nova moton ltd .. stay ministers will hold an on...

Post on 09-Jul-2020






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195. FORD

leg Price $2600.00

pCRIFICE PRICE $1975. THE DAILY NEWS Nova Moton Ltd ..

No. 142 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1959 (Price: 7 Cenb)

Stay an On Film

Intervenes Censorship .;-, .\P -The r.S. ., .:' 'bndar murk \" \o~k Slate mo\·ic

. - .- > ~" unconstitu, -~ ""~ a;ide a ball : .;,,'.\ Chalt~rlcy·s

J:i .. cd in hold, ' ·,n Lady Chat, .

'.\." imNopcr, I ..~Ll..'t· .. :,aici 1ilp; ....:t:~. IP 'Ink,

\. , \'~rk la".

·.·.·i·.~ on il nord, .. " '·1" nil" I " .' "', J' ...,' I

~ '.,' ;.: (lry ron· I

• : .' l'r:l :I h:;h . ,.~. ~11,i tl ('ar~·

Ministers Pre-Confere nee

Will Hold Meeting

BO:-':~, 'Reuters] - Western con&ultation~." Hp noted th3111:-':SISTS 0:-; ~IEETI~G lliancr. forcign ministers probably will llaly also participated in West, Meanwhile, Belgium's am!)o,' A Belgia:t bOlcrmnenl ~Ollrce huddle in Gencl'a just be(ore the ern discussions be(ore' the (irsl' ~ador.; in Washin:;lon, London, said Monday his counlry is "not East _ West forcig:'1 minislers' phase of Ihe now adjourncd and Paris wcrc instrudcd 10 tcll l intere~ted in an Atlantic alliance lalk,; reSUme July I~, a Wesl Gencl'a lalk3, gOl'crnmenls Ihcre that Brussc!:; would be tantamount to German fordgn ministry 5pokcs- In Lonon, well informed insists on a :-rATO cou:lcil meet, makin~ thc smaller countries man (orecast Monday, sources eXpected Britain would ing before the East - We.t talks satellites o( a 'directory' o( big,

Commenting on a weekend approve thc proposal that the resume at Geneva, gel' power.;," French - Italian call (or such a America:l. British, Fl'cnch and The bi:; powers have opposed I pre,talks session, the spokcsman Italian foreign ministers get to· a Belgian'backed Italian cal! (or The source also said new West­.;aid his country "has no object- gether before the Geneva talks a !'lATO session, Britain is re- ern moves appeared to be In the ion 10 Italy participating i:1 these resume, ported to have argued that such I o(ling for Ge:1el'a, so "our res­----------------------- a IS-nation meeting would give I ponsible ministers should know

New M Taken Russia the (al.;e impression o( beforehand what the.;e prop06als o V e lack of unit,· in the Atlantic ai- are,"

Begin Dam I Unaware Of In Union Battle p!~!~~~t~,! Efl;f~ti Premiers

'J I f 'd' be Nasser will open construction of 175 zsowyd eng meers une29m recent y or ral 109 mem r. the A.wan Dam in Deccmhtr, the Meet-ng

OTT A W A (CP) - The powerful from the engineers, I Canadian Brotherhood o( Rail :'III'. Smith announced the broth. semi·official newspaper AI Gom-lay, Transport and G e n era I erhood is prepared to implement houri a said Monday, It added that Workers (CLCI Monday took up immediately thc term.; o( a mer- work on the \'ast :-rile River pro·: OTTAWA 'CP'-Prime ~lini5-the cudgels against the tough Sea gel' agreeme:1t dra\l'n up bctwecn ject \l'iII be complete in 1~68 .. Icr Diefenbakcl' ,aid ~Ionday he

I fa reI'S' internatio:1al L1nion on be- the brotherhood and the en:{i, 111'0 years ahead of schedule. ! " not a\\'~re Ihat prOI'inrial pre-I hnll of a smallcr union hattling neers in Februarv, and since rat,; ; miers have I)cen invited 10 a

I the SID on Ihe west coasl. ilied by a l'Otp ·01 the associa-; Resume ; mcrtin~ of finance l11ini,lrrs to I3I·otherhood pre.' ide n t Bill tion's membership.! ; be held here ~cxl \\'cck,

: ~l1\illt annollncco th~1 hi;' un!on . ; D . TIl- . lie \\'a- rCllll"in: 10 ~ f']uc·lion !' prcpared to lakt' ~lIlde\' It; \l'1II~ Pnd!'r the Icrms of thp merg('I· elecllon a \S . in Ihr ('ol1l1nol;' froll1 O!1llo"ilion

'lIl1~cdlately the ,~allon,al .Asso' ~nglnper members 10 good ~tant!·: "',' , l.eader Prar,'Jn, \l'ho ,,,id Pre. ,rlatlOn of ~18 I' I ne En~t:1eNS 1111( would hecome mcmhcrs of I ('~""I',\A IAPI - \\c,lcrn ano nl'lc D'llle···· ( ' h • h . , d . 'It h h h h d " II . S· I . . d· . h r, I "I, 0 Q,IC N as m· I 'CU',. enga~e In 8 ~crap Wit t e 1'01 er 00 an" co eetllc)" o\'le SCient!>!.; 1:;('1I,5111/: mel', d·' I d hI- I I' ri ·~I

ilhe SIll al Vancouvcr. agreements held hv Ihe 3.",ocia, oos of delectil1~ hi~h'altitudc n~' I pl(J e e p dalh In ~h·cllll . , .1',

Thft Seafarer- were thrown out Ilion lIould be taken ovcr by the: clear explo~ions met ror threc I' em·,onl tl"on tChrc( II ". e lei',. In 1;. • .'t • I. nrw 0 11~. ,e 0 leI' prrnl1en

Inf Ihe Canadian Lahor Con2re,ts brotherhood. hOllrs ~Ionday a:1d dcclded 10 con· I II' 'lid h ·k I

l'IlIL\I)ELPIIL\-TllI' \I"t'I<1's first nrriul jrcp jlo\lw4:d with R ict 4:1I.~illl Phl\ccki's VZ-SP "Sk,I'-C1II'," hu\'crs nluft during II dClIlonstralinn night at I'hiladelphiu's Intcl'l1utiol1ul Airporl, The Cl'n[l, latest \'crsion of the fCI'­ol"tiol1nr~' acrial jccp, lu:hi('l'cII IItI nititmle of 30 fl'cl ill the flight. It i~


_. tinue .the. mcelin~ \\'cdnc,day; I 0, e 3.) c{, . M T G The SClcnll,ls had been ,"-,Iructeo! :III'. \)irfenh~krr ~;\irl Fillance --______ : urns reen ,t? report Mond~y to diPlomats: ~linister .Flcmin: \lOllln J:ll'e ~ : an \lho ale meellng here to draft a: more definite a:1Sller today,

A •· treaty on bannin!: nuclear lests,:

pOllcfcd hv a Continental Artonstt' liB turbinl',-UrI Trlcl,hoto, bs Off --_.- . Coast i Violence Flares ga I n : I The mectin;: is bcinJ( held in : B I W II A · BIR~II~GHA~t Engla.nd (ReU~i c.onncction wilh federal,pro\'incial

. I ut s e . gaIn' ters)-Pl'lme Mtnlster Sir Grant- fiscal arran;;cmcnt3, , ley Adam.; of The Wcst Jndie.;

. ~ \i .. cr· - Com· I R d B ss d K I I Federation Mondav praised the An old blanket will taken ~n a i . H G, BOley: com· n e. 0 e era a way Negro in\mig-rants from his new look if you gile it a fresh

!;~~~r O~~~~r~~~:d ~;~~ I ", . I \AP~tE~!~ Uh~V~ ~~e~u~~~:~a thh~or;~~e~il~~;or began to : ~::Ii:~e~~\~~d~nt~:;:,ted in the ~~~~,i.~;·ca;~:;~~n h::tll~~t t~~~~, an _ a .. mien lell tha. R~:-':, TRI'v,.\:-;URUIII, Inda tRelll'l dock a:ld factory worker.; par' I three'day mit lust week to Ker.' men around the military re- fade alter two days and the ~l' r made COJtact ~·I'h i ersJ-Violence lIared again Mon, alyzed the Kerala seaport of Co-' ala during which he consulted: patriation hospital in the Mel- man boon was back to his . pres~mabh' Ru~slan, i day night in the only Communist- chin, rhe s t r ike r s paraded with gover:1ment leaders, ! bourne suburb of Heidelberg nO:~~r~olo:~id the dye wa. ,_JcCa510n~ after 1D\'e5·; ruled state in India In the wake througil the sll'eels o( Cochin anq ,The cQmmunJ.~t.s_ a chi eve d since doctors applied a revolu- , 'f d .:_~II:I::., b~' (Ishermen I 01 3:1 opposition campaign to oust nearby Ernakulam shouting slo- power in Kerala elections 26 lIonary new method of treati:lg used on ~ seco:1d nmdenh ic

C'Oa.t, the Red~ from pO\l'er, "ans against the "OI'cromenL months ago, The only Commu- severe burns and bone' infec- patient suffering from a bone .. to tions, infection, The diseased bone

At Ica~t 50 persons were reo lIere in the state capital, police nist·governed .;tate in India also For, the fir5t Ume outside remained '" h i ~ e while the ), -'. 1t-,3! Ite ullder'N ported iniured, in Kernla state detained more Ihan 70 campaign' has the highest rate o( literacy- England, a new "eeret dye was heallhv bones became green, 'f ,1~l't made hal • ai" aller truncheon - wielding police ~\'5 demon"trating out.'ide gov, more than 40 per cent o( the 15,- , Surgeons again knew pre,

.-. , intern:uional e w:t' ! charged crowd.. nt fOllr place.; in ernment, offiee·s. a,:ld trying to o~,ooo population can read anti :~;~~~ed bl:!~~~I~~}~ml,nt~h: ~~: cisely what portion, of the bo~e 'f '.~~ do nOlhing about, the stat~, ,'..' . push, their ,":a, mSI~e, " • Write, , identilied ma:l, suffering (rom 10 remol'e bnt said they (ound '(,e 'hem 10 know wc I Political pattie, sceklllg to O11>t Pl'lmc ~hRlster :-':ehills :-':a· I t'hest burns. turned green 85 it an unseltling experience 10

c ". ,.,~, Be~ide." tht'y! Ihc ~o\'ernm\nt st~ppcd up their ~ional C,ongress PDI'ty h~terl'ened Opposition 10 the gOl'crnmcOit I the dYe circulated through the operate with ~I'ecn blood oozing _, • '.C a !:ttle lun Irack, 11i-<lay campaign 1I'Ith a call for In the dispute Monday With a call' came to a head early thiS mO:lth bloodslream. But the tissue de, I from the incisions, ~: '., .. : "absolutc non,co·operation" wi:h for the rcsignation o( the Com ) becatl~c of a ncll' education lal,. . , Both men were said to hnw

the Communist administration, mltni.<t "o\'ernment. IlI'hiCh could hal'c led to ti~hter I stroyed by the burns retaincd i " ~ 't normal color and enabll'd heen horrified when they fir>1 "' ...... , of fO:lr dC'lro.v '1 Sf..\I'ORT CLOSED RESULT OF VISIT contral OI'CI' pril'ate denomina I' I., i surgeons to determine just, saw themsclves in mirrors,

• ,. :.:1. ~Ionlreal un~i\, "token prote,t ,Irike of 10,000 The re.lolution (ollowed ~eht'u', tional schools, , what flesh to remo\'e, Dr, Her' ; I he t I Gibbs medical sllper The dye', formula, slill ~cc

. fnr(lan ,! p' reSt-dent' VI-81-ts Operate Reactor ~~t:;d~~!~:a!1It~~e~~an tur:1ed ri~~ 1~:~t~~~c~~'~~c~sb~:~pTtfng:; Hospital patients -,aid he case histories of its eHects be,

I ' OSLO, Norway \Rculersl-A looked "like an apparition from fore p\llJlishin~ dctails. __ _

, ! SOVl-et Exhl-bl-tS ~~:~1~ ::e~~y :~~~~l~ ~~~tnt!f~ -- ... _. Full . ~;,n 'flrulen l - near the town o( Halden was suc- Announce Get

. ~l~nda~' arrested! cess(ully operated (or the fir 3t . ". : ~ dl~~ol\'ed Com, time M 0 n day_ The reactor,

;.l::~ ~x of Ihem in a NEW YORK (AP) - President greeted by the official host for claimed to be the lirst of its type Naval rl~c a' Bpthlehem it Eisenhower paid a brier visit the exhibit, SovIet First, Deputy in the world. is fuelled with ele- Pension For

Nicholson l::~.::-': here. Fourteen MO:1day to the SOl'Iet cultural Prcmitr Frol R, Kozlov. me~ts supplicd by BritaIn and

.~mled Su:xlay tolrl . and scientific exhibit and touched POlice, apparently caught oH heavy water supplied by the .~.: (J"~r party memo 0(( a first,clas; mob scene, guard by the jam. finally forced United States, It 11'111 eventual\~· ~ 3~C'"nccment said, White House correspondents the throng back_ provide power for a paper mill.

Granted Asylum

~\ Burma 'ReutersJ t~··,a'~y oHicial here

~:·PJ and was gra:1ted

Who travel wIth the president EIsenhower spent a little morc could not recall a crush o( such than an hour at the coliseum in dimensions as that 3urrounding . ..... with Vice _. PresIdent Eisenhower at the New Yorl; Nixon, Then the president re' Coliseum, lUl"lCd by plane to Wa;hington,

Newsp ape r men, photograph- KozIol', the Kremlin's No, 3 crs Russian exhibit guides and man, arrived Sunday (rom Mos· plain hangers,o~ ,;warmed around cow for the opening of the big EIsenhower when he entered the Soviet exhibit. He had little lobby of the Coliseum to be chance to gaIn Eisenhower's priv­

I: ::.P l'nited States em- .------------:,

Brenner Pass Blockaded

Promotions OTTAWA (CP) - Naval head OTTAWA (CP) - Justice Min,

quarters Monday night announced ister Fulton said Monday he is promoUon3 {or 27 officers _ 19 willing to recommend to the cab· regular and eight reserve-in the,; inet that former RCMP commi,;, hall-yearly promotion list, Among sioner L, H, Nicholson. who re­the group were the following, nen signed in March over a disagree· in Eastern Canada. ment with the minister, be given To be captain _ Acting Capt, his full pension, Mervin C, Wellman, 54. Stirling, 1111', Nicholson, with about a Ont.. RCN hospital. H~ICS Stada, year to go (or the 35'year (uil cona, H a I i fax: Acting Capt. pension period, receil'es 80 per

! Prince Asks, More Aid iFor Have-Not Nations

TORO:-':TO (CPI - The gap be-I Canildian InSlitute of ~Iinbg and Iween the ·'hal'e" and "hal'e'not·' ~Ictallurgy_ the Chemical lns:i­nation,; will widen rapidly unle,s i tUle of Canada and the Canadian

; richer countriC3 help raise those Aeronautical Inslitutc of Canada. , leE .• fortunate to a higher stand· Chairman was RI, Hon. C. D, : ard o( Jil'bg, Prince Philip said Howc. (ormcr minister of Irane I ~lollday, and cOJ)1merc~. ; Philip spoke o( the Colombo OI'PORTU~ITlES EXIST : Pla~ and lauded Canada·, co~tri'l ~la:1y opportunitics awaitrd :n

butlon In an address to a JOI~t Canada bnt the same was truc Jf I en~incers' and scicntist; Ilinch'l the undcrdel'eloped countri~s of ! con at the Ro),al York Hotel. the world, the prince said . i "It has lonn been rcco/:nized I "The gap bctween Ihe 'havcs' , th~t Ihe \l'ealthv i:1diddual has; and the 'hal'e-nols" will sleadily ! a moral oblig"iion io hclp th03e: widen with catastrophic results

less (ortunate than himself," h~ I unlc.;s the more fortunate nations said, singly and in co ' operation make

"The -,ame obligation i3 noll' a rcal attempt to !)ring them recognized to exist between na· along thc path to a higher sta~d­tions, It is recognized that an ex, ard of lil'ing," plosil'e situation will inel'itably O( Can a d a-s achiel'ements, develop i( the gap betwcen the Prine Philip said "there is 'have' nations and the 'have·not' hardly any field of science. enl/i· :lations grows too big," neering- or technolog~' in which

The luncheon was spon30red by Canada cannot show some out­the 30,000 _ member Canadian standing example," Co u n e i I o( Professional En- He mentio~ed medical. nuclear gineers' the 16,000 - member En· and aeronautical del'elopments gineering Institute of Canada, the and the 51. Lawrence Seaway.

Search For Rail Crash Victims

J" ',\rdnr~da", nell' to I ". .' , ' Weather

ate ear i:1 the hectic coliseum meeting. But. Ihe two are ex­pected to confer in Washin::ton Inter in the week amid specula, tion KozIol' may bear cold war tidings from SOl' i e t Premier'

MEZZA SELVA, Italy Reuters, A landslide caused by torrential rains Monday blocked the i:lter, national Brenner highway here, H links Italy and Au,;tria through the Alps,

Henry R, Ruttan" SO, Winnipeg, c~nrth of thiS,. . ·t I d ed· I fr 1\ I e comml5SIoner qUI II' len i ' . I e,omman mica 0 leer, ' I an-I Mr. Fulton decided against send,. ~IELDRI:\Y, 'Pa, (API-\\eary cra,·hed from a, railroad Irest c

,~- ~:,\. In a l'.S. A,r; :.<: .. ~.,:: plane.

1;(" itch I\alnach,! ~iormation oUicer

~' rmoa·,\' was in' ("~::rr ~i~nrlay bl';

. :' (:nmenl ofliciak : I

·0':" oHler a~nounrrd I , ,~, ,ali,fied he had i ~ ~'! o ... n free Will. I


. . :lI1d rpporter~ Sal- : 'a~ de(~c~~d because !If JI . actl\'ltle~,

Cloudy, willt wictely scat-bg, High today 55, •

TEMPERA TURES SI. .lnhn' ~ ...... 40 Sydnc,l' ..... , .. :16 Quchre ....... ' ~I ~Iont real .. , _ .. 73 Toronto .... , ... i6 Yarmouth ...... 54


62 RR 91 92


Khr\lshchel', I BELGRADE tReliterst - Yu, : -'--'- ... - I ~o,;Ia\'ia will stop all imporls of : l'II'Splaced Punell i American and Soviet wheat nc);t l' ~'ear, after an expected record, i SYDl>:f';V, Australin I Reuter.,) h,reakin~ crop this summer. the I PriZefighter Robert Caldwcll, 19, 'ugoslav ~~\'ernm~nt anno~~c~d 1 has becn rcleased on probation ~ionday" Vlce-PrCsl~ent ~h!alko

and barred from pl'ofessional TodorOVIC lold parliament Il Is boxi:lg aftcr punchim: his list expcctcd the harl'est lI'iII produce throu~h 11 ~torc windolV and then I 4,000,000 ton~, 18 pcr cenl more brea~lIIg Into Ihe place to stcalllha:l 1957 th·· lasl bumper year. clothmg, ' e

icker Tape Gr.eet

And Heat Pair

urn MacKENZIE PIUa Staff "rller tcp) - TIcker lape

Elizabeth and Monday for the

dUring the Royal

Wtre not 1.1 heavy that .houted in­

""~nlfJ to the ro}·al ifootrUI last week bllt ihowering from the con­b. n k men t. or Bay

'it IS thick. "'imated that ,lome

saw the Queen durinc • rapid round

Royal of activIties, There pro b a b I 'Y Queen slepped from the royal dren II' a I ted for them, their would have been mOle but for yacht BritannIa to begin !lhe day, wheelchaIrs set In the shade of the continuing hot and Itlcky A member of the band at the wa, three bushy elm trees. weather, terfronl also toppled over, ~pectators behl!!d rope barrIers

Some :l6 spectators, waIting to A stllf breeze blowing off Lake pushed forward to get a look at see the Queen at CIty Hall, OntarIo provided ~ome measure the Queen and some children faInted In the 89 • degree heat. of relief at times bul for the most cried out as they were crushed Four soldIers and I t!ommbslon- part the patIent crowds were lUI- agaInst tlte barrier, . alre, helpIng keep the crowd of cOlllforl,.;,le and the r e we~ From there the royal motor-]0,000 In check also collapsed, many expressions of wonder at cade curvlit! slowly thrt>ugh the GUARD DROPPED the fact the Queen anti .Phillp soulh-eastern section or the city

The nrst man to drop WBS a managed to look so unruffled, on a \S!mlnule drive, red • coated, bearskIn • weari:t~ Alter dIsembarking from Ihe member of the Royal Canadian BrItannia, the visitors we r C]I At the City Hal! which faces Regiment guard of honor who fell drIven through. dusty. rundown south into the Bay Street finan, to the plvement It the QUeen ~ectlon Df waterfront to I jewel- cial district canyon, a stif! breeze EUubelh dock. even before theUke park where 70 crippled chil- was blowing,


hc Command lind C~dr, Geor~e inn ROIP reinforceme:lls 10' rcscue ~I'orkcr., dra;~ed ;:1'.' L .... G; the 1~4·cal' tl al", of Ihe Sea· A, Broll'n, 41. H~.lIfax. com, 1 :-;;w(ollndland during thc \'iolent . che~ HII'er ~Io~day bllt fm';lJ 1' .. 1. board Airline R a Ill\' a ~ .ar· mander. HMCS Scohan, strike o( woodworkers last SPi'in~. adrlilional \·Iellm.; of ~ Irel~i1t: proached Sa\·annah. Tlte ".'el!n~.

T b d -1.1 ,C d I ' Irai:! Ineck ann bulane tank cal' : ~arl hern S\\'lmmln:! or picnic .. o c com~lall ('r . m. r, , T. I explOSion Ihat caused thc death 01 ; 111~ at a .. rot neal' Ihe tresll~,

AI rlthur ,.HB, McDo~ald, :161, fsfatnft! 0 Brldoe i 19 pei';ons and injured 1\1'0 dc,len' Cause of the wreck ann the e'· .0 m •. ', " opera lions sao -I t! '~Io'ion \I'a' not dcfinitelv de· f· t fl If'" \11 nl' c I more, I·'" Icer, ° ag 0 ICC! J a I S I A d COroner Frank flahn ~aid he I tcrminrrl, SealJuarn offidals wno ~~ast\\" ~1..C!1'dr'gDeOlS D, ~ee'l' L.. we{ en n IIa5 told several pcr,ons sliil' inspected thr S(e:le said lites 't?' tl ~ n Ilf. e -t ~~mm~~,lca' , wer~ unaccountcd for rrom Sun- lound nn Irack or c~r conditio~ Alolns l'~ a 0 t~Tt ~ C a~d 0 Jlc~r Dcnmarl- day'! dealh - dealing bla5( and that mi;ht ha"e callsed the ac·

I an IC coas, , m r, 0 n \ f' cident H. Ross. 43, ~Iontreal.. de~utj' I~~ur of the injllred died ~Ion' F.)'e;l'itnc"ses generally agreed mana!!~r electrical, engineering, Copenha!!rn, () e " m ~ I' k day antI four others lI'ere in that the terrific expl03ions came HMC Dockyard" Hahfax a~d Lt,- f Reutersl-Plan, for a 5140,000,. grave co~dition OIL a hospilal. after Ii or more box cars. flat Cmdr_ Je~n Samt - Marh:!, .4, 000 bridge or tunnel acro,;s the They were seared by flaming gas cars and two butane gas tank Quebec City. HMCS !'fontcalm, nine·mile strait between Sweden coming from two tank cars that cars riled up on the rh'er b~nk,

- and De:lmark Monday came be· THE COUNTRY PARSON

"It probably is easicr for a man to accomplish something big than to conquer the little things that pester him every day,"

fore a joint commission of the two countries, The project would link Copenhagen with the Swedi,h P91't of Malmo by road and rai\. There noll' i~ 8 ferry ser\'ice. ,

I Nigerian iMP In U.K. I . LIV8RPOOL, EII~land (Reut·

ers)-Dr, Nnamdi Azikiwe, premo ler of Easter!! Nigeria, arrived here Monday on an official visit 10 Britain, Azikiwe will have talks about the e.tablishment 01 a television service. and of the University 01 Nigeria,

India Dhauli Gorge gatns 10,000 feet in elevation in 35 mile •. Winding through the cen· tral Himalayas. it forms a link in a much·traveled trade route to Tibet.


Unions Propose Strike Stalling ?'l ~;w YORK \ AP )-Stecl IIniol\' wurk ('onlrad.

olficials Mo~day coupled (orillal: Thp next rOI'I1\~1 talk het\\'cen approval ol.a two-week otrike dc, jndu~lry AIIel !Inion I'~rl'· lay with an assertion that man· tivcs is scheduled (or \\'cdne.;day, agement should "show some ne­gotiating statesmanship,"

David J_ McDonald, president of the United Steelworkers. made the comment alter the organiza­tion's exccutive board and wage policy committee mct to endor.;e poslponement of a walkout dead· line from tonight to .Iuly 14,

The delay was requested' by Presidcnt Eisenhower to per nut (urther efforts to reach 8 new

At a press conlerence. Mc· Donald declined comment 0:1 a statement by R. Conrad Cooper, chief industry negotiator. thal management still. is opposed to granting any labor, c~st jncrea .. es, The union is seeking sl,zable wage gains and other worker benefits, According to go\'e~ennigures. Steelworkers earn'ed· an' a\'erage of $3.10 an hour In April.

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J . . THE DAilY


All air traffic controller at a Kozlov, Soviet Firat Deputy prt­United Slate. Air Force bue flew mler, arrived here Sundl1 to a 1'£er Moth biplane upside open a Soviet culture and Hien· .... from here to Le Touquet. tlf!e exhibition. He landed at fnnee, Saturday. E.A. Macaully Idlewild airport In • MW Rus· !Mde the tops)' • lurvy 4O·mlle sian turbo-prop plane after an 11· fIiPt In 45 minutes with another hour and six " minut. nonstop

No More Self-Made Men

Preaches Safe Driving The Indestructible Fred

• I Rural A$tal,re I Electrification

flylnl ahead to guide him. filght from MoscoW.

WINNIPEG (CP) - The Hor. (First of a Serl .. ) aUo Alger heroes who battled VANCOUVER (CP) _ Rodger By ERSKINE JOHNSON their way to Independent for· Ward, 38 • year· old Indianapolis HOLLYWOOD (NEAl-The tUlleJ are not likely to enter the Speedway champion, Is preach. Icen·agers standing on the eomplex business world of to· 1111 the gospel of &life driving. curbstone were strangers to day •• ay. a profeasor of bUlill". him when Fred Astalre stop' administration. The winner of this year's MO· ped his car for the tra!fic

It's almost impossible for a mile auto claaaic at • record light at the Intersection In new Rockefeller to emerge, says average speed of 135.8 miles per Beverly Hl\Is. Dr. D.R. Ladd, associate profes· bour3 salrt in an Interview here The boy and the girl stili are ior at the University of Western that he favors a system of grad· strangers to him, but Fred Ontario It London, Ont. uated driving licences to make Astalrc never will forget them.

Too many thing. crop up tn the freeways safe for high speed. He flashed a smile to the .-_. 8' r .. business for one man to conte:td "Only car owners who.e per· boy who had recognized him lit with, he said In an Interview. formance Indicates competence anel called :"HI, Fred."

W . "'.. Many factors non·exlstent III the should be allowed to use these But the unexpected words ., .4T'e·I{·· .. ' ... .. past now made It neceJsary for arterial hi g h way s." he said. from the young girl meant - ~. . . .., ;., , buslnen firm heads to work in "Oider and less accomplished even more to 59·year-old As·

W· . ' ..... co· operation with department' drivers .;hould be reslricted to talre. She Icft him laughlng-. 'S I!'. heads before tryi:!g new moves ordinary roads. and whistling 8 happy tune all .Iii ". ~,'(' Visiting Winnipeg before giv· Ihe way 10 hl5 home high on

~-~~~-...: .' .. ing an address to the Manitoba "I believe also Ihat driver.ed\u; I Summit Drive. ~~,.j . " --I' Institute of Chartered Account· cation courses In schools shOll U "DO:-l'T give It back, Mr.

"< • an Is in Mlnakl, Ont .. Prof. Ladd be obligatory. and regulations Astnlre" the girl on the curb·, said accountants today "need M against drllnk~n driving shou\~ I side said. I

; .. ..: r much imagination 8., an e:t· be more .;trmge:!t Ihan the~ • • • . ';. -"", ,,' \,' ,glneer, architect or olher profes· are." SlIck.halred Fr.d Astalr.

, 1<." ,:--, ' .. I I I I Of 1 I bt' .;14:~·ft",!~·,~'f"! sona peopr. I . • laughed M Ie tod me a au I :",~''I{''':', ""'}"':/>J He ~aid It's importanl for a with bolh feel, lie deCides R;: the Incident. which occurred

·K, j~:,<',~J.t".". man to know when 10 110 out 01 closely AS pO!'ible when A ~~od., elurlng "Ia areaire Emmy." ! BIt;'::,,:<.. -~.... . business, "It is h~re where ~M urt becomes ~ sur I o( deadl.oo.(~; Therc wa~ ~ome bittel'nc5~'

".' -'--_ ... ----- - -.- For India B1 RUSSELL ELMAS

I H~ERABAD. Indi~ ; Canadian dlesel.electric lng sets are bringini for the fIrst time to Indian village,.

Part of a Sl,OOO.OOO plan project to aid rural Irifjcatlo~. 2t9 Canadian tor; o{ up to 100 kilowalls been shipped {rom Canada

: altoeatecl 10 I'ariou. stale; I central gOl'ernmem

I In th~ Tela"~an~ · Andhra Pradesh ;f~le ..

~j~~fi~~ generator sel, ha"e bee ~ .' ,e.d in 40 renlr~s. \\'h1n nIh

.•. 'first brga~ an'irin" al t' e I f 19'- I >, ,.~ , '. 0 JI. Qn r 26 oi IO.OC~l·

were rec('i\"in~ r:rclririt\ ... . I' . 10 econorr.ll'1 .:;·r(l,l[d(~ arta

of the {urmer prinel.;, . HyMr"~3d .

1;1 ny:~~:";!ba~ n::", A Quadfl'. .\o:lh,., Pr~':"h . cw~ Ul~l:'r r I r f':' .. L< :::t-... \ ~:d Ca>1n:lian ,r\, ·,<r:·o I>":~I'· if'"'.! \ jll:-:'.!~r.;. f'll'{ 'r'{ .

r!1i1 ~rlltl,,'1 Lr;'. h' ,'1':

figure man comes inlo Ihe ecenel or L, not brin~ing il. t,up I'alue. I within the TV Industry about

i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~··~·~-·~·- 1~'An Kvenlng wilh Fred A~I 'Iail'c" winning nine Emmles.!

ror in;"II<.i·. (I r 11 ;'.; I. I.,'

with Illn i>\:i' 1- It"! "I I' . . ,.~

powrr ~r·fl III 1";0 . ~::.I~t'.


· . · ·

St. John's Transportation Co'mmission New Bus Schedule-Effective July 1st 1959

MAIN Doily 7.24 a.m. to midnight-12 minute frequency. Sundays and Holidays-7.30 a.m. to midnighl-15 minute frequency.

WEST Doily 7.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.-15 minule frequency. 6.30 p.m. to midnight-20 minute frequency, Sunday~ and Holidays 7.30 a.m, to midnight-20 minute frequency.

FRESHWATER COVE ROAD Doily including Sundays and Holidays 7.30 a.m.

minute frequency, to midnight-20

COWAN AVENUE Daily including Sundays and

minute frequency,

.. Holidays 7.30 a.m. to midngiht-60

Leaving Cavendish Square on the half hour. Leaving Sanatorium on the hour,

MOUNT PEARL No change,

PEP PERRELL No ch~,"g •.

ELIZABETH-MUNDY POND Elizabeth and Mundy Pond Route will be combined, and take the

following Route.

Slruwbcrry Marsh Rood Allandale Rood Rodney Street Whiteway Street Bonaventure Avenue Fleming Street Hayward Avenue Catherine Street Monkstown Road Queen's Rood King's Road ;",;Iel.:l' y RO.Jd Ordnunce Street Du.:kworth Slreet Prescott Street WaleI' SIIeet Job Street Hamilton Avenue Bennett Avenue Blackmarsh Road Campbell Avenue Mundy Pond Road Blackler Avenue Hamilton Avenue Job Strut Water Street Prescott Str!!et Duckworth Street Newfoundland Hote! Military Rood Rennie, Mill Road Catherine Street Hayward "Avenue Fleming Street Bonaventure Avell Pine Bud Avenue Carpasian Rood Elizabeth Avenue S'trawberry March Road

Mundy Pond Road . Blackler Avenue Job Slreet Water Street Prescott Street Duckworth Street Newfoundland Hotel Military Road Rennie, Mill Road Catherine Slreet Hayward Avenue Fleming Slre,t Bonaventur. Avenue Pine Bud Av.nua Carpasian Road Elizabeth Avenue Strwaberry Marsh Rood Allandal. Rood Rodney Street Whiteway Street Bonaventure Avenue Fleming Street Hayward Avenue Catherine Street Monkstown Road Queen's Road King'. Road Military Road Ordnance Street Duckworth Street Prescott Street Water Straet Job Street Hamilton Avenue Bennett Avenue Blackmarsh Road Campbell Avenue Mundy Pond Road


HOLIDAYS, DUCKWORTH Daily including Sundays and Holidays 7.30 a.m. to midnight-20 minute frequency. Leavi Leavi


Strawberry Marsh Road Mundy Pond Road 10 minut.. aft.r thl hour On the hour 30 mlnut.. aft., th •. hour .20 minute. after the hour 50· minut.. aft.r the . hour 40 minutes aft.r the hour.


; Thel'/' was talk that Frert II ! ~houlrll'elllrn one of Ihe thm ASTAIRE AND TV PARTr\ER BARRIE CfMSE: . prrMnal Emmies he won, And, Nine Emmies, but he'd like to improve on it next ; he Po \' e n on~ultcd Ihe TV' lime:

a< tilC .1." 0 n: "~I r'.fJ·, . h~'di't) ~(';I 'j.... .

\\'(\HKF:II 1\ Cl\ r \ll1n ··Will.1l t~l~ Itlc! 'I c'.

line l'UilitJ ,' :'-[.1 III '~l ~3\p.

i ~~il~~~~lr a::::5 :1:: b:enP:::, \ -- O-·-·u·-·-r·-·n---e· .. y' . '·"1'0 Love "- lain amollill Hi' :U(I.,j al:'C2QV

I and counled and as someone I said:

"Thrre Isn't mnrh of • mar· , ket for u~eel Emmles." I "An f.1·l'ninl{ '''Ith Fred AS.' I talre" ri~ht(ul\y krpt Its nine, ; f.mmlrs. Slxtv mlliion Amerl·: .-.1"' If,.... .... OWl ..... If IlIA s.m.o. ...

· \clUfl~rI"· . ~,r1 '/.,ader.· , worked \Iith i!lc Oil:afo

II I-:Iedric Plncr r":1I.~::'<Ol 18 monlh, 10 101:)·41; "Th~;,

Itle Can;l(tian :1,:10'01" ;m, I pi;ol ,I ~I ion' "lUI <'cralr 1:11

· maud for p[f.\cr (or ',hln i IIlOli.!! Inul; I:.'e rr,:"r, in" ! \\ Ithlll the 111'\1 -IX IT,or.lhs.

, ran TV (ans I'm sure. fett the I' XXIX ' : . th . I the 1"50 raw aile! (omfnl'tahle.·· ,la~L" nllll" "T\~,I hI , slime I\'a~' as e I!lr on f " ".111,1' right for Iwo hn('hel· IInil, wOlllo he h'ijl;(·~ ::?:c 'H.Cyrrly 1I1t1~ curhstone: I; A policeman, who had ~p. or,." he said. with his ('rookcrt main grid. The ;pn,ra:orl' : !In'en I~e chancr. t.he~s~ aUld, parently been ~tandlng on the' smill'. "I'm going 10 leal'e ~'Oll : then he Ir311'1mcd 10 o:~er I h~:e ~dl0~d I?cr "or~. _.! e'orner Rl! the timl', ra;, up to I IIrre. Kathte. ~ly roommate. mUliitle· .. i no.~ t gill' It back, .Ir . .4, I her, but there WM not much I won't be homp ulltil thi~ even· Inlr()Ju('ilfln 0' (ceb::,: , tllire. • • I he rould do since she rould: ing. anr! I expect 10 be haek ~Ire~d~· mail,' ~n '!l\~Jt' O~ ! .• th. urbstont not ('\'C'n tell him whethC'r the: hriore then. Don't let la~p h((' \, I'o:o·t;',cu. , I Th! girl on • c. • tl1('if wa, a man or a woman. I iiltO the aJl~rtm('nl. and don't' Quarlers of 0"10 0: trn a', I ~s a mattl'r of lacl. wa~ speak: I "'hill' she was talkin~ to Ihe I go out. \rill ~ ou promise mc I11ll1lit~· d r \ r; 0 I' m. n' ! ,m;: for a \Iholp np\1 l:rner, pnlicC'man ~i\'ing him her tlwt Kalhic"" scheme'. ~ (;ln~d:~~ . ' , atinn nf Frrrt Astalre fan~. , naml' and' anrtr,,«. Alex drol'e I :":1'5." . . ,el wa, IIIQ,lirrl i\ ~Par a:' I 111 hl~ ~Plh year. F'r~~ A~· liP In thl' taxi. Kathie was im·1 "Good girl' Til It!'r intpl1;e ria,'. th,' • 1::I,r pi ?''t) , lal!'~ of the agele~s .. P.CfOl \l('ss mea<urahly I;(I~n 10 s~e him.! 'ul'pris(>. he h~nt and hrllshed .q\'r~1 h1hl ln: If 0"1 • ,010 I p(ll<~ ~nc1 eaSe WO\15 the nal for the firsl time. she felt sh~: her lips wilh a li:ht kiSS. eaeli !,1(,llIn: acrl a,:

Ion wllh ~h~rm and those j t'Quld ndinitely eliminate Alex "And elon't worry:' hI' said. numher of pr,' air !r~,·:3)'1 I danclnp; (('PI. h d from trans ~uspiclon in th~ I "We'n get vour mOIl!'Y Mr'k." , po\\cr

I The fl'cd Astalre II' 0 an· Jlhings that had been happl'n' F tltp '<erond t1~e that SOJnI' ;~oo "" '·r' M'~ I-t

~!'d on Broadwa~' I~. "Th~ Pa~s· , ing to her. If the thie£ had dal'~r Kathie's eyes (illed' \\"irerl ior c;o,"', ::\. a~d m2 Shol~' of 1918 doest/or; heen after the rteert. and not "A·lex.)'ou·resonlce."shesaid,2ij halP l.\k~I' r",'~r

I danl'lRl! In a~ hou~ on T\ 40 I an ordinary purse·snatcher, he unsteadily. "I'm sorry I was, fa,. an~ rMrl,o, ,"~'" . ' ~'ears later. ~ore, one re., ('('rlainl.\' hartn·t been sent by horrible on the sillp. I know: trodllccrl ~nri ~: ",_,,1 neo?,~ "Iewer noted. than AI.I other Alex. With Ihe deed already so eI·d' th gh mv lug. I ne.l~hhonng. \I:I~.P' COm! dancers .ha\·e done In the I mailed to him, Alex had no I yo~ .~ n t go rou • , mlrl' Ihp ~ c"'.r:r :~·l'n'. whole hIstory of TV." I eI ttl It /' ga~e. I STORr. 81 ~I:,\F.~' I P

Remarkable' On Iv It you nee to try 0 5 ea. , . Th(, smile he gal'e hl'r W,1S, "rar!l' a!1 ,h0"' h" . '. Wlt!'n ~ht' hact flOished an· d I' . kl· I I .. I' . ' . don·t know Fred A~talre, .. . " ~ I an 109. QUIC ~. m pu SJ\ e ~. CII v and r~rorl Irmml,

A day with Fred Astalre' SI\erlnj( th~ pol.lceman. ~ que .. he ki~'ed hl'r al!ain Then he: in~,s ,,{lor ri",' I i d that this 1 lions, Kalhle climbed IDtO the hurri~d awa, lea\'ing Kathie: One 'Iqr~ " .. ·.r" ea\'es vou conv nee ta I ·ith Alex He was very , . . . slim lIiUe fellow with rhyth· ,X" I . t· d th with stars In her eyr.s. i with mFC r~:~"~ "'.

j I I b f t:rave when S Ie reeoun e e... i 'peakeI' rxlrr ·'0·' '~ 3~ m c mag c n everyone 0 . del nt to him In fact he . , . . " , his body Is quile right when 10 e. '. I th : "hen she hecamp hungry.: powered r~ ;'0 I: ;" he tells you: took ~J mare seriOUS y an : ~he went Into the kit:henrtte: l'illAgcrs to \''0 II\e :,£~~ lor

"I ltuess I don't understand sh.~ d .. I .. h ~nrt opened thl' refrigerator. :~~. ,. th . g f the world I don I like It. Kath e, e I There were milk and chee~e' Gnnrralin~ ,pi, r.,~r,:~. ,.

e meanln 0 Id "Som~one's ha\'in~ vou I ' '. " , h \1 ' .. sa.,· ",. and e2J;s. She prepared a light 'pl~rrd m fP ;:c,,'\ . e; ~nge. h I wateht-d Ion rlMely. Apparent· ! tunch. hoping that Alex woutd 10.000 PO,ll';": eo'. r,' . '

hilS ebe~na a~:~'t1~~uc~:~'e~(>~ Iy you can·t make a more ~hat ; return in time tn shrtre II wllh <(,\'(>ral "rp C('1\':':'1 ' a\1 his life whilE' insisting, "II isn't "known. It scares me, ar.! her. But he dlnn't come. I~rj!er 10',\0' ;' .. ~ 1,:­hate challenges. What I want 'IIn~.. h I I d i She atp alone. then .... a<hen dl,lnrt hn;trlqll , " " . certainties" Dar\!ng. T. a JYl'ee ous wor. I liP the fell' dishl's. pretending Iwo ("an'~"'\ ."11_., '~ . 18 C t' t' :, again. Kathie turned a radl· I happilv th~t it w~s her own pr1t!'.IcP P""" '0' ({' ,

er am le~5.. • ant face to him. "At least they: kitchen. Ait~rward. she curled, ;:old laco ''1d,,'''', . . E • h h!1d don't know where the deed i up with the book of poetn' she I Pie pr' ! '01\ ., ,,11\ OC ,1

d v~r Slnc~1' ~ ~u ~ ChiS." she told him. "They! fOUnd on A sh~lf. On~ ear .!al~'. \\htrl'. :;;'" ,pcr:'." ancllDl! pro II!) nh ma.fa. wouldn't have ~atched my, hpanf I'ach line shp read In dian ~e 11'1 anI!: ".', . '.

a sa esman anel a ousewl e. ·r th dlil " I I I· r'l Ill' I • I . d purse I ey. \Ipx'< \'oir~ the other 1i,1~11 ·omr ra<e< I P , ,

Fred A~talre las h\'~d an "Do \'ou still want to gn to : .' .. hp"3\1.P of 3,'", " .... :.." worked In show business-the the po;nria~as~" All'x askeel IIlg\\ft,,:· hiS 'I tPP ~I: 1.1i(' SI~,11 \ "()~v ~hil\l111' ,I _ '10': r" , most un('erlaln wortd of them I . ! II 11 al 3S. 1, 'JIllC ual' . ." "':." ,., ,,! all ,hel. . hIS ruvllllliat .. "lite hilI!. th,·.1 Iile III I'. , "":

. h h .' It. wa! Ihen thaI 11 lilt 1"'!lld Kalhie' fa~t ~'I~ •. p ,I ~,Ie. !II ",', ' ",', ....

fYtetd tOlne .t Ilo~e, se f a:u~~ ,Kathie-till' obvtous Mnd I ~ I,'~ IlIt"J.1Ut"LI hi. I "ow IO<'JIIOIiI I" I,· ' .. ,,' Ice e Ie t 18 ~ Ij!t' U V . : naked truth that ,he had ovt-r· ._.. . II '~I. ,,' I, '" "

I viii f B' ad""I' I IIDlly· . ~ I Ill)le but h,tille \I J' ,{! , .. I '" e, \I 10 a .. U 'torked in her eXCltement Iht, h If I· , . I II ',Ie';,\' I.··'· . 'd' d f T\' nct v . I a ·a~ ec:p aCIU r,e\er (l l 11"61 • , wo_ a cameras an 0 , a POI'nclana' That was a lauch I I' "I I ,. 1'1 I'" al ,I <'" ". ' .core.. 40 ng e . "'\Iex'" she "asped 'J:I'ery 'd I I til \ ·v" " . I. • I--tl P lional trl e 'mule t ,an . v ,n , .. , ...... 1.. , \1 ",', "

I 1"'h : . .' ., '. 'lsrr\'11l2 fl 01 e"e~ all ~ v m 1 .. ·.1 .. 1

I U~Plt15h nl·era'i· hao d n' d I 'cent 1 h8\"e In tne world wa! 'Ieui j-Iitl, the klt~l .. n~1t... 1",lolll'e,l ,. , . .' ",'

" IS I e Ii • a ~e n I thai pur'e EYer), sltle:l~ I " I. ,11 8 I' J". - ' . , i crazy' Jungle of challenges ,nnl'" ' . Pluml,: n~ to II liP up 8 1,,1\' e' ",'" I' '.' I',

. I - (e , ;'e~k . , -\1 It lout once trlpPl11g· At JY Aiel!: leanrd forward anrt" . 1 ~'nfer t,'r , ., .

h h · . k . f 11 I , l.le-.: sat 0\111"1 lin t If' pllnee , ., ,.,' ... ~ 3, n~1 er 11<)\\ 11 al 11 e . 1l8'·e the driver sn addre« I . I I" I \\ .. I . I r; 1';1. ,"~ ., .' I'

I H~ plans It thut \l'a~·. "11's tile besl 1 can Ihlnk of at J.p,,, e I ,alile. II !It I 811~rlr IPIIi' "'('In' ," ;, ",,," ~ I' 'r d I I I' d I I . '<1011 S 1(' S3W \a 11' 'm Ie, I .. o ay Ie 'a Ira r p ann n!t Ihl' IIIOnll'III" he told Kalhi~ I . '.. I II . 'I pOrl1 :.11011 h· d 1'V ,. ··Ih I ' . I did not qUltp rca,· I I' I'le~ --;;,-_-;;, . ..;,--.;....;..----

IS sct'Qn .. e\elllllg Vi I "Where are you taking me?" "What Is It, Alex~ What's I -Fred Astan e for early next she ~aid throuj(h ~tlff lips d'" £all. A recent con\'ersation he I "T~ mv apart;"tnt" He i hapypene h' h arentlv had with 8 TV network execu· I frown~d ';1 "'i~h I had ~ home I 'lour .. untc "B'a, apPI h-:'" I' I . h h h' " . I ng It a"ou ea. 01 ~ (\'1' pxp am.~ muhc II ~ ollt. I~. tn take .\·ou 10. Kathie. but: sources in thp pnlirp ncpart·

way of turOlng c 8 enges IOto Grandfalher clo~pd the bl):! .. k 'Th· I Irkt. certainties' ~ mpnt. :-ou now IS S ~ . hOllse II fl',v years uo anti, 1\' unnffirial and not for pub·

Fred anrt the txerutll'e t~lk· wpnt to 11\'1' at I ~oll"ll~o\\'n Ilicalion ~'et. but thl' police I'd aoout hiS TV debut. his I hott-I. J share a ~tude() WIth a lar(> wnrkin/! (\n som~thinp; that Emmy sweep and titen the I rnlle~p friend of minI'. There: thp\' think will show Bpa's ac· e~e~utlve asked, In an offhand: are other relatives. of eour~e. ~ r·id~nt was not entirely 8cei· lIay. I hut I ran't think of one at the: dental."

"What are vou planning for I moment I want to entrust YOlil ITo B, Continued) YOUr next sholl', Fred?" I to!" He grinned at her Bnd '1

added reaSSUringly, "W'ell l In that casual, hands·in· figure somelhing out by to· I C Ch

pock~t way, but with the .er· night." I at anges iousness for which· he Is • • • I noted, Fred Astalre replied: Kathie's spirits rose a little. P lit

She might be alOne and with· , ersona y "Well; I'd like to Improve on out funds In far.riff Honolulu. I . .. . .

the last one." but . ~he \\'a~ not without: Sl-llRl r;). Onl. ,( P' - II' • • • frlencl~. They lI'f're rtrivinJ( I about ~I~hl down and onp 10 ~o

I 1 I . I I· d i lor Rhtlh~rh. . . CAught off IIAlanct, ~Il Ihe a onl( a )l r~~~nt rana Inr : .... . .'~ 'TV ..., II ~ ,: With attrarlh·e moncrn hOJlse~.' RhuiJalo I, rt flle·~.r~l.o~1I r~t

~Xfe JllIl P cou ( ,,0 II a~ 1 .. owned bl' \lrs ~ll1l"1pi RI~f'low ~Ianjmel' Ihl'OJll:h ralher for· ileforc one Clf 1\ ~('nrs of In· , t h ··d . "1·1· : I' J? . ced Illughler I pl('xc~ the taxi stopprn. ~nn i anI el all~ I e\ ,OJcn~, -. ,

. the driver helpec\ Akx ('arry'! .~ recrnt lire hcanly rlallla=~d . "I glJ~~S he thollj!ht 1 was I Ihl' luggage up to the third' the,. E1lgl'low . hOIllP ,In ~~~IIl.~.

hring trilr." Fi"!'1\ Astail'P tolt! ; floor. Il.ockerhy \\ hilI' 0 ~~r.. h,.rlo.l. mI'. wtth a smile. "Rllt you I Kathie looketl arolJnn hrr; ~n:1 ,hl'r d a,u ~ It: ~ r \I ere at: know me I waS serious" ,'tl f I' f h 'I " trp. 'I ,h,lrch. Thl'\ rchlt ned 10 {Ind; , . . I WI 1 R ec IIlII 0 a\ 110:0 ~ I Rh,lbarb and her onll' kil1r~;

Since his TV apprarallC'r, he i ped ,tnto a rtreAm .. Thl:, ~~':s I' lying on the £100r. apparrnlty: has pla~'pd his firsl non·elallc· i l'lc,x I room. .~ la?t~1 f7 o~ ,deari. ann rricnc~ pill Ihe ca:" ing cll'amalir role AS the I aUla a ma.t.cOI~le , .r 0 " into Ihe garha~e rail. , atomic scientist in the film i ~nd Ihe I'as:. chairs I\(,IC maele Thlw wcrk~ Mlrl' thp. fi,·p. ver.sion or "On The Reach". i of cU1"l'~d bAmboo. Split ham· :'III'S. Bigelow anlt Lorrn~ were'. He will shAl'e co·starring hon· h~n ~h~nf's \dl 'cre h at ~hc li!iting Ihe homp of a iril'nel, ors with Gregory Peck, Ava Windows, an t e I'ApeneS where IlhllhArb h~cI hcpn horn. I Gardner and Tony Perkins. In were a splash of tropical col· and hoard a plninlil'l! "meo\\" I January, he will play another ors In large design. The lengt~ oullide. Rhubarb had returnetl to straight role In the movie, of one wall was almost com IlJ first home. "The Pleasure of His Com. pletely covered by a low book· But bit t e r memoriu ba\'~ pany." case. changed Rhubarb's per~onaiity

The sieeping quarters ap· from that 0/ a home·lo\,101l ral I Bf'rause Fred Aslalre Is l\Ir. parently were the two. bunk 10 a nocturnal \Y8ndpr~r. Orca· .

Perfectionist. maybe, I 5hould beds on opposite sides of the sionally ~he relllrn~ to Ihe Hilt ; be the first to say It. room. lallored In dear. vibrant elow homl'. but nol often. She 1

1\'ow he'll probAbly win nine I colors mAlchtng; the lon@s in hM ~01l2hl eM,olation in the' Oscus !l:OT dancin/!! the drap~rle~ ane! masstd with I hom~ II'hrr~ ~he WM hMn. i

-- I pillows. punees, they called i TIt, Bi~~low.; are ~~nt~nl In,




SERVICE Vi'UptCi4!iU in

oul of )'our ClC. "-e'n

_~IJOO •



at these


(NEXT: "No fr.ntlc mo' them out here. I Allow her to atay whe~ !he lee;~ 1 menh-lInd no frenlv.") "It's beautiful," she said. safe. tL __ ----~


, .

nUIII~'" LeI He tern

tJIII°u·f1age-a a purpose I

He thougt 100 long ( but said t

Jll&de up. . Hollett WOI

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-... , 1 ~ •

;T. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND The Daily News TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1959 "

is Is A 'Smokescreen dget, Hollett Charges

Briefs In The

Reduce Number Of Holidays. \

"News" To Legislate 40 Hour Wee~ I,!,t spuJ,;er in the Bud· to have confined himself In his welfare and mentioned some of .. ~It In the House of As· speech 10 Ihe palt .Ind present the assistance under these · \Iondl\' was ~lr. Mal· year. IIfr. HoUelt thoullht much beadings coming from Ottawa. Int'erfe enc Prcmler J. R. Smallwood 1 on Saturday; civil servants less the government is reo holidays ror clyil servants do

tuMr of the Op- progress had been made with He said he would like to IUP· r e rel'caled in the House of As. would receive filteen working quested. not require legaslatiOll only an Ht termed the Budget less money· in the old days and port a petiUon brought into the The recording equipment I scmbly ~fonday that the statu. days for annual vacations and The Premier opened :'olon. order, he s~id.

• ~~aila~e-a smokescreen I~aid there were 40.000 men fish· House a few days previous by being used In the Supreme tury holiday schedule would St. John's commercial workers! day's proceedings by saying Commencmg on January 1st. .~ ~~~e 10 hide ~ome· 1011 who did .. not have orange Hon. J. R. Chalker, member Court during the hearm~ ol! be cut back in 1960 trom 17 (~hop and orfice employees) a ~ he had an announcement to next the ~umber of statutor~

HC thought thc Minister dulce (or. breakfaal. Tht num· fllr Sl. Barbe, regarding de· cases has been acting a little i to 11 holidays. In addition. the rorty hoUl: week with; make which. he knew would I w:;o~e ho.hdaYI for the elvl.1 'N' lonl! on the past ten I b~r in Ihe fishery today was mands (or a hospital.. Mr. Hoi· strangely lately. During the II provincial cil'il service would the statutory holidays. The I be of great mtcrest to a large I serVIce WIll be one more holl· ~u· <lid Ihe speteh was !flreatlY reduced: lett spoke on Sl. Barbe and recording oC lITr. James. Big· hal'e everv Saturdav as a holi. eleven statutory holidays will! number of people In St.' day a year than the Federal ;"j~ ·up. Witb a smaUer population :some oC its needs and tbe gins' address .to the jury fol· day plus' the statutory holi. apply all over the province I .Iohn·s in particular and also civil service, he said. There lt~lltll "'ondered why the 1200 miles oC roads were built: Premier interjected to say that lowing the tnal or Earl Ron· I days when these did not faJl but not the five·day lVeek un· in other parts oC the provo will be eleven for the local

thnught the union had and practically al\ Ihat hid the late Canon Richards had aid Laing. the strains of, ince. government against ten for n ptorftet Ind spoke of been paved was completed be· called it the "forgotten coas!." "Whlspel'ing Hop e" and; He said a committee had, the Federal service.

;rn.'I\f grants in aid reo fore union. No the road was being com· "GGing Home" could be heard St t Government been appointed to consider This eleven. he continued • • "em Olliwa. He said pleted up the coast. in the background. Strangely ar statutory holidays and the I i~ a reduction Cram the pres· .. ,,15 over $400 million, He deplored the use of. mao Mr. Honett discussed the prophetic as things turned clOSing oC shops ... \ report had I ent seventeen. The eleven are

J billion. distribuled chinery to Ihe extent where It. fishery and .sald young men out! It seems that the record· been recQived b\' the House. :\ew Year's Day. Good Friday . . ~ prD\'incial and cut down on the labour Corce. were not gomg into it as they I ing equipment Is picking up I CA. CMHC lin addition the 'cabinet had i Easter .Monday. Empire. Day. ~;:rnments. He wondered iC a better system might. He thought the heavy outside radio broadcasts on 'ase galnst : appointed a sub.commlttee to I ;\Icmonal Day. SI. John s Re.

o of education existed today and borrowing might one day make I occasion. i I consider the whole question 1 galla Day. Labour D~y. J: Sontlt resented payin&. praised the teachers of other the bank controllers of some of I Jackman '1 ! of holidays for the ch'n ser'l Thanksgiving Day. ArmistIce

I'fnt~ a gaUon as tax '1 days Cor their devotion to the provincial Ireasurles. He I Mr. D. I. "Nlsh" Jack. ' t y t d . g the loa" Christmas Dav and Box· I d ' The case o( the Attorney number oC housinl( unit~. I'an s. es er ay morOln . . J. • p!~l:nt He would hne dUJ)·. Mr. Hoi ett roame over thought the garment should be i man. President of Local i General of NewCoundland The plaintiff claims that the cabinet made several decls, Ing Day .The last one he added

t\lt Finance Minister: t~e topics of publlc health and cut to suit the cloth. 4121 U.S.A. AFL/CIO, 1 versus Central :\tortgage and agreements are valid and re. illn~ on certain proposals- (Continued on page 7)

wlll b. attending the an· I Housing Corporation opened quests an order directing the nual convention of the in Supreme Court yesterday deCendant to deliver up pos· Newfoundland Fc;icralion beo)'e Justice Sir Brian Dun· session and control. operation Questions Estimate


of Labour which will be . field. but after only a few mo· and administration of the Opposition Leader Hollell Minister Spencer had placed Ihe ! held In Corner Brook i mcnts discussion was ad· housing uniL~ to the St.

Agree 5.Y5 he wonden how the GOV', relurn on a government In· I next month. This will be I journed until July 14th. I .Tohn·s . Housing Authority.

CreV\T Of Diogenes· 'ernment arrived 'at 115 estlmale l'estment of $28,000.000 at 548"1 the first tlmt Mr. Jack. • Appearing lor the Attorney' Also requested Is an Injunct . . 01 the money tha' haa been I 000,000 in terml of money put I min h .. attended a local I Gencral's department is lIIr. ion to restrain Central Mort.

" 11' I h i pumped Into tlte Newfoundland I into the pockets of Newfound· n.tlonll labor convention I D. W. K. Dawe, Q.C.. who gaJ<c and Housing (rom reo Safe In Rotterdam "l·r~ J R ,~a '\\lu. a, : economy by the nell' Industries,' linden. Ind he lay I he intends 10 I stated that Central :'Ilortgage pealinJ< the acts complained .. . ~: <e;r. l'pPo.ltlOn Lea~er tstabllshtd under the Economic I Stt that the ground labour ! and Housing Corporation were M. and ~ claim for damages.. OTTERDA~1. The r\ctheriands later a fire 111 theJl' . kcrose~e

,. H~jitll that 3p".ldJn~ dC"elopment programme. "Where dId he get that I has made Is not lost. He i party to two agreements en· cnst~ and any other relief as: iHeuters}-Thrcc men from storcs forced them mto the:r :1'1 .. :~' In Ihe Departmrlll. :IIr. Rollett Isked for an II" figure?" Mr. Hollelt aaked. He ha. forty year. experi. tcrcci into on May 26th, 1955. may s~em .iu~t. .. \Iontrcal landed here from a rubbcr boat. . l;'f'! l::d Rcs~u.rtrs can planation of th~ n~lIl'~.; III I .c !wanted to know·.what subslan· .nce In the labour mOve· and Au:;:ust 15th. 1956. He said I Actinl! on behalf of Central I British freighler ~Ionday after, When the Cire stopped dild

Ho"tl pr.t II r budget debllte In tile Lellisla.! Iiallon there 1Ias for Ihe mtnt. that the rldendant ha~ failed :'ofnrtgage and Housing Corpor. failing in their hid to eros; the Ihey returned tn Ihc DIO;~r.e.i the Oppn~lh~~ lure yesterday. He .aid Fillanee i figure. Early Closing to deJjI'er up possession lind! ation are :'ITr. Fabian O'Dea I Atlantic in their bid 10 CI'OSS the' they learned the blaze

t.~n: ~~rre on Ie. '. I ,,: the controi of management and :\11'. Frank Ryan. i Atlantic in a converted oil eatcn away p~rt oC t.helr l1)~st ~~t r~duclion should' Ch k Y F' g The lIVe 0 clock clos n:- . and administration or 192 Mr. O'Dea asked that tirst· drum. and saii. making It Impo>'1.blc

i ec our 1 ures started yesterday for bus,.' housing units In a st. John's rr)nsideration be given to his The trio.Robert E. Frantz 31;; to continue the trip. Thcy were ,. ;jr::r:: I(lok considerable: ness premises and lasts until housing project. pursuant to client's claim that the Su. Albcrt P. Barth. 32. and nich. picked up by a pa~sln~ fretsilt·

.. :~, "udgtt debit~ ye;· ~ Opposition Leader Malcolm ernment had a defielt on capi· ~!le last Thursday In August. these agreements. prem(, Court or ~ewCoundlanri I ard ~felisch. 25 _ declared:: er. the Ramon <.Ie Larru:ga. ~he · :.' qut~tlon an exr.endl., Hollett suggested In the Legis· tal account. "I don't think that Ihe Provincial G.ol'ernmen~ By letter on AprIl1s!. 1959. is without juri~diction to give "Ne~t year we try again." • brought them here. , . :.~ S;:\'.(\i)\) on tuvclhng i lature on Monday that some this is good reporting." ~Ir. offices start the 5 0 ~Iock clos the deCendant notified the any of the rehef sou~ht. I Arter buying th7 dru?l C.or; Frantz Barth and .~I.tliscll

~I!I Ir.r~ In the Resources members of the House press Hollett aaid. "I think things ing July 2 and contmue until I plainti£C that the defendant The defendant denies that $200 and christening It 010' s~ent four ~onths working .on : i eallery should do some check· like that should be stopped." September 1.5. was itself retaining possession the St .• John·~ Housing Au· : genes the men set sail JUlie 13 DlOge~es whIch t.hey sank when

:!( 1':t:r.lff defended Ihe : Ing on their malhematlcs. Premier Smallwood interrupt· Not Prtn1ed Here oC and would administer the thority Is entitled to posses' from St. John's, Nfld. Four dar> boarding the frclghter. ·.~!t Qn thf. ~round; 'hal: ~Ir. Hollell. speaking in the ed at this point to say "That·.~ The labour pamphlet h~using units lind by an ad\·er. sion nr any unlt~ constructed _____ ._. __ ._--:t~rf5fntall\'e5 of the: budget debate said headlines a poor way of making Crlends. which I. btlng circulated tisement in the DAILY :"oIEWS in accordance WIth the lI!(ree·

r .. _··-... , -.:. "-ent into the Held. had blared about a $12.000.000 'We Ire not worrying about In Newfoundland Is not on April 3rd. notified the pub· menl~ m.ade and ~cnies that F M be D' · '~J:d not be able to pro· . surplus when in eUect the Gov· that," Mr. Hollett retorted. printed her. or registered lie that applications would bl.' the HOUSing Authoflty was the ormer em r les :~I Hf'trfs which th! peo· In the province .. I newi. I accepted for the rental oC a I sole or only lIuthority charged :r.r.1~C The !ef\'ices must W Will Get Our Due piper. It I. printed in . with the rcsponsibilil\' for tlte. ----------------. -~--:--. :ll'~ :0 the people. thc e 1 Toronto presumably by I control. operation .. manage·; Death came to Thomas Le·. War I days as a member of the · • .,d, . the CI.C. Bur'ln Bog ment and administration oC I Feul're at Burin last Thursday. People's Party. . . • ;,_., .. ; Opposition Leader Malcolm, Smallwood mterjected. I' C' A I I the housing units. Other alle· in his 81st. year. He was well He w~s a mC~lbcr oC ~I!!III ~ , ... J"oon askcd ~lr. Hoi· Hollett twice louched on New· "Here. here!" was heard dis· UrtlS nnua i!ation~ made bl' the Attorney! known on the ~outh coast and Lodge :-<0. 13 :'OClcty UIl!tcd ::}:. the ~ou~c I\·ha.t .he foundland's relations with Qt., tinetly Irom Oppositlon memo The :,\,E\\'S ha~ receil'cd a Development Gener~rs Depai·tment are also i in SI. John's hal'ing at one time Fishermen ror 63 years and w;:.;, •. . !If ItT\lttS (or \\hlen tawa as he spoke in the budget· ber James D. Higgins. ' ropy of the Curlls Academy, ! denied by Central :'Iortgage' served as a member of the a past membcr of Bunn Lodge·

",:3:;on, for travelhng debate in the Legislature )'e!.1 The next lime Otawl came! Annual and the editorial staff' ! anti HOli~ing Corporation. . House of Assembly. . and a past Deputy Grand :'Ias· · :o't~ mldr when. the Op terda. 1 up In !llr. Hollelt', ,peeeh he 'of this school magazine and U d . --.------------. Born at Bull's COI'f, Burin ter. He was a clllzen of out· :.~ Lu~er permted In Hi; first referenc, was Opposition Leader intimated it .the pupils gencral\y are to be n erway 11878. the younger son of the standing character and .abilit:·.

, tile expense. brought upon him rather than himself. He expressed his fai~h congratulated for produci~g Partri dge Ilate Captain Frank and Jane ~ He took a keen mtercst 10 mal· b>' him. He Ittacked the IIOV· II he concluded his address 10 such a tine. publication. ;hlS Hay is expected to be grow., LeFeuvre. he was educated at I ters pcrtaining to both churc:,

• l..~" .. nce (or the Depart·· ernme~t because It had yet to Ottlwa'. wlll to Ict In the. best issu; is dedIcated ~o Re\. F: . illS on a section oC bogla~d 1 . the Church oC England School. and statc. I~,uld be cut in half. The I close Its books for the lasl fl· Interelts of 111 of the Provinces E.' Ipond ror his fllle contrl ncar Winterland, on the Burm, Arrl'ves At : Burin and the Church of Eng· The funeral was held Satur

5lid he agreed that nancial year. "I doubt Ii they ot Canada. butlon to church and com· Peninsula. by this fall. Eric 'Iand Teachers' Trainino Col. day. June 27 and he was laid :! !-~~uld be !ome reduction' will be closed thit time ntxt 'I don'~ think for a moment munlty during his pastorate Jones. member of the Legisla. lege. st. John·s. 0 to rest in the Church. of Eng·

:r ~,d nol think it should' year." he taid. Iny province is to be persecut· In the city. Some of the tur. for Burin. said Monday Pepperrell On Completion of his train. land Cemetery at Bunn. 'fhc :lr~t I~ the Opposition I "They won If Otlawl has any· ed, "We Ihall always let our special eontrlbutors include preparations are now being ing. ~Ir. LeFeuvre joined . the' Rev. Bradbr.ook co~ductcd the ~~~posed. I thing to do with it," Premier jlllt due." Rev. A. S. Butt, ~a~e~ R. made for the seedill€ oC an ex. . teaching profession and after a' funeral services whIch were al

Latvians At Press

Tell Story Conference

Roberts. Rev. A. . 0 mes, peri mental 100 acr. .eetion General E. E. partl'ldge. short period teaching school I !e~dcd by memb~rs of the .fam; G. B. :'olarch and W. E. Bishop. which was drained last year. Commander·ln· ChieC of the joined his older brother Frank Ilh. a large cro"d of cltlzen.

Streets Closed Draining of the Winterland I joint .Canad!an ·U.S. North in a genml fish husines~ at: and. members. of.lhe S.U.F. and Cornwall Avenul will bog was undertaken as the first! .\ men can Air D0fence Com· Hnrin. Both broth~rs retired Ladles Auxl!la~. . .

II. cloled today to all step in expanding e~perimental . mAnd. a.nd the D~put~' Com· I from busin~ss atJout ten years I He IS sumvcd by.hls Illfe thc traffic. Cralgmlllllr Ave· bogland development to the I manri'?r·II1·Chll!f. All' l\larsh~l1. ago. i rorm;r Florence \\ l~l\e or 51. nue will b. cloled to tref· South Coast of Newfoundland. i C. Roy Sitmon arril'ed at Pell' .. John~; Iwo sons lharles~t fie Wednesday and Thurs· Plans hal'e been formulated for' pp.rrril ye~tenl~y for all ?':PI' _ ~'r. Th~",~s l.eVeuvrp was a ilOJnp ~1~r\Rp~lnald. :\~>I..R~;:'~. diV. Thll 11 for the pur· extensive experimentation there 11l1~ht vl~11 to t~e 84th DII'I~IOIl Churrh of f,n~lal1d lay rearh'r, tr~r t)[ "JlI~PIIll!. Sf. .John,. ~I;d

OSe or pal·lng. .... .. . ~ over ihe next few years. : st;lltnnrd thr~·p.. .. ~nri SUliriay 5\'11001 stlprrU1IClul· OIlP. d~tl~hler Anlllr In Olt;II\;o; p : ~Ir. Jones said it is Ihe I .\(trr ~ rlisctl.~5ton nC air. rnl for Ihe pa.<l ~Ixl\'·four ~'ears OllP. brolher Fl'all~ I a~rd 831 _I

I el'entual Ian o( the GOI'ern.! rldenrr in the northeast w,th He represcllted BUrin Dlstrt~1 BUl'lli anel a lar~r nrclp oj

Study ' ment to rurn the land over to I Brigadier ~~n~ral F. R. Ter~: in Ihe H'lIlSe of :\ssemhly !rom I fncnrl5 throu~hO.UI. the pro­: farmers in the area. He iaid I rel1. the dll ISlon command.el. 1909 Ihrou~h most of the \\ orlll 'lIIce.

:':~':"l(\ I CPI - Two: lian·reglstered "essel, on which I freedom in Latvia:" C Be ';1' '.~m~o "·ho ... trusting· Russian crew-:-membera out· They said they agreed to' n; .:",c~ othe;" de.sert~d ~ ; numbere~ Lah~lans .Ix to one. i "each keep an eye to the other" i

• L."i: 111 Nell· :'Ir. Yllms said.. I to make cure tber. was no I TV = Junt ~O. hal'e been "Old not want lG Itay under, I'~ bm in Canada. . Ihe Communist dictatorship." I double eroll II they left the Plan

I Cormula ror this distributioll oC 1 and his .staff attended a.n In·' .---- .... -. - --- .

I the reclaimed bogland will be' formal dmner at the Of{lcers' : devised as .the del'elopment I ~Te.~~. 1

I d The group I~ !chedulcd to I Bid Farewell H. M.

To ~.!,j~. \'llni~ Ind Adolfs, )ir. Plonls .aid: 'Tbere Is no Ihip at mldnilht.

Higgins Defends Seamen ~:h 21 described at a I

r~:-.:trtnce here ~IOnda)'1 '~t~ (onc~iI'ed the escape :"J: hour' brlore sliding:

'; • :.,?t haw~rf in St. St. John's bwyer Jamtl D., t~lan· half an ~ou~ laler b~ • '::., I /lilillins ~uy~ a .tat~lI1ellt ~t·I~lllned In Ipphcallon fijr pull·

:~ ; .... : .. rll IIorrt IllIwn Iribut~lI to the I:aplain of the ti~al I)Yll1~lI i.n Canatl~, MI'.

· t:" 1'''1'''/110 Sllllll~)' Itu~sian ~hip Nt'lilan that two Ihg~lns IOlid II wu quite ap· :., 1.,:'1.11 'O('itti~s herr 1.3LVian )~aIUt'n who hlVt' betn p.r~nt Illat Bt'.~thuld. ". \'~r)' I ..... III qut'.tioninl! by granlell politiul a5ylum in 1:811' cmullonal Iype. w.~ ~uf~~rlll" _, .• ! ! .... runlO'nt officials alia had been arreMted by the a IIrellt deal uf III:nety. It ill

· J,,~~'.. JlCMI' 15 completely without rea.onable to assume." he add· : r ...... ~ . Monday Immigra. foundation In fact. ed, "that It was Ihe reluU of ;:'~;':er Fairclough an. ~lr. Higgins, who was secured some .tatemenls made. by., tbe

:hilt pt'rmit5 to remain last Wednesday as lolicltor for people who had seen hun. for one \'ear have Vllnls Berthold and Adolph Mr. Higgina was eneaged to

r~nted the pair. . Plonis. told the Dally New, act I.n behalf of Bert.hold and ~n.I"UI PF.R:WIT Monday that the· authorities Ploms by the LalVlan Relief

• ~ nn. \ ~~~ I'pr~ii i5 the (ound after Invesllgation tnat Society o( Canada. J:le was I~' there was no sUligestion that asked to prolect their Inlerests nr mlnlMer e~n IIrAnt d lit th . th

•• ~.d'~n 13\\ Appllca. either or the two seamen was in an 0 au s em In . e pro· ~.i' ~ • ~ • C ~n" wa" conneeted with an II. ceulng of their appllcallona lor • "' •• ,r I~t~r or ex· • • . asylum

.~ lor lanrler! Immigrant leged theft from Ihe Neman. 11 . B ti. Id d PI . th I

,. "('ml of the nussian .• :~ Olta·.' ~ ~aid "we

'-, I"'mcdi~tr comment." tlH\, THE\' LEFT

~"'i ~ h~ they lelt the Lat· -_._-....... -Parks Open

had been suggested by I Rus. er 0 In oms. e aw· sian spokesman that Ihe two yer ~ald, were Ilown Crom St. men were under luspiclon in Jobn I to Toronto on Saturda~ . connection wlth the theft oC There they ha~e join~d theIr sterling \'alued at In equivalent sponson and w!11 conSider lev· f e2000 eral opportunities oC employ·

0" . ment in Canada ""hlch have Mr. HI~glns told lome more been offered them. Political

or the circumstances Involved' asylum Ii.s been granted them in the incident. He .aid It was, for I 12 month period. indeed. true that Berthold had Mr. Higgins explained that he signed I statement on Thursday had' Intended to sall nothing afternoon expressing fila wish of the matter but felt obliged to return to the Neman.· How· to when certain .tatemenlt; were

:" rh.lrlrt-n nl St. .Iohn·s ever. the lawyer explained, les. made. ~. pnin~'in~ the faellitiE's ..

rman lind Victoria To Complete Customs . Soon

~l from )'e~terday. th, p~rh and play.

"trl' opened to the The official opening

P:~rf' in about I week's

~Hh will bp patrolled I The Cusloms Bulldln, .. is

. Veterans Pavilion Planned !U:l 'tal{ of supen'lsors: scheduled lor co m p I.e t ion

:, .. n'xt ninl' ~·eek. dur.' aro.und the .last of August, L. ~, I lime tt,e parks will Hopkins. DIJtr,lct Architect .told A million dollar pavilion Is

from 10 a m t 8 . the Dilly New.. A .pokesman beln, planned by the Depart. • • 0 for Argo. Construction who'lu ment of public Works for De.

Ihe plaYlrounds working· on t~e' building •. said partment of Veterans' Affairs TUn bv City Coun. that two' months' i. to~ Car to I In the General Hospital

· II. E. Ouierbridge will , look ahead on construction grounds here. \Upef\'isor, and PoIr' work and .forecast what will hap., The final drawings are near.

1t'.15h. manaller. ; pen. There have· been a relY inll completion and tenders BO\\'ring Park pool will . set backs Ine ~po~esman !aid. may be called within a few ~ opened within the' but he .did not knowlC It would i weeks. This wlnrr will hou~e 4,)· nr '0. accordin,. to j' arre~t th' eompletioD of the I' war velerana needin, hospital·

Cit1 Coullcil . build in,. . . ... . izatloll, ". . ~-' --.. ,~- --


: procee I. . . ..tIl leave .here today. They will. The CBC has now unger i visit other air defence Instal· I

consideration the .lnstallatlOn i No Work lations While enroute to their, of a television statIOn In Cen·; . h adquarters In Colorado I tral NewCoundland to serl'l': : se . C IOI'ado I' Dawe Dr. Granel Falls. Gondel' a 1111 it~ I . pnng~. O. I

sUITuuntlln\l ar~as. an orrkial Yet On Tlli~ will probahly be Gell' : . . . uf the N~wtuulldlancl H"j,don eral "artridf{ .. ·s la,t visit 10' :\ r~""Jlliun w'as h,·l<.l at Ih~ \1"'lUllar~' ane! \l8Int~· .• said lat~ Yt'stel'day rl't'lIinl(. tht: 64th. Ail' I)i,isiun 8.1 he is ('''''hr3''~ Stn"" t: II itt'.t i al":" J).I·~artlll~lIl. "r II;;

Tht' offkl:l1 saldth~t IIw CBV F sdlt'dult-ti tu retire III'xl' Churl'll Oll .Iullt' :!lIth. fur II!'. I t'IIlI~t1 (hllrd, ut l allada I is hll'lherilll: Its illtt'lIlilin. erry . lIiltltth. 'l'bkillj( hL~ p18('1' as: II.. ;\\. 1I~\\'t' :11,,1 his lalllil."'llh~ :\Iaritilllt' alld :-:~WIHU"I: made lIublic some 111111' ago. i head or tWII eoulltrit'ti illle· :\fr. lJa\I'~ wilt t"JI'I' .IHlrtly 1~lJd 1J'1'1"01l. of brloglng telel'isilln to the I Colonel J. D. O·Uri.coll., gratell air defence !)'stt'1I1 will lUI' AITlI~~r't ~.S·I ~h~,'E' ~I)'. 1

1)1'. S. tB~g~~ t:'ltendrd :

cent~al part of Newfoundland.: member of the Legislature lor i lJe (;eneral Lawrl'nc~ S. Uawe wll!. begl)! liS 'Work 8S wt' r~me. 0 a pre~en. :11::

The report I ndiea ted t ha t Bell 1~land, has asked the Com·; K,,·u.:-:;t;e~r.=======::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;E;;as;;t;;er;;n;;;f;;;le;;;l.d ;;;s.e.l·iiireiiitiiiaiiir~iii' iiiiiif'iii) riiiiiiiiiiii(.(;.on.tiiiln.u.eid .0.1.1 .p.8.geiiiiii

7;;);; the project is included in CBC mons ~tember for St. John's I .= plans for the curren t year and East, J. A. McGrath, to investi· 1 that tile corporation will gate a report that no work has make IPplication to the Board yet begun on the new ferry for o( Governors fo~ a Ilcrnse to Bell Island . opt'fate the stahon. Colonel O'Dr~col1 laid Mon. I

"It may bp- said. Ihe of· day that he has learned that 1

fic\~l rontlnlll.'d. "th~t CRC I nothing 1m been done yet to· : plans (or brineing TV to I ward starting con.ltruction of! Grand Fa115. Gander anri ad·: the vessel. He pointed out that· jacent areas are at a sta~I" Ihe new Cerry was to hav, been similar tn the planning or thl' . ready to go into service next, Corner Brook project at lhis i summer but he ~aid unless con· . time lut year," I struetion i9 begun soon this tar· .

I· t' t 0 erat~ i get date will nel'er be mel. He i The app Ica Ion o. P . I cxplained that it will take at'

this planned TV stall on must I' least 12 months to build Ihe! be made to the Board oC . Broadc/lst GO"ernors and ap. new ferr_y• ____ _ proved by the Federal Depart· ment of Transport.

No Polio Announce So Far Post~ In 1959 i

RegulatIons ~o cas~s oC ~nlio ha~e been' reported In thiS prol'mee 50 I

The Po~tmaster, A. D. camp. fa I: this y~ar. Dr. MCDer~ott'l ' hell has announced that wick. I chief medlca~ health of{lcer. ets will be open at the Gen. t~ld the NEV. S. The vac· , I'ral Post Office and East End' cIne p.rogramme for thiS year I Post Offlee on Dominion Day, IS deSIgned to many' July 1st trom 11.00 a.m. to of the newly born as possible. 1'00 p m: Isolated areas not cov~red In

. Cormer programmes are also The lobbies at the General, receiving attention he said. ,

Post OC/lee and the East End , . Post Office will be open until 1 he. ~epal'tment o~ Heal,t.h : 600 pm I is assIsting the poilomyll.Js: . .. foundation in inoculating' There will bll no lett('r '·AI'· i adults as part of its pl'O!lram·

rler but m~ils will be received I me for thl5 year, the chicl. and dispatched as usual. medical orncer said. ;


MEN'S SWIM TRUNKS Toke along a suit on your vacation­

Elasticized rayon 'n cotton trunks, Royal Blue

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SUN-TAN SWIM SUITS Originally $2.95

Vocation special .... · ............. · .......... ·97c.



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Newfoundland'_ On'ly Morning Papsr

ruat, SlJIS('IJPTION UTES Ouda ...... ..... Il2.00 per InnUID IJIited attn,dum .r.d

all forelCII et'ulltrlea SIUlI) 'Pef annulD AutJlorized ea .ecund clw mall. Poet OffIce. Dellartment. Ottawa.

1'hI DAIU Nam8 II a morDiIll paper eatablbbed III 18M. tad publilbed at til. N.,.I Bulldillll6ll 1311 DuckwurtJi 81J'eet. st. Jobn, .., Robln.OD • Comllan,. Umlted

IRMBRa o. TRt! t :ANAIlIAN paKa"

Th. ClnadlaD Pr"l1 It "CIUlj'.I, .nUtled to the u.. for repUblication 01 aU new. df'Jpatche. III thl. paper credit. ed to U or tu tbe "uoelated Prell or P'Iutera Ind also tbe loeal new. publlsb ad ther6ll.

AU f're!. aervtrf .lId feature artlcl" In thl. paper are eopyrl&hted' and tbelr reproduction fa prohlhlted

H.mber Audit Bureau

of Clreulatil/lll.

TUESDA Y, JUNE 30, 1959.

Salute To The Brave The fonnal and ceremonial

events that honour the traditions of Memorial Day took place last Sunday which was the nearest Sunday to the first day of July. They have taken the course prescribed and hallowed since' Field Marshal Earl Haig attended the consecration of the National War Memorial on its historic site o\'erlooking the King's Bench. And there. following the memorial ~n'ices in the city's churches and the brief ceremony at the Ser­geant's 7\Yemorial. in an em'iron­ment of ci\'il and military page­antry, came the solemn dedication that constituted the public tribute to the heroic sons of Newfound­land who had sen'ed so \'aliantly in the cause of freedom.

Tomorrow we shall recall through a general holida~' the anniversary of the day on which the Xewfoundland Regiment won imperishable glory in one of the most gallant and tragic episodes of the first Battle of the Somme in 1916. This was the attack on the \'illage of Beaumont Hamel.

Our \'olunteer soldiers had al­ready achieved a high reputation for courage, endurance and a ~trong sense of duty, during their sen;ce in Gallipoli. There they had the honour of acting as rear­guard in the evacuation of Cape Helles. A few months later, rested, reinforced and reconstituted, the Regiment fonned part of the fam­ous Twenty-ninth Division and was in the front line in readiness fClr the launching of the first great

Allied offenSive against the Ger­mans in France.

The story of that famous event is well known. In a short and des­perate engagement of less than two hours, the Regiment suffered nearly 700 ~asualties and won from Field Marshal Haig the tri­bute that the heroism and devotion to duty displayed by the New­foundlanders had never been sur­passed. And 110 it was to be at Guedecourt and Monchv and on the high seas and later, in another war, on land and sea and in the air. This is in popUlation a small island but it has produced an heroic breed of men.

Yet while it is well and right that we should take vast pride in their achievements, it is not enough that we should bask in their refiected glory. It is the sim­ple and solemn duty of successive generations to ponder the nature of the sacrifice of so many of the island's youth in war and be thereby inspired to be faithful to the trust that it imposes on all of us. Our sense of obligation should be renewed On the occasion of each anniversary of Memorial Day and we should be impelled to a con­tinuing and active devotion to the cause our soldiers, sailors and air­men have served so well.

Indeed, if we are to be truly faithful to their memory and fully conscious of their heroic deeds, we must strive through the easier ways of peace to attain their objective of a united and better Newfoundland.

Some Budget Facts The expansion of the public

services in the past ten years is well illustrated. in the current budget. In monetary tenns the increase is impressive. Money, of eourse, is not necessarily the best yardstick because of changing values through the years. But there has also been a very great impro\'ement in other tenns and all of it has laken place under the heavy pressure of a rapidly in­creasing population. The job has been to improve the quality of the services we had ten years ago and provide expanded services for an aditional 100.000 people.

Aclually 80 per cent of this year's budget is required to meet the costs of education, health, weI· fare, road maintenance and the RTVlcmg of debt. The total amount of money involved is more than $54 million. The rest of the eurrent account expenditure is

required for the maintenance of eight other departmental services.

Salaries are a big item. The grand total, if school teachers and R.C.M.P. contributions are includ­ed, is of the order of $24 million. This does not include the labour employed on roads and construct~ ion jobs paid out of public funds. There is salary provision for 4,843 civil servants, 3700 school teachers and these, with the R.C.M.P., number about 8,700 persons.

These are just a few facts culled from the budget. They indicate the increasing complexity and scope of government services as well as the steadily rising cost. They suggest that by 1962, as a result of increasing population and annual increments in the civil service plus additional mainten­ance costs of new roads and hos· pit~ls, the McNair award will fall pitifully short of the need.

The Stakes In Berlin In :Britain official hope has been

expressed that a conference of the heads of state of the big four will be held this year. In America, there is less conviction on this score unless, with the resumption of the Geneva discussions, the Russians will have some concess· ions to make to justify President Eisenhower in attending a Summit c:onference.

Germans who wish to escape from Communist rule. With the allied occupation fit an end, all this would be terminated.

But the west cannot leave Berlin to Russian domination. That would be a betrayal too shameful to consider. For in West Berlin there are 2,500,000 people who are today enjoying the advantages of demo­cratic freedom and they cannot be

. deserted and left to be overrun by the Communists.


In The News By WAYFt.RER

OUR FINANCIAL FUTURE Governments, like private Ihdlvldu·

als, Ire requlred to llve wIthin their means. These are determined In the case of governments by the taxable capaclty of the economy but In a fed­~ral system In which the lion's share of taxation Is collected by the central government. 'the means of the provo Inces are dictated by three principal factors. One is the taxation that can be collected by the provincial and munIcipal administrations. The sec· ond Is provincIal borrowing power. And the third Is the Imponderable of federal aid.

+ + + In the case of province9 rich In de·

veloped resources and so situated that they bl'come the principal sources of consumer goods for the nallon, the local means are hIgh. Ontario. Que· bee, British Columbia and Alberta. can aCford services that are far better In quality than those provided in other provinces. In Newfoundland, taxable capacity Is relatively the low· cst In Canada. There is little revenue from the public domaIn. There are few major manuCacturlng Industries that can contribute substantially to taxation at the municipal level. Our means are sharply restricted but our needs, having regard to a variety of problems such as cost of living. ex' penses of adminIstration oC public ser· vlce~ for a population dispersed on a . long perimeter, and the low standards of ail our services. are relatively great· er than those of any other province. And not only have we to Impro\'e the standards oC services but we must ex· pand these Improved servIces to take care of the 'needs oC additional popu· hUon. We have addcd since 1949 89 many p('ople as there are in the provo Ince of Prince Edward Island. An in· crease In population of more than 100.000 In ten years presents a prob· lem of a special kind for a pro\'ince of limited re~ources and hIgh costs of administration.

+ + + We may be staggered by the in

('reasing demands of the budget for the upkeep of the public services but. allowing for the fact that severe economies might prodUce some sav· Ings In any governmental operation in Canada not excluding the federal administration. ,ve must face up to

larger demands In the future. Before union, dependcnt on what Our own economy would yield in taxes, we had to cut our garment according to the cloth. But once we became a Can· adian province. It was natural that we should seek to establish minimum Canadian standards. If we could not attempt this on a realistic basis, unIon would have to be written off as a faJI· ure. In a federal organism, there has to be a floor under the standards of public serVices. We cannot aspIre to Ontarlo's school or road systems. We have the right to expect, through fed· eral aid If needed. a minimum toler­able level of these and other services. This was one oC the subjects most ex· haustively studied by' the revision commission. It was found that In 1957, capital needs alone on the basis (If real urgency and without the In· elusion of a solitary luxury. amount· ed In money to not less than $130 million. But because the population has risen by nearly 30.000 since that report was prepared, the present need Is much higher.

+ + + ~ow the maximum we are able to

collect in revenue [rom aIJ sources available to the province Is ahout $25 million. This year. to procure a rev· enue of $71 mi11lon, we have to look to Ottawa for about $46 million. And having got that, and assuming we can keep costs and Income clOse to the estimates. we shall have a surplus of four millions. But next year, It will take not less than $70 million to pay our ordinary way and the year after that It may weH be $75 mlllion. And at that time. let It be added. unless s:lmethlng Is done about It In the meanwhile. our revenue from Ottawa will drop by S15 millIon 8 year with expiration of the Atlantic and :\Ic~alr grant~ ..

+ + + Of cour~e, we don't think that either

of theSe grants will be taken away and the rights that Newfoundland possesses under Term 29 will un· doubtedly be substantiated In time. But the fact remains that our financi. al future. whether we Ilke it or not, and simply because oC the essential nature of confederation finance. de· pends on the consideration our proven needs will receive from the federal government.


Editor Daily News,

Dear Slr-I am writing about two Items of importance to the Baullne fl~hermen Who I have talked to. They disapproved one hundred percent thc way the plans are drawn to bulJd a breakwater at Baullne. First after two weeks working at Baullne breakwater bullding forms to hold concrete a little wind came kicking up a little sea and .everythlng was swept up on the beach and broke up for kindling wood. All the labor and money It co~t Is. Just wiped out. So the first attempt to build a breakwater a Baullne has failed and the fishermen by every indication are glad of It. The fIshermen claimed the way the break· water at Baullne Cove Is goIng to be built Is wrong and against their ap· prova\. As I see It in this case the cllstomer, instead of being right, is wrong, for the Baullne fishermen are the customers and wl11 have to USe It. But according to the plans. If this breakwater should be built Instead of poInting down. It will almost close the entrance of the Cove leavIng very little room for their boats to get In. lt wl1\ be a real hazard for shooting the seas clear across the Cove, it seems that the fIshermen of Bauline were not given any chance to approve Ihese plans. I really sized up the hard fishing condItions that these men have to go through. They were ten or twelve big boats hauled up on a wood· en brIdge and In order to keep the boats from being wrecked they got to pull them up every evening and launch them out agaIn in the mornIng. It takes eight to ten men to put the boat back In the sea. ThIs is very hard back breaking work and Is realIy some· thIng unnecessary for If the right kind of a breakwater was built at Baullne their boats could remaIn in the water In safety.

Here's the way a breakwater should be built In Baullne. This way would meet the approval of the fishermen. To build the breakwater from a point on the mall!land by passIng the old amateur breakwater and following out to the Island Rock. This connecl.\ng the Island Rock to the maInland. This would make a small harbour and some thlrty·flve to forty boats could be moored In safety. ThIs could be done by piling large stones from the maIn part of land to the great Island Rock.

The road condition. In Baullne are

A NATIONAL FLAG Editor Daily News.

Dear Sir-I have read your specIal issue of February last which deals specially wIth the problem of the na· tional flag. The solutIon that you propose In order to settle this grave question once and for all Is clear and to the point. The title In large print "THIS IS OUR FLAG" whIch appears above the picture of the Red Ensign flying over the Canadian Embassy in Washington Indicates without the shadow of a doubt that YOUr choice of a "truly" Canadian Flag is already made and nothing whatsoever can make ;yoU change your mind on the subject. :-10 doubt, as a Canadian citIzen. living In a democratic country, you have the prIvilege of your opin' Ions and no one, whoever he may be has the rIght to deny you that right if you truly feel that It is the only flag that can really represent the Can· adlan nation here and abroad. Let us .then examine the question in the light or the editorial published In the same Issue.

The above·mentloned edItorIal eft·

titled "Canada's greatast H.rltag." opens with the eulogy of the Canadian Nation which "has sprung from a dual tradition and culture, one BrItish and one French."

However the greater part of ~'our editorial Is written In order to under· line the dangers which this precious heritage has now to face. These dangers. according to you, come from that part of the population that you label "a noisy minority of French· Canadians." It would seem from your article that this dangerous min· orlty is Just a bout ready to do away with our form of government and our judicial system.


All Roads Lead to Home. :--;-

that belongs to another country? TheIr attitude toward the question Is cer. ainly not one of resentment; all they want is that we start dealing with them and all other Canadians for that matter, not as colonials but as memo bers of an adult nation which could respect and pride itself in possessing a national anthem and a national flag which all Canadians could calt their own.

The time of pelty racial quarrels Is long past and forgotten or at least should be. It would be impossihle to find In this province any anglophob('s or separatists. It Is up to you who feel that the opposite Is true to come here In order to ascertain ihi~ fact. This Is easily confirmed by alt our newspapers. You need only to spend a bit of time reading them.

Thi5 summer, festivities will be held In this province to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham and the Victory of General WoUe's armies over those of the ~Tarquis de Montcalm. It Is fol. lowing thIs decisive battie that our country fell to the English and that its destiny from then on was to be fared and shared with the sons oC two great nations: the English and the French.

It Is La Soci,t. Saint.Jaan.Baptist" an essentlalJy French·Canadian So­ciety that ha! taken the Initiative of this Important commemoraion. This, I think, should be proof enough for thos!! outside this province. that this truly Canadian minority has not the sl!ghtest Intention of going against what historY has established.

The Canadian government wilJ make a most significant move by emitting a ~tamp symbOlizing this commemora. tion.

We. of French·Canada. also recog. nlze that great organization whIch the Commonwealth Is. We feel that this vast association of nations scattered to the Cour corners of the globe Is an example of peace and harmony for the rest of the world. We are thus ex. tremely proud to be of this group of nations. As for the Union Jack, we feel that it Is a symbol of thIs great union of nations. Why then would It not be used instead o! the Red En. sign In ceremonies and commemora­tions which concern more specificalty the Commonwealth? (The Royal Standard may be better).

Let us end here that part of the letter that deals with French·Canada. Do no think however thnt by wanting a distinctively Canadian Flag and an anthem whIch would be authentically Canadian, we do It in order to be con. splcuous. According to the last re­port of the CanadIan Cross Sictlon, a C.I.P.O. affiliate, (Star Weekly, I\Tarch 21st, 1959. Pages 8 and 9), a report made scientifically: 91.8% of the Quebec population are in favor of a distinctive Canadian flag. while the other Canadian provinces favor such a flag In a proportion 68.5%. This makes an all Canadian average of 74.9% of the total Canadian popula. tlon. In numbers, based on the 1956 census, It gives 4,248,800 for Quebec and 7,823,000 for the other provinces; in all 12,071,000 of a possible 16,049,. 288 of population. These figures have increased proportionally with the In. crease In population. Here ,It seems, Is not "a mInority of noisy French. Canadians" but a rather quIet but strong majority of Canad::n oC dif· ferent creeds and origins.

You pretend that the R.d Enllgn

formally that It was opposed to Inclusion of either the L'nlon Jack the Fleur de Lys in the flag of ada. To ascertain this fact you rpad the articles on the !ubjecl in above· mentioned issue of Th. Leaf. How Is it Possible for )'OU

uphold an opinion quite contrarv the one clearly expressed by' Armed Forces at a lime when men had earned the right to their opinion on the queslicn~ It at the time of demobilizalion. a when these men had {ought so overseas to defend freedom of for all freedom·lovin!! citizens. Do sincerely believe that the opinion you express now Is truly that of s~me men who are now alI Do you really believe that they have changed their mind on the ject? WOUld it not. on the be your way of trying to get them change their mind on such an ant issue? That 15 exactly what cured to me after I had read. not the editorial, but other articles cerning the flag.

Here, Sir. are my thought! after having read your special of February last.

I would be most grateful to )'ou yoU would Insert this letter in columns.

JEA~ DUBre. A true CanadJan.

(I) The Evening Star Co .. LIt .. Shoe Lane, E.C. 4. London.

P.s.-A definition of A Irut dian born subject (Chandler. who can count ]2 consecutive tlons of Canatllans bfll'n In thi! try (including his childl'cr.1 conlprI!lni a~ many French as English names. the Father's side: Bianchard. B~au\leu. Stuart. On the side: Nault. Phillips IGran,~·m(l:n"

Ryan, (Great·grand·mothcr and mother. Whitehead, and many still. A certificate can be ;lrOduced prOVe these facts.


Dear Sir-How Ion!: are we to fer the fear and dread of I'iciou! disturbing dogs? I am not to them now from the ;',)int of ferring with garbage a:Hi Ihus our city offensive wilh n< refuse. but I am referrill~ to ing dogs In a more scrwu~ sense or theIr viciousness and rident

Over the past fell' month! must have been at least ej~ht in our newspapers teliing ot especially children. having been tacked by dogs. In one instance chUd has to receive so many to his neek where it has heen tom a vicious dog.

How often have people been ened by barking dogs who as soon a person approaches are yrlped at barked at until they are out of

People are often awakenen and turbed in the early hours ot the ing again by barking do~s wl~o • to excel In thl. menace espeCial!) Sundays and holidays as if they ally selected thos! periods for rl'velrles.

It Is Immaterial whether a do~ licensed or not It Is ,till a menace, Is stili a disturber of the peace very often a threat to a person's fare.

MaYor G!l1espie of Mount made a determined effort to the dog menace in his terr:IIOry got erltlcized for it from some Even from as far away as Phllsne'ltP'I" he received crltldsm, but he \Cep with hIs policy with greater Ism than support.

But can more be expected at the summit than from Geneva? Every· thing that Mr. Khrushchev has been saying for the past month points unalterably to a detennin· ation to get the western allies out of Berlin.

By his standards his Hasons are sOund. West Berlin is a capitalist showplace in the. heart of Com· m\IDist Europe. It is a western lil\ening poft in a highly strategic area and a l8Iletuary for' Eallt

The kind of loyalty that this in­volves may be outside the scope of Russian understanding but it will have to be put across to Khrushchev that any solution of the Berlin crisis that does not pr~vide absolute· security' for the people of West Berlin cannot be considered. Berlin's independence is an· aUied trust. On this point, there ean be no lUlTender.

. the worst ever seen especially down to their stages. They have to back their trucks down to the stage to laid theIr fIsh over bIg ·rough jagged rock.. The, would need a new set of tires every wet!k.

The least· that can be saId about this opinIon Is that It lacks totally In seriousness. Nowhere else are the people of thIs great nation more anxIous to keep our· British form of parliamentarlsm as are the people of French·Canada. It can be said without exaggeration that we are a most peace· ful mInority and that we are ready to gIve our lives at anytime' for what we thInk Is the best form of a democratic government. You are Inclined to for· get that in the very province of Que· bec where this "noisy minorIty" har the privilege of living we have that very form of democratic government which the entire population accepts wholeheartedly. ThIs has been proven by numerous polls conducted on this question.

WOUld It not seem from your ar· tlcle that It Is impossIble to remain truly CanadIan when we claIm, on a national level, dlstlnctij8 marks of Identity which would be our Own and not bOlTOwed?

is the unanimous choice of the memo bers of our Armed Forces. ThIs, I am happy to say, is not quIte the case. Your statement Is most certainly an opinion rather than a fact. It 11 can· trary to what another newspaper as officIal as yours clolms to be, Th. M.ple L .. , expressed In Its Issue of December Oth, 1945. (1) The majority of CanadIans serving overseas favour· ed a dIstinctively Canadian Clag. They expressed theIr opinion In that issue of the Maple LII' under the follow· Ing headlines "No I Servicemen speak out lou!! for a truly Canadian Flag." "Ottawa papers pleue copy I"

I wIsh that our Mayor of St. (and hi. Counc\l1ors) were t with the same spirit of doing wha rIght and not considering whOm will offend or on whose toe. they t~ad by making an all out effort thIs regard. I

Surely Mayor Mews mUlt n I think It I. now time for some one

to wake up and do somethIng and not let Baullne become another ghost flshinl village.


Are 11'8 no douht of the French·Can· adlans' conception of a true Canadian. Ism, of theIr sense of belonging and of their deep·rooted attachment to their country because they dare refUse a foreign fla, and a national anthem

The vast majority of the members of their viciousness and violent aellom .

• trut frequent visits abroad, can of "doltown" wIth other cities mainland. Why he cannot 5e along the policy adopted in tho is I mystery to manY of us.


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HARBOUR GRACE W()man's (~orner

List Of Donors HARBOUR GRACE - The

following Is a list of those who contributed towards the procurement of sweaters for the Harbour Grace hockey

team, the presentation of which took place at the Cameo Club last week:

Sweaters donated by Archl· bald Farms, the Cameo Club, A. L. Collis and Son, Gar. land's Lumber Yard, Dr. W. L. Goodwin, Mr. A. B. MorJ!an. Munn and Oke, George G. R. Parsons Ltd., and staff, R. T. Parlons, Quinn's Supermarket the Sllverbells Orchestra, Staff of SOper's Service. Mr. W. H. Stevenson, Strapp's Pharmacy.

Presented To Queen .':'

HARBOUR GRACE -.::jr. and Mrs. Alec D. Moores ~a among those presentedi to Queen Elizabeth and PrInce Philip. Mr. Moores Is acUng Mayor of Harbour Grace. '.

: l;R\C£-~lr. and ~Irs. '"nd left Hr. Grace

.,~~~~l~· for Port Bland· ~~/:" Ihr~' "'ilI sprnd ~.· .. r \aralion. :\Ir

~ .• ~, allachrd to the 'la!! of Ihe Angliran

:.:,.,,1 aI Hr. Grace the

Briefs Mr. Matthew Wells of St

John's, spent the weekend viSiting friends at Hr. Grace.

Mrs. Richard Walsh who had been at st. John's during the Royal viSit returned home on Sunday.

Backward Weather

HR, GRACE-Juna 21st has

Appointments .R.C. Parish

come and gone and apart HR. GRACE - Rev. M from the day of the Royal Hynes who has been assistant visit When . warm sunshine priest at I the Cathedral of

-HARBOUR GRA:CE-A des· sert Is always In demand. There are· mllny delicious concoctions to try and the one we have for you this week may be If change from the everyday reel pea which you may be tired of.

made a brief appearance, lit· the Immaculata Conception at Nutt.d Chocolat. 'rlld tie Indication of summer has Hr. Grace hal been transfer· CUlt'rd ~n seen. red to Gambo where he wlll 2 cups milk

Seldom Ir e.ver has a sum. replace the late Rev. W. Walsh. 11k squares cut·up unlweet·

chocolate. eo~er and heat to scalding point over boiling wrt"T.

Meantime cream butter or margarine. Blend In the 2 tablespoons sugar and nut meats. Rp.move crusts from bread and make bread up Into 2 sandwiches, using nut mix· ture as filling. Cut Into fingers and place In II casserole.

'Beat eggs slightly Stir In

r,:t'('nland "'ho had ·/!::::n~ at thr F.l!'m!'n· ; __ ": 31 /Ir. Grace (or .• ;, "", ~('ars ha~ resign· '.,)' ;,~-.lion and will

mar been 80 late In appearing, Rev. W. Shallow who was re- ened chocolate ~Irs. Alice Stone, St. John's, trees are showing scant fol. cently ordained at Grand 2 tbaps. butter

\'Islted Hr. Grace on Sunday. lage and few leeds have come Falls will now act as assist· 2 tbspi. granulated sugar

the I:' cup sugar, salt. and vanilla. UsIng a rotary beater. beat milk mixture until smooth. SUr Into egg mixture and pour over sandwich flng

Miscellaneous donations: -Archibald's Hotel. Avalon Tire Const. J. P. Briggs, Clarke's Supermarket. Dr. C. C. Cron. Fong's Restaurant, L. W. George, C. and E. Godden. Hunt', Auto Service. W. 0 Loder, H. T. Parmlter. L. Pike and Sons. Porter and Haines. Charles ROBS, Dr Salt· man, Martin Sheppard. Shep· pard's Filling Station. Robert Tetford, Jr., Robert Tetford. Sr.

Amone those who were pre. un ted to Queen Eliza beth· n and Prince Philip at Gander were Deputy William Harris and his wile. Mr. Harris \I. a Harbour Graclan by birth and a SOn of the late Mr W. H; and Mrs. Harris. Also present­ed at Gander were Mrs. Lew. Ington. the ,ormer Sylvia Mor. rls of this town.

Thomey, Hoover Martin. Ed. ward Hunt. Bud Chafe, James Coady. Alex Faulkner, Brian Wakelln. Neville Pike, Gerard Manning. Roy Abbott, Llewel. IYn Sweetland. Leonard Wil. liams, Neville Sheppard. Rup­ert C. Quinn. manager; Alex Faulkner, coach; Richard Mar • tin, property manager.

up through the cold soli. There ant to Rev. Fr. O'Brien at the 1/, cup chopped nutmeats !'Ilrs. Helen Haynes (the for. Is yet time to have a warm Hr. Grace Cathedral and Rev. 4 allces bread

mer Helen Thomns) arrived Bummer but at best it must Edward Hearn also recently 2 eggs from Jacksonville, North 'Car' be a brIef on~. When It comes ordained has been temporarily ~ eup granulated lugar

. ers. · ;,' l~!' Gandrr ,\malga'

~:~CI<'I nl':oIt year. ollna on Monday to visit her it wlllindeed be welcome ~ter appointed to the Cathedral at If, tap. salt mother and sl~ter. Mrs. 0 the long and severe winter Grand Falls. Ih tip. vanilla

Place dish In a' slightly larger pan and surround with hot water in depth of 1 Inch Place In preheated oven until custard Is hot, about 45 min· utes.

-· . !l:1:~'. B .. \ .. who had and Miss ~Iary Thomas. Mrs. which has been followed by Pre·heat oven to 3S0 degrees Haynes has her three children a spring which has been day F. Mealure milk Into top of

- Members of the Hockey Team-Cyrll Garland, Cap· taln; Donald Spurrell, John

• I' !~r .\n~llean High t~p ;,a~t year has left

I:~ a:tt~ "aeatlon wl\l with her and all stopped off arter day of drizzle, fog and east winds. double' boiler. Add cut·up at Gander to "lsit !\1rs. Haynes -----------------

· r>'n::nul' his studies I \~I·tP:·~ Degree.

brothcrs. •

~Ir. and Mrs. W. J. Par· sans (the former Alberta Rog· ers) who had been visiting ~Irs. Rogers parents. ~Ir, and Mrs. Arthur Rogers and l\lr . and ~Irs. SIdney Parsons. par· ents of :llr. Parsons. retul'nr.d to their home on Sunday by T.C.A. During their visit to :\ewfoundlnnd. ~Ir, and ;\lrs Parsons visited rrlatl\,es Rt Lu~h's B11:1It. Green Bay.

-I:.! \1,<· Thomas Dunne .,·":rn \\'ho had been .-.~: Dunne's mothl'r. . ,~rp Ihnne. left last l.' ,~:u:n to Lt'gal. A1-~ thrlr way thry . ,~r~ at Cornt'r Brook

· " ::'lr: rrlati\'!'s, ~Irs. . ':~::~; and daughter ;,.. !:-.... ;n and son who I}: ~"r, \i.itinlZ the

•. -~ ha\'!' left for '~:~t a: Burhans.

~' ... - \Ilrttn arr!\'ed · . \' . ~ !'unelay from · '. ,.' ,:1' 'h~ has bern

.'U!:,r< Ihe past

~ ('.'·rrd~e and chll· 1::.1 d from St. Law· .• ::llurdl\' to sprnd

· "orck, \·~·ralion with I " l~d rtI3tj\·!,~. :\Ir~. .:> :' :r,uprr:tlinl: wllh -.··,r: ~b. \1. Tapp "'-r ~(\~th~ l1lnl'~~

H H.\rrhibald who , :h" pa'l fi\'e month~ ~r~!l~rs Dr her (am·

::.r t: S .. \. and Toronto · ~c~r 'ly T.C .. o\. last

?~\ ::i~ Ste\'enson who 'ttaehlng at Corner

t.~p past ~'ear arrived c:I Sunda:.o to spend the


lC1jam Snow who has · !.! ~Iore on Soad St. &: that he may prose·

fishery has a stove cutter perfect con·

:llr. and ;\lrs. Lloyd An· drews \'isltrd :'Ilr. Andr('w~ mother. ;\lrs. Louise Anrlrew~. on Sund~y, It brln!! the oera.' slon of the InUrr's <I'\·('oly· I fourlh brlhday. ;\I:IOY h~oPY returns arc I'lttl'ntleel to ~ Irs !\ndrews who Is stili a pu· tlent at the General Hospital but Is making good proJ!re~~

;\Ir anel Mrs.' Al(red Shep· pard' and nephcw Lawr4'nre Pike motorl'd to St. .Tohn·s on :\lonelay whcre Mr Shf'ppard Is employed with TC.A.

:\Ir. Edward White wbo spent the weekend with his family at Hr. Grace returned 10 St. John's an Monday. •

The many friends of lItlss Elsie Oke will regret to learn that she Is conrtned to h!'f home through Illness. :'otlss Oke suffered a heart attack last week, but Is making good progress.

Mrs, Nellie French is a pa· Ilent at the General Hospital. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery.

'~r sale and anyone 10 purchase this may Mrs. John McKay lind )Ir. Snow at his resl· daughter Carol were visitors

:'J :\oad SI. to St. John's on Monday.:-

Dalton Council Elects Officers

HARBOUR GRACE - The election of o({lcers of Dalton Council Knlllhts of Columhus

GRACE - On took place at the Aradem.v afternoon. June Hall on Sunday. June 1t4h lind

and teat'hcn resulted In the following being It ~hf Anglican High elected:

!Or dosing exercises· Grand Knight. Walter P. to being gIven Walsh; Deputy Grand Knll!ht.

1IJ1I'·r.",~r va~aUon. Edward Moorc; Chancellor. for the occasion Frank Kennedy; Recorder.

".""nra W. E. ;o.fercer. William Kennedy Jr.; Finan· Lav.Tt'nce. Rev. Mr. clal Secretary, Michael p.

IDd the teaching staff Stapleton; Treasurer. Edward t!ementary school. D. Freeman; Lecturer, Sergt.

:-iewton Morgan Charles McCormack:. Ad\'(I' .~Iillelln High School cate, Wl11lam G. Freeman:

and Introduced the Warden, Edward F. Moriarty: A:I ortv:lnal poem Inside Guards, Frank Flem· and read by a high Ing; outside Guard, Nicholas

. p~JliI or Grade VIII, Walsh; trustees, William D. C/1)cbr. eJl:pre5sed the Thomey, Tarry Gregory, David

of Ibe pupils to- Thomas. Ichool.

from Grade VI · Elementary Sehool to fIJ of the High School

'l!Dol~nCI!d and diplomas ~~'fd to each of 'DIII."t. by ;\faglltrate

VIII to Grade ~Ion! were made and

presented by Super· lni-fnce. 1I11rlln then announced

of those who had In Grades VlII, VII

cash prizes were ~ the winners as Fir,t place Grade ~'arl\n: First place

VlIB. Danna Alley, Talliei. Jordan; First C:ade \1. Jean Verge. Iddresses were given

Mercer, Super· 1Bt4!nce and Rev. Mr.

!.fercer on con· the studenta said

tGul~at\4)n of those end but

."'nllnllaIlY. He gave to them on the

Of education In those e! nature Which are b Silence ,nd obser.

Lanenoe expressed II the SUccess of the

and felt that the had been farly won

had marked He wished al1

and happy holiday, after which the session closed with prayer.

Classes VI, VII lind V1l1 were dismissed for the va· cation while Grades IX. X, and Xl would return to theIr desks on Monday morning for their final examinations.

The following Is a list of the promotions:

Grad. VI to VII-Charles Babh. Earl Babb, Leslie G. Chafe. Cynthia Coffin. Robert French, Ernest C. HOTWood, Enid J. Hunt. Irene M. Hunt. Edward. Moores, Do u g]a s Moores, Frances Crane. Kevin Peddle, Eric L. Sheppard, Douglas R. Sheppard. Lorraine Sheppard, Edward Smith. Shlr· ley Skinner, G. F Stone. WIl· lIam C, Stone, Daphnt T. Stone, Hayward Verge. Mark J Vefge, Jean Verlle, James Yetman.

Grade VII to VIII-Sandra Alcock, Donna Alley, Gary Archibald, Ida Babb, Charles Emberley, Rosalind cumb)', David French, Kevin Janes, Patricia Jordan, Basil Martin, Roderick Martin, Mary Nosa­worthy, Glenys parmlter, John Crane, Charles Peddle, Mar­jorie Peddle, William Peddle, Sophie Sellars, Charles Shep­pard, Georgina Sheppard, .Tonn Sheppard, Nellie Sheppard, Sarah Skinner, Reginald Tar­rant, Waltet:. Verg~. VIII to IX-Eva Blun· don. Eric Chafe, Violet Crock· er, Heather Cron, Eric Dwyer, Lornll French, Robert French,

..... "\ ,

I / /' ~,

I -'t--, .

( PRIDE ... yes, I want to be Imntil \ \ of the car I drive, not just "Off' J


huOn tlu/,, U1o! ..-1-------// ...... , /' /' ..... , .• ...... /", ,

...... , ~~ \ - - - - -, STYt.ING ••• fresh and distinctive \

, :Jet tost4.1.·, • easily recognized I . \ ."d tl1tl!OY1 tldmired. ,,---f-, \ , / \ • • .' ',/ 'I -'... ../ ~~ ,~~ /'-~~ ' ..... -----:::a<

."" ---. ----.----.".. ~ , /~ ..... "

a your «IDE ... tIr8kjnJJOIIfind; •• %p.ns;vecars~\ \ completely comfottable even on I \ . ~nfin~hedroa~ /'

) ., / reams ,,----, / . (/ ~~~ .... -~ ----""''''''",/'

\ / --" . . . , ,,-"'. ------­--_.... "",-~ -..... , ", , 'f / ,

com' e true il LUXURT .... richdurablefabrics, '\ . • f Je,p pile broodloom, smart color scheme )

\ ••• lfJerythi1tg must be plIrfeet. /

... --,~-~,-- ...... "-. // .... --_ ' \ ."r ....... ......., ~ ". ....« } / '-,,-~

I "...;1 I ---"","--.. ~{-~) _1-_ -~, l PERFORMANCE ••• ,,"," \, ' .. _ .. --> ..... -~.:-.,; .... ". \ hamil" lots"t"-tl~-muI..:o, I


hI ,cotto",it41 ... 'tltd \ ,. I ortil ... " ,_, IIi. ,., J , to O/'Irtlk. lot t / \ t4!1tI!.,J, ""'------........ /

, lOrD J,~"ehItio", toe V . ." ..... "" ........; '---'--';"'7 . "'\

{ QUALITY. , , ",11 ruth, \ , 1ml/J,., J \ lpelf itt 1M S1II41".4I1iIlb I --" ef tIN C/J",;iIfIP /

" ,," '.... _ ..... ,---------

Stop dreaming abont the perfect car. Wake up to Pontiac, Pontiac

makes your every dream come true. Yet, all its luxury, quality,

comfort and style are yours at lower prices than you'd believe

po·ssible. A big claim ••• but the proof is waiting at your nearby

Pontiac dealer's, Piek your own road-make the test as tough as

you please. Like 80 many others, you'll be making Pontiac your permanent plea~ure, too! See your local Pontiac dealer soon.


!rere tlmel)' alld ea- Albert Horwood, Dorl, .Tana., 10 with re,ard to Roy Janes, H. Martin, John

roller ,katlng A. ~artln, Kevin Martin, wblch latter Stella Noseworthy. Grace

condemned round· PaYlle, Wallace Pike, Carl · 111'. Ludlow wllbed Sheppard. Daisy,. Sheppard,

and PUpUI I life' Clyde Walsh, Kevin William ..


. - - ~ -_. - - • -.,-.. ~ • ",.- ~ .-. - .:, ' .. ,.. • ............ , ..... ' .... ('0\ .... ,.. ".' :::. ... .:.,: •• :::. . ..:,.. ::..:"..:'-::.. '.;;,' ,;.:-;;,; •• '.;.;-.;;; .. -~~.;;.;.;.;;. ;;;:.;;;,;;,w._irailiiiiii"iiii-jjj·'ii" iiiiili-ii' · ... iiiiiiiil •••

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)lw It I Barnes and Miss ~ne Burridge left by T.C.A. ;~ lfontrell, New York and :~ton. They wl\1 be ione for ;t1rit weeks. .

. IRIDAL SHOWER . Miss Jane Cbaytor was the

ftl:lplent of many beautiful lilts It I bridal shower held .. her honour by Mrs, Gerald

. Dati·! Ind MIss Bl'rtha Tiz· un! It the hom~ of Mrs, F B. Kinsman, 12 Gear Street.

Following the opening of . lifts, Clrds were played, after :whlch supper was served and ui enjoyable e\'enlnl! was had bJ the many friends In at· tendanee.

The wedding of Miss Chay. t« to ;\tr. Da\'ld Kinsman ""m take place at Gower St. .:ilted Church on August 3rd.

IN HOSPITAL Mrs. :\largaret O'Keefe oC

Z7 Osbourne Street, Is ai pres· ent a patient at SI. Clare's Hospital. Her many friends 1I15h her a specdy recovcry.

VISITING llr. lind :\lr~. \\', B. Youn::,

Ottawa. arrh'cd recl'ntly to "isit :\Ir. and :\Irs. E. B. Ran· kin. :!O Kin;:s Bridge Road.

SHORT VISIT :\lr. and :\lrs. eharll's ;\sh

of Lake\'iell', Onlario. arrl\'cd here Salurda~' after travclling 2.200 miles by eal·. They are on a 5hort \'ifit to :-'Ir, Ash's blother, :\Ir. Ernest Ash. 1M Topsail Road.


. ,

Whelan-F,inn'ey N.uptials



R. ,--,,-~'uIDE" For Tutsclay, Junt 30

ruent-For You and ours ••• Radiations su8&est

standing back and laking a look at yourself and your altitudeS. Avoid letting outside influen~ affect your Ihinking too. much. Career mailers remain under ex­cellenl configurations. Either

: yisil friends or entertain tbem in your bome this eveninl .

•.. On June 30, 1863, at Hanover, Pa., our nation, in Civil War, saw the first blood­

: shed north of Ihe MasoD·DiKon Line. The following day belan the historic Battle of Gettysburg,

Future. : ' An txperUneot be made In a businesses slaggcril~l work in loaded public Itall!POrl"i"~ tems. bul lhe plan not meet with

The Day Under Your Sign ARIES (10m March 21 I. April '" C'ndtUlndin" niched with IhO!e dt."

· to you un .... AU ),our pcr."nal .toc:k.

T A"O'" (April 20 10 M,y 201 .hou.ld be your ~aI.

lootA'tm •

: (Moy 21 to Ju •• 21) · yO\.! oan ImprO"l't' Jour in('QnlC' if ,," , improve your ,kill,. Lurn MW trkk ...

:1 C,"NI;ER (Ju., 22 to Juty 21' . itt I .<.Cia1 aU,ir if It ((III,

10U tan aUOt"d.

lEO (July 22 to AU9. 211 · 0.0" rush thin,s. Allow ample time to

cc-mpluc uc-h 1:1.,k.

VIRGO [AU9. 22 to Sept. n) \ Ch~ your C"CI'I'Ip.lllic.ns "itb ure. YfIO

«:'0814 lost tM'e'Jlire ",),t'f1tr"i,e.

LIBRA (S.p" 2] I. Uel. 1:1 If RIter I, hard to Itt lloat ,. k 10 I.n1drutand. n •

SCORPIO (0",21" No., 211 An annl»&ner It h<mc caD h,nd if 1CI'U kt u. Ktep t1:t ':1:'1 SA~,"ARIUS Itl ••. 12 •• 0 ... 211 ()ron.. pout " 100 dO':1't Itt Your turD will t.Omt btu. JOlt ,

CAPRICORN .\Oee, 22 It J".101 You could '!"G'I Ibt 1f~1 by tet" ~hO'U;hdt'S rttnut; oUlftd)'ll.. te,

AQUARI!lS p •• , 21 .. FtL I" StAat CKllment U J;IOUiblt, 'be" Ol"CrtQllU of anrlUUDtrltu,. 1'.....! tf'mf'ltr: -?

PISCES (Fob. 10 to 1oI .. ,~ You ha,'lIt .t~n.jMlC, ta 1tc .namC' maJQ1' IfI"IfIOt'llntt.

Fresh Cherry Cottage Cheese Pie Is June


The man~' friends of :\lrs. frances O·Keefe. 100 Patrick Street will be sorry to learn that she is again confined to hospital.


The wedding took place at St. Teresa's Church, Mundy Pond, on March 30th, with Nuptinl Mass celebrated by Father McGrath, of Claire Bernice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Whelan, to William Jerome, son of W. J, and the laic ~Iargarct Finney, both or the City. Following the reception, held at Bidgood's for some sixty guests, the bride and groom left for their honeymoon. Thcy havc now taken up residence at No. 15 Gear St. The brides' attendants were Doreen Whelan and Joan ~(iIIer, with Dorothy Y ctmnn as flower-girl. Groom's altcndants were Jack Philpott and John Finney, best man.

Mr. and )trs. Erland and their t ... o children recent1~' arrived In F h' T' W ddo II St. John's ~rom Cali~ornla a.nd as Ion IpS e mg Be s I In spendntg a holiday wllh I Mrs. Erland's parcnls, ~tr, and . , .~ LYNK·McOONALO· I )trs. Frank Fowlo\\' ~r 8 (;ilbcrt: Coats for fall are 5.11 aloht; A prett~· wedding of wide. , St ~tr'. Erland i~ thc former oft!!n doltble·br~asted. ~Ith fla'j spread Interest to l'clati 'es '

, ", backs - chclllise drapmg and. \ I BeUr Fowlo".· boil'S hal'e disappeared. Every and f~lcnds took pla~c at. 51. . . -- collection has a polo coat or' Joseph s ,Gle~e. Resen c )hnes.; . VI~ITING SISTER . i 1I0llywooil wrap; trench coats! on Thulsda). ~Iay 28th at 7.

Sisler ~far~' Helena and SIS'. and chester!ield ahound. Bou. p.m., when /I double ring cere· ttr ~tar~' (hrYio,stnm, sIsters of ; cle fabrics are teading mohairs lnon)·. Very Rev, .!. J. :-'Ic· , M~~ ~lary B. Penney. have ar· ; _ Laughlin, p.P" offiCiated to rived here on ~ \'isH from the· unite In hoi\' bond~ of :'Ilatrl· l'.~ .\. Tile 5i5lcr~ arc staying! T~: bare. lo~k oC. new lea~er i mony, Catherine ;\l~Donald.' II St Patrick'~ ~Icrc~' Home. pla~,hoes. IS right. m s~ep It:1 daughter of :\lr, and ;\In John' '.' . the two,plcce bathtns smt. Lea· I' .. . .

~e~ ~lIss renne)' has been· ther thollg sa:1dals. strippine san F. :\lcDona d. 17 Resell e !tllng Slnce the opcnlng of the dais, and ,dozens of new strap :\lInes and Robert L~'nk, son Home. treatment in both the "T" and of ~Ir. and !lfrs Andrew

CrOSHJI'ers instep strap cate60r· Lynk, Broodslde Street, Glace ies complement the new abbre. Bay, .

Manners Make I'iated sll'im luit styles seen in For her marriage, the brille beaches and pools. They also go ~as attracth:e In a t\l'o·plece !

Friends U you decide to drop by 8!\d

visit I friend or new acquaint· IIlte. It Is thoughtful to tele, phone first to ask If it will be coD\'enient.

well with the shorter shor~ and h!(ht blue SllIt with which she I skirts worn at resorts and subur· wore white accessories and a I ban hamlets. Elasticized leat· corsage of pink carnations and I her straps or short strips of elas· fern. tie hidden at the bottom of a:1 The groom was atlenrled by I Instep strap add comfort to play· Ray Ferguson, G1~ce Bay, shoes. This summer's playshoe.; After the mama!(e a wed· I are fashioned In the widest ding supper Cor the bridal range of soft. supple leather tex· party was held at the home or tures and finishes ever offered, the brldc's parents. A toast

Cape Florida Light (now GlowIng calfs and kIds, glol·e· to the bride was proposed b.Y Ibandoned). at the tip of Flori· soft sueded and brushed leathers hpr father, John F, MrDnnnhl da's Key Biscayne, dates back and gleaming leathers are used and respond cd to by the to the days of the pirates. In· In natterlng footwear for f\'ery groom. The groom rem~mber. dians burned It during the pla~·time actil'ity. Buoyant leat· ed his bride with II cheque boats shelled It In the Clvllj' her 6ole~ absorb the' shock of while the bridesmaids recelv· Seminole War and federal gun· walking and running on hard sur· cd a rosary and the best man War. faces. gold cUff·llnks.

Immediately after supper, I "~IlSS RlVERpALE"-Karcn Hibbs, dnullhler of ~Ir.

lEW LONG SIZE! the couple left \'Ia T.C.A, for I and Mrs. Thomas Hibbs, of Waterford Brid~e Roud, Stephenvllle. Nfld., where I was crowned "Miss Riverdale" 011 Saturdav nillht Inst. they have taken up residence. About 100 1)l'Ollll' allellded Ihe dallte. ;'~liss IIh'cr­the groom being emplo)'ed I wIth T.e.A, Prior to hl'r mar' till Ie" was thosl'n from the [,Idies presenl lit thc dallcc. rlage. the briM was 011 t1w 1 Thl' jud.t:cs wcrc Juhn !'1uIan. Huh l.uddl:lr\. \Iar-stal't or AI'I'II Caterers LId .• I 'I II 'I 1 II' \1 I' . I \1' '1'" I Ht'sel've AIi·IIOI·t, and was rl'lt'111 Illlcn l' Cil. jllli l·~lIla. l' }rll l·. . ISS "Cl)I'II.~ 011 sevl'ral OI~raslolls 1'1'('ri\'ing prcsl'nled ~Ii,s lIihhs. ihe Willll('I" with n hl'al;tiflll n·t! mallY beautlfLtl gifts, Best week'l'III[ bl';IUty C;I~l' liS a pril.l·.

,Mom's Best ,


., I

GLISTESISG cherrln. the top ping ,,{ pie, Just beg 10 be eatm. This month', too.

BY G .. \Y!liOR MADDOX I whiles i Fresh sweet cherries brini!: peaks and fold :n T~rn. . happy eating to June and they II . unbaked g'llIcn pIt ;hf~.

lJe in the markets throu6h, i:1 a prehealed madera!! August. ' 1350 degrees r.' 55 i·

Did you bow that the cherry until firm in the has been enjoyed for thousands Top with glazeri cherI)' of years7 Cherry pits were un· Chill unlil topping has !fl, covered in the Slone Age de· Glazed Cherry Toppinc: posils of Swiss lake·dwellings 1 pound ~\\'eet fre.,h . and in the e1lH·caves of prehis· into halre~, r~m~\'! I toric inhabitants o( America. measure. Thert !h~~~d

1 Theophrastus, the Greek "father cups. Add '. C'IP ;ugar of botany." described, cherry sland 311 mi"'IIf<. Drai:! I trees in 300 B.C, Cherries came juic~ and m.~'''r· .~~~ 10 thi~ cnnlinent with the Eng· water to rnak. '. flip.

lish, French a~d Dutch settlers cherrie~. RI~nd roT:t'larch aOft were in clllth'ation in Ma~· juice. Conk 1111111 elm

I ~achusetts in 11i29. nine ~'earsl slightly Ihil:kenod. Co?l I after Pilgrims landed. I red . food colorlll~ If de;:red

Frtsh Cherry (otlage Cheese range chernc! ol'rr ; Pic t Yield: 6 sen-Ings) orcr which !poon

Combine 2', teaspoons corn· I cherry juicr. Chi::' slarch with ': cup heavy cream II Stewed Fre~h fhrrnll and blend until smooth. Drain 3' .. l'Ups' 8 ollnce~ 11 Clip) colt~ge che('~c I . Wash 1 q!J~rt fmh ,.·ett 'and rub through a sieve. :'11 IX , rtc.~ and r('mOl'f ~tem.·. and I wilh cream. Stir i:J lIable·! Place in a ~~IIC('rJn \\,:lh "

Amllsing as a, cartoon! Se~ spoon mtltcd buUer or marga.! waler. " (liP ~:';J~ .. " hoI\' busy YOllng.ster$ an' rine and " traspoon gratril I salt. rnl"pr and ,m)wr w,th 1~(~lr .hnu,'rkpl'IJI.n~ ~hoJ't,,;: leIDon. rind. H~al 2 e~!: yolks in ; a.IIDost ,trndtr. 4 10.6,.,

~I"II\' I'ltle Iwlpel'. 1011(111 111 wlllril "radllallr h~al '. Clip' looL Sell·. 5' , ,~".h of filII. f,.'r IlIw~ls 0" IIlIIell .. Ii II' sligar an/ add t~ Ih,> CullUg,,! IIll'a!., 01' I,,"dl': ,,: ,,[It S' ":1<. Sw,lI ,ltll'i,cry - ; mixture. P.e~1 ~ C)!" I scrt. would 10l'e 10 help. Pallerll ,tOI ..._ .... __ ._ ... _____ .. __ _


ear, I the t drive

lIte~loeo to by I detained at t

l·ra)'· ---Holid

(Continued fr ,as the day not eMI servants,

The days no holidays In thl Burns' Day, SI. St, George's D, DaY, July 12 an

The second I mler said. is tl ordered that th Into effect the mry saturday ,;ill be a holir. ltatutory holid; till week or no

The thh'd pa r.,il sen'snts, I (lmed I'acation tot time ch'il ctlve three to Jorklng days as \l'ill be reducci Jorking days ffi of the civil 51 ,~ded up, he s: ",II"ln"" holid~

a the t

CI\'il serv scheme is

8 nett g genior and: others,

Concerning c the

hi all over:

St. John's c are asking

legislatiol shop and off John's and

Januar\, C!ty·nOllr wc'ek

worker ~h to be eng

five days, (il'e da:



!f wihin Ih~ is asked

{arty hou!'! a half 0\'1'1' said he nf in fixing ; days the \I

Cllt from redUction of

Concerning St. John'.<

that th~ clear i

in thos!' If thcy ro'

II'hat th('~' \\'(lU III

ill thr II

wlslies are e~tended Mr. anet; Mrs, Lynk for a long and I Capitul I'holu Service. happy wedded life, I ---------------- Senti 1'IIIKTY.J.'I\'E ·CESTS

D J d S lin coin,) for thi" pattern

Il'ansfer R mlltifs 5"x6 inches.

Beauty Tips Fashion T' lOOK


Viceroy gives you

the full flavour of a blend of

and the smoothness of a filter

VICEROY 911t,,.~p

eIG •• ITTIl

at the regular price

t (stamps cannot be accepted) to Stand up and bc beautiful.

B A cIs oc or or an ays ST .. JOHN'S .DAILY .NEW~, Round shoulders can be cor· 'eauty i nouseh~ld Art~ Dept, 60 FRONT rected l'ia beauty "hold up." !;T ... \1 EST .. TOROSTO, ONT. I Lift Yll~r arms to ~houldcr

_ Iden boat in Ihe middle o! thr Print plai~l)'. SMfF., ADDRESS. I hci::hl, til' )'our c1ho\\'~ upward.

Th I h ' Itt .BY EDWIN P .. JORLJAN, ".D, \\'at~r. PATTER:'> Nl~1BER. and slowly ~n<1 from \'our v.·ai~1. chell out In the warming rays ' fit en 01 .' [", • eTlISe ! t. IS cnnsl'jrred UIII·.I!P 10 le;ln Our 19:'9 ALICE Rn OOKS; 15 Ilpwarll pO'<lIlon 0 I e nre· OSP W 10 are apples s re' l '"' t f' ~,.,. \ S" 'I"~ . ; Th' ~,,' f h 1

f th I Id b to Ahnut 300 deaLbs from a bolt agalli5t a trep slandlO)': by liscH, I "ee(lle"I'afl C"talO"lle 11"< man)' arms linn hand~ PiOs shOIl)rlerl o e sun s IOU rpmem er 'f I' h . . h ,. . d If' '" .• .. n ~. b k rl f II . t take It ta~y the first time Ollt tOIl: nllng occllr lOt e. vOlte I nothmlt better IS ,,'allable I IOI'ely cle.<i;::ns to order: crochpt· ac an orcc;,. len" In a ~ this yea r, T€'n minutes isSta~es each year. Thl~ gIves a one should sll a few feet away, in;:. knit tin;::, emhroider)'. quills. !D0re erect PO:'tlO~. ~~ coun!. enough. Find a good tanning !natlonal al'erage o~ .1us~ under from the trunk. ,dolls, weal·m;::. A special ;:ift, in, m~ al,oud: you II fln~ .)OU can; lotion and use It according to two death~ from hghlnlOg for The· followin/(. rules for per· , the calalol( to keep a child hap· ~ hold )Olll brealh., \\hlch c.Ii", .. directlons. Remember that lip. every m!llIon people, sonal safely during a thunder. : pily occupied-a cutout noll a~d , nat~5. any ~e~dcncj to remaiO In

stick helps to block out the In spIte o~ the ,f~ct. th~t. lhe sonal safcty during a thunder· I clnthes to color. Send 25 cents, a rigid pOSltlO~, sun's rays and that two coals of rl,sk from bel~g hit \I'lth light· storm slorm have been compiled I' for your copy of the book, I B f II -. -I h' • f a waterproof mascara keeps eye nmS are relatively small,man? storm have. been compiled by t eaul~ ~ or' /S ,o~ s , oo~. lashes from bleaching ou t. people seem to be extraordl' thc National Bureau of Stan. I s.eps. I IIC raf~ e hsn!! ~ml' Wear a:t eye cream In the sun narily concerned about this haz· dards: If "ou use a lacquer or "in. In line dS eelves aSd e °tllh an or

. d S h t th 1 . t J. ar~ s eeve eserve e com· behind your sunglasses, to pre· ar. ome s u emse ves In 0 (A) Do not go out·of-doors or \'isible net" spray on your hair. r t r II. d r h d "ent squint Iineg or puffing, dark closets or dive under the remain out during thunder. make sure you brush your hair n Idmen 0 weSt catre b ort at~ 5

beds tIl . d d h an arms, ar y rea mg . , s orms un ess t IS necessary thoroughly every ay an 5 am' hands and wrist· to a bleachin~

Th!'re are three kinds of rouge Althnugh these are relaltl'ely Stay Inside a building where it poo it at lea.,t once a week. pack one contatning lemon and to use-cream. liquid or cak~ ~afe places, such behaver do~s is . dry, preferably away Crom These nell' beauty aids work v:'0n mag ~ e s i a. Reglllar ma~. roll~e. which one is for YOII? rcve~1 ~n ,abnormal {car, ThIS chimneys, fireplaces, stol'e5 and deI'S for fa$t and long lastm~ sage with hand cream, la~t thing Hpr~'R II ~eneral rille to follow. phobia, inCIdentally, goes ~nder other metal objects. hair set~. but do '!Ia~e for dul., at night. will keep Ihe skin I Apply liquid or cream rouge if the nam~ of k~rnu~oph?bla. (B) If there is any place of drab hair unless It IS properly, smooth and white. Usc firm. I your foundation I~ of ,the moist Essenh~lly, Ilghtnmg IS mere· shclter, choose in the following cared for, finger·to·wri~t sweep.;, and slee;! I kind-cake rOIl~e I~ ynur founda· Iy ,a str~ng. electm (urrent order: 1. Large metal or metal. in colton :::Io\'e$ to gi"e your tlon Is the ~ry kmd, whatever whlc~ ordmartly passe.~ through framed building; 2. Dwelling or ning comes rarely. However, hands an all'night beauty treat. ~'ou use, don t aPllly the rouge the air from one cloud to anot~. olher building which is proteI'- last year such a case was repor· ment. A specially de\'ised han,! I dlrect1? In Ihe skin, Be sure er ,or from a cloud to thl' ,carth, led against li~htning; :I, Large ted in a man o( 52 who was iO make.up gives a pretty pl'arl),· there ,IS lin u~rlercnat of foun~a. It 15 the. sound made bj' thiS pro· u:,protecled huilding: 4. Small injured in North Carolina. look for important dates. Treat I t,lnn f~r5t, And, slart .Ollt lISI~g cess w'hlch causes thunder. unprotected building. (0 II diseoloratio, n with pumice stone I ery hlll~. The se~ret IS to hal e . One of the safest, pl~e~s duro remaining out.of.doors is. un When seen first he was semi- or a speCIal cream. a 5ubllt'. natural. ptnk hlush, Too 101( a thunderstnrm IS IOslde an a\'o'dabl k {. 1 conscious 3IId showcd burns on much rOIl~P. splolchcd on will ~utomobilc or a steel building, S In ~'deePd a~a)l ro~, . his (ace and, most important, ~n add years 10' your age. A ~omparativclY dang~~ouS e~:oscJ cl~:~~on,s ~. er~~fat!~ Irregularity of the heart. Medi·

settln" place 15 In the middle of 8 fvleld lrees. 3. Wire fences. 4. Hlll'Q)ls cal management bhought the Redllclng tip. When .. away from all trees or In a '00- and wide open s"aces. (D) Seek heart back to normal, but it was

out to reduce,. many women I' later necessary to remove a

Never be the type ot per.;on who Is always aoolo::i7.i:.g tor her appearance. It is no excuse -why not do something about it.

make a drastic cuI In theIr one. In order to make sure of shelter in 8 cave, '8 depression blood clot' from the brain, calorie Intake, and It usually stayin" with a diet lower your in the ground, a deep valley or Once your nail polish .Iarls 1o turns out to be a sad mistake accust~med cou~t by 300 calor· canyon.' the Coot of a steep or His eV,entual recol'~ry was al· chip, you should remove it anti After just a fell' davs of sharply. ies I'ach day u~!il you reach 120~ ol'crhaninl! cliff. in a dense i mosl complete, Ihus showing tin your ~ails a~ain. Howe\·cr. if cut rations. R dicter ~cts :'0 to I:;on, the diet:I"s nHolmcn!. Iwnn,I~. in a ;:ro"~ of trcl'S, ,~~ail1 thai it .i< !lMsihlc for. R , (or ~omc rp:lson ~'ou ha"l'n'l Ih­hlln~ry ~h~ :nes 0:1 an ealin~ This gire., YOUr aopclile time tn I The npJlnrluinly fnr mrdical j'I'P.I'SOIl 10 recOI'!'r rl1tirly from: lime. then a ncat !l.1tch Ull in" $pret', !\hp Ihen I:ains II pOllnn nojUst .te less fond nnd to accept ,men to ?h<el'\'~ persons ."'h~ Ih .. r~fecls of being struet by J' i~ eertai~ly ~tlcr thll.n ~~cin~ before she ha! a chance to lose it withoul kicking .back, hal'e ~urvlI'ed a slroke of 1Igbt· hghtnlng. . hands With chipped naIl polish,

Clothes can ~'I"e a woman fidencc or l,.i('~lc it away. hes that are ri.hl for .hel are worn-oi _" Inter1lfll'. ner date, (OIltl'RIl ~amt. wed,1in~, .<~\ {l, at he harry. f;:tl thf Mon"

hcs ~al' nn ""." Inln,. the. nag anrl "opr€.". A ;lllltr when ~\'rrynne rl.e ", . sWl'aler ~mon~ Ih~ ~~I.hl and 5alill~, Ii" 'Iarch!<i coal., whcn Ihp crnwri~,:n it's like wcari:'~ 8 hl.".e IJcach-orlrt g,rI OUI. douht alll'ays drW do~ n than up. - th' -,

Denim hil' dnne I~:. gone places. This lltlrdal fabric thaI used to. be. only on a working Job lirts

make the speclalor spo ~es wilh c~ir.



, .....



-4'.~ 'eM -;.~ ... ~ ::~" ~,.,...,,<1 ri

..... ,", •. : elf.1I" • -.:f'1W': C'td -- '-~ ;! :Ifo!;:!'fII

"'" ~ 11'1' " ~ OI~:

~ 00I'rTifs



Injured Car Accident _ ~IJTchant, lied 9, of It · ~: Plat!'. while drlvin, a t i;on: BDnnenture Ave­,~"rt'Y after S p.m. yes·

.. -as hit by a van driven ,:'!lrd Roche of Torbay. _, ~;r~'cle collided wi th the

:~~nt fender of the \'In :~t l:nparl drol'!! the boy

tht windshieid of the I :'a.<laining I deep cut

.• !~,f and I laceration tD ~t~: ~Jr. the lad WIS .. :0 tht General Ho.pi.

· " ~ .:f dril'tr or Ihe \·an. '.,,~ to by Dr. Leck!!. he ~:l.~rd at the hospital for

Holidays ::-:.~urd from page 3) :.: (.:,1' nol gil'en Federal "t:"' ;1nt~.

~'f .~~I'< not Included as '.:" l~ thc ruture lire ;.'

. ;,.,. ~1. Patrl~k's Day. · ,:.,.::.", DlY. SI. ,Iohn's

!~ ~nd ".J. Da~·. ~~ ...... -., ", .. ~rt Ilart. the Pre· .. ,': ~ :' Ihat "we h:l\'e

;",." ,,~: thnc will com I' ' .. '. ,'''', I~r pro\'i~ion th3t I " ':'::;'~ay in the ycar I

· •. , h:I:c!ay whrthrr a i "nliliay ~llpe~r5 in

Bid Farewell (Continued rrom page 3)

cspecially to those (riends o( Dr. Dawe's from other city churches and from out oC town.

Hon. B. J. Abbott, On be· half oC the congregation pre­sented a cheque to Dr. Dawe. Mr. A. F. Finley presented a pIece of luggage on behalf of the Men', Service Club.

Mrs. Dftwe received a musk· rat stole from the Afternoon Auxiliary of the W.M.S. and the Glris' groups of the church. The presentation was made by Mrs. Aiel Marshall and Lynn Morris.

Dr. and Mrs. Dawe thanked the congregation (or their kindness and said that they would always retain happy memories of Cochrane Street where they have worked for the past 21 years.

Luggage was presented to Dr. Samuel and Mrs. Baggs by Gordon Hynes on behalr of the Men's Service Club. Dr. Baggs had been supply min· bter of Cochrane Street Church since October last. Dr. and Mrs. Baggs wilt retire shortly to their home In Port Aux Basq\l('~ .

How Do You Know You Are

. i I'~rl. ~2~ln ror Normal? r. ~~I~. hI' add!!!!. con.. LONDON-Britain's Queen Motjler adjusts a curl for Princess Anne on the balcony of Buckingham I • ,

~1 .. I . ,

: . " .. 1110:1<. At Ihe pres· I: Palace here, June 13th, while viewing the ceremon ies honoring the official birthday of Queen Today's adolescents wI! Ibe I , . -.' c;,:1 ~t'T\·ftnl~ reo Elizabeth 1I.-(UPI Photo) healthier emotionally than their • • ,-~rr 10 rl"e \\,l'ek~ 01 parenti!, secording to Dr. Alas

,= .j_l~·' a< '·acatlon. This I tair Macleod, the well·known ,0- -t'rtllr<,d to riftf'Cn PtA P t Montreal PIIychiatrilt. He be-

AYHE &. S():'\S U\IITEI> had a ~»ccial hirthday pllrty at the Plince of \\'ale~ :\rena ln~t night. Thi~ i~ the cake which was specialh' prcpnrcd to mnrk, thE' firm's ---_._-, -----_ ....

• ~, ..• ".n for all mcmhm I or u or lIeve! they are rebelling against .", r.\:: <t'n·irc. Whcn I the unhappy "oal th I I

. " .• A '.31·d. IlIA AI~"An I D)'stn'ct B h .. 5 e r paren s , . ~ ,. ~ ranc idealize: Insatiable ambition. un· .. ·, •• l!dJY$. plus nrty·. realistic dedication to work.

-, ...• !;:, .• and IIft!'cn days iT h 'A' material possessions. eompe-. ' - :':1' lotal was 78 i eac ers ss n tilion: and that Ihere Is growing

, •. : .~n·anl~ when the I edivence that they are not so


U'O Sum1ner Cotton In Colors And Textures .' .

. .. :.

"':nr 1< efl!'clil'c wllJ ~ TF.ACERS· ASSOCrATION . emotIonally insecure iliat they , ~ :fl1 gain of onc da~' I :'Ilr. William Sparkes. Prln· nl!ed to demand only top~og

" .: ~nc1 .cI·tn da~'s ror . ripal of the Eiementary jobs and unlimitffi opportunity. , SchoOL at Harmon. wa~ guest WI' r g' th J i r I speaker at a luncheon held by ! i '1 10 In e une ~sue 0 I OLIDAYS rhalrlaine. Dr. ~iacLeod relt i

H : Ihe Port al\ Port Branch oC ~he 1 thot a clear definition by p<yc· ,I · r'~,"~ ('nmmcrcial ('n. : S('wfJundland Teachcrs' As· I IIntrist~ of what i~ considered:!' .,. Ihl' Premlt'r said; ~ociatlon on Saturday. une ~ normal behavior would appreci·! [.

.:;"',,1" holiday~ wouid: 13th. in the United Church ably advance the world's under· I ~; • ~ . n;t'r :'\ewfoundland. I Hall. Stephem'ille. '~tnnding af mental health. He 1

loS' John'. only, hI' added. ~ The luncheon WAS held duro : dr£ioes normality 85 "the abil'l ~ n 8;kinl! this House to; 1111: the fir~t annual convention ity to act constnlctively in a ~ :r:.~la1ion appll'lng to I or the Branch. marking the demanding situation." I ~.

~"~ a~ri nfflce workers In I rlose or the Branch actlvltles I Dr. MacLeod continued. "a I' ; .':--' and comilll{ into I for the school year 1958·59. II heatth~' person has the ability to . ' . .. .'~~uar~' I~t. A The Convention opened at appear normal on occasion. t:~~-.~ .. "",,,~ .. ..;,,;,;; '~J~ week:' ~o shop or 9:30 ~.m. under the chairman· ,when normality, in society's ~ .'rk!'r shalt be allowed ship of :\t!ss Gladys M. Bur· isen~e of the word. Is approprj. !~":;';;;';;;"'~~4\~~

JI :,' bE' engaged ror more ton. President oC the Branch. late. A faculty for dignity. com· :, ::: p days or forty hours I The PresIdent welcomed the ! po.~re and plE'asent c'hat is a I: t .•.

fh'e da"s No ahop or i teacher~. who had come from i. nl'{'f'~~ary art which thl! normal I i i~ worktr m~y bt employtd 1 S t e p h e m·U1e. Stephenville i Jlf'r~on can command at will. If. ! J

S ... dIY. EveT\' ~hop and: Crossing. Port au Port, and hnWl'ver. the t.alent ror appear· til\' "~rk"r O1a" 'hc required· SI. George·~. ror the occasion Inlt normal 15 hl~ only skill. if ;'

,. r>! thr f~r1I' Mur~ to: and expre~sed the hope that he dare not rlisplay his real II ._. n.~!It unth not later : thi~. the £irst convention to (>motion~ f01' rPAr or th~m houn· 1 I· ., ~:;.. ; br held hy the Branch. would rlln~ 01lt of control. he is not ,: t

i he R successful one. ,norm~1 al aIL" ~- '''. '" ." Ih.. fi"f' da~'s II Th!' C1r~t item on the agf'nda I I J'~)'chialry do~ not consider It

, 3;l;rr! to work morl' , wa~ the que~tion rf' fellow· i(onfnrmit,v And {'motional health ; i .. , .... !Irur<. he gets time . ship~ offered hy the "'.TA 'In he n~~nrily Ih.. samp , ":." ~'I'rt!mt'. The Prc·· to leacht'r~ ·\\'I.~hil1l: to further I thin It. '" ~ ~r nrrd hardl.l· SAY· Iht'ir eduration. The Branch Tn 8 li!1 or hll!nf.1 pOS5essM - . \ n~ ~ maximum of "otcd unanimou~ly to rl!ilerate by normal p~opl~. Dr. MacT.~od :". "l~ work WI'('I; was Ihe stand taken on this matter FIRST ANNIVERSARY CAKE displa)'ed at the Stop & Shop Supermnrket nclude a flair ror abnormal he. : .... !,(lm H tn 40 hours. ; a a previolls meeting. to celebrate their £irst year in supermarket bminess. The cake was baked ha\'lnr. becau~~ "only a thor·

~ .. '" " nf lour hours i Xl'xt rame the appointment bv Manuny's Bakery.-Terra Nova Photo Sen'ice, oughl~' normal person can be a · t or a Credit Society committee i rany t'l'cenlric. in the appropri·

; i

t •

I 1/

... l\,

...•• , ,A ';'

· .... ' --~;: 'rr!lon~ ou· for th BrAnch :'.1rs. "ean .te litultion." ,. .1'!m·'. Ihe Premier! 'I ~. \' :\Ils~ 'Elizabeth 1--------------------------------- Thi.~ double pl<t~' ('otton h\· the '!J5!l C'otl!)11 f~shi0n

Dress-Up Breads ',' Award winncr. P<tuline Tri~cre. ('ombllle~ blat:k-an-l­orange and two coUon te:~Lures in one dress. Tlit'

: . ,;: :11t' ~o"ernment," es~el\e.. vot '. .:lr Irll'a what the I Halt and ,Josep~v Laffin thl~ showed that he had captured ICAN MENU

. _ :~O'P rrJ::inn< want· I unt('c~('d to se e on I the mlgnlflcent beauty, colour, AMER r·. rlllild ma!;!' it· ,·ommllll.'l': business I and spiendour of the beauty

1 .' 'h,', wi<h tht' go," Th!' maIO Item or I spots of J\lorucco. as well as .....• ,,:,1 hrilll! in IN{i, "I·as. of rou~~~i di~r~I~~~~n pr~f , the conditions of squalor n·

' ..... '11'\ I -'·"illn. t. 1(' 57 rt't S(tll u ~,n1~" 0 ~ 11\'('11: I~ting in ct'J'tain ~ectlonl. ,(,1111'<1 n II' ., ... '\ .• 0 Baked Spaghetti With

Sauce Supreme Is A .. ' ., .:. ,1 I'r IIllltl',1 liull III SI. .luhn·~. JlIlIe 30th· Ht' informed the gatht'ring

.•. " 1'1.11 ,Ii" 1It'1\' .Iul\' 2m\. ,'h .. Pl'esid(ml \Irg· I thaI Ihere al'e lIellemlly three '.-.11\10' , .. " ... ~ illlll ~d 'lU~1UlJ('r~ to Sludy eadl I types or peuple In "Ioroe!'o: •. ,1,. 1 1. .. ,1 Tilt' rf,,,llItloll rarp{ully and to let I the ElIl'Opeans. who live In

Winner ,.' ........ ,,'II, hull' Ih~ Branrh (\elpl!ntes to tht splenduur, th~ Arubs. who Ji\'e .: :1' ,·!I.· .. lilt' froll1 (',I1I1'('ntiun knnw exa!'''~' how In lhelr own natl\'e qunrtt'r.

., :1,. h .... innillR (If Ihe Brandl 1I'15hc(1 them to often In filth. dirt, grime. and cook over low heal unlil Iighlly browned. Stir in lomato sauce and seasonings and simmer 16 minutes or longer. If saUCe be. comes tOn thick add water 85 neederl. Quarter half of olive; and IHld with remaining olives to

... ";.' • \'OIl' on the l'e~ultlon~ at Ihe poverty. and tilt' ewish. who BY GAYSOR ~ADDOX - 1 C()1I\'t.'lIl1on. live in their own section Under a tree al Great Oaks

r------~~_ Since many of the resolu· also in a rather poverty Camp near Oxford. Maine. ollr




.. ~itt cru .. ~.oIi. Iu"

:..... .. thr h,;, Iud ,,"'ftlel

1 Tillt Not Wish Out

lIlu ,3 AND SIS .... n4ID·.. (I'Mlra·

P\araarltl, IltlleU'. Daane's PhlrmlrY, r''''DeIr Ph.nn·

tions concerned topiCS requir· stricken area. He showed son Pat discussed good eating ing much consideration before slides which ga"e evidence of with his campmate. Peter Gabel. voting. there was a lIood deal the great contra5t between. Peter insisted his mother. the

· of HI'eh' dlscus510n nn many the European splendour And I "ivaciou~ Arlene Francis. ;tar : of them. At nonn. however. the extreme simplicity In the IOf "Once More With Fet'ling." I thp Pr('sidpnt halted the bus· older arelA. coulrl cook better than Pat's mot. ,In(1s~. and the tellcher~ IIAth· her. and that hi5 father, Marli~ : ered In till! United Church Bl!autiful flowers .. brilliBnt Gabel. IIctor·producer. could eat · HAil for A delirinus luncheon., orange IITO\·(1~. SPRrklng waler more than Pat', father. i calered :0 bv the Stephenville fountain~. stretches of dry Peter said that his mother en·

sauce. With this ~he ~erve.s coM ~ouP.

/I gr~tn salarl. CTll.'lty French bread. fre!h fruit arut fi~e chee· ses. No "'~nder Peter Gabei likes home cooki"ll.

· Gnltl'd Church Women's As. wasteland. sandy be8che~ go- tertains "euy" In their summer sociation. Special lIuest at the ing down to the breath·taklnll home at Mt. Kisco, N.Y.-never luncheon was Wm. Sparkes blUe of the ocean, tha veiled In a hurry, never rrantic. She 8ELASSIE IN EGYPT and after a most enjoyablp Arab women, he Innocent lit· chooses dishes that can be pre- CAIRO. E«ypt (APl-Emperor hour the members assembled tle children rushing Corward pared In advance, covered with Halle Selassie. here on a state once' allaln at the Amalgamat. to receive chocolate. hardly adhering transp~rent p I II ~ t i~ visit. alt~nded th~ consecr~tion cd School. wh(1rl' the Presl· daring t~ believe they were ":rnp. Anrl rcfrl~ernled unhl of the Fint Elhjo~ian Patriarch dcnt intrflriul't'd 'Ir. Spnrkes ~pttinl! somethIng Cor noth· llllle to reheat. . . or the Anrlcnt 1~lhI0J1IAn Churl'h

· tn the' teaehcrs. Informing 1 inR" -the.,!, nnd mMY mor.e Lnlcl' 11'(' chl'Ckcll (hrl'cli,v WIth I Sunday. His \'i.,it coincided with Iht'm Ihllt he I\'A~ born nt' sights clithrallcd the tCllcllCl~ I hIS pnpular mol1ler. and ask· an agreement between the Egyp·

'E\'PI'~tt. 'IMsadlU~ell~. but: a~ :\11'. Sparkes told Inleres~. t'd fOI' o~(' recijll! ),oung. Peter tian Coptic an.d the Eth!op!an tllAt his fAther wn~ II former! in!! tnll's of his stay In :\101'1 brn~~t"l obout. Here It IS: churches ele\'atl~~ the Ethiopian

." 'f . dlandcr ,j SparkeR I Ol·(·O. The tcachl'fs later Rskcrt Bnk~d Spaghclll wilh ~nnce Church Metropolitan 10 the rank I ~t~;n~~~ ~all'm 1~a~'h~ls' Col. I :'III'. Sparkes questions about Sn.prcme (Serves 81 of Palriarch. The Copt.ic Pop"-.

ie n sIn UniI'NsHI·. re. I some of the customs of th~ Pr~pnl.e lfi·oun.ce pacl .. a~c. 01 who aiways Is Egyphan. shU 1l1~1' 0,'. ':,!; I . ·thprp. l pCfljJl4!. anrl :'Ilr. G. L. paL' spagneth accordmg to dlrrcllons heads both churches.

rr.' 112 1I~ " .• r. (ellLel' ". Mn~. executive mcmber o[ thc On the box. '~Ic\ thr Pr~~id~nt. and had n h . po~rt1 II \'Gte of Cook until 8 little Ics~ than brrn II l',rllnriPai fOl'i~IX yea[s. tI~:~~s 'fo~L;he 'most enjoyable firm. a\)onl 6 to R rilinute~. SAFE r\RIS TANDING Ih~ tcllc I nil e~pcr,~llcer rln. lind 'Informatlve hOllr :'Ilr. Drain. Combine sl,aghclti with PARIS 'lAP) An llaila; air ("\udrli a "ear 11\ .,ell' oun . I I B 'h SaIl" "p l' I I ~. • - . · '115 '~5 t II Ai Spnrkes had II "cn tIe rane. .e .~u rrmc. urn.n 0 ~Ica·· liner coming in Irom New York

: 1.1nd. I 4· . A armollnS" 57r This was Ilcal·tHy seconded by sed cas5croie. Cover wllh trnn5· Innded 'Mely at orty nirfield · Base. then two yenr~. 1 oJ' • • h pOI' nt I I' . R f 'd •• . ... I • I. the Branch mcm ers. e p as IC II rap. . e n~e· Sunday wllh one of Its lour en· I ill :\101 0(( O. 8 ~O ~t an "mer rale When dll"st· "rl·II·· lin· Th i AI'I ,. . I h h . . ~.., n ". ~lO(,S out e pane an I a la • ran All' Ba~c. after wh ~ e 'rltc aCtel'1loon ~e~~ioll or the COl'llr onll top with buttered DC -7 ... ' -3' : had l'('tl1rnrd to IIRrmon. Convention lasted t1l\til 6:45 crumb~ Bake in ~ 1I10dera1r d' .:~ tChar~~ 109 I. JI~rsrs, kUrt ! where hp 15 lit pre~ent teach· I n m "nd the r('solulions wcre oven (350 oe~rcc< F l about;l() lOt"" h a alnt e~gmeh ad cd on e f

,'. ., n • , • • '.".. OU I\' ~n was lin re s 0 ; inll.. ' again discussed. The Ilesl· ml:lUlr<. Sprinkle tflr l\'Ith ~t miles off the Irish coasl. Instead · Mr. ! who h~s tra\ el· dent thanked the members for CliP fr~~hly J! ~nrmcs"n of landing at Shannon airport 8~ · I~~ In G~lmany. France. AUR· beln~ preRent and wi~hed Ih~ chrr.~e JlI~t hdol'e ~er\'lnl!. expected. it flew riirectly to Pari.; I tlla. SWItzerland. Gibral!er, teacherR a piCMRnt ho!id8~ Snllc. Supremr (Ser\'e~ Rl and made a perfect landinl:. Spllin. Spanish Morocco, and this summer. One Ilound ~rolll1d iean lire£. Tanl!lNs. IIddreRlcd the IIroup. \4 cup olive oil. 1 I~r~r onion. expressing hll plea.ure at Mra. LaWn, the Branth I clove gnrlic lortionall. on~· Jo·lltE KJI.I ... 'i SIX beln« ther., .nd ,howed 10m. Secretary. then thanked Mi.1 third cup chopped green sweet PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. (CP) beautICul and educatIonal col· Burton for her effortl on be· pepper. 4 cups canned tomato Five IndIan children and a nelsh· oured slides he had taken hatf of the Branch during the sance. ~2 bay leM. 2 teaspoons bor who apparently tried to res· during hl~ stay In Morocco. year, and the president ex· ~alt. I t(,nspoon chili powder. lJ, cue them. were ali killed Satur·

It was evldpnt to thOR! as· pressed her thankR to the Ex' teaspoon bA~i\. ~. teaspoon black day in a tire at Skldegate Indian sembled that Mr. sparkeR Is ecutive and the Branch Cor pepper. t ellp "hole Ill' Dilled MI~slon on the Quee~ Charlotte not only I dedIcated teacher their support. The Convrn· hlaek olil'e~. Island,. The 3R·Yl'ar·old neighbor

: Ind In IntereRtfn, 8pellker. Unn drhv to a elMe with the ~aute me~t In 01"" nl\ ~ wa~ hIoiieved to harp bren trap

I but that he I~ .lslI • very flne slnllin, of the National An· n~lnn and mince g~rli~. A<lrl j perl when he rU5hed into the - .... ___ ... _.1 photPlI'apher, The sUde. them. with green pep~r to ml at and blazing ho~


For Party F ar.e black. terrazzo-printed skirt is stre"j·:ed \\'ith oranllt, and topped by orange cotton chiffon sle~\'ek

Brend becomes a sper.ial mfnll bodice.-By GAILE DUGAS. N'E.t.. Wcmcn's EditOl item for party occasions wh~n ____ ._ it·~ dres~ed up. wrapped In aluminum foil and beated I~ the oven. Serve any of these bread A Rtebbon Let' To Make trrat& wIth SOllp. ulads. casse­role dishes or dinner, to let your family or guests know that you really care! Caraway.Cheese . French . Bread '-ik'I; ,;¥/.,l.

Cut a loaf of French or Vienna bread Into 12 diagonal sliceR. not tutting qulte through the bottom cru~1. Combine one cup grated Canadia~ cheddar cheese. 2 tea· spoons caraway ,~ed, and 3 tab· lespoons mayonnai5e or saiad dressing. Spread buller or mar· garine and then cheese mixture between bread sUces. Wrllp loaf in aluminum foil. Heat in a hot oven (400 deg'reeJ F.l ror 15 minutes. Serve immediately.

Garllc·Cheese French Breatl Cut a loaf of French or Vle~na

bread Into 12 diagonal slices. not cutllng qulle through the bottom I crU$1. Combine tll'O 3·ounee . package~ cream chrp~e. 2 tabll' I spoons milk. 2 Ipa~poons !(lIrlir .,:\It. and t table~poon pr('partO hor.le _ radi~h. Spread chee~e mixlure between \)read slices. Wrap lollt in aluminum foi\. I Heat In a moderate o,'en (35(1 I degree~ F.l for 15 mInutes Serre piping hoI.

Panlev Lelllon l.oRf Cut one Idaf of bread in half.

lengthwist. ellt each hall loaf. , Almost through to boltom cn,~1. I into 12 .dices. Comhine U, CliP I chopped parsley. U, cup $ofl hut· I ter or margarine And 2 tea· I ~poon~ lemon jllir~. ~prelld! pllrsley mixture h~twccn bread I slice~. Place on a cookie sheet i ---,---.----.-..:...:...-and heat in R hot ol'('n. (400 de; OUt' new state. Ha\\'aii gets recogniti()n in tht? form ~r~t~l~hFt'\ fOdr t~lr·eu~'t·e,. mlRule~. or of this ribbon lei made fr0111 ;\hout foul' qnh of s;'\tln un I 0 nn , '.' . .

Hllr~e.Radl,h Bread Sllck~ ribhon. Gothering ~titches throngh the t:entE'r of the Blend ?~e table~poon of frc~h ribbon, lengthwise. create the lei effed. Pre!'" fake

hor~e·md"h anr! ~ tl'aspoon <!r fl . ~ prerared mustard Into Z lahle· owel ~ ill'e tacked (In at IIltel'\·a!f;.-By GAILE '5poon~ ~oft butter or marl(arine. DeGAS. :"E;\ Women's Editor. ftemore crl1~t~ from .dir~~ of ---.. ' -.. -.. - .-- ... ~-...... - . -- ..... ~ ..... toasted enrirhed brea~ anel rftIx(j~ Rl'PI·:nr. n.c. 'rp I FO~SIl. ~~I.f:rll'\~T rov:..-n spread side UD. on 8 cookie sheet Five persons, three of them TOKYu I.\PI .- (OIl1I11UllI,t and toast under low broiler heol children. were drowned Sunday China soid Sundoy a fairly well for ~ minules. when a 32 . foot gillnetter cap· pn'Sl'rved fossil 01 a huge el~·

• ~tled at Port Edward. 11 mi1~s phont bl'lieved to be about 1.000. VIEN:-rA. Austria IAPl_H,'r· 30ulh of here. Six olher l'erSO:lsJ .

man I.('onoldi. 70. famed hrr~ esc a p l' d.' Four of the li"e 000 years old was dlsco\'ered reo ~nrl ~hrllacl a~ a ~omnn.'~r a~el drowned Wl'rp mcmhrrs of IInr: cl'ntly in K i e n h s i e n COunIY. nprfnrntpr of tionl1l~r m".ir. died famil\'. All were r~tl1rni!lg h01l1r J

Sund~y of 8 h~~rt AttACk. after'a religious mil'al meetil1~ 1 Shen~i prol'ince.

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Can Castro Before

Become It's Too

A Pro 'I Briton Labels' Frankli n A 'Gay, Old Dog Late? BY TOM A. CULLEN

LONDON - (NEA) - Did you know that Benjamin Frank·

sive education {or crop con. lin was Jr,nown in England as "a troIs, gay, old dog." a member of the

Caslro's tpeed is Been widely notorious Hell·Fire Club which 81 only harming Ihe vital sugar mel In caves for midnight Industry and lifting unemploy, orgies? ment to new peak~, I That is one of the extravagant

A Cuban businessman sold: : ,claims being put about by the "The agrarian reform will :,: lowners of th~ Hell·Fire Caves.

", cause such chaos that de. ' ' located 30 miles from London ; I mocraey could not possibly sur· :-'~ ': ,': 'In West Wycombe. and admit· ,vive in. Cuba." I\e;' , ledly ~he scene of some pretty : The Visionary Castro's sweep, 1 ......... '''' wild parties. They are put out : ing anSlVer to all his economic PRESIDENT VRRVTIA: "Will in the' ho~e oC attracting Ameri· : thorns Is 10 ask Ihe United I can tourists. : Slatcs to pluck Ihem out. He be time enough •• ,', For the cal'cs. tricked oul 'slood before a committee of thc II, II' . , " ,with wax dummies and wired i Or~anllation oC American Stnlcs h 'I C ,as art cs~ed munlhs a .. ~, Cor sound. have now bcen op,' in Buenos Aires and urged Ihal l d mculn,lmtundlcado f30 dny" rned to the public at 50 cents'

, , nCI cr ~u )lce e to 0 I' III :J ' h ~' h ' d 'd Amrracnn hand Cuha and ulher "1' " d I ' 1 ' a ea .. In w at IS a verllse as I I I' , 3 I'll' I II ,wille an Ilcn Ie eilsed a' "th r' I did d .a III nahOlI~ 0 1I Ion (0 aI's ~a uallv 'I I db' d': e Irs an on y un prgroun I in the next decade, I 1'11"t I'll a'paple r,la cen SClllC , spectacle in the world with,

~ . .'. d" h' !.; (,! C s manuJ;:cr a a: d d .. It !

• No P,IIlOf eXI~ls to ,I~ I al II,S, amba~sndor's recea>tion, a 1U: soun an vISIon: '. '

I himself in what Was illustrious company, COltSldere,

, For club members I I at least one Prime Mini t I First Lord oC the Admi~a~~', 'I Lord Mayor of London, and). I son o! the Archbishop of I terbulY, as well as various I and unCr~cked praesls,

Thc c~ldcnce, however I pOints to Franklin's • i For one thin~. Ihe ,Cluh had praelicJllv 'cd by the lime rr"nkli Sir ~'rancis Oa;hwood, ,I

For allolhl'r, Frallklill was then in hi., laIr ~ixlirs, 100 old 10 he cal'Oflin, in damp co\'e"

Cash'o IS any le,s the all1~leur: inquired of ~larlin Th .' .,' In search oC • rankhn sWick, , , '. ,. . o. -;', ., '" . _ in ,tlyc realm o~ down,to,ca.rl~11 "Oh. he i's working efO~el~;I;'1 cd pasl I ha\'c jllst paid a \'isil, , ' c.~S 1 RO :\:\ 0 BRO fHc.R. 0\ Cl hl~ shou\clct, U.S, poltllCS than he IS In economlC5, paper anain Bul hc i no I I d I to thcse caves, Although I Iwl '

The, 111'0 men tollahfJral'd a rCI'1 jcd Book ot Pra.\'cr, II hich It:lrl a, or~ il~ aims "10 prel rill th~ old faithfuL from rrc:/.in~ to Ihrou!!h IlJn~ cl'relllonie5 in churchc~:'

halcr Raul. i }o:V~I~ his st~lInchest ,fricn~5\ rr wriling' about pOlitics, o~~ chal~ all over my clothes l saw: liON. FRANCIS DASIIWOOD a djusts a necklace on one of the .pre,:nl ~\\'nrr of Ihe , .; arc IlrIng oC hiS, dramallcs, hiS I writes abollt COWS and pigs," Inot~ang that would shock a I wax dummies in his lIell.Fire Caves ,F,lre C.lles 1<; Ihe Rt. Hon,

r~' 1.1:0:\ DE:\:\ E:\ IIry hulcls and gambhng eaSlllOS I poslures, and hiS emply gcs, ~ The.' major political le.;t for I mau\cn aunt or an Angllcan bis· I I ,CIS DashwouJ. 33, dire:t H.\ \·.\~A - I :\E.\ \-Cuha ~re.' on Ihe ropc~, : lures. ,CHstro. howel'er, is what hc hop, . i Chancellor of .Ihe Exchequer: pcrsons of some of London's sc~ndant and namesake or

mOIl'" heJdlon~ loward crucial I'ril'ale illl'esiors are (right, They louk askance fI:1 I~~al! will do about free clection~ ,or I was ~hown the Robmg Room I ever had, Hp IS probably the, better known wenches, They orlganal Hell·Fire (':onomic and political t1j;orc\cr, cllcd, U,S. econoll1i~ls think ichan4;es aimed at promolin~ I Cuba, lie is said 10 favor them where members of the Hell·Fire only chancellor whose budget; were required by club rules to Young Dashwood. Who and nil one knoll" whrlher Fidel' Cuba's foreign reserves 1V1II1 greater civil juslice. such as the but some in his entoura"e' Club donned their monkish I speech was greeted wilh howls, be o( "a cheerful. lively disposi' ,Harvard Busine,.; School C"s:n\ the rClollltionar~' ama,: dwindle III nolhin~ hy October, I resloration of habeas corpus chiefly, Reds. are violently ~p: robes and cowls to practice I oC laughter in t~e House of: lion and 10 improve Ihe general 1949, claim~ Ihat he got truro ran bN'ome a !'r<>[cs,lon31, Castro mcn deny il. saying gold land an end to "war criminul" po;;ed, These include his U,S" their secret rites, I was conduct- Commons. )ilarity of Ihe company," idea of pullin,; Ihe car!s in 11",(" 10 avcrt di.·3SI(T, and foreign exchange reserves i trials In military I'alher Ihan hating hrother, Raul. and David ed throuj!h the wine vaults, past 1 At (irst only "monks" were i Jl Benjamin Franklin had paying baiis II'hile visiting

.In Ihe rconont:r IIrlrl, Ihr 3l'Iuillly have risen 35 milllon i ~ivil . courts, They say Ihr Salvador, Commun!:,t le~der of the Cursing Well to the Inner If ~dmil~;d to his club, hut. laler I elw been a memher of Ihe Hell'l Carlsbad Ca\'crns, He hopes bl;: ,nrc Ihumh IS a baekl0t: (I[ Ilollar; SIIICC he took power. 'Judiciary already l~ packrd, the Cuban Conlederallon of Temple. where Black Masses nuns were mtroduc~d In Ihe Fire Club he would have found attract 60,000 \'l'Ilors Ihis ' ';0000\) uncmplo~ctl II' h ,c h They louk 10 back lax pay, iwith Communisls, Two ex,j I.nhor, are said to have becn celebral'l 0"-, _ .. -, --.----,- 0 -----

Ihr('al~ll.< :0 ~,'cll In (lnr Illil· mrn\; In help, iamples: the, stale pl'tlsl'cntnr I ,EI:en U.rrutin see~ls: sold on ed, i Th Q t- I CAB t -k R hlln 100'e out of ,ix l'uhalb) a, Lahor'~ demands, souped up, and thr mrn III charge 01 Jlrllallt~lc Idea Cuhans don t want cicc, Most oC these are emply cav· ; e ues Ion s: an ea. m ema tbe ,.I;..r hanl'-I lapns 0:'1 and hy key'placed Communisls. arc 'reforms, . tlO:1S .soon, Said he: "There '~'illierns with water dripping from, o:hl'r lII~u,lr:r,' ,lull' IIr 'I~,II, haras,ing eve:')' indu~lrial firm' Cub;I's Jail~ rel'lain janullrrl: be lime enough for ele"tion~ the ceiling, Pretty slale stufl. : A

The '1~;.1r ir.lla.ll·,\, l'U!>;I', in Cuba, Tr.~y cail for slrcp I wilh thousands denouncer! h~': when the unemplo),ment pmb'l The Banquetinl! Hall, with Beatnl-k In A Brooks Brothers Sh"lrt ~hlc( "r(lp, I. III ,'h,llI, ;I; are' piOy boosts, fringe bencfils and Ihe Rrrl,<, Their Irials will eat i le~ ha.. been soh'ed,", . "Nuns' Cells" leading off of it, i $U;I (If (am,,', h;l;ly, il\,ron;itl, a ho,1 of III her concessions, 'up ~'ears, Dul'in~ a I'isil 10 I ) cl the call for elecllo;], L' i is filled out with wax figures I trt'd : .. :ld rrform ;uHf an r,,'c" ,\s for C~slro's nel\'l~' e"l~b, Presidenl ~IRl1uet yrrulia. I saw I ;;tl'onglr hear~, W~l'nc? ,a, ~I:I'I in various pos~s of mild dc· " " , , or rrodul"lion, ;\ll1cric-JI\ mill Ii,itrll a):ranan rclorm, II striP' ,~corcs of tcrromrd mothers. I denl .llltO IIIII~ Ca~llo ,n bauchcry, One IS slumped ol'er ~'. ",~~~ I ,\:'>:'>~I: . OOlnN- arc \f',ln~ 111':;r ("lIle l: ,S"oll'ned su!:ur mills of Iheir lI'ives anti sislers waiting in the Ih~, Sierra ~Iaeslra, hills: , spilt win~ on th,e banquet table:: SA:'\ I:IH:-;~!::;CO ,- 1:'\,1'.'\' - , (IIanl~;:('n', ,\nel 1 'lIh .. dl,c-n't (':Inc Illanl;lllon5 and cuts thcm' 11I'e,'ulel\l1al. a~lle " ehamh~r (or I" fhe mandale ,I~e j('lI,r rld;l: another IS makmg a llrab at a . ,\lIc,", Gln~bel,~ sa~ ~ :'" licit, Iq. 1<::0" II\1rrr 10 IInl,,;,,1 IIlflrc 1I11nli7'acrc plols for land·,lI'ordo(lhrlrllnprl~Ol1edkll1, Is ,nol 10 cmbalk 0;1 'l1fanl .. c:bug.e~'cd wench; all are fully,ll1all)Uana, II,' mlld.l. plrnsan, lha" a nlll\l,,1I 10Ib (If '1I';Jr Ie" farmers, Sal's a lop U,S" Ca,'It'o loudl\' pl'omi.scd n,,' sorl~1 .refurms bllt rather 10 i clothed, Nothing here to Ilring' IC~" marc, ~\lI,l"Itll~1. ,h':' conscl"; rr(lf1llrcd hul n"l III he ;.hsorh, mill reprcsentatil'c 011 the is" limit, on press freedom, hi I ellmma,r Ba>llst~ and return Ihe a hlush to a maidrn's ('heck, ,I a,1\ e, Ie, s tonfon'.'m~, .el ;", Ihr l'n.:rd Slnll" Ih,; I' 111' : \ ~, h ~ I I r I COIllHrv 10 reprc,;cnlalll't ;:01'-, The claim that Franklin was :\ II ell Gln.her,!: IS Ihr .pO,~1

,II , , ,mellca, clOer orcl reporl.- \1 , '" ' la" - I 0 f' t 0 Ii ~r;;r. "11111'<11 rl'form h~~ lon~ hren' ren.;or~hip al hOllle. lie as'lI:'e;\ I ell1men\. a memher of Ihc Hell·Fire Club' C' '~ICilll e anB IC~I!en ,'II'? c'l~al n

. I . I ' 'h I I' " I' b I Itt' I h': 01 Ir ral "enCI a lOll, 0 Ie I TV"rll,," 1111 1I,lr~ I, \'.'"Crt IIC, Ill, ClI, n, \III 11'lal Dr; ,\ll!cI:lo Gaanza ,Paz, dl~lIn'l Should I.'aslro fail to holel ;:CII' IS, aS~I, a mos en Ire~' on IS, samc \\'31' ,Jack KcrOllac is their i .1'l'd:~~ ,lock .. IllI ,- '1111111 ot (;t~lrn I" domg IS ,herr mad· I :llIshrd liberal pubh:~h~~ 01 A .... I ~rHI rlections wilhi:1 II rcmon.! fflell~shlp wl,th thc club found· : hi,<tori,tn' and frequell: Hlllkes' I np1\ rI'nl I~\I'~ wllll'1I .'Ia,h rr:ll~ Ilr',<," ,~elllma, thai Ihere, IS , ah,"lu,~: ahle lime, Ihe reprcsentalil'e II( I e~, Sir FranCIS Dashwood 11708., man, ' ~ 10 ;.0 flrr ecnl al'O llil~'I"lr, , Hc SU~c(',lrd the rf'lorlll ,law' lreedom (If ,expl'e,~slon an Cuba, 1I~I'al1~:~ revolutionary studem' 1 ~81l, .poPI~larl~' knoll'.n as Hell· Bill a' porlry dur,n't take ~, ' I~~ t>U1ldtr', Landlorrl< hall' no II<~\[ 1,< not, nl'c",;a,l'Ily IInJII,:, Bnt rXlInllOt' wllh me the cas~ said: rhe people might wCill ~Ire FranCIS" Fran,klln at the I milch timp. to wrile as a hoo~' V"l~· 01 cnforcing tcnant P;I~' hilI thaI hn'iI' ~~rHna~ I'han~ei of .11Ian Lui~ !.Iartin. tillc:lIe,1 lurll a~ainsl his 30vernment:' hme o( the frJ~ndshlp repl:c>enl, i ICI'cn Ihe wal' Kcrou~c write,; I rotllt' at all. I11l1st Il~ (l~'~p3r~1I for on a lon~ polilical columnist lor Ha,l'and~ Tha~ ,cl'rllll1alit~'. should it oc, cd the American colonaes at' books I, Gin,b~r!: has con,idrr, Touri~m. H("~"d r"" . rall!:(' foollnl: II'llh sound credit 1 1':1 ~ll1ndo, whose sole crime IS cur, ml~l1\ be the critical mo· the court at Georile Ill, able time 10 worn' al)Qul Ihe

in ,wl'elenin~ Ihf Cuhan econ· ~illnncin~. plnl,lIlcd im'cstmenls 1 his ~onl'inced opposilion to cant, men I when the Communi;~s Hcll.Fire. francis will 1:0 numhers of Americans who aren'l em~. i. lan~uishll1~ h;",I."" In farm machinery, and inlen· munlsm, would ac\. down in hIstory as the worst taking him or the Generatb~

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;. -~ 'J ..

, ...... " : ..... :.:. ...

. ,.:

It's pleasant to you and your family can be confident about the biah standard

of c1eanlineS$ or B-A supervised rest rooms. Tum in at the sign of the big B·A ••• with confidence ., ••

lor Mr. B·A takes great pride in your UUlt. •

'''''' jll CJf your I·A servic. nation-yow rnoJe". moform, em. THI .• ",'I' •• H AM.R'CAN OIL COMftANV __ I.'MITID

- -.. - ._ ... __ . ___ ~_.i_ .. ,. .......... __ ..... ".,_ .. _ ...... _., ...... .

.: ........ , ...... : ........... : ...•


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seriously. "The promise of Amcrica has

gone down the drab," he toid me. "Individualism ha~ been b~· Irayed, And Ihe indil'idual las been humilialed, i

"The poels and writers willi ullimalcly have to be Ihe priests I -sexy, illuminaled' priests who I lI'ill sland up anrlhl',(,Olllllcd 3n11 1\: X FRA:-ICISCO'S Co'F.~"tenee Bagel Shop. a pair.f tak~ Ihe rc>ponsillll!,: (er s\llr'j c;, ... ;II .. rs CIIUut pennIes 10 SC' II Ihey hur anolher round, IIltal gliluance 111 1111. l'ollnlry

"11111 soeit'l~' Is ;;1' <'lIrmpl II!' , POI'Ill, "[1\111'1:' has sold 30,11:;;1, ,\nd a lillIe ,,11(:6, i'i; day it can·l sla:ld c\'cn one n~· i ('Opil'., in sl'lwal lallgua~l'''' Ill' ready "poilcu ,\I:O!l G:ILer; corrupt element. Look al al; I can recile in Ihe nude, Some 01, "('erl"illly," hl' ,,,id, ", Ihosc newspaper phillisli:1es \\,::0 I hi" 'lork, hare been banncu, fI::' ca:1 ,;ay \\'c:'lh";:':" I::,n;; , say ab0l1\ us: 'I h?I'~n'l re~d I i:i cordial an~ arliculate, hehind a Brook; BrQlher, :: ' thelT 1V0rk and I don 1 mlend to, But alo.1g Grant Al'cnue-S~n .\nd Ihen, qUlc:;I" 'Bu: bUI Ihcy'd he J 101 bet',er off if I Francisco's Beat Slrcet-several: doesn'l mean \'111 ~o:n; Ihry'd hal'e a balh and aha .. ', 'of Ihe sexy. illuminated prir.I" cha~~e my . " CUI and ~o grt a sleady job.' .. , lI'ere outspoken in Iheir elllT ; BUI the nl j, 111<1, lile

Well, iI', no wonder Ginsber~' "11e's gone commercial." I' ~onc, thc dam?~,' dJnr isn't taken seriously, Bul no ha'!1 'I\'a$ lold a;:ain and again, "S(), IU5ion of squalUl' :' CI or haircut is ~oin~ 10 help a:1j" has Kerouac, Thcy kcep adl'crll' : anu only I:'e .qu":,,:' ;ra"i,;. indil'idualisl II'ho ~houl.< Ihal he',. ' ing thcmsehe, and ,howin~ OIi By ano by ,I"n"""rl: '.,,: a thinkinl: man nnd Ihen IlIr~' Some of II, II'rile mueh hCI:,'!" i !rt', chan~c the .·ilC(i' ~;\ OIroul1d aud lells you what kind I Ihin,~s, II'hal paper did you ']j' b~t1, ,\l1d ,~",nch,d:: r:,(,I::: of ci~,1rettc 10 smoke, I you arc wilh:'" i hct:rr ~'el ieI', n'n',O to ~:")~

Curiously, Ihi, cndorsemcnt I The.'C arc thr unlllislakat,I"! me:11 wilh a "il1l\t,'!, lI'ili dri.l'e him Crom Ihe Be3t, rumlJlin~s ~f a cil'il W<lr, (-"or I:; i ,Keroual', of <'''''"", , h" . Gencratlon, too, Ihe Beat Generallon Ihe \'aln~, I "mce sold 0111, lIe ,. Ill" "

''I'm always a;;ked why I keen ma~' be couched in casual. dirty i iscin~ o"er the :o('rt, o\\. pushing myself." he said, "~Il' words, but they add up 10 ~ile,' but by gonl'-Beal dan for friends keep telling me :1ot 10 same rigidity: "Anybody \\'h~ sland magazine;, In time a~d talk for them, Thcy're right: gets ahead has soid ou\." I spite of himself 'Ie Will " nobody can talk for anybody else, And sadly, they're almM ~1l1 how to wrile, ,\m! ihen he " Bul reporters k e e p callm;.! for sale-at bargain prices: a sell TV plays, me .. ," litl~ prestige, ~ liltle attenlion'l ,Gins!mg j, 0;:';"01' ~O'

It Is only reasonable, Hi;; 10;1~ a little corrupllon, ('I~nrrllr COIT"lIfl'C"

16 .. Year .. Old Chess Champ Needs Reassurance By WARD CANNEL ~O"'.""'_'?"'" ·-"*"v' .. ,dl'7-·"""

NEW YORK - (NEA) - i. ' Despite warnings from wrilers,I ; • photographers. publicists, TV : personnel. editors. publishers, toul'isls and just plain folks who said it couldn't be done, I hal'e successfully seen and lalkcd to Bobby Fischer,

And so I can reporl Ihat Bobby is a Iypical American I6·year·old kid with typical porridge crumbs on his Iypical sweater, It is only by Provid, ence Ihan he happens 10 be Ihc U.S, Chess Champion, an,1 I Ihe, youngesl Inlernalional I Grandmastcr of chess of all time. I,

Well. you can iill3)!inc what' II is 10 be a tren,a~rr, whrn life's uncerlainties he~in to loom ol'er you. and find your·

.... '

self matching slrategy against BOBBY FI"::CHER AT WORK: He speaks only men two and three times your ..., age-and beating them at il. '" friend' the\' see each

In the first place it's a ter, South AmeflCa has tflcd. too,. '. - n .. , A d h'l th t II 'I every altel'llOO ' rible strain on a typical gangl, n w I e ey , ac ua y ~u I, ..

ing kid, One false move and you I him down there, It I~as all Ihey' "Bul who kllllll " ~ c~n knock all those little ches~ ,could do to keep ~I~ frellll~; reporler .hru~~l'.11 ,I IIlfl pieces on the floor, . secure and not altaid Ihal he ~ may be Ihc IUl'k~ Oll\,d

And in the second place. I\'s would be done oul of hiS prlle ! pretty c10sr 1II~,clt. I. • an unCair attack on your sense money., ! appoinlmcnl 1<1 1111'1'[ "'tl'c~'i of security, having all those On hiS return, one oC New' big resorl whcrc he had 11

full.grown players Irying to York's most venerable chess I vi ted free 01 ch;lr-;e outwit you. clubs held a reception for him. he was a champion.

It's the kind of thing that But even they had missed the fIg before turns other, weaker kids into comb!nation to his secret heart. "He bad Ie t on But I hostile delinquents or juvenile He did not show up, ,got there. oC cou~~Cio be rebels. And Bobby would bc So. it has been left up to the have the gOhO,d IU\ca,es back the first to admit it, But un. newsmen and photographers lu ed to, take, IS Sll~. '

forlunulely, he speaks only f break Ihrough the hoy's inse. the city IIlth me, ch~ss, cUl'ily and tfll him Ihat he can Well whal nobudy knell' ,

Uniluppil)" mO$1 rerent el, I trusl in America bc('alls~ w~ Ihefe i~ a _,'l'I'Ll r:1ll~1 "~:III_' forlS to reass1II'c him hal'e bo~· I care. to go Ihr"lI~iI bl'l",e .> gerl down, At one time or olher. a1· Sl't' lIobb~', II I,or~s Ihl~'~III'"

The U,S, State Department. mull e~erybody bas Iried, But 1'011 make an lIPP" r I [f d t d I 'bl th ( I h b 'h "II SllllO~ or examp e, 0 ere 0 scn llI'araa y, e ormu a as een wili! 111m I rOll" • f him to the' Paris Exposition wrong, And it would stagger Schuster, the publi;he~~ ;'ou last year. ,BUI he lurned them your mind to total up the num· by', "Games of Che • .', , down with I flimsY excuse that ber oC newsman·houn JOlt over rive at the apPolnled hnlt

there wasn't enough money in chesl games with people ,uar· 4.~ minules later an td(\O~oard, I it for him. .nteed to' be "Bobby', belt in and Jets up a chm

_f .1. '." ... ~ ..... '~._-.l'_"_""'''''.+''''' __ '''.'''''''''.''.'~'''' ....... 1 _'. ..... -" .... -.

1'/l:,I/.,"O'S M was perf 01

,'Iercer al of SI. ,Iohr

Bishop's COI'r. 20th. al ;; P,I

EI'elyn. da , Mrs. Geol'gc f

COI'e was 11

to Cecil. SOl John Bishor while her

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paniard's Bay News Double Wedding At Bishop's Cove

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dQllhh' )I~xwdl wa< married to :\t'llie groom Cecil Bishop. -~ '" ;>trfo:l1lrd hy !leI. ~Ia)·. daughter of ~lr. and ~frs :-:elli~ ~Iay was aUt'ndccl 'JV

: '~.' .. ~ ~: I:l~ An;:liC,1n flc;::inald Smith 01 Bi~hoJl's COIC LOllisc Peddle And Bell), Smilli 0'';: .I~", Ihp !::I'am:l Both \I'~re double rbg ccr~mor.· whilc Goldie Barrell was th~

;,' 'C , PI,,, on Salurday I ie~. petite flower girl. Supporting :,. AI.; rill Both hrides 1101'1.' almo~t iden·· the "room were Joseph Peddl~ . ' ·'1 n. dau;:htrr nl ~1~. tical gown>. Evelyn's bt'id~.,· 1tnd Thomas Smith. The fathers

chiuns pl·e~ided at the or~an. The receiptio:l was held at

Pike's Hotel. Harbour Grace. where the usual toasts Were honoured with John R. Barrell as emcee .

.; ,'::: BMret 01 Dis· maids were ~lis, Frances Smith 01 the brides did their re"pectl'\'ft 'I . d . , ,.1 1'. and ~Ir~. Barrelt will ill " ·.la, unlle In mM· and ;\liss Ruby Bishop, with dillies anrl .\11'. ;'o;athnniel Bar· future reside at DUnl'iIle MI

.. I;' .. ,on of ~Ir .. 1nr! Rub~' B~rrell anr! Ruby Parsons rcll ushered. ~Irs Lewis ;\lcn· and ;\Irs Bishop at St. ,John' .•.. . .• lhhol' of Hatc:wt a~ flower ~irls. Harold Tucker --------....:....:.:.::...-=:::..::.:.~:::::~~~~~'~

~~r brother. Eric' and George Barrett allended t'h~


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Wedding Anniversaries

. Record Number : Write Public ,

SPA:\IARD.SBAY-Congratu.II' Examinations lations are c~tended to ~Ir. amI ~Irs. Nut h ~Icrcer who will ecle.1 _ brOlt.e their nineteenth wedding I SPA:-lfARD'S BA \' - In :hc ?nl1lrersary o~ Saturday .. Jullr cenlre at Spaniard's Bay :his 2?th. 'and to ~Jr. and )Irs. Frank week there are one hundred and \ ctman who will be nine ~'~ars f!I'e candidates Writing the pub. marrier! 1n Sunday, ,Iune 28th. hc examinalion~ and at lippor

'i . Island COI'e the number ;s :, .~erenty·six. a total of one hun.

;,t MISE SCARE CLEARS BEACn I dred and eighty,o~e high school SL' \T'fLL' AP B students "" ",' I uses were .

, rerouted; traffic halted and resi· While Ihis represents a sub. -( ~ents el'a~uated Saturday when i stantial increase orcr the prevo

fll:e skln~I\"Cl'.s reported an old I' iOlls year. there is no room ror Illine restlOg 10 20 feet of watcr complacency. II has bee n off a popular Seatll.e bathing .~hol\'n that in Spaniard's Bd\' beach. A :tar), demohtion team twenty· fire per cent of the school brought .up .. : a sunken barrel. populalion is in the high school

,,-;;;~...;..;;.;.;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;::~;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;p;;a=rt:;;l>;;;' =f l;;;lle;;;d;;:"='1 t;:h;;;c=o::;n=cr::;e~te~. ;;;;~. grades and t he school has been - commended for lis academic ac·

~ hic\'eme:1ts, thc ultimate goal i~ far from reached.

mer fWtorints I

S2.75, 53.25,

S3.50, S3.75,


With your gay new Summer

fashions choose one of our

smart White Sandals to take

you through the warm weath·

er in the lightest of fashion

and ease, We've all the new·

est styles in summer • light

leathers, Sizes 4 to 9 (wide

and medium fitting styles),


More is needed, not only In school accommodation and facio lities but there must be a broa. dening of the curriculum. This is entirely a job for a regional and a vocational school; a regio­nal high school to offer courses that will prepare the aeademi· cally inclined to proceed to unl. versity • at the univerSity levp.1. In other words. O:te that will of. fer grade XII. A vocational school Is urgently needed to take care of those (and there are many) who have no desIre to or aptitudes for the higher courses of study.

AU this we know 10 be In tho planning slages, and plans In: volving many thousands of dol. ca:tn~t ~e put into effect by Wishful thmkmg. There remains much work and much gil'ing to supplemenl and 10 implement a plan, the plan.

S!. John's schoDls al'e bursting at the Seams. dcspite the huge building ~r?grams of receRt ye~r,;. Llrmg accommodation. SUitable accommodation, that IS, has p.I·cr been R problem too: and It costs plenty to send a boy 01' girl to tIte city for a year's schooling. It is high time that pro per educational facilities were made available to the pupils oC. this area. The pupil~ thcmselv~ have shown Us be­vond all shadow of doubt that they can reach the pinnacle, but the future will demand more of them and of us. If our children can show Us that they can do what is required of them, let 'IS show them that we are not found wanting either .

Birthdays •

SPANIARD'S BAY - Happy blrthda. Is wjshed for Betty Oro. ver who will be teD on Monday, June 29th. by Mommy and the Camlly.

Gordon VokF.Y has a bil1hday on Tuesday, June 30th. Greet· iOgs from the family.

. Jeanelle Marilyn Vokey· will be seven. years old on Tuesday. .June 'oth, and 8 very happy day i~ ....... ' fOI' her hy M' ":. Daddv. Keith. Dianne, GI~nys and Na:lOY. '

(' . (

Diplomas Presented

SPANIARD'S BAY-Well ol'er tll'O hundred children i~ the ele· mentary grades were presented with their promotion certificat2S on last Wednesday morning when Hol:v Redeemer School held ils closing assembly.

____________ -cc ________________ •

Re\'. E. Willis, rector and: chairman of the board, was on I hand to conduct the religious part of .. : ceremon~', ;lnd 'Y rs. Willis assisted i:t the distribu· lion of the certificates.

After the singing of the hymn "Just as I am thine own to be," Rev. Willis addressed the chilo dren and their parents on 8 very appropriate subject. Mr. H~d, derson, the principal. also had some I'ery fine words to say 10 )loung and old. and thanked the ten~hing staff for their co· opera· tio:1 during the past year. He IV:!. happy to welcome Mr. Roy Mercer, H'e grade nine teacher, who \\'n~ well enough to come to the closing assembly hal'ing jllst returned il'om hospital where he spent the las~ six months.

Tht! vice· principal had II little spetch too consisting of rhymes in a light~r "?in about ea~h memn',r 0: the ~talf including himseif .

Each member of the teaching ~toff was the recipient of lorcl:: class gifts and all made ~1Ii1ahl~ replies.

Of the twelve leachers two will :lot be returning. Mr: !'<'ew. hook has retired, hal'ing spent O\'er lorty rears in the teaehiug profession, and Miss Gre('n~ladc, the kindergarten teacher has ac. cepled a similar position in h~r hometown. Manuels.

Personal SPA:-.IIARD·S BAY - ;\11'. and

~Irs. Arthur had all their family home for Father's Da)'.

Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Selb\' Yetman here recently wel'e i'll'S. Elsie Squires a~d ~Irs. Gladys ~Iercer from ;\Ianucls as we;1 as 'II'. and Mrs. Walt Yetman of St. John·s.

:\liss Franee~ ~Iercer who ' teaching at ~lilJerto\\'n an'i,ed home on Satul'day cI'ening. She was accompanied by Mr. Bert Taylor and the two made the whole trip by ear in jllst under seren hours.

)11'5. Jame~ Smith has rrllll'· . ed from hospital. :III'. .'~m'.' :-;'o'· .. ·orthy entered hosrit~1 Dr :I!o~day.

... , ;."

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m. ."\ i ~ ~ - :

This is the Grade XI Graduating Class of HoI,' Redeemer School, " Spaniard'~ Ba.\'. nineteen in all. Top row: Ted Jones, Yvonne Da\\'c,

Carole Hutchings, Azariah Smith; second rO\\,: Roy Gosse, Cavelle Gosse. Bertha Bishop. i\Ial'ion Noseworthy, Albert Vokcy; third row: Robert Gosse. the principal. the \·ice-prinl'ipBI. Raymond Noscworth:,; fourth row: Bill LeGrow, Gcrtie Dwyer, Elizabcth .JCWCl" Dougl:)s

'Ir. and ~h ('harl~.~ L. Shcppard: baltom row: i\Iarie Hiscock. Harry Chipman. ,Jamcs Gos~c, Vok~y of Bell 1.~lanri sp~nt I"q Donald Peddle. . lVeek~nd here 1\'lth ~Ir. ami ~Ir' : .__ _ ____ .______ _ _ __ Lome :lIurrin. -, .------.-- ...

Brother COl·neliu.~ Rl'azil frn' ,I Tips On Bread 51. ,John's spent la.'1 \\'c'kp~' I here with. his mother. ~Irs. Stora O'e

'iol'a~r. i, tn keep hreno ill il; I rseililir, <11'0 not al'ailJblr. is reo 'Jri;:inal moisture·proof I':raplh'r I fJ'l~cralol' ,tora;" recommender!.

I in a c1C3n metal bread box. at, SOllie of the iI;;hl·textur~rl ;p,. nrdinaJ'l' room temperature t iO ~ dally breads - Frcnch Slirk~ degree; F.) :llost I'arieties of Kai,er roll,. etc.-will not kerf bread should r~tain their ori~i fresh for more than a fell' hour'

Agnc5 BraZIl. . b :lUss Alice Jewer ~s work in;,

for ........ ,...... : ney's Restaurant on Topsail 1d

There was a gathering of the clan at the HS, Reids on Sun day 8S the family lurned up ~n masse (the grandchildren too) ~ spend the day with father. Ab· sent were the Clifford Hoag; (Alma) who are living in Ancho rage, Alaska. How the branch,'~ hold on to the stem!

Looki~g for a beller war to nal 'lloisture conte~t and a high They should be pUl'cha<ed Ih ~Iore your bread to I'ctain' its degree of frcshne~s for sCI'era; day they are to be u,ec. a:1d . flavollr and freshness~ The days when stored in this wav. possihle should be rch~a[ed I"~ B k . Core srrl'ing.

a cry Foods Foundation 01 Contrary to common belief Canada suggests that you keep the least desirable method 01 these points in mind: , storing bread is to keep it at ~IISSI" . ~e5t mcthod for stormg bread refrigeralor temperatures (in j .,G PAUl FOVSD IS 10 your home freezer Keep contrast to freezer temperature' I ,-- . fresh bread in its origin.!1 mois· Scientific tests have shown thM' . PE:Tl('~O~. B.C. ICP)-I- ,." ture,p~oof wrapper, or carefully refrigerator storage hastens. rat: IleIon s ml~sln~. pal~ I tree ~;.. wrap In a recomme~ded freezpr he th 1 d t I' I turned up In fI\ al he.oll na, 'I' . r an re ar s s a III" ewn 't ff" I 't I h' 1 paper and immediately store in though th b d 'lr I CI Y 0 ICla s aren aug mg. : the freezer. Will retain its mois. much f·f r:a, t .retam disappeared Saturday from ~ ture' remab free of moul<l HOI s ongma mOisture. I place of ho~or in front oC tht

Mr. W. F. Taylor and Mr. gro~th and' retain its originaf p;;'ea~1eJ' st~~~~d i:rt06eer~~fr~~~.~. centennial building, and wa­,Josh Coombs, both of Upper Is· freshness for several week' j t . I' g. found later planted In front 0: land Cove are supervisors (or I Bread t be f I '1 •. or IS es~ subject to mould SPOil· the Kelowna city hall. 40 mile~ th P bl ' E mus res I II len It ade than bread at room tem th d' . e u Ie xaminations at lll~ goes into freezer Freezind will " . .' nor an a rJI'al for tourist al local centre. Mr. Hedderson is not refreshen ~t;le bre;d~) I fler,~tu:e'd t~nlY If bread u.~e IS tention. The tree 11'8.< flown JO supervishg at Shearstown. S,'colld bf~t method For' home ~~ Imlte 31t l mould growth be· From Hawaii to prol'e how baim),

-.---___ __ '" ... __ .. _______ .... __ .I~)es a pro) em. and freczJl1~' the climate is here.

"!~.,-"f"'r1'lr·1r.J''Zl!l'Pllr~!\?:~'''·'-~\)~9'%:':"7.':·' .. '··, '.:'~'4J""'''' ....... 'III"lI!!""'.!'r, •. ~. ~~f-:;:~~;;;'~~~'~: ~:-?~~.;~-,. ~-'"'~~~'~~'~~~'(0'''~--''' ~·v~.~.~;~~,~'?":;~;.9;'k""* -',:. ". "~.f

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This'1957 Dodge Sedan is only one of several which have overturned in this. very spot on Brazil's Hill • Sp.aniard's Bay, where there is a ninety degree turn in the Conception Bay highway. It is of secondary importance that the occupants of this car, a male and female (both unmarried) were returning from a wedding and that both received only minor injur ics. The point is that another car has turned bottom up at this particular place where there is no sign to warn motorists of the dangerous curve,


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Toronto with Bo,.aler 4350 S7 m, + ~ Alloelo, !I8ll6

BraD! 3ge t5li 54i S'O + ~ AIIII Cb 1_ BA OU liD 13'1 30'1 30% Amoradl 910u Be P.... 6SS .37\\ 37 3'1\; - ~ Am Cln 105110 B..... aoo 11m 1m In; Am cyan llIOQO

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H ... ..., 1100 • • .. -I Sl4eoal 2SOO 11 10\\ 11 +111 Bull4 Prod' 220 13tV. 34 11 -.. Am Motor. 1011)0 Ca. Com 360 533 3m 33 +... Am ,",olt 3fMJ

... 111 1100 , 7 , -III RoIIlD,. 102 .,," "" :II III - 14 .Ofle INO 410 400 400 -13 lJadB., Ind La~'

241 .114 51111 II" + ~ 11000 • • •

1.1 Nlrtl! IMS ''''1'0 .,~ all - 1'0 1111 Rt. 11100 IS 2314 U\\ -2111 Irtab COP 11& 214 lOS lOS +1 Iron Ill)' IDO II! II! 185 +a 1'0 4500 10 4 U +1 J Wall. 3000 14 14 14 Jacobo. 64800 115 :I.1S 17. 444 .,. Txpl I 1000 3C) 30 30 +m olllc"," 13500 12 12 12 J.burkt 1000 12\~ 121; 111'0 Jollot 1700 26... UI'o II\~ J.n.mllll 3000 17'" 17 171'0 +1 ow.t)' 21lU M M 54 K,rr Add :1.1" 121 10\\ 21 KlIemb. IMII 315 140 340 -I Kllom e wi. 500 171 1.1 171 -14 Kirk Min ~9:1S It) » S41 .. 4 Labrador 1m sam 27~ 27~i - ~i I. flulaull 1400 91 81 tt H Lok. U", 110 1ft PI; 'V. 1.0ru 2000 31 29 29 H I. Shore lOll 150 ~ 1.10 I, Wau 1(Il10 34 31 34 .1 L.llch '00 140 110 140 ~ Lt.I.or ~7S 210 :OS 20S -, \.Orarl. 4Dl\n 24 2:t 23'" J~radn ,,'t, 100 11 11 II Loul'lrt SSM 1" 71'j 71'j - \'J t.\'ndhlt 1000 15 I! I' LYn. 50011 12 IDI, 101; -1\\ MI(,I",(I~ , 21 m 291 291 ~'I"dnn 3000 :II 18 III -. Morll. 1100 10 10 II) MeeLfflI mm m 112 Mldun 110 310 301 3~ -5 MOln.t I~IIOO 91, • flu, + " ""Iartlc 900 lIS 112 112 -2 Maral,a 1100 22 22 22 MOlaleb .!k 7 131111 - -I>I'jIIV MrKon 2100 30 30 JO :01 Gold,,," 1000 ?It 7'; '1'0 + Iol :01 Horrt I()(IO 12 12 II +1\\ S.,.. Hnlt'G 2000 It 11 II ., ~f"W Jllon 1000 8 I I -\\ ~ K.lort 4500 1~\t 12 I%I~ -eR :OOo ... tund 4Ir0 28 21 11 -I !'I Mylama 31100 171 117 170 S.,. Rou,.. 6014 II 20 10 +1 :"J Stnator 2000 , 8 I :OOlrkol MS I~IS II 51 59 -I ~1I'''':dnl 100 171 1i8 178 -1 Xorando ml Illl'j SO'i SO'i + Ii !'\nrl.fllc Alln 31 33 31 +1 :\orO 7S~ II II II -1\ ~o",,.nc 100 'I; lIt I, -1\ !'> Ga .. 35AO SS » » +3 ~ GC'l1i1rrt :\(\tlO 31 28 28 -4 :01 Ronk 8'00 lIS III lIS +4 :O;orlhlp 1310 145 14I 142 -e :oIonr ~ lOll 1110 7. 81 •• +4 X.rulle 1500 11 II II -I O·Srt.n 620 14 14 14 +' 0'8rl.n rta l~itIO I Vi Vi Ol'<m ·2000 120 ~5 lOS -I OrrilAII moo 78 72 S72 -4 ' Orm,by 760 )'1 :IS :IS +41; Patino M 300 40S m m -21 Palo 2m 400 310 3" PI)'malt 2300 " 18'" IIIi - \, r.,rie-II 1500 22 21 21 -I Ptrron 500 21\~ 211; lIlt rlr~ Cro ... 100' 110 110 110 Pllch·Oro moo N 7 , -I bqu< Cop i\OO 22', 2:1; 221'j + 110 Quo I.Ith 700 430 400 460 -10 Q ~I.III 4100 7S 72 n -2 Qun~ton 42300 30 27 2a -I Qutmnnt 10)0 '10'. 10', 10'1 - I. Radlor. IJ,l{1() 118 IU7 tin -I HA),rocll: 500 30 30 30 R .. ln, lalOO 54 13 13 -1 Rtf\'.' SOO 120 un 120 Hurt'I' 1:00 3C) :9 " R'o Rup SOO 9 9 9 -I R",,", 1100 IS W~ II'" + 1\ Hotkwln 4000 37 31 31 -I Rowan Con 1200 ;'I, 5 N Ryanor 1000 10\io 101\ 10.., + " ~an hnl 3000 62 II n +1 Sand RI. 1000 1% 12 12

'N. offer two economic.l, long lISting FIoD,... for you to choott from - Birch ~ and Oek. loth t ..... NUFAply FIoorinp .. '""" for splinter ,'.nt and ". high .... im"" qualiti-. Check with \ NUFApty Ant befo,. you buy FIoo"n,. NUFApIy it availlble It leading Lumber Dealtrt evtr)'Where.


A LITRE . GO'I a long' way

when you Advertl.. In THE

Slonl .. ", 1170 ,. 74 '4 Slnlih "" 1020 S5 13 S5 +I Sla.ret 1500 " 8! 11 +7 Starra" 1100 ~ 11'0 11'0 + I StHP a JH2 tIlv. 1I~ 12 -~ hlll.a. 110 210 J05 21ft +1 Sunbunl 1200 21 II 21 II1I.anllt 10110 117 IJ] 117 +4 T .. ~·H 400 210 2IJ4 204 Tern., 400 3tO lOD 3DD ... , Thorn L 4500 S1 ~2 57 +2 TDmblll 1000 lIS 110 lin Tr.OI R .. zooo II II I~ -m Trtbu 500 :IS 31 Jl -I 11 MIni •• lOtIO 12 12 12 + \; U 'ahfllOi 1400 510 500 500 -IS l'n Kfno 100 4" 415 415 +5 'Upp ca. 4500 111 II! 118 +3 '·and.., lil'lO 7 7 7 \'en1urM 410 12711 27'1 27li ... v..' \'Iolam 'llG 217 241 2111 -~ WAil' Am ~6 no 810 ~IO -! 1\111r01 109~0 130 UO 1)0 +10 Will .. , sooo 18 II II Winch 108 '" .1', 5'\ _, Wr Har. m Ill) 147 117 -. \,.1. L,"d • 1300 4ft .14 3 • +2 ,',lIorn IttOtl 7 7 7 \'k Bur MIl 1" It. m -I Ynun, HG 1801\ lOll In4 1~7 -I S.nmAC fOOl) » II II

Clr~ .. !lul.l. "n !IIO '71l 310 "ond 0" m m 27S :7~ -4 \'lIkOft Con :MOO n 10 ., -2

OlL~ AtM. Gil !I'oOO 21 II II Alax lOCI ~~ 78 78 Am Lodue S1M I! IS IS ,.ehor \45.,., 19 17 II Almln.:r t(Itl 400 :19, 4.,., Allmpra I/)IO ISO ISO I!O -I 11111 ~A lOCI eoo 7" '85 -25

Can Iron 1;0 S33 33 33 -.,., '.., \,,*1 jj()ll

Ca. Mall lG 167 67 67 -3 Am Tol 31100 Can Malt PI' 12" 12!I 2.5 ~ ., .lUll J200 CSL 831m. 48\\ 48!; + 11. Arlltco 511 Do<: C Bank Com 40; IMV, 6~ 62 -'> Armsli Ck 100 CDr", '" $39~' 39~ 391,i of- 1,.. AnAconda t,()(u C Dr Alum 180 SIS IS 15 -.. Babcock 100<, CBAL A wta SOO 68() 67,5 6iO -20 Ball Ohio :)'JI~I C eel 3;5 S32\io 32'> ;Il\io Both Str.1 "'~',I C Chom con 210 11211 12;> 1211 + 1', Botln, Air 9~~, C on\·'~t A 200 400 400 0400 of- 2.5 Bordtn en b')li C Cottons 100 S16 16 16 Borll War ~ l'lll c.: CotionJil pr 600 srn. J7h IH, .j. '. Budd Mfa non C HrdeaT 42j Slll.~ It 111 ..... I. Burl ~lI11A loti;11 f Pow pr 110 '46~ 4~I. 4ft), -1';'i. RurrOUllh, '\.)10 C. on lOSO $29", Z9 29 - l.. Calum~t WI (,PR %715 C3t. 28 28\~ '" I "I c rpt pr 1~14 .13 t • 131~1I9v! ,; V1tktn 335 11'. 19 19 -- ~ . Co~hl\n U5 19 1 P (on ;\1 l' 1290 '19~~ 19 1• HII) Con TexlU, l;~ 2~ 250 2:~n Coni Gla,. tS $331.1 331, :Il~ Corby ~ 100 SI~ It I~ -', l:rown;1. ,It t2.:. $23 2i :!J - IjI


Olsl StU ~5 U2~ J2'i 31'1 +', THE SJlLlI..(jR~ .. \1 o Orld(. 14' m 23 2:1 n [001 pr 100) S6', ~', ~".'. STEIH1S1lJP~ L Ttl n Ollrl" 100 SIO', 10', :0', .', ~I.\'. Prrlh: In,rl1112 ". f! rndr), 1210 '"II .;1"1 "i~4 .... I" CI [l ~t"l r~~ 119', 1", tl', tOil June 26:h. TnrOll10

~o,;IO~~:,. ,ai~ itt':~ I~ -', and 'Iotltrcal ,Iltnp 2gth 0\1 Pont "d ~j~ 124 23'~ 11i ... t. I Johnl<. nur)ul~ Fr A 2:.\'_ A ~ ... 1. ~1 \' D' rt 1 F:ddy ~"Irh m '29 ~'" I' .. ,I r. Or 0':.111"2 al Enam Prod 9 l~ :1M ).'>11 ,~. ronto .Itlly 2nd. !Iomllto, fOlD Play m 121', 2:', •. , - '. 3" rl \1 rord t:~ .~~ m ;1 72 "rIJ., an . onlro~1 Jul', FoundatlOft tIl m 14 14 Botwood nl1d ~: J, . . Fr9~ 1M UI "~" "";.-", ~ t' .. " (,\,',\11 \ Fr r.1f pr 3!~ !l~ 61)0) p~ _ 30 , ';llin,ou 50 $3A'; 3''', :W, - " ~!.S. Belle Ie!. lJ ' Gat l pc pr 3\ '102 102 102 -1 '~ JI' f . " ' r;al 31, re pr 23 1\05 10.1 101 i "t 0, III S rom .l.or.lrell (; .. O'~o t2.I I~ 9 , 'June 30th. '

BIU ~ pr 121 1201~ :0,. 20\\ Roll 5 'lOp, 130 121 II 21 San!! 11100 IlG


1\Uto 1- 'I '0 12 +I Bo" 8100 • 11\ • -\'I IIrOloa SIlO 70 7D 70 Col Ed tIS 121 21', :Ie ... '4 Brlllita 'OM 231 232 114 ., Cal.lI. 7S0 71 11 71 -I CBlt'l!rt 1200 57 55 57 +2 C 011 L<!. 400 140 lie 141 -4 C~ 011 ~'II 1000 95 87 R7 -1 CS "otl 3100 430 4IS 165 -10 r. 2hlHIn 3100 1%0 118 120 C4n Ill" 1090 1M 4SS 4" -10 C r.. Go. t?n 130 liS 12ft H C HI,b Cr 1000 3S 31 :IS +2 C IlOO III 123 123 -4 C Hu,ky 1842 SIO'; 10'~ 10\1 - 'I C ... 11 mIlO 500 S10 .. S Cdn WO 13~ 160 . 110 110 -I D.I 1910 170 !IO 115 +10 Charier 011 300 1311 115 I:IS C Dralon 200D 251> 211\ 251t -I't C E .. , cr 1000 431; 43\\ 43'~ .3", C Mlc Mtc 100 310 310 360 -10 e.n Puk 2Soo 4l~ 4'" m C W •• I P IlOO "5 410 415 +IS Crtt 011 600 117 J83 ISS -I 001' Pal 4113 114 110 112 +2 Dome P.,. 32S 1160 1160 1160 +10 01.1\'''' 2SOO 8 8 8 -I> 01nomle P 2600 168 lSI 160 Fargo 150 510 SIO lin Gr Plain •. :l.', .tI~' HI,. 14H - '\ lIome 011 , 971 $IS lSI, I~ ... \~ 110m. 011 B 106 111'0 U .. "'., ... \., H 8011 G 73S 51711 11 ' • 17t; - 1i Jupller 200 :!lS 115 m -I I,.ndo Oil 100 m 115 215 1.1 P,I. ~oo II 18 I! M.rl~ol. 4300 12", 12 12'; .&. ,~

~'"l/llr 6'0 m m lSI +10 Mtdal 2815 274 ~ 2~" .14 MI~con 1200 18 65 M S n .. I •• 12600 ~ 24 21 -Ii X Superior 121 87 In !7 SortheAI 12000 II 14 11 NC Oil. 700 310 3115 lin NCO ~'II 1000 lIS 125 12S H OkaUa 3200 7S 11 -,

'- -3 PI. P.I. mo '13'1 t~~i l3l .... \)

PIC!' Pth~ W 3i.lO Perm. pr Polrol PilUliPi PI ... Ponder Pralrl. OU Pro\'O Oat Quonto Rock), P R01a111. Sapphlro Sapph 4ebl Sare,e SteIlr Free Soulh U sl .. ,..n Tox Cal Tidal Trans CaD Triad OU U Canlo yt UA 0111 Wa,.. Wupa. W.bum. WeOG WC OGwll W Ooellto Wlndlan


Monlrfll So •• Scotia Commeret Importal Royal Tor·Don!

Antl. Nnd Alumlnl C Bro .. DoICO Inllnd Nor saar Sltdmln Wllnwrt,bt W.lkot' W .. lon I

17511 13410 1100 77SO 3.\00

100 127~ 4~ 2~1I 1094 33M

60 Sill 16()0

26100 mo

11000 1100 2700 3iOO 620

2300 2SOO 1000 1000 4400 400

JtlSO :!lSI

R7S m 179 100 13S

20 270 %71 II 9

80s 110 1$1 1:!2

480 II 60 70 92 80

45G J45 110

17 18 80

16() 70

ISS 15

.. Totol lal", 1103000.

f ~1. r,llp~r U~ StO 391., 4A "P, . t Ho,," 011 A r3u SIS'> :~ .. 1:'" ! ~I.S. Bel\.Old II: ,"!ling WE'LL 6tVE 60LPIE nr 'l&\H, WHEIIII A"" rr'lD

SHOCK OF HI5 LIFE! ft.L ROLL OF FAKE BILLS 17'l.1. JOLT HIM Hlld Day 2~ Sl2 mil~2 ~ \0 I Halifnx Jun. 3fll" d II S-.,,\lh US III 41 41 t • - II" De Imp n~ rll 100 m ~Il 615 + John's .Tllly 2n~


I;;:: II:: I~OP' 1~ ~i;" ;1" ~~\. - 'i I ~t.S. Belle 1.,1. IT: Imr 0\1 m J.l0'; 40'. m. from ~Io~trc~! ,lal·. Q'h Imp Tob 100 113'1 13', I)" • ' •. , Imp Toh pr 6J; S)", y, \" I John ~ .July 131h.

8IJC1(S r OWE 'JaJ/" HE F1"'''S OUT nos PHON'f WELt. ;HJ{f'l.t. 6IVE HIM JIST ee PROVIJot WE'RE A CDUPLE

SOME'THI'-I' 10 iHlt.!!< OF FAkERSl ---_ ASOLITI /--."----__ .-r

82S &\0. - 3S 110 119 .0 171 11' +J 99 100

no I~O 20 20

l;O 210 -I~ 2IS5 275 .\3 It 12 I... 9 • ~

, I

iIIOST ~rTJ\'J; TOROSro naco B1 Tb. Clnadlan I'rul

S'oek .Sal ••. Iligh \,oI\·.CI ... Ch·, • ISIlI:STIIIALS

I Arran ~h!'·F Alillmi Brl! Phon, SI .. I Can

14000 $8'> 71'. 7 .. + '" 3;';1 'I~'. 1~3. lS~ + \4.

31176 139... 38+. 19\~ + ~j" SUll Ul~ 42~f. - 11 .. 4615 180'1 78', en +I""

100 805 .2S Soulh II OILS

l4300 21 " l4 - '" 72 +I 18 SO 51 -I Anchor

101 110 ·4 I B .. <o I~OO 'n 70

120 ~2 + I Pelrol 14500 1& 17

175 .80 S DOli" '13 11 -~

13410 179 I1l 12600 2~ 24

17~ ,. mSE8

15 6(t • 2 \'all Laid 63 70 ., Chhttr

81500 40 34 H .,

90 90 -I Jacobu. 7'000 48 :J9 43 H

69 88 +!I Quniton 415 '3$' -IS Ca •. Ertn 140 141 -4

M8110 31' 231 279 H4 42.100 10 %7 l8 -5

205 %10 +1 16 II -I 13 18 -I IIQ 80

157 160 .. I 70 70 -5

lSI lSI -4 IJ 15 - %

59\0 - "" 77 - Va 81" - ¥. 70\... -It. 85 +v. flit - ¥o

41lG' . l~S 138 110 _

Montreal F3 .nyr AbItibi Ablt pr r\5b~IO' Bnquo C Nal Ban~ Monl Bonk NS Bnqu. PC Bathurst A B.II BrAZil nldK Pr04 Cleveland C pr C Str.,m,hlp C Bnk om dn Brew pr Cdn e.lan C Int Po\ver C Inl Pwr pr CPR IICk.h.lI Seauaml D Bridu Oom Tnr rd Foundation

31 Frun 33\\ GI Lak ••

jan029k 301'.0 40 41 '2 701>

lBl> How SmiUt 56'. Hud nay Min S91'l ImpBank

T1 Imp 011 38\\ Inl Nlot 46 I.t Pap 42", Ma .. ·F .. l% McColl



14 N 51. Clr 17;'; 1. Noran". 10'"

Pnet 4Z'I. 48't Que Pow 39'1

t1 Royal BI.' 1.1 SI. I. Corp 18' i

12V. Shawl. 30" 51.,1 BOI,

48 Trao. Ca. PL 1110 1Il1'0 UN Sto.l

Walker 12~ CA~AnIAII 'J3 canl PIP 17V, Ford 14

Ind Atc.p W) SJ7 ll', 3G', - H !II S BetH rd II '1· Ind At 2.15p, ~3 S44 " 6' _I I ... . 0 !31 tng lod Ae 450pr 100 I~l ~I 91 +1 Hahfax, .Jul.l· HUh., due lo'und C pr 2,0 120'> 20 ' \ 20'1 - t. Tohn's Jill\' 121h Inl ~Iekel 1201 193'. &:P" 93;', - I,'J • • lUI !'til 50~ 132 32 32 +'. CLARKE STLHISHIP 11'\l"'l(O\" PL 100 Sja~ •. W'. 5ul.i - l. $N' t· I . Irllq Gis pr :zoo S!41.-'} ~411 141r; ... 1.~ , O\! apor. pa\'ln~ .lom'lra 125 Slll, 231> 23<, + ... July I~t., due St. John'l I c··, xd ,.;5 110'. 10'. 10'. h '1' J l:o~l; M 51; SII'. \I II· 6t .. saling .l1lv 81h. ';'1',1'1111 B fi!5 SUI:' 40 41'~ 4 ]1., "'Gulfport: It';1\"m~ \lo"·Fcr 1!1~ tiS'. Ij', Il" + .. J I' nth d S' ' 'litrh flo 2S0ijj i5i 75; :;ft 9 U yo., liP. I. John I ~IOI.S0~ B 92 $28'.ll',,1!8:- ',£ 13t11 .. sailing Jlliv nth pn'I-·rR ~ .. !1.~14 ~';tt.l.'"H2i -l • II' . _ .

'1,1 I.oco .. 807587 87 In _I 1820' HI~ 1 Infr: IrJ\:n2 '111 Truu, ~~.ISt97'8 481 - ~, ,JlIly 15th .• our SI. John', \;)1 ('(I Car :!f,iSi7j:'c'4 C~A 2 h '1· J I GF. H,ro 6"; \)0 29', ~o "', 0[ .• sal 11I~ II.' 22r,rl. P .. 1Hllan" :18:' 5:13 ,3.' 33 . ·No\'aport: If'a\'lng Pu\\rll R 704.1 '';1'. ~I\. tl~. - to;, " l'uw ("orp 6% "31, 6:'. U -" July 22nd .• dlle st. Johns PriCC Br .lu 5,!,> 4!', 'l'> 127th. sailing .hllr 29,b \:itdl Rob 8 ::!:>o Jj!, J7j 37j + 50 ' I. .' •

'10:5un A iM $29 28~. 2a'. - 1,:.1 • Refngrrallon. :';lol~(j1l 8 192 $18J~ 281'l ZH1, - r..: I GlrtF ASD '"'OTt''''' ~1111~on pr 100 542 41l., 42 .. J.t . \III I.oro 180 '18 18 lB -·1 SIIIPPI'iG CO., LTD. \hl TN.I 12,; 149 48 '8 - Ii! 0Fer~us leav'ng ;\at Stl Car 120 Sl'j~i 1i", I;~ : 1"'>' J Xoranda 1050 $.\1 lG', $i)", - '-; I town, .June 2ith, due O,tlll. 531 'lG 49', 50 + I. 'June 30th sailin~ June Oaih'it pr 710 SUO 14t'l 14() , Par Polo m $13', 1)1, 13'\ +.. °Fergus. Ipa\'ing P .. o H... ~4~ $30 %9v, 3D + I, town July 3rd .• dut rpnmanl .'I8J s..1J :13 JJ Po"ell R 700 SU', 41" II', - .. July 6th" sailing July Pow t:orp MOl $63', '~'. 63 -!, 0Fergus' leal'ina Priu Br .,'Il S;:li "21;1 42l'i! • ~

I Pro\' Tron. "" 514" II', II', - >'1' town July IOlh .. dur SI. , Q :O;al "a, 43'. '17 1~', 16'> - .. .. J I

Que Po,," 72' $;9<; 3~" 3~<; + l. ,July 13th .• salling u r Roo AI' C ),n S;'. 9l, 9.., - \, i °Fergus: I~arir.~ New York \tolland h m III "1.., 34 • " , J I \··h d

Sf;W TORK CLOSISG nOClls Ro)·.1 B.o~ 425 18S 84'" 3.1 .. '~' town II Y ".. UP B.tI1 s\ .. 1 51 Monly If 47'1 Stl Com A 710 S1~ 1~ 16 I July 20th. ~ailrnt! Julr

~o~~d"orn., ~~I\ ~!~I~O~~ ~~ i ~1~.~;~'" It~3\ ~~~ ~~: ;~~: ~ I • Refrigeration .

gn':'u~dli~' 8~5" 5~ldOl),,,~~.ft S2 1 5hn'ln ~ riO m'~ 33:, ~l" BLUE n:un G('n Elpc 7!l~,.' p"n.dlum 52 • Shawin "pr 100 5~O~, ",0, 40), ~ ,~ COUPAS\'

'n ,... Slmp.onJ 950 U," :14'" 31'~ • 'I ." . g~~;·~7 is~S:; Wootn,.t )7 ~t .. 1 Ca. 1963 180'. 71'. 80", .. Il, M. V. Blue Peler

Int T r 3n" ~~:l~~~ ~r 51r; s~~') 1~'~ I~ - ... Gloucester June lith.-18th, K.nnerotl 1041, Ca. loo Si4 73'\ 74 .. V BI T der

F. ....,.4 1an.19k

Mutual Funds MUTUAL FllNDS

., nl CIDldllD Pun

All Cd C ftldA.~d n om a.oo 8.70

All edn DlI' M8 7.JS Am.rtr •• Growth lid 7.44 1.11 Boaubran 29.63 3217 Can.dIan r.I·HIm .. t 9.22 10.11 Cana/u.d )3,08 39.91 Champion ' 5.lG 6.04 Commonw.ll1h lnlor UI t.24 Corporalo Inv....... t.29 10.IS D.m Equl1y I.v mo 15.81 Fond COllocl1l $.45 5.9g Groupod Incomt '.92 4.2.8 Grouped I.rom. Area.. 5.17 1.09 Growth 011 a.4 Gao 7.29 7.65 Inv •• lo .. Growtl1 Fu.d 8.34 ua Invellorl MUlUol 11.'7 12.50 1t'7ltono IU5 14.» I.ev.rage fund 810 7.47 ~rutual AceumulollD, Fund 1.541 8,28 ~!UIU.I Intom. F.nd 5.27 5.71 ;o;orth Am., Fund of Ca. P.09 '.18 Rldl ... n 4.79 5.27 R ••• nl FUnd 5.75 '.~I ~.v and 1m' ",41 5,,] S;up~r"llf'd Am.r P'uad 7.111 'T.11 ~uPt'rvl.ed Ext'(: ss 37,70 Sup,,,,llod Tx.c 51 )0 92 Ex.. 57 l 30 Supon1.t<I !:XOt " U.' Ult Suporvlled Growlh Fund 1.14!'s1 Supo",lrfll Incom. Fu.d l.5f 4.26 '-TV P:I.rIrOnl. IU5 17.:111 Ttmtd Inl· •• lment ...... US 1.'5 Unlled Aceum.lltI" lUI lUI

I-U.'. Fund. . -----Montreal


81' The CanadlaD Pre-u • , Mont,,.,1 810rk Euba.&e-JGGI •

fGUtltlitlonl in etntl ani!" mu1r:f'd ., l-Odd lot '1d - EJodlvldflid J:r-E,,, rllb't KW-Ex·wlrrant •. ) •.. ,.,

1ft! ~Ioe' !CalfSRI,bLoll' Clnle O·.r

Ablbbl 1119 S39 ~I'; ~ + 1'0 Abl1lhi pr .25 123\\ 23~ IN Algoma 27SS S!9\~ 38;0 391; ... ~ Aluml. 2801 fl3~ :J21\ :I311t Alum I pr 14.1 $4S .5 IS Arf!\l' :07 1J7f~ :n.. 31" Argus flOpr 50 18110 83" 13\\ 810 Ill... 28\; 28 ... + ~ Atlas 51 .. t 1105 S2S\io Ut'J 2S\~ + .. Banquo CS 415 sme. !16~ 57 _ .... Bank ~IOftI 1169 t!9~ S91,\ ~ _ ~ Bk MU rta tsI(! 341 3t~ ,to ... B •• k NS m rrr T1 77 _, Boouo PC 77 1361'; 361; 38~ Bath Pow A, SO S6 44 " _ Bon Pho.. 1544 14210 _ IIIit Bo .. al lpr 170 SICIt 4414 4m Bow Cp 51';pr lG .Im 4810 4810 _ ¥,


Tor.Dom Bk 100 SS% 82 ~ -1'4 .'".. ue ra • Tra •• C PL 220 sm~ 11" 25" - ... Glouster Junt .,In.·';],". Triad OU 1100 440 410 440 + 10 FURNESS RED Walk GW 60 $35\\ 31'. 35,. Wobb Itnap 100 375 37S 3;1 Manchester Pioneer Wo,ton A 50 S39 ... 391~ J9', - '. New York Jill'.' 101h, Saint W.,ln A ... t. ~ III 18 I! - ~ Wulo. B SO SJ9I. 391. 39~ + ~. !II.B. July 13111 .. Halilll.

Abllra '8~SW!AS~ Q +1 July 17th. arril'iDg St. An~ e4n 100 SI1\\ 411; m~ July 20th. Learin~ .411 ~.~~..;'1~~g ~~ $~;'" I; I; _ ... for Corner Brook, Halifax Blue Bonn.1 $0 SID 10 10 -~. I New York.

g ::"::04 vr I~ I~~,> s~.. S? .. + I, 1 Manchester Pioneer C Silk A 100 1110 I!O 180 -30 New York July 31s!. SI. Cltom A 70 I~I 41 41 d H I'f Con. Poper 1S23 $4)1; 4(', 42 N .B. Aug. 3r, a I ax. COM Goa 2S HI" 41'-; 411~'" I!. Aug. 6, arriring St. Johr.·; Crlln 100 5211, 21', 21\. 7 8th• lea"I'ng Au~. 111h. for Unl'-FTF.R M'MT!'X') 41'" + '" • , FI •• I MI, 200 95 95 !15 _In ner Brook, Halifax and Ford A 1&1 1185 180 181 .4l ,

Inland C.m 17~ lS5 !~O 111 +30 York. Kolly Il A 100 S81~ 81; 81'; FlIIISESS. WITH\' &: CO Koll'lnll 100 SID 10 10 +Jt~ , In' Cerl'" ISOD 14 14 14 "Nova Scotia" leaVing 100 UraD 2000 4. 4t 49 .Tune 12 and Halifax 1.lna.lde 2000 41; 41'; ... a Morrtll I3nO 121 no I~S .1 due SI. John's )lIn, In, Mid Chi. loon 18 11 U -I . d f r . "o,"dor 200II II 11 11 again same ay 0 ~'on"lry 1100 811 8! 811 u "l\'~wfoundlanrl" [pal N Sprtn, 1000 4 4 • -I I I J 1" due St NW Amull 18300 81 76 T6 -.p I erpoo line .t. . NOClnl 1000 H 13 13 -2 June 19. I.r~\lllg lor !'I.~ R.n M 5900 111.1 1M 18.1 -& ',and RO,·tOll Jlln, 20. dill Orchn 4600 73 74 7' -3 P •• dllll JOOO 5l ~I '1 -J I· fax June 22 allt! BtI'lnn P.nnbH 3100 3lI :Ill Jtl J ne Portl,' 1000 70 70 70 +~ 25. Leaving Bo,ton II Q ...... ton 6000 30 30 3 -I Halifax .Tllne :l0, dlle st. ~~: L~~b.lI I: ": 17~ 11 ~I~j' July 2nd. Sailin~ again St La .. Ra. 1450 4lG 4!S m -15 day for Liverpool. , Qu. tUh 200 475 475 m "Nova Scotl'a" le'l'm" S Dulaull 3000 II 14 14 • • Sl4con. SOD 10 In In -1 pool Jllly I. due 51. John'l

~;~ RGOld l~~ s~~v. 1~1 II~ 7. Leal'ln~ for Halifax Ind 5ullll·a. IOn ~ lOS :I0OI -I IOn July 8, du@ Halifax Tarho 1%000 II 14 14 -1 TOlin %!.,., 18'~ 18 I~ - 1'0 and BasIon July 13. 'nb ~I. 150~ HI, 14'~ 141'0 Booton Jul" 14 Ind Til.. 8100 72 70 ,. _I 0 ,

Vlr,,",a <300 15 15 11 July 18. due 51. ~"Ibarn. ~~~1 8221 n ~ II ... , 20. Sailing again um. W .. tvlll. 1000 8V, ~ ~v. - 1'0 Liverpool.

otal .. I .. , Indullrtall moo mID.. "Newfoundland" aa4 ou. 301~. ... ....... erpool July 15. d1le

New York July 21. Leaving for

OW TOSK eLO!TlfO ITOCIII By TIll AllotJtted 're'll If." Tork Ito~. ZUllllD,ISaa.e •

. (Id - Ex·,!lv1d .. d If - EI·rt,hl. :J1I'-EE·".rra .....

Nd SI.o' 811.. IIIIb r- Clo.. Ch·,.

ACT lnd 700 10\\ lG lG\\ + ~


Halifax And Boston July

Hallfax July 24 and

July 27. Leaving 28 and Halifax A ugU!t 1, John'. August 3. Sailln, lime day {or Lh·erpool.








DAILY NEWS Our DEeENTURESare easy to buy, are an approved Trustee Investment, and May b. purchased In amount of $100.00 and upwards.

Writ. or coli to·day




THE EASTERN CANADA SAVINGS & LOAN CO, Serving Canadlons for 70 years. Now -ready to Slrve Newfoundlonders.

164 WATER ST. P.O. BOX 175-P'HONE 3335 CLAUD! t. DAWf, MClnClg&r

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Guards ha){ leal


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'"U15 lED r"': f'2' Picmeet' , J .. !r 10th. SaiIIt I Il1"- Balifu. • ,rri1'\DI st. t Lotanll, .4Y .,: Brook. ga1ilu :-I: '<:C-f Pi~ d J::~ 31st. St. . • 3rd.. Ba1ifU. ';~111ll St John'i , ~.~ ."ul[. 11th. for ~L !'Ialifn and

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--... _ .. __ ._ ..



luards, Crusaders Tie D'eon Hits Homer Bucks Drop Braves He play 11IC:UI~k~::tle~ig~t~al!~nf:rm:o:t~ AV~7m;~m t~:t~teft ~~~r·rom. ead Trophy ball league game" and edged plete game Cor the Bucs giving


Senior Baseball

St. Bon's 7, Peppers 4 Quigley W.ins D~but,

passed the Braves H)·9. up nine runs on Cifleen hits Rookie Ed Quigley, mixed up I .lIIrrl , and Holy l'r~ battled . Arl 'Murphy, Braves' left· and three walks. He fanned his sluff, pitched to the corners, I 1·1 d~ldlock in their Iud- fielder, had a hand In tho Bucs tW(). Lawson lasled only one and worked himself out of sev· , eralh game for the Leo B. winning their first game of the arId one·third Innings for the eral tight spols last night to Trorh~' in Ihe firsl round season. With a pair of runner! Braves and gave up six runs make his Senior Baseball'

!t •. :~r !ootball at the Ane on In the sixth, and two out, on five walks wHh three League debut a victorious one as . Grounds last night. Murphy dropped Phil D'eon's strikeouts to his credit. Pier· he paced St. Bon's to a 7-4 win

~ ttarns will play again fly ball over the fence for a son the last five and two Inn· ovcr Pcppers at the Ball Park . ... itb the "'inner taking three·run homer. The run scor· ings. He was touched Cor four Quigley was seldom out of

.;:I'frnre. ed by O'eon proved to be the runs on five hits. with three trouble but he pitched carefully i.u a scoreless opening winning run of the ball game. walks and four strikeouts. and with the help of a fast Guards took an early Buckmasters scored four, first Lawson Is now 2·3 on the sea· moving curve and clutch con.' half lead but the Cru· Inning .ns, without tbe aid of son while Hemphl11 Is 1·0. trol he spaced nine hits to the:

. ftp!ttred near the mid· a hit. Three Braves' errors and ccllar·dwelling Base team. His! "'lrk of the final stanza to two free passes brought home (Box Score) best display was in the eighth'

" :~r ('()nte~t linlsh in a the four runs, The losers came Buckmasters: AB r: H E whcn he struck out Ihe side' (,~.rdt won the Stead back with a single run in the W. }(cPhce, 3b 5 0 1 0 I aftcr gi\'ing up a lead·off hit to

;r. 19M. second on ~Iurphy's third homer E. IIlercer, e 3 1 0 0 'rightCiclder May •• (.:"'j' flnl~hcd on top of of the season. C. Blades, ss 5 1 0 0 ! St, Bon's managed to scratch

,\r.r oC the Insurancc In th'e third Braves' starling E, Parsons, If 4 3 1 0 only six hits off three Pepper, ..• ,:h Holy l'ro~s taklnll pilcher Paul Lawson walked the P. Laidley, rf 3 1 0 0 i pitchers but they made them I ED QlJlGLEY

:~~. The IIddition 01: ,bases full and then was lifted J. i\lcRobb, 2b 3 2 0 0 1 count, combining thcm with' '!;:~:~;;~n.Curtis to the senior: lAY WILIUNI BILL WOODII In (avour of Cec Pierson. Pier· P. Hemphill, p :I 1 1 0 I walks and six Pepper crrors 10. bast'ment.


; ;.:. 'Tlldt l iudden de~th Harry Enni~ carr·jed the ball 50n promptly walked a pair oC P. D'eon, cC 3 1 1 0 I get .the runs for their young, Ed Brownc, last ycar's bat· B b II .-, ~n~m.r~ for the (Irst deep into GuardJ t~\'~itory {ror.l I runs home to make Ihe score II' E. Cousins, Ib 2 0 1 0 I JunIOr. ting champion, was the only ase a ~:.: ~J:. the two e,'''I~rfield and Hfle~ ~ hid:! Football read 6·1. Totals 31 10 S 0 Peppers slruck first in the St. Bon's plJyer who manag('d ~';I ¥;.! nal'e all SIX teams p,1S.' toward~ till' gllalmJu:h. I Jaek Avery crashed a three·: lirst inning scol'ing an ~1'lIearned ,to get more than one hit. He • h ..• :~ rlrh other. Il~rr)' Maunder hI Ille le~thel~ T . h run homer in the last oC the, Bral'es: AB R H E run on an error by QUIgley and had two singlcs (or five tries. 'T t Pi! \\.:'m~ Wi! t.he G~ard~. I'ilh hi! .head 10 tip-Heel it to. ·t third to put the Braves within I D, Chapman, 2b 5 1 2 3 sin~les by Dowling .and Under·: Thomas, ~lays and Bob Adams 0 n Ig S e;:!:l': ior Hol~' CrosS. The (ron' Wood's bot)t )lave Smlt't Bues scored one run in Ihe! T. Walsh, cl 4 2 2 0 : the score for SI. Bon's in the: to pace their leam. Adams Ji.'\-"'.'~ "'hll~ Bill \\ oods Ilil' Woods IIIlI th·~ low lllart on Ig S striking distance at 6·4, but the i R. Scott, 55 4 1 1 0 wood. 'fony ~Iannlng evened, of Peppcrs had 111'0 hits apicce

r.::~::f~ h~d the Crusaders' nil chance for Ine Crusa!!ers fourth to go out front 7·4. Back J. AI'ery, Ib 4 3 3 2 i third with the help oC a walk, a lared best, bclling a pair 0(' .

~",:.:" Guards 16·13. In: gOPI at 18.32 tu I~.'e;l the aco'c G to back solo homers by Avery C, Pierson, p, rf 4 0 2 0 stolen base, and all error. SI. doubles. G :t ;.,"o/~;n. $tanza Holy Cross: t·1. and Walsh In the fifth put the A. Murphy, If 4 1 1 0 Bon's took the lead in the' SI. BOII's were withoul the am e

(,;l!d~ both had six drives: Tom M.cGratlt, Holy Cro~s a me 10lers close at 7·6, but then G. Power, 3b 3 1 2 0 fourth when Karl Arns came: help of star leftficlder Bill ;:.1: Thp final (rame saw! outside left cam.! as close ~o came the disastrous sixth for the C. Galway, c :I 0 1 0 around on a ficldcr's choice, all : Gillies, who has an injured knee ,r~!ldm ~c1ting their goal I scoring as it I! pOSSible near Braves. After Parsons had P. Lawson, p, rf 2 0 1 0 'error, and a single by Doug: but he expects te; be back in

:f.~ ,no!s while Guards scor'l the 25 minute ma~i<. McGrath reached IIrst on an error and L. Fagan, ph 1 0 0 0 Comerford. I commission for the leam's next .. ,;-: C ,'r, :n 'Hen shots. took a corner klc:< with the ball G Laidley walked McRobb and C. Norman, r( 1 0 D 0 The big inning for SI. Bon's. I ~·'mA. With Gillies out, ~tike Ilnl.I· (.·ross and fcildial15 wilt ~.': uards and Holy Cross will h'll . d fl Ttl 33 9 15 5 ~n < , T' ::,! ;~ :ht fir.t half was, bounrlng off Ihll Inside of tbe clash again tonight In senior Hemp I were retlre on y. 0 a S after Peppcrs had lied thc score i Ilo~an mo\'ed 10 left and ,Wilf 'dash tOlli~ht in ~enior baseball .' 'fJ

kICK ind run with very I Guards "oal po.1 and then out outs. Phil D'eon followed In the fIlth. was the se\'cnth.: ~O<·I' wC111 Inlo rloht. t:ase.v "'tl'on al Ihe 1.11 .• Ball Park I: '.' .. ,. • football. They tied 1-1 last ISh d I \ I,n_c" nc • ,; . ... ·rmaldnG. In the lec· Into play for no tally night In their _ame for the Hemllhill and lofted a (ly bal ( cell e, The), sent tcn men to the plate' camc' UJl with a spect~clliar play' Thc ~~me i.~ ~chedulcd to grl ...

;-t::od both clubs played The last ten minutes of play Leo B. Stead Trophy and wl\l to left field and Murphy Tuesday. June 29: I and lour ol theln. ~h~e HOl:an, . in t1J~ ~ixth as he malic ;\ ;;rass· • undf'r way at 7.00. , .. :.' !Nltball with Holy Cross had Holy Cross &warming all play for the sllverw. are again aa,mldblhcdadoll'lerl'ntohml',. akl!, 7.00-Comets Vt AdirondaeJ..s. 'Ted Gillies, Boh R ... rimond. an~ tor catth oC " looping fly Crolll. The fil'lt placp. Crusaders will I

~~:::r.O: most (I! the action., around the Guard, ,oa! area but t nl"ht Startl t I 71R "" Wednesday, Ju y 1: Ed Browne. sCOI'~'1. The bi" Ihe hat of ~I~l~· ,to into tlJnight's encounter I" (. d I f darAn bl d h dO". ng Ime s ." I the last mom' ent I't boun"cd I 1000 Bucs - ROI··r, d I '11 lInt ISP ar 0 .,. ! una e to scort:. Glial' J a ' . - '. <. blow was Browne'~ two run ~in· ; with two wins an no o!ses

,('Ccrr in thi~ ilalf by, sel'eral breaks duwn the lipId P'~~IY CrolS 11'111 have the! out again over the fence for a I 2.3l1-Aces V~ Hawks, gle. I Box Srnrr) 'The reildian~ h~l'p. a one and \ Ihat rrrl'rnted Hoi)': and .:ame clO&e on three scoring lam lin as last night II'lth three·run homer. 4.0n-Comers 1'5 Burs. 5t. BOII·.I ~ddrd an in~urancc SI. BOII'~: A R R H E onr record. This is the firht :

!rom scoring iel'tral challc" but no more .oals were Mlk! St:~ford In goal, Robin . The ~ral'es score~ two. rUI\~; 6.3l1-Braves 1'5 Jays. run in the eighlh when Hogan ~1;lIInil1~. 2h ~ I 0 0 ,meeting of tbese two clubs in : tallied and the encounter finish· Short and Sam Pretty as (ul1. In .the m:th and a ~Illgle. m the. Thursday, July 2: . reached on an error and a loop. Hol!', If 4 2 1 II regular ~cason ball. : .

l~" Rn Smith in the Guard; cd 1·1. backs, Joe Gulliver, Harry En. sc;.~nth for their mne·run 6.30-Adirondack. VI J~r5. . illg fly by Gillics was mis.iudged Gillies, cf 5 I 1 0 ' Coach Duey fitzgerald is t, l.,d ~hke Stanaford be· Joe Gulliver ga\'e an out· nil and Jack Philpott on the I to . , Friday, July 3: hy Pepper IcftIielrier ~Ioore and: Redmond. ~s 5 1 I 2 doubtful about his lineup for ,. :~p upri~hl5 for Hol~" standing display nf loothall as halfllne and (ol'wards Tom Me. I The .two homers .by Al'ery: 6.30-White Shirts VI Ro\'ers 'went rolling to Ihe (ence for a . Browllc. Ib j I 2 1 lonighl as he will be without I' -..

• I"~rd lI·clI. :\either had ·the Crusader centrehalf and Grath, Barry Maunder, Bill I \\'~rc ~IS ftfth .and ~Ixth w,lllie' Sunday, July :i: double. Arns. e 3 1 0 0 the sen'ices ol lirst baseman , ;l\ C~ :be d iC;:lth fired be· ~.ra~1 firsi .tar oC thll I~me, Woods, Frank O'Kee!e and i ~\ ~:s~ \~as h~S dthl~d'th D eoan !'~L~~~v~,s v~a;lometl. Tom Adams who went thc Casey. rf 4 0 0 ~ 'Robin Short and c~nterh fi~lter I.

: ,p man 0 came up re Nort was a tower of Danny Carew. lee sec n 0 e IC .: 'oj d ~ I 6' first seven innings (or Peppers, Comerford, 3b 5 0 1 : ,Jerry Gullh'er. an I. or s op ,t " ... ~ .. _, ~t'Hat great SlOps. streni!th as a Guard. fullback Guards wlil have their leam son

T, . on ay, u y : 'was strong until the Quigley. p 4 0 0 1 . Barry i\launder who Will dawn ..

~'t (;;:rl~nd .tarted the and was second atar wllh Barry coming from the 11 men they \ op percentage hitler was: 6.30-Braves Vi While Shirts 51. Bon's inning. He had allow· Totals 47 7 6 4 'Cootball bools. . I'. -:'o;:;'~~' .• ' . • corina play. He mOl'ed i :'Iaunder uf Holy Crou lettinl used last night plus two ed only two runs in the firsl! : The Crusaders' probable hne-

,J;(~l~' to intercept a i the nod for third ,tar. others. Rex Smith wlll be In six innings and struck oul ~Peppers: AB R H E 1 up will have either Jim Carey cleariOi play and, Referee: Andy Poy, goal wIth the fulls and halves d eight men. Wimer pitchr.d the! Thoma.;. ss 5 1 2 I I or Wilbur Newell 011 Ihe mound . :1:'

tht ball to Bruce New- Linesmen: Nels A'h and Jim coming (rom AI! Carew, Fred B tt· L eighth for Peppers anti Dow· I White, 21J 4 t 0 1 I' with Bill "Chewy" Rob~on ;\t~ .. no')k passed the ball Pike, North, Bob Badeock, Hable a I ng ea ers ling pitched the ninth. Rpnder, Ib 3 0 0 0 harking them up. On first "Y~: Holy Cross fullback Sam LINEUPS Pike, Gordon Manston and The SI. Bon's win gave them Lelroy. 1 b 2 0 0 1 I base will likel:' have Mikt M~r. ,-

to outside right Ray WlI·! GUARDS: Goal, Rex Smith; Don Ash. The five forwards a two and one record on the Dowling, 3b. P 3 0 1 1 tin. on second Pat Barron. w~th u:d the pla~' went In I Fullbacks, Fred North, Alf wlll be picked from Ray Wllk· first rlln and put them in a Underwood, c 4 0 1 1 Gordon Breen moved. Crom thlr~ . -> ' of l.he C~!ader .nets be· Carew; halves, Bob Badcoek, Ings, Bruce Newhook, Charlie first place tie with Holy Cross Mal'S, rf 4 0 2 0 hase to short stop. In Breen s i':lklns hit pay dirt on a Hobie PIke, Gordon Manston: Snooks, Don Winsor, Gene By BEN OLAN despite a three point slump to who have won two and lost B. Adams, cf 4 1 2 0 position will be Jac.k Wlther~.

"rldl.~j(\I·!r.~t 4h·l.6~ k:Pt 1\\~rln\\s'aorrd,S'ChGarelnlee sGnoaorlka,ndS' ruD~ne Garhlandl and ROY11lJenhklns. NEW YORK (APi-Pistol Pete .325. none .. .Fei1.dians have a one i ~!oore. \C, 3b 42 00 01 00 Out indleft 'tfhieldChwlll~ b~\,Palhslhl , ~, ." ~ ~ T e eague wave no Runnels of B03ton, seeking to AARON TAJUI OFF and one record and should Ihey I T. Adams,· p Leonar w: ar Ie .' rrmmrd in lor three Ne"'hook, Ray Wilkin •• ' game on Wednesday night. win the Am.erican L~ague batting In the Na.tional League, Hank beat Holy .C~OS5 .in the o~ly R:.ckOCC (ph) 0 1 0 0 ,likel): getting the nod for cen· 'If'fore the ~ 'al ami: HOLY CROSS: Goal, Mike The next game Is set (or champiDnshlp 10llDWI:lg last sea. Aaron of !\Illwaukee tailed 01£ 10 game remaining m the fIrst 1\\ Imer, p 0 0 0 1 ter field. The Crusader~~ right

~;: the sc .. ~.. the PI'C~" Stanafordi fullbacks, Robin Thursday night and unless son's heartbreakIng setback, has points to .381. Except for a three. rDund all three teams will be,: :ahalak, If 1 D 0 0 ,fielder ~1Il. be Fr~nk NlI,\ana·v m iI~ain apl:lie:l by Holy, Short, Sam Prelty; halves, Jack there Is another dea~locked fired a .402 average at opposing homer barrage against San Fran. tied for first place. Only olle: Totals 36 4 9 6., Charl.le Riddle Will .star~ D. e

They Ca'll~ close on! Philpott, Joe GulUver, Harry game tonight, St. Pat sand pllchers this month to thru3t him. cisco on .Iu!le 21, the Milll'auke~ thing is certain about the first: \;mplres: H~rtmau, Duff~, I Hall With Doug S~ulres :dol~!: good "lotH but thlJ wltrk i EnnlJj forward" Danny Carew, Felldlans will open the sec· sell into the thick 01 the race. slugser has been losing ground roun'd standings at the momcllt. Cr~nsh~\I'. Breen. .' thc cat~hing .. On first base \1'111 Smith 3nd fu II bark. Fred I Frank O'Keefe, Bill Woods, ond round. Should the Guards, In seventh place with a .321 13teadily since dropping under the I Peppers He going to he in the Scur~rs: Perlin and D0~ Ie. be Bill ~Iarttn. on seeon~ Dick 'l~pped ~ny 5corin~. Barry Maunder, Tom McGrath. and Crusaders tie again to·: mark on June I, Runnel.~ has I .400 mark on June Ii. I_~_' ..... -----. ---. Cooke. with Tols Chapman play·

IIlght they'l1 likely play on I climbed to second piace at .3521 Howcl·er. Aaron·.~ close.<t Jlur.: failed to connect. Co\al'ilo has 22. t'.I'O \\"c~k, SlIlId.ay I~ takc ~ g~ ing shorl stnp. Bob Ploll:hnl~n Thursday. I wilh 41 hit~ in 102 at bats. I ~uer. Bill White of SI. LOlli •. also' K~lelJrcw also drol'c in ~ix run.> hOlm!' IC~(I Olcl:'alon a~ll( ~'. ,will be Ihe hUs~' man (III th,

Brien, Coach

Mac-Curtis Dismissed

r.,.~ Br;rll ""~~ di~l\Iisscd lind :llount Ca~hel was alsn ::4'.;: nf Ihe ~Iacphcl'~on· I cr:ntacted by the ~EWS lut

lontball teams last· nlsht. He said "I have been B:lcn. IIIIS presented i hindered (rom the Itart by

I :e:tcr 'I~nl'd br ~Iorlcy I ClInstanl interference from the '~l":·etar~· of the re· I executive .... t the start of my fCtrm~d assol'iation and 1\ practice I was given complete

!!l~1 hI> serl'i('e~ are no conlrol o( the two teams. I required. Xo reason (or wanted to resign last Thurs·

"-ml:~saJ was given. day night but stayed on In lett!'r to Brien: the best Interest of Cootball."

June 27th, 11159 "The decIsIon was made last Curli~ A.A., nll:ht" Brian went on to say.

"I wanted to resign Friday. F:r. .111 nc 26. The letter was dated

t I Joirtt m~ .. tin2 of the June 27 the night after I was and leam mcmbers l,re vented from puttlnll ·the C. United A.A. It team I wanted on the field.

• ...,..A8'" that your services I've been at every practice of or both leams of the the team Crom May 16 until

'nl\ it no longer reo last night." I\"~ ~rr I'rr~' ~orry that "The Macphcrson·Curtis AA

I"~' b~1! In hr tAken asked nil' to' eORch their It r~~l Iha' II i.\ in the I team~, The worst thing that ""I~rr't 01 this as!oci' I rrcr hllppcncd 10 them was

, dl awing with Holy Cros~. Now T'''"n; )Ou \'cr~' much (or i the executive has the feeling

"nrc.. 1 thAt they can manage the team I rrmain. i themseh·cs. Good luck". Brien 'lORLH FORD. ,(lnlshed up.

Secretar)'. I ...,... _____ _

: allhrough Sunday's games he! went into a tailspin. While Icll 14 : 10 hoost his a~~rc~alc to ';9. B,:l razo; Er:1lr Banks In ''\t't~ romcr.'. Patrolhng the ra:\'

P t · .; trailed paCe •• etting Han'cy: point.~ to .346 with only 'Hen' Skowron of ";.CW York. \\"ho h;l' 'ion~1 Lra:!lIf compctltlon .. a ~l (urr~ will b~ H~rry Simp>ol1 In r .. £Ie lee i Kuenn of Delroit by o~l\' three I safeties in 28 trip.; in last lI'eek's : j4 haltco in 'ollr rlln~. CII·.< ha, 2.\. r,ank., (onllnllc., 0 left J;nh ('nle in rrntrr. an', , (..Ii poinls. Kuenn dropped fOllr poin!s t' aetio~. 1 Eo ~tathrw', of ~Iih\allkrp hil Irad in Ill\! 1\llh it. Ihrr~ mill" (·It".rho IIlI"r ,lr"\1 in ri:hl. ;

to .3:;5 in last week's Itames. Orlando Cepeda of San Fran·' hi; fir;t home run in more Ih~n Ihan .'a,nn. , '

C With Ihree days remaining In cisco and .Joe Cllnnin::ham 01 St. ! , orn er thl! 19;;8 season. ~unnel5 .ap·1 Louis are de/ldlock~rl 1M thiro I MaJ'or Leagues. i peared headed lor hiS flr~1 litle. place at .339 and Pick SlIIart of i • Bllt he \1'83 ol'ertaken by team· Pittsburgh had ad\'anced to lifth . __ ~ _____ ;:o. __

mate Ted Williams on Ihe next· with II .3.;7 mark. I 7 I 10th An open practice lor the ~t. : to·last day lind finished with .322 Harmon Kiliehrew of Washin::.: A' T '11 n

Bon's junior football team Will . while Wi11iam~ II'D:1 with .328. ton increased his leads in the: Say be held at Shamrock Field to· I Al Kaline of Detroit dropped to .~mel'ican LeagUe home 'rlln and, night. The workout will atart t~ird. place. at .34t He had six runs batled b competition. H(' hit i at 700 Ind a large turnout of hl~ In 23 tries la~t week and lost I two homers 133t week for a s~a'I' T. play~rl i. requested. seven poin!s. N~130n Fox of Chi· son tolal 0/ 2~ while Clel'eland's I • To 0 ow n I g e r s

cago remained In the No. ~ spot Rocky gcolavllo. the runner·up. n n I n g Guards junior baseball team

will hold In open ~ractice.t Letter To Lett T the Ayre Athletic Grounds at er 0 d' f( CLEVELAND (APl-Cleve. 9.30 a.m. Wednes~ay. S Ed' By The Canadian Press . I run, hit a two·bagger lea lOgO 1 land Indians po~nded three

The St. Pat's junior and len· Sports Editor ports It or A pair of errors by Detroit; the 11t:\'ER TAKES OVER 1 young Cincinnati pitchers for ~O II . I relief pitchm started a do~n· '\ G (ter Johnny hits to beat tbe Redlegs, 11-1, In

lor loccer Iquads will dr I to· Sports Editor, Daily News, pour of eight runs that camed Garver came on ~ !'II . an exhihition game Monday night at 7.00 at st. Pat's FIeld. Sports Editor, Dally' News, Dear Slr,-A few d~ys MO I Kansas Cilv Alhletics to a 10.3 Groth slIIgled. Ganer. ~ I an ni~ht

Dear Slr,-T re~1 sure that I read a letter In your p~per 10.inning \:icLory over the Tig· olher ex·D~trOJler 1 gat\e RUP k~! A homer by Woodle Held There will be ,\0 praetlre for every local citizen who has addressed CIt the Sports Editor, I ers Monday ! run producllIg sing e 0 uc ,), ave the Tribe its first run.

the Holy Crosl football team read of thr. stlccess of two and WM signed hy ~ill Caul. I A' leado(! home run in thc; Bridges but got the next two: g Jim Pendleton's homer pro-tonight. The workout will take ~'oung St. .John'~ !"len during I It eoncerned wresthn~. Well i ninth by former Tigel' farm· bat~er.. . . d ( De.1 duced Cincinnati', only run. place WednesdllY night at 7 .. 00 the recent 1\1arlllme brIdge Bill, to you lind the boys I can: hand Kent Hadiey scnt the can· Jim BUlIllllIg s~al tCd . or th: Julio Gien'a a righthander ~t the Brother Egan MemOrial tournament held At Halifax say t often saw Ivor~e houts i test illto overtime. Iruit but ~'as IIlJure ~II .e fruill Cincinnat/s Reading farm Field, will feel justly proud Of lhc At the stadium. and it wllsn·t, Barney Schultz Cllllle in to. third .1Il1ll1~g when. umpc s club in Ihe Eastern League,

, . . hanOI' and I!lory aclllcved any of the. local ?out~. r was, itch in the 10lh and {umblen a! 5creanllng h.ner ~tru(.k him o~ went Ihe first six innings and The SI. Bon. Junior has~balJ Rllalnst the keenest compcti· under Ihe Impression that you , ~ouncer hit by pilchPr Bud hIS nght wnsl. Bunmng sufter 'was credited wilb the \·iclory.

leam will hold an open workout lion the Maritimes could 0(' boys were under professional I D ley Schultz walked' Jerry ed a brul~e and Will be out IVC I tOllight at Shamrock Field at' fp.r. . guidance, but apparently by L~m 'e and was liftcd in (avor or six days.. , 6.00, while the Bluegold senior Ted Power and John Clous· your lettcr, thaI's. n?t 50. of s:uthpaw R. G. Smith. Tom :.lurgan, .~t5e s~~CCSt~~;l: Probable Pitchers will drl11 .t '1.00. ton, both. young, well known Well. In my opinion. )'ou Smith then threw away Dick gave ~p a sacn IC . I 'EW YORK (\P) _ Probabie

.. 51. John's business executives, bo)'s hav~. noUling to . be W'1liams' sacrifice bunt. Daley brougllt home the Alh.lel~csci .:\ [tod '., major league The Maepherson·CurtlJ junior at their own expense, In· ashamed of. I don't thInk I b h cd and only run until Hadlcy. clac e pItchers or a~ s . •

hI' the DAILY 1 Sli 'h D la<t ni~ht Dave Gil· ~ g t rop

and senior loccer teams wiJI eluded with the spirit of com· local wrestling Is completely ~;~1I L~~~:ce:t alls~~~ wav to ~Iorgan's first pitch mto the ga~es (won·lost records In par practice at the Macpherson petition and well aware of Ignored, as you say, but what th~ d a • upper right field seats in the ent ese~ rI Leaaue Grounds tonillht at 7.00. their own capabilities, entered you boys do need Is more com· Ir iz MEN GO TO BAT ninth inning.. YO:k c:: Baltimore tN-

~:eSldenl of the :llae· .\ssOCiation, Ed Nose- In Attendance manalter of both their and senior football

anll .rrr('t~ry Ford all 'r~ rnmmrn\" to make.

. 2!11tpr<tood hllwel'er that roa~h will. he appointed t~am~ within the next

, I form('r ~tar for· .. jtlt hoth Hilly Cross

HeherBartlett, Trealurer of the City Footbal1 League, told the Dall), News last night lhat there was only I Ilight drop In aoccer attendance compared with last· 8ea80n.

. The first seven games Df 1958 drew 2,556, while 2,528 have turned out for the first seven conte51~ thiR Bummer. This wa~ Ihe adult figures, he laid, with the turnout , of children beIng uP.20D 80 !ar I~is year.

liocalFights In' Halifax '

Three practlcel for the Holy Cross junior baseball team have been annDunced. All are open Rnd will be held at the Victoria Park diamond tonight at 6.00, Wednesday ,t 2,30, and ~l 6,30 .

the Maritime bridge tourna· petition to gIve you more ex· the befuddlelj Tigers Morgan gave up a smgle and .New (6.S v Wilhelm (9-2 ment as representatives of this perlence, style, and color to g ~~~;~f the inning 1~ Kansas intentional walk after Hadley DI~m~r at ~ashington (N-provInce and to use a familiar your wrestling. If you can't C~t batters had edme to bat homered, but ended further B o~ on (54 I'S Ramos 17.7 expression uwal~ed off" with get the competition, th.en train a~I eight of them scored. The I threats by ~triking out Boone r~~::as City at DetrOit (N-the HallCax 1\Iall and Globe some lads yourself, WIth what Alhletics banged {our stratght Ion three . Coleman \2.6 I''; Lary 184 beautifUl trophy emblcmatlc you already know. When the h'l (f Smith and collecled two Kansas CIt) s 10lh lIl1Jlng ex Chica"o at Cleveland (N-of the men~ pair Maritime traininl( Is completed, have the ISO If D ve Si~ler Ihe third plosion gavc Ihe club only ItS Pierce rB8 1'5 McLish (8.3 open championship. . lads compete &J(ainst each ~ore 0 a rk i~ the inning. I mth vlclory in its last 17 games, National League

L The writer ha~ wltncssl'd other, with proeecds goln~ to· PI~~~~/~ :'~o alreadys had a I and shoved the AthletICS mto pittsburgh at Philadelphia (N Little eague hundred.s .. even tholl,s~nds of ward~ the schools, and of sin Ie a~d his sixlh home run,: se\'enlh place ahead of Boslon -Haddix (4-6 vs Roberts (.6-6 local CItIzens awaIting the course a smal\ fee for your· d ~bl d Williams acr~s. Rog. in Ihe American League. SI. Louis at Chicago - Mizell

B b II return of less successful Ii'ams serves. oUM e. B b Cerv and another The game was Ihe only Amer· '9.3 \'5 Anderson (4-6 ase a (In olher sport~) to St. John's As lor a place to train, ",hy er T' arlS, F 0 k House sinJ:led ican League conlest scheduied. Milwaukee at Cineinnati <N-. h but for the writer and two not some schOOl auditorium, ex· Iger ran. . (ielder MILWAUKEE (API - A Burdette (116 I'S Brosnan (3·3 . Two meetings are set on I.e other immediate (amily mcm· Thi~ i~ only a suggestion. bul belore former Tiger I~ sevenlh inning capped S Franci<co at Los Angeles Little League baseb.allscene thIS I' bl'rs It was a very thrilllnJ: r think Its a worthy sugllcst· Ra.y B.oone doubled off Slsle~ t~ by Mickey Vernon's pinch {~~ Jones- (8.8 vs Drysdale afternoon. A meeting for Chur· ,I"hl to witness John nnd Ted Ion. I hope some school olfic. drrve m another run and Lu P d bl helped ~lilwaukee Braves • .

plare at 2,30 p.m. and at 3.30 bay, carrying this coveted It in mind. It would benefit fore SI~lcr rel1red t~ed;~ve;r 10 Yankees -Monday night in a 1 . chl11 Park players wl11 take I ···.:'-'cIHlInll the rllmp at T. or· lals see this letter, and bear single~ across .the [inal ~ally be· t:I~:'3 I'iclory over New York \1 8'5; _ . ,

p.m. a meeting wl!1 be held at ll'uph\', for the very first you boys And the schools. I Daley needed Ne bene(1t exhibition game. , . HALIFAX, CP ;:..Heavywelght Bannerman Park diamond. time 'In old Newlle. think It would give the school ge~ the ftn~1 two 10u~ ~u~ {~. Vernon broke a 3·3 deadlock Guards ROWIng Phon.e Lasa,a of SI. George'" Wednesday at 3.~j p.m. a lads, fIne .healthy boys. celved credit ~or· h s e g t • with a liner into shallow left , Nfid., wl\J meet Maritime cham- meellng for the Victoria Park Heartiest congrntulal Ion S It would III so be good enter· umph. D.aley Ylel<1ecl single runs entre scoring JOhllll)' O'Brien All lhose inlerestec\ In row· pion Cecil Gray of Ha!lfax In a players will take. place, while al'e extentil'd to bolh John lllinment for them. Hoping In Ihe frrst and fou.rtll 1I11.'!~gs'l ~rom lhil'd allll Felix Manlilla ing fOI' the Guurds -:\thlelie .Ix·round bout here July '1. . the Pony' League plllyerl an t.> and Ted, alt the more so since this . leiter benelits ~·ou boys then put do~n se~eral Ilger I nd. Mantilla's sin "Ie iu I Associalion on Regalta Day . The bout, announced .Monda)', meet at the Bannerman Park successful bridge calls for. in some way. Ihreats as h,s tCilmmales p.lod., fro~ se~o had scored Sla~ LO'I ~hould conlact either "Sholly"

lis part of a lupportlll, card to diamond ·at 3,30 p.m. Thursday. quite a deal more than muscle Sincerely, ded from behind for t.he mnth i Ihel IOn ~g h d c lcd with a Rod-crs or Charlie Quic~ with cO:fulure 10 roundera . blllln, I hI h' . BI' RI'chard and brawn. A YA:\fK. inning ti~. Gus Zcrnaal. (WhO rt

ta lito' IINeftO a op I I in Ihe next few days. :;.

willter.weillht; Len Sparks of we I campIon Alr • St. Johu's. doubled home Delroit's Irst ~ nr . .: I Haliln and Maritime .middle'jlon of South Bar, N.S. LOt:AL BIUUGE fAN. g ~:: .. . . ,

I , l '.

· .

, t : p , ;

; I· I l

. ! : ; J ' ,

.; i'

~ r' , · , . , . , · l



ONLY· S 1 0.00 DOWI



The GREAT EASTERN OIL CO., LTD. RADIO J Anlwer to Previous Punt.

[ ,Vllitabl. Market U5-1I011lin. II. r r, Ie AaIOII 12 fruit drlnkl


ft1E8DA Y, Jue SOUl. IoIlr... eubltrlctbelnc UD-JUlt I lIiJIute. . I JIartr \7PI 84 Z- "nd hill

'I.JO-(.'IC N .... 1.00-GeJlual Prol'illdal NIWI ., .bbQa •. _MUIIc f_ lUlU..... I~ JJOWK

- 1 Sol.llft III US-Top of Th lIonilat. 'CIO--CBC H ... IDd W .. u.. .15-IIDaieaJ Clock. .

t.20-Tb. lob lAw 11In. I8tzIDI_ kIdllll U&-Prodl,al BUlbuL -- - S Granclpmnlat

IO.ttl-Martin .. ConI.. DNoh!4 II'lIIIInIDt '.IIO-Jlomiq DtvotlOIll. it tS-Proll'lm Pmlew. UO-On Parad •. ... t.31-DirKt BeportL UI-Iecorda It Random.

lo.OO-Artbers. IUS-Doria Janu. 10~t'o: tAln,umel'l. lUG-Knslul Progrlm. lo..s-BBC Variety. lL1S-liomin, Musicale. ll."-Saered Hearl Program. 12.00-BBC News. 12.10-Announeel'l Chole •. 12.30-Farm Broadcasl. 12.45-Mld Day Sert'nlde.

l.OO-Doyle Bulletin.

lO.1&-No Lov. for LiJIda. sa IeotIIIh IJlI)ttllt1oa IIIb'ard 10·11-Wh.t', Coolda'. ln~ nalad

lO.SS-Who Am 11 IJIdIIa y-aetable lO.4S-Boul.w1v .. Claol... "lInD I~ 11.01-R". Mattll.... Jl!~".~ IUO-Honour Your PIrtDIr. • -- ImPleaaeat lUlI-8ound '0. .=: 'Ihd--. l2.00-N.w, in a MInute : C CD IbI I s.crtd aItr

rlfIndll 12.01-l'cnm ud Cewlb7. ! t- 1 GOO4_ of !.Ol-Weath.r 'tneut.lltPtdawll dllCOrd U&-Edltorial COllllDut. .1IIIcuIlDe 10 M11ltat7 l.40-Sporfl. ' 18 ==<111.) usIJtant l.411-Art Baker', Noteflool 114 Caroue4 2.01-Mad. for each OIher. : ,. EIIle' ... 2.15-Jerry WIUIIll Sho". 'I2Malt4rlDlt

W b I Jlb.,Setb 3.01- IIterD Jam OM. ! JU'oreflIth .. 4.00-G.neral Provlnelll Nfl' • Ie WhIrr

U Requlra ~9 Assam 19. African rIver Illkwozm 21 Greek letter 42 Bud', .lbllDa 24 Entbralled « Sampled 2& Pen name of 46 ronn

Charles LImb 48 Cosnm order 28ShI1t 49 Sour 27 Coridemn 50 RemoVi 211 OrIental food 82 Musical 30 Presa quality 31 Lamprll1l &3 Ireland !4 Beginners 54 Interpret 31 Withdraws 57 Operated

l . .s-liusical Program. 2.00-Word. wilb Musil:. UI DomWOD Obi. Tlml

4.05-We.terD Jamboree. I :t8 Carr,r (colt.)

1I.01-Bob La"'" Dlnc.,1l'fI I toMOUIItalIIP'" 1.-J...1..kf-f-~T,ri-i-t-.l....&....1 e.OO-Newa and W.Ilb.. i 41BlbUCIlweedl -11.02-Wbat', Cookinl ,ts ClrnltorOllS S1l11aL

UO-HolldlY. US-Performers Showcase. 3.SO-Newl Ind Trans Canida

lIatinee. UO--Clrl Tlpscott. 5.00-CBC News. 5.05-Platler Parad •. UO-Queens Plale. S.U-ltusleal I'rollam. I,OO-lnlermezzo. US-Progrlm ~vlIW l.3O-Supper Guest. US-You'\'I lot to keep try.


e._8ull.tin Boan!. m'mrntk I.JltleUc UG-N.tlonll N.,.., I coatraetlOll

U5-Sporta, i "NIrrOW' Inlet UG-PJI. Theltrlo .. Root '7.01-<:lub sa. nretabl. UI-Program Preview. It !llJlPlir 1I.01-B..,t from lb. Wilt ==:-. t.Ol-Waat'. CoQia', IBN",*, 9.02-Nfld. Soiree. II PJtcI of '.O~Nnd. Solre.. ; bab4 ela,r '.3O-Chapel b)' the .Ide of the " III Golf ter1Q

Road. . 11 =a!t'. UI-Ousco Ne"". ! AJihuriIII

10.30- Nal10nal New.. l.,..s

, '1.00-";BC Newa and WelllIer. 7.lS-1\lusical PrOgrlm. 7~ToJII Today. 7.45-00'.1 Bull~n US-RI'I\·hide.

10.OI-The· Aeeu.ed. lU.45-Spor&s. 11.01-HoUieparty. 12.3G-Newl Roundup. 12,~HoUiepart,.

I Jacoby On i Luxury for II.3G-Random Chapten. 1I.~ln\'ilalka 'u I:p. '.1S-lfusical Pn UO-BuinUl Blromet.r.

10.OO--Drama in :'UUI,u,

1l.OO-Feativll in Sound. 1UG-CBC National Nen

1.01-5I,n Off. • • Bridge i Linens YOUS

'I111!8DAY, lUll. Nth.


Roundup and Tllk. 12.00--Siin 00. 0 Clnldi Th.

UO-Nen .Dd Weat1ltr. '7.00-NIWI Ind We .... UO-NI". IDd Wealll •• 1I.00-Brealdut Club. 8.30-Bert Parkl Blndltand. 8.00-lt Hlppened LI.t Nllbl US-New, Ind W .. tIler.

10.OO-COU.. Time. 1l.OO-TurD Baek the Clock 11.2&-Polnt of La". 1l.3G-~0"lm U. 12.30--Mareh of EYen ... 12.4I-Sporta PI,e.

at OSWALD JACOBY South 1fII on. point .hy for

hi. two Do-trump opening. North wu lbout on. point shy

, for hil Jump to .Ix. QUHn.


U::Newa Ind Weatber. t.»-Breaklut willi Bill. t.55-NeWi. '.OO--Iruklut with B111. 7.JG-Ne .. Ind Wlterfront

D!reet0I1. '7.3$-Breakfut With Bill. '1.55-NewL I.GO-Torb.y Weather. l.05-Bre.kfut ",1111 Bill. • .25-NI\\·a. II.3O-Hit Tune of Ibe DI,. I.3$-SportatuL UO-Breaktut with aul. U5-Nen t.OO-KomlD. Dat •. I.a-Lldl '. Flnl LoVI. UO-JlOrJIID, Dlte.

10.OO-Ne.l. lO.OS-Stork ClUb. 10.15-Juke BOI Jambor .. . lO.JO-Juk. 101 Jlmbor .. . IG.1$-Newa. ~WU1 Doyle Ihow. l1.55-Ne ... 12.00-J4iddlY Melodlea. 1UO-NIWI. '1 IS Bamblln, with Recorda. U.~lnIIan" Forlellt. 11 .... !laJIbl1llc wI~ Recorcll.

UI-Sportacast, ~lImbUn. with Reeorcll UO-NI.I. U'-I'auin, 'arad. (lobo

Nubltt). J.OO-IIUJic MttlHe. l.a-N .... I.OI-DtUan .. 'arad •. 1M H .... .... lob', aedwl'OL tN-lf .... ~1Ob~ l.ndwI'mL UO-aapenaID. 1.4I-Iapprr Ser.nad •. I.IO-Fishll'lllaD" Foreeut. 1.8-N ....

1.00-Jack Pllr Sbow. 1.30-ManID Miller. l.45-Couplt Next Door. 2.00-lIy Hutherton, US-P.noram •• 3,30-BIBeball. II.DO-Checkin' In. e.3D-Newl. U&-Amerlea'. BUlin. UG-Cheekin' III. 8.00-Sporta Today. 8.15-Unlvenlty Elplol'tl'. 8.30-Suspenle. US-New •• nd W •• ther. 9.DO-Clty Ho.pltal. US-Duffy'l Tlvern. '.3O-$ez Who? t.115-Ebon1 .nd 11'017.

10.30-Macte of MUile. W.UtJ-Flnal .Editlon. lUG-Romance In MUIle, 10.M-Thll 1 Bell" .. 11.00-Mulle Till JIldnJJItt, 12.00-8I,n OU.


TVESDA Y, lu. 11th: UO-Dr. Blld.OII'. Ieeret


Two overbids usually Idd up to trouble but with I little bit of luek plus double dummy play South mlnaled to land on his

.feet. The luek .tuted with the

i course. the queen of diamonds . openlntl diamond lead. Of : wa, In the rlaht plae. In the i tim. but it htlped to find It i It trick onl.

South decided to attlck the hearll. H. went to dummy with the jaek of clubs, led e low heart, flneued hla jack, cuhed __ 7~'

ROItII ..,. .1UU +A'111 .KJf

WIST BAA' ... .11:,)'101 •• .QIOVU .108843 • QS

.88532 ." SOll'lll (D) .AQU2 '.AJI .11:1 .AQ11

Mor1Ia IIIClIolJth wlner.ble ...... " .. Nerila ... 2N.T. Pau IN.T, Pall PMI P_

....... 1 .. ' .11

UO-Frt •• d1r OInt. 5.1~1I1ItB StorJboft. the let of h.arIa Ind West Ut-QIIIIIl'1 Pllte. .howed out, '.4S-NIWI Beldlln-. Hil next pIli' .11. • Jow e.II0-8lU1U11er TIl.ltr.. .pade from hi. hand. East won Uti-Local New. aDd Wither. with the .Isht Ind Jed the jaek 1.15-NaUonal Ne"... blck. South fine lied the queln UO-Lorelt. Y.UII, Show. Ind cuh.d thl .ee. We.t .how· I.OO-Mlckey Spilline. .d Ollt but everything WI. III UO-One S~p Beyond. rt,ht now. Soulb "a. readr to

l.II-.uU.tiD loud. IJi-Sporbwt and


lU.rl/o.-Chevy Show. ,quetle EIIt. Travel 11.0o-Comm.Dd In .Im.. All he had to do wu take

! I1.3O-The Ih." 'bit Jlck hi. kin, of diamonds, go over •• SUJl)llr hreD.d •. .. 4I-.N .... 'I.IO-ShUltl.p Showtlme, ' SbowUml. I.OD-Creana of lb. Crop. "~N ....

IOAIt-VOClI All Tim. Bit Parad ••

lUD-Ev.Dtid. MedltaUons. lI. ..... perbeuL ..... N .... u.-Torba7 W'lllIu lUll-Club S90. 1-..cIOH 00,",.

CJON ·'ft1ESDAY, Jue 10th.


'Built. to dummy'l kin. of elub., dis-. 12.00-A Lon VI ... ., Clnatllan card one .pade on the .ee of ! HI.ory. diamond. In4 Itad to hi. Ice lU ..... NIWI Id We.,b.r. of clubs. •

Ea.t could not guard his queen of beart. and keep the

BANoTRE·IOMB MARCH tll.h .pade at the 11m. Um •. LONDON (AP) - T.n thoulind

blnllll'·w.vln, much". poured Card Sense throu.h tUB • drlllchtd London Sunday ID I "Ban·lh .. H Bomb" demonstrltlon cllied by the left. Q-The blddln. has been: lit Brltllh Pelce Commlttet. Norla .... btll Wist Tllty 'an, •• peel.D, compoaed I • a. J • PIN '0:1,. In Tllf.lIlr Iqulr. and 3 • PIU 4 • Pus dl.peratd p'lceful1, Ifter cover- • • Pau T In, about Iwo mil., of cit, You, South, hold: Itreell. .1041 'J 18 7.82.A K

,' .• "t.~~ . Q

t,Aect'BAHIU Transform your bedroom Into

I delightful "garden" with grace· ful. easy·to-embroider motifs.

Dainty aprlYA Ind pretty flow· era - I .pringtime touch for pllloweases, 'Iowels, Icarf ends. Pattern 7408: transfer IIf 8 mo· tlfs a~ x 131, Inches; direction •.

Send THIRTY·FIVE .CENTS (In eolna) for this pattern (stamps callnot be accepted) to ST. .JOHN'S DAILY .NEWS, Houlehold Art. Dept, 80 FRONT ST., . WEST •. TORONTO, ,ONT. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER.

OUr 1959 ALICE BROOI~S Needlecraft CatalogUe has many lovely designs 10 order: crochet· lng. knitting. embroidery. qullt3. dons, weaving. A special gift. In the eatllog to keep a child hap· pllv. oecupted-a cutout don and clothes to color. Send 25 ce:ll$ for your copy of the book.


China said Sunday a fairly wen preserved fossil of a huge ele· phant believed to be about 1.000. 000 years old was discovered reo cently in K len h s Ie n ~unty, Shenslprovlnee .

'I:«J.-Nfld New. and Sporta , . US-Llltll Welt her

nODT BULU, 1. JlURT· 8 ~.t do 70U do? MONTIJO, Portu.1I (AP)-Ttln A-Iii 'our .'Idet. You like

omon, were "nt to hospital etahl better thaI 1,ld'l but Sundav with InjlJrle. .ulfertd 1:1 1011 IIIJ1eJ1 wI&1a I minimum I bulU,ht r .. tlval The 'ree rab41 1n4 7l1li know ,our


The execution of Alfred Louis. a BrItish Negro sublect, was sus· pended by military headquarterJ Saturday. It was understood the BrItish consul asked elemency for Louis who had been expected to face R firIng squad. He WIS eonvlct(:d or giving Information to the government during Fidel Caslro'A revolution.

7a-tomplet. We.tbfr 'urt I : e •• l I. f»-WIIII', Cookt •. 'I

~Nnd. N .... , ,, __ )1m Ne .. ......... IaI'optnl R'fOrt. I.»-.liddle. Cllender. UD-NOd N ...... nd We.tbet .. .o-The 80b· La"" SM •.

~r.nI Inoluded th,e htrdln,.f ,Iriller can pll1 ,pld". built to the YlUII" IluU r\IIJ. TOnArl caVISTION Al\yl:!lldy mly volunteer to lIlIIt ARain yoU are South and this the btUII and ,eOt'fA tried theIr tI hold . lIand. Ten ,ot ,ored. One who m.~o~O' ~ 'J 8 8 1 .8 2 joined In the fun eame out of the '.A K '7 Itruule laked •

-----"-, -- . Wh3t 110 you dn In Ihls sltua·

I tlon with the same bidding a~! above? .:

Answer Tomorrow I






:tG . . I •

Pop says we'd haVQ a bette... WOI"ld

If r:NttI'VIOnQ


\ I

If all ot us ware nice lind kind

And did tn, thlnrtIJ we lIhould.

By V. T.



The BITE c)


.,eekend wh



* Also·







I' 1'.1 It I


OA.llY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1959 13 ilO

~----------------------------------------------.-------------------------------" terell II lmprtll1velf that th, CroSS. stitch Art . ; ~~l.i:~ ,m ·$8 Billion Going To Development I ~~~~!-~b~ Of Rival Anti- Aif(raft Missiles ) "What did 70U brilll meT" • ;:

The. • • • ature Parent BITE OS ViSITORS

S.m .. '1tAL TO YOUNG .s. 'tl"RtEL LAWRENCE ,,~~nd "'hen Ted \\'as

AI ehUdren Jr0W, they may be BY RAY CROMLEY reach that altitude. ~; about. he ludd_nly became gin to welcome our friend, and Washlngton-(NEA) - Here', Furthermore, the Bomarc gui·:: aware of visitors. nlallv.. for tbelr beautiful where taxpayera can see how dance 5ystem i4 tricky. It's'

HI, Uncle Bob arrived' IIId lOW.. Rlght:lOw tbe7 are fas· billions of dollars of their money worked well In tests. But: after greeting the grownups' lat c1nated by Uncle Bob', capacity are going down the drain. there's a great deal of doubt a9.· overcoat. Feeling In Its pockets, to tum hi. eoat pockets Into a Right now, the DeCense De- to how reliable It would ~. down on the davenport In his soure. of wond.r and delight. partment has plans for spendln~ against i hundred or more bom· he said as though to himlelf, over eight billion dollars on rival bera using decoys Uke the Quail "now what's aU thl. .tuff In LEMON IN WRONGLY methods of protecting tbe U.S. missile, electronic gadgets to: hcre7" PLACED TRUST CAN BB again.t Russian bombing planes. confuse U.S. radar and modern'

PRO,rrABLE That apendlng II programmed jamminll tactics. \ . Shrieking with delight, Ted's _ for the Air Force', anti·alrcraft The Army's Nike. Hercules Sister f1UDg herseU on Uncle An aunt has upset Mr.. J's Bomarc missile 'Yltem and the (right> alms .only at defending Bob's right overcoat pocket and little girl by teWng her what her Army's antl.aircraft Nlk~Hercu· selected strategic targets ill last emerged with a toy walch, .oap parents were wltbholdlng until I les system. ditch stands.

,', \~~:[flth' the sensational In the form of a black kitten, she was older-the new. that her ' These are the two millie. ever Hercules' range Is about 80 ~~ . \ Time For Sergeants" some peppermlnta and a Utile older brother I, her mother'& I which the big fight II raging now miles. It has a speed of 2,000

~'-~TfO\l at the Capitol \'ial of perfume. cblld by a previous husband, In Congress and In the Pentagon. miles an hour. And probably it , ;n Warner Bros. Ted bad started sbrleklng, lao, Write, Mrs. J.: ''This woman One group argues both .ys· can hit an enemy plane lit ".~." Inother laught. because It seemed the thing to hal never Uked me and has ae· tems . are necessary. Others around 120.000 reet. Like the ."', (If the $t1'vices, do. But whell he discovered a eused me of marrying ber brat· claim Bomarc duplicate. Nlke· Bomarc, it carries a nuclear . :~r (out Guard. whale ror his bathtub In Uncle her to ,et a home'. for my boy. Hercule. so closely that one war head . .• r"mbiMS his accom. Bob's left pocket, he stopped yel· But I never dreamed she'd de· should be abandllned In favor of Army men ~ay the Hercules 15 . " .~ lxlth the dramatic ling. As the pocket disgorged a Iiberalely try to Injure me In the the other. tssential for shooting down tho,e

t<~f'o~\' htlds of the role whistle, his own bag of pepper· eye. of my mile girl." Neither system Is wortb lilY' Russian planes that get throu~h l ;-....... the coilrge youth mints and a clockwork bus, he Why didn't you dream of It, thing against Interco:ttlnental the Air Force'S defenses - t:le

d was too gratefuJry astounded to MrA. J.? Wh,. are you 10 ahock· ba\1ist\c missiles or even a"alnst planes that outman. euver the B'" (' ,"': Guar sman. d by thIa tl I • ., .... "1th him this el'en say "Thank you." RI,ht e . new ac v ty of a short·range balll.tle missiles fir· marcs or the 4oo·mile mlssilt!i

IIf \\'eldon Hill', then and there, visUors and pre- malice that'. beeD active be- eli from Russian .ubmarlne.. wit h decoys and electronic sents became mixed up ill bll fore? "twis!;."

'r n~\'tl are Felicia . d U ' h d AI I A prize pair - realistically BOMAllC '\I":; :\Iat:hau, Erin mID. we v. a Nvar exper en· d I Why not jU5t add on mOre '. So he's become something of I C85 with another person'. un. eta led to create a dramatic eI· The AIr Force' neweM nr· Bomarc batteries to do both

..: .! ,'t ~tantell." . problem to his parents. When. reliability, we can't be angry feet above mantel or on table. sian of the Bomare (rightl his jobs? Army men say that W' . \~ .• :tr R"ber:~ did ('I'er a Crie:ld or relative eom'ea with Illyone but ourselv .. when So vivid - you'd think they a' range of over 400 mil... It I would cost too much. A Hercu· :! \.\~ ;.nd "~o Time F~r : to I'islt, Ted shouts with happy he lets us down again. Instead were painted In oil!. Yet it:s can be fired rapidly. Air Force les missile Is priced at $70.000

;i;j for the AIr: expectation. "What did JOU of wailing, "ob, I didn't know all Mo·the·lnch cross· stitch. men say a squadron 01 over S2 a sixth the price of a Bomare: ~. ':l~~ad". d~~~ C~r. hr' bring ml!?" anyone could be so meanl" we Pattern 7131: pheasant transfers missile. can be fired In JO Ie- The Hercule. system-since It

;::,:j u GnChth dl\'ldcs I ~Iany of the visitor. neent need to think, "Why did I invite 8x21 Inches; elIlor chart. elInds. will take over old Nike·Ajax 0:' .:~.~ and hiS talents this greeting. They want to be this betrayal?" Send THIRTY·FIVE .CEN1S Like the Army'. Nike-Hercu. bases-will cost only I rraction

~i';,:l!ld ~hore. . Ilo\'ed for themselves alone and Usually we'll find thlt our mls (in coins) Cor this pattern les th new Bomare will do as much as the Bomare system c" ..... ::.:!l qU~Tf!'b With I feel unca~y when Ted demands placed tru.t Is actually our child (stamps cannot be accepted) to abOut ~ 000 miles an hour 11 h of they claim. ' r.. b~d and decides irs I presents from them, especially Ish belief In DOr magical power ST •. JOHN'S .DAILY .NEW~, will hit 'a plane at 90,000 feet. alf what AIr Force men There's even some strong ques A 15 l' R :t .',;n Ihf ~emce~. Once when they haven't brought blm The reality I., we can no more HOUiehold An, Dept, eo FRONT With the Bomare, the AIr eJaiym bynecthessa~y tohdo the job. tionlng on how good either s)'S· I rmy men. a 0 calm ercu·

:t ,"'!<: Gu.rd. he report. any. Ills Aunt Mable, for In. change a perlon's dislike of us ST., .WEST, .TORONTO, ·ONT. Force.aim, at .ettlng up a line et e tIme t est ~ystems ~~b:r~uld be against Russian ~!~O~as g~id!I~~ler~y:eo~e !~t c' .""'. a::~ou~h he has stance Is cO:lI'lnced that he'S Into Iffectlon than we could Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, across the northern U.S. fron· ar~~IlY doperatl~'1al-wltb .the. I takes ad\'antage oC" human in·

: '; that r~te.. being .tr~lned to rudeness and change the baby tooth under our PATTERN NUMBER. tier - with lroups of batteries n~nl sy!~e~ I~n pla~~m:n~m~~ Any Russian bomber raid- tel1ig~nce." . itl( ,nl'~ rr.a •. rs. I hllarl· mntennltsm. pillow Into a dime. several hundred miles apart. . bug tak n t It will b II say In 1960-is likely to be with Though Hercules missiles are

r.: d:rn diamat!: story. 1 think she's mistaken. . The change has to be made by that about ,.ou, Mrs. J. So The aim: to catch Red bomb. to 1~1. e ou e we tn· Hound Dog type of airborne mis· already installed at 30 batteries a'lln th~ O",3ZIDS and A child's "What did you bring the dlallklnll person himself. please examine yourself for be· era long before they reich their siles fired 400 or 500 miles from they're using short·range track: ;.:rnt (\f Andy Grif me7" Is his Innocent certainty Yet many of us, though we think lief In some superhuman power targets, These batterle. would 1Iy 1ge1 the chief threat to the target. The Army's Nike-Her· ing and guidance system. In the

that all grownups love him and we've outgrown our baby faUh to make your slster·in·law love attempt to knock down the born· defense. o~ the United States will CUh~5 wouldn't reach that far. main. Pentagon orticinls say it are interested In glvln, him In magical power, go right yoU when she can't. When you bers the Air Force'. r·l08', fall. be balltstlc missiles, not born· When they move into positlon will be two years before the new pl!,3Sure on believing we can change him have located It, your feeling of ed to catch over northern and bers. According to the best In· to fire their missiles, the Red Hercules systems are complete·

.. ~tJd~ v:a~ produced b:r ;:'.tr1ncr and nirctded b~'

. A" .. ard ViIDMr nor· l'suall;'. like Uncle Bob, some Into a liking person If We are helpleS5ness should disappear. central Canada.. telligence estimates the RU6'! planes are expected to push up Iy instailed. checked out by ex. \'isitor lias demonstrated this In- lust lWeet and patient enough. You may, like others of us ID A full complement 01 operatlo. slans are not bulldlnl a big In· to an altitude of over 100,000 perienced troops prepared to rio

And we feel angry shock when similar situations, suddenly rei. nal Boinares won't be 1:1 the tercolltinental bomber force. reet. Bomarc missiles wo~'t a real job again,t Red bombers;






------- - -------TO-MORROW








our virtue falls to revene the IIze that your real reiief lie not hands of experienced Bomlre· psychological laws that control In altering this womn~ at all, firing troops for .omewhat over the resentful person, and he but In Iltering what you can ex· two years. strike. out at u. again instead pect of yourself. Each BomaTc "B" missile will of clallPln, us to his bosom. You've been dl~ap!lVlnted. not CGst about $400 000 The entire

If we're not willing to look lit by her exposure of the truth to Bomarc system: I'neludlng the our 1&Cret belief In our magical your lIltle girl, but by the ex· tracking Iystem, the eommunl· charm, those who watch Us ~et pOJure of your own misplaced cations and eomputer syste!Us kicked In the teeth can only con. trust of her. Which Is fine. Now and the mi3sliea will cost a total elude that ~ ,:tjoy It. maybe you won·t misplace It of almost fh'e billion dollar~.

I am not going to conclude altain. And this "'111 be far leM than

The Silent Chemical

Terror Warfare


WASHINGTON, (NEAl-An Inconsplcuou. man wltb a brief ea.e could openly walk Into the Department of De· fence, put his brief case down near an appropriate vent in the ventilation .ystem and caula the Joint Chief. of Staff, the Secretary of De· fense, and all their aulstants to lOSe their lense of reality tor hours. ,

The "brief ea.e" would be tilled with a new RUliian chemical.

That g"l would act so subtly that neither the Joint Chief. nor anyone else would realize what hid hlppened to them. It would make them just Irre­sponsible enougb to not care what was happening. It would cause tbem to use flippant judgment in deciding on crucial Illues. lIut It wouldn't make them obvIously "out of whack."

In I time of arills, that could be dlsastrou, to the U.S,

And It could be dona by one Red agent-pretending to be " .aleeman, a new8paperman, or 'a repalr man, The Pentagon dOGr. are open to the public five daYI a week: the vents are also open. A brlef·case·full of the gil would be enougb for the entire Pentalon.

••• 0, anether .rcllnlry·.relllci

man could .It . quietly in I visitor', lallery of the U. S. Senate. He eoUld have In hi. pocket a Imln squeeze bottle no larger than on. a woman usea to .praJ lacquer on her hair.

A few silent .queezes-wlth the bottle never lelvln, his pocket-and the whole Senate would be breathing thIs gllS, They'd tul'J1 quietly but Ineon· Iplcunully irresponsible. Sup· pose a,aln, thl, wal a time of international crllll,

A,aln, it would be Imp os· .Ible to know wbat hid hap· pened. Who would .be able to .. y to the Chief. of Stitt, or tba Defenl. Sel!l'ltary, or to a bevy of Senator., "You have been 11818.d, your judllment II irrelponllble?"

Or .uppo •• a 'few whilla of thls ,a. wlr. Glrculated at the proper tim. In tbe ventllatlnll IYBtem of the White House?

Or 'Uppol, Bed airplane. Ipread a fa, of thil g.1 over an Amerlcan Ann,. In tbe field just before a eruelU battle­either in World War In or in a Korea·type "bru.1l war," • • •

American e.,.rt, estlmlte It wouI4 be praeUeat to apr.y an arta .. y 10 mil .. by 10. Tli. troops-aftl!' com· mandera-wOUld tIItft prolJ.

NEW ARMY GAS masks could protect soldiers from the new gases, but since they can't be tasted, armelled or seen, no one would know when to put on the

masks, ably wander off Irresolutely in that will paralyze men tempor· all directions, without a care arlly, chemlcall that will make in the world. The Red armlel men "cooperative" chemical I would have no trouble advane- that wJl1 make men J'IIn in lng, American troops would feai'. There's one ·chemlcal in become a laughing stock. tha works that will make a

These are not dream chem· man not want to do anythln, lcals. They are part of a new ata1l, another that wl11 make aerIes of laaes the Russians him tblnk he'. violently .Ick are now working on. U.S. In· for a whJle-even though he te11lgenci men report these Isn't. mentioned above are already ••• In the laboratory stage, and could be used In small quant!· ties.

Other-even better ones­are being worked on experl. mentally. They should be ready in the nellt few years.

Indications tlie U.S. Is not Ignoring development of such gases came In recent testi· mony by retired Gen. William Creasy, former bead of the Chemical Corps. He told a House committee that biologic· al or psycho-chemical warfare eould be waged with "devas· tatlng force" with gases the enemy "couldn't see, smell or feel." H. advocated the U.S. announce It has these weap· ons 'and Intends to use them In event of war. .

The effects of the lases known now will last for a few hours. Selentists say work now 1. aimed at lIasel wl\lch will have effects that will last for week!, These .eem practical.

Present lIases, in tact, are Just the bellnnlng.

The Soviet. are .earchlng for a whole battery of chern· Icals to do a' wide range of job., The, want chemlcalt

The.. chlmlCiI. CQuid be delivered by agents. One man could carry enough in a small case to take care of all the ofllclala in a key building, using Its ventilation .ystem, The chemicals could be de­livered by ballistic missile, or by plane.

There', little or no danger the whole U.S. would be apray· ed with these particular chem· Icals. They're not practical for large area •. But they would be suitable and edremely danger· OUI on the battlefield-and for key factories, headquartera and office •.

At present, the U.S. hal no real defense. A few of these dangerous chemicals are known. Many others· are not. No one knowl whleh the Rus· slans wlll use.

There's· no quick way known to detect them, no way quick enough to be of mUCh use .ny· way. And thefe ate Jlo known antidote. for many of the po •• Ilble chemicil. the ftusslans might use to lIIake Americans afraid or irresponsible or jlt· t8l'1,

H : L'nited States support the (Do'·

avana- Cross: minican' dictator Trujillo with - arms and money for an in\'asiol\

: 01 Cuba'" . :

Roads For 'Red Agents' Two recent occasion~ hale seen Franquj's paper mildly a;. I sail Commllni~t; in Cuba as· '·rll.

lIy LEON DENS EN U.S.·hater. He denies he's a: I'isionists." Yct :10 great. ~i~· NEA Sped.1 Corre&pondent Red, says if he bccomes one I nificance is at'~ched to this.

HAVANA - (NEAl - Fidel he'lI declare it "right out in front Many well·informed Cuban' Castro', Cub •• officially C()mmit· of everybody," hold the view that the Com' ted to democratic freedoms. But he talks a:ul acts like a munists already ha\'e ra.;tenert neverth.leM puts out a huge eard·carrying, party·line Com· 50 firm .a grip on the labor un' welellme mat for Communi.ts In munist. and so does his ,,:ife. the Ions, UOits cf the army a~d many vital 8)lots, and allows beautiful Vilma Espin. Both are some segments of gOI·crnJr.?llt Havana to BerYe 85 crossrl!dds .laid to bave had sabotage and that Fidel Castro will be unable for Red agents from the four guerrilla training in Red Czech. to balk them. comer, of the globe. oslovakia. At 27 he's described In gover~ment, they have

Castro and mo.!t of his lop o!· as tougher, colder and less gen· many secretllries and In .t"e lIclal. dell)' an)' bond with eom· erous than his brother. army. many lieutenant.! wor~:"~ munlsm. In the labor field Cuban Reds for the. Red cause. As an ant;·

who collaborated 'with the de: Communist labor leader told me; greell light to work their way :'A secre.tary in a strategic pl,ncp posed Dictator Bati.;ta. hal'e the IS n~ore Imp~rtant than a cabme: into key unions. Anti·Bati~ta minIster. Thirty lieutenants erc labor leaders whose onl\' offense more important than a genera!." is opposing' communism, are Cor the present the Com: barred from running fllr union mUDlsl5 are content to stay io o!Cice. the bac1(ground. There is no

CARLOS tRANQUIl BI. hatred Is almos& p.Utologic.

Yet most of those I i:lterview· eel either evaded or could not aRaWer my questiolll as to why Communisl.l enjoy open leason in Cuba, free to bote Into labor UOIOIll, .eeond level ,overnment posts, the army Itself.

And thl. a bare 90 miles from Florida,

At least two Red Chinese alent. are here, posin, as reo porter, .for Pelpl:tg'a New China new, agency. Russian agents pose as "trade union" delegates. In the LaCabana fortreu prison, Dominican and Nicaraguan Red unite hatch plota for invading their counlrie ••

MAJ. "CHE" GVJ:V AltA: 811 aeUllnl do lb. IeIll'Ing.

Hotpltable Havana seems • veritable baven for Communist Latin American Intrllut now that the lid fa 0t1 In Mexico,

Standing In strategic pos\Uon as chief of Cuba's armed forces 11 Fld.l', brother Raul, a liery

Da\'id Salvador. a man little connected with lahor but who worked with both Batista and the Reds was named by Castro at ge~eral secretary of the Cuban Conference of Labor.

Salvador invited three So\'iet pollce agents -I\'an Firapov. Timorei Eremeev and Vadim Listov-to travel through Cuba as representatiVes of bogus sta!e. dominated Soviet trade unions.

Anti·Red labor leaders e.sti· mate the Communist elIntrol at least 14 Cuban unions. includi:lg those In such Industries as sugar, drug laboratori~, air· line.! and printing.

Said Angel ConClno, Cuba's most respected labor leader;

"The Communist are radng against time to gain complete control of the labor u:lions. ment are their natural aDles." Chaos, hunger and unemploy·

Conflno himself L~ on Castro'; blacklist because he back. the Autentico party, Cuba's only genuine democratic opposition. I'

He can't run for office In the Electrical Workers' unlo:! he's led for 25 year3.

Possibly the two most .Inister flgures In Castro's entourage are Maj .. Ernesto ("Che") Guevara, commander of the LaCabana fortress, and Carlos Franqui, editor of Castro's newspaper, Revoluclon.

Guevara, I man In his early 30's first came to the attention of U.S. Intelligence when he appeared as a:t adviser to the pro·Red president of Guatemala, On the latter', overthrow, Gue· vata dropped from sight for years. to reappear as a power behind Castro. Experts on com· munism believe him a Soviet secret police agent.

Guevara said this of himself; 'Tv!! been IUked 10 many

times whether I am a Commu· nlst, and 1 reply: "My actions speak for themselv85." If you ask me am 1 a member of the Cuban Communist party the en· ewer Is no."

No Soviet agent ever belonged to the party of the natloll In which he operates.·

Editor Franqul leme and 115' celic looking once worked as a proof reader on the Red news· paper, Hoy. TodllY he denies any affiliation. But his hatred of America shared by other Castro leaders, Is nearly pathologic.

known Red In Castro's cabinet. Guided by the brilliant Prof.

Carlos Rafael Rodriguez. one of Moscow's master minds in Lat;u America. the Reds are not likel\' to repeat the mistake they mad~ i:l Guatemala, and makeopeq bid for power too 300n. .

At the core of Cuba's ~tor\' i~ the matter whether Castro . carl prevent the Communist bid rrom ever being made. All his dellial~ of Communist atachment tenrt to get lost in ,pongy double·talk. The clear'cut answer i. ne\'er qulle voiced. . .

CARIBBlAN CROSSROADS: A bare 9{) miles from Florida, . ,

To a cheering Havana throng' he declared his revolution has a political philosophy aU its own, "neither Communist nor~ capitalist." He added. ..

"I do not know whether the slanderers or our revolution, who says it \,; Commun!!t or' Iii· filtrated by communism, think mainly of the fact that we do not persecute or execute Com· munists."

What onlookers think mainly' of is the unqueJtioned sharp' id;~ vance of Communist penetration on many (rlUcal Cuban fronts. Even Castro's reforms bear a· Red stamp. , . .

In my Interview with him he asked: "Why discuS!, commun· Ism? Why not dl$culs lomethihg positive?"

Mle:! I a,reed to talk of "something positive," he queried In petulanee: "Wh,. dDel Ihe

And what many Cubans -aDd~ outsiders in America and else·.' where-are IUklng Is: why does, a man who says he's devoted io freedom give the agents of tyr. anny sO much headway? Aljd;. how do you balt all advance thilt, has gone so Iar? . .'

The answer lie In the' un·; plumbed I1\Ystery of Castro. hl~< self. .- ' .. " ...... : .. ,).:

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[Slump Wrecks Dessert Ideas Where To Stay I Overseas i Tall Teen's If thc impromptu occasion Balsam Hotel

WHAT DOES U.S. O'IRL MISS I J k calls 101' II glamouro\1s dessert, 8!\RNES ROAD lit 'AItIS?-PEANUT I A)O S why not call on your baker a~d SitualP,d ill the Heart 01 the

BUTTER pantry·shelf for help? A med· City. B\' ERSKI~E JOHNSO~ Il1m·slzed bakers' angel lood Qutet. Comlortable AhDOI-

Hollvwood " HOME

OWNERS P.~RlS, ~EA)-The q~een BY ALICIA IIART cake can. be transformed into ~ IIhere.

of the .'merit-ail fashion mod· !he teen·ager who Is self·con· con\'ers~tlon pieCe m minutes. Public Notice Applications are now being For Reservations and IJl. Fire Insurance ds Suzv P k I ted f SCIOU'; about her height is prob· Place sltces of cake Into dessert received for the Constable W. formalioD RELIABLE

r· I· ~ er, ~ ar : ~I; I ably the one who's always won· dishes and t?P with vanilla pud· C. Moss Memorial Scholarship.

You need


~h:l s~~ .":\·~d ~ud~e\'ol~ to dering why her best friend look& ding made w.lth I, package of an BUILDING CONSTRUCTION This scholarship has a value D.·a I 6336 Companies, .n 50 much better dressed. Instant puddmg mix. Dress up DEER LAKE of six hundred dollars and is COMPLETE

Pam a!ld bec~~e a film I They buy their clothes tog~t·, the dessert with toasted grated .- . tenable at Memorial University. MRS. JOHN FACEY at'~_f bn .~ol!~ \I ~~d. batll I I her (a~d almost alike \, they ar~ I coconut and drained pineappie Tenders Will be recel\'ed up to I Competition is limited to Re.lcII>nl ManDlerea. Protection

Old En~lish ~lahogan\ ami othtr Furnliure Painling~, etc .. at the' dence 01 ~r., ~I~r~aret pherson, !'io. G~ ~t ilitary

o "1O~1O~, e co., about the same height. \\'ei~ht I tidbits. Place In the refrigera· Tuesday, J\11y 14th, for the con ch'ldren of PROMPT LOSS lilt hlgh-!ashlon Seine stare I and age. Yet the be.;1 friend" tor or freezer to chill before sel'\·· struction of storage bulldmg al \' I m31.U lor SIlZ.." S crown~ I 1 hi' . I k I . L k . f th N .~========~======: I "K thl P tt .. I . told cot es n wn~s 00 neat, smoot' I mg. the Roads Depot, Deer a e, I~ (a) acti\'e members 0 e cw.: - Set! emenls 'I n('\\' En~ll..h l':trprt.

a a erso!'l. "as : and prell\·. She can do II !~t . accordance with plans and speci' loundland Constabulary. I C EY It It h~' peo~lc who kncw about: with acccssqrles. true. but i~, lIow .about ~n almond ~rum~ fl'cations preparcd in this De· (b) active mcmbcr~ of the R.C. i Statutory Notice, J. J. LA . Wd-. SIle '11 x g'1\": 6

on .·Rm.n. re~ . .\' at 10.30. '\,)1.

~u('h Ihm.s... : that th~ whole ans\\'er~ sundae. It WII! be doub.l~ Goon . cd' N I d pen al~ arm c:l;;il·.i: 4 So rome 511 With me at a, \\'ftll.< no. Aot ·Isn't. For th-.I and oh. so thrifty when It s 10~' partmcn\. . . . ~I.P. statIon 111 ew oun . i __ LTD 11~le octasiulldl

I d d t ,WI d II k mb and sh Copics of plans and specl(l. land. ' .... d ! INSURANCE . upholstered in hluc '!dl'\I~alk ra c 10 ay an. mee : truth i5. the second ~al i.;n·t pc. 11'1 I ca e cr~ s .: cations, and lorms on which, (c) former members of both i (nEthtCt maltlErr of tohC "1lttleRnof 211 WATER STREET Klthl Patterson. I~·>ear·~hl afraid 10 stand up stl'ai~h\. S:I~ I'elcn almonds.. 'ou can \~r~ d b t r dis Reo mma awr. a '~enuine Qllecn .\nnc dau:hter 01 a Phoemx. Am." docsn't drooll like a -hothOUse Ihe flarours With the cakes ~ou tenders must be rna e !1'ay e (orces who were. s a 101\~ 51 Tohn's Rei Ire d School PHONE 6921. drawers Illr\\'h Icr'QIl,IIli.". ~I('{'I buyer. ! rOSe in the summer sun. Sile choose - ch~colate. c~ramcl, obtained from the crle~ ~~I' in Newlo~.ndlana t:ndr In, T~a~her, d'eeeascd. I Louis XIV rl;lrlln~ rard I

Kathi arril'('d laic alld ! docsn't Ict her head han" or hcr orange or l'al1llia. COm~I:lC one ginecr, Department 0 u IC ~ood stan mg ~t e Ime: All persons claiming to br. - I I Old Engli,h lIlillO"nr brrathlcs5. whll'h is par in; middle slump or hcl' k~ec,; jut I cup of cake c~l~lI~bs With one- Works. SI. John's, or. from the o( Iheir retiremcnt or !creditol's of or who may havp! AUTO PARTS (Who e) drawers; I 01,1 [n:hsh' Pam. t au\. I lourth Clip sit, cI.ed almonds. District Roads Supermtendcnt" death. : any claims ann demands upon : gany hookeOl'e: I (jld

She arrh'cd Oil II bie~'c1e! The firsl tccll·ager docs all 01 I Spread on a c.ookle sh~et and Deer Lake. 'tt d: The scholarship will he award. i the estate of Emma Da\\'c. la'te, NCld. mahogan)' I.f~roht.n) .... ·ith a Frtnch poodle under I these thi:tt:~ and can't fi~ure oul toasl for len. mtnu~es In a m~e. . Tenders must ~e SUblO1 t~ . ed to the eligible applicant who: of St. John's. NeWfoundland, ' . Armature i cabinct; I Old F.n:II'h hpr arm and a scarf flying I why the blouse·and·skirt ou:!it rate o\'en ~3JO de"recs F.l se to envelopes provldcd (o~'T e Icomes bighest in Grade Xl sub.lrctircd school teacher, deceas i ~ Works ,gan), galr Ir~ l"hlc: I from htr head. She caught her I that looks so great on her girl with or wl~hout a sauce'h ~ ta purpose, an~ .the words .en· jects with matriculation stand. jed, .are required to .presc~l, liJi'ijil}jr~ 38 I' antique papirrr machc brta1il and confided In 8


' friend looks like a potato sack lopping for Ice cream or s er e. der for bUild,"!: construc.lton, . IParl1CUlarS of the same. III writ· I _. !!IIIc!. I!II. Bambrick ottoman" 2 I.1r~c: I whisper. on her. Deer Lake" must be wfltten mg. ing duly attested. to the Eastern Street ! (antiqUe); 3 modern

~Parls photographers lo\'e PO.;ture. that's why. Just a peHzers. She should accept it across the face of the envelope. Application forms and further I Trust Company t1te exeeutor of , Dial 7191.2 chairs; I hm; rram~d tta~' American girls." / slmrl~ nplter of ~t:wli:1)! .Ip without comment. And she Each tender mu~t. be accom· information are available on're- the will of the said deceased on I guard; 1 orm curb: I

Then. glanclng around to be . >tr~:;ht ha~ turner! m~n\' M IlI'nb:1hl~' will, for fear 01 hear· panled by a eerl1fIed chequ~ I quest from the p.irector of Cor· or before the 21st ?ay 01 July, I ~oal bucket: t ~et brass Sl!!'~ !heo wasn't o\·erhearcl. she \I~::' r1l1cktin; 1':10 a !,\l~JI. ip: nwr., equal to ten percent of the ten i respondence TUitIon and Schol- A.D., 1959, after whIch date the BUILDING MATERIALS Irons; 2 orass an:iqu~ added: TI\!; is a 111~'·C()m\':oll' .l:" t Dict. nre ah!'oltltrly \'Ital \0 der. In the case of the.succe~s· !arships, Department of Educa· said executor will proceed to superior carpet;: 5 '

··So. l't·p become a cI'az~" E,en l't'ol'le who ~re IlI1t 1:;1; ! :1",·1 loak' aurl ~oon h~alth btlt ful tenderer this amount WIll I tion, SI. John's. distribute the said estate having dr~pes; 2 Ok EI\~Ii'h ArMrican ~irl.'· ' in~ 111k .1;'0Ilt it. 1M tl.ere·;':111 I'm' arc Ihp <I,ath of MY ,'flark· be held as security for the pro· jne302i regard only to such claims of CHESTER DAWE, LTD. chest nrawers: 1 mod~r~

• • • ' n~rd In 11O"P p' or;·"·c ,'I>~ \\'1:1 ; !ill: rnnl'Ci'.<alion. per and faithful performan.ce ' which the said executor shall SHAW ST. and TOPSAIL RD. drawers; 2 nl'mluff~d Kethi. Patterson is 19. tall th~ nel,q, of ~o:1I' l'~rlic'li.H·. r"i," cyrhm\\, are the newe,t of the contract. The depOSits then have had notic~. For ail your Building chairs; 3 m3ho~anr

-!;"p leet. l(l!:-clas;y ~nd ~i~t. P"r'"r "0111' 0",'11 11':0'. :0011 romoanion, to fal!'e e~'~' of unsuccessful tenders Will be Daled at St. John's this 22nd Requirements cail sheh'es; quantily boo~;. ""i,_1) !ho:e lar;e facial fea· 11'lt~,,") ""cw,:,,: il wi1h 1,·llrr' I I,.hr-. Thry rOJn~ on a nrar;\' returned following the award· day of .Tune, A.D., 1959. 80161-91171 1 pictures and picture t\:res all phol[l~rapher; I(l\'e. If YO'II' hr"I~;' ?tt r!l1 1,1 , :n il1d'i:'l~ npl h~~e and can be in!! of a contract. jne23.30jly7,14 I mahogal1;' l'.'arrlrQbes: 1 She 'II'IS gradualed from We,t ! Inr~~ ;l, 1~llr"in~ (rll'\ tlrO'l ~'nll ,1'~l\rn to conform to the bone The Department does not COOK BARTLETT CHALKER I walnul sin~lc oro and PhDrnix high school earl" in; slmol" ,~\' "Xo tha:1~ ,·ou I'm;tr"=ttlre of your face. bind itself to accept the low· , and MARSHALL DRUG STORES I filled. maHres>. Iwin 195; and as a charm SChOOl', on R (Iiet." And don't dilCU,,:t Thc" can also be clipped. If est or any tender. Solicitor lor Execulor 4 sprmg.fliled m,ltro",,,' studtnt her face found lis lurl.her. :'OU like. and darkened with on , 'I CANADA d b dd d

·"'a'.· l'nlO loral and Ihen nat·" Y01l'l'e git'en hp.r ~' I e\·.~'Jroll' pe:1cii. The~" go .on R. l\tANNING, TENDERS 1- CONNORS DRUG STORE I ry e lilt an new I 1 th 0 uty "'llnlster SEALED TENDERS address· i L."BERT'S COUGH SYRUP 4 .ncw. readlll~ I:mp,s: ion.11 3d,·enisin!!. "011>0 re?'on or pa,,)n~ 1111, With spirit ~ lie and once ey r~ ep... """"

.\fter a year in :'\ew York. tho;~ lit:lr r~lcrir 1~~'I,n ~n nn. Ihe,' slw on. II your brn~1'3 ! Dept. Public Works, ; ed to the Secretary, Department, "lflJSUJRJE TODJAV I can be obtained at mirror. 1 maho~an~ 'ambition 'nd Ihe lure 01 ex --- . .. _. -- ---- _ .. - 31'(' ren° Ii~ht anrl ;;an.d,· 1f, SI. John·s. June 26, 1959. 'o[ Public Works, Ottawa. and •• CONNORS DRUG STORE ,ereral othcr chatr': I wI' \I t a I endorsed "Tender lor Whar!.' iWJJlI'JH JRClA 334 WATER ST. . alor clctlne dtcmtnt broughl her to pari~ ,,7" 'I'VDFRONT ,~·,,·,r. IIPV r{, wor, rrlll.. jne30.jiy2 i electric rangr: I oak

;~,: ,ummel' \\lIh a gal pal n' f\ §~B\ i! 1!~lh'\lood. of eOIIl'>r. h~.' mr:!' Lower Prospect, lIalirax fonnty, 'RCA IN"URANCE DIAL 2206 'table and 5 chm, to

\"l','\;(" '.-.' till' .\lIIcl'icall l\1odcl DJREC1'OR)' I·.'~k~' no iCl'fCI o(\thr lact thaI. ; ." 13.00 pm. (E.n.S.'!'.). 'STEPHENVILLE ELECTRICAL I . "bo is al;o ~ modd, Toda~', th~J1\ Inr )'cal'~. Il.ana furncr i I S.S.'·, will he receil'cd unlll, 1ITIIOIY.l ; kitchrn tahlr. ~undrl' " .l -l'\ I B t th utensils. china .no ;1 1'.:'1' desi):ncrs and pholo, .J '.10 ~''r1r> t \C1l1: . u .. I~' 'WE()NESDAY, .J~IL~ 22, 1959., lR.lAlLlPlH JMnlLlL$ 'etc. ::1'.lOI1C;-$ ~a~' thl')' prcier C)1'CI' h~~':n t ~een ~enel all, a' alia I,e ! Plans, speCIficatIOn ~ and, MANAGER I APPLIANCES I Inspection 9 am ,::~ Il\c or ~is other \'a1l1:c(' , un "I nOlI. : lorms of lender can nc ~een., , salc. n.",dle dolls battlins: (or' o;\' nn" nO!.'1\ I' or can be obtained througr: i lHG>UJSIES SIHCDIPS All goods mn,1 at paid SUl,"'; trO\\l1. . The Dalli,h ;hip "1I1~lr!'li7e. .Chief Engi.1ccr Harhour~ amI: lAW 'll'CD S BAINE JOHNSTON d tak d I' I

1 I CA~ADA . RI"'ers, Huntcr BUilding, Ot·: COM ANY LTD an en c Il'Cr~' 0 ~:Jr('. Katili i~ wild a 10llt 1\'. I~I.\,· Mtica. ~J.\'. Pan and thc . For Fast SHIIPS ... "'JR ...... IES P,. a tel" afler sale k· . P I SEALED TENDERS address·.' tawa, Ont.·, DI'strl'ct EngIneer, i - ... ~ , . 1:;1\ and wor 'mg In ar S. I~J.V. A.P. Cameron. These four. Agency Department But she's wondering about I "'i11 remain on dry dock (or at IT· S· ed to the undewgneti and en·: Ralston Building, Halifax N.S., 143 Water St. Dial 2102

:" l! 5150.(10(1 a ~'l'ar Suz~· said Imt OM \l'p~1( aXI ervlce dorsed "Tender for R.C.lIt.P. De./ and can be seen at the Post 0(· HUTl'HEN'S GROCER! YOUR FRIGIDAIRE ,:'. earned a; a model here. , --'- i lachment Qualtm, St, Peter's" fice at Terren~e B~y, N.S. MEAT MARKET, DEALER John D,

O'Driscoli I .1:1:\ d('n't belle"e II." she' ,\T onrr. HOrrL TAXI N.S., will be reeeived in the of· I' To be considered ~acb tend· 53 William Street !~1:1 mt'. "Even 11 ~'('u work, Thp SS l\"I~ i1 monl'o~ lip, ~ flce 01 the Secretary, unlil ,er must- Dial '450 ud 6081 r.·:~~:n •. n('on and night It for thp ~O~'nn. Thp 'tV. Terra, "'. '~424-2410 13.00 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), ! (a) be accompanied by on~ of "Llld bf dIfficult [or a modt'l ;\nl'a "hirh I·prpnll~' l'amp of[. IU'I a r. WEU.'1ESDAY JI.II.Y 2~, l!J59, i the alternative ~ecurities H, R. CLARKE t: earn mort' than S50.000 a riP' M~k wilt ,hift 11011'11 to Bo"·. i I Plans and ~pw(jC;;I:Olllal1 be; caiied for in the tender Topslll Ro" : fH In Pari;." 'rin~ Flro'" Uri .. ('n the north· )l'I'n frn", 1.30 to ! I.m. Iseen and (orm~ o( tendcr ob.: documents. DialllZ:t95

•• • • !Slne ~nn tht' ,tV Glei,wonrl i taiI\rd at the oifires of th~ I (b) he made on the printed SUIV'S marri!ge to a French· ''''iii ,hift dO\l'n to al'olhpr pl'e· . QUEEN'S ROAD :Chief Architect, Departn:ent ofl forms supplied by the De.

~l:l i: 50methmg else Kathl mi~t's. p no211,lyr Public Works, 011111'3, Onlario, partment and in accordance C!~'t under!-tand. , the District Al'chitec!, Ralston with the conditions set forth

"! datt' Frenchmen." she: AT HORII'OOO t.I'mlER Building, Halifax, N.S. and can I therein. t.::ld me. "but the:"re JuH not. ('0.. I,TO. be seen at the Post Olfices at The lowest or Hny tender not rn'; t~~e for an~' red·blooded: ,Th a ~I. V. Gr.'cP Rorhnrr in Sydney and St. Peter's, N,S. lllecessarily accepted.!can iirL" ,charcp of r~pl. Gillrtt. i~ ni~· I.!., .To be considered Eac;, tend. Wb~: . char~il\~ a c~r:n 01 I\lmlm and ~ er must be accompanied by aile ROBERT FORTIER, Klthl didn't mind telUng i after the carEO Is dbrhnr:ed of the alternative securities call. Chle~ of Admlnlslrallve

mt. ".'" Frenchman Is always \l'i\I await further sailing orders. ed for In tbe tender documents. SerVIces, and Secrp,tary• so rilht-and his wife so Tenders must be made on the' Dep~rtment of Pubhc \\ orks, nong. They listen to you, I AT H.M.C. nOCK\·ARIl. . I printed forms supplied by the Ottawa. t':link, onl~' out of courtesy. 1 The Dredge P.W.D. 400. in I Department and in accordance ----------don't believe they even think char~e of Capt Russell Is ho\'lng with the conditions !et forth BUY AND SELL of 1 '111'001 In as deeoratlon- some repairs. The tug Peel Is I therein. they make you feel as If you moored up Indefinitelr as is alos I The Department, through the are Just there, American we- the Nigolette, Mal'inus and Chief Architect's o [fice, or men and Frenehmen are. cen' In\'estigator. through the undersigned. or turips Ipart-there Is no com· through the office o( the Distl'lct mon I!'ound:' AT CASADA PACKERS I,TD. Arcbitect at Halilax, N.S., wiil

Katbl has brunette halr-or The M.V. Ruby Wiscombe In supply blUe-prints and specilica. an\' othtr color a modeling Job charge of Copt Wagg 1\38 lo~d~d tlon of the work on deposit of a demands. a general cargo for Mar)'~town sum 'Of $50.00 In the [01'01 of a

"Ha\'e dye-will dip," she and Is ready to sail for t1tat 110rt WELCOME WAGON certified bank eheque or mOlley. lallIhed, pro\'lng that TV's ~·hen a salling time o!fer~. The order payable to the order of Richard Boone has left his M.V. Shirley Goodyear III HOSTESS tile Receiver General of Canada. ealUn. Clrd In Paris, too. But loaded a (ull general cargo for , I The. deposit will be released on sh.!', found that the quickest the usual northern ports and is Will Knock at Your Door return of the blue.prlnts and way to become a blonde over· ready to sail. with Gifts and Greetings specification In good condition night II with a wig. She bought one of the best In paris AT CROSBIE AND CO'S LTD. from Friendly Business within a month from the date

• of reception o( tenders. If not for $120. The M.V. Miriam May Netghbours and Your returned within Ihat period the





" can become a blonde In lin eharge of Capt. Rodgers is C· • d Sid f four seconds nat," she lau~h· taking freight (or Catalina, Bon. IVtC an ocia eposlt will be (or eited. ed. " tout the wi" on lust \Ike a~;st~. anil Ellision. The ~I.V. On the occasion ofl The l~west or ~ny lender 1101.. LnllTED

.. .. N C h C· necessarily accepted. I Members In\'estment DeRlers a hat." IL.A. Dllnton in char~e o£Capt. ew omer to t e tty. ROBERT FORTIER, Association of Canada.'

Cornell Macgillivray

• • • . Dougla5 i~ takin!: frcight for Th B' h f B b Chi f (Ad I I r A BLDG A trr,nch IIW makes It iI· ;Grand 1Iank. The ~I V. Royal e Irt 0 00 y, e 0 m n slra I\'C BOARD OF TR DE . d t 0 Servfcr.~, Rl1d Secretary.: ST. ,IOHN'!:

1,;:.1 for anyone to de uc a :Al~a n. In char!:e of Caot. Cr05S PH NE I, Department of Public Works, II PHONE 4163 _ 4164, pf'rccntJl:e from II womAn'5, i~ takin!: fr~i2hl lor ThQ1'OIll:h· 94865 6957 909J 3 .ala~·, as U.S. talent agencies ,f~re. Wesleyville and Greens. ' or..: Ottawa, June 22, 1959. do. JI'I Kathi doesn't ha\'e an.: ponil. aa~nl. Instead. she told mI'. ~he pays about 550 a month: AT T. HALLETTli I.TIl. for the sen'lees of a telephone i The ~1. V. Newton Traders. In eschanle which handles her' charge of Capt. Gill, Is taking business calls. freight for the usual northern

The telephone exchange is ports, and the M. V. Polar Clip' oned and operated bY SuzY per Is moored up for the seuon. Parker's sister, Dorian Lee, a Tlte M.V. Ernie and Loretta is one-time Paris model herself. taltlng freight (or Marystown.

Sure, there are things R 19· year-old girl from Arizona AT AYHF. A!IIIl SO!llS I,TIl. sl)'S sbe miSSES after nearly a The ~I.V. SI. Barbe, In charlie year in the land of rrch sauces .. of Capt. Bambrick, will sail In fine wine and gooey 'Partis· a few da~'s to northern ports on serle, Tblngs like U.S. peanut magisterial service.' The \\I,V butter, for instance. Jennie E1i1abeth. In charge of

KaW's eyes closed at the Capt Howell. will be sailing In tboulbt. "When I find a jar the morning for Carbon ear to of Amerlean peanut butter in load a general cargo (or the someone's home or In a store" Labrador The Ivy B. Melvin, In $he· !lIb ed, "\t's just like charge or Cap\. Colltns, Is tak flndiDl I precioUS jewel." freight for Catalina and Bon

So don't send money, Dad. Bilnal'lsta sailing on Tuesday Send peanut butter. . morning for the ahove ports

Hollse Repair Ind· Decorating,

Ing freight for Catalina and Tlte M.V. Maporle rnkpen, In charge 01 Capt. Steve Goodyear. Is loading freight (nr, Carman· yille, Herring Neck, Twl11ln. gate, Fleur-de Lys, Roddlckton

Bulldlnl reDovation work. and· Grlguet. Lule or small w. caD do it .U. ,-CoIItaet- LIST OF SAlLINGS

The M.V. Trepassey, In charge Mil ROIERT SEYMOn, or Capt Winsor, sailed today

Waiting For . Your Pho ne Calls? CLASSIFIED


·21-7·7 -'

Stop thinking-Start acting- Make your move

today It's truly amazing how such "Little" Ads

get sud, "Big" results at such a moderate cost.

No' other medium reaches so many people, so

quickly, If you have something to sell, or ,are

looking to buy or have something you want to

include in the community's biggest market place,

put It in the DAILY NEWS Want Ads. 1 :

.DI'AL' ,2178 - '2179

... HEALEY en. Roads ud Water 1&

Dial 3026 ,



lOB BROTHERS " CO LTD. Water Street

Dial 2858,' nu MEEHAN & CO,

f.A. Bldg. Dock"ortb II. Dial '71M8·'704'7


Temple Bldg •• P.O. Box 161. 341 Duckworth Sl-Dial 80370 or 7158



Dial 2206


Cor. Monchy " Emplrl Aft Dial 9GO'70


104 Dnck"Orlll SI. Dial 1181


Cor. Mayer 10. Merrymeeting II •.

DIAL 1383


ElIzabetb Aft. DIal !llDO ----


119 Mllltlll'1 ROIl Dial 644.


t5 Quldl Vidl Ro"


U5 Pennywell Iold Dial 92931

JOHN J, FEEHAN Around. St. John's

Dial 3531 tllO Wlter 81.


NORMAN DOWNEY .~ New a."1f SI.

Dial 5'7!'J

DIAL 110113 durin, bUllnes! llonda)' on the Labrador servlcp. lIo~rs or' 49fl8.F after buslneu taking pauengeu, freight and

~ ~ .' . myll1,lmlb mail:· . . ,



". . DIAL 93490

. .


Wiring Materials, Wire and Cables, Motors, Starters, I

Lamps, Switches. Lighting' Fixtures, etc.



HOWSE OF FlOWERS Serving SI. John'. from two locations


a02 WATER ST. DIAL 1410

~----------------FIRE INSURANCE

CROSBIE & CO., LTD. Agents lor





jl\e30 . .i1)'2.3



7.15 p.m .



1 957



$1500.00 GENERAL HARDWARE Distributors (or Sunbeam

Electrical Appliances Sporta Goods and Sports

wear for all occasions. DIAL 5016


McCLARY AUTO~fATIC I W AR~1 AIR CON D ITI 0 N ING ; j;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;':;::;:;;';;;;;;;;;

210 WATER ST. Ii

DIAL 4183 .



CONTRACTORS Rep. General Electrle

36 King's Road Dial 2916




APPLIANCES DIAL 3001 to 3t105




DIAL 3015



DIAL 2226 &ervice, 'luaUt)', Varlel.J




Radio, Telerisloo R-:Cri;lcrators Deep

ElectriC Ranller, floor polbhers. Grrtmophl1oes

Public Adows Tape


DUL 3001 to 300!

WATER STREET ;an26.1 v.





Gerry Hall Surveys Ltd



News SEI

B 3 1






3 Main Pr This will b

Price, 50 c, . Portles are



Or unful

. Churchill



All usual ing galler eSpecially dance at



"'~J " ",awn , l:nI;£t~

'.'. at t~' \', .. " ..... , ::u-rt

;;: "i1ill.~ . , ll"'. \

_ '.~ ..... f' :

ohn D. 'Driscoll .. '


.,. 15 p.",.



YME(TING 'Al 8037S·9




Newspaper BINGO SERIES No. 13


B I N G 0 3 30 43 52 68 1 24, 32

54 64 10 42

49 63 39

48 71 31 72

47 75

Help Kiddie.

quired Immediately for work at Carmanville





For interview ... 'Phone. 5533

Towne And Country Construction Co., Ltd.

MAMMOTH CARD PARTY To ba held in St. Pat's Auditorium,

Bonaventura Avenue, at 8.30 TO·NIGHT.

~ Mai~ Prizes 20 Lucky Numbers ,~:s Will be the last game in aid of the Annual

Sports. Pri~. 50 cents Games, SO cents ~'es ore requested to bring thair own baskets

ond cards. Tea will be served.


iately, by reliable party, furnished II unfurnished HOUSE. Preferably in

Churchill Park area.

Apply BOX 105 c/o Daily News




. usuol attractions, including, this year, shoot. -. 9?lIery, turkey suppers, real live horses ~Ially for the kid dies and in the night a big ~ at Major's Path.

Nfld. Dairymen's Association

Annual MHtlnl of the above A ... will be held at the .Canadian

.-tlm .. 'tal Station, Mount Ptarl on , June 30th at 8.30 p.m. A large

"","lall~r. i. urgently reque.tecl.

(51Inacl) JAMB HOLDEN,

Secretary. . ,




"You have a nice home here, but I'll bet Mrs. ~lonk WOUld be dellghted 1£ you'd add a Modern Kllchen!" , , , Well or course what lady wouldn't be tiellghted with a Modern KitChen? And II yOU want to modcmize your Home - don't d'.!lay - call us today and be on ,our wa~'

A'.TcrIO~ Superior Part Household Fur·

nlture and Errects at the residence oC l\Irs. George l\IcNamara, No. " Park Place, Hennies' 111111 Road, on

Today, Tuesday, JUNE 30TH" INST.,

At 10.30 A.M.

1 lolid mahogany, double ex~

i "Finally took the hint. eh?"

,cutive desk with plate glass I~P. size. 4'6" x 5'. 1 Old Eng· IIsb lohd mahogany dining table, square top, 1 large maho· gany buffet, 1 ol'al mahogany table. Inlaid and tip up top. 1 R.C.A. radio and phonograph combinli tion with records. ex· cellent condition, 1 Simmons Hide·A·Bed with matching chair, 1 grt'y chesterfield with matching chair (Snyder con· struction), 1 apartment size G. E. electric range, 1 Westing· house electric roaster oven, 1 metal tea wagoll. 1 mahogany hall chair. 1 upholstered slip'

I . _____ '_".' _ .. ___ "_' .• ----- - --.. _-

. WANTED-tmmediately by I a :"'iewfoundlalld cuuple I with two children, four I room Apartment or house.

\ Please phone 6518·F.

TO RENT - Three rooms, , built.ln kitchen and two

FOR SALE A BUILDING LOT per box, 1 bedside cabinet, 1,

(City approved) end table, 1 mantel clock, 1 I 150 feel frontage lazy·boy chair and stool, brown I 150 feet rearage frieze; " walnut dining chairs, I

rooms, and the use of bath· room, hot and cold water. For further particulars 'Phone 58511·H.

(4 minutes drive from City I I Westinghouse vacuum clean· I Limits) er. 3 table .lamps, 1 Un~erwoud :

I Located Oxen Pond Road ; long carriage typewriter; 1 I . (Ideal country home near City) mahogany occasIOnal table: ; Apply i ,quare lOp with pedestal base.'

. : JERRY HALLEY 1 oak hall lable, 1 folding card I

t\~I:\ZlNGLY QUICK R~;l.IEF ' : table. slIndry books. : lor di.<;comfort of mOllth sores. I PHONE 90876 Inspection 3·5 p.m. to·day . white canker spots, dental I plate sores. tender gllms. . with Fletcher's Sorc."touth I -- ----.

.. ·--1 John D. ~~~~;~Ine. $1.00 at all drug· I FOR SALE

. TilE CENTRAL BARBER- I Silc Used Eight passenger Auctioneer .

O/Driscoll Velvet Horn . Club I : Chr\'sler Sedans. all in good jn1'29.30

I SUOP. We are no\\ operat· '. d' I 'th ~ .. ---. - ..



tng eight chairs. You car be I mechanical can It on. some WI I Is.~ured of ~ht best posstbll' I new motors, all with new tires LOST , ser\'lce phI! the least pas. I anel extra spare •.

sible waiting, 24 N~w Gower i Priced from $500.00 to 52000.00 St .. opp. Adelaide Molars i Apply to I of Paddy's Pond on the'

, HARRY SEAWARD. , T C d H' h ' i P.O. BOX 6 DEER LAKE I new rans· ana a Ig· i 9 a,m. to 11 p.m. Wall Washing

FOOD AT ITS BEST . \V,\LL WASHING - WaUe i cleaned by new machine.

'~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=======: Results perfecL saves paint. ,;;. -~ew P4ethod (lug' and Wan Cleaners,. Freshwater Raid, 'Phone 91033.



2 p.m. to 4 p.m. G'eneral Skating

Children .................. 25c.

. 8 p.m. to 10.30' p.m. Adults ...................... 60c. Spectators ................ 25c.

Wednesday, July lst, General Skating

2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Children .................. 25c.

8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Adults ...................... 60c. Spectators ................ 25c.




2.30 p.m.


HOLY CROSS vs. ST. BON'S 6.30 p.m.




~t:W METHOD RUG CLEAN· ERS. Rugs and Carpet mold" to look like new. Von Schrade. proceas adds vean to life oC rugs. Cleaned In home or at our plant. 'Phone 91033. New Method Rug Cleaners. Frc,hwater --_ ... _ .. _----- -."--

FOR ~AI.F.-~trurtural Sleel. I n .. am; II Reams: An~Ie~; Channels: Plates; Shaft ing elc.. val'ious sizes.. /Ii (hI. Saluge & Sales Co., J.ld .• 11 "allick Street; 'Phone 1709. mar 19. ly<'ar

"LANEX", Ihe Dew medicated Lanolin sea I p treatment. Help rem 0 v e Dandruff. Checks falling hair. Relie\'~s Itchy and scaly scalp. O\'er 60 per ce~t Lanolin. Grease· less. $1.95 a Jar at all drug· gists.

BIDGOOD'S Waterford Bridge Road


. Tel. :\E :;.2538 Rei. NE :;.2642 way, on June 24th, a green \1

i illc25,61 : Shoulder· bag containing I SUMMER COURSES I miscellaneous fishing gear.

REGISTER NOW Finder, please phone 2004 Speech Correction eilnle. or return to Dr. Loveys, 228 Voice production. Hamilton Ave., St. John's. Dramatics. d FRENCH _ Grammar and Rawar • Conversatlon. ine30,3i

Modern Ballroom Daneln. -- - ... . ............. ---

Waltz, Foxtrot. Rumba. FOR RENT 1 Samba. Rock anr\ Roll. etc. l ! TELEPHONE 7724 ,Basement Apartment at ! . FRED DAVIS-Speech studio . ' . 288 DUCKWORTH STREET I Waterford Bridge Rood.; i Jllc18.1mth _-.-... -..•. i Kitchen, bedroom, living:

.- - , room, bathroom, closets. i CARD

Dr. G. J.

·O'BRIEN hal resumed practice.

: Fridge and electric range. 1

I Separate entrance. Heated: I $85.00 per month. i I Phone 90366 I : Suitable for couple only.'

Newfoundland Services



W ted To Rent i SER\'I(,E an i Train "The Caribou" leal'ing

I A 2 or 3 bedroom i ;~'I/~~l~:l w\i~O m~k~' c~~~:~~:~; I · al Pori aUl( Basques with S'S'I

'Apartment in centra : Bar Haven for the South Coast I Service. i


Train "The Caribou" leaving St. John's 1.30 p.m. Thursday, July 2nd, will make connection at Lewisporte with M.V. Cod· roy for regular ports St. John's Lewisporte Set'\'ice.




Itegular 8.10 a.m. ITaln leav. ing 51. John's Friday, July 3rd, w1l1 make connection at Argen· til with Motor Ves5tl Cor the West Hun Placentia Bay.


Regular 8.10 a.m. train leav· for YOUR CAR

Auto Service Company Limited

115.119 Duckworth Street PHONE 5401 - 7428


Weddings Private Parties and Dinners

in Ing St. John's Friday, July 3rd,

F 'I B d will make connection at Argen· ami y u get tia with S.S. Baccatleu Cor reg·

LI~GH "P~.' ular ports South Coast Set'\'!ce.


For the summer months by CI reliable girl who has! just completed Grode 10, work in :In Office, Shop or Drug ·Store. Baby Silting or anything will b. consid­er.d. PI.ale

Phone 7797.A ----..... ------------BAlDING'S TAXI will be

J"avlnf. Grand Bank Sunday and Tbul'tlday; returnin, Monda, and Saturday For reservations can 4491·'. at Grand Bank eaU 2142. mar~;tf

Dial 6967 lin anj Around St. John's I

Cheap Reliable Electricity'

RESTRICTED CARGO Shippers Please Note: - Oils

.!lel other rcslricl~d carlto for :\'gular pnrl. South Cna~t Scr· rice for forlVardinl( via Ar~f'n· til and M.V. lItarlorita wili be accepted at the Railway Frei!:ht Shed today, Tuesday. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.



MT. CARMEL CEMETERY will be celebrated on

MONDAY, July 13th., at 10.30 a.m.

If weather is unsuitable Mass will be celebrated at Basilica.

Plot holders are asked to have all work completed ~ by THURSDAY, July 9th.

jne30.ply7 ..... _-------------

WANTED Immediately


BOX No. 101 co Daily News

A COOK is required for a vessel operating as

coaster. Persons interested apply to

H. B. Clyde Lake Ltd. 175 WATER STREET


Apply in person

Snow White Steam Laundry LIMITED


----- .- .--- -."

.... " 0' itT • .I01U'''

STREETS CLOSED. Cornwell A"el1ue will be clo~!'d to Ir(lHi~ lo·dc:JY,

June 30. Craign1illor Avenue will be clmed to'

traffic Wednc5day and Thur~do/, July 1 and 2:

This is for the purpose of paving.


FOR SALE BUNGALOW- In lovely surroundings, near

Topsoil Pond, containing 10 rooms, running water, electric light; fully furnished and ready for occupancy. Frontage 200 feet, rearag8 approxi~ mately 200 feet to river. . Property includes also

a small Furnished House. For the asking

price this property i5 a real good buy.

For further information

'Phone 6382 or 3202


. r

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I:. ~~ !

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I .

~.. I .' .

'V: r , .. -~. ; ,

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i ;; t-· :: ! • t . , .. .; ..

.-~i.~ ... , ,_,-.:./- r

·I~·~';.\ ------------------ ~ .:' • <.":





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Advertise In The NeW! I

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16 .. ,


N..ylon Dresses - WITH 'SLIPS -

Sizes 7 to 12

Now All One Price

$ ~ . .98 .

" \ '. ,. " .

ELIZABETH lHE GREAT . Elizabeth Jenkins $4.25 !


Alexander King .... .5.50 ALL IN A LIFETIME i

Wolter Allen "",." 3.75 i I THAT REMINDS ME I

Lord Russell .......... 5.50' -"--I"~ WITH 'ENSIGNS flYING

David Thomas ....... 4.50 WARRIORS ON WHEELS , I Pork Yunnie , ....... 3.25 I I WHAT WE MUST KNOW

I ABOUT COMMUNISM Harry and 80naro

I Overstreet ............ 4.75

j ISLAND OF LOVE Robert langdon .... 4.50 .

MACALL GETS CURIOUS I , ' Gerard Fairlie ........ 2.25 i

'; ~ BE~~~~ ~~!tt~OU~ ... 4.50 !

:~;.'}.~.~~.~ ..• ~ ... dJ~ I CA~liv~:~~~c~T.~~~~ .. 4.50 • /J /J I RHYMES OF A

I ""~~ ..,,-.t4wltl 'NEWFOUNDLANDER I. A S~~I\'.TUr.lFT\, _ quit'k 10! A. C. Wornell ........ 1.25 I iron, cool and prc~IY 10 wpar.! Author cf Monorch of

I· Choo;e pique, chambray. lin~n I The Grump, rOI' drps< and iatket - flash or I

I f.ay NOli':,.t ror ctl1\l~lerhund.: DI'cks & Co Ltd , J OOlorrow ~ Da'lern: \ltsse~' , 0,.










• ••



T o o T o N 'S

---~ ...-----





Prinl(.'d Pattern 4fiiO: Chll· drrn', 2. 4, ~. 8, Si7.e ~ drp.<~ anrl .1nckrt lal,(' l yards 3~·inc!1: cummcrbund ,~ ~·ard. ., ~ 'J.

Prhl1ed directions on each pat SPin 442.:; or 2008 or 3191 Irrn parI. Easier. accurate. I : ~~.... J

Send.·ORTY CENTS (jn coin~: /' __ ..., ....... \!I\!I"W~~~~~~i. (.<lamp.~ cannol be Accepted I fOI' i TV lhis paUern, Plea~e print Plain./ REPAIRS ly SI1.E. S;\~IE, . ADDRESS.

I '1 I II .. d ·t ST\'i.[ SUMBER. ' : 11'11 r. pl'r. en( III( SIIC oesn. Spnd order to A:-INE ADMIS I HOLLYWOOD ;rODA Y

, BlIt the kinde,: ;U>llcr 01 10 this que.lion tatn~ Irom husband who :said: "When I ilo!"e I'm so glad 10 !e(' m)' I I Just look at HEll." That's answer that oughl 10 ,atilfy women everywhere.

But answering your 1111('5' t· I fiSh k ~nl'c Df ST, .JOHN'S DAII.\' REASONABLE RATES Ions ~ not 01' leI'. e as's XEWS, Patlern DellI, '0 FROST

By rR~"I\E J01\\SO~ I t'l'ance but I ha\'cn't had much h~r own and answers t~cm, ST .. WEST. TORONTO, ONT. GUARANTEED WORK , HOLLY\\,OOD.l:\F.AI-''\'m luck, Ask him if he's marl'ied With a ceaseless flow of bnght ------ PH 0 N t 7 3 1 3! B U W

nt'l really lIlarril'd, you knew" and he will say, ':-10, I'm not words. Such a flow that Su~', G' ' etween 5 omen (':"l:3nt Suzy Pal'ker said. mnl'l'ied.' you also suspect, sometimes Pies for uys

Sinee her French hus.b~nd, "Ue considers bcillg a doesn't know whelher she's jl'lIrnalisl pierre De La Salle, bachelor In France very handy. a~klng II question or answer·. :'{o~t men aren't satisfied with Electronic had ju~t uri ted here 10 open I know I'm married to him In Ing one. ijust plain pie! The crafty home·

: Smart looking I~alher I shoes have made the

I raris·~latch office in Beverly the United Stales but I also "Why doe.n't the .tudlo clrt i mnker bring~ home a fresh Centre Ltd Ihll~, the ~tudio Ilrc~s agent know I'm not married to him more Ibout my Ictlng Imbl.\bakery pie and add5 a home· •



so~s-at l~ast from a masculine gned "sensible" shoe a lhing pOI~t ilf view. glamor walking s hoe s

who brought reboun<\ In France. tlon.?" SU1Y .. ked and thtn made topping to suit "her'" After hours 'PHONE 6401 A mo\·le·5tardom suzy to lunch "Because of conflicting state In.wered, "I don't know. Th.y I man's taste These ideas will 90 Some of my men readers are

retaliating to a recent column which asked questions women don't seem able to answer. Questions like: "Why, when Mama is scun'ying around gel· ting ready for gucsts. does Papa always decide he has 10 clean

Now for ar,other q!lestion the smooth, sueded and brushed men have been good enough to there with tapered and u:tra ~nswe~: "How can a man walk oval toes in a host of had a sudden dizzy spell. and church laws there, I asked couldn't car. I.... I'vt been Ibring as man~' "oh's" and "ah's" CAMPBEll. AVE.

"You s.y you're NOT mlr' his Paris lawyer about It once. .tudylng ullng on my own las 8 new spring hat: IOto hiS own Jiving room and not new leather colors. n'3ke it even nOllce new curtains or a to be as prell)' afoot a; new slipcover:" I comfortable. Sqa",h .

ried", he gasped. 1- said, 'I'm not married here, time. I wlnt to bt .bll, It I Apple Pil' With Molasses Hard Sincc I had ml'1 ;\t!ss Parker am I?' 11 •• t, to undlrst.nd what tbe I Sauce-add just enought mol·

h('(ort', when she was masquer· "He had a funny smile when director I. telling me. \ asses to your favourite ilard I ;-cE~~ a< II I:ay badwlor girl I ile said, 'I know.' "Why do people say I sauce oC blltter and confect.! h"fort' her moment of truth in "Plene and I have been· wasn't serious about a £11m I ioner's sugar to make it creamy. : II'3t ;,UlO arcidenl jllst a ,vear fighting about this lor nine career? I am. I fOllght my way jAdd a generous dash of nutmeg' ;;~O. j\ <l'('med like old times. I ~'cars 1I0W and he's resisting lip to the starting IIl1e. And: and chill until firm. Serve in I chdn't lil1 a pencil. i me down 10 the last fingemall. 'Ten ;Xol'th Frederick' (in' squores on wedges of fresh

· ... m marrird ill Ihe Cnited I Do YOU thillk he will make an which Suzy pl'o\'ed she ilnd I haker's apple pie. Slale:' but I'm not legally honcst wom:1O out of me In acting talent) was a mO\'je I I Custard Pie With Cranberry: 11lHril'd in Fram'e", Suzy said, Franre7" earned, I got the role because I Cocoanut Topping - Top a ,nih II li~lle laugh a.nd a big II It was a question onetlme I made the best test-the best ,~re~h baker's custorJ pie 1\'~th I ." Irl of ncr long hair. Pal'is model Suzy Parker of 20. I Jelhed cranberry S3(;Ce, whIch;

Assigned 1o domestic worry· ! ~fked but did not answer. Not "But my contract Is so lull I has been benten lIr.til slightly I :11; on.I~·. thc press agent seem· II \'cry sporting of her. eHher, I 01 options it looks like a swiss t ~!"ootil, Fro~t 'I\'ith one cup of eel r~lIe\·ed. Suzy, now apPear· thoullhl, because SU7.y is at checse. I don't know what will , lightly toasled,! h red de d , :11~ in hfr thirel movie, "The I her hest answering her own happen after this film. I Icocoanut. I T\1'~l of f.\·erything", lit 20th: questions, haven't given up modeling. I, Blu~bcfl'.v Pie With Candied I

("entur~··Fox. then went on as I Intelligent, witty and with. tell people, 'I'm a model work'j Lemon·Ora.nge Whip Topping \nly Suzy ran. highly photogenic [ace, SUZY Ing my way through Holly· -Combine one cup of whip·

''I'm tryin::," shr ~aid, "to, i< a young lady. you suspect, wood.' I ped cr«:llm (I" cup, whipped) trt riE'rre to remarry me in I who enjoys a press Interview til really want to be a movie I and one tea~poon confection·

. er's ~\lllar, with one tablespoon




, J



'Jl ., ~ 1 4



• Bedroom Suite.

• tlving Room ., Suit ••

• Kitchen' Sets

• CoHee Table.

• End Tables .1

• Lamps ."~ .•. .. " ,

-' .

• Sofa., Chairs

• Lamp Shad ••

• Com. In and see

this new beauty .

forth. hom ••

f '/"

. , 'i 'r

Ichopped candied ornnge peel. I Pile liberally on wedges of I fresh baker's 1>lueberry pie. Cherry Pie with Nippy Cheese Topping-Male" a cheese sauce by combining" one tablespoon butter, one tablespoon flour, ¥4 teaspoon lalt In double boiler, adding one:third cup milk. and stirring constantly until thiek­enI'd, Add· one cup grated cheese and 1>lend until cheese melt!, . Service· warm over

of fresh baker's cl1erry

star In the true tradition. I think Jane Mansfield has the right Idea. She tries to make the publle dream a little­thaf'.~ what T want to do.

"What do I play in 'The Best or Every tiling'? An ambitious girl, bright, happy, witty and attractive, who has her heart broken by • man and goes In· sane," A~ SU7.Y paused 101' breath,

I was IIble to squeeze in the comment that the girl In the movie, up to the insanity point, lounded like Suzy her­self.

"Very uncomplimentary of YOu", she winced. L "I've never had my heart brOken 1>y any man •

"Some articles about me," she went on, "haven't been too pretty. I don't mind. I'm not pretty In every photograph' I po~e [or. Besides, I read these articles abollt myself and they sound like I'm reading about someone else, All my articles in '{act, are about someone else," she· laughod. .

Which explains; maybe, why Suzy '. Parker asks. and an· swers', her own questions.



; his guns or strai~hte~ out his . fishing tackle box'!" ! Well, ladies, here's why-ac.

cording to the men. "It's simple. Wilh ~Iama wor·

l:lng a mounlainous job Ollt of ha\'ing a few guesls ovcr lor

; dinner. a man knows he .can ~et

I, 0111 of thc conrusion hy hiding JII the dcn-if he ca~ just look bus;' fooling around with his sports equipmenl," explains ano:her.

"Some wives cha:lge things heels. in both solid and around so often a man nel'er leathers, elimil1al~ ti;e old quite catches up," explains one look. In :IeII' leather .. husband. and finishes and brilliant ' . "If wh:es would just give u., II such as hot oran~h ..

!ttlle While 10 relax before they' salad green and accuse Us or not noticin;: some· I he .\ I' sophis'ic<:rd thinj! we would probably ge! shoes flatter mil;! ~ny fo?1. around to noticing." says anot'

j her. "If a husband is ~e\'el' asked to help choose the ful" Here are a fCII' l'on'il1'Jn nishi~;:s of his home he·t mlOg faul1,; to keep in : actually have much interest ;n ~un do\\'n heels. crooherl them." is another husband's ex. 109 scams, untidy planation. wisps of hair. Liolhe; ., i1:ch

MacCORMAC'S "Besides," he adds. ··when a '·Besides." he ::OCS on, "If a

01' are in need 01 irNI'.!, hes whieh need In In c\'a-ned bru.ihed. ill, rll1in~


Dial 5181 • 2 • 3


woman is rushing around like poor husband notices and says, craz), it'~ mighty peaceful to "Those nell' blUe curtains look hold a lishin:;: rorl in YOl1r ha~d nice: hi, wife is sure to correct and remember the peace anrl him with 'Those aren't hlue quiet of your favorite fishing they're aqua'-or whate\'cr it IS .• pol." 11hat looks like blue to a man but

Well. tbere are three good rea· ~ome other color to a woman."

over crammed pllr,c .. res, blous('s 01' scar', Ci. ' lipstick and chipped pol'.h. ways take a la't :ook 10 he and confident )'011 art YOllr bes!.

HICKEY - Passed away Slid· denly at 12 a.m, on June 29th, John T. Hickey, aged 76 years, Leaving to mourn sister, Mary, and two brothers, Leo and Michael, Funeral from his late residence, 135 Patrick Street, on Wednesday, July 1st, with Solemn Requiem Mass .t St, Patrick', Church at 11 a.m. In· I terment will take piaci at I Belvedere Cemetery. I



GRILLS III loving mtmory of 0111


who died June 28th, 19111.

Gone but not forgotten . Ne\'ci' shall his memory

lade, Sweeter thoughts .hall

ever linger Round the spot where he

II laid,

-Ever remembered by 1115 daughters, Mary, Marg, Agnes and Bride.



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