november 2018 free

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Regular Sunday Service Schedule

Editor of 1 Voice: Clare Hicks, Trelowen, Lynstone, Bude EX23 0LR 01288 352726;

Copy date for December 2018 issue - by Friday 16 Nov please

8.00 am 9.30 am 11.15 am 6.00 pm

1 Stratton Stratton—Morning Worship

& Marhamchurch

Bude Haven


2 Stratton & Bude Haven




Bude Haven & Stratton

Launcells & Family Service Marhamchurch



Stratton & Marhamchurch

Launcells & Family Service at

Bude Haven

Bude Haven

5 Benefice Eucharist Benefice Evensong

Please contact any of the following for information or enquiries about Anglican Church life in the Benefice:

Our Parish Priest: Father David Barnes,1 Lanvean, Cleavelands, Bude EX23 8AB Tel: 01288 352254

Our Churchwardens:

St Andrew’s, Stratton: Yvonne Bishop: 01288 352762 Simon Waring: 01288 321813

St Marwenne’s, Marhamchurch: Rob Corney: 01288 359754 Angela Grills: 01288 361247

St Michael’s, Bude Haven: Susan Cotton: 01288 352896

St Swithin’s, Launcells: Fiona Hargreaves: 01288 381165

Stratton Deanery website:



Dear Friends

As you know, the Deanery Synod met on 11th September to vote upon the three suggested Deanery Plans that have been developed over the last few months. We have discussed these plans at length and believe that by the time of the vote, everyone understood the implications of each scenario.

In the event, Plan A was chosen which means that in the near future, all of our benefices will cease to exist in their present forms. The Deanery has since received approval of this plan with advice from the Episcopal College to com-bine the parochial and Missioner roles as the full-time post in the northern cluster. This takes account of the continuing post of HFD Priest currently held by Rev Ward Smith and the Deanery College will commend this to the Deanery Synod for approval at the beginning of the Deanery Synod meeting on 20th November 2018.

Therefore, the new Northern Benefice will include Poughill, Stratton, Launcells, Kilkhampton and Morwenstow and will have two retired clergy, two Readers, two worship leaders and a half time House for Duty clergy person (Rev Richard Ward-Smith). They will also be served by a full-time priest working for half their time as the benefice priest and half their time as a Missioner across the entire Deanery. There is no-one to fill this post at present, so this Benefice will need to create a Benefice Profile with the help of Rebecca Evans from Church House & the Deanery College has to prepare a job description for the Missioner role so that the post may be advertised as soon as possible.

The parishes of Week St Mary, Poundstock with Widemouth Bay and Whitstone will become part of a new Benefice which will also include Bude Haven and Marhamchurch. This new Central Benefice will have at least 6 Worship Leaders, two retired clergy willing to work part time and eventually, the Rev David Barnes as the Benefice priest and Rural Dean.

In the meantime, the Central and Northern Clusters will continue to be looked after by Rev David Barnes and Richard Ward-Smith with the help of retired cler-gy. No-one will be left without clergy cover for Eucharists, Funerals, Wed-dings and Baptisms and the Retired clergy, Readers and Worship Leaders will work hard to maintain the remainder of the required services.

The mechanism for enabling these changes is known as a ‘Conventional District’ which is a temporary arrangement for a maximum of five years. The Deanery Synod remains the governing body with the Deanery College having an advisory


role only. Once the changes have been put in place and are proved to be work-ing as expected, permanent Benefices can be approved. The Deanery Synod will be asked to approve the creation of the Conventional District at its meeting on 20th November and quite soon after that the changes should be able to take place.

These new Deanery arrangements will mean that we can work with our clergy and lay leadership teams in our individual parishes in the way that we prefer – continuing in our current traditions or exploring change as we wish - but also more closely together, gaining strength in being part of a larger body with a common vision for the future growth of the church. We have an enormous opportunity to re-examine what we really want and to develop the new relationships that our cluster boundary changes create, taking advantage of the gifts that come with the new members of our groups.

Yours in Christ’s service David

AMD2 – Accompanied Ministry Development

The Deanery College has been taking part in AMD2 – the Accompanied Ministry Development programme – which is provided by the Diocese to help Clergy and Lay Leadership develop the skills and gain insight from the experience of others for the implementation of our Deanery Plan. At the first session of AMD2, held at Epiphany House, Truro in June, the College decided that what we need to do is to create disciples and thus grow the church, taking the word of God out into the community, bringing in new members and providing the necessary income to enable us to afford to pay for our clergy staffing. This led to an offer for the Deanery as a whole to take part in an established and proven programme called ‘Leading Your Church into Growth’ (LYCiG)

At our second AMD2 residential in mid-October, we were given training for the management of change and members of Parish Leadership Teams were invited to take part in an introduction to the ’Leading Your Church into Growth’ programme. There will be a further six sessions held in the Deanery to provide the training and expertise necessary for us to learn how to grow our churches for the future.

YOU are invited to attend the first of the LYCiG sessions on 3rd November at Otterham & St Juliot Hall. (See front cover) We start at 9.30 and finish at 3.30. Lunch will be provided, and we will be arranging transport for those who cannot manage to share or to get there themselves. We urge you to come to


Dates for your NOVEMBER Diary:

Saturday 3rd: Gift Day: Recycled Monsters of the Deep, St Marwenne’s 11 am—4 pm

LYCiG session, Otterham & St Juliot Hall 9.30—3.30

Monday 5th: MU Branch Meeting: Bible Study for Kingdomtide, Bude Tourist Information Centre 2.00 pm

Tuesday 6th: CBS Vespers & Benediction, St Michael’s 4 pm

Sunday 11th: WW1 Songs, Poems & Readings, St Andrew’s 4 pm

Friday 16th: Quiz in aid of St Swithin’s, Launcells Village Hall 7 pm

Weds 21st: MU Prayer Group Meeting, 24 Bede Haven Close, 11 am

Friday 23rd: Quiz in aid of St Michael’s, Brendon Arms 7.30 pm

Saturday 24th: MU Autumn Council Meeting, All Saints HIghertown, Truro 10 am

Monday 26th: Old Cornwall Society Carols of the Stratton Hundred, Parkhouse Centre, Bude 7.30 pm (see p 23 for details)

Friday 30th— Christmas Craft Fayre, Launcells Sun 2nd Dec:

Dates for your DECEMBER Diary:

Saturday 1st: Gift Day & Book Fest, St Andrew’s 10 am— 5pm

LYCiG session, Falcon Hotel, Bude 9.30—3.30

these sessions which will be held monthly, half at the Falcon and half at Otter-ham & St Juliot Hall. To become a vibrant and growing church we all need to be involved and willing to give a little of our time. We do hope that as many as possible will take advantage of the opportunity which is being offered to us at this time of change. We have no option but to move forward if we are to develop our Deanery Vision and become the vibrant and living church, engaging with the community and bringing people to know God, that Christ calls us to be.




St Marwenne’s News and Dates for Nov 2018

The Benefice service on Sept 30th led by LWLs from Launcells

was a great success and well attended. They certainly proved

they could lead with thought and sensitivity. Very well done to

you all!

October was a busy month with our Harvest celebrations both

for the school and the church. The church was decorated with its

usual abundance, and love, followed by our Harvest Supper,

which was generously donated by parishioners and villagers.

New posters have been made in Messy Church and two are

displayed in the Children’s corner.

Our Gift Day Recycled Monsters of the Deep will take place on

Nov 3rd 11 am-4pm. Please come and discover new monsters.

The next two services on the third Sundays will be Morning

Prayer, and not Family Service, although of course every age is

welcome. Led by our LWLs.

Dates for your diary:

Saturday Nov 3rd Gift day 11am-4pm

Remembrance Sunday 11th Nov. 10.45am in the Square. No

evening service.

Sunday Dec 2nd 50th Anniversary of Christingle Service at 4pm.

Janet Ward

DIOCESE OF TRURO, BODMIN ARCHDEACONRY Requests the pleasure of your company at Accompanied Ministry Development Days

for all the Parishes of Stratton Deanery

Saturday, 3 November 2018 at Otterham & St Juliot Hall Saturday, 1 December 2018 at the Falcon Hotel, Bude Saturday, 12 January 2019 at the Falcon Hotel, Bude Saturday, 16 March 2019 at the Falcon Hotel, Bude Saturday, 4 May 2019 at Otterham & St Juliot Hall Saturday, 8 June 2019 at Otterham & St Juliot Hall

*** 9.30 am—3.30 pm *** Lunch provided ***



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Tails from Stratton Tower

Hello again. The folk came to bring flowers and gifts of food in tins for the Harvest Festival. That is when they say ‘thank you’ for all the good things they have. It used to be for the wheat that they had grown and gathered in from the fields to make into flour to last

them all through the winter months. I heard someone say that the tins were going to a bank for hungry people, but I thought a bank was a hill where grass grows – it must be something different, tins would rust.

It was nice to have lots of flowers around again. When we looked on the window ledges Squeak wanted to know what the orange things were, but I did not know. Just then I heard a lady say that they were called passion fruit, so we decided it was safer not to nibble. But we did help clear up. One or two ears of wheat had accidently fallen on the floor, so we cleared them away.

The churchyard mouse came in to look at the harvest flowers and gifts of food that the folks had brought in. He said that he liked the new space that the folks have made at the back. He asked us if we had seen the new path at the top of the churchyard. He said ‘it is very nice to come and go with clean paws - it is not wise to leave too many paw prints about – but one or two of the young mice had been thinking of setting up home between those stacked slabs.’ The folk have also taken the rubbish away from the corner by the side gate so they may be able to use the walls there, it is nice and sunny.

There was a meeting on the first Sunday of the month that Squeak enjoyed. He is a very quiet mouse and he liked it because it was just hymns and prayers. Two very nice ladies did all the talking bits. The music was well known and every one sang along. They did it at the beginning of last month too, but this time lots more of the folk came and as it did not last quite as long as usual a lot more of them stayed for nibbles, which was nice – we got more crumbs. Then there was the Craft Fair, but I will have to leave that until I see you again. Bye for now,

Church Mouse



Patronal Festival Gift Day & Book Fest

Saturday 1st December 2018

Refreshments available


Local Worship Leaders

After much prayer and responding to a calling to serve in this way, we began our journey to become Local Worship Leaders with our own PCCs. They’ve had to consider whether we would be able to commit to the Sunday Plus training and then serve in our churches alongside our congregations.

Our course lasted for eight sessions and we covered a whole range of subjects that we hadn’t realised we needed to even know about! They included the purpose and meaning of worship, of course, but also structure and varieties of forms we could use when devising a Service of the Word, principles and planning, prayer; its forms and its purposes, worship spaces, creativity, responding to needs of co-worshippers, the Christian Year, resources available, technology, music, collaborative working, copyright and different forms of worship and so much more. There were homework tasks and we each had to make a portfolio which was assessed by the Diocesan Discipleship Project Officer. Then we were let loose... but not alone.

Our commissioning services have all been moving and inspiring events and we feel that being commissioned as a local worship leader is both an honour and a blessing. It is a natural extension of our faith and the role we play within our church community.

We have regular meetings to collaborate and give confidence to each other, we often work in teams and our clergy and PCCs have been steadfast supports throughout the process and continue to encourage us.

We aren’t clergy, merely co-worshippers who happen to be at the front and are sharing our worship when the clergy aren’t.

If you would like to know more about the Sunday Plus course please speak to either Fr David or one of us:

at Launcells—Sandy Cheshire, Annemary Davies and Ildiko Varadi; at Marhamchurch—Robert Corney, Nigel Harding, Sue Shadrick and Janet Ward; at Stratton—Val Barker, Lilian Dinner and Sheila Waring

Sue Shadrick



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EVERY WEDNESDAY: Meditation Group, St Andrew’s 10 am

St Marwenne’s House Group at Liz & Malcolm Wright’s 7.30—9 pm

Notes from St Andrew’s for November 2018

All Saints will be the theme at the Morning Worship Service on 4th November, at 9.30 am. All Souls will be commemorated at St Andrew’s during the Holy Communion service on Wednesday Morning 7th November at 9.30 am. During the service the names of those to be remembered from St Andrew’s and St Michael’s will be read out from the lists that will have been available to complete at the back of both church-es.

Remembrance Sunday 11th November 2018: The Act of Remembrance at Stratton takes place at the memorial in Church Square at 9. 30 am. In the afternoon at 4 pm a Commemoration of the Signing of the Armistice in 1918 will be a programme of Songs, WW1 Poems and Read-ings at St Andrew’s Church.

St Andrew’s Patronal Festival: St Andrew’s Day will be celebrated at the Parish Mass on Sunday 25th November at 9.30 am followed by Gift Day with a Book Fest and other stalls on Saturday 1st December from 10 am to 5 pm. Refreshments will be available. Invitations will be delivered to every house in Stratton parish to come as usual and to see the changes achieved so far at the back of the church and to learn of our intentions to create a kitchen capable of catering for the newly created space for tables and chairs.

We are full of admiration for the work done with the flooring by Mike Denner and Brian Smale and with the pews by Mervyn Collins.

Christmas Cards are available from Val Barker, being sold on behalf of FoStA (Friends of St Andrew’s). The selection is shown on the notice board in church with nearby order forms.

Ian Barker PCC Secretary 01288 353435



There was a splendid turnout for our October branch meeting to hear three of our members each giving a short talk about different aspects of ‘Providing Food’.

First up was John Cohen, who explained his work as a chef at the Dorchester Hotel, amongst several other prestigious London establishments. He had ended his career as head chef at BT headquarters. He wowed us with pictures of the sort of food he had prepared (certainly up to Master Chef standard!) and showed us the gold medal he had won at a German Food Fair.

Second was Sandy Cheshire, who took us through her determined progress from school dinner lady to school kitchen supervisor. There was general admiration for the personal effort she had put into her own education and training as well as her commitment to producing good and inviting food, especially when responding sympathetically to individual dietary needs.

Finally, Sheila Waring, acting Diocesan President, reminded us of the ways in which the Mothers’ Union Emergency Fund helps people around the world at times of need. This help is often in the form of food. The funds and goods are always distributed locally through Mothers’ Union members ‘on the ground’, so none of it disappears into ‘official’ hands.

Our three members were warmly thanked by all present for their informative and engaging contributions.

November Events (all most welcome!)

2:00 pm – Monday 5th


at Bude Tourist Information Centre

11:00 am – Wednesday 21st


at 24 Bede Haven Close, Bude

10:00 am – Saturday 24th


with Nikki Sweatman, Canterbury Province Mothers’ Union President

at All Saints Highertown, Truro


Another postcard from Hayling Island

We continue to enjoy Hayling Island, although we really do miss you all. One surprising revelation this week is that the Island was a Holy Island, along with Lindisfarne and Iona. Also John Betjeman wrote “An Ode to Hayling Island” although many of his admired buildings have now gone.

So, Holy Island? In ancient times Saint Augustine of Hippo commented upon Hayling’s fine salt, and for many years Celts, Romans and Normans have all played a part in the history of this wonderfully interesting place. The Celts believed islands were holy places, and established a temple in North Hayling and reputedly built the ancient Wadeway, the first link to the mainland.

Forward to 1066 and William the Conqueror gave Hayling to the Benedictine monks from the Royal Abbey of Jumieges in Normandy, who then created the oldest remaining buildings, St Peter’s and St Mary’s churches. We worship in St Mary’s, and St Peters’ has a huge display for the 100 anniversary of World War One at the moment, consisting of 18000 variously made poppies. Impressive! They are in the churchyard on a netted construction. Both these churches have VERY old yew trees, said to be over 2000 years old! Here when Jesus was alive! And some believe He came to Britain, so may have seen them. (Peter doesn’t think so!)

I will leave room for someone else and promise a larger contribution for December. Thinking of you all.

Mary & Peter

Poppies at St Peter’s


GREENFINGERS—in the garden in November

It's beginning to look sad out there now but it will have the great resurrection in the Spring.

If not done already, cut down untidy hardy perenni-als but leave some spent blooms on to give texture, and for the birds if seed-bearing. Hardy plants left in pots can stay outside, but place them on pot feet, place them close together, and have the fleece to hand in case needed. Check stakes and canes if not done already and plant the final Tulip bulbs now. Spike the lawn and tidy ramblers and climbing Roses, cutting out any dead wood. Protect outside taps.

If you are planning to grow more vegetables for next season, sow Broad Beans Aquadulce Claudia or The Sutton, and this is the last chance to plant winter Lettuce, two excellent varieties being Arctic King and Win-ter Density, both obtainable from Delfland Organics which was mentioned earlier. (Tel. 01354 740553).

Growing your own veg. even in a small space, is so convenient especially for people on their own. Supermarket veg. often comes in packs, half of which cannot be consumed before the sell-by date and is consigned to the compost bin. Anyone capable of joining wood together could produce small raised beds, so why not make it part of your plan to have two or three small ones. Potatoes are so easy to grow in bags or tubs. Delfland have a good selection of Potatoes if you cannot visit a garden centre easily, and even if you can, they might not have organic.

November may surprise us with some sunny and warm weather but when bad weather comes, make those lists for the Spring!

The line of yellow light dies fast away, Falls on the moor the brief November day

John Keble


The DEANERY BOOK CLUB (open to all churches in the Deanery and anyone else interested) meets on the first Monday of the month at Gail Brace’s house - 14 Monterey Close Bude. Tel: 01288 352412




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SAINT SWITHIN’S CHURCH HARVEST FESTIVAL On 7th October we at St. Swithin’s held our annual Harvest Festival Service. The flower arrangers, this year, excelled themselves. (We say this every year and it is true). The arrangers came on the Thursday so that the church would be filled with flowers in time for Leila’s funeral the following day honouring the life of someone who had worked so hard over many years for the church.

The service was as lovely as ever and the canned food, fruit and vegetables have all been donated to the Food Bank in Bude. Thanks must go to Roy Dinshaw who stepped in to play the organ and to his friend who had such a lovely singing voice. After the service everyone headed for the Parish Hall where Sue Nunn and her team of hard working friends had provided a delicious meal enjoyed by all. Frank and Megan Daldlish sat by the door taking the entry money and selling raffle tickets. John and Annemary served the wine and soft drinks.

To everyone who worked so hard to make this such a lovely evening- well done, you all made this a very special occasion.

Lilian Quinn

Going Out for

Sunday Lunch !

Are you on your own on Sundays and find the day rather long? Is lunch by yourself rather a bore? Would you fancy to have lunch out with a few friends ? Then why not join us at one of the many hostelries or restaurants in the Bude area?

Several people at St. Michael’s have shown an interest in this idea and have suggested that we meet say once a month. The venues can be decided when we have an idea of numbers!

If you would like to join us please contact:

Sandra Huffer

Tel: 01288 355941 or email





This year we will be singing the ‘Carols of the Stratton Hundred’ in The Parkhouse Centre, Bude on Monday 26th November at 7.30pm. There will be two practices in Poughill Methodist Church room on Monday 12th November and Monday 19th November, both at 2pm. Everyone is welcome to come and join in. Those of you who have joined us in previous years and already have the carol books may wish to know that this year the carols will be:- 10. Behold the Grace Appears 34. Whence those Sounds Symphonious 12. Bethlehem’s Star 7. Angels from the realms of Glory 31. This is the Day 27. Rejoice ye Tenants 19. Hark what mean those Holy voices 20. High let us swell 23. Mortals Awake 14. Flaming Seraphs And the Epilogue carol 26. O Fair O Fair Jerusalem

We will also sing in Cornish:

‘The Holly bears a Berry’ (St Day) and ‘Hark the Glad Sound.’

I have the Carol books to sell at £6.

Please let me know if you are intending coming and give your voice part so that we can estimate numbers. Audrey Aylmer tel 01288 354001 E mail


St Marwenne’s House Group

The aim of the group is about growing in discipleship. It meets every Wednesday evening at Liz & Malcolm Wright’s home, from 7.30—9 pm. Contact them on 01288 361639, or Janet Ward on 01409 255759 for more details and directions.

Deanery Worship and Spirituality Group

The Deanery Worship & Spirituality Group recently held a Wholeness and Healing Service at the beautiful St Petroc’s Church at Trevalga.

We had a lovely welcome from their Churchwarden, Arthur, plus heating! We are most grateful to The Rev'd Heather Aston and The Rev'd Richard Ward-Smith for

conducting the service for us.

For those of you who have not been to our service it is a quiet contemplative service and a chance to pray with a priest individually concerning yourself, family, friends or others or even something that has happened on the world stage which grieves you.

We try to hold this service twice a year and in different churches around the Deanery. Perhaps some of you would like to join us next time. We would love to have you with us.

Gail Brace

One Voice deadlines

Please note that the deadlines for submitting articles for the next 2 issues of One Voice are:

For the December issue the deadline is Friday 15 November, and For the combined January & February issue the deadline is Friday 7 December in order to get the magazines into the church-es well before Christmas.

Thank you Clare Hicks, Editor


Please choose your poppy from St Andrew’s,

St Marwenne’s or St Michael’s

Supporting Help for Heroes & The Royal British Legion

The poppies were knitted by the residents of Bulleid Way, Bude to commemorate 100 years since the end of the Great War. Wear it with pride on your coat or handbag, attach it to your car, scooter or bike as a mark of respect for our service men and women and the work of the above charities.

Donations gratefully accepted


St Michael’s Christmas Tree Festival,

Bude Haven. (The church near the canal!)

Thursday 13th to Sunday 16th December

10.30am - 5.00pm.

Sunday December 16th 4.00 pm Carol Service

Charity Event ~ Refreshments ~ Festive Stalls

Dressed Christmas trees for auction

We invite YOU to decorate a tree with your family, school, church, business or group and join in the fun!

Contact Mary at to book your space and for further details

Bookings being taken now




Sunday Service Schedule for November 2018 for the North Kernow Benefice:

Bude Haven, Launcells, Marhamchurch and Stratton

Sunday 4th: All Saints

8.00 am: Mass (Stratton) 9.30 am: Holy Communion (Marhamchurch) 9.30 am: Morning Worship (Stratton) 11.15 am: Mass (Bude Haven) 6.00 pm: Evensong (Launcells)

Sunday 11th: Remembrance, 3rd before Asvent

9.30 am: Mass (Bude Haven) 9.30 am: Act of Remembrance & Mass (Stratton) 10.45 am: Act of Remembrance (Square, Marhamchurch) 11.15 am: Holy Communion (Launcells) 4.00 pm: Remembrance (Stratton)

Sunday 18th: 2nd before Advent

9.30 am: Mass (Bude Haven) 9.30 am: Mass (Stratton) 11.15 am: Morning Prayer (Marhamchurch) 11.15 am: Holy Communion (Launcells) 6.00 pm: Evensong (Stratton)

Sunday 25th: Christ the King

9.30 am: Mass (Stratton) 9.30 am: Holy Communion (Marhamchurch) 11.15 am: Family Eucharist (Bude Haven) 11.15 am: Holy Communion (Launcells)

WEEKDAY SERVICES IN THE BENEFICE In the normal course of events, weekday services are:

Wednesdays at 8.45 am Morning Prayer, St Andrew’s, Stratton Wednesdays at 9.30 am Mass at St Andrew’s, Stratton Thursdays at 8.45 am Morning Prayer, St Michael’s, Bude Haven Thursdays at 9.30 am Quiet Mass, St Michael’s, Bude Haven


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