obgyn anemia in pregnancy for ug class

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


     Anemia in Pregnancy

    Prof. Vinita Das

    HOD Ob/Gyn

    KGMU Lucknow

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    Learning Obecti!es

    Diagnose anemia in "regnancy

    Learn t#e effect on mot#er $ fetus

    Learn %/% in "regnancy

    Learn "re!ention of anemia

    Learn su""&ementation of ora& iron 'uring "regnancy

    Management of anemia 'uring "regnancy

    Labor $ De&i!ery management

    (ationa& anemia contro& "rogram

    Post "artum contrace"tion

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    )ackgroun' *nformation

    +ommonest me'ica& 'isor'er in "regnancy

    Pre!a&ence in *n'ia !aries between ,--0

    Pre!a&ence in U%A is 120

    (utritiona& anemia 34e 'eficiency5 is commonest

    *t is im"ortant contributor to materna& $ "erinata&

    morbi'ity $ morta&ity as a 'irect or in'irect cause

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    Definition Anemia

     A con'ition w#ere circu&ating &e!e&s of Hb are6uantitati!e&y or 6ua&itati!e&y &ower t#an norma&

    (on "regnant women Hb 7 81gm0

    Pregnant women 39HO5 Hb 7 88 gm0

    Haematocrit 7 ::0Pregnant women 3+D+5 Hb 788 gm0

    8st$:r' ;rimester 

    1n' trimester Hb 7 8-., gm0

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    *+M< Anemia %e!erity +&assification

    Hb !a&ues

    Mi&' 8-.-8-.= gm0

    Mo'erate =.=

    %e!ere 7

    Very %e!ere 72

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    +auses of Anemia in Pregnancy

    (utritiona& / *ron 'eficiency anemia

    Pre"regnancy "oor nutrition !ery im"ortant

    )esi'es *ron> fo&ate an' )81 'eficiency a&so im"ortant

    +#ronic b&oo' &oss 'ue to "arasitic infections ? Hookworm $ ma&aria


    Mu&ti"&e "regnancy

     Acute b&oo' &oss in APH> PPH

    sick&e ce&& anemia

     A"&astic anemia is rare

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    Pat#o"#ysio&ogy of (utritiona& Anemia in


     Augmente' eryt#ro"oiesis in "regnancy

    )&oo' !o&ume increases 2-2,0 in "regnancy

    *ncrease in "&asma is more as com"are' to re' ce&& mass&ea'ing to #emo'i&ution $ 'ecrease in Hb &e!e&

    *ron stores are 'e"&ete' wit# eac# "regnancy

    ;oo soon $ too many "regnancies resu&t in #ig#er"re!a&ence of iron 'eficiency anemia

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    @tra *ron

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    4actors stimu&ates stemce&&s in )one Marrow5> ;#yroine> An'rogens

    ;race e&ements ? Binc 3a&so im"ortant for "rotein synt#esis $(uc&eic aci' metabo&ism5> +oba&t> +o""er 

    Vitamins ? Vit )81 re6uire' for synt#esis of

    4o&ic aci' 3Vitamin =5 re6uire' in &ater stage for D(A synt#esis

    Vitamin + necessary for con!ersion of fo&ic aci' to fo&inic aci'> iten#ances absor"tion of iron from sma&& intestine

    Pyro'oine )C usefu& a'u!ant in eryt#ro"oeisis

    Vitamin A re6uire' for ce&& growt#> 'ifferentiation $ maintenance ofintegrity of e"it#e&ium> immune function

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    P#armacokinetics of *ron / 'ai&y re6uirement

    (orma& 'iet contain about 82mg of iron

     Absor"tion of iron is ,8-0 381 mg5 $ :20 in "ure !eg 'iet

     A''itiona& 'ai&y iron 'eman' inear&y "regnancy 1: mg/'ay

    *n &ate "regnancy C mg/'ay

    %o 'ai&y su""&ement of 2-C-mg of e&ementa& iron isre6uire' 'uring "regnancy

    4o&ic aci' re6uirement is a&soincrease' 2--C-- ug/'ay

    *n strict !eg Vit ) 81 is a&so'eficient

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    +&inica& Presentation

    De"en's on se!erity of anemiaHig# risk women ? a'o&escent> mu&ti"arous> mu&ti"&e"regnancy> &ower socio economic status

    Mi&' anemic asym"tomatic

    %ym"toms  ? "a&&or> weakness> fatigue> 'ys"noea>"a&"itation> swe&&ing o!er feet $ bo'y

    %igns ? "a&&or> facia& "uffiness> raise' VP> tac#ycar'ia>tac#y"nea> cre"ts in &ung bases> #e"atos"&enomega&y>"itting oe'ema o!er ab'omina& wa&& $ &egs

    Haemic murmur> car'iac fai&ureG&ossitis> stomatitis> c#e&osis> britt&e #air 

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    @ffect of Anemia on Pregnancy $ Mot#er

    Hig#er inci'ence of "regnancy com"&icationsP@;> abru"tio "&acentae> "reterm &abor 

    Pre'is"ose' to infections &ike ? U;*> "uer"era& se"sis

    *ncrease' risk to PPH

    %ubin!o&ution of uterus

    Lactation fai&ure

    Materna& morta&ity ? 'ue to +H4>

    +erebra& anoia>



  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    @ffect of Anemia on 4etus $ (eonate

    Hig#er inci'ence of abortions> "reterm birt#> *UG<


    Low APGA< at birt#

    (eonate more susce"tib&e for anemia $ infectionsHig#er Perinata& morbi'ity $ morta&ity

     Anemic infant wit# cogniti!e $ affecti!e 'ysfunction

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    Most +ritica& Perio'

    1E:- weeks of "regnancy

    *n &abor 

    *mme'iate&y after 'e&i!ery

    @ar&y Puer"erium


    34ai&ure to co"e u" wit# "regnancy in'uce'

    car'iac &oa'5

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    9ork U" of Pregnancy wit# Anemia

    Detai&e' H/o ? age> "arity> 'iet> c#ronic b&ee'ing>worm infestation> ma&aria> race etc



    %"&enomega&y ? #emo&ytic anemia

    aun'ice ? #emo&ytic anemia

    Pur"ura ? b&ee'ing 'isor'er 

    @!i'ence of c#ronic 'isease ? ;)

     Anasarca $ signs of car'iac fai&ure in se!ere cases

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class



    %e!erity of anemia ? Hb $ Haematocrit> at first !isit> 1E:-weeks $ :C weeks

    ;y"e of anemia ? G)P microcytic> macrocytic> 'imor"#ic>normocytic> #emo&ytic> "ancyto"enia

    )one marrow acti!ity ? reticu&ocyte count 3( .1105>#ig#er bone marrow acti!ity is seen in #emo&ytic anemia

    fo&&owing acute b&oo' &oss

    iron 'ef anemia on treatment+ause of anemia ? by !arious in!estigations

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    G)P  %taine' wit# Leis#man stain

    (orma& smear ? (ormocytic 3(orma&

    siFe normoc#romic 3(orma&


  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class



    M+H  'ecreasesM+H+ ? 'ecreases> one of t#e most sensiti!e in'ices


  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    %"ecia& *n!estigations

    %erum 4erritin ? abnorma& if 7 1- ng/m& 3( 2-8C- ng/'&5>

    assess iron stores

    %erum *ron ? ( C,8C, ug/'&> 'ecreases in 4e 'ef


    %erum *ron bin'ing ca"acity ? :--:C- ug/'&> increases

    wit# se!erity of anemia

    Percentage saturation of transferrin ? :,,-0>

    'ecreases to &ess t#an 1-0 in fe 'ef anemia

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    Differentiation between iron 'eficiency anemia $ ;#a&assemia

    ='iminis#e' synt#esis of Hb b c#ains in ;#a&assemia5

    *n!estigations (orma& !a&ues 4e Def Anemia ;#a&assemiaM+V ,=C f& re'uce' V re'uce'

    M+H 1::"g re'uce' V re'uce'

    M+H+ :1:, gm/'& re'uce' ( or re'uce'Hb4 71 0 norma&

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    Ot#er *n!estigations

    Urine eamination ?

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    ;reatment for *ron Deficiency Anemia

    *m"ro!ing 'iet ric# in iron $fruits $ &eafy !egetab&es

    ;reat worm infections>maintain genera& #ygiene

    4oo' fortification wit# iron $

    genetic mo'ification of foo' *ron $ fo&ic aci'

    su""&ementation in young gir&s$ 'uring "regnancy

    Heme iron better> "resent inanima& foo' $ is betterabsorbe'

    *ron absor"tion en#ance' bycitrous fruits> Vit +

     A!oi' tea> coffee> +a>"#ytates> "#os"#ates>oa&ates> egg> cerea&s wit# iron

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class



  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    *ron su""&ementation in Pregnancy

    C- mg e&ementa& iron $ 2-- ug offo&ic aci' 'ai&y 'uring "regnancyan' : mont#s t#ere after 

    *n anemia t#era"eutic 'oses are8E-1-- mg /'

    g&uconate> succinate> su&fate>ascorbate

    +arbony& iron better to&erate' Ora& iron can #a!e si'e effects &ike

    nausea> !omiting> gastritis>'iarr#oea> consti"ation

    *ron su""&ementation not

    recommen'e' in first

    trimester  Hig#er inci'ence of

    miscarriage )irt# 'efects

    )acteria& infection 3bacteria

    grow after taking iron from


  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    Ora& *ron

    Hb E88 gm0> ear&y "reg

    +ontrain'ication to Ora& *ron;#era"y *nto&erance to ora& iron

    %e!ere anemia in a'!ance'"regnancy

    (on com"&iant

    4ai&ure to

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    Parentera& *ron ;ransfusion

    *ron sucrose for "arentera& use

    Dose ca&cu&ate' 9t in Kg

    iron 'eficit 1.1 I 8--- mg for

    iron stores

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    *n'ications for )&oo' ;ransfusion

    %e!ere anemia first seen after

    :C weeks of "regnancy

     Anemia 'ue to acute b&oo'

    Loss ? APH $ PPH

     Associate' *nfection

    Patient not res"on'ing to ora&

    or "arentera& t#era"y

     Anemic $ sym"tomatic

    "regnant women 3'ys"neic>

    wit# #eart fai&ure etc5irres"ecti!e of gestationa& age

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    Management of Labor 

    Labor s#ou&' be su"er!ise'Pro"er counse&ing $ consent to be taken

    )&oo' 3w#o&e $ "acke'5 ke"t cross matc#e'

    9omen nurse' in "ro""e' u" "osition

    *ntermittent O1 to be gi!enPrecaution to "re!ent infection $ b&oo' &oss

    %trict ase"tic "recautions $ minima& P/V eams

    Pro"#y&actic antibiotic can be gi!en

    Patent i! &ine but f&ui's are a!oi'e' *n 'ecom"ensate' "atient 'iuretic gi!en

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    %econ' $ ;#ir' %tage of Labor 

    %econ' stage cut s#ort by force"s or !entouse

     Acti!e management of :r' stage of &abour to be 'one

    Oytocics> P/< miso"rosto& can be gi!en after 'e&i!ery of

    fetus *nection met#ergin i! contrain'icate'

    @!en norma& b&oo' &oss may be to&erate' "oor&y in

    anemic "atient

    *V 4rusemi'e gi!en after 'e&i!ery to 'ecrease car'iac&oa'

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    Pregnant woman is consi'ere' anemic w#en #er Hb is

    be&ow 3unit gm/'&5

     A. 81

    ). 88

    +. 8-D. =

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    Most common cause of anemia in "regnancy in

    *n'ia is

     A. (utritiona& anemia

    ). Parasitic anemia

    +. A"&astic anemiaD. ;#a&assemia

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    *ron 'eficiency anemia can be 'iagnose' ear&iest

    by w#ic# &aboratory test

     A. Hb0

    ). %erum ferritin

    +. %erum ironD.

  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


  • 8/17/2019 Obgyn Anemia in Pregnancy for UG Class


    9#ic# com"&ication is not common in Pregnancy

    wit# anemia

     A. P*H

    ). Preterm &abour 

    +. GDMD. Puer"era& se"sis

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