now that we have smartphones shouln't we be smarter about surveys ?

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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Now we have

smartphones, shouldn't we try

to be smarter about surveys?

Andrew Jeavons

Executive Vice President

Survey Analytics

• Guidelines/suggestion for mobile surveys

– 10-7-140

• Adapting popular construct for


– NPS (Net Promoter Score)

The Age of Aquarius is over. It’s the age of instant….and it is a GOOD thing…

Questions per survey

Options per Question

140 characters question text

Net Promoter Score



Discriminates against people with fat fingers……

On Scales

• I hate scales.

• We don’t think in scales.

• We don’t act in scales.

• I don’t get up in the morning on a scale of 0-10.

• I don’t drive a car on a scale of 0-10.

• We don’t get married on a scale of 0-10.

• Scaling behavior is illogical.– And yes, that goes for propensity to behave.

As Hofmeyr (2007) puts it:

“In sum: we are heuristic decision makers.

We may sometimes feel that we’re agonising over a decision.

But mostly we decide fast and effectively;

with minimal use of energy and little reference to multiple attributes....”

We tend to be behaviorally discrete.

Discrete Conjoint

How about we just ask some simple questions ?

Radical huh ?

Mobile has to be:




“Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look, he thinks too much; such men are dangerous.”Julius Caesar Act 1, scene 2

Thinking is not always required.

Kahneman Type I and Type II processing.

We want surveys answered the way people behave.

Thinking can be dangerous…see Caesar…

Discrete NPS: just ask…..

Note for foreigners: This is a Hershey’s Kiss.



Not recommend

SurveyAnalytics standard NPS

Discrete NPS 3 point

N=1757 total

Slider NPS - Android/iPhone

Discrete NPS 3 point

N=2567 total

Standard NPS

Promoters: 38%

Passive: 28%

Detractor: 34%

Discrete NPS

Promoters: 75%

Passive: 16%

Detractor: 9%

Slider NPS

Promoters: 42%

Passive: 22%

Detractor: 46%

Discrete NPS

Promoters: 73%

Passive: 15%

Detractor: 12%

So what ?

Paper – CATI –Web – Mobile ?

Mobile will force new ways…

Cognitive Pollution.

Which will mean…new data.

Mobile is important because it is immediate.

It is about now, not recall, not the past.

And we make decisions now.

We can’t “beat it to death” (Betty Adamou)with our old ways.

It will challenge some old assumptions and ideas.

Privacy is changing.Shadow Cities.

In the end it gets us closer to real life.

“The glass is falling hour by hour, the glass will fall for ever,But if you break the bloody glass you won't hold up the weather.”

“Bagpipe Music” - Louise MacNeice

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