novel ku

Post on 09-Apr-2018






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1. I run away to sea

2. I become a slave

3. Escape and rescue

4. Shipwrecked

5. I go back to the ship

6. I build my fort

7. I start a diary8. I explore the island

9. My summer home

10. I become a potter 

11. I build a boat

12. I make my own clothes

13. My first canoe.

14. I improve my skills

15. Natives appear 16. My cave hideaways

17. More cannibals

18. A shipwrecked

19. My first fight

20. My new companion

21. Friday’s new life

22. Friday and I learn each other 

23. We plan our escape

24. Our big battle25. The island community grow

26. More visitors to the island

27. My next plan.

28. We capture the ship

29. I leave my island

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• Robinson Crusoe was born in 1632 in the city of York.

• Robinson’s parent gave him a good education and wanted him

to become a lawyer but he want to become a sailor.

• Robinson ran away to London and took all his money with him.

• He met the captain of a ship which traded with Guinea.

• The man invited me to sail with him on his second voyage to

West Africa.

• Robinson spent forty pounds on goods which he hoped to sell inAfrica. Soon afterwards, the ship left to London.

• During the voyage, his friend taught him some mathematics and

something about navigation.

• Robinson sold all his goods at Guinea.

• Robinson returned to London more than three hundred poundsin pocket.

• Robinson decided to sail back Guinea.

• Robinson was attacked by Turkish Pirates at second voyage.

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• Robinson were taken to the port of Sallee on the coast of 


• The Turkish captain keeps Robinson as his own servant.

• Robinson worked him for the next two years.

• The captain is not a bad man but Robinson still wants to escape

from him.

• The Turkish captain like to eat fish and he sent Robinson fishing

in a small boat.

• So, Robinson decided to use that boat to escape and hid useful

things in the small boat.

• One day, he escapes with Xury.

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• Robinson sailed in the small boat away from Morocco and he

wanted to reach River Gambia, in West Africa.

• Some days later, a Portuguese ship rescued him and took him

to Brazil.

• There, Robinson met a farmer, who grew tobacco and sugar-


• Robinson and the farmer built up a successful business


• After several years, Robinson and his some friends sailed to

Guinea to trade.

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• They sailed and reached the mouth of the Orinoco, in the south

Caribbean Sea without any problems.


•But, soon afterwards, they were hit by a terrible storm.

• Their ship hit some rocks

• Their lifeboat overturned and all Robinson’s friends drowned.

• He swam to the shore and was alone, except for a dog and two

cats from the ship.

• He had only a pocket-knife and some tobacco with him.• Robinson spent a night on the island

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• Robinson swam back to the ship to look for food, drinks and

other useful things.• He built a simple raft from wood on the ship to carry these

things to the island.

•  Next, he made himself a shelter out of wood and sails he had

 brought from the ship.

• He slept with his gun at his side.

• That night, another storm raged and, by the next morning, the

ship has disappeared beneath the waves.

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Chapter 6: I build my fort• Robinson Crusoe decided to look for a suitable place to build a

more permanent home.

• He found an area which was flat and covered with grass.

• It was protected by rocky cliffs behind it.

It was near a stream where he could get fresh water and therewere small cave to store his provisions.

• The new site faced north –west away from the midday sun.

• The fence was made of wood and he went in and out of the fort

 by using a ladder.

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Chapter 7:I start my diary.

• Robinson Crusoe reached the island on 30 September and it was

located ten degrees north of the equator.

• He decided to keep a diary to record an account of his life on the


• There were not many hours daylight on the island and he made

little oil-lamps from the fat he collected after roasting a goat.

• He accidentally became a farmer after emptying bags

containing rice outside his home.

• The rice grew one month later.

Chapter 8: I explore the island.

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• Robinson explored the island more thoroughly after he hid

 built his home.

• He walked inland in several directions and found pleasant

meadows and woodland.

• On his walks, he discovered that tobacco plants, melons,

grapes and sugar cane grew on the island.

• He dried the grapes to make raisins.

• In the valleys, he found orange, lime and lemon trees to make

refreshing drinks.

• The interior was certainly a most beautiful place to live in.


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• Robinson spent the next two months working on his summer 


• Again, he built a wall made of wood and made a tent which

covered with leaves and branches.

• From his summer home ,he could see the outline of the

mainland on the horizon some forty miles away.

• One day, Robinson caught a brightly-colored parrot and

taught it to speak English.

Chapter 10: I BECOME A POTTER.

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• Robinson wanted to enrich his life so he decided to try


• He succeeded in making two large jars which he dried in the

sun until they were quite hard.

• He used them to keep rice and corn.

• Later, he tried to bake some clay pots in the fire.

They must be burnt for about five or six hours until they become red-hot.

• Then they must be allowed to cool slowly.

Chapter 11: I build boat.

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• Robinson was on the island for three years before he decided to


• He intended to cut down a large tree and cut a hollow in it to

make a small boat.

• He had often seen natives using such boats in his travels

• He had only axes as a tool and it took him twenty days to cut

down a suitable tree and another fourteen days to cut off the


• It took him a total of four months to build a boat.

• When It was ready, he could not find the way to get it into the

sea no matter how he tried.

• Robinson had to learn how to plan properly before undertaking

any ambitious projects.

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• After four years, Robinson’s clothes worn out.

• He had also used almost of the shirts and jackets he had found

on the ship.

•  Now, he learnt how to make new clothes from skin of animals.

• First he made a hat.

• Then he designed a jacket and some breeches.

•  Next, he made a pair of shoes to protect his feet from sharp


• For winter, he made himself a long coat.

The clothes he made were ugly and ill-fitting, but they servetheir purpose.

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Chapter 13: my first canoe.

• On his sixth year on the island, Robinson had the desire to build

a little canoe.

• This time, he chooses a small tree and built a canal first to carry

his canoe to the water.

• The task took two years of hard work.

• He used the canoe to sail round the island.

• The interior of the island was quite large so Robinson prepared

food, water, guns and powder before set sail.

• He was caught in a bad storm for three days, but he managed to


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Chapter 14: I improve my skills.

• On his ninth year, Robinson developed his farming and home-

making skills .

• He made a good tobacco –pipe which gave him much comfort.

• After spending twelve years on the island ,he discovered he did

not have much powder left.

• He had to learn how to trap animals without shooting them.

• He succeeded in trapping hares, birds, and goats.

• Soon he had about fifty goats which he kept in a pen.

• The she-goats supplied him with milk which he used to make

 butter and cheese.

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Chapter 15 natives appear.

• One day, as Robinson was walking along the shore, he saw a

man’s naked footprint in the sand.

• He was very cautious and listened for any sound.

• Alarmed by what he had seen, Robinson quickly returned to his


• He was very frightened and for three days he did not leave his


• He spent his time strengthening his walls and cutting holes in

the wood through which he could fire at his enemies.

• On another occasion he discovered human bones ,hands and feet

on the shore.

• It horrified him that the visitors to the island were cannibals.

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• After finding the human remains, Robinson never felt safe


• He kept to himself and himself and did not let anyone know of 

his existence.

• One day, he discovered a small cave.

• He entered it and noticed that a narrow passage from it led into

the hillside.

• The next day, he returned with candles and crawled on his

hands and small along the passage.

• He found himself in a small cave.

• The air in the cave was fresh and he could use it as a secret


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Chapter 17: more cannibals.

• After Robinson had been on the island for twenty –two years,

one morning, he saw smoke in the distance .

• Through his telescope, he saw cannibals sitting near a fire.

• They were eating their victims.

After some wild dancing, the men got into their canoes and lefttheir island.

• Robinson was worried for his safety for the evil practices were

 being carried out near his cave hideaway.

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Chapter 18: a shipwrecked

• After a year and a half ,Robinson moved back to his fort

 because he had not seen any more savages.

• One night, he heard four gunshots, he climbed up to his look-out

 platform and saw a Spanish or Portuguese ship on rocks far out

to sea.

• The ship was slowly breaking up and there was no sign of life in


• He was bitterly disappointed as he was looking forward to

human contact.

• Later in the week ,Robinson sailed to the shipwrecked and

found a dog who become faithful companion.

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Chapter 20: my new companion.

• Robinson saw the man he had saved looked like a savage and

dressed like one.

• He was very frightened.

• Robinson showed him he was a friend.

• He came and knelt down before Robinson and placed

Robinson’s upon his head.

• He also cut off a cannibal’s head and placed it at Robinson’s


• Robinson was his new master and he was given the name Friday

for it was on that day Robinson saved his life.

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Chapter 21; Friday`s new life.

• Friday was intelligent to learn.

• He learnt how to speak English by repeating words from


• The sight of blood and bones horrified Robinson but Friday was

unaffected by it.

• This made Robinson a little worried about his own safety.

• Yet Friday proved to be a faithful and loving companion who

would not hesitate to protect him from any real danger.

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Chapter 23: we plan our escape.

• Robinson and Friday lived happily together for the next three


• The quality of Robinson’s life improved greatly.

• They often told each other the stories of their lives.

• Friday once told Robinson that four years ago, his

countrymen had rescued seventeen white men from a

shipwrecked on the mainland.

• This piece of news renewed Robinson’s desire to leave and

they soon built a boat for their escapes.

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Chapter 24: our big battle.

• Before Robinson and Friday could leave the island,

something unexpected happened.

• One day, three canoes landed on the island with twenty

 people in it.

• A bearded white man wearing European clothes was their 


• Robinson decides to save the man.

• His strategy was to attack the savages suddenly.

• At the end of the battle, seventeen savages were killed.

•  Not only was the Spaniard rescued but Friday reunited with

his father who had been tied up in one of the canoe.

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Chapter 25: the island community


• Robinson and his three companions lived together in prefect

harmony and peace.

• They intended to extend and invitation to other sixteen

Spaniards on the mainland to join them on the island.

• They worked hard for the next few months to produce enough

corn, rice, and animals to feed these extra mouths.

• By late autumn, the Spaniard was sent back to the mainland to

invite his friends over.

• His friends have acknowledge Robinson as their master.

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Chapter 26: more visitors to the


• On the sixth day, Friday saw a ship at sea.

• It was an English ship

• A small boat which contained eleven sailors came to shore.

• Three men were tied with ropes and were left under a tree.

• There had been mutiny on the ship.

• One of the prisoners was the captain and told Robinson that the

mutineers had taken control of the ship and there were still two

guns left in the boat.

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Chapter 27:my next plan

• A few hours later when the first boat had not returned to the

ship, a search party was sent to look for the men.

• The second boat arrived on the island with ten men, out of 

which three stayed with the two boats while seven went to

search for the others.

• Friday was told to distract the men into the woods while

Robinson, the captain and his companions took the ones

guarding the boats prisoners.

• Then they went into the wood where the captain immediately

recognized one of the men who had led the mutiny and shot the

villain dead.

• The rest of the mutineers surrendered and Robinson took six of 

them to his fort as prisoners.

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Chapter 28: we capture the ship.

• Meanwhile, a plan was formed to capture the ship.

• The captain and the men on his side returned to the ship in two


• They were allowed to climb on board the ship where a surprise

attack was launched on the sailors.

• They shot half the men while the rest surrendered.

• The next day, the captain told Robinson that the ship and his

men were all under Robinson’s command.

• A feast was prepared in Robinson’s honor and fine clothes were

 brought for him too.

• The prisoners begged for his mercy and Robinson agreed to let

them remain on the island.

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Chapter 29: I leave my island.

• Robinson left the island on 19 December 1868 and arrived

England on 11 June 1687.

• He had been away from England for thirty five years.

• He received eight thousand pounds from the sale of his farm in

Brazil and this allowed him to begin a new life in England.

• He married and had three children.

After his wife died in 1694, Robinson returned his island andeveryone there still recognized him as their master.

• He stayed on the island for three weeks.

• When he finally returned to England, he find difficult to settle

down to a quite existence and before long he decided to go to

sea again.

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