numeracy tips for nursing applicants - lantern publishing€¦ · examples all taken from numeracy...

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Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Numeracy Tips for Nursing Applicants

As a nurse, you will need some basic numeracy skills in order to carry out drug and clinical calculations.

The Nursing and Midwifery Council requires Higher Education Institutions to ensure that their selection and admission criteria to pre-registration courses provide evidence of those skills.

Most universities set their own numeracy tests as part of the application process. The tests differ in style, length and number of questions, so you should try to obtain a practice test from the university of your choice to familiarise yourself with their requirements.

Generally, the tests cover the ability to use numbers accurately in respect of volume, weight and length, and they include:





Use of decimals, fractions and percentages

This booklet provides you with some worked examples, to remind you how to do the basic calculations you will need, and some sample tests to practise yourself.

Some numeracy tests consist of a part where a calculator may not be used and a part where use of a calculator is allowed. The tests in this booklet are intended to provide practice in the skills you will need to demonstrate without the use of a calculator. All of the worked examples are based on our excellent book – Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison. It will provide you with all the numeracy skills you need for your whole nursing career: from when you apply to a course, through your studies, to life on the ward.

Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses Neil Davison ISBN: 9781908625243, 176 pages, £11.99 Reviewers’ comments: Absolutely fab book. I struggle often in this area and it has helped me on loads!!

Great - I really needed this! Great to either work through or just go to particular points that I needed to work on. Would recommend to any student nurse/midwife.

Got on very well with this book, definitely one to get!

An excellent book for all nurses and allied health professionals to help develop or improve their numeracy skills which are so invaluable in healthcare.

This is a great book. It starts with all the basics and talks you through everything in an easy to understand way. Great if you've been out of formal education for a while or are just a bit rusty!

Now on to the worked examples that will show you how to perform these basic skills……

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99


Most simple additions can be performed mentally, but where large numbers are concerned or many individual numbers have to be added together then it’s sensible to perform the calculation on paper.

This worked example comes from pages 14-15 of Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Subtraction Subtractions involve taking one number away from another, and the same basic rules apply as for addition. It’s important that the digit positions are maintained, and the use of columns in a calculation on paper will help.

Remember to check that you haven’t made a basic error with your calculation – subtraction means that the answer must be less than the number you started with.

This worked example comes from pages 19-20 of Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Multiplication Multiplication is the same as repeatedly adding the same number together but the process is quicker. If you don’t remember your ‘times tables’ it’s worth practising them until you are confident you can do simple multiplications in your head.

This worked example comes from pages 24-25 of Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Multiplying decimals When you multiply decimals you can treat them as you would any multiplication and then use the technique described at the end of this example to get the decimal point in the right place.

This worked example comes from pages 27-30 of Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Division Dividing involves sharing quantities in equal parts. It’s the opposite of multiplication, so you can check your answer by multiplying it by the number that you used to divide:

36 ÷ 9 = 4

Check: 4 x 9 = 36 This worked example comes from pages 33-34 of Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Long division

Some divisions are more complex than the example above and a modified method is used.

This worked example comes from pages 35-36 of Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Decimals Decimals are used to express numbers that are made up of a whole number and part of a whole number. For example, digoxin (a drug used to control an irregular heart rate) can be prescribed in doses of 62.5 micrograms. The decimal point is used to signpost the end of the whole number and the beginning of the amounts that are less than one. 62.5 tells us that the number is made up of six ‘tens’, two ‘ones’ and five ‘tenths’. We say the number as ‘sixty-two point five’.

Factors and fractions When calculating using multiplication or division, you might have noticed patterns in the numbers. For example, the number 18 can be broken down into smaller numbers that divide into it:

1 and 18

2 and 9

3 and 6

These are called ‘factors’ of 18. Identifying the factors of a number will help you to see patterns and relationships in numbers, which will help the development of your multiplication and division skills.

Fractions, like decimals, are used to express quantities less than one. In the clinical environment amounts less than one should be expressed using the decimal system – for example 62.5 micrograms digoxin, and not 62 ½.

Fractions can be converted into decimal fractions by dividing. For example, ¼ is 1 ÷ 4, which is 0.25.

You may be asked to ‘simplify’ a fraction. This involves using factors that are common to both the number above the line (the numerator, which tells you how many of that fraction you have) and the number below the line (the denominator, which tells you what each fraction is worth).For example, to simplify 15/18 you can see that 3 will divide into both 15 and 18; 3 is a common factor of both numbers.

15 ÷ 3 = 5

18 ÷ 3 = 6

So 15/18 = 5/6 in simplified form.

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Percentages ‘Per cent’ means per hundred, and a percentage is indicated by the symbol %. So if your car insurance costs £100 and you are offered a 10% discount, you will receive a reduction of £10: 10% is 10 per hundred.

This worked example comes from page 46 of Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

The SI system of measurement

In healthcare we need to measure things, such as weight, volume and length (or height).

The SI unit of weight is the kilogram (kg), which can be subdivided into smaller units. The unit smaller than one kilogram is a gram, and there are 1000 grams in one kilogram:

1000 g = 1 kg

The SI unit of volume is the litre, and the unit smaller than the litre is the millilitre. Abbreviations of units are usually written in lower case, but because litre abbreviated to ‘l’ could be confused with the number ‘1’ it is abbreviated to a capital letter ‘L’. There are 1000 millilitres in one litre:

1000 ml = 1 L

The SI unit of length and height is the metre (m) and the smaller unit is the millimetre (mm).

1000 mm = 1 m

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Converting units

Sometimes we need to convert from a larger unit to a smaller unit, or vice versa. The rule of thumb is that converting from a larger unit to a smaller unit means that you multiply by 1000; converting from a smaller unit to a larger unit means that you divide by 1000.

To convert 0.125 kilograms to grams:

0.125 kg x 1000 = 125 g.

It’s useful to remember that when you multiply by 1000, the decimal point moves three places to the right.

To convert 250 millilitres to litres:

250 ml ÷ 1000 = 0.25 L

When you divide by 1000, the decimal point moves three places to the left.

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Sample Tests

Note: These sample tests are similar to those you are likely to be given as part of your application process. You

should ask to see a sample test from your chosen institution in advance to make sure you are comfortable with

all the questions they are likely to ask you.

No calculators allowed. Answers at the end of the tests.

Test 1


47 + 26 =


27.25 + 36.63 =


If there are 1000 millilitres (ml) in a litre (L), how many millilitres in 7.14 litres?

4. You are asked to get all of your patients to fill in a health survey. In a month you have seen 220 patients and 85% have completed the survey. How many have completed the survey?


17 x 8 =


What is 15% of 820ml?

7. You are asked to check on a patient every 90 minutes. You first check on them at 13:15, what time is it when you check on them for the third time?

8. You are measuring a patient’s fluid balance over 24 hours. If her intake is 3.25L and her output is 1625ml, what is her overall fluid balance? (answer in ml)


4/5 of 20 =


Write 15/25 in its simplest form


85g x 25 = (answer in kg)


Write 60% as a decimal

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Test 2


61 + 133+ 27 =


You aim to drink 1.6 litres of water a day. If your glass holds 330 ml, how many glasses do you need to drink per day (to the nearest whole glass)?


127g – 79g =


What is 20% of 240?


27ml x 14 = (answer in litres)


Write 4/5 as a decimal


472 ÷ 4 =


1272 ÷ 53 =


A stop-smoking course has a 60% success rate. If 150 people go on the course, how many stop smoking?


A patient takes 3 pills a day – one in the morning, one at lunchtime and one before bed. If her first pill is taken on Monday morning, how many will she have taken in total after lunch on Thursday?


What is 1kg plus 720 grams? (answer in kg)


How many millilitres are there in 0.125 litres?

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99

Test 3


1.22kg + 4791g + 586g = (answer in grams)


A patient who weighs 100 kg is told he needs to reduce his weight by 23%. What is his target weight?


Write 7/8 as a percentage


A breakfast cereal contains 13% sugar. How much sugar (in grams) is there in 100g of cereal?


How much sugar is there in 250g of the same cereal?


180 ÷ 3 =


92.78 – 27.43 =


A patient takes 3 pills a day to treat her condition. How many pills does she need for a month (28 days)?


Simplify 66/99


7.1L - 340ml = (answer in litres)


In a class of 33 nursing students, 2/3 of them have iPhones. How many have iPhones?


How many millilitres are there in 1.65 litres?

Examples all taken from Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses by Neil Davison, ISBN: 9781908625243. Price £11.99


Test 1

1. 73 2. 63.88 3. 7140ml 4. 187 5. 136 6. 123ml 7. 16:15 8. 1625ml 9. 16 10. 3/5 11. 2.125kg

12. 0.6

Test 2

1. 221 2. 5 3. 48g 4. 48 5. 0.378L 6. 0.8 7. 118 8. 24 9. 90 10. 11 11. 1.72kg 12. 125ml

Test 3

1. 6597g 2. 77kg 3. 87.5% 4. 13g 5. 32.5g 6. 60 7. 65.35 8. 84 9. 2/3 10. 6.76L 11. 22

12. 1650ml

Each university will have different pass marks for their numeracy tests but you should be aiming for at least 75% in these tests. To improve, or maintain, your numeracy skills we recommend:

Numeracy and Clinical Calculations for Nurses

Neil Davison

ISBN: 9781908625243, 176 pages, £11.99

Reviewers’ comments: Absolutely fab book. I struggle often in this area and it has helped me on loads!!

Great - I really needed this! Great to either work through or just go to particular points that I

needed to work on. Would recommend to any student nurse/midwife.

Got on very well with this book, definitely one to get!

An excellent book for all nurses and allied health professionals to help develop or improve

their numeracy skills which are so invaluable in healthcare.

This is a great book. It starts with all the basics and talks you through everything in an easy

to understand way. Great if you've been out of formal education for a while or are just a bit


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