ob-ramij (2)

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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Organizational & BehaviorContentsIntroduction................................................................................................................ 3Task 1......................................................................................................................... 31.1 Compare and contrast diferent organizational structure and culture..................31.2 Relationship between an organizations structure and culture.............................1.3 !actors which in"uence indi#idual beha#ior at work............................................$Task 2......................................................................................................................... %2.1 &fecti#eness o' diferent leadership st(le............................................................%2.2 The organizational theor( that underpins the practice o' management...............)2.3 The diferent approaches to management...........................................................*Task+ 3........................................................................................................................ ,3.1 The impact o' diferent leadership st(les.............................................................,3.2 -pplication o' diferent moti#ational theories.....................................................1.3.3 The use'ulness o' moti#ational theor(................................................................11Task+....................................................................................................................... 12.1The nature o' groups and group beha#ior...........................................................12.2 'actors that promote the de#elopment o' efecti#e teamwork in organizations. 13.3 The impact o' technolog( on team 'unctioning within a gi#en organization......13Conclusions.............................................................................................................. 1Re'erences................................................................................................................ 1$Introduction Organizational behavior canbedefinedasafieldofstudythat investigatestheimpact thatindividuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within the organization and for the purposeof applying this knowledge in the organizational effectiveness. This report mainly focused on theindividual and group behavior within the organization. Report scenario basedon ondon!nderground and its recent reforms of management structure. "t focuses on e#ploring the linkbetween organizational structure and culture and their impact on individual and group behavior.eadership styles and their impact as well as technological aspects are discussed in this report.Task 1 1.1 Compare and contrast diferent organizational structure and cultureondon!ndergroundimited$!% previouslyoperatedandmanagedthroughTouchstoneRenard. &ll themanagement activities of the!workedthroughout thestructureof themanagement companyTouchstoneRenard.&slongtimerenderedservicestothe!havecreated own management structure and culture in the management of the !'s largest!nderground Railroad services. Recent reforms in the management of the ! make a sense tothe authority to establish a management system to continue the operation which was previouslyrun by the hired company. &lthough the company is committed to provide management serviceandconsultancyuntil theyhavefulfilledthemselvesinselfsufficient onmanagingbusiness.Organizational culture is mostly dependent on the management structure. "t is a big picture canbecomparablewithumbrella. Ontheotherhandmanagement structurereferstothelogicalrelationshipofthemanagers, employees, andworkers.Therecouldbedifferent managementstructuredependingontheorganizationsize, tasks, purposeof thecompany. Organizationalculture now can be set by the top management. (ho will responsible to whose is determined bythe organizational culture. There are also some rules and code of conduct in the organization thatare also a part of organizational culture. &s ! have huge number of categories of employeesfor them hierarchical structure of the management would be better than flatter management style."nhierarchical structureaccountability,divisionoflabor,properdirection, level ofauthority,application of motivational tools can be applied easily. )ulture basically refers to the norms,values and behavior adopted by the organizational members in their workplace. "t is sometimesto establish new cultural environment like ! in which already an established culture e#ist andpeople are habituated with that. *o the new initiative of +++ and new structure would take timeto adopt by the new management structure and new employees of ! $+earson, ,-..%.1.2 Relationship between an organizations structure and culture&s " previouslydiscussed about the definition of management structure andculture of acompany. /owtomake a relationshipbetweenorganizational structure andorganizationalculture in the upcoming new management hierarchy of !$ ondon !nderground imited%.Theoreticallyandmorecommonlythereis adependablerelationshipbetweenmanagementstructure and cultureof!.0ainly management structure playsacatalystrolein termsofdetermining what would be possible cultural orientation of an organization. &s for ! having ahuge management team a hierarchical structure is preferable. 0anagement structure determinesthe attitude of the employees, ethical and moral values, behaviors toward different stakeholder ofthecompany,renderingservicetothecustomersaredependableoncultureofthat particularorganization. "f the management wants hold decision making power to the top management acentralized management style is more preferable. 1ere there are some advantages anddisadvantages also. &s aresult of this prompt decisionis made anddispersedamongthesubordinates. ess time is spent on decision making. But in this style lower management levelfeel lackof independence, freedom, decisionmakingability. Theycan2t feel easytoreportsomething to the top management and raise an opinion and suggestion. 1ere manager2s decisionis the ultimate decision. On the other hand on a decentralized management system opposed isseen. ower level management is more motivated here. They think their opinion is valued hereand they are the part of the organization. They can en3oy more fle#ibility of work in this style$4essler,,-..%. 1.3 actors which in!uence indi"idual beha"ior at work&ccording to 5ohn "vancevich and 0ichael 0attson, the factors which have the influential powerto affect the behavioral style of an individual are demographic factors, abilities and skills,perception, attitude and personality of the employee etc. DemographicFactors:Thedemographicfactorsaresocioeconomicbackground, education,nationality, race, age, se#, etc. for !under the ++6pro3ect of renovation a skilled,hardworking, straightforward, well cultured management team is re7uired. &s the company is!' based firstly it should give priority to the national of the !'. *ometimes organization seeksinternational employment. "n this case the national having good cultural moral education rate,freefromse#ual biasnesswouldbegivenprioritybytheemployerlike!$.&non, $,-.8%.9online:&vailableat;https;

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