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JAMESTOWN (N.Y.) POST-JOURNAL - Saturday Evening. April H . l t I T

OBITUARIES tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

mm mm WLA\I*\M+ II

Mrs. Myers, w , Oldest Carroll

City News In Brief S !(• John J. Tolinski. ion of, Enighet Lodge last evening

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carlson, heard a report for the Swedish 61. Twelfth Street, re-enlisted in ! Central Committee. It was de-the Navy on Feb. 1 and Is station- I cided to donate $20 to the Salva-ed in Brooklyn. He served for | tion Army building fund. *The three years in the Navy during'Lodge Convention Committee the war, served refreshments.

The smallpox clinic to be held' Miss Genevieve Storehouse will at Cassadaga Central School from entertain gtOUp 3. W. S. C. S.. of »"«* lnJ>°th directions. a n?.„ t h ls 1 * A.M. to noon Tuesday will be , the First Methodist Church. Tuet- K ^ f f i W r # J i W operated only for one day. in day, at her home. 61 Stewart ™ *aid until Jonei & Gifford Ave-stead of daily as previously stated } Avenue, it w a s announced today by Dr. Walter C. Levy, district i t s t e ' The health officer.

Union Council of King's Daughters will hold a tureen luncheon in Fellowship

A aula program on the Union H a l L First Methodist C*»urch» j i t SignsJ. official organ of the W.C.- 1 P. M.. Monday. C o f f e e . c m * * , T.U.. w a s presented by the Fanny rolls and dessert will be furnish-O. Bailey Chapter at the home of i «d by the Harmony Circle, Mrs. Clifford Coe. 128 Camp hosteta unit.

Resident, Dies Retained Alertness Up to Lost; Hod Hoped to Reach 100

rrewthvrg — lira* Susie Boyd Myers. «», the oldest resident of the town of Carroll, died at the Myers Homestead 186 Mam Street, at 2 A. M. today. Her one great desire was to live about two months longer and reach her 100th birthday.

She la survived by a daughter, Mrs. Joseph C. COJC, who wit i Mr. Cox, cared for her In her declin­ing years: a son. Jay B. Myers of Relay. Md ; four grandchildren. Donald Cox of VanNuys. Cal.; John Robert Myers of New York. Wilham Myers of HunUngfbn, Pa., and Mrs. Talbot Clarke of Rich­mond, Va., and six great grand­children. Her husband, William Myers, died on March 19. 1910. and her last surviving sister, Mrs, Ullat« Brockway o f Jamestown, sled about two weeks ago

Bom at State Line, now Fen-iviiie. in the town of Carroll, June IS, 1S47, eldest or the six

tugttters of David and Mary Martin Boyd, she came to Frews-burg as a bride 81 years ago and lived in the same house the r#- j The semi-annual Induction, of i Ladies Aid Society of Lutheran maunder of her life. She was a officers of Chautauqua Encamp-1 i m m anual Church. Mrs. Bernard member of the Frewsburg Metho- j meat, I.O.O.F.. will_take place -una. Oeorge Carlson. Mrs. Ray

Celoron Buses Are Re-routed

Flood conditions along Jones & Gifford Avenue bey6nd the Art Metal Construction Company have forced a temporary suspen­sion of the use o f thet route by the Motor Bus Transportation Company, Edward H. Waterman, treasurer, said today.

Service to Ce,loron is now being maintained, he said, by buses us­ing Fairmdunt and Dunham Ave-

Street. The next meeting will be held at Kidder Memorial Church on May 7, .

Stanley Zokaitis. vice president of the New York Stats Western District Association, suggested t hat Jamestown Lodge 283. B.P.O. Elks establish * local scholarship for deserving students in an ad­dress that marked last night's meeting of the lodge.

riarrv «i. rioiroya nas oeen elected president of the board of the Unitarian Church. Also elect­ed were Charles W. Simpson, vice president} Miss Clara F. Carpen­ter, secretary and Mrs. Rhoda F. Root, treasurer. Newly elected trustees included Mr. Simpson. Jess Haw and Frederick W. La wson.

nue is dry and repaired. Mr. Watermen said the route

wa$ altered because high water conditions along Jones & Gifford Avenue had made it impossible for drivers to see the edge of the pavement. The shoulders ere nothing but mud or silt, he said, and these would have to be re­paired before service is resumed.

The official said that he did not believe that more than half a dozen residences lie along the sus­pended route inasmuch as extra buses are still being operated to the Art Metal plant and the Au­tomatic Voting Machine Corpor­ation plant.

Rober Natio Phone



LEGION Continued

Then, he said, the boy would have the choice of completing his year's training either in R.O.T1C. work in college, through training in medicine, dentistry, engineering or similar professions or through their home National Guard units.

"In addition," he said, "this would insure that every youth be

diet Church and the Maple Grove Cemetery Society.

Her mind was slert up to the last, and she took greet pleasure in reminiscing about the days of long ago. recalling calico gowns, red carpets, sunbonnets. etc. She was an expert in knitting end in varous other forms of hendwork.

te bed wished to live until the urn of her grandson. Donald

f i x , treat war sen ice, and that Oi was granted. Friends may call at her home

on Sunday, and funeral services will be held at the Danielson resi-

* Falconer Street at 2 P.M. w . with Rev. Barnard F. officiating. Interment will Maple Grove Cemetery,

Contractor Dies At Age of 91

Wednesday night In Ellicott hal l District Deputy Grand Patriarch Harold C. Thompson and staff of deputies from Ripley wi l l officiate. Luncheon, wi l l be s e r v e d

The Methodist Men of the First Methodist; Church will hold a tureen dinner in Fel lowship Hall a t 8:90 P.M. Monday. The speak­er will be Harry Ingleson.


T. M. Johnson, manaeer of the Firestone Store at Third and Prendergest . wil l entertain Union Grange members wi th movie films at e meet ine tonightt

Attend Conference Several members of the Amer­

ican Unitarian Youth of James-town left yesterday to attend the Mohawk Valley Federetion con­ference being held in Niagara Fails over the weekend Mem-

* bars of the unit from the First : ! ? W J K S J * ; * . . . T ^ . « nTI Unitarian Church who made the home. 110 Hell Avenue; et 8 P.

' *"* Bach W w e U t ! G - l ^ n ^ ^ ^"^ ^??! Petchett, DOB

Farnsworth, Grant Gruel end

nn nanatd B*ch* * « l * Greto Fotchett, Joan wile, t l ia J. recK, a son, svonajo, | ^ ^ j ^ ^ rv»«„. n ^ t w riMnm> » %Z* 2 ftuifaia- a brotherT Patchett, Donne Becker. Eleanor A. Peck of BuXfalo, a prouier. VmwmKmm>nw,th r.r-»n* n*ti*i «nH Charles Gardner of Waterford, Pa.; a sister, Mrs. Mine Phelps of Union City, Pe., end two grandchildren. A son, Herbert Peck, died severe] years ago. Mr. Peck wes born Nov. 18, 1855, at Cambridge Springs, Pa., and spent the greater pert of his life In James town, being e carpenter and builder until age compelled hit retirement.

The remains ere et the Boyd Funeral Home, and funeral e e£ vices will be held there et 2:30 P. M. Monday with interment in Lake View Cemetery. Flowers are gratefully declined

Robert L Studd Robert L. Studd 57. of 21 East

Second Street, who died sudden­ly of e heart attack in e down­town tavern Friday morning, is survived by five brothers, Irv­ing Studd of Buffalo, Walter L. and Ernest E. Studd of James-town. Tarry Studd of Little Vol­ley and Paul E. Studd of Clean, end several nephews and nieces. He was bom in Conewengo town­ship on July 7, 1889, son of Hen­ry and Ltllie Bryant Studd, wes a veteran of the first World War, serving as motor mechanic avia-tion, and had lived to Jamestown 35 years. He was a member of the Painters' Local Union. The remaim ere et the Powers Fu­neral Home, funeral services to be held et 1:30 P. Jtt, Monday, with Rev. Vincent L. Bloomquist of the Epworth Methodist Church officiating. Interment will take piece in Lake View Ceme­tery.

Robert Johnson, — — •

Resumes :>aie The Jamestown Western Union

Office hes resumed the sale of American E x p r e s s Compeny money orders end Travelers Checks. R. M. Stephens. Iocs! manager, said today.

Falconer Man Fined Norman Rabbins, 85. of Fal­

coner was fined 810 when he pleaded guilty to e charge of op­erating a vehicle with, defective equipment et a hearing before Acting City Judge McKinley Phil­lips in court today,

— — • —

Bshop Here Sunday Bishop James H. Straughn of

the Pittsburgh A r e e of the Meth­odist Church will be the speaker a t the 11 o'clock eervice Sunday e t t h e First Methodist Church.

Card of Thanks W e wish to thank relatives,

friends end neighbors for flowers, use of cere end many kind ex­pressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement.

The Famify of the late Charles Rizzuto. at

3lmtrnrji'a {ltd

Princess Rebekah--Lodge met Friday evening e t M t Tabor Hell with Mrs. Isebelle Leern, vice grand. officiating in the absence of Mrs. Nellie Hullihen, A social time was enjoyed.

*' * * Fvt . Eugene Phelps, son p f Mr.

and Mrs.. R. N. Phelps of 52 West Hamil ton Street is serving wi th the 21st Infantry Regiment, a unit of the 24th Infantry Division.

t • • •

Several relief donations were voted when the Fairbank Sunday School class of the First Metho­dist Church met at the Y.W C.A. for a luncheon. Mrs. B. M. Willsie and Mrs. K L. Powers were hostesses.

• *, • Vocal solos and readings were completely processed physically

featured a t a meet ing of the ; during that period before he em­barks on his life work and thus ' any defects would be corrected making not only a healthier po­tential army and navy but a healthier citizenry. W e would be assured of a fleet for imme­diate action and of an army for constant protection. This w e will need, for never again will be be given a year, month or even a week to prepare."

Mr. Hitchcock also took a firm stand on the question of America keeping the atom bomb. He clear­ly indicated he felt that the sal­vation of the world depended on our keeping it and developing it in readiness for any eventuality. His s tand on both training and the e t o m bomb w a s backed by

mond Samuelson and Mrs. Csrl t . Carlson entertained. Mrs. Axel Swanson w a s chairman.

* • / * The Brotherhood of the Ep­

worth Methodist Church will meet In the church parlors at 6:30 P .

a * • The Del ta Alpha Class of the

Calvary Baptist Church will meet wi th Mrs. Charles Kelley, 109 Van Buren Street , Monday.

• • * Colored m o v i e s of Florida wil l

be shown to members of the Chen-Ming Club of the Firs t Unitarian Church at a supper meet ing t o be <j Mrs. Powers w h o addressed her held at 6:30 P. M.. Sunday. The film wil l be shown .at 8 P. M. with Asa Ackroyd a t narrator.

• • •

The North Side Sunshine Group will meet with Mrs. Harold V. Lundquist. 26 Severn Parkway, Mondey night

_ T P . »- • The Euclid Avenue Child Study

Club will meet in Ship's Inn at 8 P- M., MOndey. Daniel Garliner will speak on *A Parent's. Re-

Smsibility in the Speech of the lid" 1 ,

* ' ', a. a Mt. Tabor Lodge, I.O.O.F., will

be host to the Sons of St. George St 8 P. M., Tuesday et a St. George luncheon. The Odd Fel­lows will hold e brief business ses­sion et 7:30 P. M.

• • • f

The Epworth Methodist Church WjS.CS. held e meet ing yesterday afternoon a t the church. Mrs. El-wood Carlson. Carol Seastrom, Mrs. Raymond Samuelson, Mrs. Lloyd'Crick and Miss Joan Peter­son enter ta ined Rev. V. L. Bloom-

The Albanian Youth Society will mee t with Danny Osman, 716 Jefferson Street , a t 2:15 P . M., Monday. '

a a a The Jamestown Ministerial Alli­

ance will meet in tne Y. M. C. A. at 10 A. M.. Monday. Dr. Carlyle Ring, superintendent of schools, will speak on T h e Churches and the Schools m Cooperating Agen­cies in a Common Task" Rev. lamest Nelson, pastor of the Chandler Street Baptist Church, will conduct the devotional per-

We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for floral tributes. cars furnished for the funeral es well as many other acts of kind* ness shown us In the death of our husband and father. Axel E. John-

These kind acts of sympathy greatlv appreciated.

Mrs. Roberta Johnson. Mrs. Christine Brant Leota Johnson, x

We wish to thank friends, neighbors "Sad relatives for flow­ers, carts, cars and ell .kind ex* nressions of sympathy extended to us in our recent bereavement.

The Family of Joseph Frucella. x


USD — Funeral services for Fred E. l i n e af S10 Cherry Street were hem Friday afternoon at the Henderaon A Lincoln Chapel, with Rav. George I H. Telley of the First Baptit ' Church officiating. . T h e bearera were Wallace Johnson. George Myers. Allan Wright. Paul Jones, Rupert Benson and Conrad Brlck-son. Interment was in Sunaet Hill Cemetery. Present from away was Was Victoria Lund of Ripley.

JOHNSON — Funeral services for

tie I K. Johnson of M l JtmV*» . reet ware held Friday afternoon

at the Henderson * Lincoln Chapel. with Rev. R. S. Nay lor of the Buf­falo Street Methodist Church offi- >

. elating. The bearers were Andrew -P. Anderson. Sam Anderson. Carl Jones. Ed. Linn. Kenneth Bohall

George Shaffer. Interment was In Lalia view Cemetery. Present from away were Mr. and* Mrs. Charles Johnson and Mr*. James Norrls of Reynoldsvllle. Pa.; Mrs. Anna Heltzer and Mr. and Mrs. James Wolfgang of Punxsutawncy. Pa.: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pomroy of Youngatown. O.: Mrs. Ellsworth

and Clarence Heltztr of Mrs. John

M7» N. Ms)i* Tsl. I N C H J S N S t N . Mar,

einson snd Clarence tier. Pa.; • Mr. and

Trudgen of Oil City. Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. William Trudgen of Pitts­burgh: Mrs. Anna Phillips and Miss Gladys Phillips of You town. O.: Mr. and Mrs. Paul J son of Graansbarg. PS Mary Jane Stauffer of

plea for support to the auxiliary and the women *>f America.

Among the visiting officials were -Ben Kyser, state vice com­mander, who introduced the speeker; Mrs. William O'Connors, Eighth District chairman who In­troduced Mrs. Powers; Clarence Conway, Eighth District com­mander; Mrs. George Enos. Eighth District vice chairman: Sam -R. Herzog, Cattaraugus County commander and his adju­tant O. H. Curtis; Joseph Vander-Hp> Eighth District grand chem-inot, 40 et 8; George E. Bergquist, county commander; Ruth Turner, county first vice chairman and Roy E. Wells, chef de gare, 40 et 8. Invocation was pronounced by Chaplain R D, Dillon, Ripley.

•Glowing t ributes to Mrs. Laura S tegman. past state president, were paid by visiting speakers. She was lauded for her child wel­fare and tuberculosis project ac­tivity.

Committees^ for the banquet and ball iiKJfMed: Tickets and finance, Carl L. Carlson, Carl Nelson, Russell Gustafson and William Siegfried; publicity, Gust Rundqulst. Arthur Baldensberger and Robert Foster; dinner, Ar­thur Dunderdale, Walter Levan-doski and Howard Johnson; mu­sic, Harry Lundquist, Henry Berggren and George Woleben, Jr.; floor, Lavertte Johnson* Sig-fried Johnson and Howard Wl-quist and on,the guests commit­tee were Fritts L. Magnuson, Byron R. Woodin, Charles Ander­son, Mrs. Laura Stegman and Mrs, Esther Lindquist. Charles N. Jones acted as general chair­man

Leon F. Robjprts, former mayor of Jamestown, and later commer­cial manager i f t hey Jamestown Telephone Corporation, this week was elected t% the board of di­rectors of the Unil4»d States Inde­pendent Telephone Association.

This action was taken at the executives' Spring conference of the U.S.I.T.A. held last Monday and Tuesday at the Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago. Since leav­ing Jamestown, in December, 1945, Mr. Roberts has been as­sociated in Chisago with the Gary Group of independent telephone companies which operate some 350,000 telephones, served by ex­changes in 17 states in the east and middle west.

As a member of the board of directors of the U.S.I.T.A., Mr. Roberts joins John H. Wright, president of the Jamestown Tele­phone Corporation, who is also a member of the board and who has for many years been active in the affairs o fpoth national and local independent telephone bodies.

Immediately following his elec­tion^ Mr. Roblrts was asked to represent the National Associa­tion at the organization meeting of the Rocky Mountain Indepen­dent Telephone Association, whose membership will comprise Inde­pendent operating companies in several of th# mountain states. The meeting will be held at Salt Lake City on April 28 and 29.



B A P T I S T First Baptist — Rev. George Tolley.

minister; 8:45. Church at study; 10:55. sermon, "Can I Do As X Please;" 6:30. B.Y.F. to discuss the Safari to be held In Salamanca Thursday; 7, BBC Friendship Hour.

Immanuel Baptist — Rev. Spiwgeon B. Donaldson, minister: 10. Church School; 11, worship: l l!30, sermon. Rev. J. Q. Ellas, speaker; 5, B.T.U. at Joy (enter.

Calvary Baptist — Rev. J. D. Ty­ler, pastor: 10. church school; 11. ser­mon. "The Matchless Out;'' 7:30, ser­vice by the Gideons.

(handler street Baptist — Rev. Ern­est K. ' Nelson, pastor: 10, Church School: 10. Adult class taught In Swe­dish; n , sermon by Joel Darby, Syra­cuse; 7:15, pre-servlce prayer meet­ing: 7:30. evening service, baptism, sermon, "What Does the Bible Teach Concerning Baptism?"

Bethaay Italian Baptist — Rev, A. M. Galloppl. minister: 9:45, study; 10:45.- sermosj, "The Five Hundred;" 5. annual business meeting: S, Youth Fellowship, topic, "Chsracter Educa­tion—Our Denominational Schools;" 6:30 vesper service, topic, "The Church and the State."


C H R I S T I A N ttOHENCB First church itf Christ. Kelenttst

—11. Sunday School; 11, service. "Doc­trine of Atonement" is the lesson-ser­mon subject: Golden text: Isaiah 59:20: sergnon. Pohn 10:7, 9, 11, 30: correlative passages from" "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip­tures" by Mary Baker Eddy Include: PP

A n n o u n c e m e n t s of church aervieea for publication oa the Saturday Church Page should he s ea l to the office of The Jamestown Post-Journal not later than noon on Friday. N o announcen;snts eaa he taken by telephone.

res' oy i . 18. 497.

Cont inued

The other Jj|mestown victories were scored by the team of Car­lyle Ring a n a - W a r r e n Norquist over Thomas Donovan and Julian DeCastro, 1-0, wi th J. G. Klingin-smith, Chautauqua County Na­tional Bank, as judge, and Gary Langharm and Clifford DeKay over John Rowgowski and Julian Kubinic, 1-0, With Miss Barbara Jordan, James Prendergest Free Library, the Judge.

After more than five minutes recapitulation ©f his scoring fol­lowing the dehjtte, Rev. Ira Liv . ingston. Weapninister Presby­terian Churchy announced a tie in the debate between Robert Burns and Daniel Kiely, James­town, and Joseph Gersitz and Robert Schuster, Canisius. Mr. Livingston called it a tie immedi­ately fol lowing the debate, but recounted his scoring. It was the first tie debate for Jamestown this year.

The only Cajiisius victory w a s scored by Johri Robert Berth and Robert Whet i le , who defeated Richard Holgpyd and Rupert Wright, 1-0. l e v . Frank McDuf-fee, First Congregational Church, was the judge.

Monday seven Jamestown nega­tive teams will meet as many Fre-donia affirmative teams at 7:30 P: M. in the high school here, and on Tuesday night six Jamestown affirmative teams will visit Fre-donia.

f> ' . . . Card ef Thanks

I wish to thejpk all who remem­bered m e in ajty w a y during m y recent illness, ft Will iam Bennufjc, Sherman, N . Y.


Open Door Spiritualist Church

503 E. 2nd St . Services 8 P. M.

Circle F i t Afternoon, 2 P. M. Special Music

Bring Seeded Balhits Visiting Mediums Expected

Mediums Da v April 27th Dinner s«*rve«i a t 5:80 P. M.

Public Is Invited. REV. C. TARTER. Pastor

W e have a fine selection of n e w figurines, vases and no t t e iy for the hos­tess who wants some­thing different in a gilt.

W i

STORE HOURS: S:S0 A. M. to 5:10 P. Frldsy Kvenings Tilt t:00

Ciosad Wsd. P. M. and Sunday

Nelson & Butts, Inc. t H. Main '' Brooklvn Square

"THE EVANGELISTIC CENTI Prat her Avenue ~ Between Forest and Prospect

S U N D A Y SERVICES 9:45— Mr. Joseph C. Falk, Gideon speaker.

10:45—Rev. Joshua C. Wagner, Evangelist 7:45—<<ospei Melody Hymn-Sing, Quartet Selection

Evangelistic Message, Rev. J. C. Wagner

— '


F i O W I I SNOT 114 CUTTY aCjl

Public Dinner SUNDAY, APRIL 20th

12 to 8 P. M.

cenrr i *w RITE

CONSISTORY I Viaedeigait

Adults f 1.55; Children 10c



— of —



Yswir Poller Will Buy es Much Insulation Todey As It Did in 1940.

Call Us for a FREE Estimate. No Obligation to Buy.

Grant Mahoney 409 Front St. ' Phone 4090


CONGREGATIONAL First Congregational—R*\ Prank B.

McDuffee. minister: 11. sermon by Rev. Robert Bruce. D.D.. of New York. Stste Superintendent of Con­gregational Chrlitign Churches: 10. Junior High Department of Church School; 11. nursery, kindergarten, primary, and Junior departments; 6:30 Pilgrim Fellowship.

Pilgrim Memorial Ceagregatloaal — Rev. Dr. Austin J. Rlnker, interim

f>astor: 10:45. sermon. "The Unfall-ng Light;" 6:30, Pilgrim League.

L U T H E R A N First Latheran — Rev. Constant

Johnson, pastor; Rev. Emmet Eklund. associate pastor: 9. Sunday School at Wfllard Chapel and 111 Myrtle Street; ft .TO. Sunday school and Bible Class­es^ 10. Junior worship. "Christ's Help Wanted Appeal:" 10:30. primary, be­ginner and nursery classes; 10 .TO. worship; 11:45, Swedish service; 7:30, evening service.

Bethel Lutheran — Rev. Lawrence F. Nordatrom, pastor; 8, youth com­munion (at Lutheran Immanuol Church); 9:30, Sunday School Bible classes; 10:15. sermon, "Christian Concern." greeting by "Gideons;"; 3:30 and 7:30 (at Lutheran Imman­uel Church): Dlatrtct Luther League convention and forum.

Haly Trinity Latheraa—Rev. Clar­ence Anderson, pastor: 9:15. Sunday School. North Main Street Extension: 9:45, Sunday school teachers' prayer session; 10, church school. Bible class* es: 11. worship in charge of Gideons.

Lutheran Immanuel — Rev. Dr. Felix V. Hanson, pastor: 8 , , James­town Dlatrict Luther League com­munion service; 9:15. Sunday School; 9:30, Bible Oast; 10:10. primary; 10:10. English sermon. "The Com­fort of God;" 11:10. Swedish sermon, "Jetus and Pater;'' 3:30. District Lu­ther League rally- 7:30, Rev. C. A. Leslie, o f Kane, Pa., to address the closing session of rally.

METHODIST Epworth Methodist — Rev. V. L.

Bloomquist, minister: 9:45, Church School; 11, sermon. "Rejoicing In Rec­lamation."

Italian Methodist — Rev. John Rugglero. pastor: 9:45. Sunday school: 11, worship, a Gideon will bring the morning message; 7:30, English ser­vice.

Buffalo Street Methodist — Rev. Robert S. Naylor. minister: 9:48.

Church School; 11, sermon. "A Worthwhile Christianity;" «30 , Youth Fellowship,

Camp ftreet Methodist — Rev. D. F. Howe, pastor: 10. Sunday School; 8. sermon, "Blundering Builders."

Brooklyn Heights Methodist — Rev. Howard L. .Stuli, minister: 9:50. Sunday School; 11, sermon, "Why Should God Give Ma Today?"; 1. Youth Fellowship.

Free Methodist — Rev. Edwin But-terworth, pastor: 9:45, Sunday School: 11. worship: 12:15. class meeting: 8:45 young people's meeting; 7:30. service. )snd-usyOC.-B(xlEshrdlu cmfwyp the

Hlachwell Chapel A.M.*. lion--Rev. L. C. Caldwell; pastor: 9 45. Sunday school; It, worship; 8, Young People; 7. service.

MISSION COVENANT First Mission Covenant -~ Rev. Paul

F, Erlckson. pastor: 9 30. Blhle School and Swedish service; 10 45, sermon. "Whan, Christ Calls;" 7:30. Jamea Russell of the Toronto Gideon Society will speak. '

PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian — Rev. John

Connell. D.D., minister; Rev. H. Bar­ry Keen, associate minister: 9 45, church school; 10:45, sermon by Dr, Connell. "Sustaining Food:" 7. Young People's Fellowship; combined- ser­vice with Westminster and Fredonla churches.

Westminster Presbyterian — Rev. Ira L. Livingston, minister: 9 45. Church School; 11. sermon. '"In­delible Memorlel." second In P'»«t-Eastcr series on "The Disciple* Build the Church;" 6 45, Youth Fellowship district meeting at First Presbyterian church.

Patrick r. Tobln. pastor: 11 A. M.. Mass.

»8. Petes aad Paal'a Basaaa Catsv •llc—Very Rev. Patrick F. Tabtn. pas­tor; Rev. Stanislaus J. Brsana. assis­tant pastor: Low mas ass at 5 45 8, 9, 10 30 A M and 13 noon. . St. John's ftemaa Catholic. — Rev Austin Blllerio. peat**; Rev. William J. Doerflein. assistant: 8. 9. 10. high mass; 11 30, low mass

U N I T E D B R E T H R E N Cirace KvaagaHeal Caftad

—Rev. Vincent F. Pomeroy 10. Sunday School: 11. Junior youth fellowship « 30 youth fellowship; 7:45. senrfee

Kidder Memorial Evangelical f a ed Brethren — Rev. C. WartWB War­ner, pastor: 10, Sunday School; 11. sermdn. "Final Touches In the Fea­ture of th« Eternal Future." rausir by the Nelsons: S45. Youth Fellowship 7 30. sermon, "Giving God the Ge-by.'1

U N I T A R I A N First t altsrtaa — Rev- Karl %

Bach, pastor; 10. Church school 11. sermon "Is Your Religion Big Enough for Your Wartd."

O T H E R D E N O M I N A T I O N S Asaaasbllea ef Oad, Calvary 1

eaotaJ — Rev. William L. Devareeux. | minister: 9 45. Sunday School: 1L

worship: 8:30. Youaf Peoples me*t-1ns; 7 30. service.

nettv Weaklaaa Chapel — R#*. 3. Roy Weakland. minister; Betty Waak-land Btxby, evangelist 18. Sunday School;. 11. Betty Weaklsnd BNby to

?reach on Christ the Musician 45. Batty Weakland Buoy will apeak

on "No One Has Seen the wind Christlaa-ltalida — Rev- D. E Ar-

none, pastor: 9 30, Sunday School 1030. worship: 7:30. young paoples service conducted In English. Mkss Rose Lunelle leader

Chrlsttaa aad Mteotaaarr Alttanee Rev Charles Turner, pastor 9 45. Sunday, School; 11. aarmaa. #*TB#' Church Afraid; ' 8 45. young peoples meeting, speaker. ^Mlas Evelyn Reaa. 7 45. sermon, "Introducing Daniel "

f hareh at Jeaas Christ mt LatSee-Dav Sainte— K of P. Hall: 18. Sun-

M l O T E S T A N T E P I S C O P A L St. Lake's Episcopal — Rev. Dr.

Lewis E. Ward, rector: 8, Holy Com­munion in the chapel; 9:45. church school; service In Church; 11. Holy Communion, sermon. "The Living Hope."

ROMAN CATHOLIC St. Jamas Roman Catholic — n . •

Pasquale Colaglola, administrator: Rev. Alfredo Bruno, assistant pastor Masses at 7, 8. 10. maaa at 9),

St. Joseph Roman Catholic — Re\

dav School: 11 20. sacrament meeting, speaker, Edith Hatch, missionary.

Faith Tabernaele — Rev. Clarence I W. Atwater. pastor: 9 45. Sunday school; 11. worship: 7. Crusaders

| meeting; 8. evangelistic service. Jameatowa Mate — Rev Irving W.

I Rarrett. pastor: 9 30. Bible School-i 10 15, sermon. "Alive L'nt© God '7.10, service with Rev Arthur E.

Smith. Bible teacher and violinist and Gideon representative as speahar.

Jehovah's Wltaeaaea — Nordte Tem­ple: 3. public address. "Religion Ver­sus The Bible:" 8. watchtower stadr.

Reasons for the Resurrectioa Hope *' »t. MrbAlsa Greek Orthodox — Rev.

George Joanethls. pastor: 9:15. Sws-dav school; 10. service. .

st. Leais Albaalaa Orfhadaa — Rev. George Loll, minister: 11.

A 12.874-foot hoi* has drilled 10 miles from shore in oil prospecting in the Gulf of Mexico. 11, 12 (children s | f h e f j r g t s u c h o p ^ ^ o n „, f a r

from land.

JAMESTOWN BIBLE CHURCH S79 Buffa lo S t r e e t I rving W. Barrett.

Special Evening Service or 7:30

Rev. Arthur E . Smith. Bible Tearher and accompllajscd Violinist of Toronto, Capada, will Inspire us once more wftk his preaching aad playing.

ALSO A Representative or the ••Gideona" Will apeak and

Give an Outline of Their Work. Iveryont Welcome to This InspiraHonol Service

SALEM CHURCH 10S Chandler Street

RKV. 'W. A. NORDIN, Paster Sunday—

10 A. M.—Sunday School 11/ A. M.—Worship Service ?:$0 P». M.—Hsvlvat Service

- W E L C O M I -BnaaaanannHBHM^BnaBannBnni

FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 291 Falconer St.


Sunday School. 10:00 A. M.

Morning Worship, 11:00 A. M.

Evangelistic Service, 7:45 P. M.

THE REV. T. R. HALL Pastor of the Church of God

at Clarion, Pa.,

Will Bo the Guest Speaker at Both Services.


Services el the Grace Evangelical United Brethren Church

Corner Fourteenth and X. Mala Streets

Rev. Vincent r . Pomeroy, Minister

The Musical Claus Family


The Musical Claus Family will have full charge of the program. They will be dressed in their native cos* tumes of the Mohawk Indian Tribe.

S U N . M O R N I N G The Musical Claus wil l have charge 1 1 : 0 0 A . M o f t n e n > u s l r *L *his service. Rev.

Pomeroy will bring the morning mes­sage.


This will be the last service the Claus Family will be with us. YOU C A N T A F F 6 R D TO MISS THIS SERVICE.


1 Come and Hear




.Other atutfles to follow win he: " T H E C O L O S S A L I M A G R , " " T H I ^ t FIERY FURNACE." •PRIDE AND PUNISH«gNT," "GOD'S ^

HAfJOWRITlNa" an«r otnara. Thase will ha aptly Illustrated With a large oenyaa chart. The public ia cordiail| invitad.

OTHER SERVICES TODAY: 9:4ft A. M. — S u n d a y School; Classes for the eAtlre family.

11:00 A. M. — Morning Worship: Topic, "The Church Afraid." 6:4ft P . M.—Y. P . Meeting, Speaker, Miss Efe lyn Renp.

The Christian & Missionary Alliance Church t i l East Second Street Rev. Charles B. Turner. Pastor


Hear Hear

GEORGE TORK Youth Evangelist

mmmmmimm' "

Bringing a Message So on Fire for God, You Won't Miss a Mooting During This Campaign After Once Hearing Him.

Sinclair and Special Music You WiU Thoroughly Enjoy at Each Service

mmmmmm • n« n I W I i

BEGINNING SUNDAY NIGHT —7:45 And Each Night This Coming Week




Betty Weakland Bixby Will Preach on


Sunday —7:4ft P. M. #

T h o O I W U % A I J McKinley Avenue I H e W n O p e i J 4 Charles Street

"Noted for the Gospel"

iiooA M-xhrist, The Mu$icicmn

Betty Weakland Bixby Will Spook at loth Servu

10:00 A. M., Sunday School Everyone Welcome


If Take Baker Bus to Chapel Door \ Evantelist


SATURDAY EVENING SUNDAY EVENING—7:45 Service Omitted in Favor of Regular Mission Service Coodoctod by

THE STATE GIDEON RALLY THE SUPERINTENDENT A Very Special Treat for All the Mission Friends

7:45 P. M.. Monday, April 21, through Friday, May 2. 7:45 P. M.

Twelve Fine Lectures on the Many Aspects of Solomon's Temple

The Lectures Will • • Given by Arthur E. Smith of Toronto, Canada, Who Is Also an Accomplished Violinist



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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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