november 2005 holy ghost explosion in bangwe!€¦ · the holy ghost came to glorify jesus and to...

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Dynamis World Ministries a.k.a. Christopher Alam Ministries International

November 2005

Holy Ghost Explosion in Bangwe!

Dear friends,

G reetings in the name of the Lord Jesus!

Bangwe is a large town-ship, spread out over the hills outside Blantyre, Ma-lawi. It is a very poor area, and most of the inhabitants have no running water, sanitation, or electricity. Crime is rife, and the police asked us to end our ser-vices before eight o�clock due to the violent armed gangs who prowl the streets after dark. We real-ized the severity of the situation when one of the participating pastors was stabbed on his way home

from a training session dur-ing our pre-crusade prepa-ration period. The crusade was well planned by our Africa team, led by Pastor Mavondo, our Director of Operations for Africa. This was the first crusade of its kind held in Bangwe, and by the time I arrived excite-ment was at an all-time high. Even the govern-ment-run, nation-wide ra-dio station had a team ready to record every ser-vice and broadcast it over the airwaves. The crusade was held in a large football field in the

middle of Bangwe. I ar-rived in Ma-lawi a day late, and team member, Janey Menzies, preached the first evening in my place. I can proudly say that several of my team-members have grown to be

powerful preachers and teachers of the Word of God. Several thousand came to hear the Gospel that first night, and God�s miracle working power touched many people. The crowd grew by leaps and bounds every evening. On the last evening the football field was filled by a countless multitude of people as they overflowed into a cemetery and marketplace located next to the field. Multitudes of people re-ceived the Lord Jesus in every service, and we re-joiced over the great har-

vest of souls we saw in Bangwe. God gave great grace and confirmed His Word, during each meeting with signs, wonders, and miracles. There were count-less deaf ears opened, and tumors that disappeared. One woman brought her two daughters, who were totally deaf, to the crusade. Jesus healed them and now they could hear perfectly! To see the expression of joy, amazement, and thanksgiving to God upon the mother�s face was something to behold. There was also an old lady who could not walk, and was carried to the crusade. When Jesus touched her she jumped up and began to walk and run. Oh, to see her when she danced for joy upon the platform; it was glorious beyond de-scription! Then there was the beautiful smile, like sunshine, upon the face of a woman who was totally blind and can now see. What a wonderful Jesus we serve!

Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

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What attracts people to our crusades can be summed up by this: Jesus and His wonderful works. We preach Jesus Christ; His crucifixion, His resurrec-tion, and that He is alive today. we proclaim Jesus Christ first as Lord and Savior; then as Healer and Deliverer. In the context of preaching the Gospel there are several things that I firmly believe. First, I believe in the all-encompassing Grace of God. God loves sinners so much that He would do

anything to bring them to Himself. I also believe that we must always preach a fiery-Baptized, Blood-stained Gospel of salvation. Only then can it bring true con-viction to the hearts of sin-ners, and bring salvation when people�s hearts are truly and genuinely gripped. Getting them to raise their hands and pray a prayer won�t do it; that is not genuine salvation! Finally, I believe that God will always confirm the

Gospel message with signs, wonders, and miracles; this is a rock-solid promise in the Word of God. Miracles are wonderful to behold, but they are not the ultimate purpose. Salvation is the ultimate purpose! Miracles only serve as God�s calling card. They are flesh and blood evi-dence that Jesus is alive today, and miracles should ultimately point people to the Savior. I do not lay hands upon the people during our cru-sades, but rather I pray en masse from the platform. I do this because of the su-perstitious culture. People easily attribute God�s mira-cle working power to preachers when we touch them or act in ways that could appear to be our abilities instead of Jesus. For this reason, many peo-ple look to preachers quicker than they look to Jesus. God forbid that it happen to us! We should make doubly sure that peo-ple understand that mira-cles have nothing to do with us, but are because of Jesus alone. �And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so

earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk? The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus�And his name

through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.� Acts 3:12, 13a, 16 I always say, �Miracles au-thenticate the Message; Christ-likeness authenticates the Messenger.� Miracles say nothing about us; they only tell how wonderful Jesus is. It is Christ like qualities, such as humility and brokenness, which tells others what we are really like. Therefore, it is best to ask God to hide us behind the Cross so that the people would know no man but Jesus and Him crucified. We can then preach the Word of God with bold-ness, and pray for the sick with faith in our hearts, so that people will know that it is not us but Jesus. We want the people who come

Go Ye into all the World and Preach the Gospel.

Janet Leonard, 28, was deaf for many years. Je-sus healed her, and she can hear! Ines Banda, 14, could not walk. Jesus healed her, and she can walk and run! Mrs. Nkokhomwa, 38, could not walk for 3 years. Jesus healed her, and she can walk! Innocent Banda, 9, was deaf. Jesus healed her, and she can hear! Mrs. Masamba, 51, could not walk. Jesus healed her, and now she can walk!

Kondwan, 28, could not walk. Jesus healed him, and he can walk! Pembe Maluwa, 43, was blind for many years. A friend brought her to the crusade where Jesus healed her, and now she can see! Mrs. Margaret Chinyama, 39, had a huge tumor in her belly. The tumor disappeared completely when Jesus touched her! Teresa Banda, 21, was blind for 3 years. Jesus opened her eyes, and now she can see!


This woman rejoices: God has restored her sight!

Go Ye into all the World and Preach the Gospel.

to our crusades to leave each meeting loving Jesus, rather than simply becom-ing fans of our ministry. The Holy Ghost came to glorify Jesus and to make Him known. It is Jesus and nothing else. All Glory to our Lord Jesus! On the last night of the cru-sade, we prayed for people to receive the Baptism with the Holy Ghost and with Fire. As I knelt and began to pray, I had barely said five words when the Holy Ghost fell with great power upon the people. They be-gan to speak in other tongues, worship, shout, and fall upon the ground. We were overwhelmed be the waves of Glory that swept over the crowd; priceless moments of time in the Glory of God! My interpreter and I lay pros-trate, flat on our faces upon the dusty platform as waves of praise and wor-ship arose to the Lord. God�s healing power then came over the crowd. Mul-

titudes were healed from all kinds of diseases and infirmities. Among them the deaf, blind, and para-lyzed were healed. Since the hour was late we ended the meeting, but the multitudes who had gathered did not want to leave. We continued to sing, praise God, and dance long into the evening. Africa is ripe for harvest. The fields are aflame wher-ever the Gospel is preached! Thank you for standing with us. We ap-preciate your love, prayers, and financial support of Dynamis World Ministries. May God Bless you richly in every way!

Many years ago, in 1981, just before Britta and I went to RHEMA, someone brought a young Muslim from a �closed� Muslim country to our home. I min-istered to this young man, and he gave his life to Je-sus. He then went to Eng-land to join a missions or-ganization; an organization that I myself had been with earlier. I met him only once since that day and we soon lost touch with each other. Many things have hap-pened since then; the coun-try where this young man came from went through a long civil war between the government and Muslim fundamentalists. Over 150,000 people were killed in this brutal conflict. There were very few Christians

there, most of whom left the country. This past summer, I found out that God was mightily using this man that I had led to Jesus more than twenty years earlier. There

is revival in his nation, and thousands of Muslims have come to the Lord and are on fire for Him! It is a genuine move of God as in the Book of Acts, with signs, wonders, and mira-cles. I am so humbled and blessed that God would use a simple vessel like me to bring this man to Jesus, and that He has taken this brother so far for the Glory of our Lord Jesus. I will soon be visiting this brother. I will have the op-portunity to minister there for a few days; preaching to the people and teaching the local leaders. Muslim countries, such as this, are not easy to get into, but by the Grace of God we will go and for this we need your support and your prayers! Be blessed in every way! In Christ Jesus, Christopher & Britta Alam Top: This mother testifies that her two

deaf daughters are now healed! Bot-tom and left: These two men came to

the crusade deaf, but God touched them and now they can hear!

A piece of news:

Left to right: DWM team members and volunteers dance during worship. The crowd rejoices!

Please pray for Christopher and the crusade teams�for safety and protection, as well as for the people who will be impacted by the Gospel in meetings at these times and locations...

November 27

Maranatakerk, Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS

Nov. 28 - Dec. 4


December 6-11

Crusade, ASIA

December 15-19

Bombay, INDIA

January 12-15


January 16-20


January 21-22

Paris, FRACE

January 29

Word of Life Christian Fellowship Concord, NH, USA Pastor Thomas Peetz



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Jesus Christ, the Same, yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

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