o ch:jo-er 20 greater orlando aviation authority

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Project: FY21 On-Call MCO Cares Website Support, Orlando International Airport

l"'5t-THIS ADDENDUM is effective this _____ day of O ch:Jo-e...r , 20 20 , by and between the GREATER ORLANDO AVIATION AUTHORITY ("Authority"), and BARICH, INC. ("Consultant').


WHEREAS, by Agreement dated July 19, 2018, Authority and Consultant entered into an agreement for Consultant to provide Information Technology Consulting Services; and

WHEREAS, under the Agreement, Consultant agreed to perform such additional services for the Authority as are contained in any additional scope of work established by the Authority in any addendum to the Agreement and accepted in writing by the Consultant; and

WHEREAS, the Authority and the Consultant desire to enter into this Addendum to the Agreement to provide for additional services to be rendered by the Consultant under the terms of said Agreement. ·

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants herein contained, the Authority and the Consultant do hereby agree as follows:

1. Consultant shall perform additional services in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and the attached Exhibit "A." Consultant shall be paid for such additional services according to the payment terms set forth in the Agreement.

2. Consultant shall be compensated for such additional services in the NOT TO EXCEED amount of EIGHTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($80,000.00), broken down as follows:

Professional Fees: Professional Fees: Reimbursable Expenses:



$80,000.00 $0.00 $0.00


3. A. Consultant hereby certifies that it is not on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List and is not engaged in a boycott of Israel, as defined in Florida Statutes § 287 .135, as amended;


Addendum 18 to Agreement dated July 19, 2018

Page 1 of 2 Rev. 8/2017

B. (applicable to agreements that may be $1,000,000 or more) - Consultant hereby certifies that it is: (1) not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List as defined in Florida Statutes § 287 .135; and (2) not engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria, as defined in Florida Statutes § 287.135, as amended.

4 . Authority may terminate the Agreement for cause and without the opportunity to cure if the Consultant is found to have submitted a false certification or has been placed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List or is engaged in a boycott of Israel.

In the event the Agreement is for One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) or more, Authority may terminate this Agreement for cause and without the opportunity to cure if the Consultant is found to have submitted a false certification or has been placed on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List or is engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria.

5. Except as expressly modified in this Addendum, the Agreement dated July 19, 2018, and all prior addenda will remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the p~ eto by theip-e,;lul~~d representatives, have executed this Addendum this -""--- day of 6J c , 20-2,Q_.

Approved as to Form and Legality (for the benefit of GOAA only)

this 2Jo_ day of Dc):· , 2€i2_

By: JZ~~ -NELSON MULLINS/ ROAD AND CASSEL, Legal Counsel Greater Orlando Aviation Authority

Addendum 18 to Agreement dated July 19, 2018



By: Signature (Duly Authorized Rep.)

Francis Barich Printed Name

President Title

Page 2 of 2 Rev. 8/2017



To: Members of the Professional Services Committee

Orlando International Airport One Jert Fuqua Boulevard

Orlando, Florida, 32827·4392 (407) 825-2001



Pete Pelletier, Director, Information Technology (Prepared by Ian Brooks x3124)

September 1, 2020

Re: Request for Recommendation of Approval to the Aviation Authority Board of an Addendum to the Information Technology Consulting Services Agreement with Barich, Inc. for FY21 On-Call MCO Cares Website Support at the Orlando International Airport.

Consultant's attached proposal, dated August 14, 2020, Is to provide On-Call MCO Cares Website Support to maintain and update the web site and its components at the Orlando International Airport. Duties and responsibilities are detailed in the attached scope of work.

If approved, these services would be effective October 1, 2020.

The MWBE/LDB participation has been reviewed by the Office of Small Business Development. Their findings and recommendation are attached.

Funding is from Operations and Maintenance Funds 301 .009.170.5310009.000.000000 subject to AvlaU~n A~o~ty ~g.ard Adoption of the FY21 Aviation Authority Budget . Funding source verified by&__~({~ of Construction Finance on _JL/2612..Q. as correct and available.

It is respectfully requested that the Professional Services Committee recommend to the Aviation Authority Board, approval of an Addendum to the Information Technology Consulting Services Agreement with Barich, Inc. for the services contained therein and the amount as shown below:

Not to Exceed Fees Lump Sum Fees Not to Exceed Expenses TOTAL Reviewed by RWBC

Grealer Orlando Avialion Aulhorily {8/17) Professional Services Commillee Memorandum EOC-18-t a


$80,000.00 $0.00 $0.00

$80,000.00 ( , ... )~)


Req 87291

PSC Various 9/1/2020


Re: FY21 MCO Cares On-Call Support Services

August 14, 2020

Greater Orlando Aviation Authority 5855 Cargo Road Orlando, FL 32827-4399

Dear Mr. Pelletier,

BARICH, INC. 5850 T G Lee Blvd., Suite 330

Orlando, Florida 32822 OFFICE: (407) 635-9521

WEB: www.barich.net

It is our pleasure to present the Barich, Inc. (Barich) response to the request for continued on­call professional consulting services to maintain and update the Orlando International Airport MCO Cares website and its components for FY21. For this request, Barich has partnered with EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC (EPIC). EPIC has been a partner on previous Aviation Authority projects with great success.

Attached is a detailed Statement of Work from EPIC to fulfill the requirements set forth by the Aviation Authority. Barich will provide the on-call services with a defined not-to-exceed budget of $80,000.00, to be billed time and materials on a monthly basis. The Scope of Work to be performed, along with a detailed cost breakdown will be determined per on-call task order.

Barich's prime oversight includes the Senior Consultant and Project Coordinator. The Senior Consultant rate is proposed for charges incurred for oversight and management of the sub­consultant resource. The Senior Consultant also provides overall quality assurance for this task, approves final monthly invoice submissions, and will be responsible for monthly repo1ting of corporate financial project status. The Project Coordinator will manage time sheets, perform invoice coordination with the sub-consultant, and prepare invoices.

~. ,•~ j',~ .~, . ,. , ; ,.P.oslt)o't) . . Hoi:iriy,Rate' .. \,. , .. '.

Senior Consultant $193.00 Project Coordinator $73.00

If you have any questions regarding the service agreement or fee, please feel free to reach out to me directly. We would be pleased to address any issues at your convenience. Our team will be ready to begin work after notification of notice to proceed for the project.


1..--Q - .. (~..o . c:::,,-cµcQ..vi..; uu.o

Leslie F. Ruiz Sr. Consultant Barich, Inc.

FY21 MCO Cares On-Call Support Services Greater Orlando Aviation Authority


The Consultant hereby certifies, covenants, and warrants that wage rates and other factual unit costs supporting the compensation for this project's agreement are accurate, complete, and current at the time of contracting.

The Consultant further agrees that the original agreement price and any additions thereto shall be adjusted to exclude any significant sums by which the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority determines

the agreement price was Increased due to inaccurate, Incomplete, or noncurrent wage rates and other factual unit costs. All such agreement adjustments shall be made within one (1) year following the end of the contract. For purposes of this certificate, the end of the agreement shall be deemed to be the date of final billing or acceptance of the work by the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority, whichever Is later.

Consultant: Barich Inc.

By: __ ;f_-_ .... _~~· ~L~· ~~---~--' ------Print Name: Francis Barich

Date: August, 03, 2020

Your Work. Simplified.0

Statement of Work: Greater Orlando Aviation Authority

FY 2021 On-Call IT Support Services

Contents Project Overview .......... ...... ............................•..............•....................................................... 3

Background ............................................................................................................................................... 3

Objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 3

Statement of Work ..... ........................................................................................................... 4

Description of the Required Work ............................................................................................................ 4

Estimation of Hours .................................................................................................................................. 5 Personnel to be assigned .......................................................... ................................................................ 5

Cost ............................................................................... ............................................................................ 5

Deliverables ................................................................................................... ............................................ 5

Tlmeline for Execution .............................................................................................................................. 5

Assumptions and/or Risks ....................................................................................... .................................. 5

Exhibit A ......... ....................................................................................................................... 6

1511 East SR 434, Suite 3033, Winter Springs, FL 32708 • 407.381.3742 • www.epicgroupllc.com 2

Your Work, Simplified.0

Statement of Work: Greater Orlando Aviation Authority

FY 2021 On-Call IT Support Services

Project Overview Greater Orlando Aviation Authority (GOAA} Information Technology (IT)Department Intents to provide Operations and Maintenance funding for "on-call" tasks In support of the MCO Care web site and its components, not covered under other approved Scopes of Work. The chosen Prime contractor will provide the on-call services.

Background GOAA IT department operates, supports and maintains various IT Systems vital to the Operation of Orlando International Airport (OIA} and Orlando Executive Airport (OEA}. IT supports the MCO Cares web site which Is provided by GOAA under the direction of the Customer Engagement Department. MCO Cares website Is designed to better engage airport stakeholders and employees. The website Is Intended for use by the employees of all companies and organizations operating at Orlando International Airport (MCO} and Orlando Executive Airport (OEA) to help them dellver outstanding customer service to each other and to the traveling public.

In addition to providing operations support, subject matter expertise may be required to perform product research, concept development, or business analysis prior to executing a funded Project Startup.

Objectives The Greater Orlando Aviation Authority (GOAA} wishes to provide agility In resource acquisition when external professional services may be required on short notice to assist IT staff.

MCO Cares Is a client-facing website and It needs to adhere to GOAA standards as well as usablllty standards and support all popular commercial browsers. The objective Is to keep the website responsive and pleasant to use to better engage airport stakeholders and employees and thus deliver outstanding customer service to each other and to the traveling public.

1511 East SR 434, Suite 3033, Winter Springs, Fl 32708 • 407.381.3742 • www.epicgroupllc.com 3

Your Work, Simplified.•

Statement of Work: Greater Orlando Aviation Authority

FY 2021 On-Call IT Support Services

Statement of Work

Description of the Required Work The current MCO Cares website contains the following list of features: URL: https:llwww.orlandoalrports.net/mcocares/

1. Home Page Design

• Photo Galleries

2. Employee Recognition Program

• Monthly and Quarterly winners with photos from event

• Recognition Submission Form

3. Employment Jobs listings for GOM and airport community positions

• Form to submit Job postings Including an approval process for approval 4. Employee Resources

• Includes guides, Training materials and other useful reference

5. MCO Employee Discounts (List of discounts that badge MCO employees receive)

• Form to submitting Including an approval process for approval 6. Links to various sites and Initiatives

7. Employee Survey


• o Form to submit Ideas for Improvement

9. Updates/ Newsroom / Social Media feeds

10. Administration Portal used by the Customer Experience staff to maintain various aspects and processes for the site content.

The required work will cover 'on-call' IT support tasks related to sustaining operations not covered under other approved scopes of work. In addition to providing operations support, subject matter expertise may be required to perform product research, concept development, or business analysis prior to executing a funded Project Startup.

The scope of services may consist of tasks Including, but not limited to the following as they relate to existing platforms or products:

• Technical system and server maintenance • Technical troubleshooting support • Estimation • Documentation • User support • Training

• System enhancement, patching, and upgrade support • Testing • Research • Proof of concept development • Business analysis • Planning support

1511 East SR 434, Suite 3033, Winter Springs, Fl 32708 • 407.381.3742 • www.eplcgroupllc.com 4

Your Work, Simplified.~

Statement of Work:Greater Orlando Aviation Authority

FY 2021 On-Call IT Support Services


EPIC proposes to provide the services discussed herefn for a not to exceed budget of $80,000, in accordance with the Scope of Work. Project efforts will be billed to Barich on a task order completed basis, based on the approved rate table in Exhibit A.

Deliverables Deliverables will be Items requested from the GOAA IT based on the tasks assigned to EPIC.

Timeline for Execution EPIC team will begin work Immediately upon receipt of the Notice to Proceed. The specific task will dictate the completion tlmellne.

Assumptions and/or Risks • Workspace will be provided for any on-site assignments. • Remote access to the applicable GOAA IT Infrastructure will be provided for delivering remote

support tasks.

1511 East SR 434, Suite 3033, Winter Springs, Fl 32708 • 407.381.3742 • www.epicgroupllc.com 5



All amounts invoiced by the Consultant as Reimbursable Fees shall be calculated on the basis of the actual number of hours of services rendered under this Agreement by each of the positions defined and by the new positions as identified below, multiplied by the corresponding Contract Hourty Rate, up to the Not to Exceed limit defined by the Agreement. Include information on positions held by both the design consultant and each subcoosJ.Jltant -·· -- ··-·

FIRM POSITION CONTRACT HOURLY RA TE EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Business Analyst $103.00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC IT Systems Specialist $80.00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Principal $199.00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Principal $205.00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Project Coordinator $72.00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Project Manager $168.00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Senior Compliance Officer $125.00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Senior Compliance Officer $121 .00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Senior GIS Analyst $105.00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Senior Project Manager $184.00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Software Architect $158.00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Software Programmer $115.00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Software QA Professional $94.00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Sr. Business Process Analyst $161 .00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Sr. GIS Programmer $151.00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Sr. Oracle DBA $175.00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Sr. Software Architect $183.00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC Sr. Software Programmer $167.00 EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, LLC UI/UX Designer $102.00

Epic Engineering Consulting Group, LLC Table C -9 August2020



To: Members of the Professional Services Committee

From: Somdat Jiawan, Manager, Small Business Programs (sj)

Date: September 01, 2020

Orlando International Airport

5850-8 Cargo Road Orlando, Florida 32827-4399

Re: Request for Recommendation of Approval to the Aviation Authority Board of an Addendum to the Information Technology Consulting Services Agreement with Barich, Inc. for FY21 On­Call MCO Cares Website Support at the Orlando International Airport.

We have reviewed the qualifications of the subject contract's MWBE/LDBNBE specifications and determined that Barich, Inc. proposes 100% MWBE participation on this Addendum.

Our analysis indicates that Barich, Inc. is eligible for award of the subject Addendum.



This form should be used to report Construction and Engineering /Professional Services activities.

Name of Airport: Orlando lntemational Ai!J!_Ort

Address: One Jeff Fu_g_ua Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32827

Telephone No: (407) 825-3481

Project Name & Number: Request for Recommendation of Approval to the Aviation Authority Board of an Addendum to the Information Technology Consulting Services Agreement w ith

Barich, Inc. for FY21 On-Call MCO Cares Website Support at the Orlando International Airport.

1. Construction Informat ion:

Addendum Amount:

2. MWBE Goal by Group Representation: ASian Pacific American Asian Subcontinent American

Black American

Caucasian Female American

Hispanic American

Native American

Other Total MWBE Goal

3.a. Prime Contractor Information:


Actual Result -------Actual Result

Actual Result -------Actual Result

______ Actual Result

______ Actual Result

Actual Result -------Actual Result

Address: ____________________ _

City, State, Zip: _ _______________________ _

Telephone: _ _______________________ _

3.b. Name and Address of MWBE Subcontractor Name: _________________________ _

Address: _______ _________________ _

City, State, Zip: ________________________ _

Telephone: _ _ _ ________ _____________ _

3.c. •identity:

4. Engineering/Professional Services Information:

Addendum Amount: $80,000.00

S. MWBE Goal by Group Representation: Asian Pacific American

Asian Subcontinent American

Slack American

80,000.00 Actual Result ______ Actual Result

Actual Result ------Actual Result ------Caucasian Female American

Hispanic American ______ Actual Result

Native American


Total MWBE Goal

______ Actual Result

______ Actual Result

~ Actual Result

6.b. Engineering/ Professional Service Firm Information:

Name: Barich, Inc.

Address: 2241 E. Pecos Rd., Suite 2

City, State, Zip: Chandler, Arizona 85225

Telephone: (480) 361-4122

6.b. Name and Address of MWBE Subconsultant

Name: EPIC Engineering & Consulting Group, UC

Address: 1511 East SR 434, Suite 3033

City, State, Zip: Winter Springs, FL 32708

Telephone: (407) 381-3742

6.c. • identity: Asian Pacific American



Work ltem(s): rk ( ) On-call professional consulting services to maintain and update t he

wo Item s : MCO Cares website

Amount of Subcontract

Percent of Prime Contract(%):

Amount of Subcontract

Percent of Prime Contract (%):

I certify thot the information included on this form ond its attachment is correct Signature: S. Jiowan Date: 09/01/20

Somdat Jiawan, Manager, Small Business Programs (sj)



• lfl Items 3.c. ond 6.c. above specify the identity of MW8E Subcontractors and £/PS Firms (e.g. Block American, Hispanic American, Asian Subcontinent Amenun, Asian Pacif,c American, Caucasian female American, Native Amerian & <>the<)

Minutes of the Professional Services Committee September 1, 2020 Page 4 of 5

REQUEST FOR RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL TO THE AVIATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF AN ADDENDUM TO THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BARICH, INC. FOR FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2021 ON-CALL MCO CARES WEBSITE SUPPORT SERVICES, AT THE ORLANDO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, AT THE ORLANDO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT . 3 . Mr . Brooks presented the memorandum, dated September 1 , 2020 , along with a proposal from Barich , Inc. , dated August 14 , 2020 , for FY 2021 On-Call MCO Cares Website Support Services , at the Orlando International Airport . These services will provide on- call MCO Cares website support to maintain and update the website and i ts components , as well as subject matter e xpertise to perform product research , concept development or business ana l ys i s , as requested . Servi ces will be provided from October 1 , 2020 , through September 30 , 2021 .

If approved , these services would be e f fective October 1 , 2020 .

The Office of Smal l Business Development reviewed t he proposa l from Barich, Inc . , and determi ned that Barich , I n c . propose 100% MWBE pa r ticipation on this Addendum.

Mr . Patterson asked if these servi ces were simi l ar to those provided in FY 2020 . Mr . Brooks replied yes .

Upon motion of Mr . Pat terson, second by Mr . Hunt , vote carried by roll-cal l , with all votes yea , to recommend to t he Aviation Authority Board approval of an Addendum to t he Information Technology Consulting Ser vices Agreement with Barich, Inc . for FY 2021 On-Ca ll MCO Cares Website Support Services , at the Orlando International Airport , for the total not-to- exceed fee amount of $80 , 000 . 00 , wi th funding from Operation and Maintenance Funds (subject to adoption o f the FY 2021 Aviation Authority Budget by the Aviation Authority Board) .

REQUEST FOR RECOMMENDATION OF APPROVAL TO THE AVIATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF AN ADDENDUM TO THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH FAITH GROUP CONSULTING, LLC FOR FISCAL YEAR (FY) 2021 ON- CALL MCO MOBILE APPLICATION SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE, AT THE ORLANDO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. 4 . Mr . Brooks presented the memorandum, date d August 25 , 2020 , along with a proposal from Faith Group Consult i ng , LLC , dated August 3 , 2020 , for FY 202 1 On-Call MCO Mobile Application Support and Mai ntenance , at the Orlando I n ternational Airport . These services will provide , but are not limited to , daily operational monitoring and maintenance support services of the available MCO mobile applications . Services will be provided from October 1 , 2020 , through September 30 , 2021 .

If approved , these services would be effective October 1, 2020 .

The Office of Small Business Development Consulting , LLC , and determined that , due services , Faith Group Consulting, LLC participation on t his Addendum .

reviewed the proposal from Faith Group to the specialized scope of the required does not propose any sma l l business

Mr . Patterson asked if these services were similar to those provi ded in FY 2020 . Mr . Brooks repl ied yes . Mr . Patter son asked if this would maintain t he current application . Mr . Brooks replied these services would provide software updates and patches to e xisting systems .

Upon motion of Mr . Patterson , second by Mr. Hunt , vote carried by roll-ca ll , wi t h all votes yea , to recommend to the Aviation Authority Board approval of an Addendum to t he Information Technology Consulting Services Agreement with Faith Group Consulting, LLC for FY 2021 On-Call MCO Mobile Application Support and Maintenance, at the Orlando International Airport , for the total amount of $84 , 180 . 00, which includes a not - to- exceed fee amount of $56 , 580 . 00 and a not-to-exceed reimbursable e xpenses amount of $27 , 600.00 , wi th funding from Operation and Main tenance Funds



TO: Members of the Aviation Authority


Orlando Inte r na t iona l Ai rport One Jeff Fuqua Boulevard

Orlando , Florida 32227- 4399

FROM : Davin R. Ruohomaki , Chai rman , Professional Services Committee

DATE : September 16, 2020


Recommendat i on of the Professional Services Committee to Approve Mu ltiple Addenda to t he I nfor mation Technol ogy Consulting Services Agreement with Barich , I nc. for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 I n format i on Systems St aff Augmen tation to the Information Technology (IT) Department , and FY 2021 On-Call MCO Cares Webs i te Support Se r vices , at the Orl ando I nternational Airport


On June 20 , 2018 , the Aviation Authority Board approved the award of an Information Technology (IT) Consulting Services Agreement to Barich , Inc . This no-cost base agreement established the negotiated hourly rates . The consulting services include a broad range of services associated with the planning a nd implementation of IT projects and initiatives that are identified in the Aviation Authority ' s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) , IT Master Plan (ITMP) , the Aviation Authority ' s annual project planning process , and other IT projects and initiatives requested by t h e Aviation Authority . The services may include project management ; staff augmentat i on ; research of specific technologies ; research and concept development ; IT business analysis ; business case development ; infrastructure and applications design , installation, configuration , development and testing; database management and administration ; cyber and physical security; development of solicitation documents ; functional , performance and interface requirements definition and documentation project planning ; applications development , implementation and i ntegration across multiple systems; operations and management of IT ; assistance with I T roadmap or strategic plans ; vendor and product evaluations and recommendations ; and other IT consulting services.

Subsequently, the Professiona l Services Committee (PSC) took action on the following addenda on the above-referenced agreement :

• Approval of Amendment No . 1 to Addendum No . 9 to the Information Technology Consulting Services Agreement with Barich , Inc . for Additional Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 On-Call Information Technology Support Work Plan Consul ting Services, at the Orlando International Ai r port, for a total not-to-exceed fee amount of $35 , 000 . These services include , but are not limited to, on- call tasks in support of the Airport Integrated Data Broker (AIDB) Environment and its components , as related to sustaining operations support, subject matter expertise which may require product research, concept development or business analysis prior to project start-up . [Reference PSC meeting held March 24 , 2020, Agenda Item No . 3 . ]

• Approval of Addendum No. 16 to the Information Technology Consulting Services Agreement with Barich , Inc . for Tenant Systems Guidelines and Tenant Specifications Services , at the Orlando International Airport , for a total not­to-exceed fee amount of $31 , 006 . These services include , but are not limited to , investigating all carrie r s available for tenants to access the Orlando International Airport (MCO) campus for Internet Service Provider (ISP) services . [Reference PSC meeting held June 30 , 2020 , Agenda Item No . 3 .]



Per the Aviation Authority's Policy 450.04, Purchasing - General Procedures and Approval Authorization, the Aviation Authority Board must approve all contract addenda and amendments that result in the value of any contract being increased, in the aggregate, by $250,000 or more over the contract value.

The PSC recommended approval of the following addenda to the IT Consulting Services Agreement with Barich, Inc., as outlined in the memorandum:

• An Addendum to the IT Consulting Services Agreement with Barich, Inc. for FY 2021 Information Systems Staff Augmentation to the Information Technology Department for South Terminal C, Phase 1, Construction and Other IT Related Projects Support Services, at the Orlando International Airport. Services will provide a qualified Senior Managing Consultant in a staff augmentation role to the Director of IT, and will serve as an advisor, who will discern and document IT internal and external project commitments and schedules, monitor and report the progress to fulfillment to the Director of IT, coordinate commitment actions among internal and external participants, and contribute to the resolution of problems. Services will be provided from October 1, 2020, through September 30, 2021, for the total not-to-exceed fee amount of $371,360, with funding from General Airport Revenue Bonds, and Operation and Maintenance Funds (subject to adoption of the FY 2021 Aviation Authority Budget by the Aviation Authority Board). Due to the specialized nature of the required services, Barich, Inc. does not propose any MWBE/LDB/VBE participation on this Addendum. [Reference PSC Meeting held August 25, 2020, Agenda Item No. 3].

• An Addendum to the IT Consulting Services Agreement with Barich, Inc. for FY 2021 On-Call MCO Cares Website Support Services, at the Orlando International Airport. Services will include on-call MCO Cares website support to maintain and update the website and its components, as well as subject matter expertise to perform product research, concept development or business analysis, as requested, for the total not-to-exceed fee amount of $80,000, with funding from Operation and Maintenance Funds (subject to adoption of the FY 2021 Aviation Authority Budget by the Aviation Authority Board). The Aviation Authority has not established MWBE/LDB/VBE goals because of the specialized nature of the services to be provided. [Reference PSC Meeting held September 1, 2020, Agenda Item No. 3].

As these addenda will result in an aggregate increase to the Aviation Authority's Agreement with Barich, Inc. exceeding $250,000, Aviation Authority Board approval is required.




The fiscal impact is $451,360. Funding is from General Airport Revenue Bonds, and Operation and Maintenance Funds {subject to adoption of the FY 2021 Aviation Authority Budget by the Aviation Authority Board under separate item).


It is respectfully requested that the Aviation Authority Board resolve to accept the recommendation of the Professional Services Committee and approve {1) an Addendum to the IT Consulting Services Agreement with Barich, Inc. for FY 2021 Information Systems Staff Augmentation to the Information Technology Department for South Terminal c, Phase 1, Construction and Other IT Related Projects Support Services, at the Orlando International Airport, for a total not-to-exceed fee amount of $371,360, with funding from General Airport Revenue Bonds and Operation and Maintenance Funds; (2) an Addendum to the IT Consulting Services Agreement with Barich, Inc. for FY 2021 On-Call MCO Cares Website Support Services, at the Orlando International Airport, for the total not-to-exceed fee amount of $80,000, with funding from Operation and Maintenance Funds; and, (3) authorize an Aviation Authority Officer or the Chief Executive Officer to execute the necessary documents following satisfactory review by legal counsel.


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