objective: swbat identify solutions for urban sprawl. warm-up: complete the frayer chart below....

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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• Objective: SWBAT identify solutions for Urban Sprawl.

• Warm-up: Complete the Frayer chart below.

Urbanization 1. Definition dramatic rise in the number of cities and the changes in lifestyle that result

2. Why do people move to cities?

3. Sketch

Table of Contents

Date Title Lesson #

10/6 Regions 22

10/13 Immigration - Political 23

10/14 Immigration - Economic 24

10/15 Migration 25

10/16 Urban Sprawl 26

Directions: Get a fresh page and title it “Urban Sprawl”

Urban Sprawl

• Urban Sprawl Poorly planned development that greatly expands the size of a city.

• The map to the right shows URBAN SPRAWL in Baltimore, MD starting in 1792.

= Baltimore

Create the chart belowCauses of Urban Sprawl

Effects of Urban Sprawl

Urban SprawlCAUSES:

1. Cheap gas

2. Unrestricted Growth – no rules, build houses anywhere

3. Cheap land

Create the chart belowCauses of Urban Sprawl

Effects of Urban Sprawl

1. Cheap gas

2. Unrestricted growth – no rules, build houses anywhere

3. Cheap land

Urban SprawlEFFECTS?

1. Increased air and water pollution

2. Increased traffic

3. Environmental problems – deforestation

4. Stresses infrastructure – water supply, need highways, sewers, cable

5. Uses tons of energy

Urban Spawl Clips (record #1 only)

A. What invention caused Urban Spawl? CAR

B. Add negative effects of Urban Sprawl to your t-chart.6. Construction7. Limits on water 8. Runoff water increases pollution and flooding9. Sinkholes10. Destroys animals’ habitats

SOLUTIONSUrban Sprawl is solved through Smart Growth…

1. Limit Growthwith laws boundaries.

2. Urban RenewalRestoring downtownneighborhoods.

3. Sustainable Communities – where people live and work


• Directions: As you watch the clips about Portland, OR and Celebration FL answer the questions below on your URBAN SPRAWL PAGE.

Portland Clip 1. How is Portland trying to solve Urban Sprawl?

Celebration Clip2. Explain why Celebration is considered a

sustainable community.

3. Answer the Question of the Day in your notebook like usual.


1. Answer the Question of the Day on your warm-up page like usual.

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