nse corporate membership pg report

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    Part One

    1.0 RESUME

    I began my career at the Nigerian Television Authority, ictoria Islan!

    "agos in August #00$ as an intern broa!cast systems engineer on a

    # year  contract. %ithin this &erio!, I 'as un!er the tutelage an!

    su&ervision o( senior colleagues 'ho mentore! an! nurture! me.

    I trans(erre! to a voluntary contract in #00) once I ha! success(ully

    com&lete! my bachelor in Electrical*Electronic Engineering at

    Ma!onna University +i-a.

    et'een #00/ an! #010, I -oine! the e!eral Ministry o( %ors,

    ousing an! Urban !evelo&ment Abu-a (or the one year man!atory

    National 2outh service &rogramme 'here I 'as the System*Net'or

    A!ministrator servicing the entire com&le3 an! also the

    re&resentative o( the entire cor&s members serving in the ministry.

    In #010, I returne! to the Nigerian Television Authority "agos on

    another voluntary contract as a roa!cast*IT engineer an! a T

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  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    &resenter u& until the (irst 4uarter o( #011 an! 'ithin this &erio! I

    bagge! my (irst international certi(ication (rom Microso(t 5or&oration

    as a Microso(t 5erti(ie! 6ro(essional 7M568.

    y the secon! 4uarter o( #011, I relocate! to 2ola, A!ama'a state

    to -oin 9+TE" 5+MMUNI5ATI+NS as a roa!cast Systems*IT engineer

    'here I s&ent some years.

    9otel communications is a &rivately o'ne! me!ia organi:ation base!

    in 2ola, A!ama'a state com&rising t'o ra!io stations in the AM ; M

    ban!s res&ectively an! a terrestrial T station transmitting at

  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    T ARI5A in "agos as a Senior roa!cast*IT Engineer 'here I

    currently 'or.

    The (ollo'ing &ages !escribe an! !etail some o( the &ro-ects I have

    'ore! on an! !escribes the tass I un!ertae as &art o( my -ob in

    con-unction 'ith other com&etent &ersonnel.

    1.1 Experience Summary

    Project & Post Graduation Experience Activities Witnessed & Supervised  

     August 2006-February 200

    •  Studio !a"era operations   •  #ode #aba$o$a %Syste"s

    Supervisor '(A )agos &

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  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report



    Progra""es & Pub$icity !o""ittee

    'igerian Society o  Engineers 'ationa$ ?eaduarters Abuja


    Strategy & P$anning !o""ittee

    oung Engineers Foru"o 'igeria under t*eauspices o t*e 'igerian

    Society o Engineers ?+/ Abuja

    2099 ti$$ date


    'igerian Society o  Engineers %'SE<

    Graduate e"ber %200< G76  

    'igeria !o"puter Society %'!S<

     Associate e"ber %209D<

    'igerian ,nstitute o Saety Proessiona$s %',SP<

    ?SE )eve$ ,, %2090<

    icrosot ,nc5 icrosot !ertiied  Proessiona$ %!P<


    !isco !isco 'etor1 Acade"y  Graduate %2097<

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  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    Part Two


    #.1 +BE5TIE

    This &ost gra!uation re&ort is to share my e3&erience in roa!cast

    systems engineering 'ith a (ocus on the challenges I have (ace! over

    the years in a bi! to im&lement a Ta&eless broa!cast 'or(lo'.

    #.# 5once&t ; Issues

    The main challenge o( broa!casting to!ay all over the 'orl! an! in!ee!

    in Nigeria is migrating (rom analogue to !igital broa!casting. The

    International Telecommunication Union 7ITU8 has set a !ea!line (or the

    (ull transition to !igital broa!cast (or #01< an! Nigeria is a signatory to

    this agreement, (i3ing its s'itchover !ate at 1 >ecember #01# 'hich is

    long over!ue.

    Technology has gro'n ra&i!ly since the analog system 'as intro!uce!,

    an! the current analog system cannot su&&ort (uture !evelo&ment.

    Broa!cast en"ineerin" is the (iel! o( electrical engineering, an! no' to

    some e3tent com&uter engineering an! in(ormation technology, 'hich

    !eals 'ith ra!io an! television broa!casting. Au!io engineering an! R  6 | P a g e


  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    engineering are also essential &arts o( broa!cast engineering, being their

    o'n subsets o( electrical engineering.

    roa!cast engineering involves both the stu!io en! an!

    the transmitter en! 7the entire air@chain8, as 'ell as remote broa!casts.

    Every station has a broa!cast engineer, though one may no' serve an

    entire station grou& in a city, or be a contract engineer 'ho

    essentially (reelances his or her services to several stations 7o(ten in

    small me!ia marets8 as nee!e!

    The nature o( the 'or varies accor!ing to location an! 'hether it is

    base! in television, ra!io or ne' me!ia, but tass ty&ically involveC

    • maintaining s&ecialist e4ui&ment (or vi!eo &ro!uction, broa!cast

    an! satellite transmission, an! interactive me!iaD

    • setting u& an! monitoring au!iovisual lins bet'een units in

    !i((erent locationsD

    • installing an! testing ne' (acilities an! e4ui&mentD

    • setting u& an! o&erating e!iting (acilities in &ost@&ro!uction suitesD

    • analy:ing an! recti(ying technical (aults on e4ui&ment an!


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    • minimi:ing loss o( service at times o( e4ui&ment (ailure by ra&i!ly

    i!enti(ying an! im&lementing alternative metho!s o( service


    • ee&ing abreast o( constant changes in technology by investigating

    ne' systems, techni4ues an! e4ui&ment @ es&ecially ne' internet


    • setting u& an! o&erating e4ui&ment an! transmission lins !uring

    outsi!e broa!castsD

    • !esigning an! installing custom au!iovisual circuitsD

    • re&airing har!'are, so(t'are an! other broa!cast technology


    • !esigning an! manu(acturing ne' circuits, har!'are an! systemsD

    • !evelo&ing an! using a'areness o( best &ractice in health an!

    sa(ety (or the 'or&laceD

    • inter&reting an! im&lementing instructions an! re4uests (rom

    &ro!ucers, !irectors an! other colleaguesD

    • communicating e((ectively 'ith members o( the team an! other


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    • ee&ing u& to !ate 'ith the in!ustry by buil!ing an! maintaining a

    net'or o( contacts.

    A broa!cast engineer 'ors 'ith har!'are an! broa!cast systems that

    are use! across television, ra!io an! ne' me!ia. They mae sure that

    &rogrammes are broa!cast on time an! to the highest &ossible level o( 

    4uality. As 'ell as o&erating an! maintaining the systems, they also carry

    out u&!ates an! re&airs.

    roa!cast engineers 'or in a range o( locations an! situations. They

    may carry out stu!io or set 'or or &ost@&ro!uction o&erations. They

    coul! also be involve! in outsi!e broa!casts, 'here soun! an! images

    are relaye! live bac to a stu!io or straight to the net'or.

    They 'or 'ith a range o( &eo&le inclu!ing &ro!ucers, stu!io managers,

    &resenters an! other technical sta(( 

    Mo!ern !uties o( a broa!cast engineer inclu!e maintaining broa!cast

    automation systems (or the stu!io an! automatic transmission

    systems (or the transmitter &lant. There are also im&ortant !uties

    regar!ing ra!io to'ers, 'hich must be maintaine! 'ith

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    &ro&er lighting an! &ainting. +ccasionally a stations engineer must !eal

    'ith com&laints o( R inter(erence, &articularly a(ter a station has ma!e

    changes to its transmission (acilities

    roa!cast engineers may have varying titles !e&en!ing on their level

    o( e3&ertise an! (iel! s&ecialty. Some 'i!ely use! titles inclu!eC

    • roa!cast !esign engineer

    • roa!cast systems engineer

    • roa!cast IT engineer

    • roa!cast IT systems engineer

    • roa!cast net'or engineer

    • roa!cast maintenance engineer

    • i!eo broa!cast engineer

    • T stu!io broa!cast engineer

    • +utsi!e broa!cast engineer

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    • Remote broa!cast engineer

    roa!cast engineers may nee! to &ossess some or all o( the

    (ollo'ing !egrees, !e&en!ing on the broa!cast technical environment. I( 

    one o( the (ormal 4uali(ications is not &resent, a relate! !egree or

    e4uivalent &ro(essional e3&erience is !esirable.

    • >egree in electrical engineering

    • >egree in electronic engineering

    • >egree in telecommunications engineering

    •>egree in com&uter engineering

    • >egree in management in(ormation system

    • >egree in broa!cast technology

    roa!cast engineers are generally re4uire! to have no'le!ge in the

    (ollo'ing areas, (rom conventional vi!eo broa!cast systems to mo!ern

    In(ormation TechnologyC

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  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    • 5onventional broa!cast

    • Au!io*i!eo instrumentation measurement

    • aseban! vi!eo F stan!ar! * high@!e(inition

    • roa!cast stu!io acoustics

    • Television stu!ios @ broa!cast vi!eo cameras an! camera


    • 6ro!uction s'itcher 7i!eo mi3er8

    • Au!io mi3er

    • roa!cast IT

    • i!eo com&ression @ ># or ATS5 7or IS>8

    • >igital server &layout technologies. @ >56, "outh, arris,

    control &rotocols

    • roa!cast automation

    • >is storage F RAI> * NAS * SAN technologies.

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  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    • +ccu&ational sa(ety an! health

    • ire su&&ression systems lie M #00.

    • asic structural engineering

    • R ha:ar! mitigation

    Above mentione! re4uirements vary (rom station to station.

    The conversion to !igital broa!casting means broa!cast engineers must

    no' be 'ell@verse! in !igital television an! !igital ra!io, in a!!ition

    to analogue &rinci&les. Ne' e4ui&ment (rom the transmitter to the ra!io

    antenna to the receiver may be encountere! by engineers ne' to the

    (iel!. urthermore, mo!ern techni4ues &lace a greater !eman! on an

    engineers e3&ertise, such as sharing broa!cast to'ers or ra!io

    antennas among !i((erent stations 7!i&le3ing8.

    >igital au!io an! !igital vi!eo have revolutioni:e! broa!cast engineering

    in many res&ects.  roa!cast stu!ios an! control rooms are no' alrea!y

    !igital in large &art, using non@linear e!iting an! !igital signal

    &rocessing (or 'hat use! to tae a great !eal o( time or money, i( it 'as

    even &ossible at all. Mi3ing consoles (or both au!io an! vi!eo are

      14 | P a g e


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  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    +ther com&anies s&eciali:e in both broa!cast engineering an! broa!cast

    la', 'hich are both essential 'hen maing an a&&lication to a

    national broa!casting authority (or a construction &ermit or broa!cast

    license. This is es&ecially critical in North America, 'here stations bear

    the entire bur!en o( &roving that their &ro&ose! (acilities 'ill not cause

    inter(erence an! are the best use o( the ra!io s&ectrum. Such com&anies

    no' have s&ecial so(t'are that can ma& &ro-ecte! ra!io

    &ro&agation an! terrain shiel!ing, as 'ell as la'yers that 'ill !e(en! the

    a&&lications be(ore the U.S. e!eral 5ommunications

    5ommission 7558, 5ana!ian Ra!io@television an! Telecommunications

    5ommission 75RT58, or the e4uivalent authorities in some other


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  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    Part T#ree

    .1 Ta&eless roa!cast Systems ; %or(lo's

    $.2 Bac%"ron!

    In the &ro(essional broadcast 'orl!, an en!@to@en! 'or(lo'

    7(rom ingest to &layout8 is calle! tapeless 'hen &art, or all o( it, is

    ma!e 'ithout any ta&eD vi!eo an! au!io sources being ingeste!,

    recor!e!, e!ite! an! &laye! out on !igital systems.

    To illustrate the !i((erences, 'e can tae the analogy 'ith a

    classic vi!eo recor!er an! a har! !is recor!er. %ith the ta&e base!

    system, you nee! to 'ait (or some mechanical o&erations such as

    (or'ar!, re'in!, e-ect, co&y, etc. In the other case, ta&eless one, you

    instantly an! !irectly go to the selecte! &art o( the me!ia.

    These a!vantages are the same in &ro(essional 'or(lo's an! can be

    a!!e! to reach easiest, (astest an! more secure systems.

    The tapeless a!vantages are the (ollo'ingC

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  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    I starte! 'ith sim&le stu!io o&erations lie (loor managing,

    tele&rom&ting, gra&hics o&eration, camera o&eration an! have no'

    &rogresse! through the training an! on@the@-ob e3&osures I have

    receive! to becoming a 6ro!ucer, !irector an! even a &resenter

    as 'ell an! this has ai!e! me in becoming a better an! more

    com&etent broa!cast systems*it engineer.

    I have learne! an! still have a lot to learn (rom my colleagues an! over

    the &ast years they have given me great su&&ort an! no'le!ge o( the

    broa!cast services in!ustry globally.

    The (ollo'ing &ages in this cha&ter brie(ly chronicle my &ost

    gra!uat ion e3&erience in the roa!cast Me!ia services



    .1 acgroun!

    The NTA# 5hannel < "agos 'as a tra!itional broa!cast establishment. y

    this I mean that the set@u& an! 'or(lo' 'as &urely analogue. The NTA

    "agos transmitte! in the ery igh re4uency s&ectrum o( 1=

  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    resi!ents 'ithin "agos 'ith s&ill@over signal to neighboring state lie

    +gun state.

    y the 'or! GTra!itional establishmentH, I mean that bet'een years

    #00$@#00/, the source o( me!ia content !istribution 'as TA6E. Mini@

    !igital vi!eo 7mini@>8 ta&es 'ere use! (or recor!ing*ca&turing,

    ingesting, &ost@&ro!uction an! (inal transmission o( vi!eo materials.

    +(ten times, vintage (ootages 'ere transmitte! using legacy e4ui&ments

    lie i!eo 5assette &layers an! recor!ers 75R8. There 'as no alternate

    means o( content ac4uisition an! !istribution.

    .# B+ R+"E

     I 'as the assistant !uty engineer an! o(ten times I 'oul! man the

    master control room an! su&ervise any stu!io &ro!uctions that 'as

    to tae &lace. Ty&ically in a control room, you shoul! (in! an

    +&erations !irector 'ho has been &rovi!e! the sche!ule o( 

    &rogrammes to be broa!cast (or that !ay or &erio! an! an engineer

    'ho han!les cueing o( ta&e materials an! &lay out alongsi!e

    resolving any technicalities that may arise 'ith the transmitte!

    material lie &oor vi!eo an! au!io 4uality etc.

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    As the !uty engineer ,I ensure that there is regular &o'er su&&ly to

    the stu!io an! its environs 'hich o(ten involves changing over to a

    9enerator i( there is a &o'er (ailure. I utili:e monitoring tools an!

    e4ui&ment lie a 'ave (orm monitor to ensure the integrity o( the

    transmitte! signal is acce&table by all stan!ar!s.

    I also &atch e4ui&ments (or recor!ing to ta&e. In the &rocess o( 

    carrying out these !uties, timing an! e((iciency are o( great

    im&ortance since there is a sche!ule 'hich must be (ollo'e! to the

    latter to avoi! litigation (rom clients 'ho have &ai! (or their

    commercials or &rogrammes to be aire!.

    ase! on my research , I reali:e! some o( the !o'nsi!es to this

    tra!itional set u& inclu!e! C

    $.$2.( T#e C#a))en"es

    1. >o'n time as a result o( inserting ta&e (or &layout

    #. %ear an! tear o( ta&e machine mechanisms

    . Unreliability o( some ta&es resulting in &oor &icture


    . Inability to 'holly &revie' the content o( a material

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    on ta&e because it &roves to be very time consuming

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    .1 acgroun!

    I 'as the ea! o( the I5T !e&artment an! a roa!cast Engineer on this

    &ro-ect 'oring to &ro!uce !esigns (or a converge! net'or an!

    oversee the installation an! con(iguration o( a Ta&eless roa!cast

    %or(lo'. T 9otel transmits terrestrially on the U ban! o(

  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


      By foot

    From tape-basedCamera by foot by foot

      By foot

    Fig 950 A b$oc1 diagra" o a typica$ or1$o in Gote$ co""unications )td 

    I -oine! 9otel 5ommunications as a roa!cast Engineer in A&ril

    #011 an! in the s&ace o( three years , I rose to become the

    youngest ea! o( !e&artment an! most !ecorate! engineer in the


    +ne o( the (irst things I !i! u&on -oining the com&any 'as to

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  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    carry out a research into the e3isting 'or(lo' sho'n above

    'hich ha! a lot o( challenges some o( 'hich are liste! belo' C

    $.*2 CALLENGES

    1. Signi(icant amount o( time 'as 'aste! in

    ingesting as the materials ha! to be trans(erre!

    (rom a ta&e machine to the e!it system

    #. Time 'as 'aste! in the &hysical trans(er o( 

    ta&es (rom the various units as they 'ere

    &hysically !istinct by location.

    . Time an! Man&o'er 'as 'aste! in trans(erring

    the e!ite! material bac to ta&e.

    . Time 'as 'aste! in &hysically moving the ta&e

    (rom the &ost &ro!uction (acility to the control

    room 'here it 'as to be use! (or transmission.

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    $. inancial resources 'ere 'aste! !aily on

    ac4uiring &a&er (or the ne'sroom routine

    o&erations lie scri&ting.

    =. Ne's bulletins almost al'ays starte! behin!

    sche!ule as a result o( this time 'asting

    ). The ingest machines su((ere! routinely (rom

    'ear an! tear

    /. igh cost o( re&airing the ta&e machines an!

    cameras as they ha! to be taen to "agos (or


    10. 5ameras also su((ere! mechanical 'ear

    an! tear

    11. The E!it systems o(ten (aile! as a result

    o( misuse an! virus in(ections an! as a result

    vital (ootages 'ere lost.

    1#. The E!it systems 'ere o(ten bace! u& to

    e3ternal har! !rives an! ta&es 'hich o(ten

    (aile! !ue to &hysical !amage or so(t'are

    corru&tion an! this le! to loss o( archive


      26 | P a g e

  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    1. There 'as no (orm o( re!un!ancy in the

    archive set@u& since it 'as to an e3ternal har!

    !is !rives.

    1. inancial constraints as a result o(  

    !u&lication o( content on Ta&es an! har! !rives


  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


      Via network via networkFrom tapelessCamera S card

      Via network via network via network

    Fig 250 ;esign or (ape$ess :oad"ap in Gote$ !o""unications

    !"is pro#ect re$uired me carryin% out t"e followin%&

    •  Survey of existin% 'ost production rooms( )ewsroom and 'ro%rammesdepartment

    • *esearc" into t"e existin% workflow of t"ese various units by observin% meetin% eac"

    unit "ead.

    • +ap analysis of t"e situation.

    • esi%n of t"e tapeless workflow for Scalability and redundancy

    • ,ayout and Specification of re$uired "ardware.• esi%n of a conver%ed network

    • Capacity buildin% for members of staff and tec"nical support

    Below is a copy of my pa%ed report and recommendation to t"e ana%ement of+otel Communications in /une 011 after a 0 mont" researc".

      28 | P a g e












  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    To: GM/CEO

    Thru : Head of Engneerng

    !a"e: #une 2011

    $e%ear&h $e'or" and


     #une 2011


  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    I !" #$a%g#a&' %#e a *+,e%$ ,a "!$e"" e$-!%+$*e$ !"

    !$.%ea"!$g' &e.+*!$g ICT ,%!-e$ a$, +/ E0e.#!-e" a%e a"1!$g !"

    O$e *!''!+$ ,+''a% 2#e"!+$3 4 H+5 ,+ 5e 'e-e%age +$ ICT + .# .+"3

    !$.%ea"e e6.!e$. a$, !*/%+-e /%+,#.!-!78

     T!" %e"ea%. /a/e% a!*" + "+5 e /a #"!$g TV G+e' a" a .a"e


    A" !" +&a!$a&'e a$5e%e e'"e !$ e 5+%',3 /%+/e% a$, e:e.!-e

    %e"%#.#%!$g .a$$+ &e #$,e%a1e$ 5!+# .+$,#.!$g a Ga/

    a$a'"!"9 T!" g!-e" a$ !$"!g !$+ +#% .#%%e$ "a#"( 4Te N+58)

    a$, +#% e0/e.e, e$, /+!$

    ( 4Te Te$8) a$, e "+'#!+$"3 "%aeg!e"3 !,ea" a$, .+$.e/" a

    5!'' /a-e e 5a + ge!$g e%e9

     Te "a*e 5a" .+$,#.e, !$ TV G+e' a$, &e'+5 !" e %e"#'

    a..+*/a$!e, & a %e.+**e$,a!+$9

    Char)e% E(u*e

    +e&"ona) Head, -CT

    Engneer !e'".


  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    %e"+#%.e #!'!a!+$ a*+$g" +e%"9

    !9 C#%%e$'3 ,aa (a#,!+/!,e+ *ae%!a'") !" "+%e, +$ a

    .+*&!$a!+$ +; !$e%$a' a%, ,%!e" a$, ,!%e.-aa.e,

    e0e%$a' ,%!e"9 T!" !*'!e" ,#'!.a!+$ +; ,aa +$ DVD" a$,

    ae" 5e$ee% ! !" %e2#!%e, !$ a$+e% '+.a!+$ a$, #"

    %+e" + &e .+"-!$e:e.!e !$ e '+$g e%*9 A'"+ e

    a*+#$ +; !*e a$, e$e%g e0e$,e, + *+e + a$, ;%+ +$e

    +!$ +; #"e + a$+e% .+#', &e .a$$e'e, !$+ +e%

    %+,#.!e a%ea"9

    !!9 Daa !" "+%e, '+.a'' +$ ea. +; e 5+%1"a!+$"

    e%e;+%e a$ +$e ""e* ;a!'#%e *a 'ea, + a '+"" +; $+$-

    %e.+e%a&'e a'#a&'e ,aa9

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  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


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  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


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  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report



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  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


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  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


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  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


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    aving submitte! this re&ort an! recommen!ation, the Management

    a&&rove! it an! the (irst &hase 'as initiate! an! conclu!e!. %ith the

    ne' !esign, there 'as a signi(icant im&rovement on the e((iciency

    an! e((ectiveness o( the 'or(lo', communications bet'een members

    o( sta(( 'as !one through the centrali:e! server rather than on &a&er,

    vi!eo materials 'ere archive! on the Net'or attache! storage.

    Some o( the challenges encountere! !uring an! a(ter this &ro-ect

    inclu!e! C

    .< 6R+BE5T 5A""EN9ES ; S+"UTI+NS

    1. 5om&uter illiteracy o( most colleagues

    #. Timescale not being met !ue to trans&ort logistics o(

    !elivering &arts (rom "agos to yola

    . Un!er utili:ation o( the service by members o( sta(( 'ho

    ha! a &re(erence (or the status 4uo.

    39 | P a g e

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    . Everyone ha! access to the Net'or storage an! (ile server

    an! as a result began to use it (or storing non@'or relate!


    To overcome some o( these challenges, I !i! the (ollo'ing C

    1. Regularly embare! on an intensive I5T sensiti:ation cam&aign

    (or members o( sta(( 'ith a vie' to enlightening them on the

    bene(its o( the integration o( I5T into broa!cast 'or(lo's as is

    obtainable in mo!ern me!ia out(its an! by global best &ractices.

    #. "iaise! 'ith ea!s o( other !e&artments to en(orce the I5T

    &olicy (or 'or(lo's

    . Routine monitoring o( the system an! 'or(lo' 'ith a vie' to

    assisting those 'ho may have challenges 'ith its usage

    . Selecte! an! traine! a team o( -unior sta((s to also &rovi!e

    technical su&&ort to the general members o( sta((.

  • 8/17/2019 Nse Corporate Membership Pg Report


    smooth a!ministration o( the entire com&uters on the net'or.

    Also in the course o( my 'or years at 9otel communications, I

    'as on boar! several committees as a result o( my e3&osure an!

    e3&erience in mo!ern !ay broa!cast techni4ues. I !esigne! a

    converge! net'or (or the organi:ation alongsi!e being a T

    &resenter*tal sho' host.

      41 | P a g e

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    6art our

    .10 5onclusion

    %ith the transition to !igital broa!cast being aroun! the corner,

    television an! ra!io stations are embracing I5T@!riven techni4ues to

    leverage on mo!ern broa!cast o&&ortunities.

    Ta&eless 'or(lo's have re@!e(ine! broa!casting across the globe

    an! it 'oul! be a 'ise choice (or me!ia organi:ations in Nigeria to

    (ollo' the tren!.

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