nutritional needs for different dog types

Post on 03-Aug-2016






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Nutritional Needs For Different Dog-types


Nutritional Needs For Different Dog-types

While the first domesticated dogs were undoubtedly used as

companions, it probably did not take long for the human

companion to realize the working value of this newly-made

friend and faithful companion. Even before the history of

dogs was ever recorded, these dogs were helping man for a

variety of specific purposes, mainly to hunt for food with the

reciprocating benefit of the dog receiving in dog food in

return, shelter and warmth. In those days, however, hunting

was not a sport, but serious long hard work and the

difference between life and death for both by starvation.

Today the working dog still supports man in his quest for

food, but the nature of the job has taken on a different form.

The dog still helps man to hunt as when being used as gun

dogs or dogs used on farms to round up sheep / cattle, but

for a different reason, and still receive food sustenance but

also expected to receive a more comfortable dog bed,

preferable an orthopaedic dog bed with genuine memory

foam. Whatever the purpose or nature of the dog’s job, the

performance of sustained work always requires in time the

expenditure of energy and the nutrients to burn the energy.

As a consequence, every working dog's primary dietary need

is increased energy and nutrients. Whenever dietary energy

is increased, those B-complex vitamins, minerals, and the

water necessary for burning the energy must also be

increased by a specific level, so the expended nutrients must

be replaced in its exact quantities. It needs to be understood

that all dog’s working or just a companion dog must receive

their full quota of 23 essential ingredients – his essential

vitamins, essential minerals and essential trace elements, the

23 essential ingredients must be provided within your dog’s

daily dog food mix in exact proportion.

A percentage of these essential ingredients your family dog is

unable to produce these essential ingredients through their

bodily functions, so the only way your dog can receive the full

quota of essential ingredients is when he receives them

within his daily dog food mix – if you fail to offer your family

dog his full quota of these 23 essential ingredients, then your

dog can suffer in the short, medium or long term with some

serious mal-nutritional diseases – including the serious

condition of Hip Dysplasia.

Dog nutritional experts confirm that your family dog can only

receive his full quota of essential ingredients within his daily

dog food mix by eating a raw canine dog food – high

temperatures as in commercially processed dog food will

destroy many of the naturally occurring essential ingredients

within the food ingredients. The only sure way of ensuring

that your family dog receives his full quota of essential

ingredients is by feeding him a raw dehydrated dog food

which is composed of fresh produce – vegetables, fruit and

meat, then freeze dried within seconds of mixing, and remain

fresh and wholesome for many weeks and the essential

ingredients will remain available to your precious family dog.

Feeding your family canine freeze dried dog food commits

yourself to ensuring that your family canine must have

continual access to fresh, clean drinking water to ensure that

your canine do not suffer from dehydration which can be

damaging to your dog. When feeding your family dog natural

raw dehydrated dog food it is important that you read,

understand and follow the manufacturer’s instructions

diligently which will be displayed on the package label, as the

freeze dried contents must be mixed with water to an exact

consistency and that your family dog must be allowed to

have access to fresh, clean drinking water 24/7, with no

restrictions to drinking water throughout the day and night.

Freeze dried natural raw dog food fortunately contains

naturally occurring low calorie ingredients, so you do not

need to worry about your family dog becoming obese and

the contents is referred to as low calorie dog food.

Except for this increased need for energy and the nutrients to

burn it, working dogs require most nutrients at no greater

levels than non-working dogs. When working dogs eat large

quantities of ordinary maintenance dog foods to obtain all of

the energy they need, they frequently consume some of the

nutrients in excessive amounts. Paradoxically, they may also

eat such large quantities of food that the lack of digestibility

of all the nutrients in their diet is adversely affected and

some nutrients may actually be obtained in inadequate

amounts which can eventually adversely affect the dog mal-

nutritional state in the future months or even years.

In other cases, a working dog simply cannot, physically, eat

all of a food needed to supply its energy and nutrient needs.

In these instances the dog can directly suffer from the lack of

total digestible energy – to produce energy the dog’s body

need to utilize the relevant nutrients – although the dog

must receive action to 23 essential ingredients the dog’s

bodily function can only produce a percentage, the deficient

essential ingredients must be provided by the owner within

his daily dog food mix, and if these nutrients are lacking in

quantity, then he loses weight especially in the short term. If

the condition is allowed to continue, the dog will reduce its

activities in order to reduce its caloric demands. If the dog is

forced to continue working at the same pace, it will lose

weight faster, longer and eventually work itself to death or at

least become unhealthy in the short term.

Herd Dogs are the most common working dogs that are fed

in the United States. Herd Dogs are dogs that wattle or

protect animals and use the least amount of extra energy of

any of the working dogs. They seldom are required to

expend energy in excess of normal activity for any duration

of time. Even their short-term expenditures of energy are

not very great. The only time herd dogs ever utilize large

amounts of energy are when they are rounding up strays, lost

or semi-wild animals running at large and needing to be


It is imperative to remember that all dogs whether home or

working dogs must receive their full complement of the

essential ingredients with the only proviso is that working

dogs will expend more energy, so will need to consume more

food based on the amount of energy being expended. So

even family dogs must receive a wholesome ingredient based

dehydrated dog food which will ensure your family dog will

receive his full quota of essential ingredients and again must

have access to constant quantities of fresh, clean drinking

water 24/7. Finally, the caring dog owner must adhere

exactly to read, understand and follow the manufacturer’s

mixing instructions to ensure the consistency of the hydrated

dog food mix.

Desmo Boss


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