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Review of attempt 1

Started on Wednesday, 10 August 2011, 02:31 PM

Completed on Wednesday, 10 August 2011, 03:30 PM

Time taken 58 mins 46 secs

Marks 32/55

Grade 14.55 out of a maximum of 25 (58%)

Question1Marks: 1

Organizations in a society high in uncertainty avoidance are likely to have more rules.


True  False 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question2Marks: 1

Prateek Sikka has been a manager at Mountain Chemicals for five years. Hired for his expertise in project accounting, he rose quickly through the ranks and is now the head of the accounting and finance department. Prateek is viewed as the rising star in the organization by his superiors.

 According to Katz, the skills that Mr. Prateek Sikka was hired for were what type of skill?


Choose one answer.

a. technical 

Finish review

b. directing 

c. conceptual 

d. controlling 

e. human 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question3Marks: 1

Which of the following statements best describes the current status of Observational Behavior concepts?


Choose one answer.

a. The cause-effect principles that tend to apply to all situations have been discovered.

b. They can be used to predict human behavior only if the situation is clearly specified.

c. They are based on universal truths. 

d. There is general consensus among OB researchers and scholars on the simple concepts that

underlie most human behavior. 

e. Cause and effect relationships for most human behaviors have been isolated.

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question4Marks: 1

The lives of Xers have been shaped by war, women’s lib, AIDS, and computers.


True  False 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question5Marks: 1

Competency Zone tends to be incremental, interpolating in what we don't know and marginally enhancing our existing skills.


True  False 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question6Marks: 1

As per the article "The Learning Edge", for the task to continue being rewarding, we must increase its difficulty.


True  False 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question7Marks: 1

The correlation between perceived organizational support and affective commitment is very strong.


True  False 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question8Marks: 1

According to Mintzberg, when a manager searches the organization and its environment for opportunities and initiates projects to bring about change, the manager is acting in which role?


Choose one answer.

a. entrepreneur 

b. negotiator 

c. monitor 

d. resource allocator 

e. reflective analyst 


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

Question9Marks: 1

Mrs. Sharma believes strongly that it is important that worker’s rights be respected, and that one of the more important ways of doing this is to ensure that all workers be properly documented. She is supervising a contracting company that is building a new warehouse for her company. While doing this she discovers that many of the workers employed by the contractor are undocumented aliens working for well below minimum wage.

  Mrs. Sharma is likely experiencing _____.


Choose one answer.

a. social pressure 

b. ethical evasion 

c. uncertainty avoidance 

d. unresolved anger 

e. cognitive dissonance 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question10Marks: 1

You have decided to experiment with the relationship between reinforcement schedules and maintaining desired employee behavior. You are interested in observing the differences between continuous and intermittent reinforcement and between the various types of intermittent reinforcement schedules. Answer questions given below based on your understanding of reinforcement schedules.

Vaishali is paid $10.00 per dozen units that she produces. This is an example of _____ reinforcement.

Choose one answer.

A. none of the above 

B. intermittent, variable-interval 

C. negative 

D. continuous 

E. intermittent, fixed-interval 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question11Marks: 1

In her work in the publishing industry, Vera seeks out new authors who she considers promising. In the past two years she has found a number of new writers whose work she thought was exceptional, and immersed herself in the task of helping them shape their manuscripts for submission to her managers for publishing. Although she was extremely proud of the results, none of the authors she worked with were chosen for publication. Vera believes that the decision not to publish these authors was based on personal rivalries within management, rather than the quality of her writers’ work. She is extremely frustrated, dreads coming into work each morning, and is seriously thinking of resigning.

  How can Vera’s job attitudes best be described?

Choose one answer.

a. low job satisfaction and high job involvement 

b. high job satisfaction and low job involvement 

c. low organizational commitment 

d. low job satisfaction and low job involvement 

e. high job satisfaction and high job involvement 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question12Marks: 1

An organizational commitment to remain with a company because of moral or ethical obligations is affective commitment.


True  False 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question13Marks: 1

More than other generations, ________ tend to be questioning, socially conscious, and entrepreneurial.


Choose one answer.

a. Traditionalists 

b. Veterans 

c. Xers 

d. Nexters 

e. Boomers 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question14Marks: 1

You know that the reinforcement schedule that your firm chooses for compensation will have an impact on the behavior of employees. Which of the following is not   likely based on available research?


Choose one answer.

a. Fixed schedules will lead to higher performance than variable schedules.

b. Continuous reinforcement schedules will lead to early satiation. 

c. Variable schedules do not clearly link performance and rewards. 

d. Continuous reinforcement schedules are appropriate for newly emitted, unstable, or low-frequency


e. Variable schedules will be highly effective 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question15Marks: 1

Nidhi and Madhulika both are studying for a final exam.  Both have a goal of attaining a grade of 91 or better.  Nidhi studied 6 hours and made a grade of 92. Madhulika studied for 9 hours and also made a grade of 92.

Which of the students was more productive?


Choose one answer.

a. Nidhi 

b. They were equally productive. 

c. It is impossible to tell from the information given. 

d. Madhulika 

e. Neither Nidhi nor Madhulika were productive. 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question16Marks: 1

Group think- the tendency for cohesive groups to avoid a realistic appraisal of alternative courses of action in favour of unanimity- supports groups from challenging ethically questionable decisions.


True  False 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question17Marks: 1

Match the following ethical theories- 

Emphasize the character of the act itself, not its effects, in arriving at universal moral rights and wrongs

Emphasize the character of the individual and the intent of the actor, instead of the character of the act itself or the consequences.

emphasize the results of behavior. Consequences of an action determines what is “right” or “wrong”.

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question18Marks: 1

Classical conditioning would view which of the following as most likely to be a conditioned response?


Choose one answer.

a. driving on the right side of the road 

b. flinching when startled by a loud noise 

c. looking for shelter when the sky turns gray 

d. wincing when you stub your toe 

e. mouth watering when you eat delicious food 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question19Marks: 1

Allison and Gail both are studying for a final exam.  Both have a goal of attaining a grade of 91 or better. Gail studied 6 hours and made a grade of 92.  Allison studied for 9 hours and also made a grade of 92.

   Which of the students was effective?


Choose one answer.

a. neither Gail nor Allison 

b. both Gail and Allison 

c. only Allison 

d. only Gail 

e. insufficient information to judge 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question20Marks: 1

A piece-rate incentive plan is an example of a variable-ratio schedule of reinforcement.


True  False 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question21Marks: 1

Which of the following is most likely to be a country with high power distance?


Choose one answer.

a. an individualist country like Australia 

b. a collectivist country like Guatemala 

c. an uncertainty avoiding country like Uruguay 

d. a masculine country like Greece 

e. a long term oriented country like Japan 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question22Marks: 1

Time Pressure is a source of unethical behaviour. The busier and more rushed people are, the more likely they are to behave immorally.


True  False 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question23Marks: 1

 Abhijeet is dissatisfied with his job but believes that his supervisor is a good man who will do the right thing. Abhijeet has decided that if he just waits, conditions will improve. Abhijeet's approach to this problem is termed _____.


Choose one answer.

a. loyalty 

b. neglect 

c. voice 

d. reification 

e. exit 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question24Marks: 1

 The GLOBE research program is an ongoing cross-cultural investigation of leadership and national culture.


True  False 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question25Marks: 1

Asking employees how they feel about key elements in a job, then adding the results to create an overall job satisfaction score is the summation approach to job satisfaction. 


True  False 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question26Marks: 1

RVS values are fairly stable and consistent among groups. 


True  False 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question27Marks: 1

Jo is a courier, delivering parcels throughout the metropolitan area. Although she considers herself law abiding, she often breaks the speed limit while making her deliveries. Which of the following statements does not reflect a likely response to the conflict between her attitude and her behavior?


Choose one answer.

a. “It’s wrong to break even minor laws, but I’ll probably keep speeding anyway.”

b. “I’ve got to drive fast sometimes, otherwise I will not make all my deliveries and I’ll lose


c. “This speeding is irresponsible. From now on I am observing the speed limits.”

d. “The speed limits are just too low around here; anyone driving at a reasonable speed will break


e. “It’s not a problem that I speed a little bit; it’s not much over the limit, and everyone else speeds


IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question28Marks: 1

Independent group-level variables studied in organizational behavior include perception, learning, and motivation.


True  False 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question29Marks: 1

The manager at a construction site observes that he is spending a great deal of time interviewing prospective employees. This is due to the large amount of absenteeism and turnover among his skilled workers. On questioning exiting employees he discovers that many of them quit because they feel the workplace is too dangerous. In particular, several foremen have stated that the need to get the job done quickly is more important than a few rules, and have gone as far as to mock the courage of workers who question this attitude. 

What is not a dependent variable that the manager wishes to explain in this case?


Choose one answer.

a. deviant workplace behavior 

b. the skill level of his workers 

c. time spent interviewing new hires 

d. absenteeism 

e. turnover 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question30Marks: 1

Salespeople on commission are examples of individuals on a variable-ratio schedule.


True  False 


Marks for this submission: 1/1.

Question31Marks: 1

Mrs. Sharma believes strongly that it is important that worker’s rights be respected, and that one of the more important ways of doing this is to ensure that all workers be properly documented. She is supervising a contracting company that is building a new warehouse for her company. While doing this she discovers that many of the workers employed by the contractor are undocumented aliens working for well below minimum wage.

Mrs. Sharma comes to you for an explanation of why she is so uncomfortable. You might refer her to the theories of _____. 

Choose one answer.

a. Maslow 

b. Festinger 

c. Hofstede 

d. Skinner 

e. Surber 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question32Marks: 1

Compared to people who have a negative core self-evaluation, people who have a positive core self evaluation ________.


Choose one answer.

a. see their work as less challenging 

b. see their work as less fulfilling 

c. are less likely to give up when confronting difficulties 

d. are less satisfied with their jobs 

e. are less likely to gravitate toward challenging jobs 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question33Marks: 1

Shaping occurs when we mold individuals by using intensive training to change their behavior quickly.


True  False 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question34Marks: 1

According to research, which of the following is a schedule of reinforcement that promotes the greatest resistance to extinction?


Choose one answer.

a. continuous 

b. fixed ratio 

c. variable interval 

d. fixed interval 

e. negative 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question35Marks: 1

Which of the following statements would have been most likely made by an employee with a high degree of job involvement?


Choose one answer.

a. “It felt great to get promoted; I guess the guys upstairs really did appreciate the way I had been

running things.” 

b. “I’m a harder worker than most of my colleagues, even to the degree I am carrying some of the

lazier ones.” 

c. “I enjoy working with my hands, so much so that on the days when my job requires me to actually

physically build something time flies by without me even noticing it.” 

d. “My skills make me exceptionally valuable to the company.” 

e. “I love my job. It is engaging, pays well, and is low pressure, enough that I don’t have to be always

worrying about it in my time off.” 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question36Marks: 1

OB researchers cannotoffer reasonably accurate explanations of human behavior since people act very differently in similar situations.


True  False 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question37Marks: 1

Veterans are more loyal to their own self than to their organizations.


True  False 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question38Marks: 1

In measuring job satisfaction, the two most widely used measuring approaches are a single global rating and a score made by weighting the contribution of a number of job facets to overall satisfaction.  


True  False 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question39Marks: 1

Suppose that you are a Human Resource Manager for Prentice Corporation. You are in charge of developing a training program for managers coming to the United States from your subsidiaries around the world. You have decided to use the Hofstede Framework for discussing cultural differences that they might expect to find. Use your knowledge of the work of Hofstede to answer the following questions.


Your Indonesian managers will need to be especially aware of the difference that exists between their country and the United States in the degree of _____ of the of the two cultures.

Choose one answer.

a. self-esteem 

b. power distance 

c. uncertainty avoidance 

d. life quality 

e. individualism 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question40Marks: 1

A manager is valued by her colleagues for her ability to perform effective break-even analysis on upcoming ventures. In this case, her colleagues value her for competencies that fall within which of Katz’s essential management skills categories?

Choose one answer.

a. communication 

b. conceptual 

c. technical 

d. education 

e. human 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question41Marks: 1

When Joe gets stressed he often drinks chamomile tea. This calms him since he associates chamomile tea drinking with happy visits with his grandmother in his childhood. The calm feeling brought on by the tea is an example of which of the following?


Choose one answer.

a. sensory learning 

b. social learning 

c. operant conditioning 

d. classical conditioning 

e. shaping 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question42Marks: 1

When Ms. McKay motivates her employees and attempts to resolve conflicts among department members, she is performing the _____ function of management.

Choose one answer.

a. leading 

b. reacting 

c. organizing 

d. controlling 

e. planning 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question43Marks: 1

Organizations in a society high in uncertainty avoidance are likely to have more rules.


True  False 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question44Marks: 1

 Kashish observes that when her brother Mikey crosses the street without looking he is punished by their parents. Based on this, she is careful to look before she crosses the street. Kashish has learned through what principle?

Choose one answer.

a. shaping 

b. classical conditioning 

c. social learning theory 

d. operant conditioning 

e. extinction 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question45Marks: 1

You have decided to experiment with the relationship between reinforcement schedules and maintaining desired employee behavior. You are interested in observing the differences between continuous and intermittent reinforcement and between the various types of intermittent reinforcement schedules. Answer questions given below based on your understanding of reinforcement schedules.

     Swapnil is a staff accountant who is visited several times a year by the corporate auditor. These visits are unannounced. This is an example of _____reinforcement.

Choose one answer.

a. continuous 

b. reactive 

c. intermittent, variable-interval 

d. negative 

e. intermittent, fixed-interval 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question46Marks: 1

Rewards can offset dissonance.


True  False 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question47Marks: 1

 Adarsh is unhappy with his job. He takes every possible vacation and sick day and sometimes shows up for work late. He is expressing his dissatisfaction through _____.


Choose one answer.

a. social voice 

b. voice 

c. loyalty 

d. exit 

e. neglect 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question48Marks: 1

You want to increase the productivity of an employee. Your goal is to have him produce 10 units per day. On the first day he produces 5 units and you give him a reward. On the second day he produces 5 units and you don’t give him a reward. On the third day he produces 6 units and you give him a reward. Which method of behavioral change are you using?


Choose one answer.

a. social learning 

b. ego impairment 

c. shaping 

d. classical conditioning 

e. modeling 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question49Marks: 1

You have just been promoted to manage a sales group. Your group is made up of ten people who range in age from 23 to 62. You have read that there are certain dominant work values for each age group and think that this may help you understand your group.

    As you work with Tom, who is 23 years old, you are likely to find that he _____.



Choose one answer.

a. prefers leisure time 

b. sees the company merely as a vehicle for his career 

c. highly values security 

d. desires financial success 

e. none of the above 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question50Marks: 1

According to Fred Luthans and his associates, those managers who are most effective will spend a greater proportion of their time networking than those managers who are considered most successful.


True  False 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question51Marks: 1

Both punishment and extinction weakenbehavior and tend to decrease its subsequent frequency.


True  False 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question52Marks: 1

Bounded awareness refers to the common tendency to exclude relevant information from a decision by placing arbitrary bounds around our definition of the problem. 


True  False 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question53Marks: 1

As a manager, one of Joe’s duties is to present awards to outstanding employees within his department. Which Mintzberg managerial role is Joe acting in when he does this?


Choose one answer.

a. monitor role 

b. spokesperson role 

c. figurehead role 

d. liaison role 

e. leadership role 

IncorrectMarks for this submission: 0/1.

Question54Marks: 1

Imagine that Kristen McKay is a manager at a company specializing in bread and bread-baking paraphernalia. Answer the question below based on Henri Fayol’s work.


   1. When Ms. McKay develops a strategy for achieving her department’s goals, she is performing the_____ function of management.

Choose one answer.

a. controlling 

b. planning 

c. organizing 

d. reacting 

e. leading 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

Question55Marks: 1

1. If      If dissonance arises over behavior that people are compelled to take, then their propensity to act to reduce that dissonance is reduced. 


True  False 

CorrectMarks for this submission: 1/1.

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