ob term paper on employee participation

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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MBA (Evening Program), Summer 2012Department of Management Studies

Faculty of Business StudiesUniversity of Dhaka

Course Title: “Organizational Behavior”

Course No: EM 513

Submitted to:

Dr. Ataur Rahman


Department of Management Studies

Faculty of Business Studies

University of Dhaka

Submitted by:

Mir Zahid Hasan

Id: 3-11-21-066

Abul Kalam Azad

Id: 3-11-21-052

MBA (Evening), 21st Batch

Department of Management Studies

Faculty of Business Studies

University of Dhaka

Submission Day:

18 July 2012



Term Paper is much more important and essential means for acquiring knowledge

because the knowledge of a student does not get fulfilled until he acquires knowledge

theoretically and practically. Organizational behavior controls many things like reputation,

production, market status, future forecast and profitability. At the very beginning, we

obviously express our deepest thanks and appreciation to our honorable course teacher

Professor Dr. Ataur Rahman, Department of Management Studies, University of Dhaka for

giving guidelines and advices in preparation of our Term Paper.

In this connection, I would like to give thanks to my classmates and friends for giving

me different information related to participation process in organization that inspired us to

make a complete Term Paper.


Mir Zahid Hasan

ID. 3-11-21-066


Abul Kalam Azad

ID. 3-11-21-052

Table of Contents


SL.No Contents Page No.


1. Acknowledgement 02

2. Understanding Employee Participation 04

3. Objectives of Participation 05

4. Importance of Participation 07

5. Benefits of Participation 08

6. Problems of Participation 10

7. Conditions for Participation 12

8. Process of Participation 14

9. Programs of Participation 14

10. Factors contributing Participation 16

11. Contingency factors of Participation 18

12. Impact on Managerial Power 18

13. Important consideration of Participation 20

14. Union Attitude to participation 22

15. Management concern about participation 23

16. Questions 25

17. References 26



Concept of Employee Participation

Employee participation is the process whereby employees are involved in decision

making processes, rather than simply acting on orders. Employee participation is the part of

empowerment process in the workplace.

Individual employees are encouraged to take responsibility for quality in terms of

carrying out activities, which meet the requirements of their customers. Employee

participation is also a part of human resources development in modern organizations.

Employees are trusted to make decisions for themselves and the organization. This is a key

motivational tool.

Employee participation can take either a representational or direct form.

Representation takes place through bodies such as consultative committees. Direct

participation can be achieved through communication methods such as newsletters,

employee attitude surveys, team briefing, and open-book management, or through

involvement initiatives such as self-managed teams, suggestion programs, and quality


Participation basically means sharing the decision-making power with the lower

ranks of the organization in an appropriate manner.

Definition of Participation

Keith Davis & Newstrom defined Participation as “Mental and Emotional (and

Physical) involvement of people in-group situations that encourage them to contribute to

group goals and share responsibility for them”.

Dale S. Beach defined “Participation is used to designate the process by which

people contribute ideas towards the solution of problems affecting organization and their



Examples of Participation

When there is a problem and the manager does not make the decision himself, he

and his team come out with a solution together as a team and try to solve the problem.


Organization needs to practice participation to achieve some objectives. These are

described below-

1. Greater Voice in Decision: A primary goal of employee participation is to give

organization a greater voice in decisions about work-related matters. Employee can

share their problem. They also suggest some solutions to those problems.

2. Economical: Increasing productivity by improving relation between the major two

parties in the organization. Employees can produce quality product. Workers

become more skill-full of which reduce the level of wastage.

3. Social: Organizations are considered as social system. Participation considers the

workers as human being. Participation increases the dignity of the employees.

4. Psychological: Participation change employee behavior. Employees consider

themselves as an integral part of the organization. As a result employees get the

mental satisfaction.

5. Industrial Democracy: Participation is a means to achieve industrial peace and

harmony. A way to industrial democracy. It leads to higher productivity as well as

increases production.


6. Quality of Working Life: Improves the quality of working life of the employees.

Because it allows the workers involvement in work. And satisfaction obtained from

work by various ways.

7. Mutual Co-operation: To secure the mutual co-operation of employees and

employers in achieving industrial peace. It helps achieving greater efficiency and

productivity in the interest of the enterprise, the workers, the consumers and the

nation. So mutual co-operation can play a great role in economical development of a


8. Conflict Resolution: It is easier to create a conflict than to resolve one. Some of the

decision may create conflict between the parties. But when there are participatory

management chances of conflict is very low.

9. Better Team Effort: Team effort is very important for smooth running of an

organization. In a participatory environment every member has scope of sharing

their suggestions and ideas. As a result a better team can be build.

10. Human Resource Development: Participation provides education to workers in the

management of industry. It fosters initiative and creativity among them. It develops

a sense of responsibility. Informal leaders get an opportunity to reinforce their

position and status by playing an active role in decision-making and by inducing the

members of the group to abide by them.


Generally higher authority makes the decision and the lower level of employees

implement the decision. In such situation employees face various problems. When


employee participation is required that has a positive impact on the organization. Employee

participation is very important for an organization and the importance are:

1. More Productivity: The increased productivity is possible only when there are

existing fullest co-operation between labor and management. It has been found that

poor labor management relations do not encourage the workers to contribute

anything more than the minimum desirable to retain their jobs. Thus participation of

workers in management essential to increase industrial productivity.

2. Increase Job Satisfaction: Participation increases job satisfaction of the employees.

Employees who participate in the decisions of the company feel like they are a part

of the team with a common goal. They find their sense of self-esteem and creative

fulfillment heightened.

3. Quality of Work: Participation make employee committed toward the organizational

goals. So they give the best effort to fulfill their commitment. Besides this, employee

helps each other in solving different problem that ensure the quality service or


4. Acceptance of Change: Managers who use a participative style find that employees

are more receptive to change than in situations in which they have no voice.

Changes are implemented more effectively when employees have input and make

contributions to decisions. Participation keeps employees informed of upcoming

events so they will be aware of potential change.

5. Commitment to Goal Achievement: Decisions are made with the consent of the

employees. It increases the commitment of employees to the organization and the

decisions they make. They try hard and soul to fulfill their commitment.

6. Industrial Conflict Reduction: Industrial conflict is a struggle between two organized

groups, which are motivated by the belief that their respective interests are

endangered by the self-interested behavior of the other. Participation cuts at the


very root of industrial conflict. It tries to remove or at least minimize the diverse and

conflicting interests between the parties, by substituting it with cooperation,

homogeneity and common interest. Both sides are integrated and decision arrived at

are mutual rather than individual.

7. Low Turnover: Employees find their sense of self-esteem through participation. It

also creates the opportunity to meet up employees demand. As a result turnover

rate goes downward.

8. Cordial Relationship: Management and employees are not opponent parties. A good

relationship between the two parties is necessary for the smooth operation of the

business. Participation helps in building a cordial relationship as managers respect

employees’ knowledge, experience and education.

9. Development of Morale: In participatory system employees have a scope to present

their opinion. It makes employee loyal to the management. For this organization can

achieve its target and employee morale improves.


Participation plays great role to the development of the organization in many ways.

Advances or benefits of participation are described below:

1. Development of Motivation: Participation creates positive work environment.

Employees may have the chances to show the creativity and analytical ability. These

opportunities make them more motivated.

2. Less Cost and Time: There are a few costs, however, to obtaining participatory input.

Participatory decision is a group decision. So less time is required to implement it.

And the cost of participation is less than its benefit in case of successful participation.


3. Increases Creativity and Innovation: Creativity and innovation are two important

benefits of participative management. By allowing a diverse group of employees to

have input into decisions, the organization benefits from the synergy that comes

from a wider choice of options. When all employees, instead of just managers or

executives, are given the opportunity to participate, the chances is increased that a

valid and unique idea will be suggested.

4. Increase Capacity & Influence of Management: Participation creates mutual faith,

understanding and cooperation. So employees hardly disagree with the manager’s

decisions. It indicates that manager can easily influence the employees to implement

various decisions.

5. Positive Work Environment: Managers listen to staff, ask their opinions and take

them seriously. For this employees consider themselves a part of the organization.

This results a positive environment at work place.

6. Effective Decision: Decision is the process of selecting the best alternative. For a

single problem different people may give different solutions, even thousands of

solutions. So participation facilitates the decision process.

7. Better Operation: Organization will run better if staffs are more loyal, feel needed

and wanted. They feel that they are respected, and their opinions count. If

management proactively seeks their input into decision-making, decisions tend to be

better when they can call on a wider range of knowledge, information and


8. Increases the Trust: Trust is an important factor of leadership. Participatory

approaches usually mean that decision-making is more transparent. That, in turn,

increases the trust of the staff, and the leadership of the manager is increased. And

transparency itself if an added benefit to this approach.


9. Work Enthusiasm: Manager may accept the employees idea or not. When their

ideas are accepted they feel proud and become more enthusiastic to their work.

When management does not accept their ideas and shows the logic behind refusal,

work enthusiasm will not reduce.

10. Acceptance of Decision: Employees accept any kind of decision without showing an

argument. Because management ask their suggestions and proposal while making

decision. As they participate in decision process so workers accept the decision and

work to implement it.

11. Increases Goodwill: Participation helps building good relationship between

management and employees. It increases employee’s efficiency and they can

produce quality product and services for the customers. A good working condition is

available at work. All these things increase the goodwill to the organization.


Though participation has many advantages; it has some problems too. The problems

of effective participation are described below:

1. Lack of Competence: In participation employees put their own opinion. In some

cases incompetence people are bound to put their opinion for management’s

pressure. Management ignores unexpected and irrelevant opinion. Inexperienced

and illogical opinion creates some problem to participation.

2. Unwillingness of Management: If the benefit of participation is less than its cost

management will not entertain participation. Management thinks that participation

may reduce their authority. So they discourage it.

3. Political Involvement: Political parties influence the participation process. They

influence it to achieve their own interests. It obstructs the purpose of participation.


4. Less Training: Not only the employees but also the management have less training in

this regard. Management cannot create the favorable environment for participation.

An unable to manage it properly. Employees are unaware of how to behave at

participation. Deficiency of proper training is a problem of effective participation.

5. Non-cooperative Attitude: Employee expects management to accept their opinion.

But it is not possible for manager to accept all the opinions. So employees become

dissatisfied with management which results non-cooperative attitude of employees.

6. Lack of Education and Updated Knowledge: To make participation successful both

management and employees should have education and updated knowledge on

different thing. Most of the participants are not updated in terms of knowledge.

7. Lack of Trust: Communication is the process of transferring ideas, thoughts and

knowledge from sender to receiver. So communication skill is very important for

effective participation. Without this skill participation can never be effective. Most of

the employees’ communication skill is below average.

8. Trade Union: All most all the large organization has trade unions. Member or Leader

of trade union interfere the participation program for their personal interest. Again

political party may use the trade union in order to fulfill their interest. As a result

participation cannot be effective and fruitful for the organization.

9. Universal Participation: Everybody wants to share his or her opinion in decision

process. But all of them cannot effectively participate in every subject. On the other

hand it takes long time to come to an end.


There are some conditions or prerequisite for participation on which the success is

depend. These are discussed below:


1. Adequate Time: There will be needed adequate time to participate. It does not occur

suddenly. Sudden participation does not bring out any fruit. Because time is needed

to think something for better outcome. So proper time should be necessary for

taking employee participation.

2. Cost vs. Benefit: Every participation take some cost. Management should incur some

expenditure for any type of participation. The benefit through this participation must

have to be fruitful. That means the overall return should have to be increased by this


3. Employee Interest: The interest to participate in any type of decision making process

should be encouraged. For this the opinion of participant should give importance. If

the participant thinks that his/ her opinion is not important, it’s just a formality then

they will lose the interest of participation.

4. Employee Ability: For making participation there should be needed the ability to

participate. The physiological, physical etc. ability of the participants should be

sound. The disability of thinking something should not be participating in any kind of

organizational activities. The employee should have the ability to discuss something.

5. Threat: The employee should feel secure after participation. In meeting employee

should not be feel uneasy or embarrassed. There should be sufficient provision for

the participation with safety.

6. Freedom of Jobs: The employee should be able to do his jobs in his own way. Or he

must have the provision to give suggestion to do the job easiest way. Because who

do a job only he knows how the job can make swift and easier.

7. Top Management Support: The top management will support to the participant.

They will be considering the opinion seriously. They will then discuss on it with the

expert. After success on the pilot project, the opinion holder should be rewarded.


8. Responsibility: The employee also should have the responsibility of doing something

for the organization. The organization management should have the responsibility to

develop participation manner among the employee. Thus the participation will be


9. Policy Support: The organization should have policy to encourage the participation.

There will be good rewarding system for the successful participation. The employee

should be rewarded also. This will bring the participation manner in the mind of


10. Culture: Developing the culture of participation in the organization is the best way to

find the desire success. The management as well as employee will be habituated

with the participation. The participant will have to be responsibility about their jobs

as well as organization.


A simple model of the participative process is given in fig. 1. It indicates that in many

situations participative programs result in mental and emotional involvement that produces

generally favorable outcomes for both the employees and the organization. Participating

employees are generally more satisfied with their work and their supervisor, and their self-

efficacy rises as a result of their new-found empowerment.

The participative process –





Involvement -



Outcomes –

Organizational: Higher output,

Better quality, Creativity,


Employee: Acceptance, Self

efficacy, Less Stress,


Fig.1. The Participation Process.


Programs usually are clusters of similar practices that focus on specific approaches to

participation. One or more can be used in single company. Some organizations give power

to managers to take their programs in their own style. Some are specified. The programs are

as follows that are used in Participation:

1. Consultative Management: This type of Participation takes the consultant opinion

about the employee. The no. of opinion is less in number. Management takes

decision through consultancy.

2. Democratic Management: In this type of participation the majority opinion is given

preference. The management takes decision in democratic way. The entire employee

has an equal opportunity to participate.

3. Production Committee: The management makes a production committee to

increase production. The committee opinion gives the foremost preference. The all

responsibility goes to that committee.

4. Suggestions Program: In this case the management takes suggestions from the

employee. The final decision takes only by the management.

5. Total Quality Management: The employee can make the quality product only.

Because only the employee knows how quality can be assured. Employee is liable for



6. Suggestion Programs: Suggestion programs are formal plans to invite individual

employees to recommend work improvements. In most companies the employee

whose suggestion results in a cost savings may receive a monetary award in

proportion to first year savings. Although many suggestion programs provide useful

ideas, they are a limited form of participation that accents individual initiative

instead of group problem solving and teamwork.

7. Quality Emphasis: For many years, both union and nonunion firms have organized

groups of workers and their managers into committees to consider and solve job

problems. These groups may be called work community, labor-management

committee etc. They have broad usefulness for improving productivity and

communications because most of the employee can be involved.

8. Self Managing Teams: Some firms have moved beyond limited forms of

participation, allowing a number of major decisions to be made by employee groups.

These progressive approaches incorporate extensive use of group discussion, which

makes full use of group ideas and group influence.

9. Employee Ownership Plans: Employees have often urged to buy the product you

make; today that slogan has occasionally been replaced with buy the company you

work for. Employee ownership of a firm emerges when employees provide the

capital to purchase control of an existing operation. The stimulus often comes from

threatened closings of marginally profitable plants, where workers see little hope of

other employment in a devastated local economy.


There are some factors that affect the participation. Those are discussed as follows:


1. Research Result: Sometimes management gets suggestion from research. Positive

result of the research encouraged participation. So management should analyze the

research result carefully.

2. Pressure for Productivity Improvement: Pressure for productivity improvement may

create a positive environment for participation. It encourages employees to take part

in participation process. This results increases in productivity.

3. Utilization of Employee Diversity: Different workers have different types of skills,

experiences and talents. Participation makes a scope for management to use those

things properly. When management can use those things in right way organization

can easily reach to its target.

4. Employee Desires & Expectations: Every worker has various expectations. The

expectations and desires increase day by day. So workers response to participation

program to meet up their desires can make the participation successful.

5. Ethical Argument: Ethical strengths of the employees affect participation. When

ethical arguments are strong, participation become more effective and permanent in


6. Leader: The attitude of leader is a vital thing in this regard. Democratic leader has

some advantage than the autocratic leader. Autocratic leader may ask for

employees’ participation, but he makes the decision. This kind of situation may

hamper organizational development.

7. Environment: Participation is affected by environment in which the organization

operates. So environment should be considered for the effective result of it. When

environment is favorable participation becomes successful.

8. Size of Organization: Many survey on employee involvement found a significant

positive relationship between organizational size and employee participation


practices. This may be due to the fact that larger organizations are more likely to

adopt innovative practices and/ or because they have greater motivational problems

that they try to resolve through participation management. Some other studies have

found a negative relationship between organizational size and levels of employee

involvement. It may be that different relationships have been found because the

direction of the relationship between organizational size and employee involvement

depends on the type of participation employed.

9. Employee: Employees are one of the most important factors that have a great role in

participation. If employees do not accept the participation process they will not act

positively. So it will be very difficult for the organization to achieve its goals.

10. Trade Union: All most all the large organizations have one or more than one trade

union in it. Mentality of union’s leader or member is another important factor which

affects the participation.


Contingency factors of participation influence the success of participation programs.

The factors are as follows:

1. Differing Employee Needs for Participation: Some employees desire more

participation than the others. Some other desires only a minimum of participation

and are not upset if they are not actively involved. The difference between an

employee’s desire and actual participation gives a measure of the potential

effectiveness of participation assuming the employee has the ability to contribute.

2. Responsibilities of Employees and Manager: A critical contingency element in the

success of any participative program is the degree to which all employees recognize

that the opportunities provided are accompanied by a set of responsibilities. The


employees are agreeing to fully responsible for their actions and consequences

operating within organizational policies. This responsibility of employee gives a

balance of work for the managers.


Participation plays a great role to the development of managerial power of the

organization in many ways which are listed below-

1. Motivation: Participation creates positive work environment. Employees may have

the chances to show the creativity and the analytical ability. These opportunities

make them more motivated.

2. Less Cost and Time: There are a few costs, however, to obtaining participatory input.

Participatory decision is a group decision. So less time is required to implement it.

And the cost of participation is less than its benefit in case of successful participation.

3. Increases Creativity and Innovation: Creativity and Motivation are two important

benefits of participative management. By allowing a diverse group of employees to

have input into decisions, the organization benefits from the synergy that comes

from a wider choice of options. When all employees, instead of just managers or

executives, are given the opportunity to participate, the chances is increased that a

valid and unique idea will be suggested.

4. Increase Capacity & Influence of Management: Participation creates mutual faith,

understanding and cooperation. So employees hardly disagree with the managers

decisions. It indicates that manager can easily influence the employees to implement

various decisions.


5. Positive Work Environment: Managers listen to staff, ask their opinions and take

them seriously. For this employees consider themselves a part of the organization.

This results a positive environment at work place.

6. Effective Decision: Decision is the process of selecting the best alternative. For a

single problem different people may give different solutions, even thousands of

solutions. So participation facilitates the decision process.

7. Better Operations: Organization will run better if staffs are more loyal, feel needed

and wanted. They feel that they are respected, and their opinions count. If

management proactively seeks their input into decision-making, decisions tend to be

better when they can call on a wider range of knowledge, information and


8. Increase the Trust: Trust is an important factor of leadership. Participatory

approaches usually mean that decision-making is more transparent. That, in turn,

increase the trust of the staff, and the leadership of the manager is increased. And

transparency itself is an added benefit to this approach.

9. Work Enthusiasm: Manager may accept the employee’s idea or not. When their

ideas are accepted they feel proud and become more enthusiastic to their work.

When management does not accept their ideas and shows the logic behind refusal,

work enthusiasm will not reduce.

10. Accept of Decision: Employee’s accept any kind of decision without showing an

argument. Because management ask their suggestions and proposal while making

decision. As they participate in decision process so workers accept the decision and

work to implementing it.

11. Increases Goodwill: Participation helps building good relationship between

management and employees. It increases employee’s efficiency and they can


produce quality product and services for the customers. A good working condition is

available at work. All these things increase the good will of the organization.


Some of the consideration of participation should be in mind which is as follows:

1. Unwillingness of Management: Management of some private organizations practice

participation. But management of most organizations is reluctant to do this. For this

kind of attitude of management in many private organizations faces many problems.

2. Employee’s Eagerness: Employees feel a great attraction for participation. They

consider themselves as a part of the organization. So they want to share their


3. Formal Environment: Organization has some rules and regulations. All must abide by

these rules. In participation program the environment is more or less formal.

4. Influence of Top Management: Management has a great influence on participation.

So employees cannot freely share their thinking. In most of the cases management

just listen to the employees’ speech, but make decision themselves.

5. Ambiguous Objectives: Private organization faces problem to identify the

appropriate objective of participation. As a result participants cannot participate

successfully. It creates dissatisfactions among participants.

6. Employee’s Decisions are Accepted: Generally management makes the decisions.

Though it is rare but in some cases management accepts employee’s decision.

Employee feels proud when his opinion is accepted. It encourages them to

implement the decision.


7. Part of Policy Only: Most company has their policies. In many company participation

is a part of policy only. And other companies really practice it.

8. Reward System: Reward for participation is a new thing for most of the company in

our country. But some organization practice reward system in participation program.

They reward for the best decision.

9. Number of Participants: There is no hard and fast rule about optimum number of

participants. Generally in a structured organization number of participants is less

than that of an unstructured organization. Large participants lengthen the decision


10. Active Participation: Now-a-days many organizations encourage active participation

of the employees. When there is a reward system and no threat from management,

active participation is ensured. Organization can be benefited in many ways through

the active participation.


Union Leaders have good as well as bad attitude toward Participation. The attitude

of union is described below:

1. Weakened: Some of the union leader has a vision that if employee is participated

with the management body, their control may be loose. That’s why union leader

wants to make them forward to the management body. The employee is not able to

participate with the management.

2. Progressive Leader: Some progressive leader enhances the participation. They find

their next generation through participation. They encourage the participation.


3. Secure Safety: With the help of the union, after participation the employees feel

secured. There will be no threat of Insecurity. This will ensure more & more

participation in organization.

4. Congenial Environment: Union leader through their positive and ethical dialogue

make a congenial environment for participation. Union makes the participation


5. Ethical Practice: The union can take the participation practice as an ethical for the

organization. Union also makes the possibility of making the participation a habitual


6. Reward System: A good participant will enjoy to taking his or her reward for

participation. Participation will be bored if it has no benefit for the employee. Union

ensures this with the management.

7. Unethical Practice: The Greediness of the some of the leader make stuck up the

participation. They make the participation process harder. The total system became

stuck up for them.


Management has a great role for the successful participation process. The major

liability & responsibility belongs to them. So they should concern about the following issues:

1. Specific Objectives: The main objective of participation should be very specific. Every

participant must have the clear idea about the objective. When object is clear to all

the participants, they can provide constructive opinion. So, for an effective

participation, objective should be specific.

2. Threat less Environment: The environment should be positive and convenient. There

should not be any threat on participation. If there is any kind of threat, employees

will not be willing to share their ideas.


3. Development of Communication Skills: Communication skill is very important for

participation. Both the parties should have this kind of skills. Otherwise they cannot

transfer their ideas or messages properly. And misunderstanding can be created.

4. Quick Implementation of Decision: Participation is for better decision. But decision

process is delayed for various reasons. To implement the decision management do

not take the steps quickly. As a result participants become demotivated. On the

other hand quick implementation of decision encourages participations.

5. Reward System: Reward system is not commonly practiced for participation. If there

is the best solution to a problem when reward system is available for participation.

6. Enough Time: Participation is not applicable in case of emergency. Many people

share their ideas and thoughts, after getting all the alternatives they analyze those.

7. Selecting Appropriate Participations: Success of participation depends on size,

knowledge and skills of participants. Those who don’t have enough knowledge and

skill about the subject matter of participation should allow as participation.

8. Management Support: For effective participation management support is very

important. If management do not support, no employees show their attraction to

participate. When management allows this, all the employees take part


9. Explanation of Rejection: Usually management does not explain the cause of

ignoring employee’s opinion. But when management provides a logical reason of

their rejection, it indirectly encourages participant. It develops participant’s positive

attitude for future participation.

10. Related to Interests: Subject of participation should involve the interest of

employees. Decisions should be in favor of their interest. Interesting and relevant

subject inspire employee to participate.



1. Define participation? What are the objectives of participation?

2. Is participation enhancing the dynamism of the organization?

3. What are the pros & coins of participation? What conditions need to furnish for

successful Participation?

4. What are the theories of participation? What programs need to make a successful


5. What are the factors for successful participation? Do contingency factor needed for

participation? Explain why?

6. Participation has a great impact on managerial power – Explain.

7. State the important consideration of participation? Is union leader attitude congenial

for participation?


8. Management should give special emphasize on participation- do u agree with this

statement? Explain why.


1. John W. Newstrom, Robert M. Monczka, and William E. Reif: “Perceptions of the

Grapevine: Its Value and Influence”, Journal of Business Communication Spring 1974,

pp. 12-20.

2. Keith Davis, “Management Communication and the Grapevine,” Harvard Business

Review, September-October 1953, p. 44.

3. Keith Davis, John W. Newstrom, “Organizational Behavior: human behavior at work”,

11th edition published by Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Com ltd. Delhi, p.184.


4. www.wikipedia.org


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