obj 2 chemical and physical change

Post on 25-May-2015






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Chemical and Physical Change

Can You Tell the Difference?

Physical Changes

• A physical change is one that affects one or more physical properties of a substance. Physical changes can usually be undone.

Some Examples:•Crumpling up paper

•Breaking a piece of chalk in two•Dissolving salt in water

•Melting ice•Sanding wood

Chemical Changes• A chemical change is when a substance is changed

into an entirely new substance. Chemical changes cannot be undone.

Some Clues that tell you a change is


1. Change in color

2. Fizzing or foaming

3. Heat Generated

4. Sound

5. Light

6. Odor

Some Examples:


•Vinegar and Baking Soda

•Burning Something

•Getting a Perm

•Glow Sticks

Change It Up!!Change It Up!!The class has been split into two teams. Each team needs to form a straight line. The person at the front of each line will answer first. Their teammates must remain silent. An example of

a change will be given. The first person to correctly identify whether the change is

physical or chemical returns to the end of their teams’ line. The other person returns to their

seat. The team with the most members left by the end wins the game. Let’s Play!

Crumpling Up A Piece Of Paper

Fire Crackers

Melting An Ice Cube

Erosion of Sandstone

Shooting a Gun

Deflating A Ball

Sewing a Quilt

Dying Easter Eggs

Glow Sticks

Vinegar and Baking Soda

Digesting Food

Getting a Perm

Making Kool-Aid

Freezing Juice To Make Popsicles

Sanding Wood

Painting A Fence

Weaving Cloth

A Light Bulb Emitting Light

Braiding Someone’s Hair

Breaking Chalk In Half

Painting Your Nails

Mixing The Ingredients To

Make Bread

Baking The Bread

Fertilizing Your Lawn

Getting a Hair Cut

Speeding Up Your Car With NOS

Dissolving Salt In Water

Putting On Make-up

Hand Warmers

Neon Lights

Sandblasting Your Jeans

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