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NSW Carers Strategy

CARERS SURVEYAre you looking after or supporting someone with a disability, health issue (chronic illness, experiencing mental illness, drug and alcohol dependency), someone who is older or has dementia? We are looking for parents, grandparents, partners, sons, daughters, siblings, other relatives or friends who take on a caring role to share their experiences through this survey and tell us what we need for the next Carers Strategy.

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Anyone can take on a caring role, and many people don’t see themselves as carers – they are just caring for someone close to them. The NSW Government refers to people who look after someone who needs help with their day-to-day living as carers. This includes people who need help due to disability, mental illness, dementia, a long-term health condition, terminal illness, drug or alcohol dependency, or someone who is frail because they are older.

The next Carers Strategy will include practical innovative solutions that meet the needs and aspirations of carers in NSW, building on the strengths and achievements of the first Carers Strategy 2014-2019. It will also focus more closely on carer groups that have specific needs and challenges.

The first Carers Strategy was developed with input from carers and stakeholders through a consultation process over many months. In developing the next Carers Strategy, the NSW Government wants to listen to and understand the needs of carers again.

We will be consulting with a wide range of carers and stakeholders including peak bodies and advocates, service providers, government agencies and the private sector. We want carers to have as many opportunities as possible to share their experiences and voice their opinions on the strategy throughout this consultation process.

We want to hear from as many carers as possible. This survey is one way for you to be part of the consultation process. By contributing your insights and experiences as a carer, you can help inform the priorities of the new strategy ensuring that it is relevant and practical for carers, the people carers support, and the organisations that support carers.

Other consultation opportunities you may want to participate in over the next 6 months:

•Workshops – a small number of face to face workshops held across NSW in August/September and December 2019 to identify priority areas and co-design solutions.

•Writtensubmissions – for interested individuals or organisations to submit their views on what our priorities and actions should be.

•Haveyoursay – online survey to be launched towards the end of the co-design process to test and prioritise the most important actions to be included in the strategy with the broader population.

For more information go to the Carers Strategy https://www.facs.nsw.gov.au/inclusion/carers/nsw-carers-strategy

BACKGROUNDThe NSW Government is developing a whole of government strategy to better recognise and support people who take on a caring role.



The survey will take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

The information you provide will only be used in collated form with no individual feedback able to be identified.

This survey is for individual carers. If you are interested in facilitating a conversation with a group of carers, or if you are a community organisation or service provider interested in contributing to our consultation process, please use our other conversation kit – group facilitation guide.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact the Carers Team at carerstr@facs.nsw.gov.au

Submitting questionnaires:You can complete the survey online through surveymonkey at https://www.facs.nsw.gov.au/inclusion/carers/nsw-carers-strategy

Alternatively, you can print this survey, complete and send back to carerstr@facs.nsw.gov.au

You can also post your response in to the Carers Team, Level 3, 4-6 Cavill Avenue, Ashfield, NSW 2131.

Please complete the survey by 31 October 2019.

HOW TO USE THE SURVEYThis carer survey can be completed by any carer interested in contributing to the consultation process that will inform the co-design of the new NSW Carers Strategy.

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1. What is your age 0-18 19-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66-75 76-85 85+

2. Where do you live in NSW? Sydney metropolitan area Outer city/regional area Rural or remote

3. Do you care for someone experiencing any of the following: (you can tick more than 1)

Disability Mental illness Chronic illness Drug and/or alcohol dependency Dementia Age related care needs Other

4. What gender do you identify as? Female Male Other

5. Do you speak a language other than English at home? No Yes

If yes, what language:

6. Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? No Yes

GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU... As this questionnaire is anonymous, we will not ask for any identifying information (like your name, address etc.). We are collecting general information about you to help us understand whether different groups of carers think differently about the new strategy. We hope that you will answer these questions, but you can skip any question that you are not comfortable answering.

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04CARER QUESTIONNAIRE: 7. What is working well for you? (Please select your top 3 responses)

Knowing what help is available and where to find it Respite Counselling Health services (including mental health) Practical home support Education and training Employment Housing Finances Peer support (support from other carers) Social supports Planning for the future Other

Could you please explain why you selected these?

8. What is not working well for you? (Please select your top 3 responses)

Knowing what help is available and where to find it Respite Counselling Health services (including mental health) Practical home support Education and training Employment Housing Finances Peer support (support from other carers) Social supports Planning for the future Other

Could you please explain why you selected these?

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9. A proposed priority of the new strategy is that carers and caring are recognised, respected and valued. Who do you feel carers are most recognised, respected and valued by?: Your community Your workplace By service providers (e.g. health professionals) By care workers In the media e.g. in the news

Could you please explain why you selected these?

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10. How can the carers strategy help improve carer access to information? (Please select your top 3 responses)

Knowledge of where to find information (website, services)

Increase use of technology (apps, websites) to help you find supports locally

Improve information for carers in places carers regularly visit

More information about how to best support the people you care for

Make information more accessible for carers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and carers with disability

Carer peer support programs

Building awareness through schools for young carers

Other – please specify

Could you please explain why you selected these?

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11. Why do you think carers may not access services and supports? (Please select your top 3 responses)

May not be aware of carer supports because they don’t identify as a carer

Do not have the time or energy

Services are not available in your area

Too difficult to navigate the system

Services have long waitlists

Not aware of how to access it

Cannot afford the service

Services are not culturally safe/appropriate

Not able to get to the service (because it’s too far away or lack of transport)

Other - please specify

12. Think about a time recently when you’ve needed support in your caring role and had a positive outcome. What was the key thing that led to that positive outcome?

13. Think about a time recently when you’ve needed support in your caring role but could not get it. What were some of the problems and barriers you experienced?

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14. Have you accessed a carer service or initiative that helped you? (If so, please include the name of the service, where it was delivered and any other information such as contact people or websites).


15. What would help you to take care of your own health and wellbeing needs? (Please select your top 3 responses)

More information about services and supports available to you in your area

Help carers to learn about the importance of self-care

Respite and practical support so you have time to look after yourself

Opportunities to take a break or meet friends or family

More financial support

More support for other family members

Other - please specify

Please explain why you selected these?

16. Can you sum up how you feel about your caring role in one short sentence?

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Thank youThank you for your involvement in our consultation process to shape the next

carers strategy.

If you are happy to be contacted to be involved in our future consultations, please provide your email address.

FACS - DISCUSSION PAPER - Shaping a Better Child Protection System12

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