB 701 O rchard S tree t; Brownson H all

Szymanski, C.S.C., E dgar Stanislaus, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB Moreau Sem inary

Tackley, Mitchell Charles, Malone, N . Y. (F rank lin Academy) LW96 W est M ain S tre e t ; Alum ni Hall

Tancredi, Nicholas Joseph, Meehanicville, N . Y. (Mechanicville High School) P E812 Third Street; Badin Hall

Tangney, John Francis, Brooklyn, N . Y. (St. A nn 's Academy) AB480 Rugby R o a d ; M orrissey Hall

Taurone, Dominic Anthony, B ronx, N . Y. (Salesian In stitu te ) SC27-42 E astchester R o a d ; Dillon Hall

Taylor, J r . , H a rry W illiam, Bloomfield Hills, Mich. (U niversity of D etroit H . S.) CMBrady L a n e ; Dillon Hall

Tem plin, R ichard Elliot, Gary, Ind. (H orace M ann H igh School) CM636 Lincoln S tre e t ; Dillon Hall

T erry , Charles P ra tt, Kewanee, 111. (Kewanee H igh School) CM522 South T rem ont S tre e t ; Dillon Hall

Teske, C.S.C., Lloyd W illiam, N otre Dame, Ind. (M errill H igh School) GRM oreau Sem inary

T etrault, V ernon A rthu r, Springfield, Mass. (Central H igh School) AB78 Alexander S tre e t ; Badin H all

T haringer, Robert N ewton, W auwatosa, Wis. (W auw atosa H igh School) AB1806 M ountain A venue; Dillon Hall

Thatcher, John Shephard, Jerseyville, 111. ( Jerseyville Township H igh School) AB8 B a rr P la c e ; Dillon Hall

Theis, Edw ard Frederick, Evansville, Ind. (Reitz Memorial H igh School) *CM516 R unneym eade; A lum ni Hall

Theis, H enry Raymond, Evansville, Ind. (Reitz Memorial H igh School) CM516 R unnym eade; Brownson H all

Them es, M atthew John, C incinnati, Ohio (Roger Bacon H igh School) CM1014 York S tree t; Badin Hall

Thilm an, C.S.C., V incent Charles, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) ABM oreau Sem inary

Thoen, R ichard George, Buffalo, N . Y. (St. Jo h n ’s P repara to ry ) EG64 A rm ine P la c e ; Freshm an H all

Thomas, George Edw ard, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School) AB6534 N orth Fairfield A venue; A lum ni H all

Thomas, John David, Chicago, 111. (St. George H igh School) CM6534 N orth Fairfield A venue; Dillon Hall

Thompson, R ichard Joseph, Toledo, Ohio ( Central H igh School) CM422% Main S tre e t ; Freshm an Hall

Thomspon, J r . , Thomas W illiam, Detroit, Mich. (N orthw estern H igh School) AB5468 S tanton Avenue ; Sorin Hall

T hornburg, J r . , Joseph Ralph, U nion City, Ind. (Union City H igh School) SC628 W est Division S tre e t ; Carroll Hall

Thro, Jo h n Linder, M ankato, M inn. (M ankato H igh School) SC320 L iberty S tre e t; H ow ard Hall






























Thulis, John Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)8243 South M organ S tree t; F reshm an Hall

Thurm , W ayne Em ett, M anchester, Iow a (Oneida H igh School)R ural Route 2 ; Badin Hall

T iernan Luke Joseph, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School)6536 M inerva A venue; Alum ni H all

' Tim m erm an, Joseph Francis, Peoria, 111. (Spalding Institu te)1006 E ast N ebraska A venue; Brownson Hall

Timney, F rancis Lawrence, Ambridge, Pa. (Ambridge H igh School)801 Maplewood Avenue ; Corby Hall

Tingley, John Kinney, Norwich, Conn. (Norwich Free Academy)7 Broad S tre e t; Corby Hall

TinnoeoSAnNxTr b e r tT? eter’ Chicago, 111. (St. George High School)3802 N orth Hoyne A venue; H ow ard Hall

Tobin, Edw ard M atthew, Freeport, 111. (Aquin School)24 W est P leasant S tree t; Carroll Hall

Tobin, Eugene Edward, Galesburg, 111. (Corpus Christ! H igh School)530 South W est S tree t; Badin Hall

Tobin, John Leonard, Taftville, Conn. (Fairhaven High School)1 N orth “ C” S tree t; Dillon Hall

Tobin, J r ., John Robert, E lgin, 111. (E lgin H igh School)540 South S tre e t ; Freshm an Hall

Tobin, John W indsor, Coshocton, Ohio (Purcell H igh Schol)329 South N in th S tre e t; Badin Hall

Tobin, J r . , Thomas Jam es, Kansas City, Mo. (W estport H igh School)3623 Central S tre e t; H ow ard H all

Tobin, W illiam Joseph, Detroit, Mich. (U niversity of D etroit H igh School) 18315 M uirland ; Dillon H all

Tofuri, Paschal Anthony, W inchester, Mass. (W inchester H igh School)44 Holland S tre e t; Badin Hall

Tomasehko, H arold Joseph, W eston, W. Va. (W eston H igh School)Cox Addition, R ural Route 1 ; St. Edw ard’s H all

Tombragel, M aurice Frederick, New York City (Loyola Academy)P a rk Central Hotel, Seventh Avenue & F if th S tree t; Corby Hall

Tomkowid, John Frank, Yonkers, N. Y. (Yonkers H igh School)157 Stanley A venue; H ow ard Hall

Toothaker, Jam es Curtis, South Bend, Ind. ( Central H igh School)1046 N orth Johnson S tree t; Home

Toppin, V incent H enry, Brookfield, Mass. (Brookfield H igh School) Fiskdale R oad ; Brownson Hall

Torrey, W illiam Laurence, Chaumont, N . Y. (Chaum ont H igh School) M ain S tree t; Corby Hall

T-orribio, John A lbert, T rinidad, Colo. (T rin idad H igh School)409 W est Topeka A venue; Carroll Hall

Tose, Leonard Hym an, K ing M anor, Pa. (Randolph Macon Academv) Crooked L a n e ; M orrissey Hall

Tourney, W illiam H ubert. New Y ork City (Berkely School)3252 D ecatur A venue; Sorin Hall

Tourek, Claude W illiam, Berwyn, HI. (J . S terling M orton H igh School) 2710 South E uclid ; W alsh Hall

Toussaint, Joseph Anthony, U tica, N . Y. (Assum ption Academy)907 Lenox A venue; Chemistry Hall

Toussaint, N orbert Francis, U tica, N. Y. (Assum ption Academy)907 Lenox A venue; Sorin Hall

Towne, John Lockwood, South Bend, Ind. (Los Angeles H igh School)126 South Taylor S tre e t; Home

Trahey, C.S.C., Rev. Jam es Dennis, N otre Dame, Ind. (St. Joseph’s College) Moreau Sem inary


CM 1

AB 3

CM 2

CM 1

*AB 1

EG 4

EG 3

EG 1

CM 3

P E 1

SC 1

CM 3


AB 1

AB 3

*AB 1

AB 4


SC 1

P E 1

EG 4

AB 3

CM 2

AB 4

AB 4

GR 3

EG 4

LW 3

GR 1


T raynor, F rancis Willoughby, Cumberland, Md. (Allegany H igh School) SC 1812 Fayette S tree t; Lyons Hall

Treacy, Thomas Joseph, M ontclair, N . J . (Im m aculate Conception H igh School) CM 321 M ontague P la c e ; Alum ni Hall

T refzer, Theodore W illiam, Grosse Pointe, Mich. (Grosse Poin te H igh School) SC 1862 B arring ton R o ad ; Dillon Hall

Trentacoste, Salvatore Peter, Brooklyn, N . Y. (LaSalle M ilitary Academy) EG 1104 U nion S tre e t ; Brownson Hall

Trexler, Philip Charles, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) GR 1

R ural Route 5 ; H ow ard HallTros'kosky, John Edward, W illard, N . Y. (Ovid H igh School) AB 1

Box 124 ; Freshm an Hall

Trousdale, J r ., Robert V incent, Mott, N. Dak. (Lincoln H igh School) CM 2Lyons Hall

Troy, W alter Charles, P ittsburgh , Pa. (Edgewood H igh School) EG 2308 H utchinson A venue; St. E dw ard’s Hall

T ry, A ndrew Clarence, Oak Park , III. (Fenw ick H igh School) *AB 1512 Clarence A venue; M orrissey Hall

Tsiolis, Nicholas Thomas, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School) LW 2511 E ast W ash in g to n ; Home

Tuck, John Morgan, Hayden, Ariz. (Hayden H igh School) *CM 1Carroll H all

Tulchinsky, M aurice M ortimer, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) LW 11530 Kemble A venue; Home

Tunney, Tim othy W illiam, Corning, N. Y. (C orning Free Academy) SC 171 W est E rie A venue; M orrissey Hall

A drian Richard, M anteno, 111. (St. Thomas M ilitary Academy) CM 1Dillon H all

T urner, George Francis, Oswego, N . Y. (Oswego H igh School) SC 1149 E ast Seneca S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Tylutki, W alter R ichard, Cicero, III. (St. Mel H igh School) CM 45065 W est 29th S tre e t ; Sorin H all

Ullm™ > John Charles, Detroit, Mich. (U niversity of D etroit H igh School) *AB 14250 Fullerton A venue; Lyons Hall

Underkofler Joseph M urray, B ritt, Iow a (B ritt H igh School) P E 4Corby Hall

Uniacke, Edw ard Aloysius, Poughkeepsie, N . Y. (St. P e te r’s H igh School) AB 1228 M ansion S tre e t; Dillon H all

Va^ ’ o ? 0i ^ i c Calumet, Mich. (Calum et H igh School) CM 4428 Sixth S tre e t; Sorin H allValdes, Gonzalo Ricardo, M anila, P . I. (De La Salle College) *CM 1

709 San M arcelino; A lum ni HallValetieh, F ran k , Farrell, Pa . (F arre ll H igh School) AB 2

1044 Spearm an A venue; M orrissey H allValvo, A nthony Samuel, Rome, N . Y. (Rome F ree Academy) SC 2

R ural Route 1 ; St. E dw ard’s Hall

V an5onoe??e^ ’ ™ y^ ,ond M artin , Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) AB 42202 E as t 70th P lace ; W alsh H all

VanderhofE,* Frederick Thomas, Rochester, N . Y. (Aquinas In stitu te ) CM 1195 L ark S tre e t; Dillon Hall

V an E tten , John Maher, Seneca Falls, N . Y. (Mynderse Academy) AB 47 Prospect S tre e t; H ow ard Hall

V an Hollebeke, H illaire A lbert, D etroit, Mich. (St. A nthony H igh School) CM 12556 Bellevue A venue; Dillon Hall

AB 2

AB 1

LW 1

AB 1

CM 1


(York Community High School) AB 4

V an379?rE r fe lT en “ r i n H l r a^ ° M° (Pm'Ce11 H ish School) CM 4

VanR m S e|o r t e l l £ e nd’ BriSt°'' Ind' <Elkhart High School) EG 1

V a% lT = ?arf i= M „ S T t H w a S r S l f ° ity (C"rt!s Hi8h Sch°°»

Y m 8S aS?afleM A venue; I f E d w l J s ' L u * <McKeMie H igh Sch°°«

VaT 410’ B e S s t a e r S ^ f A f Z L f ’H“ Ch' <CatMiC C e n M School) *CM 1

Var M7f w S ' s „ i i £ f c o ? ^ ta m <Austin H:gh sch"°»

l / e t t (E “ ^ 1 1 High School)

Veen6e8? 6and r 1 ^ ' A ^ t f b i l L £ 2 ^ & h o d >

^ ' “c S ro l^ H a f l15 A nthony- T horp- W is- (T horp H igh School) P E 3

V enm o 6 & £ £ 5AvoJn°u^1i S T n f I f i , ° h i° <Holy N « ™ ™ gh School) «EG 1

V en2202eyLynnUlA rom e ; M m rE e™ H aj'ild ' (Cenilal Catho,i” H igh School) CM 2

V e r iO n s iS h A v e n ? e ; w I V i m ” 1- ^ (NeW B righton H igh School) SC 4

VOrM m 4 ^ T e n u e ° iaS T O flkHald' N ‘ J ' (Compton Lakes H igh School) »CM 1

VeS m 4 J L in m l? W ™ W e T t; Home B m d ' ^ <Central H i«h School) SO X

^ % j : " R a i , i t a ' N - J - (Stevens P repara to ry )

H igh sch °oi)

V i°a613 E a T ^ a S n S l T°WnEhip “ gh School) CM 3

V ittl600J NapAole™ W aM , m T ’ ^ (H ° 'y ° « “ EG 4

!% r^f : x ^ e % S as % a a L . ^ & 8w : r a a t r a ^ (Central High Schoo,)VOge9 i l ? f x T h B ’; NeW Y°rk City “ ca High School, CM 1

^ io % % ia e ^ % u 2 n i ^?,naCa Hlgh “ CM 3^ % i & a 8 t r : e % ^ % ^ ' Mich- <A - D. Johnston High School) OM 4

TeChnical ® s h School)

EG 1

AB 2

LW 1

AB 3

LW 3

LW 1^ % 4 pa H « h «

W af l 5T c h e w S to e e tfw lls h S k{ladell,hia- P a - ( ^ S a l le H igh School) EG 4

N - Y ' (S t- P a tric k ’3 H igh School) AB 4


Wade, F ran k Chase, Howe, Ind. (L im a H igh School) P E 3A lum ni H all

Wade, Jam es E dgar, Tulsa, Okla. (Holy Fam ily H igh School) GR 1423 South Elwood S tre e t; Alum ni H all

Wade, J r . , Joseph Jam es, Elizabeth, N . J . (Thomas Jefferson H igh School) AB 3836 Pennington S tre e t; H ow ard Hall

W agner, W illard Francis, South Bend, Ind. (Greenfield H igh School) PG625 W est W ashington S tre e t; Home

W aite, J r . , H a rry Timothy, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School) CM 11134 Belm ont A venue; Home

Waldeck, Robert Lee, Lakewood, Ohio (Lakewood H igh School) *AB 11280 Ram ona A venue; Carroll H all

W aldron, A rth u r Joseph, Spokane, W ash. (Lewis & Clark H igh School) SC 1South 17 Fiske S tre e t; Dillon H all

W aldron, Jam es Albert, T renton, N . J . (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB 2938 Berkeley A venue; Lyons H all

W aldron, Joseph John, T renton, _N. J . (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB 3938 Berkeley A venue; A lum ni H all

W alker, Jo h n W illiam, Keokuk, Iowa (St. P e te r’s H igh School) AB 3903 N orth 12th S tre e t ; Badin Hall

W alker, Philip Aloysius, Brookfield, Mass. (Brookfield H igh School) P E 34 P leasan t S tre e t; Badin H all

Wall, J r ., H ugh Edward, Dayton, Ohio ( Chaminade H igh School) LW 2523 G rafton A venue; A lum ni H all

W allach, John Michael, Newburgh, N . Y. (N ew burgh F ree Academy) *CM 177 Le Roy P la c e ; M orrissey Hall

W allensach, Maurice Francis, W ayne, 111. (St. R ita College Academy) *GM 1A lum ni H all

W aller, Joseph Em m ett, K ansas City, Mo. (Paseo H igh School) *AB 12700 E ast 73rd S tree t; H ow ard H all

W alsh, C.S.G., B rother Cormac, N otre Dame, Ind. (N otre Dame P repara to ry ) CM 4D ujarie H all

W alsh, Daniel Maurice, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) CM 1406 Peashw ay S tree t; Home

W alsh, J r ., Jam es W illiam, Beatrice, N ebr. (Beatrice H igh School) AB 1H otel P addock ; Freshm an H all

W alsh, John Judge, Lynbrook, L .I., N . Y. (Lynbrook H igh School) *CM 144 Roosevelt A venue; M orrissey H all

W alsh, M ark John, Beatrice, N ebr. (St. Joseph’s H igh School) *CM 1Hotel P addock ; H ow ard Hall

W alsh, Thomas Jerom e, E lm hurst, N . Y. (Brooklyn P rep ara to ry ) AB 455-03 90th S tre e t; Sorin H all

W alsh, Thomas Joseph, D avenport, Iowa (St. M ary’s H igh School) *AB 1833 College A venue; Corby H all

W alsh, J r . , W illiam Aloysius, Yonkers, N . Y. (All Hallows In stitu te ) AB 351 P a rk A venue; Alumni Hall

W alter, John Frederick, Mansfield, Ohio (St. P e te r’s H igh School) EG 4401 W est Third S tre e t; W alsh H all

W alters, R ichard Leonard, Chicago, 111. (Mt, Carmel H igh School) AB 47356 Paxton A venue; Sorin H all

W alton, E a rl Spencer, M ishawaka, Ind. (M ishawaka H igh School) LW 21015 Lincoln W ay E a s t; Home

W alton, John Clark, Cleveland Heights, Ohio ( Cathedral L atin H igh School) *EG 12193 Chatfield D rive; Lyons Hall

W ard, John Sherm an, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Erasmus- H all H igh School) EG 13120 Glenwood R oad; Freshm an H all

W ardell, H arold Joseph, M ount Vernon, N . Y. (A. B. Davis H igh School) AB 1240 N orth Fulton A venue; Dillon H all



“ oo s S hj A “ S e f w a t Sh H a n (W tadb“ H ‘Sh Sch°0,)

P a - <Perkiomen Pl— =ry )

W“ S S W i f c S ; m S n H a f ’ IU- (FenWick H ish school)

W atm e M a r y ’ s H i» s c o o , ,

W at 5 e N » a ° B a Bst StoeelT St.' M w a rS 'H a U ™6 Sch°0l>

WeaM ? £ rL ^ r^ fn eoi l ! i I1L (Spalding Institate>Wea|ie5r B a S P ^ T s t e ^ ’^ a ^ a l l (M iam iS,,U 1'8 HiSh School>

Heart Hish ™

Webie 88 E:L%%,A%%fwlKfay Catholic Hish Scho°”Web5846dW aterm ai^ ^o u lev a rd ;^ A h im n ^ H a li^ ' U niversity H igh School)

Web8ei'i, K & ss° S b tBl L ? d- (™ Hieh Sd'“ »

WebIuraJ , t no u ? e T yP r I ^ £ ' i “ i, (C°1TUS ° h™ U H * h School)

<SS- C°SmaS & Damia” School)

^ e f i w : : ^ K e e ! f ^ n s ^ % ! VinCmt HiSh Sch°0,)

We^ f G S l i t t T & H La f ° rte ‘ In d - (L aP “ 'te H * h School,

^ l M % i « L r ^ BaD a a T ° <C™tral ™Bh Sch°0l)

^ ' % f s i I i : % j : r 3 d' ^ T ' c : Z H a H " (CentraI H ish Sch°oi>

^ ^ ^ (^ M O T ris^ A ven u ^ 7Bbwaid^Hal/ ^ 160**01'6 R° ° SC™U H ish School)

P"’ Chanute, Kansas ( Chanute H igh School)904 South Evergreen A venue; M orrissey H all

W ei4 l ™ X f n - k ! e ™ k C orb7H aU °CheSte^ N ' Y ' (A<luinas Instilu te)

WeT e 85J S i S f A S i S . h - ( s t M" s School,

W eiS B a 7 i'eSntCreeetTnsnt. S S S M J - & h °0,)

W ^ M l t o n H arry , South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)2121 W est Ind iana A venue; Home

WeICih/ Q m 86? ? 0Jam es» W eedsport, N. Y. (W eedsport H igh School)149 North Seneca Street; Lyons Hall

WeIcA i / o ’ Lei° Francis, Indianapolis, Ind. (Cathedral H igh School)4310 B roadw ay; Freshm an H all

Fort Dodge, Iowa (Fort Dodge High School)902 Sixth Avenue, N o r th ; Corby H all

Weldon, F rancis Joseph, New Rochelle, N . Y. (Iona School)175 H am ilton A venue; Corby Hall

^ '% 8 E : ^ l l S d A ^ ^ & I a ' n T ' ' a™ y City High School)


CM 4

AB 1

CM 1

LW 1

CM 2

AB 3

AB 3

AB 2

CM 4

EG 3

CM 1

EG 1

CM 1

P E 1

CM 1

CM 4

EG 1

EG 4

CM 4

AB 2

EG 4

AB 3

CM 2

EG 1

*AB 1

CM 1

AB 4

AB 4

SC 1


Welsh, Clifford H ilary , W hippany, N . J . (M orristown H igh School) ABThomas S tre e t; Sorin H all

Welsh, Philip Flahavin , Anderson, Ind. (St. M ary’s H igh School) AB1421 Central A venue; Lyons H all

W entw orth, George Roland, Bucksport, M aine (E as t Maine Conference Sem inary) P E 44 Second S tre e t; Badin H all

W eppner, Jo h n Joseph, Rock Springs, Wyo. (Rock Springs H igh School) AB606 “A ” S tre e t; Freshm an H all

W ertz, H ilary Edm und, P ittsburgh , P a . (South Hills H igh School) CMI Beltzhoover A venue; M orrissey H all

W halen, W illiam Egan, N orfolk, Conn. (R utgers P repara to ry ) ABEm erson P la ce ; Lyons H all

W halen, W illiam P atrick , Dorchester, Mass. (Boston College H igh School) AB71 Savin Hill A venue; Freshm an Hall

W helan, J r . , A ndrew F rancis, W eston, W . Va. (S t. P a trick ’s H igh School) *CM225 F ir s t S tre e t; Corby H all

W hipps, K enneth Robert, A uburn, N . Y. (A uburn H igh School) AB30 L ansing S tre e t ; Corby H all

W hitaker, Ja ck Friel, K ansas City, Mo. (R ockhurst H igh School) EG1025 W est 62nd S tre e t ; A lum ni H all

W hite, A lfred Butler, Buchanan, Mich. (Buchanan H igh School) GR116 South D etroit S tre e t; Home

W hite,* Jam es, N o tre Dame, Ind. ABHoly Cross Sem inary

W hite, R ichard A rth u r, South Bend, Ind. (B attle Creek H igh School) *CM1161 E as t Ew ing A venue; Home

W hite, Robert Joel, Beardsfown, 111. (Beardstown H igh School) AB615 W ashington S tre e t; Lyons H all

W hite, Thomas Joseph, St. Louis, Mo. (C hristian B rothers H igh School) CM2010 Alam eda A venue; Lyons H all

W hite, W illiam H enry, St. Louis, Mo. (St. Louis U niversity H igh School) SC4911 M offitt P la c e ; H ow ard H all

W hitecotton, Robert Gerald, New Ross, Ind. (New Ross H igh School) CMFreshm an H all

W hitehead, Robert, Kokomo, Ind . (Kokomo H igh School) AB614 South Purdum S tree t; Brownson H all

W hiteleather, John W illiam, Niles, Mich. (W ittenberg Academy) SP116 N orth Second S tree t; Home

W hitlock, Paul, South Bend, Ind. (Pleasantville H igh School) AB1434% M ishawaka A venue; Home

W hitm an, J r . , W illiam George, Memphis, Tenn. (C hristian B rothers College H . S.) AB 274 N orth M cL ean ; Lyons H all

W ietig, N orm an Edw ard, Buffalo, N . Y. (St. Joseph’s Collegiate In stitu te ) GR39 Meriden S tree t; Corby H all

W iggins, Cyril Angelo, Portsm outh, Ohio (Holy Redeemer H igh School) SCR ural Route 1, Box 194; Lyons H all

Wilke, Robert Edw ard, H am ilton, Ohio (Catholic H igh School) CM1020 H arm on A venue; Lyons H all

W illiams, George Joseph, M inneapolis, M inn. (S t. Thomas M ilitary Academy) CM2621 W est 28th S tre e t; Dillon H all

W illiams, J r . , H arold A nthony, Baltimore, Md. (C alvert H all H igh School) AB216 E as t Lake A venue; Freshm an H all

W illiams, Jo h n Clayborne, W ashington, Ind . (St. Simon’s H igh School) SC302 F lo ra S tre e t; M orrissey H all

W illiamsen, Charles Thomas, P o rt W ashington, L .I., N . Y. (P o rt W ash. H . S.) *EGI I Second A venue; Badin H all

W illiamson, J r . , Frederick W arren , LaG range, 111. (Lyons Township H igh School) CM 119 N orth S to n e ; Dillon H all






























Willick, Leo Maurice, F o rt E rie N orth , Ont., Can. (St. Joseph’s Collegiate In st.) EG 2

106 Ja rv is S tre e t ; Carroll H allW ilson, Carroll John, Buchanan, Mich. (Buchanan H igh School) GR 3

111 M ain S tre e t; HomeWilson, Edw ard Thomas, Chicago, 111. (Mt. Carmel H igh School) SC 2

2651 E ast 74th S tree t; Lyons H allWilson, George Philip, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry ) AB 2

423 Clerm ont A venue; Lyons H allW ilson, J r . , H arold Forney, E rie, Pa. ( Cathedral P repara to ry ) CM 1

614 R ankin R o a d ; Freshm an H allW ilson, H arold Jam es, Minong, W is. (Chetek H igh School) *AB 1

St. Edw ard’s H allWilson, John Hicks, Lakewood, Ohio (Lakewood H igh School) CM 1

17467 Shaw A venue; Freshm an H allW iniarski, C.S.C., John Joseph, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 1

M oreau Sem inaryW inkel, M atthew John, Lakewood, Ohio (V isalia H igh School) CM 4

12930 Clifton B oulevard; Corby H allW innlnger, F ra n k Allan, Schofield, W is. (W ausau H igh School) AB 1

Dillon H allW insouer, Paul V incent, Peoria, 111. (Spalding Institu te ) AB 2

520 Brotherson S tre e t; St. Edw ard’s H allW interrow d, E arll Hugo, South Bend, Ind. (South Side H igh School) CM 1

532 South Carroll S tre e t ; HomeW ipf, W illiam H enry, F lushing, L .I., N . Y. (Rhodes P repara to ry ) P E 1

36-40 Bowne S tre e t; Dillon H allW irchak, Jo h n Joseph, D ecatur, 111. (D ecatur H igh School) P E 1

2009 N orth W oodford S tre e t ; Brownson H allW irry , George John, Racine, W is. (St. C atherine’s H igh School) CM 3

1653 N orth Chatham S tre e t; Badin H allW irry , H enry John, Racine, W is. (St. Catherine’s H igh School) *EG 1

1653 Chatham S tre e t; St. E dw ard’s H allW ischnia, Joseph Nicholas, R iver Grove, 111. (S t. Philips H igh School) AB 4

8539 Center A venue; Corby H allWise, Donald F rancis, Joliet, 111. (De L a Salle H igh School) LW 3

110 P leasan t S tre e t; 1246 H illcrest Road, South Bend, Ind.W itchger, Eugene Schantz, Saginaw, Mich. (Holy Fam ily H igh School) EG 4

1021 Holland A venue; Sorin H allW oehler, C.S.G., B rother F ranc is Borgia, N otre Dame, Ind. (Reitz Mem. H . S.) AB 4

D ujarie H allWoerner, William Joseph, Louisville, Ky. (St. Xavier High School) AB 1

208 M ayfair; F reshm an H allWojciechowski, C.S.C., Leo Casimir, N otre Dame, Ind. (Holy Cross Sem inary) AB 4

M oreau Sem inaryW ojcihovski, V ictor Joseph, W eston, W. Va. (W eston H igh School) P E 2

128 Cottage A venue; Badin H allWolf, George Maxwell, P o r t Clinton, Ohio (P o rt Clinton H igh School) EG 3

231 W est Third S tre e t; Alum ni H allW olter, E arl Frederick, H untington , Ind. (H unting ton H igh School) CM 2

1350 Cherry S tree t; St. Edw ard’s H allW olter, W illiam Leonard, Peoria, 111. (St. Bede College Academy) LW 3

410 Frye A venue; How ard H allWoods, Jam es Robert, Lyndhursi, N . J . (Seton H all College P repara to ry ) SC 1

315 Stuyvesant A venue; Dillon HallW ukovits, F rancis John, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) CM 1

1605 South F rank lin S tre e t; HomeW ukovits, Thomas W illiam, South Bend, Ind. (Riley H igh School) CM 1

1605 South F rank lin S tree t; Home


W underly, H a rry Leo, P ittsburgh , P a . (Duquesne U niversity P repara to ry )718 Pressley S tre e t; 520 Allen Street, South Bend, Ind.

W urzer, Lincoln Edward, Detroit, Mich. (U niversity of D etro it H igh School) 758 A tkinson ; Sorin H all

Wykoff, Edw in Robert, New Carlisle, Ind. (New Carlisle H igh School)Home

Yaeger, J r . , Louis John, Edgewood, W heeling, W. Ya. (C entral Catholic H . S.) 156 South P a rk S tree t; M orrissey Hall

Yates, O rland W illiam, H annibal, Mo. (Quincy College Academy)422 N orth F ifth S tree t; Sorin H all

Yoch, Casper Francis, Belleville, 111. (Cathedral H igh School)3414 W est M ain S tree t; Lyons H all

Young, Charles Albert, H untertow n, Ind . (H untertow n, H igh School)R ural Route 1 ; 813 E ast A ngella Boulevard, South Bend, Ind.

Young, Leighton Felker, Houston, Texas (St. Thomas H igh School)4504 Caroline S tre e t ; St. E dw ard’s H all

Young, Thomas Jefferson, Paducah, Ky. (St. M ary’s Academy)235 Hayes A venue; Sorin H all

Youngerm an, Daniel John, South Bend, Ind. (C entral H igh School)817 E ast Cedar S tre e t ; Home

Zaborosky, F rederick John, W aterbury, Conn. (Crosby H igh School)67 Lounsbury A venue; 1021 Lincoln W ay W est, M ishawaka, Ind.

Zaczek, Felix Bruno, Chicago, 111. (St. R ita College Academy)2057 W est 50th S tree t; A lum ni H all

Zaller, H erbert John, Cleveland, Ohio (Cathedral L atin H igh School)16006 W aterloo R oad; Lyons H all

Zanoni, Joseph Leon, Superior, Wyo. (Superior H igh School)Freshm an H all

Zarantonello, Reno Bartolo, Thornton, 111. (T hornton Township H igh School) M argerette S tre e t ; H ow ard H all

Zdanowicz, John Joseph, P ine Island, N . Y. (Don Bosco P repara to ry ) A lum ni H all

Zdon, John Aloysis, Chicago, 111. (Holy T rin ity H igh School)2634 South Eedzie A venue; Carroll H all

Zeiller, Gerard John, Brooklyn, N . Y. (Brooklyn P repara to ry )915 Lincoln P la c e ; M orrissey H all

Zeller, Stanislaus Garland, W est Union, W . Ya. (W est U nion H igh School) Grey G ables; Brownson H all

Zellers, R obert Wesley, Niles, Mich. (Niles H igh School)1011 Topinabee R o ad ; Home

Zenner, E lm er John, Racine, W is. (St. C atherine’s H igh School)1100 M arquette S tree t; Carroll H all

Zerbst, Jo h n Richard, Kansas City Mo. (N ortheast H igh School)3216 E as t E ighth S tree t; F reshm an H all

Zimmer, J r . , Benedict F rancis, Chicago, 111. (Loyola Academy)1232 Chase A venue; M orrissey H all

GR 1

AB 4

AB 4

CM 4

LW 1


GR 2

EG 2

CM 4

AB 3

AB 1

AB 2

EG 1

EG 1

CM 3

SC 3

SC 1

AB 1

AB 1

AB 2

CM 2

CM 1

*SC 1


Zimmers, Edw ard Joseph, Racine, W is. (St. Catherine’s H igh School)1419 V illa S tre e t; W alsh H all

Zinn, Eugene Richard, Iron wood, Mich. (St. Ambrose H igh School)701 E ast Ayer S tree t; Sorin H all

Z intak, F rancis V incent, Chicago, 111. (De Paul U niversity Academy)3134 W est 44th S tre e t; Dillon Hall

Zoss, Abraham , South Bend, Ind . ( Central H igh School)1003 N otre Dame A venue; Home

Zoss, A braham Oscar, South Bend, Ind. (Central H igh School)413 South F rank lin S tre e t; Home

Zwers, Joseph B ernard, G rand Rapids, Mich. (Catholic Central H igh School) 1362 Leonard Street, W e s t; St. Edw ard’s H all

top related