o a global research priorities for sea turtles: informing

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Vol. 11: 245–269, 2010doi: 10.3354/esr00279

Published online May 26


Over the past 30 years, the status of sea turtles andthe need for their protection and population recoveryhave increasingly captured the interest of many gov-ernment agencies, non-governmental organisations(NGOs) and the general public (Raustiala 1997, Wright& Mohanty 2006, Campbell 2007). This interest hasbeen matched with increased research attention,which focuses on a wide variety of topics relating tosea turtle biology and conservation, including theinterrelations with the physical and biological environ-

ments in which they live, and the human dimensionsassociated with these elements (Avise 2007, Campbell& Cornwell 2008). Indeed, for the last 3 decades therehas been an annual symposium dedicated to sea turtlebiology and conservation; recently the symposium hashad roughly 300 presentations annually, with atten-dees from over 80 countries across 6 continents (seewww.seaturtlesociety.org). The growing body of peer-reviewed literature has equally reflected the increasein sea turtle research, with the ISI Web of Sciencereporting 813 research items from 2006 to 2009 in asearch for ‘sea turtle’ or ‘marine turtle’ and ‘conserva-

© Inter-Research 2010 · www.int-res.com*Corresponding author. Email: b.j.godley@exeter.ac.ukAddresses for other authors are given in the electronic supple-ment at www.int-res.com/articles/suppl/n011p245_supp.pdf

Global research priorities for sea turtles: informingmanagement and conservation in the 21st century

M. Hamann1, M. H. Godfrey2, J. A. Seminoff3, K. Arthur4, P. C. R. Barata5,K. A. Bjorndal6, A. B. Bolten6, A. C. Broderick7, L. M. Campbell8, C. Carreras9, P. Casale10, M. Chaloupka11, S. K. F. Chan12, M. S. Coyne7,13, L. B. Crowder8, C. E. Diez14, P. H. Dutton3, S. P. Epperly15, N. N. FitzSimmons16, A. Formia17,

M. Girondot18, G. C. Hays19, I. J. Cheng20, Y. Kaska21, R. Lewison22, J. A. Mortimer23,W. J. Nichols24, R. D. Reina25, K. Shanker26, J. R. Spotila27, J. Tomás28,

B. P. Wallace29, 30, T. M. Work31, J. Zbinden32, B. J. Godley7,*

1School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia7Marine turtle Research Group, Centre for Ecology and Conservation, School of Biosciences,

University of Exeter, Tremough Campus, Treliever Road, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 9EZ, UK

ABSTRACT: Over the past 3 decades, the status of sea turtles and the need for their protection to aidpopulation recovery have increasingly captured the interest of government agencies, non-govern-mental organisations (NGOs) and the general public worldwide. This interest has been matched byincreased research attention, focusing on a wide variety of topics relating to sea turtle biology andecology, together with the interrelations of sea turtles with the physical and natural environments.Although sea turtles have been better studied than most other marine fauna, management actionsand their evaluation are often hindered by the lack of data on turtle biology, human–turtle interac-tions, turtle population status and threats. In an effort to inform effective sea turtle conservation a listof priority research questions was assembled based on the opinions of 35 sea turtle researchers from13 nations working in fields related to turtle biology and/or conservation. The combined experienceof the contributing researchers spanned the globe as well as many relevant disciplines involved inconservation research. An initial list of more than 200 questions gathered from respondents was con-densed into 20 metaquestions and classified under 5 categories: reproductive biology, biogeography,population ecology, threats and conservation strategies.

KEY WORDS: Sea turtles · Global priorities · Research · Conservation

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Endang Species Res 11: 245–269, 2010

tion’. However, despite being well studied in compari-son to many other marine fauna, management actionsand their evaluation for sea turtles are still frequentlyhindered by lack of key data on turtle biology,human–turtle interactions, turtle population status andenvironmental threats (e.g. Bjorndal 1999, Amorocho2002).

Given the heightened interest in sea turtle research,monitoring and management, it is timely to seek opin-ion from researchers about the most important re-search questions in order to assist sea turtle conser-vation. Thus, in a similar fashion to Sutherland et al.(2006, 2009), the opinions of researchers working infields related to sea turtle biology, conservation and/ortheir management were assembled into a list of 20 pri-ority questions (Box 1) that can be used to guide futureresearch efforts. This is by no means the first attempt tocollate and prioritise pertinent research questions toassist sea turtle conservation, as similar efforts at local,regional and international scales have occurred (IUCN1995, Bellagio Steering Committee 2004, Mast et al.2004, 2005, 2006, CPPS 2006). However, several of theearly efforts that developed priority research themeswere valuable at the time, but were too focused on spe-cies or regions, and many are now out of date, espe-cially given the surge in published research, techno-logical advances and the evolving challenges facingsea turtle conservation. The present paper reflects theideas from an unprecedented collection of researchersfrom a broad range of backgrounds, and is the firstsuch effort to detail the most relevant conservation-informative research questions in the published litera-ture with regard to sea turtles. Through the listing pro-cess we aim to move research and managementforward by focusing effort and expertise on what arecommunally held as priority research questions for seaturtle conservation.


Four of the authors of this paper (M.H., B.J.G.,M.H.G. and J.A.S.) initiated the study. On ISI Web ofKnowledge we searched the years 2006 to 2009 for‘(SEA TURTLE or MARINE TURTLE) and CONSER-VATION’ (accessed 4 April 2009). We analyzed theresulting output (813 papers) by author. Among theauthors of these papers, 131 had published more than3 relevant studies over the period. To maximise thegeographic/technical experience of panel members,each of the 4 initiating authors independently selected20 authors from this list, with a key aim being to max-imise representation. These names were combinedinto a new list and those selected by more than 2 of theinitiating authors were invited to contribute (n = 40).

Atotal of 35 researchers contributed to this effort, witheach proposing up to 10 ranked ‘research questions toassist effective sea turtle conservation over the next 10years’. Responses were ‘blind’, as questions and com-pilations were not shared with the wider group until allquestions had been submitted.

The 35 participants (10 females and 25 males) arebased in 13 countries representing experience in alloceanic basins where sea turtles exist (Eastern Pacific12%, Central Pacific 9%, Western Pacific 11%, East-


1. Reproductive biology1.1. What are the factors that underpin nest site selectionand behaviour of nesting turtles?1.2. What are the primary sex ratios being produced andhow do these vary within or among populations andspecies?1.3. What factors are important for sustained hatchlingproduction?2. Biogeography2.1. What are the population boundaries and connectionsthat exist among rookeries and foraging grounds?2.2. What parameters influence the biogeography of seaturtles in the oceanic realm?2.3. Where are key foraging habitats?3. Population ecology3.1. Can we develop methods to accurately age individualturtles, determine a population’s (or species’) mean age-at-maturity, and define age-based demography?3.2. What are the most reliable methods for estimatingdemographic parameters?3.3. How can we develop an understanding of sea turtlemetapopulation dynamics and conservation biogeo-graphy?3.4. What are the past and present roles of sea turtles inthe ecosystem?3.5. What constitutes a healthy turtle?4. Threats4.1. What will be the impacts from climate change on seaturtles and how can these be mitigated?4.2. What are the major sources of fisheries bycatch andhow can these be mitigated in ways that are ecologically,economically and socially practicable?4.3. How can we evaluate the effects of anthropogenic fac-tors on sea turtle habitats?4.4. What are the impacts of pollution on sea turtles andtheir habitats?4.5. What are the etiology and epidemiology of fibropapil-lomatosis (FP), and how can this disease be managed?5. Conservation strategies5.1. How can we effectively determine the conservationstatus of sea turtle populations?5.2. What are the most viable cultural, legal and socio-economic frameworks for sea turtle conservation?5.3. Which conservation strategies are working (haveworked) and which have failed?5.4. Under what conditions (ecological, environmental,social and political) can consumptive use of sea turtles besustained?

Box 1. Five priority research categories comprising 20 meta-questions relating to sea turtle research and conservation

Hamann et al.: Research priorities for sea turtles

ern Atlantic (including Mediterranean) 17%, CentralAtlantic 13%, Western Atlantic 21%, Indian Ocean7% and Southern Ocean 10%). Participants con-tributed a mean of 8.5 research questions (SD = 2.1,range = 4 to 10), producing a total of 347 questions.M.H., B.J.G., M.H.G. and J.A.S. grouped the questionsfirst into themes/subthemes (n = 14/46) and then into23 metaquestions. The wording of each metaquestionwas based on the most common ideas that occurred inindividual questions. In most cases, a submitted ques-tion clearly fell into a single theme; with questions thatbridged 2 or more themes, a best effort was madeto determine the dominant theme of the question —where it was then placed. After compilation into the-matic groupings, the final list of metaquestions was cir-culated to all 35 participants for consensus, and thefinal 20 questions were selected.

After reaching consensus, teams of 2 or 3 authorsdrafted the supporting text for the description of eachmetaquestion. These topical descriptions were writtenwith a focus on those most commonly occurring ideaswithin each theme while also trying to capture all ideaspresented by individual questions. For ease of report-ing, the 20 metaquestions were organised into 5 cate-gories after consultation with coauthors (Box 1): (1)reproductive biology, (2) biogeography, (3) populationecology, (4) threats, and (5) conservation strategies.The text of the sections discussed in ‘Results’ has beenleft as close as possible to the original provided by theauthor groups. Metaquestions are not ranked or listedrelative to each other in terms of importance.


1. Reproductive biology

This category focuses on research questions relatedto sea turtles at the nesting beach. Because hatchlingproduction relies on sea turtles laying clutches ofeggs in a section of beach above the mean high tideline and because embryo development and pheno-type are strongly linked to sand temperatures, beachecosystems are a critical component of sea turtle life-cycles.

1.1. What are the factors that underpin nest siteselection and behaviour of nesting turtles?

Although the minimum criteria for habitat that issuitable for nesting and hatchling production werelaid out nearly 2 decades ago (Mortimer 1990), theunderpinnings of nest site selection by sea turtles

largely remain a mystery. The related questions sub-mitted were linked to breeding behaviour of bothadult male and female turtles, with an emphasis on (1)the precision of natal homing, (2) the factors (bioticand abiotic) driving where and when turtles lay theirclutches, and (3) what management strategies wouldhelp protect or enhance the suitability of nesting habi-tat for sea turtles. Although natal homing behaviourin both male and female turtles is supported bygenetic analyses for nearly all species (Meylan et al.1990, FitzSimmons et al. 1997), studies have high-lighted the flexibility of this behaviour among andwithin species (Dutton et al. 1999, Shanker et al. 2004,Hilterman & Goverse 2007). Improving our under-standing of the level of plasticity in natal homing (seeSection 2.1) would assist management, particularlywithin the context of adaptation and resilience toglobal climate change and/or coastal development(see Section 4.1), and the possible spatio-temporalchanges in availability of suitable nesting habitats forsea turtles (Hamann et al. 2007a, Hawkes et al. 2009).For nest site selection, past studies have indicated thatspecies tend to prefer specific zones of the beach (e.g.Whitmore & Dutton 1985, Hays et al. 1995, Dobbs etal. 1999), although more is known about what specificcues deter nesting than those that encourage it (Milleret al. 2003). Recent studies suggest that individual tur-tles tend to repeatedly nest at specific sites, althoughoverall nest location may vary across a population(Kamel & Mrosovsky 2004, 2005) and there is likely tobe species- and region-specific variation in the mag-nitude of nest site fidelity (Pfaller et al. 2009). Manip-ulation of the nesting beach is linked to changes inpatterns of placement of sea turtle nests (Salmon et al.1995, Wetterer et al. 2007), but rarely are thesechanges linked to increased hatchling production. Weneed a better understanding of how nesting femalesrespond to situations in which anthropogenic or nat-ural factors render their beaches unsuitable for nest-ing, and in particular of the limits to their ability tolocate an alternate nesting site. To date, managementstrategies to improve nesting habitat have focused onresponding to perceived threats, such as control ofnest predators (Engeman et al. 2005), removal of non-native vegetation (Schmid et al. 2008), reduction ofartificial lighting visible on the beach (Bertolotti &Salmon 2005), and artificially widening beaches aspart of erosion control (Montague 2008). Greaterinsight into why turtles breed successfully at specificbeaches and also specific zones of the beach couldlead to management strategies that maximise hatch-ling production in particular areas. Spatial models(Santana-Garcon et al. 2010) and experimentalmanipulations (Caut et al. 2006) appear likely routestowards attaining this goal.


Endang Species Res 11: 245–269, 2010

1.2. What are the primary sex ratios being producedand how do these vary within or among populations

and species?

All species of sea turtle have temperature-depen-dent sex determination (TSD), with female offspringproduced at higher temperatures (Yntema & Mro-sovsky 1980). Reviews of the peer-reviewed literature(Wibbels 2003, Hawkes et al. 2009) have summarisedstudies on sex ratios of hatchling sea turtles; most havereported female-biased sex ratios. The latest reviewhighlighted that overall, relatively few robust datasetson hatchling sex ratios are available that are not labo-ratory based or based on proxies such as sand temper-ature or incubation duration (Hawkes et al. 2009). Amajor reason for the paucity of data is that the only reli-able method of sexing hatchlings currently available ishistological examination of the gonads from deadhatchlings. Given that most sea turtle species are ofconservation concern, studies requiring euthanasia areoften hard to justify on an ethical basis, and as a resultare generally based on a small number of hatchlings(Mrosovsky et al. 2002), or in the case of sampling fromnaturally dead hatchlings, there are issues with samplesize and biased results (Broderick et al. 2000). As an al-ternative, studies have focused on estimating hatch-ling sex ratios from sand temperature (Glen & Mro-sovsky 2004, Hawkes et al. 2007), clutch temperature(Godley et al. 2001), incubation duration (driven bytemperature; Marcovaldi et al. 1997, Zbinden et al.2007) and by analysing hormone levels from amnioticfluids (Gross et al. 1995). A recent advance has beenthe adaptation of surgical laparoscopy to determinesex of post-hatchling turtles (2.5 to 6 mo old; Wynekenet al. 2007). Although there are technical and logisticchallenges associated with it, the method has been ap-plied to a variety of species, and data from loggerheadshave been used in population models (Wyneken et al.2003). Therefore, continuing to develop and refinemethods to reliably and non-lethally sex hatchlings iscrucial to further elucidate the variation that exists andto allow an assessment of the capacity for adaptation toclimate change (see Section 4.1). A more indirect ap-proach to assessing sex ratio is to evaluate the juve-nile-through-subadult portion of the population on theassumption that it represents a condensation of manyyears of hatchling production. This can be done bycapturing turtles at their foraging habitats and deter-mining sex by using laparoscopy (Limpus et al. 1994),sex steroid concentrations (Owens et al. 1978) and pos-sibly ultrasound (Blanvillain et al. 2008). Whether ornot sex ratios persist through age classes is likely tovary within and between species, and while data onhatchling sex ratios are limited, there are even fewerdata on sex ratios in other age classes for most species

and populations (Limpus 2008a, Conant et al. 2009). Ifthere is excessive feminisation of hatchling sex ratiosbrought about by climate change, this may result in re-duced fertility rates (but see Bell et al. 2009) or,through random drift and loss of genetic variation,compromise a population’s ability to respond to selec-tion pressures. As a result, it may be necessary to in-vestigate the development and implementation of miti-gation methods to reduce negative impacts in somepopulations (but see Girondot et al. 1998). Currentsuggested mitigation techniques include increasingshade on beaches or relocating clutches to sites withcooler temperatures, either within a beach, or at newsites. Pros and cons of these techniques are likely tovary within and among species and locations. Anotherarea worthy of future investigation is to identify newnesting areas, particularly if current nesting sites be-come unsuitable due to development or climate-drivenchange (Hamann et al. 2007a, Poloczanska et al. 2009).Identifying these new sites however requires an ade-quate understanding of factors that are important fornest site selection (see Section 1.1) as well as of factorsthat determine embryonic development, sex, hatchlingdispersal and plasticity of natal homing.

1.3. What factors are important for sustained hatchlingproduction?

Improving knowledge of embryology and hatchlingproduction is a fundamental component of nestingbeach management. Knowledge of embryology isneeded to improve understanding of hatchling fitnessand phenotype, which will become more importantwith climate change (see Section 4.1). Hatchling pro-duction is important because it is a fundamental com-ponent of population models (see Section 3.3). Al-though hatchling production has been a popular areaof research over the last 4 decades (Miller 1985, Stan-dora & Spotila 1985, Ackerman 1997), a substantialproportion of research to date has focused on aspectsof sex determination (see Section 1.2), and manyresearch and monitoring gaps remain. For example,continued collection of population-scale data on hatch-ing success, fertility rates, egg predation and sex ratiosis needed to understand variation in hatchling produc-tion. Key areas for future study include embryology(Bell et al. 2004), experimental studies that elucidateenvironmental effects, including pollutants (see Sec-tion 4.4), on embryology, physiology and endocrinol-ogy of developing eggs and hatchlings (Hamann et al.2007b, Booth 2009), developing and evaluating a reli-able estimate of hatchling fitness, understanding endo-crine influences on embryology, and furthering inves-tigations on nest site selection (see Section 1.1) and its


Hamann et al.: Research priorities for sea turtles

role in hatchling production. Continuing research intothese topics will enhance the ability of scientists andmanagers to better understand the adaptive capacityand resilience of sea turtles to climate change (seeSection 4.1) and coastal zone development (see Sec-tions 4.3 and 4.4) and to better model and managedirected and incidental take.

2. Biogeography

Sea turtles are migratory, often travelling great dis-tances between natal beaches and foraging areas,and/or between foraging areas and reproductive sites.Recent technological advances in genetics, telemetry,remote sensing, and biochemical markers are increas-ing our knowledge of the distribution and behaviour ofsea turtles in offshore waters, although many infor-mation gaps remain.

2.1. What are the population boundaries andconnections that exist among rookeries and

foraging grounds?

For many years, sea turtle researchers have recog-nised the primary importance of defining appropriate‘management units’ (MUs). MUs are population seg-ments that exhibit unique demography and can usuallybe distinguished genetically, behaviourally, or geo-graphically (Moritz 1994) and are the units to whichconservation efforts should be directed. Because seaturtles occupy broad geographic ranges including nest-ing and foraging areas utilised by adults, and in somecases geographically distinct ontogenetic habitats (Mu-sick & Limpus 1997), defining the scale of MUs is chal-lenging. Furthermore, sea turtles exhibit complex pop-ulation structures often characterised by sex-biasedgene flow among nesting stocks, and varying degreesof overlap during post-hatchling migrations, in devel-opmental habitats, and on adult foraging grounds (seeBowen & Karl 2007 for review). Knowledge of the com-plex relationships among various nesting sites and for-aging/nursery areas is crucial for understanding popu-lation-level impacts of anthropogenic threats, as well asfor designing effective conservation responses to thesethreats (Bolker et al. 2007). Despite the challenges ofcollecting data, tremendous advances have beenachieved over the past 2 decades to characterise MUsat various spatial scales. A variety of tools including ge-netic analyses with mitochondrial and nuclear markers(mtDNA sequences, microsatellite polymorphisms, andsingle nucleotide polymorphisms [SNPs]), mark-recap-ture studies, and satellite telemetry have permitted de-termination of nesting and breeding genetic stocks, of

mixed genetic stocks on foraging grounds, and of geo-graphic distributions of sea turtle populations aroundthe world (Meylan et al. 1990, FitzSimmons et al. 1997,Polovina et al. 2004, Carreras et al. 2006, Dethmers etal. 2006, Dutton et al. 2008, Godley et al. 2008). Integra-tion of these tools, especially when supplemented withinformation on the spatial extent and severity of threatsplus oceanography and environmental drivers, holdsexciting potential for successfully defining MUs forsea turtles globally, thereby facilitating design andimplementation of effective, targeted, conservationstrategies.

2.2. What parameters influence the biogeography ofsea turtles in the oceanic realm?

Questions in this section were divided into the fol-lowing general topics: (1) geographic location of theoceanic ‘hotspots’, whether they be migratory path-ways or foraging areas; (2) demography of turtles inthe oceanic stages, including the duration of oceanicjuvenile stages and the cues for turtles to leave theoceanic zone; and (3) physical and biological oceano-graphic factors driving sea turtle distribution patterns.The oceanic zone, where water depths are greaterthan 200 m, is a developmental habitat for all species ofsea turtles except flatback turtles and is also an adultforaging habitat for leatherback, olive ridley and log-gerhead turtles (Hatase et al. 2002a, Bolten 2003,Hawkes et al. 2006, Reich et al. 2007, 2010). The clas-sic paper by Carr (1986) introduced the importanceof the oceanic zone as a developmental habitat.Movements of turtles into and out of the oceanic zoneare primarily the result of ontogenetic migrations(Bowen et al.1995, Bolten et al. 1998, Boyle et al. 2009,Monzón-Argüello et al. 2009) or reproductive migra-tions (Hays et al. 2001, James et al. 2005a, Benson et al.2007a,b). However, recent studies using stable isotopeanalyses and satellite telemetry suggest that there maybe repeated movements between neritic and oceanichabitats (Hatase et al. 2002a,b, Hawkes et al. 2006,McClellan & Read 2007). Demographic parametersderived from empirical studies for oceanic juvenile seaturtles come primarily from loggerhead turtles in theNorth Atlantic (Bjorndal et al. 2000, 2003a,b, Sasso &Epperly 2007). Bolten (2003) suggested that the selec-tive advantage of ontogenetic habitat shifts fromoceanic to neritic zones for juvenile loggerhead turtlesmay be a maximisation of growth rates. Some oceanichotspots for sea turtles, particularly juvenile stages,have been identified, and these include sites in thenortheast Atlantic (Carr 1986, Bolten et al. 1993),northwest Atlantic/Grand Banks of Canada (Witzell1999), Mediterranean (Aguilar et al. 1995, Casale


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2008), southwest Atlantic/Rio Grande Rise (Sales et al.2008), North Central Pacific (Wetherall et al. 1993, Bal-azs & Pooley 1994), southeast Pacific (Alfaro Shiguetoet al. 2008) and eastern Pacific (Peckham et al. 2007).Primary physical parameters influencing the spatialdistribution of oceanic sea turtles are currents andassociated fronts and eddies, bathymetry (particularlyseamounts), sea surface temperature and magneticfield (Polovina et al. 2000, 2004, 2006, Lohmann &Lohmann 2003, Luschi et al. 2003, Revelles et al. 2007,Santos et al. 2007, Kobayashi et al. 2008). Currents inparticular are likely to influence neonatal dispersal.Biological parameters influencing spatial distributioninclude the distribution and abundance of prey (pri-marily gelatinous zooplankton) and possibly predators(Polovina et al. 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006, Hays et al.2001, 2004, James et al. 2005b, Heithaus et al. 2008,Kobayashi et al. 2008). Anthropogenic disturbances tooceanic food webs and habitats may affect the distrib-ution and abundance of sea turtles (Bjorndal 1997,Mrosovsky et al. 2009, Richardson et al. 2009). Fish-eries bycatch, marine debris and pollution are impor-tant sources of mortality and may affect sea turtle dis-tribution (Lewison & Crowder 2007, Mrosovsky et al.2009). Although we have learned much since Carr’s(1986) paper, we have only just begun to understandthe biology of the oceanic stages. We are a long wayfrom our goal of developing predictive models of seaturtle distribution patterns in the oceanic zone.

2.3. Where are key foraging habitats?

Marine turtles spend the vast majority of their lives inthe marine environment, yet much less is known aboutthis component of their life cycle than about the biologyof females and hatchlings on the nesting beach. Oneway to understand where turtles are feeding is to iden-tify the migratory routes that turtles use to move be-tween nesting and foraging areas. Within foraginghabitats it is vital to understand what oceanographicand biological parameters determine the home range ofa turtle, how the space is used, and what defines an ‘op-timum’ foraging habitat. In addition, it is important tounderstand the degree of site fidelity to any given for-aging area, especially seemingly ‘sub-optimal’ areasand where, when and why high density aggregationsoccur. Furthermore, the foraging areas for a given nest-ing population can be spread over many thousands ofkilometers and little is known about why turtles showfidelity to foraging areas distant to a breeding areawhen presumably suitable foraging areas are often lo-cated close to breeding sites, or along migration routes.Current knowledge of turtle spatial ecology comes fromtag-recapture studies, and more recently, satellite

telemetry (Hendrickson 1958, Limpus et al. 1992,Plotkin 2003, Godley et al. 2008). However, to date,much of this knowledge is incomplete, with many of theabove questions only being addressed for some speciesin a few regions. Future studies should look to incorpo-rate multiple approaches to understand spatial ecologyof sea turtles, including genetics (Bowen 1995), intrinsicbiomarkers such as stable isotopes (Caut et al. 2008),ultrasonic or VHF radio tags (Seminoff et al. 2002),fisheries interactions (Witt et al. 2008), animal-borneimagery (Heithaus et al. 2002), and ocean currentmodelling (Godley et al. in press) as accompanimentsto more conventional tracking methodologies. Under-standing turtle spatial ecology and identifying criticalforaging habitats, high and low density areas and mi-gratory pathways is integral in sea turtle conservationand underpins all other facets of sea turtle research. Inaddition, because turtles travel vast distances and crossinternational boundaries (Limpus et al.1992, Nicholset al. 2000), their successful management benefits frommultinational co-operation (Blumenthal et al. 2006,Shillinger et al. 2008).

3. Population ecology

Sea turtles are late maturing, migratory animals;hence, their life cycles tend to be complex. It hasbecome clear that modelling life history and popula-tion dynamics of sea turtles requires information forseveral life stages, particularly those at sea.

3.1. Can we develop methods to accurately ageindividual turtles, determine a population’s

(or species’) mean age-at-maturity, and define age-based demography?

A fundamental aspect of sea turtle management andconservation is the use of population models as a basisfor making decisions. Because it is imperative thatmodels are based on sound science, there is a funda-mental necessity for accurate data on factors such asage-at-maturity and age-based demographic parame-ters, as model outputs are sensitive to variations inthese parameters (Heppell 1998, Heppell et al. 2000).Both age- and stage-based population models havebeen developed for sea turtles (Crouse et al. 1987,Chaloupka 2002, Heppell et al. 2005), although effortsto model survivorship are often hampered by our in-ability to accurately determine the age of live turtles.Still, such efforts require adequate distinction be-tween demographic variability and sampling varia-bility (Akçakaya 2000). In order to improve estimatesof age, researchers have calculated both growth rates


Hamann et al.: Research priorities for sea turtles

and/or age of sea turtles using skeletochronology (Zuget al. 1995, 2001, Snover 2002, Bjorndal et al. 2003b,Snover et al. 2007, Avens et al. 2009), capture-mark-re-capture (Chaloupka & Limpus 1997, Higgins et al.1997, Limpus & Chaloupka 1997, Braun-McNeill et al.2008), and length frequency analyses (Bjorndal et al.2000, 2001). The biases of each of these methods, aswell as spatial and temporal variation in the resultsfrom each, are still being explored, and methods arebeing validated. However, there remains a paucity ofinformation on age as it relates to life stage or mortalityfor many sea turtle populations and we have almost nomeasures of demographic stochasticity (Chaloupka2002). In some areas, animals are monitored throughtheir neritic stage to determine the length of time, andpossibly age, to reproductive maturation (Limpus2008a,b), but such studies are rare. In other caseshatchlings or small juveniles were marked and nestingbeaches monitored for their return as adults — thusgiving an age at first breeding (Zurita et al. 1994, Bellet al. 2007, Limpus 2008a,b); recent advances in ge-netic markers have the potential to provide this infor-mation (Dutton et al. 2005). New techniques to quan-tify or validate age estimates should greatly contributeto more powerful demographic analyses, e.g. monitor-ing radioactive decay rates (Andrews et al. 2009), andimproved models will strengthen management deci-sions for the species.

3.2. What are the most reliable methods for estimatingdemographic parameters?

A number of submissions highlighted the need for re-liable estimates of demographic parameters (e.g. clutchfrequency, age-specific survivorship, male breedingrates) that could be fed into life history models. Ques-tions fell into 2 broad groups. Approximately half dealtwith the estimation of accurate parameter values forlife history models, including mortality, and the restwere about the application of models. Several authorshave attempted to estimate mortality in sea turtles(Chaloupka & Limpus 2005, Troëng & Chaloupka 2007)but existing models are still not capable of including allthe current knowledge from life history stages. Also,improved knowledge of the distribution, variation andestimation of both clutch frequency (Broderick et al.2003, Briane et al. 2007) and remigration interval (Hays2000, Rivalan et al. 2005a, Tucker 2010), and technicalaspects such as tag loss (Limpus 1992, Bjorndal et al.1996, Rivalan et al. 2005b) are required for more accu-rate population models. Estimation of these parametersshould be undertaken at the same time as estimation ofcapture probability and mortality, but no such modelhas been published. Estimates of juvenile, subadult,

adult male, and non-breeding adult female mortalityhave not been adequately developed for most species/locations. Analyses of stranding and other mortalitydata sets could be part of a solution, but knowledge isneeded as to the true cause of death and the probabilityof a dead turtle being observed (Epperly et al. 1996). Toimprove life history models, information is needed onhatchling production, sex ratios and their associatedspatial and temporal variation, and sex-specific mortal-ity rates (see Sections 1.2 and 1.3). Another significantgap relates to the role of male turtles within the frame-work of functional (or operational or adult) sex ratio andhow it affects the fertilisation probability or the intrasexcompetition (Lovich 1996).

3.3. How can we develop an understanding of seaturtle metapopulation dynamics and conservation


Sea turtles pose many challenges for understandingpopulation viability and biogeography because a man-agement unit may comprise a single regional breedingarea sourced from geographically scattered foraginghabitats (Musick & Limpus 1997; see Section 2.1).Demographic trends in foraging areas of the same pop-ulation can vary significantly (Chaloupka & Limpus2001), mainly due to local factors affecting somaticgrowth (Balazs & Chaloupka 2004, Chaloupka et al.2004a; see Section 3.2). On the other hand, regionalenvironmental forcing can cause spatially synchro-nised nesting of sea turtle populations by driving foodsupply dynamics in foraging habitats (Limpus & Nich-olls 1988, Chaloupka 2001, Chaloupka et al. 2008a).Importantly, dispersal among nesting sites could helplocally depleted subpopulations recover more quicklyby immigration from nearby subpopulations andminimise local extinction risk (‘rescue effect’). Thus,incorporating spatial variation in demography andnesting fidelity is essential for developing an under-standing of the viability of such spatially structuredstocks (Akçakaya 2000). Spatially explicit models thataccount for the population structure are a promisingway to address this challenge for sea turtle stocks(Chaloupka 2004). Such models may also be of use forthe design and application of effective marine pro-tected areas. However, spatially explicit populationmodels are far more demanding in terms of level ofdetail for specific demographic inputs (Ruckelshaus etal. 1997), which to date has limited their use for model-ling sea turtle dynamics (Chaloupka 2004). Forinstance, little is known of foraging habitat dispersal orwhether dispersal probability is a function of distancebetween the source-sink populations or whether it iseven due to source population abundance (Chaloupka


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2004). Nonetheless, developing spatially explicit mod-els of sea turtle demography could provide a mecha-nistic basis for understanding the impact of climatechange on sea turtle distribution (Keith et al. 2008) andthe impact of direct and incidental take (see Sections4.1, 4.2 and 4.3).

3.4. What are the past and present roles of sea turtlesin the ecosystem?

For long-term conservation of sea turtles, it is impor-tant to acknowledge that they are not just charismatic,anachronistic animals, but vital species for healthymarine ecosystems. ‘We envision marine turtles fulfill-ing their ecological roles on a healthy planet where allpeoples value and celebrate their continued survival’ isthe vision of the IUCN Marine Turtle Specialist Group(MTSG) (www.iucn-mtsg.org/about.shtml). A recoverygoal of ‘fulfilling ecological roles’ appropriately shiftsthe focus of management away from single-speciesrecovery strategies to restoration of ecosystem func-tion. Recent collapses of marine ecosystems, with dra-matic shifts in food webs and trophic cascades, are theresult of events both recent and initiated hundreds tothousands of years ago, soon after humans began toexploit marine resources (Jackson et al. 2001, Pitcher2001, Frazier 2003, Pandolfi et al. 2003). ‘Fulfilling eco-logical roles’ is an appropriate, but challenging, goalfor recovery. What were the ecological roles of sea tur-tles, and how many turtles are required to fulfil thoseroles? To answer these questions, we must combine ahistorical perspective with a thorough understandingof the current ecological roles of sea turtles. Quantita-tive models that combine results from observationaland experimental studies with extrapolations to pastpopulation sizes are needed to reconstruct the roles ofsea turtles in the past (Bjorndal & Jackson 2003). Weneed more information at all levels, from individuals topopulations to ecosystems (Bjorndal 2003). The mostpressing needs, however, are for studies that addressthe major roles of sea turtles as ecosystem engineers(Rogers 1989, Preen 1996, León & Bjorndal 2002,Moran & Bjorndal 2005, 2007, Aragones et al. 2006),nutrient transporters (Bouchard & Bjorndal 2000), con-sumers (Bjorndal 1997), and prey (Heithaus et al.2007). Quantitative studies are needed; for example,we need to know how much turtles consume, not justwhat species (Bjorndal & Jackson 2003). Long-termstudies are needed that evaluate the responses of tur-tles to collapsing ecosystems, such as the disintegra-tion of coral reefs killed by bleaching, or the eutrophi-cation of coastal seagrass pastures. Areas where seaturtle populations have not been substantially im-pacted by humans or have begun to recover and

resume their critical roles in marine ecosystems wouldbe valuable study sites. These studies will reveal theimportance of sea turtles to the productivity of marineecosystems, and in turn, the importance to ecologicalservices and economic benefits that marine ecosystemsprovide to humans (Costanza et al. 1997).

3.5. What constitutes a healthy turtle?

A number of research topics were highlighted thatare grouped under this overarching question. These fo-cused on (1) the need for normal baseline physiological(blood work) studies for different species and geo-graphic regions, (2) determining the effects of diseaseon population viability, (3) elucidating the role of envi-ronmental factors in disease and how these will be af-fected by climate change, (4) developing a better un-derstanding of parasite presence in, and healthimpacts on, sea turtles and (5) developing a better un-derstanding of the health status of pelagic turtles. Base-line biochemistry and haematology information isavailable for several sea turtle species, including log-gerheads (Lutz & Dunbar-Cooper 1987, Casal & Oros2007), green turtles (Work et al. 1998), olive ridleys(Santoro & Meneses 2007) and leatherbacks (Deem etal. 2006), although geographic, seasonal and life-stagevariation in these values merit further investigation. Lit-tle is known about how these physiological parametersvary with health status, although progress is beingmade using immune function tests in relation to conta-minant burdens in loggerheads (Keller et al. 2004) andfibropapillomatosis (FP) in green turtles (Work et al.2001; see also Section 4.5). The determination of popu-lation effects of disease is hampered by lack of long-term disease data, one exception being the case studyfor FP in Hawaii (Chaloupka & Balazs 2005, Chaloupkaet al. 2009). Similarly, little is known regarding the ef-fects of environment or climate change and disease inwild turtles, although it is known that certain diseasessuch as FP have non-uniform geographic distribution(Work et al. 2004, see Section 4.5). There is a consider-able body of literature on parasites of sea turtles that fo-cuses mainly on systematics (Greiner et al. 1980, Aznaret al. 1998) or host response to parasites (Gordon et al.1998), while the demographics of parasites in sea tur-tles are less well understood (Work et al. 2005). Impor-tantly, little is known about the health status of oceanicturtles — mainly because this life history stage is oftendifficult to study. Various strategies (each with inherentlimitations) have been used to assess pelagic health, in-cluding capture of oceanic immature turtles (Bjorndalet al. 2003a), use of satellite telemetry (Chaloupka et al.2004b), or necropsy of animals subject to bycatch (Work& Balazs 2002). Finally, a consensus is needed to delin-


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eate what constitutes animals suitably healthy for re-lease after long-term captivity or rehabilitation. Ideally,this should be decided on a case by case basis, with em-phasis on a sound health history of release stock,preferably including systematic post-mortem exams ofall captive mortalities at the same facility to determinecauses of death and thus to minimise risks of introduc-ing new pathogens into release habitats.

4. Threats

Sea turtles face a wide variety of threats throughouttheir complex life histories. More information isneeded to elucidate threats and also prioritise re-sponses to such threats which will help drive moreeffective mitigation strategies.

4.1. What will be the impacts from climate change onsea turtles and how can these be mitigated?

A large number of questions relating to climatechange were submitted. The foci of the questions were(1) illuminating what kinds of impacts climate changewill have on habitats (developmental, foraging, nesting,etc.; see Section 4.3); (2) monitoring behaviouralchanges of turtles in response to those changes (seeSection 1.1); (3) examining the adaptive capacity of tur-tles to cope with climate change, and; (4) developingconservation actions in response to climate change. Al-though signalled as a problem more than 2 decades ago(Mrosovsky et al. 1984, Davenport 1989), recent re-views by Hamann et al. (2007a), Hawkes et al. (2009)and Poloczanska et al. (2009) have highlighted thepaucity of data available to accurately predict the im-pacts of climate change on sea turtles. To date, pub-lished studies have looked at impacts of climate changeon nesting habitat, including sea level rise (Fish et al.2005, Baker et al. 2006, Fuentes et al. 2010a), extremeweather events (Pike & Stiner 2007), geomorphology(Fuentes et al. 2010b), as well as anthropogenic devel-opment and the management of coastal areas (Rumboldet al. 2001, Kamel & Mrosovsky 2006, Fish et al. 2008).Others have suggested that altered thermal regimescould change life history attributes, such as the timingof nesting seasons (Weishampel et al. 2004), hatchlingsex ratios (Glen & Mrosovsky 2004, Fuentes et al. 2009),and survival of incubating eggs (Hawkes et al. 2007).Some researchers have looked at how climate-drivenchanges to ocean systems may change the locations ofdevelopmental and foraging grounds as well as impact-ing their quality, either negatively or positively(McMahon & Hays 2006, Chaloupka et al. 2008a, Sabaet al. 2008, Witt et al. 2010). Applying recent methods of

species distribution modelling using global data setsobtained through global data portals is also a promisingnew direction (Gilman et al. 2009). Although some re-searchers have emphasised promoting resilience inpopulations by alleviating other threats (Brander 2008,Robinson et al. 2009), less work has been done on un-derstanding cumulative impacts or developing conser-vation responses to climate change, both of which arekey areas for future research.

4.2. What are the major sources of fisheries bycatchand how can these be mitigated in ways that are

ecologically, economically and socially practicable?

The questions on the bycatch of sea turtles focussedon (1) assessing captures and mortality of turtles perarea and fishing gear, (2) understanding the impact onpopulations in terms of both turtle mortality and alter-ation of marine communities, and (3) developing tech-nical changes to gear and working out policy strategiescompatible with socio-economic needs to reduce by-catch impacts on turtle populations. Understanding thebycatch problem is difficult due to intrinsic uncertain-ties regarding catch levels, socio-economic factors,mortality rates and recovery rates that relate to sea tur-tle captures (Lewison et al. 2004a). First, the cumulativenumber of turtle captures cannot be accurately esti-mated because of (1) substantial variability in capturerates due to a myriad of possible combinations of tech-nical and operational parameters within the same typeof gear; (2) the number of unobserved vessels and lim-ited availability of reliable fishing effort data; (3) thehigh levels of illegal, unregulated and unreported(IUU) fishing (Agnew et al. 2009); (4) the heterogeneoustemporal, spatial, and life stage distribution of turtles;and (5) the need to consider species and populations in-dependently (Lewison et al. 2004b, Casale 2008). Sec-ond, the mortality resulting from these captures is un-certain; mortality rates vary not only between differentkinds of gear but also according to operational andtechnical parameters within each kind of gear (Sasso &Epperly 2006, Casale et al. 2008). Third, the assessmentof the impact of this mortality on populations requiressubstantial knowledge of population dynamics (Hep-pell et al. 1999; see Sections 3.1 and 3.2). Measures tomitigate mortality have been proposed mainly as tech-nical changes and mainly to industrial fisheries (Ep-perly 2003, Gilman et al. 2006, 2010, Cox et al. 2007).Tackling the bycatch of sea turtles in the multitude ofsmall-scale fisheries typical of coastal communities isintrinsically more difficult due to the great diversity ofgear used in these fisheries and to the dispersed natureof the fishing communities (Soykan et al. 2008). How-ever, some regional and local programmes dealing


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specifically with small-scale fishers have begun in re-cent years and have yielded some noticeable results(Gallo et al. 2006, Hall et al. 2007, Peckham et al. 2007,Abe & Shiode 2009). It is uncertain to what extent spe-cific technical measures can be effective in sea turtleconservation in the long term because they do not usu-ally take into account other possible effects of fishing onthe marine ecosystem (Pauly et al. 1998, Richardson etal. 2009). Sea turtle conservation in relation to fisheriesshould be based on close collaboration with fishers, andshould be dealt with in a multidisciplinary way and inthe context of population dynamics as well as from anecosystem-based approach to fishery management(Costanza et al. 1998, Pikitch et al. 2004, Hall et al.2007, Crowder et al. 2008).

A range of strategies are available that are poten-tially effective in lessening the impacts of fisheries onsea turtles: awareness and educational programmes,community-based conservation activities, marine pro-tected areas, spatial/temporal closures of fisheries,national legislation and international agreements aswell as gear-engineering solutions (Costanza et al.1998, Hykle 1999, Marcovaldi et al. 2001, 2005, Camp-bell et al. 2002, Lewison et al. 2003, Food and Agricul-ture Organization of the United Nations 2005, 2009,Peckham et al. 2007, Witt et al. 2008). Many of thesemeasures, when enacted unilaterally, are proving to beineffective at promoting recovery of declining popula-tions, because reducing bycatch mortality in one par-ticular fishery or one geographic region does notaddress the myriad sources of mortality acting on dif-ferent life stages, nor does it recognize the trans-boundary nature of sea turtles. A variety of policyinstruments should be explored that address thesources of mortality at different life history stages.There is a need to examine the roles played by har-vesters and consumers of seafood and the creation ofeconomic incentives through market-based and otherpolicy instruments, as opposed to command-and-con-trol regulations, laws, and adverse incentives. Positiveeconomic incentives help contribute toward a self-en-forcing recovery strategy in a multilateral framework,emphasising cooperation and coordination amongplayers (Dutton & Squires 2008). Regardless of policymeasures, more focus on the human dimensions asso-ciated with fishing and protected species bycatch isneeded to improve outcomes of management practices(Marshall 2007, Campbell & Cornwell 2008).

4.3. How can we evaluate the effects of anthropogenicfactors on sea turtle habitats?

Human impacts on sea turtle habitats have beenrecognised for decades (Lutcavage et al. 1997), with

efforts to mitigate impacts largely focused on terres-trial habitats (e.g. Witherington & Martin 1996). Therehas been some progress in protecting and/or restoringmarine ecosystems in certain areas (e.g. Molloy et al.2009), but direct (e.g. disrupting ocean bottom withtrawl and dredge fishing gear, Watling & Norse 1998)and indirect (e.g. agricultural runoff, Diaz & Rosenberg2008; see Section 4.4) anthropogenic impacts to marineecosystems continue to occur (Halpern et al. 2008). Seaturtle responses to altered terrestrial and marineecosystems have been documented in some cases,including increased temperatures of hawksbill turtlenesting sites due to deforestation (Kamel & Mrosovsky2006) and alterations in overall diet of loggerhead tur-tles in response to changes in prey availability (Seney& Musick 2007). More work is needed to evaluate thecondition and status of sea turtle habitats and thethreats to those habitats, and to determine how degra-dation of these habitats affects sea turtle populations.Important research areas related to restoration andmitigation of habitats include (1) developing frame-works to assess risks from cumulative impacts (likeli-hood and consequences scored across threats, lifestages and reproductive value), (2) determining attrib-utes of good quality habitat as well as mechanisms toprotect this habitat and to evaluate the success of suchmeasures, and (3) consideration of future threats andtheir management in decision processes (such as hori-zontal planning, Sutherland & Woodroof 2009). Thecarrying capacity of a habitat is an important consider-ation in habitat restoration (Elliott et al. 2007). Someauthors have sought to clarify historical or current car-rying capacities of particular ecosystems (Jackson etal. 2001, Girondot et al. 2002), although much morework is needed in this area (see Section 3.4). Overall,improved dialogue across disciplines, and amongresearchers and end users, will no doubt improve thedirection of research in understanding habitat alter-ations. Additionally, improvements in the availabilityof, and access to, remotely sensed data coupled withanalysis tools such as GIS should provide novelinsights about trends and can greatly assist in under-standing the impacts of threats and effectiveness ofmitigation (Grech & Marsh 2008, Grech et al. 2008).

4.4. What are the impacts of pollution on sea turtlesand their habitats?

The questions submitted relating to the impact ofanthropogenic pollution on sea turtles suggested theneed for accurate evaluation of the effects of pollutantson development, survivorship, health, reproduction,and habitat condition/recovery. Particularly high-lighted was the need to evaluate the impact of plastics


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and other marine debris as well as the need to parame-terise sublethal effects (e.g. dietary dilution or chemi-cal absorption; McCauley & Bjorndal 1999). Coastaland marine pollution is increasing dramaticallythroughout most of the world’s coastal and oceaniczones (Laist et al. 1999, Derraik 2002, Moore 2008). Ingeneral, pollution in its many forms, such as sound,thermal, photic, plastics, chemical, effluent, and oth-ers, poses a threat to marine and terrestrial sea turtlehabitats (see Section 4.3). Yet for most pollutants, littleis known about critical thresholds and there are oftenfew quantitative data linking them to mortality. Gener-ally speaking, pollution of any type occurring above acertain threshold can render an area uninhabitable. Atlevels below that threshold, it can significantlydegrade habitat quality, carrying capacity and otheraspects of ecosystem function. To date, research hasbegun to elaborate potential effects on turtles(Hutchinson & Simmonds 1991, 1992), in particular ofsolid debris (Carr 1987, Bugoni et al. 2001, Tomás et al.2002, Mrosovsky et al. 2009), discarded fishing gear(Chatto et al. 1995, Leitch 2000, Monagas et al. 2008),heavy metals (Godley et al. 1999, Maffucci et al. 2005,Guirlet et al. 2008, García-Fernández et al. 2009),organochlorine pesticides (Keller et al. 2006, Ikono-mopoulou et al. 2009), and oil pollution (Chan & Liew1988). Accumulation of debris at nesting beaches alsohas the potential to affect female nesting activity,embryo development and hatchling survival (Kas-parek et al. 2001) and, in extremis, cause adult mortal-ity (Laurance et al. 2008). Pollutants have been associ-ated with the disease FP (Foley et al. 2005; see Section4.5), immune system suppression (Keller et al. 2006),disruption of endocrine function (Ikonomopoulou et al.2009), and possibly sex reversal in sea turtles (Berg-eron et al. 1994, Stoker et al. 2003). Overall, the ques-tions point towards the need for a better understandingof (1) pollution sources, and especially of non-pointsources, (2) the factors influencing pollutant dispersal,(3) toxicology, (4) the vertical transfer from mother tooffspring, (5) quantitative links between pollutant andimpact, and (6) how to evaluate the use of incentives tominimise pollution

4.5. What are the etiology and epidemiology of FP,and how can this disease be managed?

Contributors were concerned with specifics such as(1) the environmental conditions associated with FP,(2) the cause of FP in sea turtles, (3) the mode of trans-mission, (4) the need to develop a more systematicassessment of global occurrence of FP in sea turtles,and (5) the need to develop robust diagnostic tests fordetection of the herpesvirus (and potentially other

viruses) associated with the disease. The presence ofFP in sea turtles (mainly in green turtles) has beenknown since the 1930s (Smith & Coates 1938); how-ever, it was not until the last 15 years that concertedefforts have been made to understand the epidemiol-ogy and pathogenesis of this disease. FP is a majorcause of stranding in turtles in Hawaii (Chaloupka etal. 2008c) and Florida (Foley et al. 2005) and has aglobal distribution (Herbst 1994). Unfortunately, com-pilations of systematic surveys of FP throughout theworld do not exist. The pathology of FP has been welldocumented in the Western Atlantic (Jacobson et al.1989, Norton et al. 1990) and Central Pacific (Aguirreet al. 1998, Work et al. 2004), but clear geographic dif-ferences exist in manifestation of this disease in greenturtles (Aguirre et al. 2002), indicating that the pathol-ogy of the disease in other regions merits investiga-tions. FP is transmissible experimentally (Herbst et al.1995), and strong evidence exists of its association witha herpes virus (Lackovich et al. 1999, Quackenbush etal. 2001). Unfortunately, this virus continues to berefractory to laboratory cultivation (Work et al. 2009),thus impeding the development of ante-mortem teststo assess movement of the herpes virus through turtlepopulations. FP does not have a homogeneous geo-graphic distribution, implicating environmental cofac-tors associated with disease; however, the role of theseis unknown (Work et al. 2004). The mode of transmis-sion is also unknown, although leeches have beenimplicated (Greenblatt et al. 2004). In terms of recov-ery and population level impacts, recent analysis of a26 yr data set in Hawaii has demonstrated thatalthough the disease is a main cause of strandings forthe population, long-term tumour regression occurs,even in advanced cases (Chaloupka et al. 2009). More-over, the Hawaiian green turtle population is recover-ing despite the prevalence of the disease in the 1980sand 1990s (Chaloupka et al. 2008c). Similar long-termdata analyses on recovery rates are warranted for otherareas with exposure.

5. Conservation strategies

Sea turtles are susceptible to human impacts at everylife stage, from egg to hatchling, juvenile to adult,thereby placing them among the most conservation-dependent of marine taxa. Designing appropriate seaturtle conservation measures relies on sound informa-tion on both the biology of sea turtles and the humansocial and economic dynamics that influence our abilityto effect change in the status of sea turtle populations.Understanding the status of sea turtles is critical, as isknowledge of the human dimensions relating to seaturtle mortality. What constitutes effective conservation


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may vary with each species, and perhaps with eachpopulation. This has resulted in a variety of conserva-tion frameworks and direct strategies for conservationthat, although different across regions or localities, canbe effective for promoting population recovery.

5.1. How can we effectively determine theconservation status of sea turtle populations?

The intentions, processes and outcomes of determin-ing the status of sea turtles at species and/or populationlevel has been debated in both the scientific and publicdomains since at least the mid 1980s. Central to the ini-tial debates were the classification of hawksbill turtles(see Mrosovsky 1997a,b, 2000, Meylan & Donnelly1999), and similar arguments for other sea turtle specieshave followed (see reviews by Godfrey & Godley 2008,Seminoff & Shanker 2008). The dominant issue in thesereviews is whether global assessments using the exist-ing IUCN criteria are suitable for sea turtles. Questionsin the section fell into 2 broad areas: (1) improvementsto life history data availability and analysis for the de-termination of population/species trends, and (2) deter-mining whether it is possible and useful to conduct sta-tus assessments. Clearly, status assessments for allspecies will benefit from increased data collection at avariety of scales (e.g. population trajectories in foragingas well as nesting aggregations), improved modellingtechniques (see Sections 2.2 and 3.3), quantifiable dataon threats and assignment of threats to populations(e.g. Sections 4.1 and 5.4) and increased understandingof the social, economic and legal aspects of assess-ments. To improve the usefulness of status assessmentsthe main areas for future research should include (1)how to best define and classify the extinction risk ofspecies — this would include improved use of popula-tion ‘forecast’ models, a broader threat-based approachand/or development of assessments based on other de-mographic trends aside from adult female abundance,(2) determining the relevant spatial scale that status as-sessments should encompass to best enhance conserva-tion action (see Sections 2.1 and 3.3), and (3) determin-ing whether status assessments at global or regionalscales are useful conservation tools for designing andimplementing national management policy, or in assist-ing governments and NGOs in their internationalresponsibilities (see Section 2.1).

5.2. What are the most viable cultural, legal and socio-economic frameworks for sea turtle conservation?

Research needs relating to the cultural, political,social, economic, and legal aspects of sea turtle con-

servation are many and diverse. Questions werebroadly categorised as addressing (1) individualbehaviour, human values and psychology, and how abetter understanding of these can assist conservationeducation and outreach, and ultimately changehuman behaviour, (2) broader social, political andeconomic structures, and actors (e.g. private sectorinterests, government and non-government organ-isations, communities) that influence conservation, (3)the costs and benefits of different conservation stra-tegies, and how these are distributed among im-pacted human populations, and (4) legal and gover-nance structures that can effectively manage mi-gratory species, particularly in international waters.There was some tension within the category regard-ing the purpose of such research, between those witha utilitarian perspective, concerned with changingvalues, educating the public, or generating supportfor conservation, and those with a critical perspec-tive, concerned with the political, cultural, and eco-nomic consequences of conservation. Overall,research on these topics has been limited, but isincreasing. Much of this has been site specific orcase based, and includes research on the role of seaturtles in subsistence culture (Bliege Bird & Bird1997, Bliege Bird et al. 2001); how conservationobjectives impact on and are impacted by local com-munities (Campbell 1998, 1999, Bird et al. 2003,Campbell et al. 2007, Meletis & Campbell 2009); co-management of sea turtle fisheries and conservation(Granek & Brown 2005, Campbell et al. 2009); therole of science and politics in sea turtle conservation(Campbell 2002, 2007, Jenkins 2002); conflicts associ-ated with sea turtle conservation (Margavio &Forsyth 1996, Santora 2003, Collomb 2009); the eco-nomic value of sea turtle based ecotourism (Wilson &Tisdell 2001, Tisdell & Wilson 2005a,b); and the phe-nomenon of volunteering for sea turtle conservation(Campbell & Smith 2006, Gray & Campbell 2007).Some of this work has been collated to addressbroader themes, for example, sea turtles as flagshipspecies (Frazier 2005), international instruments(JIWLP 2002), cultural resources (Campbell 2002),direct payment schemes (Ferraro & Gjertsen 2009),and consumptive use of olive ridley sea turtles(Campbell 2007; see Section 5.4). A variety of theo-retical concepts from the social sciences (commonproperty, decision analysis, international relations,political ecology, science and technology studies,etc.) are highly relevant to this field. Effectively in-tegrating social science research with ecological orbiological research remains a challenge (Campbell2003), though emerging theoretical frameworks, e.g.social ecological systems theory, offer possibilities forguiding future inter-disciplinary work.


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5.3 Which conservation strategies are working (haveworked) and which have failed?

Today’s sea turtle conservation ‘movement’ can traceits roots to nesting beaches, where protection effortsstarted in the 1950s with a handful of projects and havesince expanded to hundreds, if not thousands, of nestingbeach conservation programmes worldwide (Frazier2002). Protection of reproductive females at the nestingbeach, especially when protection is maintained for 2 ormore decades, has led to dramatic reversal in declines ofpreviously over-exploited nesting populations (Mortimer& Bresson 1994, Dutton et al. 2005, Broderick et al. 2006,Chaloupka et al. 2008b, Mortimer & Donnelly 2008). In-tervention efforts such as predator abatement and use ofhatcheries continue to be widespread, and there is littledoubt that these efforts have paid dividends for increas-ing hatchling production. In recent decades, the detri-ments of coastal artificial lighting to hatchlings havebeen mitigated in some areas with expanded use of low-sodium pressure lamps and light shields (Salmon et al.2000). To meet the growing challenges of fisheries by-catch and marine habitat degradation (see Sections 4.2and 4.3), there has been a gradual shift toward conserva-tion in the marine realm. The development and prolifer-ation of fishing ‘gear fixes’ and improved legislation thatregulates where and when fishing occurs are 2 manage-ment strategies that have proven successful, albeit tovarying degrees, depending on the country and fisheryin question (Dryden et al. 2008). For example, turtle ex-cluder devices (TEDs) on bottom trawl fisheries and cir-cle hooks in longline fisheries have shown promise forreducing sea turtle bycatch mortality (Epperly 2003). Inaddition to these tools, bycatch reduction efforts havebenefited from technological advances that have re-sulted in a better understanding of the spatio-temporalhabitat requirements of sea turtles (Godley et al. 2008).This science-based approach ensures that fisheries oper-ate in areas with low probability of turtle interactions andhas enabled managers to set some areas off limits (e.g.time area closures) during times of peak turtle abun-dance (central California USA leatherback closure area).Marine protected areas (MPAs) have also been imple-mented, although with varying success for turtle conser-vation. While they may not be able to offer protection atecological scales (i.e. to include all/most of the foraging,migration and nesting areas; Dryden et al. 2008), atsmaller scales MPAs may be effective for protecting im-portant foraging, internesting and/or nesting habitat(Dobbs et al. 2007, Dryden et al. 2008). In many cases,habitat protection and fisheries management benefitfrom national and international instruments and policies(e.g. US Endangered Species Act, IUCN, CITES, Con-vention on Migratory Species [CMS], Inter-AmericanConvention for the Protection and Conservation of sea

turtles [IAC]) that mandate reduction of turtle take or es-tablish the legal framework to minimise the internationaltrade of sea turtle products (Frazier 2002, Bache 2005). Insome cases, these instruments have focused exclusivelyon turtles (e.g. IAC, Indian Ocean and Southeast AsianMemorandum of Understanding [IOSEA]), and provideclear mandates for cooperation among neighbouringcountries. As new turtle conservation instruments havecome online at the international scale, there has alsobeen increased emphasis on implementation of com-munity-based management and co-managementarrangements operating at much smaller scales. Com-munity-based conservation generally places greaterrecognition on the importance of the ‘human element’ inwildlife conservation and increased value on knowledgeand values of local communities (Jentoft 2000, Pretty &Smith 2004). These 2 approaches (international and lo-cal) are widely accepted as sound conservation actionsby the wider sea turtle community. However, it is impor-tant to note that what constitutes ‘effective conservation’has been, and will continue to be, open to debate, andthere are inherent tensions between international vs. lo-cal approaches to sea turtle conservation (Campbell etal. 2002, Campbell 2007). For decades there have beenwide-ranging opinions about the effectiveness of man-agement strategies such as nesting beach hatcheriesand headstarting (Frazer 1994), sustainable harvest(Mrosovsky 1997a,b, Campbell 2002; see Section 5.4), di-rect conservation payments (Ferraro & Gjertsen 2009,see Section 5.2), and ecotourism (Tisdell & Wilson2005a,b, Campbell & Smith 2006). Additionally, one ofthe challenges to determining success is that many man-agement projects/ programmes are not designed and im-plemented with evaluation in mind (Sutherland et al.2004). Designing management strategies with SMART(specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based) goals that allow evaluation, adaptation and thedevelopment of evidence-based conservation will be keyto determining management success of current and fu-ture projects. While no single conservation ‘recipe’ is ap-propriate for all occasions, the debates surrounding ef-fectiveness have resulted in a greater recognition thatthe ‘ethics’ of conservation, and effective protectionstrategies are indeed not universal but may vary witheach species, each management unit, and perhaps eveneach nesting rookery.

5.4. Under what conditions (ecological,environmental, social and political) can consumptive

use of sea turtles be sustained?

The issue of consumptive use and whether it is, orcould be, sustainable in sea turtle populations is widelydebated and challenging to address (Campbell 2002).


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Essentially, this is because it intertwines ecologicalprinciples, species management, human rights, culturewelfare, economic development and animal welfare(Nietschmann & Nietschmann 1981, Campbell 1998,2002, Kwan et al. 2006, Thiriet 2007, Tisdell et al. 2007,Daley et al. 2008). Historically, consumptive use hasranged from small-scale subsistence and/or culturaluse of turtles or eggs through to large-scale systematiccommercial take, such as for the turtle soup markets inthe latter 19th century or the long-term commercialuse of eggs. While there are empirical data linkingsome consumptive use, particularly commercial use, topopulation reductions (e.g. green and hawksbill turtlesin Seychelles, Mortimer 1984; leatherback turtles inMalaysia, Chan & Liew 1996), data on the level of take,status of the target species/population and socio-eco-nomic factors are lacking in most places. Importantly,recent research has indicated that depleted popula-tions can recover, given appropriate management, andmanagement does not necessarily exclude consump-tive use (Havemann et al. 2005, Chaloupka & Balazs2007, Chaloupka et al. 2008b). Determining whetherconsumptive use is sustainable is challenging becausethe outcome is likely to vary at social, governance(local/state/country) and biological (species/popula-tion) scales and, especially for subsistence use, huntingpatterns are strongly tied to the hybrid nature of thecoastal economy and other commercial operationssuch as fishing and tourism (Kwan et al. 2006, Meletis& Campbell 2007). Critical to the sustainability debatefrom a biological perspective is knowledge of theaffected species and populations, and genetic studiessuch as population characterisation, and mixed stockanalysis will be particularly informative here (e.g. Basset al. 1998). Quantitative data on the size of the popu-lation, demography of animals taken and the level ofuse will be similarly important. Yet these data areabsent for most populations and species. In addition,for most geographic areas where consumptive useoccurs, data on social, cultural and economical factorsrelated to sea turtles and their use are lacking. Focalareas worthy of research include (1) the sustainabilityof culture, local economy, health and social networkswith and without consumptive use, (2) changes tothe dynamics of local economies with and withoutconsumptive use, (3) alternative options — dietary,cultural, economical, environmental offsets, (4) theimportance of traditional ecological knowledge in sus-taining consumptive use, both historically and cur-rently, and (5) the multi-disciplinary challenges of con-serving to consume, especially when there is a legalright to hunt, and the broader environmental conse-quences of reducing or replacing use. Another impor-tant research area, especially in assessing whetherconsumptive use remains sustainable, lies in under-

standing and addressing cumulative risk and in under-standing the links between legal and illegal use, whichare made more problematic by the migratory nature ofsea turtles.


Recent articles by Sutherland et al. (2006, 2009)highlight the value of expert opinion in identifyingpertinent research questions that may facilitate andguide wildlife conservation. Harnessing the ideas ofexperts is powerful because it generates consensusabout current topics as well as areas of research thatmay become more important in future years — such asimproving our understanding of the threats to wildlife,how these threats are managed, and how applied man-agement actions are evaluated. Moreover, the overlapacross recommended research actions by individualexperts underscores the need to enhance interdiscipli-nary research, and is an excellent way to highlight‘hotspot’ research questions or topics. The synergy cre-ated by cross-sectional expert opinion can help focusattention on what is considered to be of immediateimportance for conservation. These efforts also providea baseline with which future assessments of the state ofsea turtle conservation research and knowledge canbe compared.

Sea turtles are generally regarded as species of con-servation concern and in many places throughoutworld they are impacted by a variety of anthropogenicthreats. With increased awareness of their ecologicalroles and struggles against burgeoning human pres-sures, coupled with growing enthusiasm for their pro-tection, comes a need for increased knowledge of theirbiology and human–turtle–management interactions.However, the global distribution of sea turtles, thevariety of habitats where they occur and the threatsthey face, all lead to a large diversity in the biophysicaland human elements that influence their life history,ecological role and management.

Through a multinational, multidisciplinary teameffort, we distilled what we believe are the most perti-nent research themes related to sea turtle conservationinto 20 metaquestions. Although there have been pre-vious attempts to collate pertinent research questionsrelated to sea turtle conservation (e.g. compilation offoraging area research priorities; Bjorndal 1999,Richardson 1999), these have either focused on partic-ular issues (e.g. climate change; Hawkes et al. 2009) orhave been overly general (e.g. 12 ‘Burning issues’ forsea turtle research, compiled by the IUCN/SpeciesSurvival Commission MTSG, see Mast et al. 2006).What sets the current compilation apart is that wesought input from a diverse set of active researchers,


Hamann et al.: Research priorities for sea turtles

allowing us to collate a wide variety of research fociand directions. In many cases, we also linked theresearch questions to conservation implications, astrategy we believe will encourage research effortsthat feed directly into management actions, thus bene-fiting sea turtles and their habitats.

Despite the fact that sea turtles have been the focusof research and conservation efforts for severaldecades in various places around the world (Frazier2003), many of the questions submitted by individualresearchers highlighted the need to collect basic lifehistory information. This reflects the ongoing informa-tion gaps related to the logistical challenges of study-ing sea turtles when they are dispersed in the openocean (see Sections 2.2 and 3.3) and to the long timespans from hatchling to maturity. Our team also identi-fied major knowledge gaps linking terrestrial habitatswith the marine. For instance, there is a lack of long-term data on both hatchling sex ratios produced at var-ious beaches worldwide and whether hatchling sexratios persist into successive age classes over time (seeSection 1.2). Overall, the general strategy is thatimproved collection of basic life history data wouldthen contribute to modelling exercises that could beused to assess impacts and direct conservation efforts,although it is recognised that more effort is needed todevelop models pertinent to sea turtle conservation.

There is a clear bias in the underlying questions andmetaquestions towards the biological sciences. Thebias in focus likely arises as a result of the number ofparticipating authors with ‘biology’ as their primaryinterest. Nevertheless, in terms of sea turtle conserva-tion over the next 10 years, there is a substantial needfor the involvement of other disciplines and for inter-disciplinary work. This need is evident not only in Sec-tion 5 which addresses strategies for conservation, butwithin each of the metaquestions in Section 4 there arekey gaps identified that relate to human-threat–turtlelinks (see Section 4.2). More importantly, the need tounderstand the human dimensions of threats andimpacts not only related to turtles but also to other pro-cesses such as ecosystem and economic function arekey components of understanding impacts on sea tur-tles or their habitats and on the impact of managementon socio-economic dimensions (Nicholson et al. 2009).Thus, the inclusion of other disciplines will be mostimportant for understanding why threatening pro-cesses are occurring (e.g. bycatch and pollution) andassisting in the prioritisation, implementation andevaluation of multidisciplinary frameworks for speciesand habitat monitoring and management.

Although several participants in the exercise haveresearch backgrounds but are now active in manage-ment roles, the approach taken in this exercise hasessentially harnessed the expertise of one sector:

research. Another exercise could be to expand the pro-cess laterally and include input from experts in envi-ronmental decision making and/or compare questionsderived by experts for other groups of marine wildlife,or in the generalised field of marine conservation(Sutherland et al. 2009). Using data from managersand/or on other species, participants could rank andweight suggested questions to provide a more detailedanalysis of questions pertinent to, or perhaps region-ally relevant for, both single taxa and/or marine faunamanagement. Using this process and expanding thescope of the exercise, especially on a regional level,would be valuable as it is likely to provide useful syn-ergies with other disciplines or groups of stakeholdersand reduce the gap between science, policy and man-agement. Indeed similar processes, such as horizontalscanning (Sutherland et al. 2008, Sutherland & Wood-roof 2009) or a prioritisation exercise used by (Nichol-son et al. 2009) have demonstrated the effectiveness ofusing expert opinions, across a range of disciplines, tohighlight a multi-disciplinary list of key current andemerging issues in conservation, plus the technologi-cal advances and/or challenges to guide managementof the environment.

While the research questions highlighted here areconsidered to be of upmost priority at the current time,there is little doubt that priorities will change overtime, due to both the progressive availability of infor-mation and also the dominant themes operating withinconservation. For instance, the most frequently re-peated question submitted by different authors wasrelated to climate change impacts to sea turtles (28/347total questions). In contrast, during a meeting of theIUCN MTSG in 2003, climate change was ranked lastout of 12 ‘Burning issues’ related to sea turtle research(Mast et al. 2004). Still, other priority research ques-tions appear to remain more constant: bycatch evalua-tion and mitigation was the second most commonlysubmitted question in this exercise (27/347 questions)and was also the top ‘Burning issue’ in 2003 (Mast et al.2004); bycatch mitigation was also recognised as thetop priority for management in the Global Strategyfor Sea Turtles (IUCN 1995). In addition, in 2006 theMTSG surveyed its membership to compile a list of themost important unanswered questions related to thenatural history of sea turtles (Mast et al. 2006). Each ofthe 7 unresolved mysteries identified by the MTSG arecovered to varying degrees in the 20 metaquestions;some such as ecological role, climate change impactsand FP are specifically contained in both sets.

Effective management of long-lived species such assea turtles that occur in a broad range of habitats reliesupon an appreciation of how biology and managementfit within a variety of biophysical and social scales.While the priority question exercise has arrived at 20


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independent metaquestions, there are several linkswithin and among them — system-based (individualscale through to populations, multi species and ecosys-tems), habitat-based (condition, status and threats),spatial scale (site specific through to ecological scale)and temporal scale (from single life stage through to lifespan). More importantly, it is clear from the descriptionsfor each question, especially those in Sections 4 and 5that an appreciation of the links, and their dynamic na-ture across both space and time is pivotal in terms ofprioritising research, monitoring and conservation ac-tions for particular species, populations and/or systems.Therefore, the metaquestions and the descriptive textdeveloped by this exercise should form a useful founda-tion for future research, management and managementevaluation for sea turtle conservation.

Acknowledgements. The manuscript was improved by theinput of the following people; Larisa Avens, Janice Blumen-thal, Lucy Hawkes, Paul Richards, Wayne Fuller, ManjulaTiwari and 2 anonymous reviewers.


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Editorial responsibility: Rory Wilson,Swansea, UK

Submitted: November 27, 2009; Accepted: March 9, 2010Proofs received from author(s): May 17, 2010

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