ocean energy sttnas

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  • 7/21/2019 Ocean Energy STTNAS


    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

    Ocean Energy 1

    Ocean Energy

    Hugh Outhred

    STTNAS Seminar

    30 July 2011Email: h.outhred@unsw.edu.au



    Ocean energy resources

    Overview & comparison with other renewables

    Ocean energy resource categories:

    Main types & their global distributions

    Ocean energy conversion technologies: For the main types of ocean energy

    Estimated technical potential by global region


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  • 7/21/2019 Ocean Energy STTNAS


    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

    Ocean Energy 2

    General reference material on renewableenergy including ocean energy

    Key reference for this presentation:

    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Working Group

    3, Mitigation of Climate Change,Special Report on Renewable

    Energy Sources and Climate Mitigation, June 2011 (IPCCSRREN, 2011). Available for download from:


    Another valuable recent publication:

    REN21, Renewables 2011 Global Status Report,July 2011.

    Available for download from www.ren21.net

    Ocean Energy 3

    Ocean energy definition & features(IPCC SRREN, 2011)

    Ocean energy derives from the potential, kinetic, thermal & chemical

    energy of seawater, which can be transformed to provide electricity,thermal energy, or potable water.

    A wide range of technologiesare possible, such as barrages fortidal range, submarine turbines for tidal and ocean currents, heat

    exchangers for ocean thermal energy conversion, & a variety of

    devices to harness the energy of waves & salinity gradients.

    Ocean technologies, with the exception of tidal barrages, are at thedemonstration & pilot project phases & many require additional R&D.

    Someof the technologies have variable energy output profiles withdiffering levels of predictability(e.g., wave, tidal range & current),

    while others may be capable of near-constant or even controllableoperation (e.g., ocean thermal & salinity gradient).

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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

    Ocean Energy 3

    Note: solar & wind energy arenon-storable energy fluxes

    Founding an International Renewable Energy Agency,IRENA, 2009

    5Ocean Energy

    (physical upper bound)

    Current global primary energy use(IPCCC SRREN, 2011)

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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

    Ocean Energy 4

    RE annual


    1972-2008(IPCCC SRREN,


    Ocean Energy 7

    Renewable energy sources:

    potential vs current energy use(IPCCC SRREN, 2011)

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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

    Ocean Energy 5

    Levelised costs: RE & non-RE options(IPCC SRREN, 2011)

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    CO2 coefficients for RE & non-RE options(IPCC SRREN, 2011)

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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

    Ocean Energy 6

    Ocean energy resource categories(IPCC SRREN, 2011)

    Ocean Energy 11

    Wave energy: Derived from the transfer of the kinetic energy of the wind to

    the upper surface of the ocean. Theoretical resource = 32,000 TWh/yr;

    technical potential much less & depends on technology development.

    Tidal range (tidal rise & fall): Derived from gravitational forces of the Earth-Moon-Sun system. Theoretical potential 1-3 TW, located in relatively shallow

    waters; technical potential much less.

    Tidal currents: Derived from tidal filling & emptying of coastal regions.

    Estimates of 48 TWh/yr for Europe and 30 TWh/yr for China. Potential sites in

    Korea, Canada, Japan, the Philippines, New Zealand & South America.

    Ocean currents: Derived from wind & thermohaline ocean circulation. FloridaCurrent (USA) has 25 GW technical potential. Others in South Africa, East

    Asia & East Australia.

    Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC): Derived from temperature

    difference between surface & deep water (below 1,000 m). Large resource

    (perhaps 44,000 TWh/yr) but energy density low.

    Salinity gradient (osmotic power): Derived from salinity difference between

    fresh & ocean water at river mouths. Theoretical potential ~ 1,650 TWh/yr

    Global wave energy

    resources(IPCC SRREN, 2011)

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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

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    13Ocean Energy

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    Tidal range energy resources(IPCCC SRREN, 2011)

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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

    Ocean Energy 8

    15 Ocean Energy

    Tidal range

    in Australia(www.bom.gov.au)

    & potential

    tidal site


    Derby, WA

    (HydroTas, 2001)

    Major ocean currents(IPCCC SRREN, 2011)

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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

    Ocean Energy 9

    17Ocean Energy

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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

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    Ocean thermal energy resources: Indonesia

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    20Ocean Energy

    Wave energy technology challenges

    Must survive tsunamis, storms,marine corrosion & marine biota

    Energy conversion & transfer to

    land must be cost-effective ininvestment cost & operating life

    Operation & maintenance mustbe cost effective (www.greenhouse.gov.au)

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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

    Ocean Energy 11

    Oscillating water column device(IPCC SRREN, 2011)

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    Oscillating body & over-topping devices(IPCC SRREN, 2011)

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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

    Ocean Energy 12

    23Ocean Energy

    Oceanlinx oscillating watercolumn: Mk1 Prototype(www.oceanlinx.com)

    Carnegie Wave Energy CETO system(www.carnegiewave.com)

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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

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    Carnegie Wave Energy CETO system(www.carnegiewave.com)

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    Wave Energy




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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

    Ocean Energy 14

    27Ocean Energy

    Proven ocean technology: tidal energy

    Low-head hydro with two-directional flow:

    La Rance Tidal Power Station, 240 MW, 1966

    Tidal range varies with solar-lunar alignment

    Sea water more corrosive than fresh water

    Low head implies lower energy density than

    high-head hydro


    Ocean Energy 28

    Severn Estuary UK: Tidal Reef Proposal, 2011(www.severntidal.com)

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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

    Ocean Energy 15

    Ocean current conversion devices(IPCC SRREN, 2011)

    Clean CurrentTurbineCanada, 2006

    Ocean Energy 29

    SeaGen, 1.2MW from

    2x16m turbines, UK(www.marineturbines.com)

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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

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    Closed cycle ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)(www.nrel.gov)

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    Closed cycle OTEC Lockheed Martin(www.lockheedmartin.com)

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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

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    Salinity gradient: reversed electro dialysis(IPCC SRREN, 2011)

    Ocean Energy 33

    Cathode exchange membrane Anode exchange membrane

    Salinity gradient: pressure-retarded osmosis(IPCC SRREN, 2011)

    Ocean Energy 34

    Fresh water & sea water will mix unlesspressure difference exceeds osmotic pressure

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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

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    Ocean energy types & cost estimates(IPCC SRREN, 2011)

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    Estimated regional RE technical

    potential compared to 2007

    primary energy demand(IPCC SRREN, 2011)

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    Hugh Outhred, STTNAS Seminar, 30 July 2011

    Ocean Energy 19


    Ocean Energy 37

    Wave energy:

    Large resource, technically challenging

    Tidal range energy:

    Proven but limited & site-specific resource

    Tidal current energy:

    Limited & site-specific; prototypes being tested

    Ocean current energy:

    Medium resource, site-specific, technically challenging

    Ocean thermal energy:

    Large tropical resource, technically challenging

    Salinity gradient energy:

    Small resource, site specific, technically challenging

    Hugh Outhred Bsc, BE (Hons 1), PhD

    Email: h.outhred@unsw.edu.au ; hugh_outhred@yahoo.com

    Hugh Outhred is a Professorial Visiting Fellow at the University ofNew South Wales, an Adjunct Professor at Murdoch University, GuruBesar Luar Biasaat STTNAS Jogjakarta, Indonesia and a Director ofIpen Pty Ltd, which provides advisory and educational services onenergy, society and the environment.

    Hugh retired in 2007 after a 35-year career at UNSW, most recentlyas Presiding Director, Centre for Energy and Environmental Marketsand Head, Electrical Energy Research Group, School of ElectricalEngineering and Telecommunications.

    During his career, Hugh has been a Fulbright Senior Fellow at theUniversity of California Berkeley, a Lead Author for the IPCC SpecialReport on Renewable Energy Sources & Climate Change Mitigation,a Board Member of the Australian Cooperative Research Centre forRenewable Energy, an Associate Director of UNSWs Centre forPhotovoltaic Devices and Systems, a Member of CSIROs EnergyFlagship Advisory Committee, a Member of the National ElectricityTribunal and a Member of the New South Wales Licence ComplianceAdvisory Board.

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